Commit 31115a5c authored by Keith Randall's avatar Keith Randall

[dev.ssa] cmd/compile: optimize nil checks

Use faulting loads instead of test/jeq to do nil checks.
Fold nil checks into a following load/store if possible.

Makes binaries about 2% smaller.

Change-Id: I54af0f0a93c853f37e34e0ce7e3f01dd2ac87f64
Reviewed-on: default avatarDavid Chase <>
parent a3180d8b
......@@ -18,6 +18,9 @@ import (
// Smallest possible faulting page at address zero.
const minZeroPage = 4096
// buildssa builds an SSA function
// and reports whether it should be used.
// Once the SSA implementation is complete,
......@@ -2428,21 +2431,12 @@ func (s *state) nilCheck(ptr *ssa.Value) {
if Disable_checknil != 0 {
c := s.newValue1(ssa.OpIsNonNil, Types[TBOOL], ptr)
chk := s.newValue2(ssa.OpNilCheck, ssa.TypeVoid, ptr, s.mem())
b := s.endBlock()
b.Kind = ssa.BlockIf
b.Control = c
b.Likely = ssa.BranchLikely
b.Kind = ssa.BlockCheck
b.Control = chk
bNext := s.f.NewBlock(ssa.BlockPlain)
bPanic := s.f.NewBlock(ssa.BlockPlain)
// TODO: implicit nil checks somehow?
chk := s.newValue2(ssa.OpPanicNilCheck, ssa.TypeMem, ptr, s.mem())
bPanic.Kind = ssa.BlockExit
bPanic.Control = chk
......@@ -3827,18 +3821,6 @@ func (s *genState) genValue(v *ssa.Value) {
case ssa.OpArg:
// memory arg needs no code
// TODO: check that only mem arg goes here.
case ssa.OpAMD64LoweredPanicNilCheck:
if Debug_checknil != 0 && v.Line > 1 { // v.Line==1 in generated wrappers
Warnl(int(v.Line), "generated nil check")
// Write to memory address 0. It doesn't matter what we write; use AX.
// Input 0 is the pointer we just checked, use it as the destination.
r := regnum(v.Args[0])
q := Prog(x86.AMOVL)
q.From.Type = obj.TYPE_REG
q.From.Reg = x86.REG_AX
q.To.Type = obj.TYPE_MEM
q.To.Reg = r
case ssa.OpAMD64LoweredGetClosurePtr:
// Output is hardwired to DX only,
// and DX contains the closure pointer on
......@@ -3986,6 +3968,44 @@ func (s *genState) genValue(v *ssa.Value) {
case ssa.OpVarKill:
case ssa.OpAMD64LoweredNilCheck:
// Optimization - if the subsequent block has a load or store
// at the same address, we don't need to issue this instruction.
for _, w := range v.Block.Succs[0].Values {
if len(w.Args) == 0 || !w.Args[len(w.Args)-1].Type.IsMemory() {
// w doesn't use a store - can't be a memory op.
if w.Args[len(w.Args)-1] != v.Args[1] {
v.Fatalf("wrong store after nilcheck v=%s w=%s", v, w)
switch w.Op {
case ssa.OpAMD64MOVQload, ssa.OpAMD64MOVLload, ssa.OpAMD64MOVWload, ssa.OpAMD64MOVBload,
ssa.OpAMD64MOVQstore, ssa.OpAMD64MOVLstore, ssa.OpAMD64MOVWstore, ssa.OpAMD64MOVBstore:
if w.Args[0] == v.Args[0] && w.Aux == nil && w.AuxInt >= 0 && w.AuxInt < minZeroPage {
if w.Type.IsMemory() {
// We can't delay the nil check past the next store.
// Issue a load which will fault if the input is nil.
// TODO: We currently use the 2-byte instruction TESTB AX, (reg).
// Should we use the 3-byte TESTB $0, (reg) instead? It is larger
// but it doesn't have false dependency on AX.
// Or maybe allocate an output register and use MOVL (reg),reg2 ?
