Commit 1b9f168f authored by Matthew Dempsky's avatar Matthew Dempsky

cmd/compile: use int for field index

All of a struct's fields have to fit into memory anyway, so index them
with int instead of int64.  This also makes it nicer for
cmd/compile/internal/gc to reuse the same NumFields function.

Change-Id: I210be804a0c33370ec9977414918c02c675b0fbe
Reviewed-on: default avatarIan Lance Taylor <>
parent d06b0db5
......@@ -1865,7 +1865,7 @@ func (s *state) expr(n *Node) *ssa.Value {
t := n.Left.Type
if canSSAType(t) {
v := s.expr(n.Left)
return s.newValue1I(ssa.OpStructSelect, n.Type, fieldIdx(n), v)
return s.newValue1I(ssa.OpStructSelect, n.Type, int64(fieldIdx(n)), v)
p := s.addr(n, false)
return s.newValue2(ssa.OpLoad, n.Type, p, s.mem())
......@@ -1956,7 +1956,7 @@ func (s *state) expr(n *Node) *ssa.Value {
// eface type could also be struct{p *byte; q [0]int}
data = s.newValue1I(ssa.OpStructSelect, f, i, data)
data = s.newValue1I(ssa.OpStructSelect, f, int64(i), data)
......@@ -2186,11 +2186,11 @@ func (s *state) assign(left *Node, right *ssa.Value, wb, deref bool, line int32)
new := s.newValue0(ssa.StructMakeOp(t.NumFields()), t)
// Add fields as args.
for i := int64(0); i < nf; i++ {
for i := 0; i < nf; i++ {
if i == idx {
} else {
new.AddArg(s.newValue1I(ssa.OpStructSelect, t.FieldType(i), i, old))
new.AddArg(s.newValue1I(ssa.OpStructSelect, t.FieldType(i), int64(i), old))
......@@ -2280,7 +2280,7 @@ func (s *state) zeroVal(t *Type) *ssa.Value {
case t.IsStruct():
n := t.NumFields()
v := s.entryNewValue0(ssa.StructMakeOp(t.NumFields()), t)
for i := int64(0); i < n; i++ {
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
return v
......@@ -2883,10 +2883,10 @@ func (s *state) storeTypeScalars(t *Type, left, right *ssa.Value) {
s.vars[&memVar] = s.newValue3I(ssa.OpStore, ssa.TypeMem, s.config.IntSize, left, itab, s.mem())
case t.IsStruct():
n := t.NumFields()
for i := int64(0); i < n; i++ {
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
ft := t.FieldType(i)
addr := s.newValue1I(ssa.OpOffPtr, ft.PtrTo(), t.FieldOff(i), left)
val := s.newValue1I(ssa.OpStructSelect, ft, i, right)
val := s.newValue1I(ssa.OpStructSelect, ft, int64(i), right)
s.storeTypeScalars(ft.(*Type), addr, val)
......@@ -2912,13 +2912,13 @@ func (s *state) storeTypePtrs(t *Type, left, right *ssa.Value) {
s.vars[&memVar] = s.newValue3I(ssa.OpStore, ssa.TypeMem, s.config.PtrSize, idataAddr, idata, s.mem())
case t.IsStruct():
n := t.NumFields()
for i := int64(0); i < n; i++ {
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
ft := t.FieldType(i)
if !haspointers(ft.(*Type)) {
addr := s.newValue1I(ssa.OpOffPtr, ft.PtrTo(), t.FieldOff(i), left)
val := s.newValue1I(ssa.OpStructSelect, ft, i, right)
val := s.newValue1I(ssa.OpStructSelect, ft, int64(i), right)
s.storeTypePtrs(ft.(*Type), addr, val)
......@@ -2943,13 +2943,13 @@ func (s *state) storeTypePtrsWB(t *Type, left, right *ssa.Value) {
s.rtcall(writebarrierptr, true, nil, idataAddr, idata)
case t.IsStruct():
n := t.NumFields()
for i := int64(0); i < n; i++ {
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
ft := t.FieldType(i)
if !haspointers(ft.(*Type)) {
addr := s.newValue1I(ssa.OpOffPtr, ft.PtrTo(), t.FieldOff(i), left)
val := s.newValue1I(ssa.OpStructSelect, ft, i, right)
val := s.newValue1I(ssa.OpStructSelect, ft, int64(i), right)
s.storeTypePtrsWB(ft.(*Type), addr, val)
......@@ -3935,14 +3935,14 @@ func AutoVar(v *ssa.Value) (*Node, int64) {
// fieldIdx finds the index of the field referred to by the ODOT node n.
