Commit bb9ddc2a authored by Jason Madden's avatar Jason Madden Committed by GitHub

Use a weak reference to clean up the link for local objects if they die before...

Use a weak reference to clean up the link for local objects if they die before the greenlet does (#983)

Fixes #981
parent 7713d111
......@@ -7,7 +7,11 @@
1.2.3 (unreleased)
- Nothing changed yet.
- If a single greenlet created and destroyed many
:class:`gevent.local.local` objects without ever exiting, there
would be a leak of the function objects intended to clean up the
locals after the greenlet exited. Introduce a weak reference to
avoid that. Reported in :issue:`981` by Heungsub Lee.
1.2.2 (2017-06-05)
......@@ -133,6 +133,10 @@ affects what we see:
This results in locals being eligible for garbage collection as soon
as their greenlet exits.
.. versionchanged:: 1.2.3
Use a weak-reference to clear the greenlet link we establish in case
the local object dies before the greenlet does.
from copy import copy
......@@ -174,39 +178,44 @@ class _localimpl(object):
thread = getcurrent()
idt = id(thread)
# If we are working with a gevent.greenlet.Greenlet, we can
# pro-actively clear out with a link. Use rawlink to avoid
# spawning any more greenlets
wrdicts = ref(self.dicts)
def thread_deleted(_, idt=idt, wrdicts=wrdicts):
# When the thread is deleted, remove the local dict.
# Note that this is suboptimal if the thread object gets
# caught in a reference loop. We would like to be called
# as soon as the OS-level thread ends instead.
# If we are working with a gevent.greenlet.Greenlet, we
# can pro-actively clear out with a link, avoiding the
# issue described above.Use rawlink to avoid spawning any
# more greenlets.
dicts = wrdicts()
if dicts:
dicts.pop(idt, None)
rawlink = thread.rawlink
except AttributeError:
# Otherwise we need to do it with weak refs
def local_deleted(_, key=key):
wrthread = ref(thread, thread_deleted)
wrthread = ref(thread)
def local_deleted(_, key=key, wrthread=wrthread):
# When the localimpl is deleted, remove the thread attribute.
thread = wrthread()
if thread is not None:
unlink = thread.unlink
except AttributeError:
del thread.__dict__[key]
def thread_deleted(_, idt=idt):
# When the thread is deleted, remove the local dict.
# Note that this is suboptimal if the thread object gets
# caught in a reference loop. We would like to be called
# as soon as the OS-level thread ends instead.
_local = wrlocal()
if _local is not None:
_local.dicts.pop(idt, None)
wrlocal = ref(self, local_deleted)
wrthread = ref(thread, thread_deleted)
thread.__dict__[key] = wrlocal
wrdicts = ref(self.dicts)
def clear(_):
dicts = wrdicts()
if dicts:
dicts.pop(idt, None)
wrthread = None
self.dicts[idt] = wrthread, localdict
return localdict
......@@ -25,7 +25,6 @@ class Obj(object):
deleted_sentinels = []
created_sentinels = []
class Sentinel(object):
def __del__(self):
......@@ -105,5 +104,43 @@ class GeventLocalTestCase(greentest.TestCase):
# The sentinels should be gone too
self.assertEqual(len(deleted_sentinels), len(greenlets))
def test_locals_collected_when_unreferenced_even_in_running_greenlet(self):
import gevent
import gc
del created_sentinels[:]
del deleted_sentinels[:]
count = 1000
running_greenlet = None
def demonstrate_my_local():
for i in range(1000):
x = MyLocal()
x = None
self.assertEqual(count, len(created_sentinels))
# They're all dead, even though this greenlet is
# still running
self.assertEqual(count, len(deleted_sentinels))
# The links were removed as well.
self.assertEqual(list(running_greenlet._links), [])
running_greenlet = gevent.spawn(demonstrate_my_local)
self.assertEqual(count, len(deleted_sentinels))
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