Commit 1f1c157d authored by Han-Wen Nienhuys's avatar Han-Wen Nienhuys

Allow different PathFilesystems to be mounted within directories of

PathFileSystemConnector file system.
parent 9d51ae3f
......@@ -21,9 +21,9 @@ func main() {
orig := flag.Arg(0)
pt := examplelib.NewPassThroughFuse(orig)
fs := fuse.NewPathFileSystemConnector(pt)
state := fuse.NewMountState(fs)
fs := examplelib.NewPassThroughFuse(orig)
conn := fuse.NewPathFileSystemConnector(fs)
state := fuse.NewMountState(conn)
state.Debug = *debug
mountPoint := flag.Arg(1)
......@@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ DEPS=../fuse
include $(GOROOT)/src/Make.pkg
......@@ -194,11 +194,11 @@ func (self *DummyPathFuse) OpenDir(name string) (dir fuse.RawFuseDir, code fuse.
return nil, fuse.ENOSYS
func (self *DummyPathFuse) Init() (*fuse.InitOut, fuse.Status) {
return nil, fuse.ENOSYS
func (self *DummyPathFuse) Mount(conn *fuse.PathFileSystemConnector) (fuse.Status) {
return fuse.OK
func (self *DummyPathFuse) Destroy() {
func (self *DummyPathFuse) Unmount() {
func (self *DummyPathFuse) Access(name string, mode uint32) (code fuse.Status) {
......@@ -213,6 +213,3 @@ func (self *DummyPathFuse) Utimens(name string, AtimeNs uint64, CtimeNs uint64)
return fuse.ENOSYS
func (self *DummyPathFuse) SetOptions(*fuse.PathFileSystemConnectorOptions) {
package examplelib
import "os"
func IsDir(name string) bool {
fi, _ := os.Lstat(name)
return fi != nil && fi.IsDirectory()
func IsFile(name string) bool {
fi, _ := os.Lstat(name)
return fi != nil && fi.IsRegular()
func FileExists(name string) bool {
_, err := os.Lstat(name)
return err == nil
......@@ -25,11 +25,11 @@ func NewPassThroughFuse(root string) (out *PassThroughFuse) {
return out
func (self *PassThroughFuse) Init() (*fuse.InitOut, fuse.Status) {
return new(fuse.InitOut), fuse.OK
func (self *PassThroughFuse) Mount(conn *fuse.PathFileSystemConnector) (fuse.Status) {
return fuse.OK
func (self *PassThroughFuse) Destroy() {
func (self *PassThroughFuse) Unmount() {
......@@ -16,23 +16,6 @@ import (
var _ = strings.Join
var _ = log.Println
func IsDir(name string) bool {
fi, _ := os.Lstat(name)
return fi != nil && fi.IsDirectory()
func IsFile(name string) bool {
fi, _ := os.Lstat(name)
return fi != nil && fi.IsRegular()
func FileExists(name string) bool {
_, err := os.Lstat(name)
return err == nil
// state for our testcase, mostly constants
......@@ -50,6 +33,7 @@ type testCase struct {
origSubfile string
tester *testing.T
state *fuse.MountState
connector *fuse.PathFileSystemConnector
// Create and mount filesystem.
