Commit 941b35e3 authored by Jason Madden's avatar Jason Madden

Merge pull request #693 from gevent/modern-cffi

Use modern CFFI methods; drop unsupported PyPy versions < 2.6.1
parents 700be0ef fec2d5f5
language: python
# .travis.yml based on
language: c
sudo: false
- 2.6
- 2.7
- pypy
- 3.3
- 3.4
- 3.5
- LINT=true
- LINT=false
# First install a newer pip so that it can use the wheel cache
# (only needed until travis upgrades pip to 7.x; note that the 3.5
# environment uses pip 7.1 by default)
- travis_retry pip install -U pip
# Then start installing our deps so they can be cached. Note that use of --build-options / --global-options / --install-options
# disables the cache.
# We need wheel>=0.26 on Python 3.5. See previous revisions.
- travis_retry pip install -U wheel
- travis_retry pip install -U tox cython greenlet pep8 pyflakes "coverage>=4.0" "coveralls>=1.0"
# These are ordered to get as much diversity in the
# first group of parallel runs (4) as posible
- TASK=test-pypy
- TASK=lint-py27
- TASK=test-py35
- TASK=test-py26
- TASK=test-py27
- TASK=test-py33
- TASK=test-py34
fast_finish: true
- if [[ $TRAVIS_PYTHON_VERSION == '2.7' && $LINT == true ]]; then python develop && make travis_test_linters; elif [[ $LINT == false && $TRAVIS_PYTHON_VERSION == 'pypy' ]]; then python develop && make fulltoxtest; elif [[ $LINT == false ]]; then python develop && make fulltoxtest; fi
- make $TASK
email: false
# cache: pip seems not to work if `install` is replaced (
- $HOME/.cache/pip
- $HOME/.venv
- $HOME/.runtimes
- $HOME/.wheelhouse
- rm -f $HOME/.cache/pip/log/debug.log
......@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ include .pep8
recursive-include benchmarks *.sh
recursive-include appveyor *.cmd
recursive-include appveyor *.ps1
recursive-include scripts *.sh
### Artifacts of configuring/building in place
# These we want, they come from the Makefile step
# This file is renamed to "Makefile.ext" in release tarballs so that won't try to
# run it. If you want to run "make" automatically, rename it back to "Makefile".
CYTHON ?= cython
# The pyvenv multiple runtime support is based on
export PATH:=$(BUILD_RUNTIMES)/snakepit:$(TOOLS):$(PATH)
export LC_ALL=C.UTF-8
all: gevent/gevent.corecext.c gevent/gevent.ares.c gevent/gevent._semaphore.c gevent/gevent._util.c
......@@ -71,9 +79,11 @@ toxtest:
cd greentest && GEVENT_RESOLVER=thread python --config ../
cd greentest && GEVENT_RESOLVER=thread python --config ../
cd greentest && GEVENT_RESOLVER=ares GEVENTARES_SERVERS= python --config ../ --ignore tests_that_dont_use_resolver.txt
cd greentest && GEVENT_FILE=thread python --config ../ `grep -l subprocess test_*.py`
which ${PYTHON}
${PYTHON} --version
cd greentest && GEVENT_RESOLVER=thread ${PYTHON} --config ../
cd greentest && GEVENT_RESOLVER=ares GEVENTARES_SERVERS= ${PYTHON} --config ../ --ignore tests_that_dont_use_resolver.txt
cd greentest && GEVENT_FILE=thread ${PYTHON} --config ../ `grep -l subprocess test_*.py`
......@@ -100,3 +110,78 @@ travis_test_linters:
.PHONY: clean all doc pep8 whitespace pyflakes lint travistest travis
# Managing runtimes
TOOL_INSTALL=$(TOOL_PIP) install --upgrade
scripts/ 2.6
scripts/ 2.7
scripts/ 3.3
scripts/ 3.4
scripts/ 3.5
scripts/ pypy
echo $(PIP) $(PYTHON)
# First install a newer pip so that it can use the wheel cache
# (only needed until travis upgrades pip to 7.x; note that the 3.5
# environment uses pip 7.1 by default)
${PIP} install -U pip
# Then start installing our deps so they can be cached. Note that use of --build-options / --global-options / --install-options
# disables the cache.
# We need wheel>=0.26 on Python 3.5. See previous revisions.
${PIP} install -U wheel
${PIP} install -U tox cython greenlet pep8 pyflakes "coverage>=4.0" "coveralls>=1.0"
${PYTHON} develop
lint-py27: $(PY27)
PYTHON=python2.7 PATH=$(BUILD_RUNTIMES)/versions/python2.7/bin:$(PATH) make develop travis_test_linters
test-py27: $(PY27)
PYTHON=python2.7 PATH=$(BUILD_RUNTIMES)/versions/python2.7/bin:$(PATH) make develop fulltoxtest
test-py26: $(PY26)
PYTHON=python2.6 PATH=$(BUILD_RUNTIMES)/versions/python2.6/bin:$(PATH) make develop fulltoxtest
test-py33: $(PY33)
PYTHON=python3.3 PATH=$(BUILD_RUNTIMES)/versions/python3.3/bin:$(PATH) make develop fulltoxtest
test-py34: $(PY34)
PYTHON=python3.4 PATH=$(BUILD_RUNTIMES)/versions/python3.4/bin:$(PATH) make develop fulltoxtest
test-py35: $(PY35)
PYTHON=python3.5 PATH=$(BUILD_RUNTIMES)/versions/python3.5/bin:$(PATH) make develop fulltoxtest
test-pypy: $(PYPY)
PYTHON=pypy PATH=$(BUILD_RUNTIMES)/versions/pypy/bin:$(PATH) make develop toxtest
......@@ -25,8 +25,10 @@ Get gevent
Install Python 2.6, 2.7, 3.3 or 3.4 along with the greenlet_ extension
(Python 3.5 has preliminary support). Or install PyPy 2.6 or above
(but not PyPy3).
(Python 3.5 has preliminary support). Or install PyPy 4.0.1 or above
(but not PyPy3) (*note*: PyPy is not supported in Windows). On all
platforms, installing setuptools is recommended (this is done
automatically if working in a virtual environment).
Download the latest release from `Python Package Index`_ or clone `the repository`_.
......@@ -41,7 +43,7 @@ Development
To install the latest development version::
pip install 'cython>=0.23.4' git+git://
pip install setuptools 'cython>=0.23.4' git+git://
.. note:: You must have Cython installed to build a checkout.
