Commit 33425742 authored by Dave Bort's avatar Dave Bort

Define the new Rand and Source types to allow creating

isolated sources of random values.

Add normal and exponential distributions.

Add some tests for the normal and exponential distributions.

DELTA=1005  (904 added, 80 deleted, 21 changed)
parent 18325313
......@@ -6,6 +6,9 @@ include $(GOROOT)/src/Make.$(GOARCH)
include $(GOROOT)/src/Make.pkg
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package rand
import (
* Exponential distribution
* See "The Ziggurat Method for Generating Random Variables"
* (Marsaglia & Tsang, 2000)
* [pdf]
const (
re = 7.69711747013104972;
// ExpFloat64 returns an exponentially distributed float64 in the range
// (0, +math.MaxFloat64] with an exponential distribution whose rate parameter
// (lambda) is 1 and whose mean is 1/lambda (1).
// To produce a distribution with a different rate parameter,
// callers can adjust the output using:
// sample = ExpFloat64() / desiredRateParameter
func (r *Rand) ExpFloat64() float64 {
for {
j := r.Uint32();
i := j&0xFF;
x := float64(j)*float64(we[i]);
if j < ke[i] {
return x;
if i == 0 {
return re - math.Log(r.Float64());
if fe[i] + float32(r.Float64())*(fe[i-1]-fe[i]) < float32(math.Exp(-x)) {
return x;
var ke = [256]uint32{
0xe290a139, 0x0, 0x9beadebc, 0xc377ac71, 0xd4ddb990,
0xde893fb8, 0xe4a8e87c, 0xe8dff16a, 0xebf2deab, 0xee49a6e8,
0xf0204efd, 0xf19bdb8e, 0xf2d458bb, 0xf3da104b, 0xf4b86d78,
0xf577ad8a, 0xf61de83d, 0xf6afb784, 0xf730a573, 0xf7a37651,
0xf80a5bb6, 0xf867189d, 0xf8bb1b4f, 0xf9079062, 0xf94d70ca,
0xf98d8c7d, 0xf9c8928a, 0xf9ff175b, 0xfa319996, 0xfa6085f8,
0xfa8c3a62, 0xfab5084e, 0xfadb36c8, 0xfaff0410, 0xfb20a6ea,
0xfb404fb4, 0xfb5e2951, 0xfb7a59e9, 0xfb95038c, 0xfbae44ba,
0xfbc638d8, 0xfbdcf892, 0xfbf29a30, 0xfc0731df, 0xfc1ad1ed,
0xfc2d8b02, 0xfc3f6c4d, 0xfc5083ac, 0xfc60ddd1, 0xfc708662,
0xfc7f8810, 0xfc8decb4, 0xfc9bbd62, 0xfca9027c, 0xfcb5c3c3,
0xfcc20864, 0xfccdd70a, 0xfcd935e3, 0xfce42ab0, 0xfceebace,
0xfcf8eb3b, 0xfd02c0a0, 0xfd0c3f59, 0xfd156b7b, 0xfd1e48d6,
0xfd26daff, 0xfd2f2552, 0xfd372af7, 0xfd3eeee5, 0xfd4673e7,
0xfd4dbc9e, 0xfd54cb85, 0xfd5ba2f2, 0xfd62451b, 0xfd68b415,
0xfd6ef1da, 0xfd750047, 0xfd7ae120, 0xfd809612, 0xfd8620b4,
0xfd8b8285, 0xfd90bcf5, 0xfd95d15e, 0xfd9ac10b, 0xfd9f8d36,
0xfda43708, 0xfda8bf9e, 0xfdad2806, 0xfdb17141, 0xfdb59c46,
0xfdb9a9fd, 0xfdbd9b46, 0xfdc170f6, 0xfdc52bd8, 0xfdc8ccac,
0xfdcc542d, 0xfdcfc30b, 0xfdd319ef, 0xfdd6597a, 0xfdd98245,
0xfddc94e5, 0xfddf91e6, 0xfde279ce, 0xfde54d1f, 0xfde80c52,
0xfdeab7de, 0xfded5034, 0xfdefd5be, 0xfdf248e3, 0xfdf4aa06,
0xfdf6f984, 0xfdf937b6, 0xfdfb64f4, 0xfdfd818d, 0xfdff8dd0,
0xfe018a08, 0xfe03767a, 0xfe05536c, 0xfe07211c, 0xfe08dfc9,
0xfe0a8fab, 0xfe0c30fb, 0xfe0dc3ec, 0xfe0f48b1, 0xfe10bf76,
0xfe122869, 0xfe1383b4, 0xfe14d17c, 0xfe1611e7, 0xfe174516,
0xfe186b2a, 0xfe19843e, 0xfe1a9070, 0xfe1b8fd6, 0xfe1c8289,
0xfe1d689b, 0xfe1e4220, 0xfe1f0f26, 0xfe1fcfbc, 0xfe2083ed,
0xfe212bc3, 0xfe21c745, 0xfe225678, 0xfe22d95f, 0xfe234ffb,
0xfe23ba4a, 0xfe241849, 0xfe2469f2, 0xfe24af3c, 0xfe24e81e,
0xfe25148b, 0xfe253474, 0xfe2547c7, 0xfe254e70, 0xfe25485a,
0xfe25356a, 0xfe251586, 0xfe24e88f, 0xfe24ae64, 0xfe2466e1,
0xfe2411df, 0xfe23af34, 0xfe233eb4, 0xfe22c02c, 0xfe22336b,
0xfe219838, 0xfe20ee58, 0xfe20358c, 0xfe1f6d92, 0xfe1e9621,
0xfe1daef0, 0xfe1cb7ac, 0xfe1bb002, 0xfe1a9798, 0xfe196e0d,
0xfe1832fd, 0xfe16e5fe, 0xfe15869d, 0xfe141464, 0xfe128ed3,
0xfe10f565, 0xfe0f478c, 0xfe0d84b1, 0xfe0bac36, 0xfe09bd73,
0xfe07b7b5, 0xfe059a40, 0xfe03644c, 0xfe011504, 0xfdfeab88,
0xfdfc26e9, 0xfdf98629, 0xfdf6c83b, 0xfdf3ec01, 0xfdf0f04a,
0xfdedd3d1, 0xfdea953d, 0xfde7331e, 0xfde3abe9, 0xfddffdfb,
0xfddc2791, 0xfdd826cd, 0xfdd3f9a8, 0xfdcf9dfc, 0xfdcb1176,
0xfdc65198, 0xfdc15bb3, 0xfdbc2ce2, 0xfdb6c206, 0xfdb117be,
0xfdab2a63, 0xfda4f5fd, 0xfd9e7640, 0xfd97a67a, 0xfd908192,
0xfd8901f2, 0xfd812182, 0xfd78d98e, 0xfd7022bb, 0xfd66f4ed,