func fieldIdx(n *Node) int64 {
func fieldIdx(n *Node) int {
t := n.Left.Type
f := n.Right
if t.Etype != TSTRUCT {
panic("ODOT's LHS is not a struct")
var i int64
var i int
for t1, it := IterFields(t); t1 != nil; t1 = it.Next() {
if t1.Sym != f.Sym {
......@@ -2199,15 +2199,6 @@ func liststmt(l []*Node) *Node {
return n
// return nelem of list
func structcount(t *Type) int {
v := 0
for t, it := IterFields(t); t != nil; t = it.Next() {
return v
// return power of 2 of the constant
// operand. -1 if it is not a power of 2.
// 1000+ if it is a -(power of 2)
......@@ -643,14 +643,18 @@ func (t *Type) PtrTo() ssa.Type {
return Ptrto(t)
func (t *Type) NumFields() int64 {
return int64(countfield(t))
func (t *Type) NumFields() int {
n := 0
for f, it := IterFields(t); f != nil; f = it.Next() {
return n
func (t *Type) FieldType(i int64) ssa.Type {
return t.Field(int(i)).Type
func (t *Type) FieldType(i int) ssa.Type {
return t.Field(i).Type
func (t *Type) FieldOff(i int64) int64 {
return t.Field(int(i)).Width
func (t *Type) FieldOff(i int) int64 {
return t.Field(i).Width
func (t *Type) NumElem() int64 {
......@@ -663,3 +667,8 @@ func (t *Type) NumElem() int64 {
func (t *Type) IsMemory() bool { return false }
func (t *Type) IsFlags() bool { return false }
func (t *Type) IsVoid() bool { return false }
// TODO(mdempsky): Replace all of these with direct calls to t.NumFields().
func countfield(t *Type) int { return t.NumFields() }
func downcount(t *Type) int { return t.NumFields() }
func structcount(t *Type) int { return t.NumFields() }
......@@ -2577,17 +2577,6 @@ func hasddd(t *Type) bool {
return false
// downcount is the same as countfield
// TODO decide if we want both (for semantic reasons)
func downcount(t *Type) int {
n := 0
for tl, it := IterFields(t); tl != nil; tl = it.Next() {
return n
// typecheck assignment: type list = expression list
func typecheckaste(op Op, call *Node, isddd bool, tstruct *Type, nl Nodes, desc func() string) {
var t *Type
......@@ -3072,14 +3072,6 @@ func eqfor(t *Type, needsize *int) *Node {
return n
func countfield(t *Type) int {
n := 0
for t1, it := IterFields(t); t1 != nil; t1 = it.Next() {
return n
func walkcompare(np **Node, init *Nodes) {
n := *np
......@@ -192,9 +192,9 @@ func decomposeUser(f *Func) {
case t.IsStruct():
n := t.NumFields()
for _, v := range f.NamedValues[name] {
for i := int64(0); i < n; i++ {
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
fname := LocalSlot{name.N, t.FieldType(i), name.Off + t.FieldOff(i)} // TODO: use actual field name?
x := v.Block.NewValue1I(v.Line, OpStructSelect, t.FieldType(i), i, v)
x := v.Block.NewValue1I(v.Line, OpStructSelect, t.FieldType(i), int64(i), v)
f.NamedValues[fname] = append(f.NamedValues[fname], x)
......@@ -219,12 +219,12 @@ func decomposeStructPhi(v *Value) {
t := v.Type
n := t.NumFields()
var fields [MaxStruct]*Value
for i := int64(0); i < n; i++ {
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
fields[i] = v.Block.NewValue0(v.Line, OpPhi, t.FieldType(i))
for _, a := range v.Args {
for i := int64(0); i < n; i++ {
fields[i].AddArg(a.Block.NewValue1I(v.Line, OpStructSelect, t.FieldType(i), i, a))
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
fields[i].AddArg(a.Block.NewValue1I(v.Line, OpStructSelect, t.FieldType(i), int64(i), a))
......@@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ const MaxStruct = 4
// StructMakeOp returns the opcode to construct a struct with the
// given number of fields.
