# Copyright (c) 2008-2009 AG Projects # Author: Denis Bilenko # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. # package is named greentest, not test, so it won't be confused with test in stdlib # pylint:disable=broad-except,unused-argument,no-member,too-many-branches,unused-variable # pylint:disable=attribute-defined-outside-init,abstract-method import sys import types import unittest from unittest import TestCase as BaseTestCase from unittest.util import safe_repr import time import os from os.path import basename, splitext import gevent import gevent.core from patched_tests_setup import get_switch_expected from gevent.hub import _get_hub from functools import wraps import contextlib import gc import _six as six PYPY = hasattr(sys, 'pypy_version_info') VERBOSE = sys.argv.count('-v') > 1 WIN = sys.platform.startswith("win") LINUX = sys.platform.startswith('linux') # XXX: Formalize this better LIBUV = os.getenv('GEVENT_CORE_CFFI_ONLY') == 'libuv' or (PYPY and WIN) or hasattr(gevent.core, 'libuv') CFFI_BACKEND = bool(os.getenv('GEVENT_CORE_CFFI_ONLY')) or PYPY if '--debug-greentest' in sys.argv: sys.argv.remove('--debug-greentest') DEBUG = True else: DEBUG = False RUN_LEAKCHECKS = os.getenv('GEVENTTEST_LEAKCHECK') OPTIONAL_MODULES = ['resolver_ares'] # Generally, ignore the portions that are only implemented # on particular platforms; they generally contain partial # implementations completed in different modules. PLATFORM_SPECIFIC_SUFFIXES = ['2', '279', '3'] if WIN: PLATFORM_SPECIFIC_SUFFIXES.append('posix') PY2 = None PY3 = None PY34 = None PY36 = None PY37 = None NON_APPLICABLE_SUFFIXES = [] if sys.version_info[0] == 3: # Python 3 NON_APPLICABLE_SUFFIXES.extend(('2', '279')) PY2 = False PY3 = True if sys.version_info[1] >= 4: PY34 = True if sys.version_info[1] >= 6: PY36 = True if sys.version_info[1] >= 7: PY37 = True elif sys.version_info[0] == 2: # Any python 2 PY3 = False PY2 = True NON_APPLICABLE_SUFFIXES.append('3') if (sys.version_info[1] < 7 or (sys.version_info[1] == 7 and sys.version_info[2] < 9)): # Python 2, < 2.7.9 NON_APPLICABLE_SUFFIXES.append('279') PYPY3 = PYPY and PY3 if WIN: NON_APPLICABLE_SUFFIXES.append("posix") # This is intimately tied to FileObjectPosix NON_APPLICABLE_SUFFIXES.append("fileobject2") SHARED_OBJECT_EXTENSION = ".pyd" else: SHARED_OBJECT_EXTENSION = ".so" RUNNING_ON_TRAVIS = os.environ.get('TRAVIS') RUNNING_ON_APPVEYOR = os.environ.get('APPVEYOR') RUNNING_ON_CI = RUNNING_ON_TRAVIS or RUNNING_ON_APPVEYOR def _do_not_skip(reason): def dec(f): return f return dec if WIN: skipOnWindows = unittest.skip else: skipOnWindows = _do_not_skip if RUNNING_ON_APPVEYOR: # See comments scattered around about timeouts and the timer # resolution available on appveyor (lots of jitter). this # seems worse with the 62-bit builds. # Note that we skip/adjust these tests only on AppVeyor, not # win32---we don't think there's gevent related problems but # environment related problems. These can be tested and debugged # separately on windows in a more stable environment. skipOnAppVeyor = unittest.skip # We can't exec corecext on appveyor if we haven't run setup.py in # 'develop' mode (i.e., we install) NON_APPLICABLE_SUFFIXES.append('corecext') else: skipOnAppVeyor = _do_not_skip if PYPY3 and RUNNING_ON_CI: # Same as above, for PyPy3.3-5.5-alpha and 3.5-5.7.1-beta and 3.5-5.8 skipOnPyPy3OnCI = unittest.skip else: skipOnPyPy3OnCI = _do_not_skip if PYPY: skipOnPyPy = unittest.skip else: skipOnPyPy = _do_not_skip if PYPY3: skipOnPyPy3 = unittest.skip else: skipOnPyPy3 = _do_not_skip skipIf = unittest.skipIf EXPECT_POOR_TIMER_RESOLUTION = PYPY3 or RUNNING_ON_APPVEYOR skipOnLibuv = _do_not_skip skipOnLibuvOnCI = _do_not_skip skipOnLibuvOnCIOnPyPy = _do_not_skip if LIBUV: skipOnLibuv = unittest.skip if RUNNING_ON_CI: skipOnLibuvOnCI = unittest.skip if PYPY: skipOnLibuvOnCIOnPyPy = unittest.skip class ExpectedException(Exception): """An exception whose traceback should be ignored by the hub""" # The next exceptions allow us to raise them in a highly # greppable way so that we can debug them later. class FlakyTest(unittest.SkipTest): """ A unittest exception that causes the test to be skipped when raised. Use this carefully, it is a code smell and indicates an undebugged problem. """ class FlakyTestRaceCondition(FlakyTest): """ Use this when the flaky test is definitely caused by a race condition. """ class FlakyTestTimeout(FlakyTest): """ Use this when the flaky test is definitely caused by an unexpected timeout. """ if RUNNING_ON_CI: def reraiseFlakyTestRaceCondition(): six.reraise(FlakyTestRaceCondition, FlakyTestRaceCondition('\n'.join(dump_stacks())), sys.exc_info()[2]) def reraiseFlakyTestTimeout(): six.reraise(FlakyTestTimeout, FlakyTestTimeout(), sys.exc_info()[2]) else: def reraiseFlakyTestRaceCondition(): six.reraise(*sys.exc_info()) reraiseFlakyTestTimeout = reraiseFlakyTestRaceCondition def wrap_switch_count_check(method): @wraps(method) def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): initial_switch_count = getattr(_get_hub(), 'switch_count', None) self.switch_expected = getattr(self, 'switch_expected', True) if initial_switch_count is not None: fullname = getattr(self, 'fullname', None) if self.switch_expected == 'default' and fullname: self.switch_expected = get_switch_expected(fullname) result = method(self, *args, **kwargs) if initial_switch_count is not None and self.switch_expected is not None: switch_count = _get_hub().switch_count - initial_switch_count if self.switch_expected is True: assert switch_count >= 0 if not switch_count: raise AssertionError('%s did not switch' % fullname) elif self.switch_expected is False: if switch_count: raise AssertionError('%s switched but not expected to' % fullname) else: raise AssertionError('Invalid value for switch_expected: %r' % (self.switch_expected, )) return result return wrapper def wrap_timeout(timeout, method): if timeout is None: return method @wraps(method) def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): with gevent.Timeout(timeout, 'test timed out', ref=False): return method(self, *args, **kwargs) return wrapper def ignores_leakcheck(func): func.ignore_leakcheck = True return func def wrap_refcount(method): if not RUN_LEAKCHECKS: return method if getattr(method, 'ignore_leakcheck', False): return method # Some builtin things that we ignore IGNORED_TYPES = (tuple, dict, types.FrameType, types.TracebackType) def type_hist(): import collections d = collections.defaultdict(int) for x in gc.get_objects(): k = type(x) if k in IGNORED_TYPES: continue if k == gevent.core.callback and x.callback is None and x.args is None: # these represent callbacks that have been stopped, but # the event loop hasn't cycled around to run them. The only # known cause of this is killing greenlets before they get a chance # to run for the first time. continue d[k] += 1 return d def report_diff(a, b): diff_lines = [] for k, v in sorted(a.items(), key=lambda i: i[0].__name__): if b[k] != v: diff_lines.append("%s: %s != %s" % (k, v, b[k])) if not diff_lines: return None diff = '\n'.join(diff_lines) return diff @wraps(method) def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): gc.collect() gc.collect() gc.collect() deltas = [] d = None gc.disable() try: while True: # Grab current snapshot hist_before = type_hist() d = sum(hist_before.values()) self.setUp() try: method(self, *args, **kwargs) finally: self.tearDown() # Grab post snapshot if 'urlparse' in sys.modules: sys.modules['urlparse'].clear_cache() if 'urllib.parse' in sys.modules: sys.modules['urllib.parse'].clear_cache() hist_after = type_hist() d = sum(hist_after.values()) - d deltas.append(d) # Reset and check for cycles gc.collect() if gc.garbage: raise AssertionError("Generated uncollectable garbage %r" % (gc.garbage,)) # the following configurations are classified as "no leak" # [0, 0] # [x, 0, 0] # [... a, b, c, d] where a+b+c+d = 0 # # the following configurations are classified as "leak" # [... z, z, z] where z > 0 if deltas[-2:] == [0, 0] and len(deltas) in (2, 3): break elif deltas[-3:] == [0, 0, 0]: break elif len(deltas) >= 4 and sum(deltas[-4:]) == 0: break elif len(deltas) >= 3 and deltas[-1] > 0 and deltas[-1] == deltas[-2] and deltas[-2] == deltas[-3]: diff = report_diff(hist_before, hist_after) raise AssertionError('refcount increased by %r\n%s' % (deltas, diff)) # OK, we don't know for sure yet. Let's search for more if sum(deltas[-3:]) <= 0 or sum(deltas[-4:]) <= 0 or deltas[-4:].count(0) >= 2: # this is suspicious, so give a few more runs limit = 11 else: limit = 7 if len(deltas) >= limit: raise AssertionError('refcount increased by %r\n%s' % (deltas, report_diff(hist_before, hist_after))) finally: gc.enable() self.skipTearDown = True return wrapper def wrap_error_fatal(method): @wraps(method) def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): # XXX should also be able to do gevent.SYSTEM_ERROR = object # which is a global default to all hubs SYSTEM_ERROR = gevent.get_hub().SYSTEM_ERROR gevent.get_hub().SYSTEM_ERROR = object try: return method(self, *args, **kwargs) finally: gevent.get_hub().SYSTEM_ERROR = SYSTEM_ERROR return wrapper def wrap_restore_handle_error(method): @wraps(method) def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): old = gevent.get_hub().handle_error try: return method(self, *args, **kwargs) finally: gevent.get_hub().handle_error = old if self.peek_error()[0] is not None: gevent.getcurrent().throw(*self.peek_error()[1:]) return wrapper def _get_class_attr(classDict, bases, attr, default=AttributeError): NONE = object() value = classDict.get(attr, NONE) if value is not NONE: return value for base in bases: value = getattr(bases[0], attr, NONE) if value is not NONE: return value if default is AttributeError: raise AttributeError('Attribute %r not found\n%s\n%s\n' % (attr, classDict, bases)) return default class TestCaseMetaClass(type): # wrap each test method with # a) timeout check # b) fatal error check # c) restore the hub's error handler (see expect_one_error) # d) totalrefcount check def __new__(cls, classname, bases, classDict): # pylint and pep8 fight over what this should be called (mcs or cls). # pylint gets it right, but we cant scope disable pep8, so we go with # its convention. # pylint: disable=bad-mcs-classmethod-argument timeout = classDict.get('__timeout__', 'NONE') if timeout == 'NONE': timeout = getattr(bases[0], '__timeout__', None) if RUN_LEAKCHECKS and timeout is not None: timeout *= 6 check_totalrefcount = _get_class_attr(classDict, bases, 'check_totalrefcount', True) error_fatal = _get_class_attr(classDict, bases, 'error_fatal', True) # Python 3: must copy, we mutate the classDict. Interestingly enough, # it doesn't actually error out, but under 3.6 we wind up wrapping # and re-wrapping the same items over and over and over. for key, value in list(classDict.items()): if key.startswith('test') and callable(value): classDict.pop(key) #value = wrap_switch_count_check(value) value = wrap_timeout(timeout, value) my_error_fatal = getattr(value, 'error_fatal', None) if my_error_fatal is None: my_error_fatal = error_fatal if my_error_fatal: value = wrap_error_fatal(value) value = wrap_restore_handle_error(value) if check_totalrefcount: value = wrap_refcount(value) classDict[key] = value return type.