// That trades clobbering flags for clobbering a register.
p := Prog(x86.ATESTB)
p.From.Type = obj.TYPE_REG
p.From.Reg = x86.REG_AX
p.To.Type = obj.TYPE_MEM
p.To.Reg = regnum(v.Args[0])
addAux(&p.To, v)
if Debug_checknil != 0 && v.Line > 1 { // v.Line==1 in generated wrappers
Warnl(int(v.Line), "generated nil check")
v.Unimplementedf("genValue not implemented: %s", v.LongString())
......@@ -4088,7 +4108,7 @@ func (s *genState) genBlock(b, next *ssa.Block) {
lineno = b.Line
switch b.Kind {
case ssa.BlockPlain, ssa.BlockCall:
case ssa.BlockPlain, ssa.BlockCall, ssa.BlockCheck:
if b.Succs[0] != next {
p := Prog(obj.AJMP)
p.To.Type = obj.TYPE_BRANCH
......@@ -142,3 +142,4 @@ func (t *Type) NumElem() int64 {
func (t *Type) IsMemory() bool { return false }
func (t *Type) IsFlags() bool { return false }
func (t *Type) IsVoid() bool { return false }
......@@ -122,6 +122,16 @@ func checkFunc(f *Func) {
if !b.Control.Type.IsMemory() {
f.Fatalf("call block %s has non-memory control value %s", b, b.Control.LongString())
case BlockCheck:
if len(b.Succs) != 1 {
f.Fatalf("check block %s len(Succs)==%d, want 1", b, len(b.Succs))
if b.Control == nil {
f.Fatalf("check block %s has no control value", b)
if !b.Control.Type.IsVoid() {
f.Fatalf("check block %s has non-void control value %s", b, b.Control.LongString())
case BlockFirst:
if len(b.Succs) != 2 {
f.Fatalf("plain/dead block %s len(Succs)==%d, want 2", b, len(b.Succs))
......@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ func postDominators(f *Func) []*Block {
var exits []*Block
for i := len(f.Blocks) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
switch f.Blocks[i].Kind {
case BlockExit, BlockRet, BlockRetJmp, BlockCall:
case BlockExit, BlockRet, BlockRetJmp, BlockCall, BlockCheck:
exits = append(exits, f.Blocks[i])
......@@ -288,8 +288,8 @@
(IsNonNil p) -> (SETNE (TESTQ p p))
(IsInBounds idx len) -> (SETB (CMPQ idx len))
(IsSliceInBounds idx len) -> (SETBE (CMPQ idx len))
(NilCheck ptr mem) -> (LoweredNilCheck ptr mem)
(PanicNilCheck ptr mem) -> (LoweredPanicNilCheck ptr mem)
(GetG mem) -> (LoweredGetG mem)
(GetClosurePtr) -> (LoweredGetClosurePtr)
......@@ -106,7 +106,6 @@ func init() {
clobbers: ax | flags}
gp11mod = regInfo{inputs: []regMask{ax, gpsp &^ dx}, outputs: []regMask{dx},
clobbers: ax | flags}
gp10 = regInfo{inputs: []regMask{gp}}
gp2flags = regInfo{inputs: []regMask{gpsp, gpsp}, outputs: flagsonly}
gp1flags = regInfo{inputs: []regMask{gpsp}, outputs: flagsonly}
......@@ -423,12 +422,13 @@ func init() {
{name: "InvertFlags"}, // reverse direction of arg0
// Pseudo-ops
{name: "LoweredPanicNilCheck", reg: gp10},
{name: "LoweredGetG", reg: gp01}, // arg0=mem
// Scheduler ensures LoweredGetClosurePtr occurs only in entry block,
// and sorts it to the very beginning of the block to prevent other
// use of DX (the closure pointer)
{name: "LoweredGetClosurePtr", reg: regInfo{outputs: []regMask{buildReg("DX")}}},
//arg0=ptr,arg1=mem, returns void. Faults if ptr is nil.
{name: "LoweredNilCheck", reg: regInfo{inputs: []regMask{gpsp}, clobbers: flags}},
var AMD64blocks = []blockData{
......@@ -180,7 +180,7 @@
(Store [size] dst (Load <t> src mem) mem) && !config.fe.CanSSA(t) -> (Move [size] dst src mem)
(Store [size] dst (Load <t> src mem) (VarDef {x} mem)) && !config.fe.CanSSA(t) -> (Move [size] dst src (VarDef {x} mem))
(If (IsNonNil (GetG _)) yes no) -> (First nil yes no)
(Check (NilCheck (GetG _) _) next) -> (Plain nil next)
(If (Not cond) yes no) -> (If cond no yes)
(If (ConstBool [c]) yes no) && c == 1 -> (First nil yes no)
......@@ -324,9 +324,9 @@ var genericOps = []opData{
{name: "IsNonNil", typ: "Bool"}, // arg0 != nil
{name: "IsInBounds", typ: "Bool"}, // 0 <= arg0 < arg1
{name: "IsSliceInBounds", typ: "Bool"}, // 0 <= arg0 <= arg1
{name: "NilCheck", typ: "Void"}, // arg0=ptr, arg1=mem. Panics if arg0 is nil, returns void.
