Commit 3965d750 authored by Russ Cox's avatar Russ Cox

runtime: factor out bitmap, finalizer code from malloc/mgc

The code in mfinal.go is moved from malloc*.go and mgc*.go
and substantially unchanged.

The code in mbitmap.go is also moved from those files, but
cleaned up so that it can be called from those files (in most cases
the code being moved was not already a standalone function).
I also renamed the constants and wrote comments describing
the format. The result is a significant cleanup and isolation of
the bitmap code, but, roughly speaking, it should be treated
and reviewed as new code.

The other files changed only as much as necessary to support
this code movement.

This CL does NOT change the semantics of the heap or type
bitmaps at all, although there are now some obvious opportunities
to do so in followup CLs.

Change-Id: I41b8d5de87ad1d3cd322709931ab25e659dbb21d
Reviewed-on: default avatarKeith Randall <>
parent fd880f8d
......@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ func TestGCInfo(t *testing.T) {
func verifyGCInfo(t *testing.T, name string, p interface{}, mask0 []byte) {
mask := runtime.GCMask(p)
if len(mask) > len(mask0) {
mask0 = append(mask0, BitsDead)
mask0 = append(mask0, typeDead)
mask = mask[:len(mask0)]
if bytes.Compare(mask, mask0) != 0 {
......@@ -60,11 +60,11 @@ func verifyGCInfo(t *testing.T, name string, p interface{}, mask0 []byte) {
func nonStackInfo(mask []byte) []byte {
// BitsDead is replaced with BitsScalar everywhere except stacks.
// typeDead is replaced with typeScalar everywhere except stacks.
mask1 := make([]byte, len(mask))
for i, v := range mask {
if v == BitsDead {
v = BitsScalar
if v == typeDead {
v = typeScalar
mask1[i] = v
......@@ -79,9 +79,9 @@ func escape(p interface{}) interface{} {
const (
BitsDead = iota
typeDead = iota
const (
......@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ type ScalarPtr struct {
y *int
var infoScalarPtr = []byte{BitsScalar, BitsPointer, BitsScalar, BitsPointer, BitsScalar, BitsPointer}
var infoScalarPtr = []byte{typeScalar, typePointer, typeScalar, typePointer, typeScalar, typePointer}
type PtrScalar struct {
q *int
......@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ type PtrScalar struct {
y int
var infoPtrScalar = []byte{BitsPointer, BitsScalar, BitsPointer, BitsScalar, BitsPointer, BitsScalar}
var infoPtrScalar = []byte{typePointer, typeScalar, typePointer, typeScalar, typePointer, typeScalar}
type BigStruct struct {
q *int
......@@ -128,27 +128,27 @@ func infoBigStruct() []byte {
switch runtime.GOARCH {
case "386", "arm":
return []byte{
BitsPointer, // q *int
BitsScalar, BitsScalar, BitsScalar, BitsScalar, BitsScalar, // w byte; e [17]byte
BitsPointer, BitsDead, BitsDead, // r []byte
BitsScalar, BitsScalar, BitsScalar, BitsScalar, // t int; y uint16; u uint64
BitsPointer, BitsDead, // i string
typePointer, // q *int
typeScalar, typeScalar, typeScalar, typeScalar, typeScalar, // w byte; e [17]byte
typePointer, typeDead, typeDead, // r []byte
typeScalar, typeScalar, typeScalar, typeScalar, // t int; y uint16; u uint64
typePointer, typeDead, // i string
case "amd64", "ppc64", "ppc64le":
return []byte{
BitsPointer, // q *int
BitsScalar, BitsScalar, BitsScalar, // w byte; e [17]byte
BitsPointer, BitsDead, BitsDead, // r []byte
BitsScalar, BitsScalar, BitsScalar, // t int; y uint16; u uint64
BitsPointer, BitsDead, // i string
typePointer, // q *int
typeScalar, typeScalar, typeScalar, // w byte; e [17]byte
typePointer, typeDead, typeDead, // r []byte
typeScalar, typeScalar, typeScalar, // t int; y uint16; u uint64
typePointer, typeDead, // i string
case "amd64p32":
return []byte{
BitsPointer, // q *int
BitsScalar, BitsScalar, BitsScalar, BitsScalar, BitsScalar, // w byte; e [17]byte
BitsPointer, BitsDead, BitsDead, // r []byte
BitsScalar, BitsScalar, BitsDead, BitsScalar, BitsScalar, // t int; y uint16; u uint64
BitsPointer, BitsDead, // i string
typePointer, // q *int
typeScalar, typeScalar, typeScalar, typeScalar, typeScalar, // w byte; e [17]byte
typePointer, typeDead, typeDead, // r []byte
typeScalar, typeScalar, typeDead, typeScalar, typeScalar, // t int; y uint16; u uint64
typePointer, typeDead, // i string
panic("unknown arch")
......@@ -183,8 +183,8 @@ var (
dataEface interface{} = 42
dataIface Iface = IfaceImpl(42)
infoString = []byte{BitsPointer, BitsDead}
infoSlice = []byte{BitsPointer, BitsDead, BitsDead}
infoEface = []byte{BitsPointer, BitsPointer}
infoIface = []byte{BitsPointer, BitsPointer}
infoString = []byte{typePointer, typeDead}
infoSlice = []byte{typePointer, typeDead, typeDead}
infoEface = []byte{typePointer, typePointer}
infoIface = []byte{typePointer, typePointer}
......@@ -219,18 +219,18 @@ type childInfo struct {
// dump kinds & offsets of interesting fields in bv
func dumpbv(cbv *bitvector, offset uintptr) {
bv := gobv(*cbv)
for i := uintptr(0); i < uintptr(bv.n); i += bitsPerPointer {
switch bv.bytedata[i/8] >> (i % 8) & 3 {
for i := uintptr(0); i < uintptr(bv.n); i += typeBitsWidth {
switch bv.bytedata[i/8] >> (i % 8) & typeMask {
throw("unexpected pointer bits")
case _BitsDead:
// BitsDead has already been processed in makeheapobjbv.
case typeDead:
// typeDead has already been processed in makeheapobjbv.