......@@ -51,7 +53,7 @@ Running Tests
There are a few different ways to run the tests. To simply run the
tests on one version of Python during development, try this::
pip install cython>=0.23.4
pip install setuptools cython>=0.23.4
python build
cd greentest
PYTHONPATH=.. python --config ../
......@@ -10,44 +10,60 @@ environment:
# Pre-installed Python versions, which Appveyor may upgrade to
# a later point release.
# XXX: Sadly, PyPy won't link CFFI on Win32
# - PYTHON: "C:\\pypy-4.0.1-win32"
# PYTHON_ID: "pypy"
# PYTHON_EXE: pypy
- PYTHON: "C:\\Python35"
PYTHON_VERSION: "3.5.x" # currently 3.5.0
PYTHON_EXE: python
- PYTHON: "C:\\Python27-x64"
PYTHON_VERSION: "2.7.x" # currently 2.7.9
PYTHON_EXE: python
- PYTHON: "C:\\Python35-x64"
PYTHON_VERSION: "3.5.x" # currently 3.5.0
PYTHON_EXE: python
- PYTHON: "C:\\Python27"
PYTHON_VERSION: "2.7.x" # currently 2.7.9
PYTHON_EXE: python
#- PYTHON: "C:\\Python33"
# PYTHON_VERSION: "3.3.x" # currently 3.3.5
- PYTHON: "C:\\Python33"
PYTHON_VERSION: "3.3.x" # currently 3.3.5
PYTHON_EXE: python
#- PYTHON: "C:\\Python33-x64"
# PYTHON_VERSION: "3.3.x" # currently 3.3.5
- PYTHON: "C:\\Python33-x64"
PYTHON_VERSION: "3.3.x" # currently 3.3.5
PYTHON_EXE: python
- PYTHON: "C:\\Python34"
PYTHON_VERSION: "3.4.x" # currently 3.4.3
PYTHON_EXE: python
- PYTHON: "C:\\Python34-x64"
PYTHON_VERSION: "3.4.x" # currently 3.4.3
PYTHON_EXE: python
# Also test a Python version not pre-installed
# See:
#- PYTHON: "C:\\Python266"
# - PYTHON: "C:\\Python266"
# PYTHON_EXE: python
- ECHO "Filesystem root:"
......@@ -58,47 +74,61 @@ install:
# Install Python (from the official .msi of and pip when
# not already installed.
- ps: if (-not(Test-Path($env:PYTHON))) { & appveyor\install.ps1 }
# PyPy portion based on
- ps:
$env:PYTMP = "${env:TMP}\py";
if (!(Test-Path "$env:PYTMP")) {
New-Item -ItemType directory -Path "$env:PYTMP" | Out-Null;
if ("${env:PYTHON_ID}" -eq "pypy") {
if (!(Test-Path "${env:PYTMP}\")) {
(New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('', "${env:PYTMP}\");
7z x -y "${env:PYTMP}\" -oC:\ | Out-Null;
if (!(Test-Path "${env:PYTMP}\")) {
(New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('', "${env:PYTMP}\");
& "${env:PYTHON}\pypy.exe" "${env:PYTMP}\";
elseif (-not(Test-Path($env:PYTHON))) {
& appveyor\install.ps1;
# Prepend newly installed Python to the PATH of this build (this cannot be
# done from inside the powershell script as it would require to restart
# the parent CMD process).
- "SET PATH=%PYTHON%;%PYTHON%\\Scripts;%PYTHON%\\bin;%PATH%"
# Check that we have the expected version and architecture for Python
- "python --version"
- "python -c \"import struct; print(struct.calcsize('P') * 8)\""
- "%PYEXE% --version"
- "%PYEXE% -c \"import struct; print(struct.calcsize('P') * 8)\""
# Install the build dependencies of the project. If some dependencies contain
# compiled extensions and are not provided as pre-built wheel packages,
# pip will build them from source using the MSVC compiler matching the
# target Python version and architecture
# NOTE: psutil won't install under PyPy.
- "%CMD_IN_ENV% pip install -U cython greenlet psutil"
# XXX: Most of this is a copy of the Makefile. Remember to update.
- "python util/ -o gevent.corecext.c gevent/core.ppyx"
- "type gevent\\callbacks.c >> gevent.corecext.c"
- "move gevent.corecext.* gevent"
- "cython -o gevent.ares.c gevent/ares.pyx"
- "move gevent.ares.* gevent"
- "move gevent\\_semaphore.pyx gevent\\"
- "cython -o gevent._semaphore.c gevent/"
- "move gevent._semaphore.* gevent"
- "del gevent\\"
- "cython -o gevent._util.c gevent/_util.pyx"
- "move gevent._util.* gevent"
- ps: "if(Test-Path(\"${env:PYTHON}\\bin\")) {ls ${env:PYTHON}\\bin;}"
- ps: "if(Test-Path(\"${env:PYTHON}\\Scripts\")) {ls ${env:PYTHON}\\Scripts;}"
- "%TMP%\\py\\"
build: false # Not a C# project, build stuff at the test step instead.
# Build the compiled extension and run the project tests
- "%CMD_IN_ENV% python develop"
- "cd greentest && python --config ../ && cd .."
- "%CMD_IN_ENV% %PYEXE% develop"
- "cd greentest && %PYEXE% --config ../ && cd .."
# If tests are successful, create a whl package for the project.
- "%CMD_IN_ENV% pip install -U wheel"
- "%CMD_IN_ENV% python bdist_wheel bdist_wininst"
- "%CMD_IN_ENV% %PYEXE% bdist_wheel bdist_wininst"
- ps: "ls dist"
# Sample script to install Python and pip under Windows
# Authors: Olivier Grisel, Jonathan Helmus and Kyle Kastner
# Authors: Olivier Grisel, Jonathan Helmus, Kyle Kastner, and Alex Willmer
# License: CC0 1.0 Universal:
......@@ -7,11 +7,19 @@ $BASE_URL = ""
function DownloadPython ($python_version, $platform_suffix) {
function Download ($filename, $url) {
$webclient = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
$filename = "python-" + $python_version + $platform_suffix + ".msi"
$url = $BASE_URL + $python_version + "/" + $filename
$basedir = $pwd.Path + "\"
$filepath = $basedir + $filename
......@@ -23,7 +31,7 @@ function DownloadPython ($python_version, $platform_suffix) {
