Commit c1b473f0 authored by Jason Madden's avatar Jason Madden Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #1239 from gevent/limit-ssl-warning

Only issue the ssl MonkeyPatchWarning if we can be pretty sure there will be problems
parents db703b73 4eb3b1f5
......@@ -7,7 +7,10 @@
1.3.4 (unreleased)
- Nothing changed yet.
- Be more careful about issuing ``MonkeyPatchWarning`` for ssl
imports. Now, we only issue it if we detect the one specific
condition that is known to lead to RecursionError. This may produce
false negatives, but should reduce or eliminate false positives.
1.3.3 (2018-06-08)
......@@ -687,6 +687,34 @@ def patch_dns():
from gevent import socket
_patch_module('socket', items=socket.__dns__) # pylint:disable=no-member
def _find_module_refs(to, excluding_names=()):
# Looks specifically for module-level references,
# i.e., 'from foo import Bar'. We define a module reference
# as a dict (subclass) that also has a __name__ attribute.
# This does not handle subclasses, but it does find them.
# Returns two sets. The first is modules (name, file) that were
# found. The second is subclasses that were found.
gc = __import__('gc')
direct_ref_modules = set()
subclass_modules = set()
def report(mod):
return mod['__name__'], mod.get('__file__', '<unknown>')
for r in gc.get_referrers(to):
if isinstance(r, dict) and '__name__' in r:
if r['__name__'] in excluding_names:
for v in r.values():
if v is to:
elif isinstance(r, type) and to in r.__bases__ and 'gevent.' not in r.__module__:
return direct_ref_modules, subclass_modules
def patch_ssl(_warnings=None, _first_time=True):
......@@ -697,17 +725,47 @@ def patch_ssl(_warnings=None, _first_time=True):
This is only useful if :func:`patch_socket` has been called.
if _first_time and 'ssl' in sys.modules and hasattr(sys.modules['ssl'], 'SSLContext'):
if sys.version_info[0] > 2 or ('pkg_resources' not in sys.modules):
# Don't warn on Python 2 if pkg_resources has been imported
may_need_warning = (
and sys.version_info[:2] >= (3, 6)
and 'ssl' in sys.modules
and hasattr(sys.modules['ssl'], 'SSLContext'))
# Previously, we didn't warn on Python 2 if pkg_resources has been imported
# because that imports ssl and it's commonly used for namespace packages,
# which typically means we're still in some early part of the import cycle
_queue_warning('Monkey-patching ssl after ssl has already been imported '
# which typically means we're still in some early part of the import cycle.
# However, with our new more discriminating check, that no longer seems to be a problem.
# Prior to 3.6, we don't have the RecursionError problem, and prior to 3.7 we don't have the
# SSLContext.sslsocket_class/SSLContext.sslobject_class problem.
gevent_mod, _ = _patch_module('ssl', _warnings=_warnings)
if may_need_warning:
direct_ref_modules, subclass_modules = _find_module_refs(
excluding_names=('ssl', 'gevent.ssl', 'gevent._ssl3', 'gevent._sslgte279'))
if direct_ref_modules or subclass_modules:
# Normally you don't want to have dynamic warning strings, because
# the cache in the warning module is based on the string. But we
# specifically only do this the first time we patch ourself, so it's
# ok.
direct_ref_mod_str = subclass_str = ''
if direct_ref_modules:
direct_ref_mod_str = 'Modules that had direct imports (NOT patched): %s. ' % ([
"%s (%s)" % (name, fname)
for name, fname in direct_ref_modules
if subclass_modules:
subclass_str = 'Subclasses (NOT patched): %s. ' % ([
str(t) for t in subclass_modules
'Monkey-patching ssl after ssl has already been imported '
'may lead to errors, including RecursionError on Python 3.6. '
'It may also silently lead to incorrect behaviour on Python 3.7. '
'Please monkey-patch earlier. '
'See '
+ direct_ref_mod_str + subclass_str,
_patch_module('ssl', _warnings=_warnings)
def patch_select(aggressive=True):
import unittest
import warnings
import sys
# All supported python versions now provide SSLContext.
# We import it by name and subclass it here by name.
# compare with
from ssl import SSLContext
class MySubclass(SSLContext):
# This file should only have this one test in it
# because we have to be careful about our imports
# and because we need to be careful about our patching.
class Test(unittest.TestCase):
@unittest.skipIf(sys.version_info[:2] < (3, 6),
"Only on Python 3.6+")
def test_ssl_subclass_and_module_reference(self):
from gevent import monkey
with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as issued_warnings:
issued_warnings = [x for x in issued_warnings
if isinstance(x.message, monkey.MonkeyPatchWarning)]
self.assertEqual(1, len(issued_warnings))
message = issued_warnings[0].message
self.assertIn("Modules that had direct imports", str(message))
self.assertIn("Subclasses (NOT patched)", str(message))
if __name__ == '__main__':
import unittest
import warnings
import sys
# All supported python versions now provide SSLContext.
# We subclass without importing by name. Compare with
import ssl
class MySubclass(ssl.SSLContext):
# This file should only have this one test in it
# because we have to be careful about our imports
# and because we need to be careful about our patching.
class Test(unittest.TestCase):
@unittest.skipIf(sys.version_info[:2] < (3, 6),
"Only on Python 3.6+")
def test_ssl_subclass_and_module_reference(self):
from gevent import monkey
with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as issued_warnings:
issued_warnings = [x for x in issued_warnings
if isinstance(x.message, monkey.MonkeyPatchWarning)]
self.assertEqual(1, len(issued_warnings))
message = str(issued_warnings[0].message)
self.assertNotIn("Modules that had direct imports", message)
self.assertIn("Subclasses (NOT patched)", message)
# the gevent subclasses should not be in here.
self.assertNotIn('gevent.', message)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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