......@@ -68,10 +52,11 @@ func (self *testCase) Setup(t *testing.T) {
self.origFile = path.Join(self.origDir, name)
self.origSubdir = path.Join(self.origDir, subdir)
self.origSubfile = path.Join(self.origSubdir, "subfile")
fs := fuse.NewPathFileSystemConnector(NewPassThroughFuse(self.origDir))
self.state = fuse.NewMountState(fs)
pfs := NewPassThroughFuse(self.origDir)
self.connector = fuse.NewPathFileSystemConnector(pfs)
self.connector.Debug = true
self.state = fuse.NewMountState(self.connector)
//self.state.Debug = false
......@@ -610,3 +595,44 @@ func TestMount(t *testing.T) {
func TestRecursiveMount(t *testing.T) {
ts := new(testCase)
f, err := os.Open(path.Join(ts.mountPoint, "hello.txt"),
os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE, 0777)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("open write err %v", err)
pfs2 := NewPassThroughFuse(ts.origDir)
code := ts.connector.Mount("/hello.txt", pfs2)
if code != fuse.EINVAL {
t.Error("expect EINVAL", code)
submnt := path.Join(ts.mountPoint, "mnt")
err = os.Mkdir(submnt, 0777)
if err != nil {
code = ts.connector.Mount("/mnt", pfs2)
if code != fuse.OK {
_, err = os.Lstat(submnt)
if err != nil {
t.Error("lstat submount", err)
_, err = os.Lstat(path.Join(submnt, "hello.txt"))
if err != nil {
t.Error("lstat submount/file", err)
......@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ func (self *stackFsTestCase) Setup(t *testing.T) {
fs1 := fuse.NewPathFileSystemConnector(NewPassThroughFuse(self.origDir1))
fs2 := fuse.NewPathFileSystemConnector(NewPassThroughFuse(self.origDir2))
self.fs = NewSubmountFileSystem()
attr := fuse.Attr{
......@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ func (de *DirEntryList) Add(name []byte, inode uint64, mode uint32) bool {
dirent.Off = de.offset
dirent.Ino = inode
dirent.NameLen = uint32(len(name))
dirent.Typ = (mode & 0170000) >> 12
dirent.Typ = ModeToType(mode)
err := binary.Write(&de.buf, binary.LittleEndian, dirent)
if err != nil {
......@@ -291,3 +291,7 @@ func NegativeEntry(time float64) *EntryOut {
SplitNs(time, &out.EntryValid, &out.EntryValidNsec)
return out
func ModeToType(mode uint32) uint32 {
return (mode & 0170000) >> 12
......@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import (
......@@ -15,8 +16,15 @@ type inodeData struct {
Name string
LookupCount int
Type uint32
// Number of inodeData that have this as parent.
RefCount int
// If non-nil the file system mounted here.
Mounted PathFilesystem
// If yes, we are looking to unmount the mounted fs.
unmountPending bool
// Should implement some hash table method instead?
......@@ -33,18 +41,22 @@ func (self *inodeData) Key() string {
return inodeDataKey(p, self.Name)
func (self *inodeData) GetPath() string {
func (self *inodeData) GetPath() (path string, fs PathFilesystem) {
// TODO - softcode this.
var components [100]string
j := len(components)
for p := self; p != nil && p.NodeId != FUSE_ROOT_ID; p = p.Parent {
inode := self
for ; inode != nil && inode.Mounted == nil; inode = inode.Parent {
components[j] = p.Name
components[j] = inode.Name
fullPath := strings.Join(components[j:], "/")
return fullPath
if !inode.unmountPending {
fs = inode.Mounted
return fullPath, fs
type TimeoutOptions struct {
......@@ -66,8 +78,6 @@ type PathFileSystemConnectorOptions struct {
type PathFileSystemConnector struct {
fileSystem PathFilesystem
// Protects the hashmap, its contents and the nextFreeInode counter.
lock sync.RWMutex
......@@ -84,8 +94,9 @@ type PathFileSystemConnector struct {
inodePathMap map[string]*inodeData
inodePathMapByInode map[uint64]*inodeData
nextFreeInode uint64
options PathFileSystemConnectorOptions
Debug bool
// Must be called with lock held.
......@@ -156,7 +167,7 @@ func (self *PathFileSystemConnector) forgetUpdate(nodeId uint64, forgetCount int
data, ok := self.inodePathMapByInode[nodeId]
if ok {
data.LookupCount -= forgetCount
if data.LookupCount <= 0 && data.RefCount <= 0 {
if data.LookupCount <= 0 && data.RefCount <= 0 && (data.Mounted == nil || data.unmountPending) {
self.inodePathMap[data.Key()] = nil, false
......@@ -219,6 +230,29 @@ func (self *PathFileSystemConnector) unlinkUpdate(nodeid uint64, name string) {
// Walk the file system starting from the root.
func (self *PathFileSystemConnector) findInode(fullPath string) *inodeData {
fullPath = strings.TrimLeft(path.Clean(fullPath), "/")
comps := strings.Split(fullPath, "/", -1)
defer self.lock.RUnlock()
node := self.inodePathMapByInode[FUSE_ROOT_ID]
for i, component := range(comps) {
if len(component) == 0 {
key := inodeDataKey(node.NodeId, component)
node = self.inodePathMap[key]
if node == nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("findInode: %v %v", i, fullPath))
return node
// Below routines should not access inodePathMap(ByInode) directly,
// and there need no locking.
