Commit 1f31598e authored by Nigel Tao's avatar Nigel Tao

image/jpeg: re-organize the processSOS code.

This is a straight copy/paste, and the deletion of a TODO. There are
no other changes.

parent 8b624f60
...@@ -196,324 +196,6 @@ func (d *decoder) processDQT(n int) error { ...@@ -196,324 +196,6 @@ func (d *decoder) processDQT(n int) error {
return nil return nil
} }
// makeImg allocates and initializes the destination image.
func (d *decoder) makeImg(h0, v0, mxx, myy int) {
if d.nComp == nGrayComponent {
m := image.NewGray(image.Rect(0, 0, 8*mxx, 8*myy))
d.img1 = m.SubImage(image.Rect(0, 0, d.width, d.height)).(*image.Gray)
var subsampleRatio image.YCbCrSubsampleRatio
switch {
case h0 == 1 && v0 == 1:
subsampleRatio = image.YCbCrSubsampleRatio444
case h0 == 1 && v0 == 2:
subsampleRatio = image.YCbCrSubsampleRatio440
case h0 == 2 && v0 == 1:
subsampleRatio = image.YCbCrSubsampleRatio422
case h0 == 2 && v0 == 2:
subsampleRatio = image.YCbCrSubsampleRatio420
m := image.NewYCbCr(image.Rect(0, 0, 8*h0*mxx, 8*v0*myy), subsampleRatio)
d.img3 = m.SubImage(image.Rect(0, 0, d.width, d.height)).(*image.YCbCr)
// TODO(nigeltao): move processSOS to scan.go.
// Specified in section B.2.3.
func (d *decoder) processSOS(n int) error {
if d.nComp == 0 {
return FormatError("missing SOF marker")
if n < 6 || 4+2*d.nComp < n || n%2 != 0 {
return FormatError("SOS has wrong length")
_, err := io.ReadFull(d.r, d.tmp[:n])
if err != nil {
return err
nComp := int(d.tmp[0])
if n != 4+2*nComp {
return FormatError("SOS length inconsistent with number of components")
var scan [nColorComponent]struct {
compIndex uint8
td uint8 // DC table selector.
ta uint8 // AC table selector.
for i := 0; i < nComp; i++ {
cs := d.tmp[1+2*i] // Component selector.
compIndex := -1
for j, comp := range d.comp {
if cs == comp.c {
compIndex = j
if compIndex < 0 {
return FormatError("unknown component selector")
scan[i].compIndex = uint8(compIndex)
scan[i].td = d.tmp[2+2*i] >> 4
scan[i].ta = d.tmp[2+2*i] & 0x0f
// zigStart and zigEnd are the spectral selection bounds.
// ah and al are the successive approximation high and low values.
// The spec calls these values Ss, Se, Ah and Al.
// For progressive JPEGs, these are the two more-or-less independent
// aspects of progression. Spectral selection progression is when not
// all of a block's 64 DCT coefficients are transmitted in one pass.
// For example, three passes could transmit coefficient 0 (the DC
// component), coefficients 1-5, and coefficients 6-63, in zig-zag
// order. Successive approximation is when not all of the bits of a
// band of coefficients are transmitted in one pass. For example,
// three passes could transmit the 6 most significant bits, followed
// by the second-least significant bit, followed by the least
// significant bit.
// For baseline JPEGs, these parameters are hard-coded to 0/63/0/0.
zigStart, zigEnd, ah, al := 0, blockSize-1, uint(0), uint(0)
if {
zigStart = int(d.tmp[1+2*nComp])
zigEnd = int(d.tmp[2+2*nComp])
ah = uint(d.tmp[3+2*nComp] >> 4)
al = uint(d.tmp[3+2*nComp] & 0x0f)
if (zigStart == 0 && zigEnd != 0) || zigStart > zigEnd || blockSize <= zigEnd {
return FormatError("bad spectral selection bounds")
if zigStart != 0 && nComp != 1 {
return FormatError("progressive AC coefficients for more than one component")
if ah != 0 && ah != al+1 {
return FormatError("bad successive approximation values")
// mxx and myy are the number of MCUs (Minimum Coded Units) in the image.
h0, v0 := d.comp[0].h, d.comp[0].v // The h and v values from the Y components.
mxx := (d.width + 8*h0 - 1) / (8 * h0)
myy := (d.height + 8*v0 - 1) / (8 * v0)
if d.img1 == nil && d.img3 == nil {
d.makeImg(h0, v0, mxx, myy)
if {
for i := 0; i < nComp; i++ {
compIndex := scan[i].compIndex
d.progCoeffs[compIndex] = make([]block, mxx*myy*d.comp[compIndex].h*d.comp[compIndex].v)
d.b = bits{}
mcu, expectedRST := 0, uint8(rst0Marker)
var (
// b is the decoded coefficients, in natural (not zig-zag) order.
b block
dc [nColorComponent]int
// mx0 and my0 are the location of the current (in terms of 8x8 blocks).
