Commit ce5fca48 authored by Dmitriy Zaporozhets's avatar Dmitriy Zaporozhets

Fix MR modal

parent 08bcf639
No related merge requests found
......@@ -22,12 +22,7 @@ class MergeRequest
this.$('.show-all-commits').on 'click', =>
modal = $('#modal_merge_info').modal modal: true, show:false
$('.how_to_merge_link').bind "click", ->
$('.modal-header .close').bind "click", ->
modal = $('#modal_merge_info').modal(show: false)
# Local jQuery finder
$: (selector) ->
......@@ -471,3 +471,7 @@ li.commit {
.commit-breadcrumb {
padding: 0;
= render "head"
- if @path.present?
History for
= commits_breadcrumbs
= "Edit merge request #{}"
= "Edit merge request ##{}"
= render 'form'
%a.close{href: "#"} ×
%a.close{href: "#", "data-dismiss" => "modal"} ×
%h3 How To Merge
......@@ -11,7 +11,8 @@
You can accept this request automatically.
If you still want to do it manually -
%strong= link_to "click here", "#", class: "how_to_merge_link vlink", title: "How To Merge"
= link_to "click here", "#modal_merge_info", class: "how_to_merge_link vlink", title: "How To Merge", "data-toggle" => "modal"
for instructions
= f.submit "Accept Merge Request", class: "btn btn-create accept_merge_request"
......@@ -31,7 +32,7 @@
.automerge_widget.cannot_be_merged{style: "display:none"}
= link_to "Show how to merge", "#", class: "how_to_merge_link btn btn-small padded", title: "How To Merge"
= link_to "Show how to merge", "#modal_merge_info", class: "how_to_merge_link btn btn-small padded", title: "How To Merge", "data-toggle" => "modal"
%strong This request can't be merged with GitLab. You should do it manually
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