There is no need to keep old hooks around - remove them
[ Sent upstream: This was filed upstream but decided the better way to go is to configure default git templates to be just empty. Until we implement that, we continue to carry this patch as NXD ] gitlab-shell uses completely own whole set of git hooks and just symlinks repo.git/hooks to path/to/gitlab-shell/hooks/. Original hooks that git added there - when initializing repository - from its template, and which are by default deactivated, are currently moved to repos.git/hooks.old.<timestamp>, e.g. $ ls -F nexedi/helloweb.git/ config description HEAD hooks@ --> ...path/to/gitlab-shell/hooks/ hooks.old.1446564288/ info/ packed-refs refs/ $ ls -F nexedi/helloweb.git/hooks.old.1446564288/ applypatch-msg.sample* post-update.sample* pre-commit.sample* pre-push.sample* update.sample* commit-msg.sample* pre-applypatch.sample* prepare-commit-msg.sample* pre-rebase.sample* On the other hand, hooks.old.<timestamp> are not used anywhere and are left there "just in case". But what is the point to keep those pristine samples git creates by default? And we are sure those files are always results of gitlab-shell initializing a repository, as it is gitlab-shell's job to create/remove/update/etc repositories. So do not keep old hooks, remove them. P.S. The patch that introduced whole-hooks-dir-symlinking is db81327b (Symlink the whole hooks directory). /cc @dzaporozhets, @jacobvosmaer
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rubocop:ruby2.1 | Test | There is an unknown failure, please try again | |
rspec:ruby2.1 | Test | There is an unknown failure, please try again | |
rubocop | Test | There is an unknown failure, please try again | |
rspec | Test | There is an unknown failure, please try again | |