Commit 36a80c59 authored by Russ Cox's avatar Russ Cox

cmd/compile: clean up, document Node closure fields

Requested during CL 23431.

Change-Id: I513ae42166b3a9fcfe51231ff55c163ab672e7d2
Reviewed-on: default avatarDavid Chase <>
parent 93369001
......@@ -66,8 +66,39 @@ func closurebody(body []*Node) *Node {
// unhook them.
// make the list of pointers for the closure call.
for _, v := range func_.Func.Cvars.Slice() {
v.Name.Param.Closure.Name.Param.Closure = v.Name.Param.Outer
v.Name.Param.Outerexpr = oldname(v.Sym)
// Unlink from v1; see comment in syntax.go type Param for these fields.
v1 := v.Name.Defn
v1.Name.Param.Innermost = v.Name.Param.Outer
// If the closure usage of v is not dense,
// we need to make it dense; now that we're out
// of the function in which v appeared,
// look up v.Sym in the enclosing function
// and keep it around for use in the compiled code.
// That is, suppose we just finished parsing the innermost
// closure f4 in this code:
// func f() {
// v := 1
// func() { // f2
// use(v)
// func() { // f3
// func() { // f4
// use(v)
// }()
// }()
// }()
// }
// At this point v.Outer is f2's v; there is no f3's v.
// To construct the closure f4 from within f3,
// we need to use f3's v and in this case we need to create f3's v.
// We are now in the context of f3, so calling oldname(v.Sym)
// obtains f3's v, creating it if necessary (as it is in the example).
// capturevars will decide whether to use v directly or &v.
v.Name.Param.Outer = oldname(v.Sym)
return func_
......@@ -75,7 +106,7 @@ func closurebody(body []*Node) *Node {
func typecheckclosure(func_ *Node, top int) {
for _, ln := range func_.Func.Cvars.Slice() {
n := ln.Name.Param.Closure
n := ln.Name.Defn
if !n.Name.Captured {
n.Name.Captured = true
if n.Name.Decldepth == 0 {
......@@ -215,8 +246,6 @@ func makeclosure(func_ *Node) *Node {
// We use value capturing for values <= 128 bytes that are never reassigned
// after capturing (effectively constant).
func capturevars(xfunc *Node) {
var outer *Node
lno := lineno
lineno = xfunc.Lineno
......@@ -239,14 +268,14 @@ func capturevars(xfunc *Node) {
// so that the outer frame also grabs them and knows they escape.
outer = v.Name.Param.Outerexpr
v.Name.Param.Outerexpr = nil
outer := v.Name.Param.Outer
outermost := v.Name.Defn
// out parameters will be assigned to implicitly upon return.
if outer.Class != PPARAMOUT && !v.Name.Param.Closure.Addrtaken && !v.Name.Param.Closure.Assigned && v.Type.Width <= 128 {
if outer.Class != PPARAMOUT && !outermost.Addrtaken && !outermost.Assigned && v.Type.Width <= 128 {
v.Name.Byval = true
} else {
v.Name.Param.Closure.Addrtaken = true
outermost.Addrtaken = true
outer = Nod(OADDR, outer, nil)
......@@ -259,7 +288,7 @@ func capturevars(xfunc *Node) {
if v.Name.Byval {
how = "value"
Warnl(v.Lineno, "%v capturing by %s: %v (addr=%v assign=%v width=%d)", name, how, v.Sym, v.Name.Param.Closure.Addrtaken, v.Name.Param.Closure.Assigned, int32(v.Type.Width))
Warnl(v.Lineno, "%v capturing by %s: %v (addr=%v assign=%v width=%d)", name, how, v.Sym, outermost.Addrtaken, outermost.Assigned, int32(v.Type.Width))
outer = typecheck(outer, Erv)
......@@ -385,33 +385,36 @@ func oldname(s *Sym) *Node {
if Curfn != nil && n.Op == ONAME && n.Name.Funcdepth > 0 && n.Name.Funcdepth != Funcdepth {
// inner func is referring to var in outer func.
// Inner func is referring to var in outer func.
