Commit 1058652a authored by Achilleas Pipinellis's avatar Achilleas Pipinellis

Add section of enabling GitLab CI

parent 2c30d11e
......@@ -21,6 +21,13 @@ page.
Now, let's break it down to pieces and work on solving the GitLab CI puzzle.
## 1. Enable GitLab CI
After creating a new project, the first thing to do is enable the **GitLab CI**
service in your project's settings if it isn't already enabled.
Read [how to enable the GitLab CI service](
## 1. Creating a `.gitlab-ci.yml` file
**GitLab CI** service is enabled automatically on the first push of a
# Enable GitLab CI
GitLab Continuous Integration (CI) is fully integrated into GitLab itself. You
only need to enable it in the **Services** settings of your project.
First, head over your project's page that you would like to enable CI for.
If you can see the **Builds** tab in the sidebar, then CI is enabled.
![Builds tab](builds_tab.png)
If not, go to **Settings > Services** and search for **GitLab CI**. Its state
should be disabled.
![CI service disabled](ci_service_disabled.png)
Click on **GitLab CI** to enter its settings, mark it as active and hit
![Mark CI service as active](ci_service_mark_active.png)
Do you see that green dot? Then good, the service is now enabled! You can also
check its status under **Services**.
![CI service enabled](ci_service_enabled.png)
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