0xfd5d4732, 0xfd530f9c, 0xfd48432b, 0xfd3cd59a, 0xfd30b936,
0xfd23dea4, 0xfd16349e, 0xfd07a7a3, 0xfcf8219b, 0xfce7895b,
0xfcd5c220, 0xfcc2aadb, 0xfcae1d5e, 0xfc97ed4e, 0xfc7fe6d4,
0xfc65ccf3, 0xfc495762, 0xfc2a2fc8, 0xfc07ee19, 0xfbe213c1,
0xfbb8051a, 0xfb890078, 0xfb5411a5, 0xfb180005, 0xfad33482,
0xfa839276, 0xfa263b32, 0xf9b72d1c, 0xf930a1a2, 0xf889f023,
0xf7b577d2, 0xf69c650c, 0xf51530f0, 0xf2cb0e3c, 0xeeefb15d,
var we = [256]float32{
2.0249555e-09, 1.486674e-11, 2.4409617e-11, 3.1968806e-11,
3.844677e-11, 4.4228204e-11, 4.9516443e-11, 5.443359e-11,
5.905944e-11, 6.344942e-11, 6.7643814e-11, 7.1672945e-11,
7.556032e-11, 7.932458e-11, 8.298079e-11, 8.654132e-11,
9.0016515e-11, 9.3415074e-11, 9.674443e-11, 1.0001099e-10,
1.03220314e-10, 1.06377254e-10, 1.09486115e-10, 1.1255068e-10,
1.1557435e-10, 1.1856015e-10, 1.2151083e-10, 1.2442886e-10,
1.2731648e-10, 1.3017575e-10, 1.3300853e-10, 1.3581657e-10,
1.3860142e-10, 1.4136457e-10, 1.4410738e-10, 1.4683108e-10,
1.4953687e-10, 1.5222583e-10, 1.54899e-10, 1.5755733e-10,
1.6020171e-10, 1.6283301e-10, 1.6545203e-10, 1.6805951e-10,
1.7065617e-10, 1.732427e-10, 1.7581973e-10, 1.7838787e-10,
1.8094774e-10, 1.8349985e-10, 1.8604476e-10, 1.8858298e-10,
1.9111498e-10, 1.9364126e-10, 1.9616223e-10, 1.9867835e-10,
2.0119004e-10, 2.0369768e-10, 2.0620168e-10, 2.087024e-10,
2.1120022e-10, 2.136955e-10, 2.1618855e-10, 2.1867974e-10,
2.2116936e-10, 2.2365775e-10, 2.261452e-10, 2.2863202e-10,
2.311185e-10, 2.3360494e-10, 2.360916e-10, 2.3857874e-10,
2.4106667e-10, 2.4355562e-10, 2.4604588e-10, 2.485377e-10,
2.5103128e-10, 2.5352695e-10, 2.560249e-10, 2.585254e-10,
2.6102867e-10, 2.6353494e-10, 2.6604446e-10, 2.6855745e-10,
2.7107416e-10, 2.7359479e-10, 2.761196e-10, 2.7864877e-10,
2.8118255e-10, 2.8372119e-10, 2.8626485e-10, 2.888138e-10,
2.9136826e-10, 2.939284e-10, 2.9649452e-10, 2.9906677e-10,
3.016454e-10, 3.0423064e-10, 3.0682268e-10, 3.0942177e-10,
3.1202813e-10, 3.1464195e-10, 3.1726352e-10, 3.19893e-10,
3.2253064e-10, 3.251767e-10, 3.2783135e-10, 3.3049485e-10,
3.3316744e-10, 3.3584938e-10, 3.3854083e-10, 3.4124212e-10,
3.4395342e-10, 3.46675e-10, 3.4940711e-10, 3.5215003e-10,
3.5490397e-10, 3.5766917e-10, 3.6044595e-10, 3.6323455e-10,
3.660352e-10, 3.6884823e-10, 3.7167386e-10, 3.745124e-10,
3.773641e-10, 3.802293e-10, 3.8310827e-10, 3.860013e-10,
3.8890866e-10, 3.918307e-10, 3.9476775e-10, 3.9772008e-10,
4.0068804e-10, 4.0367196e-10, 4.0667217e-10, 4.09689e-10,
4.1272286e-10, 4.1577405e-10, 4.1884296e-10, 4.2192994e-10,
4.250354e-10, 4.281597e-10, 4.313033e-10, 4.3446652e-10,
4.3764986e-10, 4.408537e-10, 4.4407847e-10, 4.4732465e-10,
4.5059267e-10, 4.5388301e-10, 4.571962e-10, 4.6053267e-10,
4.6389292e-10, 4.6727755e-10, 4.70687e-10, 4.741219e-10,
4.7758275e-10, 4.810702e-10, 4.845848e-10, 4.8812715e-10,
4.9169796e-10, 4.9529775e-10, 4.989273e-10, 5.0258725e-10,
5.0627835e-10, 5.100013e-10, 5.1375687e-10, 5.1754584e-10,
5.21369e-10, 5.2522725e-10, 5.2912136e-10, 5.330522e-10,
5.370208e-10, 5.4102806e-10, 5.45075e-10, 5.491625e-10,
5.532918e-10, 5.5746385e-10, 5.616799e-10, 5.6594107e-10,
5.7024857e-10, 5.746037e-10, 5.7900773e-10, 5.834621e-10,
5.8796823e-10, 5.925276e-10, 5.971417e-10, 6.018122e-10,
6.065408e-10, 6.113292e-10, 6.1617933e-10, 6.2109295e-10,
6.260722e-10, 6.3111916e-10, 6.3623595e-10, 6.4142497e-10,
6.4668854e-10, 6.5202926e-10, 6.5744976e-10, 6.6295286e-10,
6.6854156e-10, 6.742188e-10, 6.79988e-10, 6.858526e-10,
6.9181616e-10, 6.978826e-10, 7.04056e-10, 7.103407e-10,
7.167412e-10, 7.2326256e-10, 7.2990985e-10, 7.366886e-10,
7.4360473e-10, 7.5066453e-10, 7.5787476e-10, 7.6524265e-10,
7.7277595e-10, 7.80483e-10, 7.883728e-10, 7.9645507e-10,
8.047402e-10, 8.1323964e-10, 8.219657e-10, 8.309319e-10,
8.401528e-10, 8.496445e-10, 8.594247e-10, 8.6951274e-10,
8.799301e-10, 8.9070046e-10, 9.018503e-10, 9.134092e-10,