# Download and retry up to 3 times in case of network transient errors.
Write-Host "Downloading" $filename "from" $url
$retry_attempts = 2
for($i=0; $i -lt $retry_attempts; $i++){
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $retry_attempts; $i++) {
try {
$webclient.DownloadFile($url, $filepath)
......@@ -42,6 +50,57 @@ function DownloadPython ($python_version, $platform_suffix) {
function ParsePythonVersion ($python_version) {
if ($python_version -match $PYTHON_PRERELEASE_REGEX) {
return ([int]$matches.major, [int]$matches.minor, [int]$matches.micro,
$version_obj = [version]$python_version
return ($version_obj.major, $version_obj.minor, $, "")
function DownloadPython ($python_version, $platform_suffix) {
$major, $minor, $micro, $prerelease = ParsePythonVersion $python_version
if (($major -le 2 -and $micro -eq 0) `
-or ($major -eq 3 -and $minor -le 2 -and $micro -eq 0) `
) {
$dir = "$major.$minor"
$python_version = "$major.$minor$prerelease"
} else {
$dir = "$major.$minor.$micro"
if ($prerelease) {
if (($major -le 2) `
-or ($major -eq 3 -and $minor -eq 1) `
-or ($major -eq 3 -and $minor -eq 2) `
-or ($major -eq 3 -and $minor -eq 3) `
) {
$dir = "$dir/prev"
if (($major -le 2) -or ($major -le 3 -and $minor -le 4)) {
$ext = "msi"
if ($platform_suffix) {
$platform_suffix = ".$platform_suffix"
} else {
$ext = "exe"
if ($platform_suffix) {
$platform_suffix = "-$platform_suffix"
$filename = "python-$python_version$platform_suffix.$ext"
$url = "$BASE_URL$dir/$filename"
$filepath = Download $filename $url
return $filepath
function InstallPython ($python_version, $architecture, $python_home) {
Write-Host "Installing Python" $python_version "for" $architecture "bit architecture to" $python_home
if (Test-Path $python_home) {
......@@ -51,18 +110,16 @@ function InstallPython ($python_version, $architecture, $python_home) {
if ($architecture -eq "32") {
$platform_suffix = ""
} else {
$platform_suffix = ".amd64"
$platform_suffix = "amd64"
$msipath = DownloadPython $python_version $platform_suffix
Write-Host "Installing" $msipath "to" $python_home
$installer_path = DownloadPython $python_version $platform_suffix
$installer_ext = [System.IO.Path]::GetExtension($installer_path)
Write-Host "Installing $installer_path to $python_home"
$install_log = $python_home + ".log"
$install_args = "/qn /log $install_log /i $msipath TARGETDIR=$python_home"
$uninstall_args = "/qn /x $msipath"
RunCommand "msiexec.exe" $install_args
if (-not(Test-Path $python_home)) {
Write-Host "Python seems to be installed else-where, reinstalling."
RunCommand "msiexec.exe" $uninstall_args
RunCommand "msiexec.exe" $install_args
if ($installer_ext -eq '.msi') {
InstallPythonMSI $installer_path $python_home $install_log
} else {
InstallPythonEXE $installer_path $python_home $install_log
if (Test-Path $python_home) {
Write-Host "Python $python_version ($architecture) installation complete"
......@@ -73,6 +130,24 @@ function InstallPython ($python_version, $architecture, $python_home) {
function InstallPythonEXE ($exepath, $python_home, $install_log) {
$install_args = "/quiet InstallAllUsers=1 TargetDir=$python_home"
RunCommand $exepath $install_args
function InstallPythonMSI ($msipath, $python_home, $install_log) {
$install_args = "/qn /log $install_log /i $msipath TARGETDIR=$python_home"
$uninstall_args = "/qn /x $msipath"
RunCommand "msiexec.exe" $install_args
if (-not(Test-Path $python_home)) {
Write-Host "Python seems to be installed else-where, reinstalling."
RunCommand "msiexec.exe" $uninstall_args
RunCommand "msiexec.exe" $install_args
function RunCommand ($command, $command_args) {
Write-Host $command $command_args
Start-Process -FilePath $command -ArgumentList $command_args -Wait -Passthru
......@@ -87,7 +162,7 @@ function InstallPip ($python_home) {
$webclient = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
$webclient.DownloadFile($GET_PIP_URL, $GET_PIP_PATH)
Write-Host "Executing:" $python_path $GET_PIP_PATH
Start-Process -FilePath "$python_path" -ArgumentList "$GET_PIP_PATH" -Wait -Passthru
& $python_path $GET_PIP_PATH
} else {
Write-Host "pip already installed."
......@@ -95,39 +170,13 @@ function InstallPip ($python_home) {
function DownloadMiniconda ($python_version, $platform_suffix) {
$webclient = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
if ($python_version -eq "3.4") {
$filename = "Miniconda3-3.5.5-Windows-" + $platform_suffix + ".exe"
} else {
$filename = "Miniconda-3.5.5-Windows-" + $platform_suffix + ".exe"
$url = $MINICONDA_URL + $filename
$basedir = $pwd.Path + "\"
$filepath = $basedir + $filename
if (Test-Path $filename) {
Write-Host "Reusing" $filepath
return $filepath
# Download and retry up to 3 times in case of network transient errors.
Write-Host "Downloading" $filename "from" $url
$retry_attempts = 2
for($i=0; $i -lt $retry_attempts; $i++){
try {
$webclient.DownloadFile($url, $filepath)
Catch [Exception]{
Start-Sleep 1
if (Test-Path $filepath) {
Write-Host "File saved at" $filepath
} else {
# Retry once to get the error message if any at the last try
$webclient.DownloadFile($url, $filepath)
$filepath = Download $filename $url
return $filepath
IF "%PYTHON_EXE%" == "python" (
%PYEXE% util/ -o gevent.corecext.c gevent/core.ppyx
type gevent\\callbacks.c >> gevent.corecext.c
move gevent.corecext.* gevent
cython -o gevent.ares.c gevent/ares.pyx
move gevent.ares.* gevent
move gevent\\_semaphore.pyx gevent\\
cython -o gevent._semaphore.c gevent/
move gevent._semaphore.* gevent
del gevent\\
cython -o gevent._util.c gevent/_util.pyx
move gevent._util.* gevent
......@@ -34,8 +34,10 @@ distributed as pre-compiled binary wheels, in addition to source code.
PyPy Notes
PyPy has been tested on OS X and 64-bit Linux from version 2.5.0
through 2.5.1, 2.6.0, 2.6.1, 4.0.0.
PyPy has been tested on OS X and 64-bit Linux from version 2.6.1
through 4.0.0 and 4.0.1.
.. note:: PyPy is not supported on Windows.
- Version 2.6.1 or above is required for the most robust signal
handling. Prior to 2.6.1 and its inclusion of `cffi 1.3.0`_, signals
......@@ -62,7 +64,7 @@ through 2.5.1, 2.6.0, 2.6.1, 4.0.0.
when not acquired (which should be the typical case). The
``c-ares`` package has not been audited for this issue.
.. note:: PyPy 4.0.0 on Linux is known to *rarely* (once per 24 hours)
.. note:: PyPy 4.0.x on Linux is known to *rarely* (once per 24 hours)
encounter crashes when running heavily loaded, heavily
networked gevent programs. The exact cause is unknown and is
being tracked in :issue:`677`.
# pylint: disable=too-many-lines, protected-access, redefined-outer-name
# This module is only used to create and compile the gevent._corecffi module;
# nothing should be directly imported from it except `ffi`, which should only be
# used for `ffi.compile()`; programs should import gevent._corecfffi.
# However, because we are using "out-of-line" mode, it is necessary to examine
# this file to know what functions are created and available on the generated
# module.
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function
import sys
import os
import struct
__all__ = []
def system_bits():
return struct.calcsize('P') * 8
def st_nlink_type():
if sys.platform == "darwin":
return "short"
elif system_bits() == 32:
return "unsigned long"
return "long long"
from cffi import FFI
ffi = FFI()
_cdef = """
#define EV_MINPRI ...
#define EV_MAXPRI ...
#define EV_VERSION_MAJOR ...
#define EV_VERSION_MINOR ...
#define EV_UNDEF ...
#define EV_NONE ...
#define EV_READ ...
#define EV_WRITE ...
#define EV__IOFDSET ...
#define EV_TIMER ...
#define EV_PERIODIC ...
