Commit 12f980bc authored by Keith Randall's avatar Keith Randall

[dev.ssa] cmd/internal/ssa: delete ssac

We don't need this standalone tool any more.  We can now feed the
ssa compiler directly from the Go frontend.

Change-Id: I922f1e061c2d3db6bf77acc137d4d1fc7dc86c0d
Reviewed-on: default avatarAlan Donovan <>
parent 23df95b9
(TYPE T127bd68 int)
(TYPE T127bd68 int)
(TYPE T127bd68 int)
(TYPE T127bd68 int)
(TYPE T7faedc523360 (FUNC (int) (int)))
(TYPE T127bd68 int)
(TYPE T127bd68 int)
(TYPE T7faedc523360 (FUNC (int) (int)))
(TYPE T127bd68 int)
(TYPE T127bd68 int)
(TYPE T127bd68 int)
(TYPE T127bd68 int)
(TYPE T127bd68 int)
(TYPE T127bd68 int)
(DCL n T127bd68)
(AS n (LOAD (FP T127bd68 0)))
(DCL ~r1 T127bd68)
(DCL n T127bd68)
(DCL autotmp_0000 T127bd68)
(DCL fib T7faedc523360)
(DCL n T127bd68)
(DCL autotmp_0001 T127bd68)
(DCL fib T7faedc523360)
(DCL n T127bd68)
(DCL ~r1 T127bd68)
(DCL autotmp_0000 T127bd68)
(DCL autotmp_0001 T127bd68)
(DCL autotmp_0001 T127bd68)
(DCL autotmp_0000 T127bd68)
(IF (LT n (CINT 2)) .then0 .else0)
(LABEL .then0)
(AS ~r1 n)
(AS (FP T127bd68 8) ~r1)
(GOTO .end0)
(LABEL .else0)
(GOTO .end0)
(LABEL .end0)
(AS (SP T127bd68 0) (SUB n (CINT 1)))
(CALL fib)
(AS autotmp_0000 (LOAD (SP T127bd68 8)))
(AS (SP T127bd68 0) (SUB n (CINT 2)))
(CALL fib)
(AS autotmp_0001 (LOAD (SP T127bd68 8)))
(AS ~r1 (ADD autotmp_0000 autotmp_0001))
(AS (FP T127bd68 8) ~r1)
(NAME runtime·fibiter)
(TYPE Tf5dd68 int)
(TYPE Tf5dd68 int)
(TYPE Tf5dd68 int)
(TYPE Tf5dd68 int)
(TYPE Tf5dd68 int)
(TYPE Tf5dd68 int)
(TYPE Tf5dd68 int)
(TYPE Tf5dd68 int)
(TYPE Tf5dd68 int)
(TYPE Tf5dd68 int)
(TYPE Tf5dd68 int)
(TYPE Tf5dd68 int)
(TYPE Tf5dd68 int)
(TYPE Tf5dd68 int)
(TYPE Tf5dd68 int)
(TYPE Tf5dd68 int)
(TYPE Tf5dd68 int)
(TYPE Tf5dd68 int)
(TYPE Tf5dd68 int)
(TYPE Tf5dd68 int)
(TYPE Tf5dd68 int)
(TYPE Tf5dd68 int)
(DCL a Tf5dd68)
(DCL a Tf5dd68)
(DCL b Tf5dd68)
(DCL b Tf5dd68)
(DCL i Tf5dd68)
(DCL i Tf5dd68)
(DCL i Tf5dd68)
(DCL n Tf5dd68)
(DCL autotmp_0002 Tf5dd68)
(DCL i Tf5dd68)
(DCL i Tf5dd68)
(DCL autotmp_0002 Tf5dd68)
(DCL autotmp_0002 Tf5dd68)
(DCL autotmp_0003 Tf5dd68)
(DCL a Tf5dd68)
(DCL b Tf5dd68)
(DCL a Tf5dd68)
(DCL b Tf5dd68)
(DCL b Tf5dd68)
(DCL autotmp_0003 Tf5dd68)
(DCL ~r1 Tf5dd68)
(DCL a Tf5dd68)
(AS n (LOAD (FP Tf5dd68 0)))
(AS a (CINT 0))
(AS b (CINT 1))
(AS i (CINT 0))
(GOTO .top0)
(LABEL .top0)
(IF (LT i n) .body0 .end0)
(LABEL .body0)
(AS autotmp_0003 (ADD a b))
(AS a b)
(AS b autotmp_0003)
(AS autotmp_0002 i)
(AS i (ADD autotmp_0002 (CINT 1)))
(GOTO .top0)
(LABEL .end0)
(AS (FP Tf5dd68 8) a)
// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
// Stub package for testing ssa compiler backend. Will eventually
// be deleted when ssa is called directly from the main compiler.
