Commit c6d869f4 authored by Jason Madden's avatar Jason Madden

Skip a test that hangs on appveyor. Could not reproduce locally.

parent 77aabaa8
......@@ -69,6 +69,7 @@ from greentest.skipping import skipOnPyPyOnCI
from greentest.skipping import skipOnPyPy3
from greentest.skipping import skipIf
from greentest.skipping import skipOnLibuv
from greentest.skipping import skipOnLibuvOnWin
from greentest.skipping import skipOnLibuvOnCI
from greentest.skipping import skipOnLibuvOnCIOnPyPy
from greentest.skipping import skipOnLibuvOnPyPyOnWin
......@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ skipOnPyPy3OnCI = _do_not_skip
skipOnPyPy3 = _do_not_skip
skipOnLibuv = _do_not_skip
skipOnLibuvOnWin = _do_not_skip
skipOnLibuvOnCI = _do_not_skip
skipOnLibuvOnCIOnPyPy = _do_not_skip
skipOnLibuvOnPyPyOnWin = _do_not_skip
......@@ -91,5 +92,7 @@ if sysinfo.LIBUV:
if sysinfo.PYPY:
skipOnLibuvOnCIOnPyPy = unittest.skip
if sysinfo.PYPY and sysinfo.WIN:
if sysinfo.WIN:
skipOnLibuvOnWin = unittest.skip
if sysinfo.PYPY:
skipOnLibuvOnPyPyOnWin = unittest.skip
......@@ -88,9 +88,13 @@ class TestWatchersDefault(TestWatchers):
def destroyOne(self, loop):
# XXX: This crash may be fixed
@greentest.skipOnLibuvOnPyPyOnWin("This crashes with PyPy 5.10.0, only on Windows. "
# XXX: The crash may be fixed? The hang showed up after the crash was
# reproduced and fixed on linux and OS X.
"This crashes with PyPy 5.10.0, only on Windows. "
"See "
"It has also timed out, but only on Appveyor CPython 3.6; local CPython 3.6 does not. "
class TestWatchersDefaultDestroyed(TestWatchers):
def _makeOne(self):
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