// We should only see it in stack maps, in which case we should continue processing.
case _BitsScalar:
case typeScalar:
// ok
case _BitsPointer:
case typePointer:
dumpint(uint64(offset + i/_BitsPerPointer*ptrSize))
dumpint(uint64(offset + i/typeBitsWidth*ptrSize))
......@@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ func dumpframe(s *stkframe, arg unsafe.Pointer) bool {
var bv bitvector
if stkmap != nil && stkmap.n > 0 {
bv = stackmapdata(stkmap, pcdata)
dumpbvtypes(&bv, unsafe.Pointer(s.varp-uintptr(bv.n/_BitsPerPointer*ptrSize)))
dumpbvtypes(&bv, unsafe.Pointer(s.varp-uintptr(bv.n/typeBitsWidth*ptrSize)))
} else {
bv.n = -1
......@@ -308,7 +308,7 @@ func dumpframe(s *stkframe, arg unsafe.Pointer) bool {
} else if stkmap.n > 0 {
// Locals bitmap information, scan just the pointers in
// locals.
dumpbv(&bv, s.varp-uintptr(bv.n)/_BitsPerPointer*ptrSize-s.sp)
dumpbv(&bv, s.varp-uintptr(bv.n)/typeBitsWidth*ptrSize-s.sp)
......@@ -701,29 +701,28 @@ func dumpbvtypes(bv *bitvector, base unsafe.Pointer) {
func makeheapobjbv(p uintptr, size uintptr) bitvector {
// Extend the temp buffer if necessary.
nptr := size / ptrSize
if uintptr(len(tmpbuf)) < nptr*_BitsPerPointer/8+1 {
if uintptr(len(tmpbuf)) < nptr*typeBitsWidth/8+1 {
if tmpbuf != nil {
sysFree(unsafe.Pointer(&tmpbuf[0]), uintptr(len(tmpbuf)), &memstats.other_sys)
n := nptr*_BitsPerPointer/8 + 1
n := nptr*typeBitsWidth/8 + 1
p := sysAlloc(n, &memstats.other_sys)
if p == nil {
throw("heapdump: out of memory")
tmpbuf = (*[1 << 30]byte)(p)[:n]
// Copy and compact the bitmap.
var i uintptr
for i = 0; i < nptr; i++ {
off := (p + i*ptrSize - mheap_.arena_start) / ptrSize
bitp := (*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(mheap_.arena_start - off/wordsPerBitmapByte - 1))
shift := uint8((off % wordsPerBitmapByte) * gcBits)
bits := (*bitp >> (shift + 2)) & _BitsMask
if bits == _BitsDead {
break // end of heap object
// Convert heap bitmap to type bitmap.
i := uintptr(0)
hbits := heapBitsForAddr(p)
for ; i < nptr; i++ {
bits := hbits.typeBits()
if bits == typeDead {
break // end of object
tmpbuf[i*_BitsPerPointer/8] &^= (_BitsMask << ((i * _BitsPerPointer) % 8))
tmpbuf[i*_BitsPerPointer/8] |= bits << ((i * _BitsPerPointer) % 8)
hbits =
tmpbuf[i*typeBitsWidth/8] &^= (typeMask << ((i * typeBitsWidth) % 8))
tmpbuf[i*typeBitsWidth/8] |= bits << ((i * typeBitsWidth) % 8)
return bitvector{int32(i * _BitsPerPointer), &tmpbuf[0]}
return bitvector{int32(i * typeBitsWidth), &tmpbuf[0]}
......@@ -20,14 +20,6 @@ const (
pageSize = _PageSize
pageMask = _PageMask
bitsPerPointer = _BitsPerPointer
bitsMask = _BitsMask
pointersPerByte = _PointersPerByte
maxGCMask = _MaxGCMask
bitsDead = _BitsDead
bitsPointer = _BitsPointer
bitsScalar = _BitsScalar
mSpanInUse = _MSpanInUse
concurrentSweep = _ConcurrentSweep
......@@ -63,27 +55,18 @@ func mallocgc(size uintptr, typ *_type, flags uint32) unsafe.Pointer {
if size == 0 {
return unsafe.Pointer(&zerobase)
size0 := size
dataSize := size
if flags&flagNoScan == 0 && typ == nil {
throw("malloc missing type")
// This function must be atomic wrt GC, but for performance reasons
// we don't acquirem/releasem on fast path. The code below does not have
// split stack checks, so it can't be preempted by GC.
// Functions like roundup/add are inlined. And systemstack/racemalloc are nosplit.
// If debugMalloc = true, these assumptions are checked below.
if debugMalloc {
mp := acquirem()
if mp.mallocing != 0 {
throw("malloc deadlock")
mp.mallocing = 1
if mp.curg != nil {
mp.curg.stackguard0 = ^uintptr(0xfff) | 0xbad
// Set mp.mallocing to keep from being preempted by GC.
mp := acquirem()
if mp.mallocing != 0 {
throw("malloc deadlock")
mp.mallocing = 1
c := gomcache()
var s *mspan
......@@ -133,20 +116,8 @@ func mallocgc(size uintptr, typ *_type, flags uint32) unsafe.Pointer {
x = add(c.tiny, off)
c.tinyoffset = off + size
if debugMalloc {
mp := acquirem()
if mp.mallocing == 0 {
throw("bad malloc")
mp.mallocing = 0
if mp.curg != nil {
mp.curg.stackguard0 = mp.curg.stack.lo + _StackGuard
// Note: one releasem for the acquirem just above.
// The other for the acquirem at start of malloc.
mp.mallocing = 0
return x
// Allocate a new maxTinySize block.
......@@ -214,107 +185,19 @@ func mallocgc(size uintptr, typ *_type, flags uint32) unsafe.Pointer {
if flags&flagNoScan != 0 {
// All objects are pre-marked as noscan.
goto marked
// If allocating a defer+arg block, now that we've picked a malloc size
// large enough to hold everything, cut the "asked for" size down to
// just the defer header, so that the GC bitmap will record the arg block
// as containing nothing at all (as if it were unused space at the end of
// a malloc block caused by size rounding).
// The defer arg areas are scanned as part of scanstack.
if typ == deferType {
size0 = unsafe.Sizeof(_defer{})
// From here till marked label marking the object as allocated
// and storing type info in the GC bitmap.
arena_start := uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(mheap_.arena_start))
off := (uintptr(x) - arena_start) / ptrSize
xbits := (*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(arena_start - off/wordsPerBitmapByte - 1))
shift := (off % wordsPerBitmapByte) * gcBits
if debugMalloc && ((*xbits>>shift)&(bitMask|bitPtrMask)) != bitBoundary {
println("runtime: bits =", (*xbits>>shift)&(bitMask|bitPtrMask))
throw("bad bits in markallocated")
var ti, te uintptr
var ptrmask *uint8
if size == ptrSize {
// It's one word and it has pointers, it must be a pointer.
