Commit 1265a0c2 authored by Robert Griesemer's avatar Robert Griesemer

- essentially reverted my change of yesterday with respect to char/string syntax

- fixed indentation in many places
- fixed a couple of typos

parent 75bbce9e
The Go Programming Language
(April 17, 2008)
(April 18, 2008)
This document is an informal specification/proposal for a new systems programming
......@@ -194,12 +194,14 @@ Notation
The syntax is specified using Extended Backus-Naur Form (EBNF).
In particular:
- "" encloses lexical symbols (a backslash precedes a literal quote within a symbol)
- | separates alternatives
- | separates alternatives (least binding strength)
- () groups
- [] specifies an option (0 or 1 times)
- {} specifies repetition (0 to n times)
Lexical symbols are enclosed in double quotes '''' (the
double quote symbol is written as ''"'').
A production may be referenced from various places in this document
but is usually defined close to its first use. Productions and code
examples are indented.
......@@ -266,9 +268,9 @@ type, a function, etc. An identifier must not be a reserved word.
identifier = letter { letter | dec_digit } .
......@@ -287,23 +289,23 @@ Go defines a number of basic types, referred to by their
predeclared type names. There are signed and unsigned integer
and floating point types:
bool the truth values true and false
bool the truth values true and false
uint8 the set of all unsigned 8-bit integers
uint16 the set of all unsigned 16-bit integers
uint32 the set of all unsigned 32-bit integers
unit64 the set of all unsigned 64-bit integers
uint8 the set of all unsigned 8-bit integers
uint16 the set of all unsigned 16-bit integers
uint32 the set of all unsigned 32-bit integers
unit64 the set of all unsigned 64-bit integers
byte alias for uint8
byte alias for uint8
int8 the set of all signed 8-bit integers, in 2's complement
int16 the set of all signed 16-bit integers, in 2's complement
int32 the set of all signed 32-bit integers, in 2's complement
int64 the set of all signed 64-bit integers, in 2's complement
int8 the set of all signed 8-bit integers, in 2's complement
int16 the set of all signed 16-bit integers, in 2's complement
int32 the set of all signed 32-bit integers, in 2's complement
int64 the set of all signed 64-bit integers, in 2's complement
float32 the set of all valid IEEE-754 32-bit floating point numbers
float64 the set of all valid IEEE-754 64-bit floating point numbers
float80 the set of all valid IEEE-754 80-bit floating point numbers
float32 the set of all valid IEEE-754 32-bit floating point numbers
float64 the set of all valid IEEE-754 64-bit floating point numbers
float80 the set of all valid IEEE-754 80-bit floating point numbers
Additionally, Go declares 4 basic types, uint, int, float, and double,
which are platform-specific. The bit width of these types corresponds to
......@@ -349,14 +351,14 @@ point value that is constrained only upon assignment.
int_lit = [ sign ] unsigned_int_lit .
unsigned_int_lit = decimal_int_lit | octal_int_lit | hex_int_lit .
decimal_int_lit = ( "1" | "2" | "3" | "4" | "5" | "6" | "7" | "8" | "9" )
{ dec_digit } .
{ dec_digit } .
octal_int_lit = "0" { oct_digit } .
hex_int_lit = "0" ( "x" | "X" ) hex_digit { hex_digit } .
float_lit = [ sign ] ( fractional_lit | exponential_lit ) .
fractional_lit = { dec_digit } ( dec_digit "." | "." dec_digit )
{ dec_digit } [ exponent ] .
exponential_lit = dec_digit { dec_digit } exponent .
exponent = ( "e" | "E" ) [ sign ] dec_digit { dec_digit }
exponent = ( "e" | "E" ) [ sign ] dec_digit { dec_digit } .
......@@ -373,15 +375,15 @@ Strings behave like arrays of bytes, with the following properties:
contents of a string.
- No internal pointers: it is illegal to create a pointer to an inner
element of a string.
- They can be indexed: given string s1, s1[i] is a byte value.