// For example, with 4:2:0 chroma subsampling, the block whose top left
// pixel co-ordinates are (16, 8) is the third block in the first row:
// mx0 is 2 and my0 is 0, even though the pixel is in the second MCU.
// TODO(nigeltao): rename mx0 and my0 to bx and by?
mx0, my0 int
blockCount int
for my := 0; my < myy; my++ {
for mx := 0; mx < mxx; mx++ {
for i := 0; i < nComp; i++ {
compIndex := scan[i].compIndex
qt := &d.quant[d.comp[compIndex].tq]
for j := 0; j < d.comp[compIndex].h*d.comp[compIndex].v; j++ {
// The blocks are traversed one MCU at a time. For 4:2:0 chroma
// subsampling, there are four Y 8x8 blocks in every 16x16 MCU.
// For a baseline 32x16 pixel image, the Y blocks visiting order is:
// 0 1 4 5
// 2 3 6 7
// For progressive images, the DC data blocks (zigStart == 0) are traversed
// as above, but AC data blocks are traversed left to right, top to bottom:
// 0 1 2 3
// 4 5 6 7
// To further complicate matters, there is no AC data for any blocks that
// are inside the image at the MCU level but outside the image at the pixel
// level. For example, a 24x16 pixel 4:2:0 progressive image consists of
// two 16x16 MCUs. The earlier scans will process 8 Y blocks:
// 0 1 4 5
// 2 3 6 7
// The later scans will process only 6 Y blocks:
// 0 1 2
// 3 4 5
if zigStart == 0 {
mx0, my0 = d.comp[compIndex].h*mx, d.comp[compIndex].v*my
if h0 == 1 {
my0 += j
} else {
mx0 += j % 2
my0 += j / 2
} else {
q := mxx * d.comp[compIndex].h
mx0 = blockCount % q
my0 = blockCount / q
if mx0*8 >= d.width || my0*8 >= d.height {
// Load the previous partially decoded coefficients, if applicable.
if {
b = d.progCoeffs[compIndex][my0*mxx*d.comp[compIndex].h+mx0]
} else {
b = block{}
if ah != 0 {
if err := d.refine(&b, &d.huff[acTable][scan[i].ta], zigStart, zigEnd, 1<<al); err != nil {
return err
} else {
zig := zigStart
if zig == 0 {
// Decode the DC coefficient, as specified in section F.2.2.1.
value, err := d.decodeHuffman(&d.huff[dcTable][scan[i].td])
if err != nil {
return err
if value > 16 {
return UnsupportedError("excessive DC component")
dcDelta, err := d.receiveExtend(value)
if err != nil {
return err
dc[compIndex] += dcDelta
b[0] = dc[compIndex] << al
if zig <= zigEnd && d.eobRun > 0 {
} else {
// Decode the AC coefficients, as specified in section F.2.2.2.
for ; zig <= zigEnd; zig++ {
value, err := d.decodeHuffman(&d.huff[acTable][scan[i].ta])
if err != nil {
return err
val0 := value >> 4
val1 := value & 0x0f
if val1 != 0 {
zig += int(val0)
if zig > zigEnd {
ac, err := d.receiveExtend(val1)
if err != nil {
return err
b[unzig[zig]] = ac << al
} else {
if val0 != 0x0f {
d.eobRun = uint16(1 << val0)
if val0 != 0 {
bits, err := d.decodeBits(int(val0))
if err != nil {
return err
d.eobRun |= uint16(bits)
zig += 0x0f
if {
if zigEnd != blockSize-1 || al != 0 {
// We haven't completely decoded this 8x8 block. Save the coefficients.
d.progCoeffs[compIndex][my0*mxx*d.comp[compIndex].h+mx0] = b
// At this point, we could execute the rest of the loop body to dequantize and
// perform the inverse DCT, to save early stages of a progressive image to the
// *image.YCbCr buffers (the whole point of progressive encoding), but in Go,
// the jpeg.Decode function does not return until the entire image is decoded,
// so we "continue" here to avoid wasted computation.