9.254101e-10, 9.378904e-10, 9.508923e-10, 9.644638e-10,
9.786603e-10, 9.935448e-10, 1.0091913e-09, 1.025686e-09,
1.0431306e-09, 1.0616465e-09, 1.08138e-09, 1.1025096e-09,
1.1252564e-09, 1.1498986e-09, 1.1767932e-09, 1.206409e-09,
1.2393786e-09, 1.276585e-09, 1.3193139e-09, 1.3695435e-09,
1.4305498e-09, 1.508365e-09, 1.6160854e-09, 1.7921248e-09,
var fe = [256]float32{
1, 0.9381437, 0.90046996, 0.87170434, 0.8477855, 0.8269933,
0.8084217, 0.7915276, 0.77595687, 0.7614634, 0.7478686,
0.7350381, 0.72286767, 0.71127474, 0.70019263, 0.6895665,
0.67935055, 0.6695063, 0.66000086, 0.65080583, 0.6418967,
0.63325197, 0.6248527, 0.6166822, 0.60872537, 0.60096896,
0.5934009, 0.58601034, 0.5787874, 0.57172304, 0.5648092,
0.5580383, 0.5514034, 0.5448982, 0.5385169, 0.53225386,
0.5261042, 0.52006316, 0.5141264, 0.50828975, 0.5025495,
0.496902, 0.49134386, 0.485872, 0.48048335, 0.4751752,
0.46994483, 0.46478975, 0.45970762, 0.45469615, 0.44975325,
0.44487688, 0.44006512, 0.43531612, 0.43062815, 0.42599955,
0.42142874, 0.4169142, 0.41245446, 0.40804818, 0.403694,
0.3993907, 0.39513698, 0.39093173, 0.38677382, 0.38266218,
0.37859577, 0.37457356, 0.37059465, 0.3666581, 0.362763,
0.35890847, 0.35509375, 0.351318, 0.3475805, 0.34388044,
0.34021714, 0.3365899, 0.33299807, 0.32944095, 0.32591796,
0.3224285, 0.3189719, 0.31554767, 0.31215525, 0.30879408,
0.3054636, 0.3021634, 0.29889292, 0.2956517, 0.29243928,
0.28925523, 0.28609908, 0.28297043, 0.27986884, 0.27679393,
0.2737453, 0.2707226, 0.2677254, 0.26475343, 0.26180625,
0.25888354, 0.25598502, 0.2531103, 0.25025907, 0.24743107,
0.24462597, 0.24184346, 0.23908329, 0.23634516, 0.23362878,
0.23093392, 0.2282603, 0.22560766, 0.22297576, 0.22036438,
0.21777324, 0.21520215, 0.21265087, 0.21011916, 0.20760682,
0.20511365, 0.20263945, 0.20018397, 0.19774707, 0.19532852,
0.19292815, 0.19054577, 0.1881812, 0.18583426, 0.18350479,
0.1811926, 0.17889754, 0.17661946, 0.17435817, 0.17211354,
0.1698854, 0.16767362, 0.16547804, 0.16329853, 0.16113494,
0.15898713, 0.15685499, 0.15473837, 0.15263714, 0.15055119,
0.14848037, 0.14642459, 0.14438373, 0.14235765, 0.14034624,
0.13834943, 0.13636707, 0.13439907, 0.13244532, 0.13050574,
0.1285802, 0.12666863, 0.12477092, 0.12288698, 0.12101672,
0.119160056, 0.1173169, 0.115487166, 0.11367077, 0.11186763,
0.11007768, 0.10830083, 0.10653701, 0.10478614, 0.10304816,
0.101323, 0.09961058, 0.09791085, 0.09622374, 0.09454919,
0.09288713, 0.091237515, 0.08960028, 0.087975375, 0.08636274,
0.08476233, 0.083174095, 0.081597984, 0.08003395, 0.07848195,
0.076941945, 0.07541389, 0.07389775, 0.072393484, 0.07090106,
0.069420435, 0.06795159, 0.066494495, 0.06504912, 0.063615434,
0.062193416, 0.060783047, 0.059384305, 0.057997175,
0.05662164, 0.05525769, 0.053905312, 0.052564494, 0.051235236,
0.049917534, 0.048611384, 0.047316793, 0.046033762, 0.0447623,
0.043502413, 0.042254124, 0.041017443, 0.039792392,
0.038578995, 0.037377283, 0.036187284, 0.035009038,
0.033842582, 0.032687962, 0.031545233, 0.030414443, 0.02929566,
0.02818895, 0.027094385, 0.026012046, 0.024942026, 0.023884421,
0.022839336, 0.021806888, 0.020787204, 0.019780423, 0.0187867,
0.0178062, 0.016839107, 0.015885621, 0.014945968, 0.014020392,
0.013109165, 0.012212592, 0.011331013, 0.01046481, 0.009614414,
0.008780315, 0.007963077, 0.0071633533, 0.006381906,
0.0056196423, 0.0048776558, 0.004157295, 0.0034602648,
0.0027887989, 0.0021459677, 0.0015362998, 0.0009672693,
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package rand
import (
* Normal distribution
* See "The Ziggurat Method for Generating Random Variables"
* (Marsaglia & Tsang, 2000)
* [pdf]
const (
rn = 3.442619855899;
func absInt32(i int32) uint32 {
if i < 0 {
return uint32(-i);
return uint32(i);
// NormFloat64 returns a normally distributed float64 in the range
// [-math.MaxFloat64, +math.MaxFloat64] with
// standard normal distribution (mean = 0, stddev = 1).