#define EV_SIGNAL ...
#define EV_CHILD ...
#define EV_STAT ...
#define EV_IDLE ...
#define EV_PREPARE ...
#define EV_CHECK ...
#define EV_EMBED ...
#define EV_FORK ...
#define EV_CLEANUP ...
#define EV_ASYNC ...
#define EV_CUSTOM ...
#define EV_ERROR ...
#define EVFLAG_AUTO ...
#define EVFLAG_NOENV ...
#define EVBACKEND_POLL ...
#define EVBACKEND_PORT ...
/* #define EVBACKEND_IOCP ... */
#define EVBACKEND_ALL ...
#define EVBACKEND_MASK ...
#define EVRUN_NOWAIT ...
#define EVRUN_ONCE ...
#define EVBREAK_CANCEL ...
#define EVBREAK_ONE ...
#define EVBREAK_ALL ...
struct ev_loop {
int backend_fd;
int activecnt;
struct ev_io {
int fd;
int events;
struct ev_timer {
double at;
struct ev_signal {...;};
struct ev_idle {...;};
struct ev_prepare {...;};
struct ev_check {...;};
struct ev_fork {...;};
struct ev_async {...;};
struct ev_child {
int pid;
int rpid;
int rstatus;
struct stat {
""" + st_nlink_type() + """ st_nlink;
struct ev_stat {
struct stat attr;
const char* path;
struct stat prev;
double interval;
typedef double ev_tstamp;
int ev_version_major();
int ev_version_minor();
unsigned int ev_supported_backends (void);
unsigned int ev_recommended_backends (void);
unsigned int ev_embeddable_backends (void);
ev_tstamp ev_time (void);
void ev_set_syserr_cb(void *);
int ev_priority(void*);
void ev_set_priority(void*, int);
int ev_is_pending(void*);
int ev_is_active(void*);
void ev_io_init(struct ev_io*, void* callback, int fd, int events);
void ev_io_start(struct ev_loop*, struct ev_io*);
void ev_io_stop(struct ev_loop*, struct ev_io*);
void ev_feed_event(struct ev_loop*, void*, int);
void ev_timer_init(struct ev_timer*, void (*callback)(struct ev_loop *_loop, struct ev_timer *w, int revents), double, double);
void ev_timer_start(struct ev_loop*, struct ev_timer*);
void ev_timer_stop(struct ev_loop*, struct ev_timer*);
void ev_timer_again(struct ev_loop*, struct ev_timer*);
void ev_signal_init(struct ev_signal*, void* callback, int);
void ev_signal_start(struct ev_loop*, struct ev_signal*);
void ev_signal_stop(struct ev_loop*, struct ev_signal*);
void ev_idle_init(struct ev_idle*, void* callback);
void ev_idle_start(struct ev_loop*, struct ev_idle*);
void ev_idle_stop(struct ev_loop*, struct ev_idle*);
void ev_prepare_init(struct ev_prepare*, void* callback);
void ev_prepare_start(struct ev_loop*, struct ev_prepare*);
void ev_prepare_stop(struct ev_loop*, struct ev_prepare*);
void ev_check_init(struct ev_check*, void* callback);
void ev_check_start(struct ev_loop*, struct ev_check*);
void ev_check_stop(struct ev_loop*, struct ev_check*);
void ev_fork_init(struct ev_fork*, void* callback);
void ev_fork_start(struct ev_loop*, struct ev_fork*);
void ev_fork_stop(struct ev_loop*, struct ev_fork*);
void ev_async_init(struct ev_async*, void* callback);
void ev_async_start(struct ev_loop*, struct ev_async*);
void ev_async_stop(struct ev_loop*, struct ev_async*);
void ev_async_send(struct ev_loop*, struct ev_async*);
int ev_async_pending(struct ev_async*);
void ev_child_init(struct ev_child*, void* callback, int, int);
void ev_child_start(struct ev_loop*, struct ev_child*);
void ev_child_stop(struct ev_loop*, struct ev_child*);
void ev_stat_init(struct ev_stat*, void* callback, char*, double);
void ev_stat_start(struct ev_loop*, struct ev_stat*);
void ev_stat_stop(struct ev_loop*, struct ev_stat*);
struct ev_loop *ev_default_loop (unsigned int flags);
struct ev_loop* ev_loop_new(unsigned int flags);
void ev_loop_destroy(struct ev_loop*);
void ev_loop_fork(struct ev_loop*);
int ev_is_default_loop (struct ev_loop *);
unsigned int ev_iteration(struct ev_loop*);
unsigned int ev_depth(struct ev_loop*);
unsigned int ev_backend(struct ev_loop*);
void ev_verify(struct ev_loop*);
void ev_run(struct ev_loop*, int flags);
ev_tstamp ev_now (struct ev_loop *);
void ev_now_update (struct ev_loop *); /* update event loop time */
void ev_ref(struct ev_loop*);
void ev_unref(struct ev_loop*);
void ev_break(struct ev_loop*, int);
unsigned int ev_pending_count(struct ev_loop*);
struct ev_loop* gevent_ev_default_loop(unsigned int flags);
void gevent_install_sigchld_handler();
void (*gevent_noop)(struct ev_loop *_loop, struct ev_timer *w, int revents);
void ev_sleep (ev_tstamp delay); /* sleep for a while */
if sys.platform.startswith('win'):
# We must have the vfd_open, etc, functions on
# Windows. But on other platforms, going through
# CFFI to just return the file-descriptor is slower
# than just doing it in Python, so we check for and
# workaround their absence in
_cdef += """
typedef int... vfd_socket_t;
int vfd_open(vfd_socket_t);
vfd_socket_t vfd_get(int);
void vfd_free(int);
_watcher_types = [
_source = """
// passed to the real C compiler
#define LIBEV_EMBED 1
#ifdef _WIN32
#include "libev_vfd.h"
#include "libev.h"
static void
_gevent_noop(struct ev_loop *_loop, struct ev_timer *w, int revents) { }
void (*gevent_noop)(struct ev_loop *, struct ev_timer *, int) = &_gevent_noop;
# Setup the watcher callbacks
_cbs = """
static int (*python_callback)(void* handle, int revents);
static void (*python_handle_error)(void* handle, int revents);
static void (*python_stop)(void* handle);
_cdef += _cbs
_source += _cbs
_watcher_type = None
for _watcher_type in _watcher_types:
_cdef += """
struct gevent_%s {
// recall that the address of a struct is the
// same as the address of its first member, so
// this struct is interchangable with the ev_XX
// that is its first member.
struct %s watcher;
// the CFFI handle to the Python watcher object
void* handle;
static void _gevent_%s_callback(struct ev_loop* loop, struct %s* watcher, int revents);
""" % (_watcher_type, _watcher_type, _watcher_type, _watcher_type)
_source += """
struct gevent_%s {
struct %s watcher;
void* handle;
""" % (_watcher_type, _watcher_type)
_source += """
static void _gevent_%s_callback(struct ev_loop* loop, struct %s* watcher, int revents)
// invoke self.callback()
void* handle = ((struct gevent_%s *)watcher)->handle;
int cb_result = python_callback(handle, revents);
switch(cb_result) {
case -1:
// in case of exception, call self.loop.handle_error;
// this function is also responsible for stopping the watcher
// and allowing memory to be freed
python_handle_error(handle, revents);
case 0:
// Code to stop the event. Note that if python_callback
// has disposed of the last reference to the handle,
// `watcher` could now be invalid/disposed memory!
if (!ev_is_active(watcher)) {
assert(cb_result == 1);
// watcher is already stopped and dead, nothing to do.