__new__(cls, classname, bases, classDict) # Travis is slow and overloaded; Appveyor used to be faster, but # as of Dec 2015 it's almost always slower and/or has much worse timer # resolution CI_TIMEOUT = 10 if (PY3 and PYPY) or (PYPY and WIN and LIBUV): # pypy3 is very slow right now, # as is PyPy2 on windows (which only has libuv) CI_TIMEOUT = 15 if PYPY and LIBUV: # slow and flaky timeouts LOCAL_TIMEOUT = CI_TIMEOUT else: LOCAL_TIMEOUT = 1 DEFAULT_LOCAL_HOST_ADDR = 'localhost' DEFAULT_LOCAL_HOST_ADDR6 = DEFAULT_LOCAL_HOST_ADDR DEFAULT_BIND_ADDR = '' if RUNNING_ON_TRAVIS: # As of November 2017 (probably Sept or Oct), after a # Travis upgrade, using "localhost" no longer works, # producing 'OSError: [Errno 99] Cannot assign # requested address'. This is apparently something to do with # docker containers. Sigh. DEFAULT_LOCAL_HOST_ADDR = '' DEFAULT_LOCAL_HOST_ADDR6 = '::1' # Likewise, binding to '' appears to work, but it cannot be # connected to with the same error. DEFAULT_BIND_ADDR = '' class TestCase(TestCaseMetaClass("NewBase", (BaseTestCase,), {})): __timeout__ = LOCAL_TIMEOUT if not RUNNING_ON_CI else CI_TIMEOUT switch_expected = 'default' error_fatal = True close_on_teardown = () def run(self, *args, **kwargs): # pylint:disable=arguments-differ if self.switch_expected == 'default': self.switch_expected = get_switch_expected(self.fullname) return BaseTestCase.run(self, *args, **kwargs) def setUp(self): super(TestCase, self).setUp() self.close_on_teardown = [] def tearDown(self): if getattr(self, 'skipTearDown', False): return if hasattr(self, 'cleanup'): self.cleanup() self._error = self._none self._tearDownCloseOnTearDown() self.close_on_teardown = [] super(TestCase, self).tearDown() def _tearDownCloseOnTearDown(self): # XXX: Should probably reverse this for x in self.close_on_teardown: close = getattr(x, 'close', x) try: close() except Exception: pass @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): import warnings cls._warning_cm = warnings.catch_warnings() cls._warning_cm.__enter__() if not sys.warnoptions: warnings.simplefilter('default') super(TestCase, cls).setUpClass() @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls): cls._warning_cm.__exit__(None, None, None) super(TestCase, cls).tearDownClass() def _close_on_teardown(self, resource): """ *resource* either has a ``close`` method, or is a callable. """ self.close_on_teardown.append(resource) return resource @property def testname(self): return getattr(self, '_testMethodName', '') or getattr(self, '_TestCase__testMethodName') @property def testcasename(self): return self.__class__.__name__ + '.' + self.testname @property def modulename(self): return os.path.basename(sys.modules[self.__class__.__module__].__file__).rsplit('.', 1)[0] @property def fullname(self): return splitext(basename(self.modulename))[0] + '.' + self.testcasename _none = (None, None, None) # (context, kind, value) _error = _none def expect_one_error(self): assert self._error == self._none, self._error self._old_handle_error = gevent.get_hub().handle_error gevent.get_hub().handle_error = self._store_error def _store_error(self, where, t, value, tb): del tb if self._error != self._none: gevent.get_hub().parent.throw(t, value) else: self._error = (where, t, value) def peek_error(self): return self._error def get_error(self): try: return self._error finally: self._error = self._none def assert_error(self, kind=None, value=None, error=None, where_type=None): if error is None: error = self.get_error() econtext, ekind, evalue = error if kind is not None: self.assertIsInstance(kind, type) try: assert issubclass(ekind, kind), error except TypeError as e: # Seen on PyPy on Windows print("TYPE ERROR", e, ekind, kind, type(kind)) raise if value is not None: if isinstance(value, str): self.assertEqual(str(evalue), value) else: self.assertIs(evalue, value) if where_type is not None: self.assertIsInstance(econtext, where_type) return error if RUNNING_ON_APPVEYOR: # appveyor timeouts are unreliable; seems to be very slow wakeups def assertTimeoutAlmostEqual(self, *args, **kwargs): return def assertTimeWithinRange(self, delay, min_time, max_time): return