func StructMakeOp(nf int64) Op {
func StructMakeOp(nf int) Op {
switch nf {
case 0:
return OpStructMake0
......@@ -473,7 +473,7 @@
(Load <t.FieldType(3)> (OffPtr <t.FieldType(3).PtrTo()> [t.FieldOff(3)] ptr) mem))
(StructSelect [i] (Load <t> ptr mem)) && !config.fe.CanSSA(t) ->
@v.Args[0].Block (Load <v.Type> (OffPtr <v.Type.PtrTo()> [t.FieldOff(i)] ptr) mem)
@v.Args[0].Block (Load <v.Type> (OffPtr <v.Type.PtrTo()> [t.FieldOff(int(i))] ptr) mem)
(Store _ (StructMake0) mem) -> mem
(Store dst (StructMake1 <t> f0) mem) ->
......@@ -7517,7 +7517,7 @@ func rewriteValuegeneric_OpStructSelect(v *Value, config *Config) bool {
// match: (StructSelect [i] (Load <t> ptr mem))
// cond: !config.fe.CanSSA(t)
// result: @v.Args[0].Block (Load <v.Type> (OffPtr <v.Type.PtrTo()> [t.FieldOff(i)] ptr) mem)
// result: @v.Args[0].Block (Load <v.Type> (OffPtr <v.Type.PtrTo()> [t.FieldOff(int(i))] ptr) mem)
for {
i := v.AuxInt
if v.Args[0].Op != OpLoad {
......@@ -7536,7 +7536,7 @@ func rewriteValuegeneric_OpStructSelect(v *Value, config *Config) bool {
v1 := b.NewValue0(v.Line, OpOffPtr, v.Type.PtrTo())
v1.AuxInt = t.FieldOff(i)
v1.AuxInt = t.FieldOff(int(i))
......@@ -31,9 +31,9 @@ type Type interface {
ElemType() Type // given []T or *T or [n]T, return T
PtrTo() Type // given T, return *T
NumFields() int64 // # of fields of a struct
FieldType(i int64) Type // type of ith field of the struct
FieldOff(i int64) int64 // offset of ith field of the struct
NumFields() int // # of fields of a struct
FieldType(i int) Type // type of ith field of the struct
FieldOff(i int) int64 // offset of ith field of the struct
NumElem() int64 // # of elements of an array
......@@ -73,9 +73,9 @@ func (t *CompilerType) String() string { return t.Name }
func (t *CompilerType) SimpleString() string { return t.Name }
func (t *CompilerType) ElemType() Type { panic("not implemented") }
func (t *CompilerType) PtrTo() Type { panic("not implemented") }
func (t *CompilerType) NumFields() int64 { panic("not implemented") }
func (t *CompilerType) FieldType(i int64) Type { panic("not implemented") }
func (t *CompilerType) FieldOff(i int64) int64 { panic("not implemented") }
func (t *CompilerType) NumFields() int { panic("not implemented") }
func (t *CompilerType) FieldType(i int) Type { panic("not implemented") }
func (t *CompilerType) FieldOff(i int) int64 { panic("not implemented") }
func (t *CompilerType) NumElem() int64 { panic("not implemented") }
// Cmp is a comparison between values a and b.
......@@ -44,9 +44,9 @@ func (t *TypeImpl) String() string { return t.Name }
func (t *TypeImpl) SimpleString() string { return t.Name }
func (t *TypeImpl) ElemType() Type { return t.Elem_ }
func (t *TypeImpl) PtrTo() Type { panic("not implemented") }
func (t *TypeImpl) NumFields() int64 { panic("not implemented") }
func (t *TypeImpl) FieldType(i int64) Type { panic("not implemented") }
func (t *TypeImpl) FieldOff(i int64) int64 { panic("not implemented") }
func (t *TypeImpl) NumFields() int { panic("not implemented") }
func (t *TypeImpl) FieldType(i int) Type { panic("not implemented") }
func (t *TypeImpl) FieldOff(i int) int64 { panic("not implemented") }
func (t *TypeImpl) NumElem() int64 { panic("not implemented") }
func (t *TypeImpl) Equal(u Type) bool {
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