import (
// testing harness which runs the compiler using an IR read from a file
func main() {
file := flag.Arg(0)
r, err := os.Open(file)
if err != nil {
f := buildFunc(readFunc(r))
// TODO: output f
// readFunc reads the intermediate representation generated by the
// compiler frontend and returns it as a list of sexpressions.
func readFunc(r io.Reader) []sexpr {
var lines []sexpr
s := bufio.NewScanner(r)
for s.Scan() {
line := s.Text()
e := parseSexpr(strings.Trim(line, " "))
if !e.compound {
panic("bad stmt: " + line)
if[0].compound {
panic("bad op: " + line)
lines = append(lines, e)
return lines
// buildFunc converts from the 6g IR dump format to the internal
// form. Builds SSA and all that.
func buildFunc(lines []sexpr) *ssa.Func {
f := new(ssa.Func)
// We construct SSA using an algorithm similar to
// Brau, Buchwald, Hack, Leißa, Mallon, and Zwinkau
// allocate starting block
f.Entry = f.NewBlock(ssa.BlockPlain)
// TODO: all args. Make a struct containing args/returnvals, declare
// an FP which contains a pointer to that struct.
var exit *ssa.Block // all returns (if any) branch to here TODO: defers & panics?
// add a block for each label
// Also a few other preprocessing steps, all in one pass.
labels := map[string]*ssa.Block{}
types := map[string]ssa.Type{}
callFallthrough := map[int]*ssa.Block{}
for i, e := range lines {
switch[0].name {
case "LABEL":
labels[[1].name] = f.NewBlock(ssa.BlockPlain)
case "NAME":
f.Name =[1].name
case "RETURN":
if exit == nil {
exit = f.NewBlock(ssa.BlockExit)
case "TYPE":
types[[1].name] = parseSexprType([2])
case "CALL":
// allocate a new block for fallthrough
callFallthrough[i] = f.NewBlock(ssa.BlockPlain)
if exit == nil {
exit = f.NewBlock(ssa.BlockExit)
// map from block id to sexprs in that block
blocklines := make([][]sexpr, f.NumBlocks())
// Add sexprs to the correct block. Add edges between blocks.
b := f.Entry
var i int
for j, e := range lines {
if b == nil &&[0].name != "LABEL" {
// dead code (e.g. return in "if" branch makes the "goto end" statement dead)
switch[0].name {
case "IF":
if b.Kind != ssa.BlockPlain {
panic("bad b state")
b.Kind = ssa.BlockIf
edge(b, labels[[2].name])
edge(b, labels[[3].name])
blocklines[b.ID] = lines[i : j+1]
b = nil
case "GOTO":
edge(b, labels[[1].name])
blocklines[b.ID] = lines[i:j]
b = nil
case "LABEL":
b = labels[[1].name]
i = j + 1
case "RETURN":
if b.Kind != ssa.BlockPlain {
panic("bad b state")
edge(b, exit)
blocklines[b.ID] = lines[i:j]
b = nil
case "CALL":
if b.Kind != ssa.BlockPlain {
panic("bad b state")
b.Kind = ssa.BlockCall
c := callFallthrough[j]
edge(b, c)
edge(b, exit)
blocklines[b.ID] = lines[i : j+1]
b = c
i = j + 1
// note that we don't keep goto/label/return sexprs
if b != nil {
panic("control flow falls off end of function")
// Read types for each variable
// Number the variables densely
varids := map[string]int{} // map from variable name to id
var varnames []string // map from id to variable name
var vartypes []ssa.Type // map from variable id to type
for _, e := range lines {
if[0].name != "DCL" {
name :=[1].name
if _, ok := varids[name]; ok {
id := len(varids)
if id == 1<<31-1 {
panic("too many variables")
fmt.Printf("var %d = %s\n", id, name)
varids[name] = id
varnames = append(varnames, name)
vartypes = append(vartypes, types[[2].name])
memID := len(varids)
fmt.Printf("var %d = .mem\n", memID)
varids[".mem"] = memID // TODO: need .mem here?
varnames = append(varnames, ".mem")
vartypes = append(vartypes, ssa.TypeMem)
// map from variable ID to current Value of that variable
curBlock := NewSparseMap(len(varids))
var state ssaFuncState
state.types = types
state.varids = varids
state.varnames = varnames
state.vartypes = vartypes
state.curBlock = curBlock
state.done = make([]bool, f.NumBlocks())
state.defs = map[blockvar]*ssa.Value{}
state.memID = memID
// Convert each block to ssa
// TODO: order blocks for maximum happiness - we want to process
// all the predecessors of a block before processing the block itself,
// if at all possible.