......@@ -227,11 +261,11 @@ func NewPathFileSystemConnector(fs PathFilesystem) (out *PathFileSystemConnector
out = new(PathFileSystemConnector)
out.inodePathMap = make(map[string]*inodeData)
out.inodePathMapByInode = make(map[uint64]*inodeData)
out.fileSystem = fs
rootData := new(inodeData)
rootData.NodeId = FUSE_ROOT_ID
rootData.Type = ModeToType(S_IFDIR)
out.inodePathMap[rootData.Key()] = rootData
out.inodePathMapByInode[FUSE_ROOT_ID] = rootData
out.nextFreeInode = FUSE_ROOT_ID + 1
......@@ -240,21 +274,79 @@ func NewPathFileSystemConnector(fs PathFilesystem) (out *PathFileSystemConnector
out.options.AttrTimeout = 1.0
out.options.EntryTimeout = 1.0
if code := out.Mount("/", fs); code != OK {
panic("root mount failed.")
return out
func (self *PathFileSystemConnector) GetPath(nodeid uint64) string {
func (self *PathFileSystemConnector) SetOptions(opts PathFileSystemConnectorOptions) {
self.options = opts
func (self *PathFileSystemConnector) Mount(path string, fs PathFilesystem) Status {
node := self.findInode(path)
// TODO - check that fs was not mounted elsewhere.
if node.RefCount > 0 {
return EBUSY
if node.Type & ModeToType(S_IFDIR) == 0 {
return EINVAL
code := fs.Mount(self)
if code != OK {
if self.Debug {
log.Println("Mount error: ", path, code)
return code
if self.Debug {
log.Println("Mount: ", fs, "on", path, node)
// TODO - this is technically a race-condition.
node.Mounted = fs
node.unmountPending = false
return OK
func (self *PathFileSystemConnector) Unmount(path string) Status {
node := self.findInode(path)
if node == nil || node.Mounted == nil {
// TODO - check if we have open files.
if self.Debug {
log.Println("Unmount: ", node)
// node manipulations are racy?
if node.RefCount > 0 {
node.unmountPending = true
} else {
node.Mounted = nil
return OK
func (self *PathFileSystemConnector) GetPath(nodeid uint64) (path string, fs PathFilesystem) {
return self.getInodeData(nodeid).GetPath()
func (self *PathFileSystemConnector) Init(h *InHeader, input *InitIn) (*InitOut, Status) {
return self.fileSystem.Init()
// TODO ?
return new(InitOut), OK
func (self *PathFileSystemConnector) Destroy(h *InHeader, input *InitIn) {
// TODO - umount all.
func (self *PathFileSystemConnector) Lookup(header *InHeader, name string) (out *EntryOut, status Status) {
......@@ -263,8 +355,14 @@ func (self *PathFileSystemConnector) Lookup(header *InHeader, name string) (out
// TODO - fuse.c has special case code for name == "." and
// "..", those lookups happen if FUSE_EXPORT_SUPPORT is set in
// Init.
fullPath := path.Join(parent.GetPath(), name)
attr, err := self.fileSystem.GetAttr(fullPath)
fullPath, fs := parent.GetPath()
if fs == nil {
return NegativeEntry(self.options.NegativeTimeout), OK
fullPath = path.Join(fullPath, name)
attr, err := fs.GetAttr(fullPath)
if err == ENOENT && self.options.NegativeTimeout > 0.0 {
return NegativeEntry(self.options.NegativeTimeout), OK
......@@ -274,7 +372,8 @@ func (self *PathFileSystemConnector) Lookup(header *InHeader, name string) (out
data := self.lookupUpdate(header.NodeId, name)
data.Type = ModeToType(attr.Mode)
out = new(EntryOut)
out.NodeId = data.NodeId
out.Generation = 1 // where to get the generation?
......@@ -282,7 +381,6 @@ func (self *PathFileSystemConnector) Lookup(header *InHeader, name string) (out
SplitNs(self.options.EntryTimeout, &out.EntryValid, &out.EntryValidNsec)
SplitNs(self.options.AttrTimeout, &out.AttrValid, &out.AttrValidNsec)
out.Attr = *attr
return out, OK
......@@ -291,7 +389,12 @@ func (self *PathFileSystemConnector) Forget(h *InHeader, input *ForgetIn) {
func (self *PathFileSystemConnector) GetAttr(header *InHeader, input *GetAttrIn) (out *AttrOut, code Status) {
attr, err := self.fileSystem.GetAttr(self.GetPath(header.NodeId))
// TODO - should we update inodeData.Type?
fullPath, fs := self.GetPath(header.NodeId)
if fs == nil {
return nil, ENOENT
attr, err := fs.GetAttr(fullPath)
if err != OK {
return nil, err
......@@ -305,8 +408,12 @@ func (self *PathFileSystemConnector) GetAttr(header *InHeader, input *GetAttrIn)
func (self *PathFileSystemConnector) OpenDir(header *InHeader, input *OpenIn) (flags uint32, fuseFile RawFuseDir, status Status) {
fullPath, fs := self.GetPath(header.NodeId)
if fs == nil {
return 0, nil, ENOENT
// TODO - how to handle return flags, the FUSE open flags?
