Commit 949c6c1b authored by Dmitriy Zaporozhets's avatar Dmitriy Zaporozhets

Merge branch 'master' of

parents 58f69f0f b51c2c81
......@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
font-size: 12px;
.old_line, .new_line {
.old_line, .new_line, .diff_line {
margin: 0px;
padding: 0px;
border: none;
......@@ -92,6 +92,15 @@
text-decoration: underline;
&.new {
background: #CFD;
&.old {
background: #FDD;
.diff_line {
padding: 0;
.line_holder {
&.old .old_line,
......@@ -122,6 +131,11 @@
color: #ccc;
background: #fafafa;
&.parallel {
display: table-cell;
overflow: hidden;
width: 50%;
.image {
......@@ -131,6 +131,11 @@ ul.notes {
text-align: center;
padding: 10px 0;
&.notes_line2 {
text-align: center;
padding: 10px 0;
border-left: 1px solid #ddd !important;
&.notes_content {
background-color: $white;
border-width: 1px 0;
......@@ -358,3 +363,7 @@ ul.notes {
.js-note-attachment-delete {
display: none;
.parallel-comment {
padding: 6px;
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -105,6 +105,10 @@ module CommitsHelper { |branch| link_to(branch, project_tree_path(project, branch)) }.join(", ").html_safe
def get_old_file(project, commit, diff)
project.repository.blob_at(commit.parent_id, diff.old_path) if commit.parent_id
# Private: Returns a link to a person. If the person has a matching user and
......@@ -30,6 +30,10 @@
%strong.cgreen #{@commit.stats.additions} additions
%strong.cred #{@commit.stats.deletions} deletions
- if params[:view] == 'parallel'
= link_to "Unified Diff", url_for(view: 'unified'), {id: "commit-diff-viewtype", class: 'btn btn-tiny pull-right'}
- else
= link_to "Parallel Diff", url_for(view: 'parallel'), {id: "commit-diff-viewtype", class: 'btn btn-tiny pull-right'}
= render "projects/commits/diff_head", diffs: diffs
......@@ -62,6 +66,9 @@
-# Skipp all non non-supported blobs
- next unless file.respond_to?('text?')
- if file.text?
- if params[:view] == 'parallel'
= render "projects/commits/parallel_view", diff: diff, project: project, file: file, index: i
- else
= render "projects/commits/text_file", diff: diff, index: i
- elsif file.image?
- old_file = project.repository.blob_at(@commit.parent_id, diff.old_path) if @commit.parent_id
/ Parallel diff view
- old_file = get_old_file(project, @commit, diff)
- deleted_lines = {}
- added_lines = {}
- each_diff_line(diff, index) do |line, type, line_code, line_new, line_old, raw_line|
- if type == "old"
- deleted_lines[line_old] = { line_code: line_code, type: type, line: line }
- elsif type == "new"
- added_lines[line_new] = { line_code: line_code, type: type, line: line }
- max_length = old_file.sloc + added_lines.length if old_file
- max_length ||= file.sloc
- offset1 = 0
- offset2 = 0
%table{ style: "table-layout: fixed;" }
- max_length.times do |line_index|
- line_index1 = line_index - offset1
- line_index2 = line_index - offset2
- deleted_line = deleted_lines[line_index1 + 1]
- added_line = added_lines[line_index2 + 1]
- old_line = old_file.lines[line_index1] if old_file
- new_line = file.lines[line_index2]
- if deleted_line && added_line
- elsif deleted_line
- new_line = nil
- offset2 += 1
- elsif added_line
- old_line = nil
- offset1 += 1
- if line_index == 0 && diff.new_file
%td.line_content.parallel= "File was created"
%td.old_line= ""
- elsif deleted_line
%td.line_content{class: "parallel noteable_line old #{deleted_line[:line_code]}", "line_code" => deleted_line[:line_code] }= old_line
= line_index1 + 1
- if @comments_allowed
=# render "projects/notes/diff_note_link", line_code: deleted_line[:line_code]
- elsif old_line
%td.line_content.parallel= old_line
%td.old_line= line_index1 + 1
- else
%td.line_content.parallel= ""
%td.old_line= ""
%td.diff_line= ""
- if diff.deleted_file && line_index == 0
%td.new_line= ""
%td.line_content.parallel= "File was deleted"
- elsif added_line
= line_index2 + 1
- if @comments_allowed
=# render "projects/notes/diff_note_link", line_code: added_line[:line_code]
%td.line_content{class: "parallel noteable_line new #{added_line[:line_code]}", "line_code" => added_line[:line_code] }= new_line
- elsif new_line
%td.new_line= line_index2 + 1
%td.line_content.parallel= new_line
- else
%td.new_line= ""
%td.line_content.parallel= ""
- if @reply_allowed
- comments1 = []
- comments2 = []
- comments1 = { |n| n.line_code == deleted_line[:line_code] }.sort_by(&:created_at) if deleted_line
- comments2 = { |n| n.line_code == added_line[:line_code] }.sort_by(&:created_at) if added_line
- unless comments1.empty? && comments2.empty?
= render "projects/notes/diff_notes_with_reply_parallel", notes1: comments1, notes2: comments2, line1: deleted_line, line2: added_line
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -21,3 +21,4 @@
- comments = { |n| n.line_code == line_code }.sort_by(&:created_at)
- unless comments.empty?
= render "projects/notes/diff_notes_with_reply", notes: comments, line: line
- note1 = notes1.first # example note
- note2 = notes2.first # example note
-# Check if line want not changed since comment was left
/- if !defined?(line1) || line1 == note1.diff_line
- if note1
%ul.notes{ rel: note1.discussion_id }
= render notes1
= render "projects/notes/discussion_reply_button", note: note1
= notes1.count
- else
%td= ""
%td= ""
%td= ""
-# Check if line want not changed since comment was left
/- if !defined?(line2) || line2 == note2.diff_line
- if note2
= notes2.count
%ul.notes{ rel: note2.discussion_id }
= render notes2
= render "projects/notes/discussion_reply_button", note: note2
- else
%td= ""
%td= ""
......@@ -14,6 +14,12 @@ Feature: Project Browse commits
Scenario: I browse commit from list
Given I click on commit link
Then I see commit info
And I see parallel diff button
Scenario: I browse commit with parallel diff view
Given I click on commit link
And I click parallel diff button
Then I see unified diff button
Scenario: I compare refs
Given I visit compare refs page
......@@ -88,4 +88,17 @@ class ProjectBrowseCommits < Spinach::FeatureSteps
links[0]['href'].should =~ %r{blob/bc3735004cb45cec5e0e4fa92710897a910a5957}
links[1]['href'].should =~ %r{blob/cc1ba255d6c5ffdce87a357ba7ccc397a4f4026b}
Given 'I click parallel diff button' do
click_link "Parallel Diff"
Then 'I see parallel diff button' do
page.should have_content "Parallel Diff"
Then 'I see unified diff button' do
page.should have_content "Unified Diff"
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