""" % (_watcher_type, _watcher_type, _watcher_type)
thisdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
include_dirs = [thisdir, os.path.join(thisdir, 'libev')]
ffi.set_source('gevent._corecffi', _source, include_dirs=include_dirs)
if __name__ == '__main__':
# XXX: Note, on Windows, we would need to specify the external libraries
# that should be linked in, such as ws2_32 and (because libev_vfd.h makes
# Python.h calls) the proper Python library---at least for PyPy. I never got
# that to work though, and calling python functions is strongly discouraged
# from CFFI code.
......@@ -3,6 +3,12 @@ from gevent.hub import PYPY
if PYPY:
from gevent import corecffi as _core
# NOTE: On CPython, this file is never imported (and there is no
# corecext module). Instead, the file that should be build
# is imported in preference.
# NOTE: CFFI is now usable on CPython, and the performance is
# mostly comparable, so this could be refactored to allow that
# (along with the makefile, etc)
from gevent import corecext as _core
......@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ import sys
import os
import traceback
import signal as signalmodule
import struct
__all__ = ['get_version',
......@@ -15,324 +14,38 @@ __all__ = ['get_version',
def system_bits():
return struct.calcsize('P') * 8
def st_nlink_type():
if sys.platform == "darwin":
return "short"
elif system_bits() == 32:
return "unsigned long"
return "long long"
import cffi
if cffi.__version_info__ >= (1, 2, 0):
# See
# With this version, bundled with PyPy 2.6.1 and above, we can more reliably
# handle signals and other exceptions. With this support, we could simplify
# _python_callback and _python_handle_error in addition to the simplifications for
# signals and KeyboardInterrupt. However, because we need to support PyPy 2.5.0+,
# we keep as much as practical shared.
_cffi_supports_on_error = True
import gevent._corecffi
except ImportError:
# Not built yet
import gevent._corecffi_build
import gevent._corecffi
ffi = gevent._corecffi.ffi
libev = gevent._corecffi.lib
if hasattr(libev, 'vfd_open'):
# Must be on windows
assert sys.platform.startswith("win"), "vfd functions only needed on windows"
vfd_open = libev.vfd_open
vfd_free = libev.vfd_free
vfd_get = libev.vfd_get
# In older versions, including the 2.5.0 currently on Travis CI, we
# have to use a kludge
_cffi_supports_on_error = False
from cffi import FFI
ffi = FFI()
_cdef = """
#define EV_MINPRI ...
#define EV_MAXPRI ...
#define EV_VERSION_MAJOR ...
#define EV_VERSION_MINOR ...
#define EV_UNDEF ...
#define EV_NONE ...
#define EV_READ ...
#define EV_WRITE ...
#define EV__IOFDSET ...
#define EV_TIMER ...
#define EV_PERIODIC ...
#define EV_SIGNAL ...
#define EV_CHILD ...
#define EV_STAT ...
#define EV_IDLE ...
#define EV_PREPARE ...
#define EV_CHECK ...
#define EV_EMBED ...
#define EV_FORK ...
#define EV_CLEANUP ...
#define EV_ASYNC ...
#define EV_CUSTOM ...
#define EV_ERROR ...
#define EVFLAG_AUTO ...
#define EVFLAG_NOENV ...
#define EVBACKEND_POLL ...
#define EVBACKEND_PORT ...
/* #define EVBACKEND_IOCP ... */
#define EVBACKEND_ALL ...
#define EVBACKEND_MASK ...
#define EVRUN_NOWAIT ...
#define EVRUN_ONCE ...
#define EVBREAK_CANCEL ...
#define EVBREAK_ONE ...
#define EVBREAK_ALL ...
struct ev_loop {
int backend_fd;
int activecnt;
struct ev_io {
int fd;
int events;
struct ev_timer {
double at;
struct ev_signal {...;};
struct ev_idle {...;};
struct ev_prepare {...;};
struct ev_check {...;};
struct ev_fork {...;};
struct ev_async {...;};
struct ev_child {
int pid;
int rpid;
int rstatus;
struct stat {
""" + st_nlink_type() + """ st_nlink;
struct ev_stat {
struct stat attr;
const char* path;
struct stat prev;
double interval;
typedef double ev_tstamp;
int ev_version_major();
int ev_version_minor();
unsigned int ev_supported_backends (void);
unsigned int ev_recommended_backends (void);
unsigned int ev_embeddable_backends (void);
ev_tstamp ev_time (void);
void ev_set_syserr_cb(void *);
int ev_priority(void*);
void ev_set_priority(void*, int);
int ev_is_pending(void*);
int ev_is_active(void*);
void ev_io_init(struct ev_io*, void* callback, int fd, int events);
void ev_io_start(struct ev_loop*, struct ev_io*);
void ev_io_stop(struct ev_loop*, struct ev_io*);
void ev_feed_event(struct ev_loop*, void*, int);
void ev_timer_init(struct ev_timer*, void (*callback)(struct ev_loop *_loop, struct ev_timer *w, int revents), double, double);
void ev_timer_start(struct ev_loop*, struct ev_timer*);
void ev_timer_stop(struct ev_loop*, struct ev_timer*);
void ev_timer_again(struct ev_loop*, struct ev_timer*);
void ev_signal_init(struct ev_signal*, void* callback, int);
void ev_signal_start(struct ev_loop*, struct ev_signal*);
void ev_signal_stop(struct ev_loop*, struct ev_signal*);
void ev_idle_init(struct ev_idle*, void* callback);
void ev_idle_start(struct ev_loop*, struct ev_idle*);
void ev_idle_stop(struct ev_loop*, struct ev_idle*);
void ev_prepare_init(struct ev_prepare*, void* callback);
void ev_prepare_start(struct ev_loop*, struct ev_prepare*);
void ev_prepare_stop(struct ev_loop*, struct ev_prepare*);
void ev_check_init(struct ev_check*, void* callback);
void ev_check_start(struct ev_loop*, struct ev_check*);
void ev_check_stop(struct ev_loop*, struct ev_check*);
void ev_fork_init(struct ev_fork*, void* callback);
void ev_fork_start(struct ev_loop*, struct ev_fork*);
void ev_fork_stop(struct ev_loop*, struct ev_fork*);
void ev_async_init(struct ev_async*, void* callback);
void ev_async_start(struct ev_loop*, struct ev_async*);
void ev_async_stop(struct ev_loop*, struct ev_async*);
void ev_async_send(struct ev_loop*, struct ev_async*);
int ev_async_pending(struct ev_async*);
void ev_child_init(struct ev_child*, void* callback, int, int);
void ev_child_start(struct ev_loop*, struct ev_child*);
void ev_child_stop(struct ev_loop*, struct ev_child*);
void ev_stat_init(struct ev_stat*, void* callback, char*, double);
void ev_stat_start(struct ev_loop*, struct ev_stat*);
void ev_stat_stop(struct ev_loop*, struct ev_stat*);
struct ev_loop *ev_default_loop (unsigned int flags);
struct ev_loop* ev_loop_new(unsigned int flags);
void ev_loop_destroy(struct ev_loop*);
void ev_loop_fork(struct ev_loop*);
int ev_is_default_loop (struct ev_loop *);
unsigned int ev_iteration(struct ev_loop*);