// Dequantize, perform the inverse DCT and store the block to the image.
for zig := 0; zig < blockSize; zig++ {
b[unzig[zig]] *= qt[zig]
dst, stride := []byte(nil), 0
if d.nComp == nGrayComponent {
dst, stride = d.img1.Pix[8*(my0*d.img1.Stride+mx0):], d.img1.Stride
} else {
switch compIndex {
case 0:
dst, stride = d.img3.Y[8*(my0*d.img3.YStride+mx0):], d.img3.YStride
case 1:
dst, stride = d.img3.Cb[8*(my0*d.img3.CStride+mx0):], d.img3.CStride
case 2:
dst, stride = d.img3.Cr[8*(my0*d.img3.CStride+mx0):], d.img3.CStride
return UnsupportedError("too many components")
// Level shift by +128, clip to [0, 255], and write to dst.
for y := 0; y < 8; y++ {
y8 := y * 8
yStride := y * stride
for x := 0; x < 8; x++ {
c := b[y8+x]
if c < -128 {
c = 0
} else if c > 127 {
c = 255
} else {
c += 128
dst[yStride+x] = uint8(c)
} // for j
} // for i
if d.ri > 0 && mcu%d.ri == 0 && mcu < mxx*myy {
// A more sophisticated decoder could use RST[0-7] markers to resynchronize from corrupt input,
// but this one assumes well-formed input, and hence the restart marker follows immediately.
_, err := io.ReadFull(d.r, d.tmp[0:2])
if err != nil {
return err
if d.tmp[0] != 0xff || d.tmp[1] != expectedRST {
return FormatError("bad RST marker")
if expectedRST == rst7Marker+1 {
expectedRST = rst0Marker
// Reset the Huffman decoder.
d.b = bits{}
// Reset the DC components, as per section F.
dc = [nColorComponent]int{}
// Reset the progressive decoder state, as per section G.1.2.2.
d.eobRun = 0
} // for mx
} // for my
return nil
// Specified in section B.2.4.4. // Specified in section B.2.4.4.
func (d *decoder) processDRI(n int) error { func (d *decoder) processDRI(n int) error {
if n != 2 { if n != 2 {
...@@ -4,6 +4,327 @@ ...@@ -4,6 +4,327 @@
package jpeg package jpeg
import (
// makeImg allocates and initializes the destination image.
func (d *decoder) makeImg(h0, v0, mxx, myy int) {
if d.nComp == nGrayComponent {
m := image.NewGray(image.Rect(0, 0, 8*mxx, 8*myy))
d.img1 = m.SubImage(image.Rect(0, 0, d.width, d.height)).(*image.Gray)
var subsampleRatio image.YCbCrSubsampleRatio
switch {
case h0 == 1 && v0 == 1:
subsampleRatio = image.YCbCrSubsampleRatio444
case h0 == 1 && v0 == 2:
subsampleRatio = image.YCbCrSubsampleRatio440
case h0 == 2 && v0 == 1:
subsampleRatio = image.YCbCrSubsampleRatio422
case h0 == 2 && v0 == 2:
subsampleRatio = image.YCbCrSubsampleRatio420
m := image.NewYCbCr(image.Rect(0, 0, 8*h0*mxx, 8*v0*myy), subsampleRatio)
d.img3 = m.SubImage(image.Rect(0, 0, d.width, d.height)).(*image.YCbCr)
// Specified in section B.2.3.
func (d *decoder) processSOS(n int) error {
if d.nComp == 0 {
return FormatError("missing SOF marker")
if n < 6 || 4+2*d.nComp < n || n%2 != 0 {
return FormatError("SOS has wrong length")
_, err := io.ReadFull(d.r, d.tmp[:n])
if err != nil {
return err
nComp := int(d.tmp[0])
if n != 4+2*nComp {
return FormatError("SOS length inconsistent with number of components")
var scan [nColorComponent]struct {
compIndex uint8
td uint8 // DC table selector.
ta uint8 // AC table selector.
for i := 0; i < nComp; i++ {
cs := d.tmp[1+2*i] // Component selector.
compIndex := -1
for j, comp := range d.comp {
if cs == comp.c {
compIndex = j
if compIndex < 0 {
return FormatError("unknown component selector")
scan[i].compIndex = uint8(compIndex)
scan[i].td = d.tmp[2+2*i] >> 4
scan[i].ta = d.tmp[2+2*i] & 0x0f
// zigStart and zigEnd are the spectral selection bounds.