// TODO(rsc): If there is an outer variable x and we
// are parsing x := 5 inside the closure, until we get to
// the := it looks like a reference to the outer x so we'll
// make x a closure variable unnecessarily.
if n.Name.Param.Closure == nil || n.Name.Param.Closure.Name.Funcdepth != Funcdepth {
// create new closure var.
c := Nod(ONAME, nil, nil)
c := n.Name.Param.Innermost
if c == nil || c.Name.Funcdepth != Funcdepth {
// Do not have a closure var for the active closure yet; make one.
c = Nod(ONAME, nil, nil)
c.Sym = s
c.Isddd = n.Isddd
c.Name.Defn = n
c.Addable = false
c.Ullman = 2
c.Name.Funcdepth = Funcdepth
c.Name.Param.Outer = n.Name.Param.Closure
n.Name.Param.Closure = c
c.Name.Param.Closure = n
// Link into list of active closure variables.
// Popped from list in func closurebody.
c.Name.Param.Outer = n.Name.Param.Innermost
n.Name.Param.Innermost = c
c.Xoffset = 0
// return ref to closure var, not original
return n.Name.Param.Closure
return c
return n
......@@ -900,13 +900,13 @@ func esc(e *EscState, n *Node, up *Node) {
escassignSinkNilWhy(e, n, n7.Right, "map literal value")
// Link addresses of captured variables to closure.
// Link addresses of captured variables to closure.
for _, v := range n.Func.Cvars.Slice() {
if v.Op == OXXX { // unnamed out argument; see dcl.go:/^funcargs
a := v.Name.Param.Closure
a := v.Name.Defn
if !v.Name.Byval {
a = Nod(OADDR, a, nil)
a.Lineno = v.Lineno
......@@ -1819,12 +1819,12 @@ func escwalkBody(e *EscState, level Level, dst *Node, src *Node, step *EscStep,
// Treat a captured closure variable as equivalent to the
// original variable.
if src.isClosureParam() {
if src.isClosureVar() {
if leaks && Debug['m'] != 0 {
Warnl(src.Lineno, "leaking closure reference %v", Nconv(src, FmtShort))
escwalk(e, level, dst, src.Name.Param.Closure, e.stepWalk(dst, src.Name.Param.Closure, "closure-var", step))
escwalk(e, level, dst, src.Name.Defn, e.stepWalk(dst, src.Name.Defn, "closure-var", step))
......@@ -1193,7 +1193,7 @@ func exprfmt(n *Node, prec int) string {
if n.Nbody.Len() != 0 {
return fmt.Sprintf("%v { %v }", n.Type, n.Nbody)
return fmt.Sprintf("%v { %v }", n.Type, n.Name.Param.Closure.Nbody)
return fmt.Sprintf("%v { %v }", n.Type, n.Func.Closure.Nbody)
ptrlit := n.Right != nil && n.Right.Implicit && n.Right.Type != nil && n.Right.Type.IsPtr()
......@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ func addrescapes(n *Node) {
// If a closure reference escapes, mark the outer variable as escaping.
if n.isClosureParam() {
if n.isClosureVar() {
......@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ type Node struct {
const (
hasBreak = 1 << iota
func (n *Node) HasBreak() bool {
......@@ -101,14 +101,14 @@ func (n *Node) SetNotLiveAtEnd(b bool) {
n.flags &^= notLiveAtEnd
func (n *Node) isClosureParam() bool {
return n.flags&isClosureParam != 0
func (n *Node) isClosureVar() bool {
return n.flags&isClosureVar != 0
func (n *Node) setIsClosureParam(b bool) {
func (n *Node) setIsClosureVar(b bool) {
if b {
n.flags |= isClosureParam
n.flags |= isClosureVar
} else {
n.flags &^= isClosureParam
n.flags &^= isClosureVar
......@@ -158,8 +158,8 @@ func (n *Node) SetOpt(x interface{}) {
type Name struct {
Pack *Node // real package for import . names
Pkg *Pkg // pkg for OPACK nodes
Heapaddr *Node // temp holding heap address of param
Inlvar *Node // ONAME substitute while inlining
Heapaddr *Node // temp holding heap address of param (could move to Param?)
Inlvar *Node // ONAME substitute while inlining (could move to Param?)