// To produce a different normal distribution, callers can
// adjust the output using:
// sample = NormFloat64() * desiredStdDev + desiredMean
func (r *Rand) NormFloat64() float64 {
for {
j := int32(r.Uint32()); // Possibly negative
i := j&0x7F;
x := float64(j)*float64(wn[i]);
if absInt32(j) < kn[i] {
// This case should be hit better than 99% of the time.
return x;
if i == 0 {
// This extra work is only required for the base strip.
for {
x = -math.Log(r.Float64()) * (1.0/rn);
y := -math.Log(r.Float64());
if y+y >= x*x {
if j > 0 {
return rn+x;
return -rn - x;
if fn[i] + float32(r.Float64())*(fn[i-1]-fn[i]) < float32(math.Exp(-.5 * x * x)) {
return x;
var kn = [128]uint32{
0x76ad2212, 0x0, 0x600f1b53, 0x6ce447a6, 0x725b46a2,
0x7560051d, 0x774921eb, 0x789a25bd, 0x799045c3, 0x7a4bce5d,
0x7adf629f, 0x7b5682a6, 0x7bb8a8c6, 0x7c0ae722, 0x7c50cce7,
0x7c8cec5b, 0x7cc12cd6, 0x7ceefed2, 0x7d177e0b, 0x7d3b8883,
0x7d5bce6c, 0x7d78dd64, 0x7d932886, 0x7dab0e57, 0x7dc0dd30,
0x7dd4d688, 0x7de73185, 0x7df81cea, 0x7e07c0a3, 0x7e163efa,
0x7e23b587, 0x7e303dfd, 0x7e3beec2, 0x7e46db77, 0x7e51155d,
0x7e5aabb3, 0x7e63abf7, 0x7e6c222c, 0x7e741906, 0x7e7b9a18,
0x7e82adfa, 0x7e895c63, 0x7e8fac4b, 0x7e95a3fb, 0x7e9b4924,
0x7ea0a0ef, 0x7ea5b00d, 0x7eaa7ac3, 0x7eaf04f3, 0x7eb3522a,
0x7eb765a5, 0x7ebb4259, 0x7ebeeafd, 0x7ec2620a, 0x7ec5a9c4,
0x7ec8c441, 0x7ecbb365, 0x7ece78ed, 0x7ed11671, 0x7ed38d62,
0x7ed5df12, 0x7ed80cb4, 0x7eda175c, 0x7edc0005, 0x7eddc78e,
0x7edf6ebf, 0x7ee0f647, 0x7ee25ebe, 0x7ee3a8a9, 0x7ee4d473,
0x7ee5e276, 0x7ee6d2f5, 0x7ee7a620, 0x7ee85c10, 0x7ee8f4cd,
0x7ee97047, 0x7ee9ce59, 0x7eea0eca, 0x7eea3147, 0x7eea3568,
0x7eea1aab, 0x7ee9e071, 0x7ee98602, 0x7ee90a88, 0x7ee86d08,
0x7ee7ac6a, 0x7ee6c769, 0x7ee5bc9c, 0x7ee48a67, 0x7ee32efc,
0x7ee1a857, 0x7edff42f, 0x7ede0ffa, 0x7edbf8d9, 0x7ed9ab94,
0x7ed7248d, 0x7ed45fae, 0x7ed1585c, 0x7ece095f, 0x7eca6ccb,
0x7ec67be2, 0x7ec22eee, 0x7ebd7d1a, 0x7eb85c35, 0x7eb2c075,
0x7eac9c20, 0x7ea5df27, 0x7e9e769f, 0x7e964c16, 0x7e8d44ba,
0x7e834033, 0x7e781728, 0x7e6b9933, 0x7e5d8a1a, 0x7e4d9ded,
0x7e3b737a, 0x7e268c2f, 0x7e0e3ff5, 0x7df1aa5d, 0x7dcf8c72,
0x7da61a1e, 0x7d72a0fb, 0x7d30e097, 0x7cd9b4ab, 0x7c600f1a,
0x7ba90bdc, 0x7a722176, 0x77d664e5,
var wn = [128]float32{
1.7290405e-09, 1.2680929e-10, 1.6897518e-10, 1.9862688e-10,
2.2232431e-10, 2.4244937e-10, 2.601613e-10, 2.7611988e-10,
2.9073963e-10, 3.042997e-10, 3.1699796e-10, 3.289802e-10,
3.4035738e-10, 3.5121603e-10, 3.616251e-10, 3.7164058e-10,
3.8130857e-10, 3.9066758e-10, 3.9975012e-10, 4.08584e-10,
4.1719309e-10, 4.2559822e-10, 4.338176e-10, 4.418672e-10,
4.497613e-10, 4.5751258e-10, 4.651324e-10, 4.7263105e-10,
4.8001775e-10, 4.87301e-10, 4.944885e-10, 5.015873e-10,
5.0860405e-10, 5.155446e-10, 5.2241467e-10, 5.2921934e-10,
5.359635e-10, 5.426517e-10, 5.4928817e-10, 5.5587696e-10,
5.624219e-10, 5.6892646e-10, 5.753941e-10, 5.818282e-10,
5.882317e-10, 5.946077e-10, 6.00959e-10, 6.072884e-10,
6.135985e-10, 6.19892e-10, 6.2617134e-10, 6.3243905e-10,
6.386974e-10, 6.449488e-10, 6.511956e-10, 6.5744005e-10,
6.6368433e-10, 6.699307e-10, 6.7618144e-10, 6.824387e-10,
6.8870465e-10, 6.949815e-10, 7.012715e-10, 7.075768e-10,
7.1389966e-10, 7.202424e-10, 7.266073e-10, 7.329966e-10,
7.394128e-10, 7.4585826e-10, 7.5233547e-10, 7.58847e-10,
7.653954e-10, 7.719835e-10, 7.7861395e-10, 7.852897e-10,
7.920138e-10, 7.987892e-10, 8.0561924e-10, 8.125073e-10,