for _, b := range f.Blocks {
fmt.Printf("processing block %d\n", b.ID)
for _, e := range blocklines[b.ID] {
switch[0].name {
case "AS":
if[1].compound {
// store expression
lhs := genExpr(&state, b,[1])
rhs := genExpr(&state, b,[2])
mem := genVar(&state, b, memID)
v := b.NewValue(ssa.OpStore, ssa.TypeMem, nil)
curBlock.Put(memID, v)
} else {
// variable assignment
v := genExpr(&state, b,[2])
curBlock.Put(varids[[1].name], v)
case "DCL":
// nothing to do
case "IF":
b.Control = genExpr(&state, b,[1])
case "CALL":
// only direct call for now - indirect call takes addr value as well
v := b.NewValue(ssa.OpStaticCall, ssa.TypeMem,[1].name)
v.AddArg(genVar(&state, b, memID))
curBlock.Put(memID, v)
b.Control = v
// link up forward references to their actual values
for _, v := range b.Values {
if v.Op != ssa.OpFwdRef {
varid := v.Aux.(int)
w := genVar(&state, b, varid)
v.Op = ssa.OpCopy
v.Aux = nil
// record final values at the end of the block
for _, e := range curBlock.Contents() {
state.defs[blockvar{b.ID, e.Key}] = e.Val
// TODO: somehow avoid storing dead values to this map.
state.done[b.ID] = true
// the final store value is returned
if exit != nil {
exit.Control = genVar(&state, exit, memID)
return f
func edge(a, b *ssa.Block) {
a.Succs = append(a.Succs, b)
b.Preds = append(b.Preds, a)
func genVar(state *ssaFuncState, b *ssa.Block, id int) *ssa.Value {
// look up variable
v := state.curBlock.Get(id)
if v != nil {
// variable was defined previously in this block
// (or we memoized the result)
return v
// Variable comes in from outside of basic block.
v = lookupVarIncoming(state, b, id)
// memoize result so future callers will not look it up again
state.curBlock.Put(id, v)
return v
func genExpr(state *ssaFuncState, b *ssa.Block, e sexpr) *ssa.Value {
if !e.compound {
return genVar(state, b, state.varids[])
switch[0].name {
case "ADD":
x := genExpr(state, b,[1])
y := genExpr(state, b,[2])
v := b.NewValue(ssa.OpAdd, x.Type, nil)
return v
case "SUB":
x := genExpr(state, b,[1])
y := genExpr(state, b,[2])
v := b.NewValue(ssa.OpSub, x.Type, nil)
return v
case "CINT":
c, err := strconv.ParseInt([1].name, 10, 64)
if err != nil {
panic("bad cint value")
return b.Func.ConstInt(ssa.TypeInt64, c)
case "LT":
x := genExpr(state, b,[1])
y := genExpr(state, b,[2])
v := b.NewValue(ssa.OpLess, ssa.TypeBool, nil)
return v
case "FP":
typ := state.types[[1].name]
offset, err := strconv.ParseInt([2].name, 10, 64)
if err != nil {
v := b.NewValue(ssa.OpFPAddr, types.NewPointer(typ), offset)
return v
case "SP":
typ := state.types[[1].name]
offset, err := strconv.ParseInt([2].name, 10, 64)
if err != nil {
v := b.NewValue(ssa.OpSPAddr, types.NewPointer(typ), offset)
return v
case "LOAD":
p := genExpr(state, b,[1])
v := b.NewValue(ssa.OpLoad, p.Type.(*types.Pointer).Elem(), nil)
v.AddArg(genVar(state, b, state.memID))
return v
panic("unknown op")
// map key combining block id and variable id
type blockvar struct {
bid ssa.ID
varid int
type ssaFuncState struct {
types map[string]ssa.Type
varnames []string
varids map[string]int
vartypes []ssa.Type
curBlock *SparseMap // value of each variable in block we're working on
defs map[blockvar]*ssa.Value // values for variables at the end of blocks
done []bool
memID int
// Find the value of the variable with the given id leaving block b.
func lookupVarOutgoing(state *ssaFuncState, b *ssa.Block, id int) *ssa.Value {
fmt.Printf("lookupOutgoing var=%d block=%d\n", id, b.ID)
v := state.defs[blockvar{b.ID, id}]
if v != nil {
return v
if state.done[b.ID] {
// The variable was not defined in this block, and we haven't
// memoized the answer yet. Look it up recursively. This might
// cause infinite recursion, so add a copy first.
v = b.NewValue(ssa.OpCopy, state.vartypes[id], nil)
state.defs[blockvar{b.ID, id}] = v
v.AddArg(lookupVarIncoming(state, b, id))
return v
// We don't know about defined variables in this block (yet).