unsigned int ev_depth(struct ev_loop*);
unsigned int ev_backend(struct ev_loop*);
void ev_verify(struct ev_loop*);
void ev_run(struct ev_loop*, int flags);
ev_tstamp ev_now (struct ev_loop *);
void ev_now_update (struct ev_loop *); /* update event loop time */
void ev_ref(struct ev_loop*);
void ev_unref(struct ev_loop*);
void ev_break(struct ev_loop*, int);
unsigned int ev_pending_count(struct ev_loop*);
struct ev_loop* gevent_ev_default_loop(unsigned int flags);
void gevent_install_sigchld_handler();
void (*gevent_noop)(struct ev_loop *_loop, struct ev_timer *w, int revents);
void ev_sleep (ev_tstamp delay); /* sleep for a while */
_watcher_types = [
_source = """ // passed to the real C compiler
#define LIBEV_EMBED 1
#include "libev.h"
static void
_gevent_noop(struct ev_loop *_loop, struct ev_timer *w, int revents) { }
void (*gevent_noop)(struct ev_loop *, struct ev_timer *, int) = &_gevent_noop;
# Setup the watcher callbacks
_cbs = """
static int (*python_callback)(void* handle, int revents);
static void (*python_handle_error)(void* handle, int revents);
static void (*python_stop)(void* handle);
_cdef += _cbs
_source += _cbs
_watcher_type = None
for _watcher_type in _watcher_types:
_cdef += """
struct gevent_%s {
// recall that the address of a struct is the
// same as the address of its first member, so
// this struct is interchangable with the ev_XX
// that is its first member.
struct %s watcher;
// the CFFI handle to the Python watcher object
void* handle;
static void _gevent_%s_callback(struct ev_loop* loop, struct %s* watcher, int revents);
""" % (_watcher_type, _watcher_type, _watcher_type, _watcher_type)
_source += """
struct gevent_%s {
struct %s watcher;
void* handle;
""" % (_watcher_type, _watcher_type)
_source += """
static void _gevent_%s_callback(struct ev_loop* loop, struct %s* watcher, int revents)
// invoke self.callback()
void* handle = ((struct gevent_%s *)watcher)->handle;
int cb_result = python_callback(handle, revents);
switch(cb_result) {
case -1:
// in case of exception, call self.loop.handle_error;
// this function is also responsible for stopping the watcher
// and allowing memory to be freed
python_handle_error(handle, revents);
case 0:
// Code to stop the event. Note that if python_callback
// has disposed of the last reference to the handle,
// `watcher` could now be invalid/disposed memory!
if (!ev_is_active(watcher)) {
assert(cb_result == 1);
// watcher is already stopped and dead, nothing to do.
""" % (_watcher_type, _watcher_type, _watcher_type)
thisdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
include_dirs = [thisdir, os.path.join(thisdir, 'libev')]
vfd_open = vfd_free = vfd_get = lambda fd: fd
# In recent versions of CFFI on CPython, doing something like
# `libev._gevent_ev_io_callback` returns <built-in function
# _gevent_ev_io_callback> ("for performance"). These have the
# important property of not being able to pass them to any other libev
# functions without generating `TypeError: Expected cdata`.
# On PyPy, the same expression returns a cdata, and we rely on this below
# (see watcher._init_subclasses).
## NOTE on Windows:
# The C implementation does several things specially for Windows;
# a possibly incomplete list is:
# The behaviour is the same though (they both return <built-in function>)
# when you use `ffi.set_source` instead of the deprecated `ffi.verify` function.
# In order to pass such attributes to other libev functions, you have to do
# `ffi.addressof(libev, '_gevent_ev_io_callback)`... Unfortunately, this fails
# when you use `ffi.verify`. So:
# - the loop runs a periodic signal checker;
# - the io watcher constructor is different and it has a destructor;
# - the child watcher is not defined
# - Using FFI on CPython cannot use ffi.verify();
# - Using set_source() and not verify() requires PyPy >= 2.6.0
# - Upgrading to set_source() will require moderate source changes;
# The CFFI implementation does none of these things, and so
# is possibly NOT FUNCTIONALLY CORRECT on Win32
libev = C = ffi.verify(_source, include_dirs=include_dirs)
del thisdir, include_dirs, _watcher_type, _watcher_types
libev.vfd_open = libev.vfd_get = lambda fd: fd
libev.vfd_free = lambda fd: None
## Note on CFFI objects, callbacks and the lifecycle of watcher objects
......@@ -390,7 +103,7 @@ def _python_callback(handle, revents):
# Even dereferencing the handle needs to be inside the try/except;
# if we don't return normally (e.g., a signal) then we wind up going
# to the 'onerror' handler if _cffi_supports_on_error is True, which
# to the 'onerror' handler, which
# is not what we want; that can permanently wedge the loop depending
# on which callback was executing
watcher = ffi.from_handle(handle)
......@@ -483,21 +196,21 @@ EVENTS = GEVENT_CORE_EVENTS = _EVENTSType()
def get_version():
return 'libev-%d.%02d' % (C.ev_version_major(), C.ev_version_minor())
return 'libev-%d.%02d' % (libev.ev_version_major(), libev.ev_version_minor())
def get_header_version():
return 'libev-%d.%02d' % (C.EV_VERSION_MAJOR, C.EV_VERSION_MINOR)
_flags = [(C.EVBACKEND_PORT, 'port'),
(C.EVFLAG_NOENV, 'noenv'),
(C.EVFLAG_FORKCHECK, 'forkcheck'),
(C.EVFLAG_SIGNALFD, 'signalfd'),
(C.EVFLAG_NOSIGMASK, 'nosigmask')]
return 'libev-%d.%02d' % (libev.EV_VERSION_MAJOR, libev.EV_VERSION_MINOR)
_flags = [(libev.EVBACKEND_PORT, 'port'),
(libev.EVBACKEND_KQUEUE, 'kqueue'),
(libev.EVBACKEND_EPOLL, 'epoll'),
(libev.EVBACKEND_POLL, 'poll'),
(libev.EVBACKEND_SELECT, 'select'),
(libev.EVFLAG_NOENV, 'noenv'),
(libev.EVFLAG_FORKCHECK, 'forkcheck'),
(libev.EVFLAG_SIGNALFD, 'signalfd'),
(libev.EVFLAG_NOSIGMASK, 'nosigmask')]
_flags_str2int = dict((string, flag) for (flag, string) in _flags)
......@@ -604,15 +317,12 @@ def embeddable_backends():
def time():
return C.ev_time()
return libev.ev_time()
_default_loop_destroyed = False
def _loop_callback(*args, **kwargs):
if _cffi_supports_on_error:
return ffi.callback(*args, **kwargs)
return ffi.callback(*args, **kwargs)
......@@ -680,32 +390,15 @@ class loop(object):
self._keepaliveset = set()
if not _cffi_supports_on_error:
if default:
signalmodule.signal(2, self.int_handler)
self.ate_keyboard_interrupt = False
self.keyboard_interrupt_allowed = True
def _check_callback_handle_error(self, t, v, tb):