// ah and al are the successive approximation high and low values.
// The spec calls these values Ss, Se, Ah and Al.
// For progressive JPEGs, these are the two more-or-less independent
// aspects of progression. Spectral selection progression is when not
// all of a block's 64 DCT coefficients are transmitted in one pass.
// For example, three passes could transmit coefficient 0 (the DC
// component), coefficients 1-5, and coefficients 6-63, in zig-zag
// order. Successive approximation is when not all of the bits of a
// band of coefficients are transmitted in one pass. For example,
// three passes could transmit the 6 most significant bits, followed
// by the second-least significant bit, followed by the least
// significant bit.
// For baseline JPEGs, these parameters are hard-coded to 0/63/0/0.
zigStart, zigEnd, ah, al := 0, blockSize-1, uint(0), uint(0)
if {
zigStart = int(d.tmp[1+2*nComp])
zigEnd = int(d.tmp[2+2*nComp])
ah = uint(d.tmp[3+2*nComp] >> 4)
al = uint(d.tmp[3+2*nComp] & 0x0f)
if (zigStart == 0 && zigEnd != 0) || zigStart > zigEnd || blockSize <= zigEnd {
return FormatError("bad spectral selection bounds")
if zigStart != 0 && nComp != 1 {
return FormatError("progressive AC coefficients for more than one component")
if ah != 0 && ah != al+1 {
return FormatError("bad successive approximation values")
// mxx and myy are the number of MCUs (Minimum Coded Units) in the image.
h0, v0 := d.comp[0].h, d.comp[0].v // The h and v values from the Y components.
mxx := (d.width + 8*h0 - 1) / (8 * h0)
myy := (d.height + 8*v0 - 1) / (8 * v0)
if d.img1 == nil && d.img3 == nil {
d.makeImg(h0, v0, mxx, myy)
if {
for i := 0; i < nComp; i++ {
compIndex := scan[i].compIndex
d.progCoeffs[compIndex] = make([]block, mxx*myy*d.comp[compIndex].h*d.comp[compIndex].v)
d.b = bits{}
mcu, expectedRST := 0, uint8(rst0Marker)
var (
// b is the decoded coefficients, in natural (not zig-zag) order.
b block
dc [nColorComponent]int
// mx0 and my0 are the location of the current (in terms of 8x8 blocks).
// For example, with 4:2:0 chroma subsampling, the block whose top left
// pixel co-ordinates are (16, 8) is the third block in the first row:
// mx0 is 2 and my0 is 0, even though the pixel is in the second MCU.
// TODO(nigeltao): rename mx0 and my0 to bx and by?
mx0, my0 int
blockCount int
for my := 0; my < myy; my++ {
for mx := 0; mx < mxx; mx++ {
for i := 0; i < nComp; i++ {
compIndex := scan[i].compIndex
qt := &d.quant[d.comp[compIndex].tq]
for j := 0; j < d.comp[compIndex].h*d.comp[compIndex].v; j++ {
// The blocks are traversed one MCU at a time. For 4:2:0 chroma
// subsampling, there are four Y 8x8 blocks in every 16x16 MCU.
// For a baseline 32x16 pixel image, the Y blocks visiting order is:
// 0 1 4 5
// 2 3 6 7
// For progressive images, the DC data blocks (zigStart == 0) are traversed
// as above, but AC data blocks are traversed left to right, top to bottom:
// 0 1 2 3
// 4 5 6 7
// To further complicate matters, there is no AC data for any blocks that
// are inside the image at the MCU level but outside the image at the pixel
// level. For example, a 24x16 pixel 4:2:0 progressive image consists of
// two 16x16 MCUs. The earlier scans will process 8 Y blocks:
// 0 1 4 5
// 2 3 6 7
// The later scans will process only 6 Y blocks:
// 0 1 2
// 3 4 5
if zigStart == 0 {
mx0, my0 = d.comp[compIndex].h*mx, d.comp[compIndex].v*my
if h0 == 1 {
my0 += j
} else {
mx0 += j % 2
my0 += j / 2
} else {
q := mxx * d.comp[compIndex].h
mx0 = blockCount % q
my0 = blockCount / q
if mx0*8 >= d.width || my0*8 >= d.height {
// Load the previous partially decoded coefficients, if applicable.