// Make a forward reference for this variable.
fmt.Printf("making fwdRef for var=%d in block=%d\n", id, b.ID)
v = b.NewValue(ssa.OpFwdRef, state.vartypes[id], id)
// memoize result
state.defs[blockvar{b.ID, id}] = v
return v
// Find the Value of the variable coming into block b.
func lookupVarIncoming(state *ssaFuncState, b *ssa.Block, id int) *ssa.Value {
fmt.Printf("lookupIncoming var=%d block=%d\n", id, b.ID)
var v *ssa.Value
switch len(b.Preds) {
case 0:
// TODO: handle function args some other way (assignments in starting block?)
// TODO: error if variable isn't a function arg (including mem input)
v = b.NewValue(ssa.OpArg, state.vartypes[id], state.varnames[id])
case 1:
v = lookupVarOutgoing(state, b.Preds[0], id)
v = b.NewValue(ssa.OpCopy, state.vartypes[id], nil)
args := make([]*ssa.Value, len(b.Preds))
for i, p := range b.Preds {
args[i] = lookupVarOutgoing(state, p, id)
// if <=1 value that isn't this variable's fwdRef, don't make phi
v.Op = ssa.OpPhi
v.AddArgs(args...) // note: order corresponding to b.Pred
return v
func parseSexprType(e sexpr) ssa.Type {
if !e.compound {
switch {
case "int":
// TODO: pick correct width
return ssa.TypeInt64
panic("unknown type")
if[0].name == "FUNC" {
// TODO: receiver? Already folded into args? Variadic?
var args, rets []*types.Var
for _, s := range[1].parts {
t := parseSexprType(s)
args = append(args, types.NewParam(0, nil, "noname", t))
for _, s := range[2].parts {
t := parseSexprType(s)
rets = append(rets, types.NewParam(0, nil, "noname", t))
sig := types.NewSignature(nil, nil, types.NewTuple(args...), types.NewTuple(rets...), false)
return ssa.Type(sig)
// TODO: array/struct/...
panic("compound type")
// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import "strings"
// an sexpr is an s-expression. It is either a token or a
// parenthesized list of s-expressions.
// Used just for initial development. Should we keep it for testing, or
// ditch it once we've plugged into the main compiler output?
type sexpr struct {
compound bool
name string // !compound
parts []sexpr // compound
func (s *sexpr) String() string {
if !s.compound {
x := "("
for i, p := range {
if i != 0 {
x += " "
x += p.String()
return x + ")"
func parseSexpr(s string) sexpr {
var e string
e, s = grabOne(s)
if len(e) > 0 && e[0] == '(' {
e = e[1 : len(e)-1]
var parts []sexpr
for e != "" {
var p string
p, e = grabOne(e)
parts = append(parts, parseSexpr(p))
return sexpr{true, "", parts}
return sexpr{false, e, nil}
// grabOne peels off first token or parenthesized string from s.
// returns first thing and the remainder of s.
func grabOne(s string) (string, string) {
for len(s) > 0 && s[0] == ' ' {
s = s[1:]
if len(s) == 0 || s[0] != '(' {
i := strings.Index(s, " ")
if i < 0 {
return s, ""
return s[:i], s[i:]
d := 0
i := 0
for {
if len(s) == i {
panic("unterminated s-expression: " + s)
if s[i] == '(' {
if s[i] == ')' {
if d == 0 {
return s[:i], s[i:]
// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
// Maintains a map[int]*ssa.Value, but cheaper.
// from
// in turn, from Briggs and Torczon
import (
type SparseMap struct {
dense []SparseMapEntry
sparse []int
type SparseMapEntry struct {
Key int
Val *ssa.Value
// NewSparseMap returns a SparseMap that can have
// integers between 0 and n-1 as keys.
func NewSparseMap(n int) *SparseMap {
return &SparseMap{nil, make([]int, n)}
func (s *SparseMap) Get(x int) *ssa.Value {
i := s.sparse[x]
if i < len(s.dense) && s.dense[i].Key == x {
return s.dense[i].Val
return nil
func (s *SparseMap) Put(x int, v *ssa.Value) {
i := s.sparse[x]
if i < len(s.dense) && s.dense[i].Key == x {
s.dense[i].Val = v
i = len(s.dense)
s.dense = append(s.dense, SparseMapEntry{x, v})
s.sparse[x] = i
func (s *SparseMap) Remove(x int) {
i := s.sparse[x]
if i < len(s.dense) && s.dense[i].Key == x {
y := s.dense[len(s.dense)-1]
s.dense[i] = y
s.sparse[y.Key] = i
s.dense = s.dense[:len(s.dense)-1]
func (s *SparseMap) Clear() {
s.dense = s.dense[:0]
// Contents returns a slice of key/value pairs.
// Caller must not modify any returned entries.
// The return value is invalid after the SparseMap is modified in any way.
func (s *SparseMap) Contents() []SparseMapEntry {
return s.dense
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