// The bitmap byte is shared with the one-word object
// next to it, and concurrent GC might be marking that
// object, so we must use an atomic update.
atomicor8(xbits, (bitsPointer<<2)<<shift)
goto marked
if typ.kind&kindGCProg != 0 {
nptr := (uintptr(typ.size) + ptrSize - 1) / ptrSize
masksize := nptr
if masksize%2 != 0 {
masksize *= 2 // repeated
masksize = masksize * pointersPerByte / 8 // 4 bits per word
masksize++ // unroll flag in the beginning
if masksize > maxGCMask && typ.gc[1] != 0 {
// write barriers have not been updated to deal with this case yet.
throw("maxGCMask too small for now")
// If the mask is too large, unroll the program directly
// into the GC bitmap. It's 7 times slower than copying
// from the pre-unrolled mask, but saves 1/16 of type size
// memory for the mask.
systemstack(func() {
unrollgcproginplace_m(x, typ, size, size0)
goto marked
ptrmask = (*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(typ.gc[0])))
// Check whether the program is already unrolled
// by checking if the unroll flag byte is set
maskword := uintptr(atomicloadp(unsafe.Pointer(ptrmask)))
if *(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(&maskword)) == 0 {
systemstack(func() {
ptrmask = (*uint8)(add(unsafe.Pointer(ptrmask), 1)) // skip the unroll flag byte
} else {
ptrmask = (*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(typ.gc[0])) // pointer to unrolled mask
if size == 2*ptrSize {
*xbits = *ptrmask | bitBoundary
goto marked
te = uintptr(typ.size) / ptrSize
// If the type occupies odd number of words, its mask is repeated.
if te%2 == 0 {
te /= 2
// Copy pointer bitmask into the bitmap.
for i := uintptr(0); i < size0; i += 2 * ptrSize {
v := *(*uint8)(add(unsafe.Pointer(ptrmask), ti))
if ti == te {
ti = 0
if i == 0 {
v |= bitBoundary
if i+ptrSize == size0 {
v &^= uint8(bitPtrMask << 4)
*xbits = v
xbits = (*byte)(add(unsafe.Pointer(xbits), ^uintptr(0)))
if size0%(2*ptrSize) == 0 && size0 < size {
// Mark the word after last object's word as bitsDead.
*xbits = bitsDead << 2
// All objects are pre-marked as noscan. Nothing to do.
} else {
// If allocating a defer+arg block, now that we've picked a malloc size
// large enough to hold everything, cut the "asked for" size down to
// just the defer header, so that the GC bitmap will record the arg block
// as containing nothing at all (as if it were unused space at the end of
// a malloc block caused by size rounding).
// The defer arg areas are scanned as part of scanstack.
if typ == deferType {
dataSize = unsafe.Sizeof(_defer{})
heapBitsSetType(uintptr(x), size, dataSize, typ)
// GCmarkterminate allocates black
// All slots hold nil so no scanning is needed.
......@@ -334,20 +217,8 @@ marked:
racemalloc(x, size)
if debugMalloc {
mp := acquirem()
if mp.mallocing == 0 {
throw("bad malloc")
mp.mallocing = 0
if mp.curg != nil {
mp.curg.stackguard0 = mp.curg.stack.lo + _StackGuard
// Note: one releasem for the acquirem just above.
// The other for the acquirem at start of malloc.
mp.mallocing = 0
if debug.allocfreetrace != 0 {
tracealloc(x, size, typ)
......@@ -377,36 +248,6 @@ marked:
return x
func loadPtrMask(typ *_type) []uint8 {
var ptrmask *uint8
nptr := (uintptr(typ.size) + ptrSize - 1) / ptrSize
if typ.kind&kindGCProg != 0 {
masksize := nptr
if masksize%2 != 0 {
masksize *= 2 // repeated
masksize = masksize * pointersPerByte / 8 // 4 bits per word
masksize++ // unroll flag in the beginning
if masksize > maxGCMask && typ.gc[1] != 0 {
// write barriers have not been updated to deal with this case yet.
throw("maxGCMask too small for now")
ptrmask = (*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(typ.gc[0])))
// Check whether the program is already unrolled
// by checking if the unroll flag byte is set
maskword := uintptr(atomicloadp(unsafe.Pointer(ptrmask)))
if *(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(&maskword)) == 0 {
systemstack(func() {
ptrmask = (*uint8)(add(unsafe.Pointer(ptrmask), 1)) // skip the unroll flag byte
} else {
ptrmask = (*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(typ.gc[0])) // pointer to unrolled mask
return (*[1 << 30]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(ptrmask))[:(nptr+1)/2]
// implementation of new builtin
func newobject(typ *_type) unsafe.Pointer {
flags := uint32(0)
......@@ -724,288 +565,11 @@ var enoptrdata struct{}
var noptrbss struct{}
var enoptrbss struct{}
// SetFinalizer sets the finalizer associated with x to f.
// When the garbage collector finds an unreachable block
// with an associated finalizer, it clears the association and runs
// f(x) in a separate goroutine. This makes x reachable again, but
// now without an associated finalizer. Assuming that SetFinalizer
// is not called again, the next time the garbage collector sees
// that x is unreachable, it will free x.
// SetFinalizer(x, nil) clears any finalizer associated with x.
// The argument x must be a pointer to an object allocated by
// calling new or by taking the address of a composite literal.
// The argument f must be a function that takes a single argument
// to which x's type can be assigned, and can have arbitrary ignored return
// values. If either of these is not true, SetFinalizer aborts the
// program.
// Finalizers are run in dependency order: if A points at B, both have
// finalizers, and they are otherwise unreachable, only the finalizer
// for A runs; once A is freed, the finalizer for B can run.
// If a cyclic structure includes a block with a finalizer, that
// cycle is not guaranteed to be garbage collected and the finalizer
// is not guaranteed to run, because there is no ordering that
// respects the dependencies.
// The finalizer for x is scheduled to run at some arbitrary time after
// x becomes unreachable.
// There is no guarantee that finalizers will run before a program exits,
// so typically they are useful only for releasing non-memory resources
// associated with an object during a long-running program.
// For example, an os.File object could use a finalizer to close the
// associated operating system file descriptor when a program discards
// an os.File without calling Close, but it would be a mistake
// to depend on a finalizer to flush an in-memory I/O buffer such as a
// bufio.Writer, because the buffer would not be flushed at program exit.