- They can be concatenated: given strings s1 and s2, s1 + s2 is a value
combining the elements of s1 and s2 in sequence.
- Known length: the length of a string s1 can be obtained by the function/
operator len(s1). The length of a string is the number of bytes within.
- They can be indexed: given string "s1", "s1[i]" is a byte value.
- They can be concatenated: given strings "s1" and "s2", "s1 + s2" is a value
combining the elements of "s1" and "s2" in sequence.
- Known length: the length of a string "s1" can be obtained by the function/
operator "len(s1)". The length of a string is the number of bytes within.
Unlike in C, there is no terminal NUL byte.
- Creation 1: a string can be created from an integer value by a conversion;
the result is a string containing the UTF-8 encoding of that code point.
string('x') yields "x"; string(0x1234) yields the equivalent of "\u1234"
"string('x')" yields "x"; "string(0x1234)" yields the equivalent of "\u1234"
- Creation 2: a string can by created from an array of integer values (maybe
just array of bytes) by a conversion
a [3]byte; a[0] = 'a'; a[1] = 'b'; a[2] = 'c'; string(a) == "abc";
......@@ -390,38 +392,36 @@ Strings behave like arrays of bytes, with the following properties:
Character and string literals
Character and string literals are almost the same as in C, but with
UTF-8 required. This section is precise but can be skipped on first
Character and string literals are almost the same as in C, with the
following differences:
Character and string literals are similar to C except:
- Octal character escapes are always 3 digits (\077 not \77)
- Hexadecimal character escapes are always 2 digits (\x07 not \x7)
- Strings are UTF-8 and represent Unicode
- The encoding is UTF-8
- `` strings exist; they do not interpret backslashes
- Octal character escapes are always 3 digits ("\077" not "\77")
- Hexadecimal character escapes are always 2 digits ("\x07" not "\x7")
The rules are:
char_lit = "'" ( utf8_char_no_single_quote | "\" esc_seq ) "'" .
This section is precise but can be skipped on first reading. The rules are:
esc_seq =
"a" | "b" | "f" | "n" | "r" | "t" | "v" | "\" | "'" | "\"" |
oct_digit oct_digit oct_digit |
"x" hex_digit hex_digit |
"u" hex_digit hex_digit hex_digit hex_digit |
"U" hex_digit hex_digit hex_digit hex_digit
hex_digit hex_digit hex_digit hex_digit .
char_lit = "'" ( unicode_value | byte_value ) "'" .
unicode_value = utf8_char | little_u_value | big_u_value | escaped_char .
byte_value = octal_byte_value | hex_byte_value .
octal_byte_value = "\" oct_digit oct_digit oct_digit .
hex_byte_value = "\" "x" hex_digit hex_digit .
little_u_value = "\" "u" hex_digit hex_digit hex_digit hex_digit .
big_u_value = "\" "U" hex_digit hex_digit hex_digit hex_digit
hex_digit hex_digit hex_digit hex_digit .
escaped_char = "\" ( "a" | "b" | "f" | "n" | "r" | "t" | "v" | "\" | "'" | """ ) .
A unicode_value takes one of four forms:
* The UTF-8 encoding of a Unicode code point. Since Go source
text is in UTF-8, this is the obvious translation from input
text into Unicode characters.
* The usual list of C backslash escapes: \n \t etc.
* A `little u' value, such as \u12AB. This represents the Unicode
* The usual list of C backslash escapes: "\n", "\t", etc.
* A `little u' value, such as "\u12AB". This represents the Unicode
code point with the corresponding hexadecimal value. It always
has exactly 4 hexadecimal digits.
* A `big U' value, such as \U00101234. This represents the
* A `big U' value, such as "\U00101234". This represents the
Unicode code point with the corresponding hexadecimal value.
It always has exactly 8 hexadecimal digits.
......@@ -440,34 +440,34 @@ A character literal is a form of unsigned integer constant. Its value
is that of the Unicode code point represented by the text between the
String literals come in two forms: double-quoted and back-quoted.
