Commit 17fc373a authored by Russ Cox's avatar Russ Cox

codereview: handle file patterns better

If a file pattern is given and matches files that look
like they need to be hg added or hg removed, offer to do so.

If a file pattern is given and matches files in another CL, warn.

If a file pattern doesn't match anything, point that out.

Vet first line of CL description.

Fixes #972.

R=adg, niemeyer
CC=bradfitzgo, golang-dev
parent 72084068
......@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ syntax:glob
......@@ -573,6 +573,16 @@ def CodeReviewDir(ui, repo):
typecheck(dir, str)
return dir
# Turn leading tabs into spaces, so that the common white space
# prefix doesn't get confused when people's editors write out
# some lines with spaces, some with tabs. Only a heuristic
# (some editors don't use 8 spaces either) but a useful one.
def TabsToSpaces(line):
i = 0
while i < len(line) and line[i] == '\t':
i += 1
return ' '*(8*i) + line[i:]
# Strip maximal common leading white space prefix from text
def StripCommon(text):
typecheck(text, str)
......@@ -581,6 +591,7 @@ def StripCommon(text):
line = line.rstrip()
if line == '':
line = TabsToSpaces(line)
white = line[:len(line)-len(line.lstrip())]
if ws == None:
ws = white
......@@ -597,6 +608,7 @@ def StripCommon(text):
t = ''
for line in text.split('\n'):
line = line.rstrip()
line = TabsToSpaces(line)
if line.startswith(ws):
line = line[len(ws):]
if line == '' and t == '':
......@@ -638,28 +650,53 @@ def effective_revpair(repo):
return cmdutil.revpair(repo, None)
# Return list of changed files in repository that match pats.
def ChangedFiles(ui, repo, pats, opts):
# Find list of files being operated on.
# Warn about patterns that did not match.
def matchpats(ui, repo, pats, opts):
matcher = cmdutil.match(repo, pats, opts)
node1, node2 = effective_revpair(repo)
modified, added, removed = repo.status(node1, node2, matcher)[:3]
modified, added, removed, deleted, unknown, ignored, clean = repo.status(node1, node2, matcher, ignored=True, clean=True, unknown=True)
return (modified, added, removed, deleted, unknown, ignored, clean)
# Return list of changed files in repository that match pats.
# The patterns came from the command line, so we warn
# if they have no effect or cannot be understood.
def ChangedFiles(ui, repo, pats, opts, taken=None):
taken = taken or {}
# Run each pattern separately so that we can warn about
# patterns that didn't do anything useful.
for p in pats:
modified, added, removed, deleted, unknown, ignored, clean = matchpats(ui, repo, [p], opts)
redo = False
for f in unknown:
promptadd(ui, repo, f)
redo = True
for f in deleted:
promptremove(ui, repo, f)
redo = True
if redo:
modified, added, removed, deleted, unknown, ignored, clean = matchpats(ui, repo, [p], opts)
for f in modified + added + removed:
if f in taken:
ui.warn("warning: %s already in CL %s\n" % (f, taken[f].name))
if not modified and not added and not removed:
ui.warn("warning: %s did not match any modified files\n" % (p,))
# Again, all at once (eliminates duplicates)
modified, added, removed = matchpats(ui, repo, pats, opts)[:3]
l = modified + added + removed
if taken:
l = Sub(l, taken.keys())
return l
# Return list of changed files in repository that match pats and still exist.
def ChangedExistingFiles(ui, repo, pats, opts):
matcher = cmdutil.match(repo, pats, opts)
node1, node2 = effective_revpair(repo)
modified, added, _ = repo.status(node1, node2, matcher)[:3]
modified, added = matchpats(ui, repo, pats, opts)[:2]
l = modified + added
return l
# Return list of files claimed by existing CLs
def TakenFiles(ui, repo):
return Taken(ui, repo).keys()
def Taken(ui, repo):
all = LoadAllCL(ui, repo, web=False)
taken = {}
......@@ -670,7 +707,7 @@ def Taken(ui, repo):
# Return list of changed files that are not claimed by other CLs
def DefaultFiles(ui, repo, pats, opts):
return Sub(ChangedFiles(ui, repo, pats, opts), TakenFiles(ui, repo))
return ChangedFiles(ui, repo, pats, opts, taken=Taken(ui, repo))
def Sub(l1, l2):
return [l for l in l1 if l not in l2]
......@@ -701,6 +738,39 @@ def Incoming(ui, repo, opts):