else: def assertTimeoutAlmostEqual(self, *args, **kwargs): self.assertAlmostEqual(*args, **kwargs) def assertTimeWithinRange(self, delay, min_time, max_time): self.assertLessEqual(delay, max_time) self.assertGreaterEqual(delay, min_time) if not hasattr(BaseTestCase, 'assertIsNot'): # Methods added in 3.1, backport for 2.7 def assertIs(self, expr1, expr2, msg=None): """Just like self.assertTrue(a is b), but with a nicer default message.""" if expr1 is not expr2: standardMsg = '%s is not %s' % (safe_repr(expr1), safe_repr(expr2)) self.fail(self._formatMessage(msg, standardMsg)) def assertIsNot(self, expr1, expr2, msg=None): """Just like self.assertTrue(a is not b), but with a nicer default message.""" if expr1 is expr2: standardMsg = 'unexpectedly identical: %s' % (safe_repr(expr1),) self.fail(self._formatMessage(msg, standardMsg)) def assertMonkeyPatchedFuncSignatures(self, mod_name, func_names=(), exclude=()): # We use inspect.getargspec because it's the only thing available # in Python 2.7, but it is deprecated # pylint:disable=deprecated-method import inspect import warnings from gevent.monkey import get_original # XXX: Very similar to gevent.monkey.patch_module. Should refactor? gevent_module = getattr(__import__('gevent.' + mod_name), mod_name) module_name = getattr(gevent_module, '__target__', mod_name) funcs_given = True if not func_names: funcs_given = False func_names = getattr(gevent_module, '__implements__') for func_name in func_names: if func_name in exclude: continue gevent_func = getattr(gevent_module, func_name) if not inspect.isfunction(gevent_func) and not funcs_given: continue func = get_original(module_name, func_name) try: with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") gevent_sig = inspect.getargspec(gevent_func) sig = inspect.getargspec(func) except TypeError: if funcs_given: raise # Can't do this one. If they specifically asked for it, # it's an error, otherwise it's not. # Python 3 can check a lot more than Python 2 can. continue self.assertEqual(sig.args, gevent_sig.args, func_name) # The next three might not actually matter? self.assertEqual(sig.varargs, gevent_sig.varargs, func_name) self.assertEqual(sig.keywords, gevent_sig.keywords, func_name) self.assertEqual(sig.defaults, gevent_sig.defaults, func_name) if not hasattr(TestCase, 'assertRaisesRegex'): TestCase.assertRaisesRegex = TestCase.assertRaisesRegexp main = unittest.main _original_Hub = gevent.hub.Hub class CountingHub(_original_Hub): EXPECTED_TEST_ERROR = (ExpectedException,) switch_count = 0 def switch(self, *args): # pylint:disable=arguments-differ self.switch_count += 1 return _original_Hub.switch(self, *args) def handle_error(self, context, type, value, tb): if issubclass(type, self.EXPECTED_TEST_ERROR): # Don't print these to cut down on the noise in the test logs return return _original_Hub.handle_error(self, context, type, value, tb) gevent.hub.Hub = CountingHub class _DelayWaitMixin(object): _default_wait_timeout = 0.01 _default_delay_min_adj = 0.001 if not RUNNING_ON_APPVEYOR: _default_delay_max_adj = 0.11 else: # Timing resolution is extremely poor on Appveyor # and subject to jitter. _default_delay_max_adj = 1.5 def wait(self, timeout): raise NotImplementedError('override me in subclass') def _check_delay_bounds(self, timeout, delay, delay_min_adj=None, delay_max_adj=None): delay_min_adj = self._default_delay_min_adj if not delay_min_adj else delay_min_adj delay_max_adj = self._default_delay_max_adj if not delay_max_adj else delay_max_adj self.assertGreaterEqual(delay, timeout - delay_min_adj) self.assertLess(delay, timeout + delay_max_adj) def _wait_and_check(self, timeout=None): if timeout is None: timeout = self._default_wait_timeout # gevent.timer instances have a 'seconds' attribute, # otherwise it's the raw number seconds = getattr(timeout, 