if {
b = d.progCoeffs[compIndex][my0*mxx*d.comp[compIndex].h+mx0]
} else {
b = block{}
if ah != 0 {
if err := d.refine(&b, &d.huff[acTable][scan[i].ta], zigStart, zigEnd, 1<<al); err != nil {
return err
} else {
zig := zigStart
if zig == 0 {
// Decode the DC coefficient, as specified in section F.2.2.1.
value, err := d.decodeHuffman(&d.huff[dcTable][scan[i].td])
if err != nil {
return err
if value > 16 {
return UnsupportedError("excessive DC component")
dcDelta, err := d.receiveExtend(value)
if err != nil {
return err
dc[compIndex] += dcDelta
b[0] = dc[compIndex] << al
if zig <= zigEnd && d.eobRun > 0 {
} else {
// Decode the AC coefficients, as specified in section F.2.2.2.
for ; zig <= zigEnd; zig++ {
value, err := d.decodeHuffman(&d.huff[acTable][scan[i].ta])
if err != nil {
return err
val0 := value >> 4
val1 := value & 0x0f
if val1 != 0 {
zig += int(val0)
if zig > zigEnd {
ac, err := d.receiveExtend(val1)
if err != nil {
return err
b[unzig[zig]] = ac << al
} else {
if val0 != 0x0f {
d.eobRun = uint16(1 << val0)
if val0 != 0 {
bits, err := d.decodeBits(int(val0))
if err != nil {
return err
d.eobRun |= uint16(bits)
zig += 0x0f
if {
if zigEnd != blockSize-1 || al != 0 {
// We haven't completely decoded this 8x8 block. Save the coefficients.
d.progCoeffs[compIndex][my0*mxx*d.comp[compIndex].h+mx0] = b
// At this point, we could execute the rest of the loop body to dequantize and
// perform the inverse DCT, to save early stages of a progressive image to the
// *image.YCbCr buffers (the whole point of progressive encoding), but in Go,
// the jpeg.Decode function does not return until the entire image is decoded,
// so we "continue" here to avoid wasted computation.
// Dequantize, perform the inverse DCT and store the block to the image.
for zig := 0; zig < blockSize; zig++ {
b[unzig[zig]] *= qt[zig]
dst, stride := []byte(nil), 0
if d.nComp == nGrayComponent {
dst, stride = d.img1.Pix[8*(my0*d.img1.Stride+mx0):], d.img1.Stride
} else {
switch compIndex {
case 0:
dst, stride = d.img3.Y[8*(my0*d.img3.YStride+mx0):], d.img3.YStride
case 1:
dst, stride = d.img3.Cb[8*(my0*d.img3.CStride+mx0):], d.img3.CStride
case 2:
dst, stride = d.img3.Cr[8*(my0*d.img3.CStride+mx0):], d.img3.CStride
return UnsupportedError("too many components")
// Level shift by +128, clip to [0, 255], and write to dst.
for y := 0; y < 8; y++ {
y8 := y * 8
yStride := y * stride
for x := 0; x < 8; x++ {
c := b[y8+x]
if c < -128 {
c = 0
} else if c > 127 {
c = 255
} else {
c += 128
dst[yStride+x] = uint8(c)
} // for j
} // for i
if d.ri > 0 && mcu%d.ri == 0 && mcu < mxx*myy {
// A more sophisticated decoder could use RST[0-7] markers to resynchronize from corrupt input,
// but this one assumes well-formed input, and hence the restart marker follows immediately.
_, err := io.ReadFull(d.r, d.tmp[0:2])
if err != nil {
return err
if d.tmp[0] != 0xff || d.tmp[1] != expectedRST {
return FormatError("bad RST marker")
if expectedRST == rst7Marker+1 {
expectedRST = rst0Marker
// Reset the Huffman decoder.
d.b = bits{}
// Reset the DC components, as per section F.
dc = [nColorComponent]int{}
// Reset the progressive decoder state, as per section G.1.2.2.
d.eobRun = 0
} // for mx
} // for my
return nil
// refine decodes a successive approximation refinement block, as specified in // refine decodes a successive approximation refinement block, as specified in
// section G.1.2. // section G.1.2.
func (d *decoder) refine(b *block, h *huffman, zigStart, zigEnd, delta int) error { func (d *decoder) refine(b *block, h *huffman, zigStart, zigEnd, delta int) error {
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