// It is not guaranteed that a finalizer will run if the size of *x is
// zero bytes.
// It is not guaranteed that a finalizer will run for objects allocated
// in initializers for package-level variables. Such objects may be
// linker-allocated, not heap-allocated.
// A single goroutine runs all finalizers for a program, sequentially.
// If a finalizer must run for a long time, it should do so by starting
// a new goroutine.
func SetFinalizer(obj interface{}, finalizer interface{}) {
e := (*eface)(unsafe.Pointer(&obj))
etyp := e._type
if etyp == nil {
throw("runtime.SetFinalizer: first argument is nil")
if etyp.kind&kindMask != kindPtr {
throw("runtime.SetFinalizer: first argument is " + *etyp._string + ", not pointer")
ot := (*ptrtype)(unsafe.Pointer(etyp))
if ot.elem == nil {
throw("nil elem type!")
// find the containing object
_, base, _ := findObject(
if base == nil {
// 0-length objects are okay.
if == unsafe.Pointer(&zerobase) {
// Global initializers might be linker-allocated.
// var Foo = &Object{}
// func main() {
// runtime.SetFinalizer(Foo, nil)
// }
// The relevant segments are: noptrdata, data, bss, noptrbss.
// We cannot assume they are in any order or even contiguous,
// due to external linking.
if uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&noptrdata)) <= uintptr( && uintptr( < uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&enoptrdata)) ||
uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&data)) <= uintptr( && uintptr( < uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&edata)) ||
uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&bss)) <= uintptr( && uintptr( < uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&ebss)) ||
uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&noptrbss)) <= uintptr( && uintptr( < uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&enoptrbss)) {
throw("runtime.SetFinalizer: pointer not in allocated block")
if != base {
// As an implementation detail we allow to set finalizers for an inner byte
// of an object if it could come from tiny alloc (see mallocgc for details).
if ot.elem == nil || ot.elem.kind&kindNoPointers == 0 || ot.elem.size >= maxTinySize {
throw("runtime.SetFinalizer: pointer not at beginning of allocated block")
f := (*eface)(unsafe.Pointer(&finalizer))
ftyp := f._type
if ftyp == nil {
// switch to system stack and remove finalizer
systemstack(func() {
if ftyp.kind&kindMask != kindFunc {
throw("runtime.SetFinalizer: second argument is " + *ftyp._string + ", not a function")
ft := (*functype)(unsafe.Pointer(ftyp))
ins := *(*[]*_type)(unsafe.Pointer(&
if ft.dotdotdot || len(ins) != 1 {
throw("runtime.SetFinalizer: cannot pass " + *etyp._string + " to finalizer " + *ftyp._string)
fint := ins[0]
switch {
case fint == etyp:
// ok - same type
goto okarg
case fint.kind&kindMask == kindPtr:
if (fint.x == nil || == nil || etyp.x == nil || == nil) && (*ptrtype)(unsafe.Pointer(fint)).elem == ot.elem {
// ok - not same type, but both pointers,
// one or the other is unnamed, and same element type, so assignable.
goto okarg
case fint.kind&kindMask == kindInterface:
ityp := (*interfacetype)(unsafe.Pointer(fint))
if len(ityp.mhdr) == 0 {
// ok - satisfies empty interface
goto okarg
if assertE2I2(ityp, obj, nil) {
goto okarg
throw("runtime.SetFinalizer: cannot pass " + *etyp._string + " to finalizer " + *ftyp._string)
// compute size needed for return parameters
nret := uintptr(0)
for _, t := range *(*[]*_type)(unsafe.Pointer(&ft.out)) {
nret = round(nret, uintptr(t.align)) + uintptr(t.size)
nret = round(nret, ptrSize)
// make sure we have a finalizer goroutine
systemstack(func() {
if !addfinalizer(, (*funcval)(, nret, fint, ot) {
throw("runtime.SetFinalizer: finalizer already set")
// round n up to a multiple of a. a must be a power of 2.
func round(n, a uintptr) uintptr {
return (n + a - 1) &^ (a - 1)
// Look up pointer v in heap. Return the span containing the object,
// the start of the object, and the size of the object. If the object
// does not exist, return nil, nil, 0.
func findObject(v unsafe.Pointer) (s *mspan, x unsafe.Pointer, n uintptr) {
c := gomcache()
if ptrSize == 4 && c.local_nlookup >= 1<<30 {
// purge cache stats to prevent overflow
// find span
arena_start := uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(mheap_.arena_start))
arena_used := uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(mheap_.arena_used))
if uintptr(v) < arena_start || uintptr(v) >= arena_used {
p := uintptr(v) >> pageShift
q := p - arena_start>>pageShift
s = *(**mspan)(add(unsafe.Pointer(mheap_.spans), q*ptrSize))
if s == nil {
x = unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(s.start) << pageShift)
if uintptr(v) < uintptr(x) || uintptr(v) >= uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(s.limit)) || s.state != mSpanInUse {
s = nil
x = nil
n = uintptr(s.elemsize)
if s.sizeclass != 0 {
x = add(x, (uintptr(v)-uintptr(x))/n*n)
var fingCreate uint32
func createfing() {
// start the finalizer goroutine exactly once
if fingCreate == 0 && cas(&fingCreate, 0, 1) {
go runfinq()
// This is the goroutine that runs all of the finalizers
func runfinq() {
var (
frame unsafe.Pointer
framecap uintptr
for {
fb := finq
finq = nil
if fb == nil {
gp := getg()
fing = gp
fingwait = true
gp.issystem = true
goparkunlock(&finlock, "finalizer wait")
gp.issystem = false
if raceenabled {
for fb != nil {
for i := int32(0); i < fb.cnt; i++ {
f := (*finalizer)(add(unsafe.Pointer(&fb.fin), uintptr(i)*unsafe.Sizeof(finalizer{})))
framesz := unsafe.Sizeof((interface{})(nil)) + uintptr(f.nret)
if framecap < framesz {
// The frame does not contain pointers interesting for GC,
// all not yet finalized objects are stored in finq.