8.194569e-10, 8.2647167e-10, 8.3355556e-10, 8.407127e-10,
8.479473e-10, 8.55264e-10, 8.6266755e-10, 8.7016316e-10,
8.777562e-10, 8.8545243e-10, 8.932582e-10, 9.0117996e-10,
9.09225e-10, 9.174008e-10, 9.2571584e-10, 9.341788e-10,
9.427997e-10, 9.515889e-10, 9.605579e-10, 9.697193e-10,
9.790869e-10, 9.88676e-10, 9.985036e-10, 1.0085882e-09,
1.0189509e-09, 1.0296151e-09, 1.0406069e-09, 1.0519566e-09,
1.063698e-09, 1.0758702e-09, 1.0885183e-09, 1.1016947e-09,
1.1154611e-09, 1.1298902e-09, 1.1450696e-09, 1.1611052e-09,
1.1781276e-09, 1.1962995e-09, 1.2158287e-09, 1.2369856e-09,
1.2601323e-09, 1.2857697e-09, 1.3146202e-09, 1.347784e-09,
1.3870636e-09, 1.4357403e-09, 1.5008659e-09, 1.6030948e-09,
var fn = [128]float32{
1, 0.9635997, 0.9362827, 0.9130436, 0.89228165, 0.87324303,
0.8555006, 0.8387836, 0.8229072, 0.8077383, 0.793177,
0.7791461, 0.7655842, 0.7524416, 0.73967725, 0.7272569,
0.7151515, 0.7033361, 0.69178915, 0.68049186, 0.6694277,
0.658582, 0.6479418, 0.63749546, 0.6272325, 0.6171434,
0.6072195, 0.5974532, 0.58783704, 0.5783647, 0.56903,
0.5598274, 0.5507518, 0.54179835, 0.5329627, 0.52424055,
0.5156282, 0.50712204, 0.49871865, 0.49041483, 0.48220766,
0.4740943, 0.46607214, 0.4581387, 0.45029163, 0.44252872,
0.43484783, 0.427247, 0.41972435, 0.41227803, 0.40490642,
0.39760786, 0.3903808, 0.3832238, 0.37613547, 0.36911446,
0.3621595, 0.35526937, 0.34844297, 0.34167916, 0.33497685,
0.3283351, 0.3217529, 0.3152294, 0.30876362, 0.30235484,
0.29600215, 0.28970486, 0.2834622, 0.2772735, 0.27113807,
0.2650553, 0.25902456, 0.2530453, 0.24711695, 0.241239,
0.23541094, 0.22963232, 0.2239027, 0.21822165, 0.21258877,
0.20700371, 0.20146611, 0.19597565, 0.19053204, 0.18513499,
0.17978427, 0.17447963, 0.1692209, 0.16400786, 0.15884037,
0.15371831, 0.14864157, 0.14361008, 0.13862377, 0.13368265,
0.12878671, 0.12393598, 0.119130544, 0.11437051, 0.10965602,
0.104987256, 0.10036444, 0.095787846, 0.0912578, 0.08677467,
0.0823389, 0.077950984, 0.073611505, 0.06932112, 0.06508058,
0.06089077, 0.056752663, 0.0526674, 0.048636295, 0.044660863,
0.040742867, 0.03688439, 0.033087887, 0.029356318,
0.025693292, 0.022103304, 0.018592102, 0.015167298,
0.011839478, 0.008624485, 0.005548995, 0.0026696292,
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package rand implements pseudo-random number generators.
package rand
// A Source represents a source of uniformly-distributed
// pseudo-random int64 values in the range [0, 1<<63).
type Source interface {
Int63() int64;
Seed(seed int64);
// NewSource returns a new pseudo-random Source seeded with the given value.
func NewSource(seed int64) Source {
var rng rngSource;
return &rng;
// A Rand is a source of random numbers.
type Rand struct {
src Source;
// New returns a new Rand that uses random values from src
// to generate other random values.
func New(src Source) *Rand {
return &Rand{src};
// Seed uses the provided seed value to initialize the generator to a deterministic state.
func (r *Rand) Seed(seed int64) {
// Int63 returns a non-negative pseudo-random 63-bit integer as an int64.
func (r *Rand) Int63() int64 {
return r.src.Int63();
// Uint32 returns a pseudo-random 32-bit value as a uint32.
func (r *Rand) Uint32() uint32 {
return uint32(r.Int63() >> 31);
// Int31 returns a non-negative pseudo-random 31-bit integer as an int32.
func (r *Rand) Int31() int32 {
return int32(r.Int63() >> 32);
// Int returns a non-negative pseudo-random int.