Double-quoted strings have the usual properties; back-quoted strings
do not interpret backslashes at all.
string_lit = raw_string_lit | interpreted_string_lit .
raw_string_lit = "`" { utf8_char_no_back_quote } "`" .
interpreted_string_lit = "\"" { utf8_char_no_double_quote | "\\" esc_seq } "\"" .
raw_string_lit = "`" { utf8_char } "`" .
interpreted_string_lit = """ { unicode_value | byte_value } """ .
A string literal has type 'string'. Its value is constructed by
taking the byte values formed by the successive elements of the
literal. For byte_values, these are the literal bytes; for
unicode_values, these are the bytes of the UTF-8 encoding of the
corresponding Unicode code points. Note that
different strings: the first contains the two-byte UTF-8 expansion of
the value 255, while the second contains a single byte of value 255.
......@@ -486,11 +486,11 @@ uninterpreted UTF-8.
These examples all represent the same string:
"日本語" // UTF-8 input text
`日本語` // UTF-8 input text as a raw literal
"\u65e5\u672c\u8a9e" // The explicit Unicode code points
"\U000065e5\U0000672c\U00008a9e" // The explicit Unicode code points
"\xe6\x97\xa5\xe6\x9c\xac\xe8\xaa\x9e" // The explicit UTF-8 bytes
"日本語" // UTF-8 input text
`日本語` // UTF-8 input text as a raw literal
"\u65e5\u672c\u8a9e" // The explicit Unicode code points
"\U000065e5\U0000672c\U00008a9e" // The explicit Unicode code points
"\xe6\x97\xa5\xe6\x9c\xac\xe8\xaa\x9e" // The explicit UTF-8 bytes
The language does not canonicalize Unicode text or evaluate combining
forms. The text of source code is passed uninterpreted.
......@@ -590,16 +590,16 @@ structure.
FieldDeclList = FieldDecl { ";" FieldDecl } .
FieldDecl = IdentifierList Type .
// An empty struct.
struct {}
// An empty struct.
struct {}
// A struct with 5 fields.
struct {
x, y int;
u float;
a []int;
f func();
// A struct with 5 fields.
struct {
x, y int;
u float;
a []int;
f func();
Compound Literals
......@@ -683,17 +683,17 @@ is called a 'send channel' or a 'receive channel'.
ChannelType = "chan" [ "<" | ">" ] ValueType .
chan any // a generic channel
chan int // a channel that can exchange only ints
chan> float // a channel that can only be used to send floats
chan< any // a channel that can receive (only) values of any type
chan any // a generic channel
chan int // a channel that can exchange only ints
chan> float // a channel that can only be used to send floats
chan< any // a channel that can receive (only) values of any type
Channel variables always have type pointer to channel.
It is an error to attempt to use a channel value and in
particular to dereference a channel pointer.
var ch *chan int;
ch = new(chan int); // new returns type *chan int
var ch *chan int;
ch = new(chan int); // new returns type *chan int
There are no channel literals.
......@@ -715,17 +715,17 @@ Functions can return multiple values simultaneously.
ParameterSection = [ IdentifierList ] Type .
Result = Type | "(" ParameterList ")" .
// Function types
func ()
func (a, b int, z float) bool
func (a, b int, z float) (success bool)
func (a, b int, z float) (success bool, result float)
// Function types
func ()
func (a, b int, z float) bool
func (a, b int, z float) (success bool)
func (a, b int, z float) (success bool, result float)
// Method types
func (p *T) . ()
func (p *T) . (a, b int, z float) bool
func (p *T) . (a, b int, z float) (success bool)
func (p *T) . (a, b int, z float) (success bool, result float)
// Method types
func (p *T) . ()
func (p *T) . (a, b int, z float) bool
func (p *T) . (a, b int, z float) (success bool)
func (p *T) . (a, b int, z float) (success bool, result float)
A variable can hold only a pointer to a function, not a function value.
In particular, v := func() {} creates a variable of type *func(). To call the
......@@ -750,11 +750,11 @@ or assigned to a variable of the corresponding function pointer type.