// Pseudo-ops
{name: "PanicNilCheck"}, // trigger a dereference fault; arg0=nil ptr, arg1=mem, returns mem
{name: "GetG"}, // runtime.getg() (read g pointer). arg0=mem
{name: "GetClosurePtr"}, // get closure pointer from dedicated register
......@@ -379,12 +379,14 @@ var genericOps = []opData{
// Plain nil [next]
// If a boolean Value [then, else]
// Call mem [next] yes (control opcode should be OpCall or OpStaticCall)
// Check void [next] yes (control opcode should be Op{Lowered}NilCheck)
// First nil [always,never]
var genericBlocks = []blockData{
{name: "Plain"}, // a single successor
{name: "If"}, // 2 successors, if control goto Succs[0] else goto Succs[1]
{name: "Call"}, // 1 successor, control is call op (of memory type)
{name: "Check"}, // 1 successor, control is nilcheck op (of void type)
{name: "Ret"}, // no successors, control value is memory result
{name: "RetJmp"}, // no successors, jumps to b.Aux.(*gc.Sym)
{name: "Exit"}, // no successors, control value generates a panic
......@@ -585,7 +585,7 @@ func blockName(name string, arch arch) string {
// typeName returns the string to use to generate a type.
func typeName(typ string) string {
switch typ {
case "Flags", "Mem":
case "Flags", "Mem", "Void":
return "Type" + typ
return "config.fe.Type" + typ + "()"
......@@ -4,6 +4,8 @@
package ssa
// TODO: return value from newobject/newarray is non-nil.
// nilcheckelim eliminates unnecessary nil checks.
func nilcheckelim(f *Func) {
// A nil check is redundant if the same nil check was successful in a
......@@ -86,8 +88,16 @@ func nilcheckelim(f *Func) {
// Eliminate the nil check.
// The deadcode pass will remove vestigial values,
// and the fuse pass will join this block with its successor.
switch node.block.Kind {
case BlockIf:
node.block.Kind = BlockFirst
node.block.Control = nil
case BlockCheck:
node.block.Kind = BlockPlain
node.block.Control = nil
f.Fatalf("bad block kind in nilcheck %s", node.block.Kind)
......@@ -119,6 +129,9 @@ func nilcheckelim(f *Func) {
// checkedptr returns the Value, if any,
// that is used in a nil check in b's Control op.
func checkedptr(b *Block) *Value {
if b.Kind == BlockCheck {
return b.Control.Args[0]
if b.Kind == BlockIf && b.Control.Op == OpIsNonNil {
return b.Control.Args[0]
......@@ -126,12 +139,15 @@ func checkedptr(b *Block) *Value {
// nonnilptr returns the Value, if any,
// that is non-nil due to b being the success block
// of an OpIsNonNil block for the value and having a single
// that is non-nil due to b being the successor block
// of an OpIsNonNil or OpNilCheck block for the value and having a single
// predecessor.
func nonnilptr(b *Block) *Value {
if len(b.Preds) == 1 {
bp := b.Preds[0]
if bp.Kind == BlockCheck {
return bp.Control.Args[0]
if bp.Kind == BlockIf && bp.Control.Op == OpIsNonNil && bp.Succs[0] == b {
return bp.Control.Args[0]
......@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ const (
......@@ -53,6 +54,7 @@ var blockString = [...]string{
BlockPlain: "Plain",
BlockIf: "If",
BlockCall: "Call",
BlockCheck: "Check",
BlockRet: "Ret",
BlockRetJmp: "RetJmp",
BlockExit: "Exit",
......@@ -270,9 +272,9 @@ const (
......@@ -513,7 +515,7 @@ const (
......@@ -3118,14 +3120,6 @@ var opcodeTable = [...]opInfo{
name: "InvertFlags",
reg: regInfo{},
name: "LoweredPanicNilCheck",
reg: regInfo{
inputs: []inputInfo{
{0, 65519}, // .AX .CX .DX .BX .BP .SI .DI .R8 .R9 .R10 .R11 .R12 .R13 .R14 .R15
name: "LoweredGetG",
reg: regInfo{
......@@ -3142,6 +3136,15 @@ var opcodeTable = [...]opInfo{
name: "LoweredNilCheck",
reg: regInfo{
inputs: []inputInfo{
{0, 65535}, // .AX .CX .DX .BX .SP .BP .SI .DI .R8 .R9 .R10 .R11 .R12 .R13 .R14 .R15
clobbers: 8589934592, // .FLAGS
name: "Add8",
......@@ -4100,7 +4103,7 @@ var opcodeTable = [...]opInfo{
generic: true,
name: "PanicNilCheck",
name: "NilCheck",
generic: true,
......@@ -802,7 +802,7 @@ func (s *regAllocState) regalloc(f *Func) {
// Load control value into reg
if b.Control != nil && !b.Control.Type.IsMemory() {
if b.Control != nil && !b.Control.Type.IsMemory() && !b.Control.Type.IsVoid() {
// TODO: regspec for block control values, instead of using
// register set from the control op's output.