func (r *Rand) Int() int {
u := uint(r.Int63());
return int(u<<1>>1); // clear sign bit if int == int32
// Int63n returns, as an int64, a non-negative pseudo-random number in [0,n).
func (r *Rand) Int63n(n int64) int64 {
if n <= 0 {
return 0;
max := int64((1<<63) - 1 - (1<<63)%uint64(n));
v := r.Int63();
for v > max {
v = r.Int63();
return v%n;
// Int31n returns, as an int32, a non-negative pseudo-random number in [0,n).
func (r *Rand) Int31n(n int32) int32 {
return int32(r.Int63n(int64(n)));
// Intn returns, as an int, a non-negative pseudo-random number in [0,n).
func (r *Rand) Intn(n int) int {
return int(r.Int63n(int64(n)));
// Float64 returns, as a float64, a pseudo-random number in [0.0,1.0).
func (r *Rand) Float64() float64 {
return float64(r.Int63())/(1<<63);
// Float32 returns, as a float32, a pseudo-random number in [0.0,1.0).
func (r *Rand) Float32() float32 {
return float32(r.Float64());
// Float returns, as a float, a pseudo-random number in [0.0,1.0).
func (r *Rand) Float() float {
return float(r.Float64());
// Perm returns, as a slice of n ints, a pseudo-random permutation of the integers [0,n).
func (r *Rand) Perm(n int) []int {
m := make([]int, n);
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
m[i] = i;
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
j := r.Intn(i+1);
m[i], m[j] = m[j], m[i];
return m;
* Top-level convenience functions
var globalRand = New(NewSource(1))
// Seed uses the provided seed value to initialize the generator to a deterministic state.
func Seed(seed int64) {
// Int63 returns a non-negative pseudo-random 63-bit integer as an int64.
func Int63() int64 {
return globalRand.Int63();
// Uint32 returns a pseudo-random 32-bit value as a uint32.
func Uint32() uint32 {
return globalRand.Uint32();
// Int31 returns a non-negative pseudo-random 31-bit integer as an int32.
func Int31() int32 {
return globalRand.Int31();
// Int returns a non-negative pseudo-random int.
func Int() int {
return globalRand.Int();
// Int63n returns, as an int64, a non-negative pseudo-random number in [0,n).
func Int63n(n int64) int64 {
return globalRand.Int63n(n);
// Int31n returns, as an int32, a non-negative pseudo-random number in [0,n).
func Int31n(n int32) int32 {
return globalRand.Int31n(n);
// Intn returns, as an int, a non-negative pseudo-random number in [0,n).
func Intn(n int) int {
return globalRand.Intn(n);
// Float64 returns, as a float64, a pseudo-random number in [0.0,1.0).
func Float64() float64 {
return globalRand.Float64();
// Float32 returns, as a float32, a pseudo-random number in [0.0,1.0).
func Float32() float32 {
return globalRand.Float32();
// Float returns, as a float, a pseudo-random number in [0.0,1.0).
func Float() float {
return globalRand.Float();
// Perm returns, as a slice of n ints, a pseudo-random permutation of the integers [0,n).
func Perm(n int) []int {
return globalRand.Perm(n);
// NormFloat64 returns a normally distributed float64 in the range
// [-math.MaxFloat64, +math.MaxFloat64] with
// standard normal distribution (mean = 0, stddev = 1).
// To produce a different normal distribution, callers can
// adjust the output using:
// sample = NormFloat64() * desiredStdDev + desiredMean
func NormFloat64() float64 {
return globalRand.NormFloat64();
// ExpFloat64 returns an exponentially distributed float64 in the range
// (0, +math.MaxFloat64] with an exponential distribution whose rate parameter
// (lambda) is 1 and whose mean is 1/lambda (1).
// To produce a distribution with a different rate parameter,
// callers can adjust the output using:
// sample = ExpFloat64() / desiredRateParameter
func ExpFloat64() float64 {
return globalRand.ExpFloat64();
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package rand
import (
const (
numTestSamples = 10000;
type statsResults struct {
mean float64;
stddev float64;
closeEnough float64;
maxError float64;
func max(a, b float64) float64 {
if a > b {
return a;
return b;
func nearEqual(a, b, closeEnough, maxError float64) bool {
absDiff := math.Fabs(a-b);
if absDiff < closeEnough { // Necessary when one value is zero and one value is close to zero.
return true;
return absDiff / max(math.Fabs(a), math.Fabs(b)) < maxError;
var testSeeds = []int64{1, 1754801282, 1698661970, 1550503961}
// checkSimilarDistribution returns success if the mean and stddev of the
// two statsResults are similar.
func (this *statsResults) checkSimilarDistribution(expected *statsResults) os.Error {
if !nearEqual(this.mean, expected.mean, expected.closeEnough, expected.maxError) {
s := fmt.Sprintf("mean %v != %v (allowed error %v, %v)", this.mean, expected.mean, expected.closeEnough, expected.maxError);
return os.ErrorString(s);
if !nearEqual(this.stddev, expected.stddev, 0, expected.maxError) {
s := fmt.Sprintf("stddev %v != %v (allowed error %v, %v)", this.stddev, expected.stddev, expected.closeEnough, expected.maxError);
return os.ErrorString(s);
return nil;
func getStatsResults(samples []float64) *statsResults {
res := new(statsResults);
var sum float64;
for i := range samples {
sum += samples[i];
res.mean = sum/float64(len(samples));
var devsum float64;
for i := range samples {
devsum += math.Pow(samples[i] - res.mean, 2);
res.stddev = math.Sqrt(devsum/float64(len(samples)));
return res;
func checkSampleDistribution(t *testing.T, samples []float64, expected *statsResults) {
actual := getStatsResults(samples);
err := actual.checkSimilarDistribution(expected);
if err != nil {
func checkSampleSliceDistributions(t *testing.T, samples []float64, nslices int, expected *statsResults) {
chunk := len(samples)/nslices;
for i := 0; i < nslices; i++ {
low := i*chunk;
var high int;
if i == nslices-1 {
high = len(samples)-1;
} else {
high = (i+1)*chunk;
checkSampleDistribution(t, samples[low:high], expected);
// Normal distribution tests
func generateNormalSamples(nsamples int, mean, stddev float64, seed int64) []float64 {
r := New(NewSource(seed));
samples := make([]float64, nsamples);
for i := range samples {
samples[i] = r.NormFloat64() * stddev + mean;
return samples;
func testNormalDistribution(t *testing.T, nsamples int, mean, stddev float64, seed int64) {
//fmt.Printf("testing nsamples=%v mean=%v stddev=%v seed=%v\n", nsamples, mean, stddev, seed);
samples := generateNormalSamples(nsamples, mean, stddev, seed);
errorScale := max(1.0, stddev); // Error scales with stddev
expected := &statsResults{mean, stddev, 0.10 * errorScale, 0.08 * errorScale};
// Make sure that the entire set matches the expected distribution.