'seconds', timeout) start = time.time() try: result = self.wait(timeout) finally: self._check_delay_bounds(seconds, time.time() - start, self._default_delay_min_adj, self._default_delay_max_adj) return result def test_outer_timeout_is_not_lost(self): timeout = gevent.Timeout.start_new(0.001, ref=False) try: try: result = self.wait(timeout=1) except gevent.Timeout as ex: assert ex is timeout, (ex, timeout) else: raise AssertionError('must raise Timeout (returned %r)' % (result, )) finally: timeout.cancel() class GenericWaitTestCase(_DelayWaitMixin, TestCase): _default_wait_timeout = 0.2 _default_delay_min_adj = 0.1 if not RUNNING_ON_APPVEYOR: _default_delay_max_adj = 0.11 else: # Timing resolution is very poor on Appveyor # and subject to jitter _default_delay_max_adj = 1.5 @ignores_leakcheck # waiting checks can be very sensitive to timing def test_returns_none_after_timeout(self): result = self._wait_and_check() # join and wait simply return after timeout expires assert result is None, repr(result) class GenericGetTestCase(_DelayWaitMixin, TestCase): Timeout = gevent.Timeout def cleanup(self): pass def test_raises_timeout_number(self): self.assertRaises(self.Timeout, self._wait_and_check, timeout=0.01) # get raises Timeout after timeout expired self.cleanup() def test_raises_timeout_Timeout(self): timeout = gevent.Timeout(self._default_wait_timeout) try: self._wait_and_check(timeout=timeout) except gevent.Timeout as ex: assert ex is timeout, (ex, timeout) self.cleanup() def test_raises_timeout_Timeout_exc_customized(self): error = RuntimeError('expected error') timeout = gevent.Timeout(self._default_wait_timeout, exception=error) try: self._wait_and_check(timeout=timeout) except RuntimeError as ex: assert ex is error, (ex, error) self.cleanup() def walk_modules(basedir=None, modpath=None, include_so=False, recursive=False): if PYPY: include_so = False if basedir is None: basedir = os.path.dirname(gevent.__file__) if modpath is None: modpath = 'gevent.' else: if modpath is None: modpath = '' for fn in sorted(os.listdir(basedir)): path = os.path.join(basedir, fn) if os.path.isdir(path): if not recursive: continue pkg_init = os.path.join(path, '__init__.py') if os.path.exists(pkg_init): yield pkg_init, modpath + fn for p, m in walk_modules(path, modpath + fn + "."): yield p, m continue if fn.endswith('.py'): x = fn[:-3] if x.endswith('_d'): x = x[:-2] if x in ['__init__', 'core', 'ares', '_util', '_semaphore', 'corecffi', '_corecffi', '_corecffi_build']: continue if x in OPTIONAL_MODULES: try: six.exec_("import %s" % x, {}) except ImportError: continue yield path, modpath + x elif include_so and fn.endswith(SHARED_OBJECT_EXTENSION): if '.pypy-' in fn: continue if fn.endswith('_d.so'): yield path, modpath + fn[:-5] else: yield path, modpath + fn[:-3] def bind_and_listen(sock, address=('', 0), backlog=50, reuse_addr=True): from socket import SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, error if reuse_addr: try: sock.setsockopt(SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, sock.getsockopt(SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR) | 1) except error: pass sock.bind(address) sock.listen(backlog) def tcp_listener(address, backlog=50, reuse_addr=True): """A shortcut to create a TCP socket, bind it and put it into listening state.""" from gevent import socket sock = socket.socket() bind_and_listen(sock) return sock @contextlib.contextmanager def disabled_gc(): was_enabled = gc.isenabled() gc.disable() try: yield finally: if was_enabled: gc.enable() import re # Linux/OS X/BSD platforms can implement this by calling out to lsof if WIN: def _run_lsof(): raise unittest.SkipTest("lsof not expected on Windows") else: def _run_lsof(): import tempfile pid = os.getpid() fd, tmpname = tempfile.mkstemp('get_open_files') os.close(fd) lsof_command = 'lsof -p %s > %s' % (pid, tmpname) if