Defn *Node // initializing assignment
Curfn *Node // function for local variables
Param *Param // additional fields for ONAME, ODCLFIELD
......@@ -179,15 +179,82 @@ type Param struct {
Ntype *Node
Outerexpr *Node // expression copied into closure for variable
Stackcopy *Node // the PPARAM/PPARAMOUT on-stack slot (moved func params only)
Field *Field // TFIELD in arg struct
// ONAME closure linkage
// Consider:
// func f() {
// x := 1 // x1
// func() {
// use(x) // x2
// func() {
// use(x) // x3
// --- parser is here ---
// }()
// }()
// }
// There is an original declaration of x and then a chain of mentions of x
// leading into the current function. Each time x is mentioned in a new closure,
// we create a variable representing x for use in that specific closure,
// since the way you get to x is different in each closure.
// Let's number the specific variables as shown in the code:
// x1 is the original x, x2 is when mentioned in the closure,
// and x3 is when mentioned in the closure in the closure.
// We keep these linked (assume N > 1):
// - x1.Defn = original declaration statement for x (like most variables)
// - x1.Innermost = current innermost closure x (in this case x3), or nil for none
// - x1.isClosureVar() = false
// - xN.Defn = x1, N > 1
// - xN.isClosureVar() = true, N > 1
// - x2.Outer = nil
// - xN.Outer = x(N-1), N > 2
// When we look up x in the symbol table, we always get x1.
// Then we can use x1.Innermost (if not nil) to get the x
// for the innermost known closure function,
// but the first reference in a closure will find either no x1.Innermost
// or an x1.Innermost with .Funcdepth < Funcdepth.
// In that case, a new xN must be created, linked in with:
// xN.Defn = x1
// xN.Outer = x1.Innermost
// x1.Innermost = xN
// When we finish the function, we'll process its closure variables
// and find xN and pop it off the list using:
// x1 := xN.Defn
// x1.Innermost = xN.Outer
// We leave xN.Innermost set so that we can still get to the original
// variable quickly. Not shown here, but once we're
// done parsing a function and no longer need xN.Outer for the
// lexical x reference links as described above, closurebody
// recomputes xN.Outer as the semantic x reference link tree,
// even filling in x in intermediate closures that might not
// have mentioned it along the way to inner closures that did.
// See closurebody for details.
// During the eventual compilation, then, for closure variables we have:
// xN.Defn = original variable
// xN.Outer = variable captured in next outward scope
// to make closure where xN appears
// Because of the sharding of pieces of the node, x.Defn means x.Name.Defn
// and x.Innermost/Outer means x.Name.Param.Innermost/Outer.
Innermost *Node
Outer *Node
Closure *Node
// Func holds Node fields used only with function-like nodes.
......@@ -796,8 +796,8 @@ OpSwitch:
var l *Node
for l = n.Left; l != r; l = l.Left {
l.Addrtaken = true
if l.Name != nil && l.Name.Param != nil && l.Name.Param.Closure != nil {
l.Name.Param.Closure.Addrtaken = true
if l.isClosureVar() {
l.Name.Defn.Addrtaken = true
......@@ -805,8 +805,8 @@ OpSwitch:
Fatalf("found non-orig name node %v", l)
l.Addrtaken = true
if l.Name != nil && l.Name.Param != nil && l.Name.Param.Closure != nil {
l.Name.Param.Closure.Addrtaken = true
if l.isClosureVar() {
l.Name.Defn.Addrtaken = true
n.Left = defaultlit(n.Left, nil)
l = n.Left
......@@ -3128,14 +3128,14 @@ func checkassign(stmt *Node, n *Node) {
var l *Node
for l = n; l != r; l = l.Left {
l.Assigned = true
if l.Name != nil && l.Name.Param != nil && l.Name.Param.Closure != nil {
l.Name.Param.Closure.Assigned = true
if l.isClosureVar() {
l.Name.Defn.Assigned = true
l.Assigned = true
if l.Name != nil && l.Name.Param != nil && l.Name.Param.Closure != nil {
l.Name.Param.Closure.Assigned = true
if l.isClosureVar() {
l.Name.Defn.Assigned = true
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