checkSampleDistribution(t, samples, expected);
// Make sure that each half of the set matches the expected distribution.
checkSampleSliceDistributions(t, samples, 2, expected);
// Make sure that each 7th of the set matches the expected distribution.
checkSampleSliceDistributions(t, samples, 7, expected);
// Actual tests
func TestStandardNormalValues(t *testing.T) {
for _, seed := range testSeeds {
testNormalDistribution(t, numTestSamples, 0, 1, seed);
func TestNonStandardNormalValues(t *testing.T) {
for sd := float64(0.5); sd < 1000; sd *= 2 {
for m := float64(0.5); m < 1000; m *= 2 {
for _, seed := range testSeeds {
testNormalDistribution(t, numTestSamples, m, sd, seed);
// Exponential distribution tests
func generateExponentialSamples(nsamples int, rate float64, seed int64) []float64 {
r := New(NewSource(seed));
samples := make([]float64, nsamples);
for i := range samples {
samples[i] = r.ExpFloat64() / rate;
return samples;
func testExponentialDistribution(t *testing.T, nsamples int, rate float64, seed int64) {
//fmt.Printf("testing nsamples=%v rate=%v seed=%v\n", nsamples, rate, seed);
mean := 1/rate;
stddev := mean;
samples := generateExponentialSamples(nsamples, rate, seed);
errorScale := max(1.0, 1/rate); // Error scales with the inverse of the rate
expected := &statsResults{mean, stddev, 0.10 * errorScale, 0.20 * errorScale};
// Make sure that the entire set matches the expected distribution.
checkSampleDistribution(t, samples, expected);
// Make sure that each half of the set matches the expected distribution.
checkSampleSliceDistributions(t, samples, 2, expected);
// Make sure that each 7th of the set matches the expected distribution.
checkSampleSliceDistributions(t, samples, 7, expected);
// Actual tests
func TestStandardExponentialValues(t *testing.T) {
for _, seed := range testSeeds {
testExponentialDistribution(t, numTestSamples, 1, seed);
func TestNonStandardExponentialValues(t *testing.T) {
for rate := float64(0.05); rate < 10; rate *= 2 {
for _, seed := range testSeeds {
testExponentialDistribution(t, numTestSamples, rate, seed);
// Table generation tests
func initNorm() (testKn []uint32, testWn, testFn []float32) {
const m1 = 1<<31;
var (
dn float64 = rn;
tn = dn;
vn float64 = 9.91256303526217e-3;
testKn = make([]uint32, 128);
testWn = make([]float32, 128);
testFn = make([]float32, 128);
q := vn / math.Exp(-0.5 * dn * dn);
testKn[0] = uint32((dn/q)*m1);
testKn[1] = 0;
testWn[0] = float32(q/m1);
testWn[127] = float32(dn/m1);
testFn[0] = 1.0;
testFn[127] = float32(math.Exp(-0.5 * dn * dn));
for i := 126; i >= 1; i-- {
dn = math.Sqrt(-2.0 * math.Log(vn/dn + math.Exp(-0.5 * dn * dn)));
testKn[i+1] = uint32((dn/tn)*m1);
tn = dn;
testFn[i] = float32(math.Exp(-0.5 * dn * dn));
testWn[i] = float32(dn/m1);
func initExp() (testKe []uint32, testWe, testFe []float32) {
const m2 = 1<<32;
var (
de float64 = re;
te = de;
ve float64 = 3.9496598225815571993e-3;
testKe = make([]uint32, 256);
testWe = make([]float32, 256);
testFe = make([]float32, 256);
q := ve / math.Exp(-de);
testKe[0] = uint32((de/q)*m2);
testKe[1] = 0;
testWe[0] = float32(q/m2);
testWe[255] = float32(de/m2);
testFe[0] = 1.0;
testFe[255] = float32(math.Exp(-de));
for i := 254; i >= 1; i-- {
de = -math.Log(ve/de + math.Exp(-de));
testKe[i+1] = uint32((de/te)*m2);
te = de;
testFe[i] = float32(math.Exp(-de));
testWe[i] = float32(de/m2);
// compareUint32Slices returns the first index where the two slices
// disagree, or <0 if the lengths are the same and all elements
// are identical.
func compareUint32Slices(s1, s2 []uint32) int {
if len(s1) != len(s2) {
if len(s1) > len(s2) {
return len(s2)+1;
return len(s1)+1;
for i := range s1 {
if s1[i] != s2[i] {
return i;
return -1;
// compareFloat32Slices returns the first index where the two slices
// disagree, or <0 if the lengths are the same and all elements
// are identical.