// If we do not mark it as FlagNoScan,
// the last finalized object is not collected.
frame = mallocgc(framesz, nil, flagNoScan)
framecap = framesz
if f.fint == nil {
throw("missing type in runfinq")
switch f.fint.kind & kindMask {
case kindPtr:
// direct use of pointer
*(*unsafe.Pointer)(frame) = f.arg
case kindInterface:
ityp := (*interfacetype)(unsafe.Pointer(f.fint))
// set up with empty interface
(*eface)(frame)._type = &f.ot.typ
(*eface)(frame).data = f.arg
if len(ityp.mhdr) != 0 {
// convert to interface with methods
// this conversion is guaranteed to succeed - we checked in SetFinalizer
assertE2I(ityp, *(*interface{})(frame), (*fInterface)(frame))
throw("bad kind in runfinq")
reflectcall(nil, unsafe.Pointer(f.fn), frame, uint32(framesz), uint32(framesz))
// drop finalizer queue references to finalized object
f.fn = nil
f.arg = nil
f.ot = nil
fb.cnt = 0
next :=
lock(&finlock) = finc
finc = fb
fb = next
var persistent struct {
lock mutex
base unsafe.Pointer
......@@ -350,8 +350,6 @@ func largeAlloc(size uintptr, flag uint32) *mspan {
throw("out of memory")
s.limit = uintptr(s.start)<<_PageShift + size
v := unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(s.start) << _PageShift)
// setup for mark sweep
markspan(v, 0, 0, true)
return s
......@@ -405,6 +405,19 @@ type mspan struct {
specials *special // linked list of special records sorted by offset.
func (s *mspan) base() uintptr {
return uintptr(s.start << _PageShift)
func (s *mspan) layout() (size, n, total uintptr) {
total = s.npages << _PageShift
size = s.elemsize
if size > 0 {
n = total / size
// Every MSpan is in one doubly-linked list,
// either one of the MHeap's free lists or one of the
// MCentral's span lists. We use empty MSpan structures as list heads.
......@@ -211,11 +211,11 @@ func typedmemmove(typ *_type, dst, src unsafe.Pointer) {
systemstack(func() {
mask := loadPtrMask(typ)
mask := typeBitmapInHeapBitmapFormat(typ)
nptr := typ.size / ptrSize
for i := uintptr(0); i < nptr; i += 2 {
bits := mask[i/2]
if (bits>>2)&_BitsMask == _BitsPointer {
if (bits>>2)&typeMask == typePointer {
writebarrierptr((*uintptr)(dst), *(*uintptr)(src))
} else {
*(*uintptr)(dst) = *(*uintptr)(src)
......@@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ func typedmemmove(typ *_type, dst, src unsafe.Pointer) {
bits >>= 4
if (bits>>2)&_BitsMask == _BitsPointer {
if (bits>>2)&typeMask == typePointer {
writebarrierptr((*uintptr)(dst), *(*uintptr)(src))
} else {
*(*uintptr)(dst) = *(*uintptr)(src)
......@@ -262,11 +262,11 @@ func reflect_typedmemmovepartial(typ *_type, dst, src unsafe.Pointer, off, size
off += frag
mask := loadPtrMask(typ)
mask := typeBitmapInHeapBitmapFormat(typ)
nptr := (off + size) / ptrSize
for i := uintptr(off / ptrSize); i < nptr; i++ {
bits := mask[i/2] >> ((i & 1) << 2)
if (bits>>2)&_BitsMask == _BitsPointer {
if (bits>>2)&typeMask == typePointer {
writebarrierptr((*uintptr)(dst), *(*uintptr)(src))
} else {
*(*uintptr)(dst) = *(*uintptr)(src)
......@@ -295,14 +295,14 @@ func callwritebarrier(typ *_type, frame unsafe.Pointer, framesize, retoffset uin
systemstack(func() {
mask := loadPtrMask(typ)
mask := typeBitmapInHeapBitmapFormat(typ)
// retoffset is known to be pointer-aligned (at least).
// TODO(rsc): The noescape call should be unnecessary.
dst := add(noescape(frame), retoffset)
nptr := framesize / ptrSize
for i := uintptr(retoffset / ptrSize); i < nptr; i++ {
bits := mask[i/2] >> ((i & 1) << 2)
if (bits>>2)&_BitsMask == _BitsPointer {
if (bits>>2)&typeMask == typePointer {
writebarrierptr_nostore((*uintptr)(dst), *(*uintptr)(dst))
// TODO(rsc): The noescape call should be unnecessary.
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Garbage collector: type and heap bitmaps.
// Type bitmaps
// The global variables (in the data and bss sections) and types that aren't too large
// record information about the layout of their memory words using a type bitmap.
// The bitmap holds two bits for each pointer-sized word. The two-bit values are:
// 00 - typeDead: not a pointer, and no pointers in the rest of the object
// 01 - typeScalar: not a pointer
// 10 - typePointer: a pointer that GC should trace
// 11 - unused
// typeDead only appears in type bitmaps in Go type descriptors
// and in type bitmaps embedded in the heap bitmap (see below).
// It is not used in the type bitmap for the global variables.
// Heap bitmap
// The allocated heap comes from a subset of the memory in the range [start, used),
// where start == mheap_.arena_start and used == mheap_.arena_used.
// The heap bitmap comprises 4 bits for each pointer-sized word in that range,
// stored in bytes indexed backward in memory from start.
// That is, the byte at address start-1 holds the 4-bit entries for the two words
// start, start+ptrSize, the byte at start-2 holds the entries for start+2*ptrSize,
// start+3*ptrSize, and so on.
// In the byte holding the entries for addresses p and p+ptrSize, the low 4 bits
// describe p and the high 4 bits describe p+ptrSize.
// The 4 bits for each word are:
// 0001 - bitBoundary: this is the start of an object
// 0010 - bitMarked: this object has been marked by GC
// tt00 - word type bits, as in a type bitmap.
// The code makes use of the fact that the zero value for a heap bitmap nibble
// has no boundary bit set, no marked bit set, and type bits == typeDead.
// These properties must be preserved when modifying the encoding.
// Checkmarks
// In a concurrent garbage collector, one worries about failing to mark
// a live object due to mutations without write barriers or bugs in the
// collector implementation. As a sanity check, the GC has a 'checkmark'
// mode that retraverses the object graph with the world stopped, to make
// sure that everything that should be marked is marked.
// In checkmark mode, in the heap bitmap, the type bits for the first word
// of an object are redefined:
// 00 - typeScalarCheckmarked // typeScalar, checkmarked
// 01 - typeScalar // typeScalar, not checkmarked
// 10 - typePointer // typePointer, not checkmarked
// 11 - typePointerCheckmarked // typePointer, checkmarked
// That is, typeDead is redefined to be typeScalar + a checkmark, and the
// previously unused 11 pattern is redefined to be typePointer + a checkmark.
