Commit 47af1b7f authored by arenard's avatar arenard

Use of -p option of mkdir command to avoid message telling tmp/pids directory...

Use of -p option of mkdir command to avoid message telling tmp/pids directory already exists at every GitLab (re)start. It ensures that all directories on the path exists so it can create tmp directory if its not there for some reason.
parent 6af33483
mkdir tmp/pids mkdir -p tmp/pids
nohup bundle exec rake environment resque:work QUEUE=* RAILS_ENV=production PIDFILE=tmp/pids/ & >> log/resque_worker.log 2>&1 nohup bundle exec rake environment resque:work QUEUE=* RAILS_ENV=production PIDFILE=tmp/pids/ & >> log/resque_worker.log 2>&1
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