func compareFloat32Slices(s1, s2 []float32) int {
if len(s1) != len(s2) {
if len(s1) > len(s2) {
return len(s2)+1;
return len(s1)+1;
for i := range s1 {
if !nearEqual(float64(s1[i]), float64(s2[i]), 0, 1e-7) {
return i;
return -1;
func TestNormTables(t *testing.T) {
testKn, testWn, testFn := initNorm();
if i := compareUint32Slices(kn[0:len(kn)], testKn); i >= 0 {
t.Errorf("kn disagrees at index %v; %v != %v\n", i, kn[i], testKn[i]);
if i := compareFloat32Slices(wn[0:len(wn)], testWn); i >= 0 {
t.Errorf("wn disagrees at index %v; %v != %v\n", i, wn[i], testWn[i]);
if i := compareFloat32Slices(fn[0:len(fn)], testFn); i >= 0 {
t.Errorf("fn disagrees at index %v; %v != %v\n", i, fn[i], testFn[i]);
func TestExpTables(t *testing.T) {
testKe, testWe, testFe := initExp();
if i := compareUint32Slices(ke[0:len(ke)], testKe); i >= 0 {
t.Errorf("ke disagrees at index %v; %v != %v\n", i, ke[i], testKe[i]);
if i := compareFloat32Slices(we[0:len(we)], testWe); i >= 0 {
t.Errorf("we disagrees at index %v; %v != %v\n", i, we[i], testWe[i]);
if i := compareFloat32Slices(fe[0:len(fe)], testFe); i >= 0 {
t.Errorf("fe disagrees at index %v; %v != %v\n", i, fe[i], testFe[i]);
......@@ -2,12 +2,13 @@
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Uniformly distributed pseudo-random numbers.
package rand
* algorithm by
* DP Mitchell and JA Reeds
* Uniform distribution
* algorithm by
* DP Mitchell and JA Reeds
const (
......@@ -22,14 +23,10 @@ const (
var (
rng_tap int; // index into vector
rng_feed int; // index into vector
rng_vec [_LEN]int64; // current feedback register
// cooked random numbers
// the state of the rng
// after 780e10 iterations
rng_cooked [_LEN]int64 = [...]int64{
rng_cooked [_LEN]int64 = [...]int64{
5041579894721019882, 4646389086726545243, 1395769623340756751, 5333664234075297259,
2875692520355975054, 9033628115061424579, 7143218595135194537, 4812947590706362721,
7937252194349799378, 5307299880338848416, 8209348851763925077, 2115741599318814044,
......@@ -185,6 +182,12 @@ var (
type rngSource struct {
tap int; // index into vec
feed int; // index into vec
vec [_LEN]int64; // current feedback register
// seed rng x[n+1] = 48271 * x[n] mod (2**31 - 1)
func seedrand(x int32) int32 {
hi := x/_Q;
......@@ -197,9 +200,9 @@ func seedrand(x int32) int32 {
// Seed uses the provided seed value to initialize the generator to a deterministic state.
func Seed(seed int32) {
rng_tap = 0;
rng_feed = _LEN-_TAP;
func (rng *rngSource) Seed(seed int64) {
rng.tap = 0;
rng.feed = _LEN-_TAP;
seed = seed%_M;
if seed < 0 {
......@@ -209,7 +212,7 @@ func Seed(seed int32) {
seed = 89482311;
x := seed;
x := int32(seed);
for i := -20; i < _LEN; i++ {
x = seedrand(x);
if i >= 0 {
......@@ -220,99 +223,24 @@ func Seed(seed int32) {
x = seedrand(x);
u ^= int64(x);
u ^= rng_cooked[i];
rng_vec[i] = u&_MASK;
rng.vec[i] = u&_MASK;
// Int63 returns a non-negative pseudo-random 63-bit integer as an int64.
func Int63() int64 {
if rng_tap < 0 {
rng_tap += _LEN;
func (rng *rngSource) Int63() int64 {
if rng.tap < 0 {
rng.tap += _LEN;
if rng_feed < 0 {
rng_feed += _LEN;
if rng.feed < 0 {
rng.feed += _LEN;
x := (rng_vec[rng_feed]+rng_vec[rng_tap])&_MASK;
rng_vec[rng_feed] = x;
x := (rng.vec[rng.feed] + rng.vec[rng.tap])&_MASK;
rng.vec[rng.feed] = x;
return x;
// Uint32 returns a pseudo-random 32-bit value as a uint32.
func Uint32() uint32 {
return uint32(Int63()>>31);
// Int31 returns a non-negative pseudo-random 31-bit integer as an int32.
func Int31() int32 {
return int32(Int63()>>32);
// Int returns a non-negative pseudo-random int. All bits but the top bit are random.
func Int() int {
u := uint(Int63());
return int(u<<1>>1); // clear sign bit if int == int32
// Int63n returns, as an int64, a non-negative pseudo-random number in [0,n).
func Int63n(n int64) int64 {
if n <= 0 {
return 0;
max := int64((1<<63) - 1 - (1<<63)%uint64(n));
v := Int63();
for v > max {
v = Int63();
return v%n;
// Int31n returns, as an int32, a non-negative pseudo-random number in [0,n).
func Int31n(n int32) int32 {
return int32(Int63n(int64(n)));
// Intn returns, as an int, a non-negative pseudo-random number in [0,n).
func Intn(n int) int {
return int(Int63n(int64(n)));
// Float64 returns, as a float64, a pseudo-random number in [0.0,1.0).
func Float64() float64 {
x := float64(Int63())/float64(_MAX);
for x >= 1 {
x = float64(Int63())/float64(_MAX);
return x;
// Float32 returns, as a float32, a pseudo-random number in [0.0,1.0).
func Float32() float32 {
return float32(Float64());
// Float returns, as a float, a pseudo-random number in [0.0,1.0).
func Float() float {
return float(Float64());
// Perm returns, as a slice of n ints, a pseudo-random permutation of the integers [0,n).
func Perm(n int) []int {
m := make([]int, n);
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
m[i] = i;
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
j := Intn(n);
m[i], m[j] = m[j], m[i];
return m;
func init() {
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