os.system(lsof_command): # XXX: This prints to the console an annoying message: 'lsof is not recognized' raise unittest.SkipTest("lsof failed") with open(tmpname) as fobj: data = fobj.read().strip() os.remove(tmpname) return data def default_get_open_files(pipes=False): data = _run_lsof() results = {} for line in data.split('\n'): line = line.strip() if not line or line.startswith("COMMAND"): # Skip header and blank lines continue split = re.split(r'\s+', line) command, pid, user, fd = split[:4] # Pipes (on OS X, at least) get an fd like "3" while normal files get an fd like "1u" if fd[:-1].isdigit() or fd.isdigit(): if not pipes and fd[-1].isdigit(): continue fd = int(fd[:-1]) if not fd[-1].isdigit() else int(fd) if fd in results: params = (fd, line, split, results.get(fd), data) raise AssertionError('error when parsing lsof output: duplicate fd=%r\nline=%r\nsplit=%r\nprevious=%r\ndata:\n%s' % params) results[fd] = line if not results: raise AssertionError('failed to parse lsof:\n%s' % (data, )) results['data'] = data return results def default_get_number_open_files(): if os.path.exists('/proc/'): # Linux only fd_directory = '/proc/%d/fd' % os.getpid() return len(os.listdir(fd_directory)) else: try: return len(get_open_files(pipes=True)) - 1 except (OSError, AssertionError, unittest.SkipTest): return 0 lsof_get_open_files = default_get_open_files try: # psutil import subprocess which on Python 3 imports selectors. # This can expose issues with monkey-patching. import psutil except ImportError: get_open_files = default_get_open_files get_number_open_files = default_get_number_open_files else: # If psutil is available (it is cross-platform) use that. # It is *much* faster than shelling out to lsof each time # (Running 14 tests takes 3.964s with lsof and 0.046 with psutil) # However, it still doesn't completely solve the issue on Windows: fds are reported # as -1 there, so we can't fully check those. def get_open_files(): """ Return a list of popenfile and pconn objects. Note that other than `fd`, they have different attributes. .. important:: If you want to find open sockets, on Windows and linux, it is important that the socket at least be listening (socket.listen(1)). Unlike the lsof implementation, this will only return sockets in a state like that. """ results = dict() process = psutil.Process() results['data'] = process.open_files() + process.connections('all') for x in results['data']: results[x.fd] = x results['data'] += ['From psutil', process] return results def get_number_open_files(): process = psutil.Process() try: return process.num_fds() except AttributeError: # num_fds is unix only. Is num_handles close enough on Windows? return 0 if PYPY: def getrefcount(*args): pass else: def getrefcount(*args): return sys.getrefcount(*args) def dump_stacks(): """ Request information about the running threads of the current process. :return: A sequence of text lines detailing the stacks of running threads and greenlets. (One greenlet will duplicate one thread, the current thread and greenlet.) """ dump = [] # threads import threading # Late import this stuff because it may get monkey-patched import traceback from greenlet import greenlet threads = {th.ident: th.name for th in threading.enumerate()} for thread, frame in sys._current_frames().items(): dump.append('Thread 0x%x (%s)\n' % (thread, threads.get(thread))) dump.append(''.join(traceback.format_stack(frame))) dump.append('\n') # greenlets # if greenlet is present, let's dump each greenlet stack # Use the gc module to inspect all objects to find the greenlets # since there isn't a global registry for ob in gc.get_objects(): if not isinstance(ob, greenlet): continue if not ob: continue # not running anymore or not started dump.append('Greenlet %s\n' % ob) dump.append(''.join(traceback.format_stack(ob.gr_frame))) dump.append('\n') return dump