Commit 35b7a174 authored by Rob Pike's avatar Rob Pike

maintain __.PKGDEF files in archives if the 'g' flag is given

use this facility to simplify the math lib-building script

DELTA=183  (158 added, 16 deleted, 9 changed)
parent febbf82e
......@@ -116,6 +116,7 @@ char pkgdef[] = "__.PKGDEF";
int aflag; /* command line flags */
int bflag;
int cflag;
int gflag;
int oflag;
int uflag;
int vflag;
......@@ -123,6 +124,9 @@ int vflag;
Arfile *astart, *amiddle, *aend; /* Temp file control block pointers */
int allobj = 1; /* set when all members are object files of the same type */
int symdefsize; /* size of symdef file */
int pkgdefsize; /* size of pkgdef data */
char *pkgdata; /* pkgdef data */
char *pkgstmt; /* string "package foo" */
int dupfound; /* flag for duplicate symbol */
Hashchain *hash[NHASH]; /* hash table of text symbols */
......@@ -158,6 +162,7 @@ int page(Arfile*);
void pmode(long);
void rl(int);
void scanobj(Biobuf*, Arfile*, long);
void scanpkg(Biobuf*, long);
void select(int*, long);
void setcom(void(*)(char*, int, char**));
void skip(Biobuf*, vlong);
......@@ -190,6 +195,7 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[])
case 'b': bflag = 1; break;
case 'c': cflag = 1; break;
case 'd': setcom(dcmd); break;
case 'g': gflag = 1; break;
case 'i': bflag = 1; break;
case 'l':
strcpy(artemp, "vXXXXX");
......@@ -288,6 +294,11 @@ rcmd(char *arname, int count, char **files)
if (i == 0 && strcmp(file, symdef) == 0) {
skip(&bar, bp->size);
/* pitch pkgdef file */
if (gflag && strcmp(file, pkgdef) == 0) {
skip(&bar, bp->size);
if (count && !match(count, files)) {
scanobj(&bar, ap, bp->size);
......@@ -367,9 +378,11 @@ dcmd(char *arname, int count, char **files)
skip(&bar, bp->size);
if (strcmp(file, symdef) == 0)
allobj = 0;
} else if (i == 0 && strcmp(file, symdef) == 0)
} else if (i == 0 && strcmp(file, symdef) == 0) {
skip(&bar, bp->size);
else {
} else if (gflag && strcmp(file, pkgdef) == 0) {
skip(&bar, bp->size);
} else {
scanobj(&bar, astart, bp->size);
arcopy(&bar, astart, bp);
......@@ -468,15 +481,20 @@ mcmd(char *arname, int count, char **files)
mesg('m', file);
scanobj(&bar, amiddle, bp->size);
arcopy(&bar, amiddle, bp);
} else
} else if (ap == astart && i == 0 && strcmp(file, symdef) == 0) {
* pitch the symdef file if it is at the beginning
* of the archive and we aren't inserting in front
* of it (ap == astart).
if (ap == astart && i == 0 && strcmp(file, symdef) == 0)
skip(&bar, bp->size);
else {
} else if (ap == astart && gflag && strcmp(file, pkgdef) == 0) {
* pitch the pkgdef file if we aren't inserting in front
* of it (ap == astart).
skip(&bar, bp->size);
} else {
scanobj(&bar, ap, bp->size);
arcopy(&bar, ap, bp);
......@@ -567,7 +585,7 @@ scanobj(Biobuf *b, Arfile *ap, long size)
offset = Boffset(b);
obj = objtype(b, 0);
if (obj < 0) { /* not an object file */
if (strcmp(file, pkgdef) != 0) /* don't clear allobj if it's pkg defs */
if (!gflag || strcmp(file, pkgdef) != 0) /* don't clear allobj if it's pkg defs */
allobj = 0;
d = dirfstat(Bfildes(b));
if (d != nil && d->length == 0)