// To prepare for this mode, we must move any typeDead in the first word of
// a multiword object to the second word.
package runtime
import "unsafe"
const (
typeDead = 0
typeScalarCheckmarked = 0
typeScalar = 1
typePointer = 2
typePointerCheckmarked = 3
typeBitsWidth = 2 // # of type bits per pointer-sized word
typeMask = 1<<typeBitsWidth - 1
typeBitmapScale = ptrSize * (8 / typeBitsWidth) // number of data bytes per type bitmap byte
heapBitsWidth = 4
heapBitmapScale = ptrSize * (8 / heapBitsWidth) // number of data bytes per heap bitmap byte
bitBoundary = 1
bitMarked = 2
typeShift = 2
// addb returns the byte pointer p+n.
func addb(p *byte, n uintptr) *byte {
return (*byte)(add(unsafe.Pointer(p), n))
// subtractb returns the byte pointer p-n.
func subtractb(p *byte, n uintptr) *byte {
return (*byte)(add(unsafe.Pointer(p), -n))
// mHeap_MapBits is called each time arena_used is extended.
// It maps any additional bitmap memory needed for the new arena memory.
func mHeap_MapBits(h *mheap) {
// Caller has added extra mappings to the arena.
// Add extra mappings of bitmap words as needed.
// We allocate extra bitmap pieces in chunks of bitmapChunk.
const bitmapChunk = 8192
n := (mheap_.arena_used - mheap_.arena_start) / heapBitmapScale
n = round(n, bitmapChunk)
n = round(n, _PhysPageSize)
if h.bitmap_mapped >= n {
sysMap(unsafe.Pointer(h.arena_start-n), n-h.bitmap_mapped, h.arena_reserved, &memstats.gc_sys)
h.bitmap_mapped = n
// heapBits provides access to the bitmap bits for a single heap word.
// The methods on heapBits take value receivers so that the compiler
// can more easily inline calls to those methods and registerize the
// struct fields independently.
type heapBits struct {
bitp *uint8
shift uint32
// heapBitsForAddr returns the heapBits for the address addr.
// The caller must have already checked that addr is in the range [mheap_.arena_start, mheap_.arena_used).
func heapBitsForAddr(addr uintptr) heapBits {
off := (addr - mheap_.arena_start) / ptrSize
return heapBits{(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(mheap_.arena_start - off/2 - 1)), uint32(4 * (off & 1))}
// heapBitsForSpan returns the heapBits for the span base address base.
func heapBitsForSpan(base uintptr) (hbits heapBits) {
if base < mheap_.arena_start || base >= mheap_.arena_end {
throw("heapBitsForSpan: base out of range")
hbits = heapBitsForAddr(base)
if hbits.shift != 0 {
throw("heapBitsForSpan: unaligned start")
return hbits
// heapBitsForObject returns the base address for the heap object
// containing the address p, along with the heapBits for base.
// If p does not point into a heap object, heapBitsForObject returns base == 0.
func heapBitsForObject(p uintptr) (base uintptr, hbits heapBits) {
if p < mheap_.arena_start || p >= mheap_.arena_used {
// If heap bits for the pointer-sized word containing p have bitBoundary set,
// then we know this is the base of the object, and we can stop now.
// This handles the case where p is the base and, due to rounding
// when looking up the heap bits, also the case where p points beyond
// the base but still into the first pointer-sized word of the object.
hbits = heapBitsForAddr(p)
if hbits.isBoundary() {
base = p &^ (ptrSize - 1)
// Otherwise, p points into the middle of an object.
// Consult the span table to find the block beginning.
// TODO(rsc): Factor this out.
k := p >> _PageShift
x := k
x -= mheap_.arena_start >> _PageShift
s := h_spans[x]
if s == nil || pageID(k) < s.start || p >= s.limit || s.state != mSpanInUse {
if s != nil && s.state == _MSpanStack {
// The following ensures that we are rigorous about what data
// structures hold valid pointers.
// TODO(rsc): Check if this still happens.
if false {
// Still happens sometimes. We don't know why.
print("runtime:objectstart Span weird: p=", hex(p), " k=", hex(k))
if s == nil {
print(" s=nil\n")
} else {
print(" s.start=", hex(s.start<<_PageShift), " s.limit=", hex(s.limit), " s.state=", s.state, "\n")
throw("objectstart: bad pointer in unexpected span")
base = s.base()
if p-base > s.elemsize {
base += (p - base) / s.elemsize * s.elemsize
if base == p {
print("runtime: failed to find block beginning for ", hex(p), " s=", hex(s.start*_PageSize), " s.limit=", hex(s.limit), "\n")
throw("failed to find block beginning")
// Now that we know the actual base, compute heapBits to return to caller.
hbits = heapBitsForAddr(base)
if !hbits.isBoundary() {
throw("missing boundary at computed object start")
// next returns the heapBits describing the next pointer-sized word in memory.
// That is, if h describes address p, describes p+ptrSize.
// Note that next does not modify h. The caller must record the result.
func (h heapBits) next() heapBits {
if h.shift == 0 {
return heapBits{h.bitp, 4}
return heapBits{subtractb(h.bitp, 1), 0}
// isMarked reports whether the heap bits have the marked bit set.
func (h heapBits) isMarked() bool {
return *h.bitp&(bitMarked<<h.shift) != 0
// setMarked sets the marked bit in the heap bits, atomically.
func (h heapBits) setMarked() {
atomicor8(h.bitp, bitMarked<<h.shift)
// setMarkedNonAtomic sets the marked bit in the heap bits, non-atomically.
func (h heapBits) setMarkedNonAtomic() {
*h.bitp |= bitMarked << h.shift
// isBoundary reports whether the heap bits have the boundary bit set.
func (h heapBits) isBoundary() bool {
return *h.bitp&(bitBoundary<<h.shift) != 0
// Note that there is no setBoundary or setBoundaryNonAtomic.
// Boundaries are always in bulk, for the entire span.