For now, a function literal can reference only its parameters, global
variables, and variables declared within the function literal.
// Function literal
func (a, b int, z float) bool { return a*b < int(z); }
// Function literal
func (a, b int, z float) bool { return a*b < int(z); }
// Method literal
func (p *T) . (a, b int, z float) bool { return a*b < int(z) + p.x; }
// Method literal
func (p *T) . (a, b int, z float) bool { return a*b < int(z) + p.x; }
Unresolved issues: Are there method literals? How do you use them?
......@@ -769,7 +769,7 @@ a method indicates the type of the struct by declaring a receiver of type
the declaration
func (p *Point) distance(float scale) float {
func (p *Point) distance(scale float) float {
return scale * (p.x*p.x + p.y*p.y);
......@@ -866,9 +866,9 @@ Attempts to convert/extract to an incompatible type will yield nil.
No other operations are defined (yet).
Note that type
interface {}
interface {}
is a special case that can match any struct type, while type
can match any type at all, including basic types, arrays, etc.
TODO: details about reflection
......@@ -1098,20 +1098,20 @@ and then calls and conversions. The remaining precedence levels are as follows
(in increasing precedence order):
Precedence Operator
1 ||
2 &&
3 == != < <= > >=
4 + - | ^
5 * / % << >> &
6 + - ! ^ < > * & (unary)
1 ||
2 &&
3 == != < <= > >=
4 + - | ^
5 * / % << >> &
6 + - ! ^ < > * & (unary)
For integer values, / and % satisfy the following relationship:
(a / b) * b + a % b == a
(a / b) * b + a % b == a
(a / b) is "truncated towards zero".
(a / b) is "truncated towards zero".
There are no implicit type conversions except for
constants and literals. In particular, unsigned and signed integer
......@@ -1123,12 +1123,12 @@ shift counts are undefined. Unary '^' corresponds to C '~' (bitwise
There is no '->' operator. Given a pointer p to a struct, one writes
to access field f of the struct. Similarly, given an array or map
pointer, one writes
to access an element. Given a function pointer, one writes
to call the function.
Other operators behave as in C.
......@@ -1508,32 +1508,32 @@ clause matches that of the dynamic value to be exchanged.
If multiple cases can proceed, a uniform fair choice is made regarding
which single communication will execute.
var c, c1, c2 *chan int;
select {
case i1 = <c1:
printf("received %d from c1\n", i1);
case >c2 = i2:
printf("sent %d to c2\n", i2);
printf("no communication\n");
for { // send random sequence of bits to c
select {
case >c = 0: // note: no statement, no fallthrough, no folding of cases
case >c = 1:
var c, c1, c2 *chan int;
select {
case i1 = <c1:
printf("received %d from c1\n", i1);
case >c2 = i2:
printf("sent %d to c2\n", i2);
printf("no communication\n");
var ca *chan any;
var i int;
var f float;
for { // send random sequence of bits to c
select {
case i = <ca:
printf("received int %d from ca\n", i);
case f = <ca:
printf("received float %f from ca\n", f);
case >c = 0: // note: no statement, no fallthrough, no folding of cases
case >c = 1:
var ca *chan any;
var i int;
var f float;
select {
case i = <ca:
printf("received int %d from ca\n", i);
case f = <ca:
printf("received float %f from ca\n", f);
TODO: do we allow case i := <c: ?
TODO: need to precise about all the details but this is not the right doc for that
......@@ -1658,9 +1658,9 @@ Executing the goto statement must not cause any variables to come into
scope that were not already in scope at the point of the goto. For
instance, this example:
goto L; // BAD
v := 3;
goto L; // BAD
v := 3;
is erroneous because the jump to label L skips the creation of v.
......@@ -1732,5 +1732,5 @@ TODO
- TODO: type switch?
- TODO: words about slices
- TODO: what is nil? do we type-test by a nil conversion or something else?
- TODO: I (gri) would like to say that sizeof(int) == sizeof(pointer), always.
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