f, err := self.fileSystem.OpenDir(self.GetPath(header.NodeId))
f, err := fs.OpenDir(fullPath)
if err != OK {
return 0, nil, err
......@@ -315,8 +422,12 @@ func (self *PathFileSystemConnector) OpenDir(header *InHeader, input *OpenIn) (f
func (self *PathFileSystemConnector) Open(header *InHeader, input *OpenIn) (flags uint32, fuseFile RawFuseFile, status Status) {
fullPath, fs := self.GetPath(header.NodeId)
if fs == nil {
return 0, nil, ENOENT
// TODO - how to handle return flags, the FUSE open flags?
f, err := self.fileSystem.Open(self.GetPath(header.NodeId), input.Flags)
f, err := fs.Open(fullPath, input.Flags)
if err != OK {
return 0, nil, err
......@@ -327,19 +438,23 @@ func (self *PathFileSystemConnector) SetAttr(header *InHeader, input *SetAttrIn)
var err Status = OK
// TODO - support Fh. (FSetAttr/FGetAttr/FTruncate.)
fullPath := self.GetPath(header.NodeId)
fullPath, fs := self.GetPath(header.NodeId)
if fs == nil {
return nil, ENOENT
if input.Valid&FATTR_MODE != 0 {
err = self.fileSystem.Chmod(fullPath, input.Mode)
err = fs.Chmod(fullPath, input.Mode)
if err != OK && (input.Valid&FATTR_UID != 0 || input.Valid&FATTR_GID != 0) {
// TODO - can we get just FATTR_GID but not FATTR_UID ?
err = self.fileSystem.Chown(fullPath, uint32(input.Uid), uint32(input.Gid))
err = fs.Chown(fullPath, uint32(input.Uid), uint32(input.Gid))
if input.Valid&FATTR_SIZE != 0 {
self.fileSystem.Truncate(fullPath, input.Size)
fs.Truncate(fullPath, input.Size)
if err != OK && (input.Valid&FATTR_ATIME != 0 || input.Valid&FATTR_MTIME != 0) {
err = self.fileSystem.Utimens(fullPath,
err = fs.Utimens(fullPath,
......@@ -356,14 +471,21 @@ func (self *PathFileSystemConnector) SetAttr(header *InHeader, input *SetAttrIn)
func (self *PathFileSystemConnector) Readlink(header *InHeader) (out []byte, code Status) {
fullPath := self.GetPath(header.NodeId)
val, err := self.fileSystem.Readlink(fullPath)
fullPath, fs := self.GetPath(header.NodeId)
if fs == nil {
return nil, ENOENT
val, err := fs.Readlink(fullPath)
return bytes.NewBufferString(val).Bytes(), err
func (self *PathFileSystemConnector) Mknod(header *InHeader, input *MknodIn, name string) (out *EntryOut, code Status) {
fullPath := path.Join(self.GetPath(header.NodeId), name)
err := self.fileSystem.Mknod(fullPath, input.Mode, uint32(input.Rdev))
fullPath, fs := self.GetPath(header.NodeId)
if fs == nil {
return nil, ENOENT
fullPath = path.Join(fullPath, name)
err := fs.Mknod(fullPath, input.Mode, uint32(input.Rdev))
if err != OK {
return nil, err
......@@ -371,7 +493,11 @@ func (self *PathFileSystemConnector) Mknod(header *InHeader, input *MknodIn, nam
func (self *PathFileSystemConnector) Mkdir(header *InHeader, input *MkdirIn, name string) (out *EntryOut, code Status) {
err := self.fileSystem.Mkdir(path.Join(self.GetPath(header.NodeId), name), input.Mode)
fullPath, fs := self.GetPath(header.NodeId)
if fs == nil {
return nil, ENOENT
err := fs.Mkdir(path.Join(fullPath, name), input.Mode)
if err != OK {
return nil, err
......@@ -380,7 +506,11 @@ func (self *PathFileSystemConnector) Mkdir(header *InHeader, input *MkdirIn, nam
func (self *PathFileSystemConnector) Unlink(header *InHeader, name string) (code Status) {
code = self.fileSystem.Unlink(path.Join(self.GetPath(header.NodeId), name))
fullPath, fs := self.GetPath(header.NodeId)
if fs == nil {
return ENOENT
code = fs.Unlink(path.Join(fullPath, name))
// Like fuse.c, we update our internal tables.