// typeBits returns the heap bits' type bits.
func (h heapBits) typeBits() uint8 {
return (*h.bitp >> (h.shift + typeShift)) & typeMask
// isCheckmarked reports whether the heap bits have the checkmarked bit set.
func (h heapBits) isCheckmarked() bool {
typ := h.typeBits()
return typ == typeScalarCheckmarked || typ == typePointerCheckmarked
// setCheckmarked sets the checkmarked bit.
func (h heapBits) setCheckmarked() {
typ := h.typeBits()
if typ == typeScalar {
// Clear low type bit to turn 01 into 00.
atomicand8(h.bitp, ^((1 << typeShift) << h.shift))
} else if typ == typePointer {
// Set low type bit to turn 10 into 11.
atomicor8(h.bitp, (1<<typeShift)<<h.shift)
// The methods operating on spans all require that h has been returned
// by heapBitsForSpan and that size, n, total are the span layout description
// returned by the mspan's layout method.
// If total > size*n, it means that there is extra leftover memory in the span,
// usually due to rounding.
// TODO(rsc): Perhaps introduce a different heapBitsSpan type.
// initSpan initializes the heap bitmap for a span.
func (h heapBits) initSpan(size, n, total uintptr) {
if size == ptrSize {
// Only possible on 64-bit system, since minimum size is 8.
// Set all nibbles to bitBoundary using uint64 writes.
nbyte := n * ptrSize / heapBitmapScale
nuint64 := nbyte / 8
bitp := subtractb(h.bitp, nbyte-1)
for i := uintptr(0); i < nuint64; i++ {
const boundary64 = bitBoundary |
bitBoundary<<4 |
bitBoundary<<8 |
bitBoundary<<12 |
bitBoundary<<16 |
bitBoundary<<20 |
bitBoundary<<24 |
bitBoundary<<28 |
bitBoundary<<32 |
bitBoundary<<36 |
bitBoundary<<40 |
bitBoundary<<44 |
bitBoundary<<48 |
bitBoundary<<52 |
bitBoundary<<56 |
*(*uint64)(unsafe.Pointer(bitp)) = boundary64
bitp = addb(bitp, 8)
if size*n < total {
// To detect end of object during GC object scan,
// add boundary just past end of last block.
// The object scan knows to stop when it reaches
// the end of the span, but in this case the object
// ends before the end of the span.
// TODO(rsc): If the bitmap bits were going to be typeDead
// otherwise, what's the point of this?
// Can we delete this logic?
step := size / heapBitmapScale
bitp := h.bitp
for i := uintptr(0); i < n; i++ {
*bitp = bitBoundary
bitp = subtractb(bitp, step)
// clearSpan clears the heap bitmap bytes for the span.
func (h heapBits) clearSpan(size, n, total uintptr) {
if total%heapBitmapScale != 0 {
throw("clearSpan: unaligned length")
nbyte := total / heapBitmapScale
memclr(unsafe.Pointer(subtractb(h.bitp, nbyte-1)), nbyte)
// initCheckmarkSpan initializes a span for being checkmarked.
// This would be a no-op except that we need to rewrite any
// typeDead bits in the first word of the object into typeScalar
// followed by a typeDead in the second word of the object.
func (h heapBits) initCheckmarkSpan(size, n, total uintptr) {
if size == ptrSize {
// Only possible on 64-bit system, since minimum size is 8.
// Must update both top and bottom nibble of each byte.
// There is no second word in these objects, so all we have
// to do is rewrite typeDead to typeScalar by adding the 1<<typeShift bit.
bitp := h.bitp
for i := uintptr(0); i < n; i += 2 {
x := int(*bitp)
if x&0x11 != 0x11 {
throw("missing bitBoundary")
if (x>>typeShift)&typeMask == typeDead {
x += (typeScalar - typeDead) << typeShift
if (x>>(4+typeShift))&typeMask == typeDead {
x += (typeScalar - typeDead) << (4 + typeShift)
*bitp = uint8(x)
bitp = subtractb(bitp, 1)
// Update bottom nibble for first word of each object.
// If the bottom nibble says typeDead, change to typeScalar
// and clear top nibble to mark as typeDead.
bitp := h.bitp
step := size / heapBitmapScale
for i := uintptr(0); i < n; i++ {
if *bitp&bitBoundary == 0 {
throw("missing bitBoundary")
x := *bitp
if (x>>typeShift)&typeMask == typeDead {
x += (typeScalar - typeDead) << typeShift
x &= 0x0f // clear top nibble to typeDead
bitp = subtractb(bitp, step)
// clearCheckmarkSpan removes all the checkmarks from a span.
// If it finds a multiword object starting with typeScalar typeDead,
// it rewrites the heap bits to the simpler typeDead typeDead.
func (h heapBits) clearCheckmarkSpan(size, n, total uintptr) {
if size == ptrSize {
// Only possible on 64-bit system, since minimum size is 8.
// Must update both top and bottom nibble of each byte.
// typeScalarCheckmarked can be left as typeDead,
// but we want to change typeScalar back to typeDead.
bitp := h.bitp
for i := uintptr(0); i < n; i += 2 {
x := int(*bitp)
if x&(bitBoundary|bitBoundary<<4) != (bitBoundary | bitBoundary<<4) {
throw("missing bitBoundary")
switch typ := (x >> typeShift) & typeMask; typ {
case typeScalar:
x += (typeDead - typeScalar) << typeShift
case typePointerCheckmarked:
x += (typePointer - typePointerCheckmarked) << typeShift
switch typ := (x >> (4 + typeShift)) & typeMask; typ {
case typeScalar:
x += (typeDead - typeScalar) << (4 + typeShift)
case typePointerCheckmarked:
x += (typePointer - typePointerCheckmarked) << (4 + typeShift)
*bitp = uint8(x)
bitp = subtractb(bitp, 1)
// Update bottom nibble for first word of each object.
// If the bottom nibble says typeScalarCheckmarked and the top is not typeDead,
// change to typeScalar. Otherwise leave, since typeScalarCheckmarked == typeDead.
// If the bottom nibble says typePointerCheckmarked, change to typePointer.
bitp := h.bitp
step := size / heapBitmapScale
for i := uintptr(0); i < n; i++ {
x := int(*bitp)
if x&bitBoundary == 0 {
throw("missing bitBoundary")
switch typ := (x >> typeShift) & typeMask; {
case typ == typeScalarCheckmarked && (x>>(4+typeShift))&typeMask != typeDead:
x += (typeScalar - typeScalarCheckmarked) << typeShift
case typ == typePointerCheckmarked:
x += (typePointer - typePointerCheckmarked) << typeShift
*bitp = uint8(x)
bitp = subtractb(bitp, step)
// heapBitsSweepSpan coordinates the sweeping of a span by reading
// and updating the corresponding heap bitmap entries.