_, incoming, _ = findcommonincoming(repo, getremote(ui, repo, opts))
return incoming
desc_re = '^(.+: |tag release\.|release\.|fix build)'
desc_msg = '''Your CL description appears not to use the standard form.
The first line of your change description is conventionally a
one-line summary of the change, prefixed by the primary affected package,
and is used as the subject for code review mail; the rest of the description
encoding/rot13: new package
math: add IsInf, IsNaN
net: fix cname in LookupHost
unicode: update to Unicode 5.0.2
def promptremove(ui, repo, f):
if promptyesno(ui, "hg remove %s (y/n)?" % (f,)):
if commands.remove(ui, repo, 'path:'+f) != 0:
ui.warn("error removing %s" % (f,))
def promptadd(ui, repo, f):
if promptyesno(ui, "hg add %s (y/n)?" % (f,)):
if commands.add(ui, repo, 'path:'+f) != 0:
ui.warn("error adding %s" % (f,))
def EditCL(ui, repo, cl):
set_status(None) # do not show status
s = cl.EditorText()
......@@ -711,13 +781,54 @@ def EditCL(ui, repo, cl):
if not promptyesno(ui, "error parsing change list: line %d: %s\nre-edit (y/n)?" % (line, err)):
return "change list not modified"
cl.desc = clx.desc;
# Check description.
if clx.desc == '':
if promptyesno(ui, "change list should have a description\nre-edit (y/n)?"):
elif not re.match(desc_re, clx.desc.split('\n')[0]):
if promptyesno(ui, desc_msg + "re-edit (y/n)?"):
# Check file list for files that need to be hg added or hg removed
# or simply aren't understood.
pats = ['path:'+f for f in clx.files]
modified, added, removed, deleted, unknown, ignored, clean = matchpats(ui, repo, pats, {})
files = []
for f in clx.files:
if f in modified or f in added or f in removed:
if f in deleted:
promptremove(ui, repo, f)
if f in unknown:
promptadd(ui, repo, f)
if f in ignored:
ui.warn("error: %s is excluded by .hgignore; omitting\n" % (f,))
if f in clean:
ui.warn("warning: %s is listed in the CL but unchanged\n" % (f,))
p = repo.root + '/' + f
if os.path.isfile(p):
ui.warn("warning: %s is a file but not known to hg\n" % (f,))
if os.path.isdir(p):
ui.warn("error: %s is a directory, not a file; omitting\n" % (f,))
ui.warn("error: %s does not exist; omitting\n" % (f,))
clx.files = files
cl.desc = clx.desc
cl.reviewer = clx.reviewer =
cl.files = clx.files
if cl.desc == '':
if promptyesno(ui, "change list should have description\nre-edit (y/n)?"):
return ""
......@@ -736,7 +847,7 @@ def CommandLineCL(ui, repo, pats, opts, defaultcc=None):
cl = CL("new")
cl.local = True
cl.files = Sub(ChangedFiles(ui, repo, pats, opts), TakenFiles(ui, repo))
cl.files = ChangedFiles(ui, repo, pats, opts, taken=Taken(ui, repo))
if not cl.files:
return None, "no files changed"
if opts.get('reviewer'):
......@@ -758,10 +869,11 @@ def CommandLineCL(ui, repo, pats, opts, defaultcc=None):
# which expands the syntax @clnumber to mean the files
# in that CL.
original_match = None
def ReplacementForCmdutilMatch(repo, pats=[], opts={}, globbed=False, default='relpath'):
def ReplacementForCmdutilMatch(repo, pats=None, opts=None, globbed=False, default='relpath'):
taken = []
files = []
pats = pats or []
opts = opts or {}
for p in pats:
if p.startswith('@'):
......@@ -895,9 +1007,7 @@ def change(ui, repo, *pats, **opts):
name = "new"
cl = CL("new")
dirty[cl] = True
files = ChangedFiles(ui, repo, pats, opts)
taken = TakenFiles(ui, repo)
files = Sub(files, taken)
files = ChangedFiles(ui, repo, pats, opts, taken=Taken(ui, repo))
if opts["delete"] or opts["deletelocal"]:
if opts["delete"] and opts["deletelocal"]:
......@@ -2284,10 +2394,18 @@ def GetRpcServer(options):
def GetUserCredentials():
"""Prompts the user for a username and password."""
# Disable status prints so they don't obscure the password prompt.
global global_status
st = global_status
global_status = None
email =
if email is None:
email = GetEmail("Email (login for uploading to %s)" % options.server)
password = getpass.getpass("Password for %s: " % email)
# Put status back.
global_status = st
return (email, password)
# If this is the dev_appserver, use fake authentication.
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