# None as the context argument causes the exception to be raised
# in the main greenlet.
self.handle_error(None, t, v, tb)
if _cffi_supports_on_error:
def _check_callback(self, *args):
# If we have the onerror callback, this is a no-op; all the real
# work to rethrow the exception is done by the onerror callback
def _check_callback(self, *args):
if self.ate_keyboard_interrupt:
self.handle_error(self, KeyboardInterrupt, KeyboardInterrupt(), None)
self.ate_keyboard_interrupt = False
def int_handler(self, *args):
if self.keyboard_interrupt_allowed:
raise KeyboardInterrupt
self.ate_keyboard_interrupt = True
def _run_callbacks(self, evloop, _, revents):
count = 1000
......@@ -724,7 +417,6 @@ class loop(object):
cb.callback = None
self.keyboard_interrupt_allowed = True
# If we allow an exception to escape this method (while we are running the ev callback),
......@@ -751,7 +443,6 @@ class loop(object):
pass # Nothing we can do here
self.keyboard_interrupt_allowed = False
# Note, this must be reset here, because cb.args is used as a flag in callback class,
cb.args = None
count -= 1
......@@ -776,7 +467,6 @@ class loop(object):
_default_loop_destroyed = True
self._ptr = ffi.NULL
# XXX restore default_int_signal handler if we set it (_cffi_supports_on_error is False)
def ptr(self):
......@@ -1059,7 +749,8 @@ class watcher(object):
for subclass in cls.__subclasses__():
watcher_type = subclass._watcher_type
subclass._watcher_struct_pointer_type = ffi.typeof('struct gevent_' + watcher_type + '*')
subclass._watcher_callback = getattr(libev, '_gevent_' + watcher_type + '_callback')
subclass._watcher_callback = ffi.addressof(libev,
'_gevent_' + watcher_type + '_callback')
for name in 'start', 'stop', 'init':
ev_name = watcher_type + '_' + name
watcher_name = '_watcher' + '_' + name
......@@ -1174,6 +865,8 @@ class io(watcher):
_watcher_type = 'ev_io'
def __init__(self, loop, fd, events, ref=True, priority=None):
# XXX: Win32: Need to vfd_open the fd and free the old one?
# XXX: Win32: Need a destructor to free the old fd?
if fd < 0:
raise ValueError('fd must be non-negative: %r' % fd)
if events & ~(libev.EV__IOFDSET | libev.EV_READ | libev.EV_WRITE):
......@@ -1187,24 +880,24 @@ class io(watcher):
watcher.start(self, callback, *args)
def _get_fd(self):
return libev.vfd_get(self._watcher.fd)
return vfd_get(self._watcher.fd)
def _set_fd(self, fd):
if libev.ev_is_active(self._watcher):
raise AttributeError("'io' watcher attribute 'fd' is read-only while watcher is active")
vfd = libev.vfd_open(fd)
libev.ev_io_init(self._watcher, self._cb, vfd,
vfd = vfd_open(fd)
self._watcher_init(self._watcher, self._watcher_callback, vfd,
fd = property(_get_fd, _set_fd)
def _get_events(self):
return libev.vfd_get(self._watcher.fd)
def _set_events(self, events):
if libev.ev_is_active(self._watcher):
raise AttributeError("'io' watcher attribute 'events' is read-only while watcher is active")
libev.ev_io_init(self._watcher, self._cb, self._watcher.fd, events)
self._watcher_init(self._watcher, self._watcher_callback, self._watcher.fd, events)
events = property(_get_events, _set_events)
......@@ -479,7 +479,8 @@ def walk_modules(basedir=None, modpath=None, include_so=False, recursive=False):
x = fn[:-3]
if x.endswith('_d'):
x = x[:-2]
if x in ['__init__', 'core', 'ares', '_util', '_semaphore', 'corecffi']:
if x in ['__init__', 'core', 'ares', '_util', '_semaphore',
'corecffi', '_corecffi', '_corecffi_build']:
......@@ -488,6 +489,8 @@ def walk_modules(basedir=None, modpath=None, include_so=False, recursive=False):
yield path, modpath + x
elif include_so and fn.endswith('.so'):
if '.pypy-' in fn:
if fn.endswith(''):
yield path, modpath + fn[:-5]
......@@ -36,10 +36,21 @@ class Test(TestCase):
def test_io(self):
if sys.platform == 'win32':
Error = IOError
win32 = True
Error = ValueError
win32 = False
self.assertRaises(Error, core.loop().io, -1, 1)
self.assertRaises(ValueError, core.loop().io, 1, core.TIMER)
# Test we can set events and io before it's started
if not win32:
# We can't do this with arbitrary FDs on windows;
# see libev_vfd.h
io = core.loop().io(1, core.READ)
io.fd = 2
self.assertEqual(io.fd, 2) = core.WRITE
self.assertEqual(core._events_to_str(, 'WRITE|_IOFDSET')
def test_timer(self):
self.assertRaises(ValueError, core.loop().timer, 1, -1)
......@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ def make_exec_test(path, module):
#sys.stderr.write('%s %s\n' % (module, path))
with open(path, 'rb') as f:
src =
six.exec_(src, {})
six.exec_(src, {'__file__': path})
name = "test_" + module.replace(".", "_")
test.__name__ = name
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# GEVENT: Taken from
# Special license: Take literally anything you want out of this file. I don't
# care. Consider it WTFPL licensed if you like.
# Basically there's a lot of suffering encoded here that I don't want you to
# have to go through and you should feel free to use this to avoid some of
# that suffering in advance.
set -e
set -x
# This is to guard against multiple builds in parallel. The various installers will tend
# to stomp all over eachother if you do this and they haven't previously successfully
# succeeded. We use a lock file to block progress so only one install runs at a time.
# This script should be pretty fast once files are cached, so the lost of concurrency
# is not a major problem.
# This should be using the lockfile command, but that's not available on the
# containerized travis and we can't install it without sudo.
# Is is unclear if this is actually useful. I was seeing behaviour that suggested
# concurrent runs of the installer, but I can't seem to find any evidence of this lock
# ever not being acquired.
echo $BASE
mkdir -p $BASE
while true; do
if mkdir $LOCKFILE 2>/dev/null; then
echo "Successfully acquired installer."
echo "Failed to acquire lock. Is another installer running? Waiting a bit."
