Commit d0536c3c authored by Denis Bilenko's avatar Denis Bilenko

add examples/

parent ef94b6c6
from gevent import monkey; monkey.patch_all(dns=True)
from gevent import wsgi2
import sys
import re
import traceback
import urllib2
from urlparse import urlparse
from cgi import escape
from urllib import unquote
def application(env, start_response):
proxy_url = '' % env
method = env['REQUEST_METHOD']
path = env['PATH_INFO']
if env['QUERY_STRING']:
path += '?' + env['QUERY_STRING']
path = path.lstrip('/')
if (method, path) == ('GET', ''):
start_response('200 OK', [('Content-Type', 'text/html')])
return [FORM]
elif method == 'GET':
if '://' not in path:
path = 'http://' + path
r = urllib2.urlopen(path)
except urllib2.HTTPError, ex:
r = ex
print '%s: %s %s' % (path, r.code, r.msg)
headers = [(k, v) for (k, v) in r.headers.items() if k not in drop_headers]
parsed_path = urlparse(path)
host = (parsed_path.scheme or 'http') + '://' + parsed_path.netloc
except Exception, ex:
sys.stderr.write('error while reading %s:\n' % path)
tb = traceback.format_exc()
start_response('502 Bad Gateway', [('Content-Type', 'text/html')])
return ['<h1>%s</h1><h2>%s</h2><pre>%s</pre>' % (escape(str(ex) or ex.__class__.__name__ or 'Error'), escape(path), escape(tb))]
#for key, value in r.headers:
start_response('%s %s' % (r.code, r.msg), headers)
data =
data = fix_links(data, proxy_url, host)
return [data]
elif (method, path) == ('POST', ''):
key, value = env['wsgi.input'].read().strip().split('=')
assert key == 'url', repr(key)
start_response('302 Found', [('Location', join(proxy_url, unquote(value)))])
elif method == 'POST':
start_response('404 Not Found', [])
start_response('501 Not Implemented', [])
return []
def join(url1, *rest):
if not rest:
return url1
url2, rest = rest[0], rest[1:]
if url1.endswith('/'):
if url2.startswith('/'):
return join(url1 + url2[1:], *rest)
return join(url1 + url2, *rest)
elif url2.startswith('/'):
return join(url1 + url2, *rest)
return join(url1 + '/' + url2, *rest)
def fix_links(data, proxy_url, host_url):
>>> fix_links("><img src=images/hp0.gif width=158", '', '')
'><img src="" width=158'
def fix_link_cb(m):
url ='url')
if '://' in url:
result ='before') + '"' + join(proxy_url, url) + '"'
result ='before') + '"' + join(proxy_url, host_url, url) + '"'
#print 'replaced %r -> %r' % (, result)
return result
data = _link_re_1.sub(fix_link_cb, data)
data = _link_re_2.sub(fix_link_cb, data)
return data
_link_re_1 = re.compile('''(?P<before>(href|src|action)\s*=\s*)(?P<quote>['"])(?P<url>[^#].*?)(?P=quote)''')
_link_re_2 = re.compile('''(?P<before>(href|src|action)\s*=\s*)(?P<url>[^'"#>][^ >]*)''')
drop_headers = ['transfer-encoding', 'set-cookie']
FORM = """<html><head>
<title>Web Proxy - gevent example</title></head><body>
<table width=60% height=100% align=center>
<tr height=30%><td align=center valign=bottom>Type in URL you want to visit and press Enter</td></tr>
<tr><td align=center valign=top>
<form action=/ method=post>
<input size=80 name=url value=""/>
if __name__ == '__main__':
#import doctest
print 'Serving on 8088...'
wsgi2.WSGIServer(('', 8088), application).serve_forever()
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