s.allocValToReg(b.Control, opcodeTable[b.Control.Op].reg.outputs[0], false)
......@@ -6356,6 +6356,24 @@ func rewriteValueAMD64(v *Value, config *Config) bool {
goto end3b8bb3b4952011d1d40f993d8717cf16
case OpNilCheck:
// match: (NilCheck ptr mem)
// cond:
// result: (LoweredNilCheck ptr mem)
ptr := v.Args[0]
mem := v.Args[1]
v.Op = OpAMD64LoweredNilCheck
v.AuxInt = 0
v.Aux = nil
return true
goto end75520e60179564948a625707b84e8a8d
case OpNot:
// match: (Not x)
// cond:
......@@ -6939,24 +6957,6 @@ func rewriteValueAMD64(v *Value, config *Config) bool {
goto end6f8a8c559a167d1f0a5901d09a1fb248
case OpPanicNilCheck:
// match: (PanicNilCheck ptr mem)
// cond:
// result: (LoweredPanicNilCheck ptr mem)
ptr := v.Args[0]
mem := v.Args[1]
v.Op = OpAMD64LoweredPanicNilCheck
v.AuxInt = 0
v.Aux = nil
return true
goto enda02b1ad5a6f929b782190145f2c8628b
case OpRsh16Ux16:
// match: (Rsh16Ux16 <t> x y)
// cond:
......@@ -1720,29 +1720,29 @@ func rewriteValuegeneric(v *Value, config *Config) bool {
func rewriteBlockgeneric(b *Block) bool {
switch b.Kind {
case BlockIf:
// match: (If (IsNonNil (GetG _)) yes no)
case BlockCheck:
// match: (Check (NilCheck (GetG _) _) next)
// cond:
// result: (First nil yes no)
// result: (Plain nil next)
v := b.Control
if v.Op != OpIsNonNil {
goto end41b95d88b4cebdb0ce392bd3c1c89e95
if v.Op != OpNilCheck {
goto end6e20d932d6961903b0dcf16eac513826
if v.Args[0].Op != OpGetG {
goto end41b95d88b4cebdb0ce392bd3c1c89e95
goto end6e20d932d6961903b0dcf16eac513826
yes := b.Succs[0]
no := b.Succs[1]
b.Kind = BlockFirst
next := b.Succs[0]
b.Kind = BlockPlain
b.Control = nil
b.Succs[0] = yes
b.Succs[1] = no
b.Succs[0] = next
b.Likely = BranchUnknown
return true
goto end41b95d88b4cebdb0ce392bd3c1c89e95
goto end6e20d932d6961903b0dcf16eac513826
case BlockIf:
// match: (If (Not cond) yes no)
// cond:
// result: (If cond no yes)
......@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ type Type interface {
IsMemory() bool // special ssa-package-only types
IsFlags() bool
IsVoid() bool
Elem() Type // given []T or *T or [n]T, return T
PtrTo() Type // given T, return *T
......@@ -46,6 +47,7 @@ type CompilerType struct {
Name string
Memory bool
Flags bool
Void bool
func (t *CompilerType) Size() int64 { return 0 } // Size in bytes
......@@ -63,6 +65,7 @@ func (t *CompilerType) IsStruct() bool { return false }
func (t *CompilerType) IsInterface() bool { return false }
func (t *CompilerType) IsMemory() bool { return t.Memory }
func (t *CompilerType) IsFlags() bool { return t.Flags }
func (t *CompilerType) IsVoid() bool { return t.Void }
func (t *CompilerType) String() string { return t.Name }
func (t *CompilerType) SimpleString() string { return t.Name }
func (t *CompilerType) Elem() Type { panic("not implemented") }
......@@ -84,4 +87,5 @@ var (
TypeInvalid = &CompilerType{Name: "invalid"}
TypeMem = &CompilerType{Name: "mem", Memory: true}
TypeFlags = &CompilerType{Name: "flags", Flags: true}
TypeVoid = &CompilerType{Name: "void", Void: true}
......@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ func (t *TypeImpl) IsStruct() bool { return t.struct_ }
func (t *TypeImpl) IsInterface() bool { return t.inter }
func (t *TypeImpl) IsMemory() bool { return false }
func (t *TypeImpl) IsFlags() bool { return false }
func (t *TypeImpl) IsVoid() bool { return false }
func (t *TypeImpl) String() string { return t.Name }
func (t *TypeImpl) SimpleString() string { return t.Name }
func (t *TypeImpl) Elem() Type { return t.Elem_ }
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