sleep $[ ( $RANDOM % 10) + 1 ].$[ ( $RANDOM % 100) ]s
if (( $(date '+%s') > 300 + $(stat --format=%X $LOCKFILE) )); then
echo "We've waited long enough"
rm -rf $LOCKFILE
trap "rm -rf $LOCKFILE" EXIT
if [ ! -d "$PYENV/.git" ]; then
rm -rf $PYENV
git clone $BASE/pyenv
git fetch || echo "Update failed to complete. Ignoring"
git reset --hard origin/master
cd $back
install () {
mkdir -p $BASE/versions
if [ ! -e "$SOURCE" ]; then
mkdir -p $SNAKEPIT
mkdir -p $BASE/versions
$BASE/pyenv/plugins/python-build/bin/python-build $VERSION $SOURCE
mkdir -p $SNAKEPIT
$SOURCE/bin/python -m pip.__main__ install --upgrade pip wheel virtualenv
ln -s $SOURCE/bin/python $SNAKEPIT/$ALIAS
for var in "$@"; do
case "${var}" in
install 2.6.9 python2.6
install 2.7.9 python2.7
install 3.2.6 python3.2
install 3.3.6 python3.3
install 3.4.3 python3.4
install 3.5.0 python3.5
install pypy-4.0.1 pypy
......@@ -10,12 +10,32 @@ from os.path import join, abspath, basename, dirname
from subprocess import check_call
from glob import glob
PYPY = hasattr(sys, 'pypy_version_info')
WIN = sys.platform.startswith('win')
if PYPY and WIN and not os.environ.get("PYPY_WIN_BUILD_ANYWAY"):
# We can't properly handle (hah!) file-descriptors and
# handle mapping on Windows/CFFI, because the file needed,
# libev_vfd.h, can't be included, linked, and used: it uses
# Python API functions, and you're not supposed to do that from
# CFFI code. Plus I could never get the libraries= line to ffi.compile()
# correct to make linking work.
raise Exception("Unable to install on PyPy/Windows")
if WIN:
# We must have setuptools on windows
# Make sure the env vars that make.cmd needs are set
if not os.environ.get('PYTHON_EXE'):
os.environ['PYTHON_EXE'] = 'pypy' if PYPY else 'python'
import distutils
import distutils.sysconfig # to get CFLAGS to pass into c-ares configure script
PYPY = hasattr(sys, 'pypy_version_info')
from setuptools import Extension, setup
except ImportError:
......@@ -23,6 +43,7 @@ except ImportError:
# need setuptools for include_package_data to work
from distutils.core import Extension, setup
from distutils.command.build_ext import build_ext
from distutils.command.sdist import sdist as _sdist
from distutils.errors import CCompilerError, DistutilsExecError, DistutilsPlatformError
......@@ -84,7 +105,7 @@ ares_configure_command = ' '.join(["(cd ", _quoted_abspath('c-ares/'),
"> configure-output.txt"])
if sys.platform == 'win32':
if WIN:
libraries += ['ws2_32']
define_macros += [('FD_SETSIZE', '1024'), ('_WIN32', '1')]
......@@ -144,7 +165,7 @@ def system(cmd):
def configure_libev(bext, ext):
if sys.platform == "win32":
if WIN:
CORE.define_macros.append(('EV_STANDALONE', '1'))
......@@ -173,7 +194,7 @@ def configure_ares(bext, ext):
if not os.path.isdir(bdir):
if sys.platform == "win32":
if WIN:
shutil.copy("c-ares\\ares_build.h.dist", os.path.join(bdir, "ares_build.h"))
......@@ -209,7 +230,7 @@ else:
ARES.sources += expand('c-ares/*.c')
ARES.configure = configure_ares
if sys.platform == 'win32':
if WIN:
ARES.libraries += ['advapi32']
ARES.define_macros += [('CARES_STATICLIB', '')]
......@@ -225,7 +246,14 @@ _ran_make = []
def make(targets=''):
# NOTE: We have two copies of the makefile, one
# for posix, one for windows
if not _ran_make:
if WIN:
# make.cmd handles checking for PyPy and only making the
# right things, so we can ignore the targets
if os.path.exists('Makefile'):
if "PYTHON" not in os.environ:
os.environ["PYTHON"] = sys.executable
......@@ -315,8 +343,12 @@ def read(name, *args):
if PYPY:
install_requires = []
cffi_modules = ['gevent/']
setup_kwds = {'cffi_modules': cffi_modules}
install_requires = ['greenlet >= 0.4.9']
setup_kwds = {}
# If we are running info / help commands, or we're being imported by
# tools like pyroma, we don't need to build anything
......@@ -334,11 +366,24 @@ if ((len(sys.argv) >= 2
elif PYPY:
sys.path.insert(0, '.')
# XXX ugly - need to find a better way
system('cp -r libev gevent/libev')
cp_cmd = 'cp -r'
if WIN:
cp_cmd = "copy"
system(cp_cmd + ' libev gevent/libev')
if WIN:
system('echo > gevent/libev/')
system('touch gevent/libev/')
if sys.platform != 'win32':
system('cd gevent/libev && ./configure > configure_output.txt')
from gevent import corecffi
ext_modules = [corecffi.ffi.verifier.get_extension(),
# NOTE that we're NOT adding the distutils extension module, as
# doing so compiles the module already: import gevent._corecffi_build
# imports gevent, which imports the hub, which imports the core,
# which compiles the module in-place. Instead we use the setup-time
# support of cffi_modules
#from gevent import _corecffi_build
ext_modules = [
# By building the semaphore with Cython under PyPy, we get
# atomic operations (specifically, exiting/releasing), at the
......@@ -348,7 +393,8 @@ elif PYPY:
# NOTE: You must use version 0.23.4 or later to avoid a memory leak.
include_package_data = True
run_make = 'gevent/gevent._semaphore.c gevent/gevent.ares.c'
......@@ -371,7 +417,7 @@ else:
def run_setup(ext_modules, run_make):
if run_make and not os.environ.get('APPVEYOR'):
if run_make:
if isinstance(run_make, str):
......@@ -409,7 +455,8 @@ def run_setup(ext_modules, run_make):
"Topic :: Internet",
"Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules",
"Intended Audience :: Developers",
"Development Status :: 4 - Beta"]
"Development Status :: 4 - Beta"],
# Tools like pyroma expect the actual call to `setup` to be performed
......@@ -526,11 +526,11 @@ class Str_sourceline(str):
def atomic_write(filename, data):
tmpname = filename + '.tmp.%s' % os.getpid()
f = open(tmpname, 'w')
with open(tmpname, 'w') as f:
if os.path.exists(filename):
os.rename(tmpname, filename)
......@@ -571,8 +571,8 @@ def postprocess_cython_output(filename, banner):
# confuse merger
result = ['/* %s */\n' % (banner)]
input = open(filename)
firstline = input.readline()
with open(filename) as finput:
firstline = finput.readline()
m = cython_header_re.match(firstline.strip())
if m:
......@@ -581,7 +581,7 @@ def postprocess_cython_output(filename, banner):
in_comment = False
for line in input:
for line in finput:
if line.endswith('\n'):
line = line[:-1].rstrip() + '\n'
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