......@@ -591,6 +609,114 @@ scanobj(Biobuf *b, Arfile *ap, long size)
Bseek(b, offset, 0);
objtraverse(objsym, ap);
if (gflag) {
scanpkg(b, size);
Bseek(b, offset, 0);
* does line contain substring (length-limited)
strstrn(char *line, int len, char *sub)
int i;
int sublen;
sublen = strlen(sub);
for (i = 0; i < len - sublen; i++)
if (memcmp(line+i, sub, sublen) == 0)
return 1;
return 0;
* Extract the package definition data from an object file
scanpkg(Biobuf *b, long size)
long n;
int c;
long start, end, pkgsize;
char* data;
char* line;
char pkg[1024];
int first;
* scan until ((
for (n=0; n<size; ) {
c = Bgetc(b);
if(c == Beof)
if(c != '(')
c = Bgetc(b);
if(c == Beof)
if(c != '(')
goto foundstart;
fprint(2, "ar: no package import section in %s\n", file);
/* how big is it? */
first = 1;
start = end = 0;
for (n=0; n<size; n+=Blinelen(b)) {
line = Brdline(b, '\n');
if (line == 0)
goto bad;
if (first && strstrn(line, Blinelen(b), "package ")) {
if (Blinelen(b) > sizeof(pkg)-1)
goto bad;
memmove(pkg, line, Blinelen(b));
pkg[Blinelen(b)] = '\0';
start = Boffset(b); // after package statement
first = 0;
if (strstrn(line, Blinelen(b), "))"))
goto foundend;
end = Boffset(b); // before closing ))
fprint(2, "ar: bad package import section in %s\n", file);
if (start == 0 || end == 0)
goto bad;
if (pkgdefsize == 0) {
/* this is the first package */
pkgstmt = armalloc(strlen(pkg)+1);
strcpy(pkgstmt, pkg);
pkgdefsize = 7 + 3 + strlen(pkg); /* "import\n((\npackage foo\n" */
pkgdata = armalloc(pkgdefsize);
sprint(pkgdata, "import\n((\n%s", pkgstmt);
} else {
if (strcmp(pkg, pkgstmt) != 0) {
fprint(2, "ar: inconsistent package name\n");
pkgsize = end-start;
data = armalloc(pkgdefsize + pkgsize); /* should chain instead of reallocate */
memmove(data, pkgdata, pkgdefsize);
Bseek(b, start, 0);
if (Bread(b, data+pkgdefsize, pkgsize) != pkgsize) {
fprint(2, "ar: error reading package import section in %s\n", file);
pkgdefsize += pkgsize;
pkgdata = data;
......@@ -860,6 +986,7 @@ rl(int fd)
char *cp;
struct ar_hdr a;
long len;
int headlen;
Binit(&b, fd, OWRITE);
Bseek(&b,seek(fd,0,1), 0);
......@@ -880,7 +1007,13 @@ rl(int fd)
if(HEADER_IO(Bwrite, &b, a))
len += Boffset(&b);
headlen = Boffset(&b);
len += headlen;
if (gflag) {
len += SAR_HDR + pkgdefsize + 3; /* +3 for "))\n" */
if (len & 1)
if (astart) {
wrsym(&b, len, astart->sym);
len += astart->size;
......@@ -894,6 +1027,29 @@ rl(int fd)
Bputc(&b, 0);
if (gflag) {
len = pkgdefsize + 3; /* for "))\n" at close */
sprint(, "%-12ld", time(0));
sprint(a.uid, "%-6d", 0);
sprint(a.gid, "%-6d", 0);
sprint(a.mode, "%-8lo", 0644L);
sprint(a.size, "%-10ld", (len + 1) & ~1);
strncpy(a.fmag, ARFMAG, 2);
strcpy(, pkgdef);
for (cp = strchr(, 0); /* blank pad on right */
cp <; cp++)
*cp = ' ';
if(HEADER_IO(Bwrite, &b, a))
if (Bwrite(&b, pkgdata, pkgdefsize) != pkgdefsize)
if (Bwrite(&b, "))\n", 3) != 3)
Bputc(&b, 0);
......@@ -1202,6 +1358,7 @@ page(Arfile *ap)
fprint(2, "IN GETSPACE\n");
if (astart && astart->head && page(astart))
return 1;
if (amiddle && amiddle->head && page(amiddle))
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