self.unlinkUpdate(header.NodeId, name)
......@@ -389,13 +519,21 @@ func (self *PathFileSystemConnector) Unlink(header *InHeader, name string) (code
func (self *PathFileSystemConnector) Rmdir(header *InHeader, name string) (code Status) {
code = self.fileSystem.Rmdir(path.Join(self.GetPath(header.NodeId), name))
fullPath, fs := self.GetPath(header.NodeId)
if fs == nil {
return ENOENT
code = fs.Rmdir(path.Join(fullPath, name))
self.unlinkUpdate(header.NodeId, name)
return code
func (self *PathFileSystemConnector) Symlink(header *InHeader, pointedTo string, linkName string) (out *EntryOut, code Status) {
err := self.fileSystem.Symlink(pointedTo, path.Join(self.GetPath(header.NodeId), linkName))
fullPath, fs := self.GetPath(header.NodeId)
if fs == nil {
return nil, ENOENT
err := fs.Symlink(pointedTo, path.Join(fullPath, linkName))
if err != OK {
return nil, err
......@@ -405,10 +543,18 @@ func (self *PathFileSystemConnector) Symlink(header *InHeader, pointedTo string,
func (self *PathFileSystemConnector) Rename(header *InHeader, input *RenameIn, oldName string, newName string) (code Status) {
oldPath := path.Join(self.GetPath(header.NodeId), oldName)
newPath := path.Join(self.GetPath(input.Newdir), newName)
code = self.fileSystem.Rename(oldPath, newPath)
oldPath, oldFs := self.GetPath(header.NodeId)
newPath, fs := self.GetPath(input.Newdir)
if fs == nil || oldFs == nil {
return ENOENT
if fs != oldFs {
return EXDEV
oldPath = path.Join(oldPath, oldName)
newPath = path.Join(newPath, newName)
code = fs.Rename(oldPath, newPath)
if code != OK {
......@@ -425,9 +571,18 @@ func (self *PathFileSystemConnector) Rename(header *InHeader, input *RenameIn, o
func (self *PathFileSystemConnector) Link(header *InHeader, input *LinkIn, filename string) (out *EntryOut, code Status) {
orig := self.GetPath(input.Oldnodeid)
newName := path.Join(self.GetPath(header.NodeId), filename)
err := self.fileSystem.Link(orig, newName)
orig, fs := self.GetPath(input.Oldnodeid)
newName, newFs := self.GetPath(header.NodeId)
if fs == nil || newFs == nil {
return nil, ENOENT
if newFs != fs {
return nil, EXDEV
newName = path.Join(newName, filename)
err := fs.Link(orig, newName)
if err != OK {
return nil, err
......@@ -437,14 +592,21 @@ func (self *PathFileSystemConnector) Link(header *InHeader, input *LinkIn, filen
func (self *PathFileSystemConnector) Access(header *InHeader, input *AccessIn) (code Status) {
return self.fileSystem.Access(self.GetPath(header.NodeId), input.Mask)
p, fs := self.GetPath(header.NodeId)
if fs == nil {
return ENOENT
return fs.Access(p, input.Mask)
func (self *PathFileSystemConnector) Create(header *InHeader, input *CreateIn, name string) (flags uint32, fuseFile RawFuseFile, out *EntryOut, code Status) {
directory := self.GetPath(header.NodeId)
directory, fs := self.GetPath(header.NodeId)
if fs == nil {
return 0, nil, nil, ENOENT
fullPath := path.Join(directory, name)
f, err := self.fileSystem.Create(fullPath, uint32(input.Flags), input.Mode)
f, err := fs.Create(fullPath, uint32(input.Flags), input.Mode)
if err != OK {
return 0, nil, nil, err
......@@ -92,6 +92,9 @@ const (
ENOTDIR = Status(syscall.ENOTDIR)
EACCES = Status(syscall.EACCES)
EPERM = Status(syscall.EPERM)
EBUSY = Status(syscall.EBUSY)
EINVAL = Status(syscall.EINVAL)
EXDEV = Status(syscall.EXDEV)
type Opcode int
......@@ -568,14 +571,12 @@ type PathFilesystem interface {
OpenDir(name string) (dir RawFuseDir, code Status)
// TODO - what is a good interface?
Init() (*InitOut, Status)
Mount(connector *PathFileSystemConnector) Status
Access(name string, mode uint32) (code Status)
Create(name string, flags uint32, mode uint32) (file RawFuseFile, code Status)
Utimens(name string, AtimeNs uint64, CtimeNs uint64) (code Status)
// unimplemented: poll, ioctl, bmap.
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