// For each free object in the span, heapBitsSweepSpan sets the type
// bits for the first two words (or one for single-word objects) to typeDead
// and then calls f(p), where p is the object's base address.
// f is expected to add the object to a free list.
func heapBitsSweepSpan(base, size, n uintptr, f func(uintptr)) {
h := heapBitsForSpan(base)
if size == ptrSize {
// Only possible on 64-bit system, since minimum size is 8.
// Must read and update both top and bottom nibble of each byte.
bitp := h.bitp
for i := uintptr(0); i < n; i += 2 {
x := int(*bitp)
if x&bitMarked != 0 {
x &^= bitMarked
} else {
x &^= typeMask << typeShift
f(base + i*ptrSize)
if x&(bitMarked<<4) != 0 {
x &^= bitMarked << 4
} else {
x &^= typeMask << (4 + typeShift)
f(base + (i+1)*ptrSize)
*bitp = uint8(x)
bitp = subtractb(bitp, 1)
bitp := h.bitp
step := size / heapBitmapScale
for i := uintptr(0); i < n; i++ {
x := int(*bitp)
if x&bitMarked != 0 {
x &^= bitMarked
} else {
x = bitBoundary // clear marked bit, set type bits to typeDead
f(base + i*size)
*bitp = uint8(x)
bitp = subtractb(bitp, step)
// TODO(rsc): Clean up the next two functions.
// heapBitsSetType records that the new allocation [x, x+size)
// holds in [x, x+dataSize) one or more values of type typ.
// (The number of values is given by dataSize / typ.size.)
// If dataSize < size, the fragment [x+dataSize, x+size) is
// recorded as non-pointer data.
func heapBitsSetType(x, size, dataSize uintptr, typ *_type) {
// From here till marked label marking the object as allocated
// and storing type info in the GC bitmap.
h := heapBitsForAddr(x)
if debugMalloc && (*h.bitp>>h.shift)&0x0f != bitBoundary {
println("runtime: bits =", (*h.bitp>>h.shift)&0x0f)
throw("bad bits in markallocated")
var ti, te uintptr
var ptrmask *uint8
if size == ptrSize {
// It's one word and it has pointers, it must be a pointer.
// The bitmap byte is shared with the one-word object
// next to it, and concurrent GC might be marking that
// object, so we must use an atomic update.
atomicor8(h.bitp, typePointer<<(typeShift+h.shift))
if typ.kind&kindGCProg != 0 {
nptr := (uintptr(typ.size) + ptrSize - 1) / ptrSize
masksize := nptr
if masksize%2 != 0 {
masksize *= 2 // repeated
const typeBitsPerByte = 8 / typeBitsWidth
masksize = masksize * typeBitsPerByte / 8 // 4 bits per word
masksize++ // unroll flag in the beginning
if masksize > maxGCMask && typ.gc[1] != 0 {
// write barriers have not been updated to deal with this case yet.
throw("maxGCMask too small for now")
// If the mask is too large, unroll the program directly
// into the GC bitmap. It's 7 times slower than copying
// from the pre-unrolled mask, but saves 1/16 of type size
// memory for the mask.
systemstack(func() {
unrollgcproginplace_m(unsafe.Pointer(x), typ, size, dataSize)
ptrmask = (*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(typ.gc[0])))
// Check whether the program is already unrolled
// by checking if the unroll flag byte is set
maskword := uintptr(atomicloadp(unsafe.Pointer(ptrmask)))
if *(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(&maskword)) == 0 {
systemstack(func() {
ptrmask = (*uint8)(add(unsafe.Pointer(ptrmask), 1)) // skip the unroll flag byte
} else {
ptrmask = (*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(typ.gc[0])) // pointer to unrolled mask
if size == 2*ptrSize {
*h.bitp = *ptrmask | bitBoundary
te = uintptr(typ.size) / ptrSize
// If the type occupies odd number of words, its mask is repeated.
if te%2 == 0 {
te /= 2
// Copy pointer bitmask into the bitmap.
for i := uintptr(0); i < dataSize; i += 2 * ptrSize {
v := *(*uint8)(add(unsafe.Pointer(ptrmask), ti))
if ti == te {
ti = 0
if i == 0 {
v |= bitBoundary
if i+ptrSize == dataSize {
v &^= typeMask << (4 + typeShift)
*h.bitp = v
h.bitp = subtractb(h.bitp, 1)
if dataSize%(2*ptrSize) == 0 && dataSize < size {
// Mark the word after last object's word as typeDead.
*h.bitp = 0
// typeBitmapInHeapBitmapFormat returns a bitmap holding
// the type bits for the type typ, but expanded into heap bitmap format
// to make it easier to copy them into the heap bitmap.
// TODO(rsc): Change clients to use the type bitmap format instead,
// which can be stored more densely (especially if we drop to 1 bit per pointer).
// To make it easier to replicate the bits when filling out the heap
// bitmap for an array of typ, if typ holds an odd number of words
// (meaning the heap bitmap would stop halfway through a byte),
// typeBitmapInHeapBitmapFormat returns the bitmap for two instances
// of typ in a row.
// TODO(rsc): Remove doubling.
func typeBitmapInHeapBitmapFormat(typ *_type) []uint8 {
var ptrmask *uint8
nptr := (uintptr(typ.size) + ptrSize - 1) / ptrSize
if typ.kind&kindGCProg != 0 {
masksize := nptr
if masksize%2 != 0 {
masksize *= 2 // repeated
const typeBitsPerByte = 8 / typeBitsWidth
masksize = masksize * typeBitsPerByte / 8 // 4 bits per word
masksize++ // unroll flag in the beginning
if masksize > maxGCMask && typ.gc[1] != 0 {
// write barriers have not been updated to deal with this case yet.
throw("maxGCMask too small for now")
ptrmask = (*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(typ.gc[0])))
// Check whether the program is already unrolled
// by checking if the unroll flag byte is set
maskword := uintptr(atomicloadp(unsafe.Pointer(ptrmask)))
if *(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(&maskword)) == 0 {
systemstack(func() {
ptrmask = (*uint8)(add(unsafe.Pointer(ptrmask), 1)) // skip the unroll flag byte
} else {
ptrmask = (*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(typ.gc[0])) // pointer to unrolled mask
return (*[1 << 30]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(ptrmask))[:(nptr+1)/2]
// GC type info programs
// TODO(rsc): Clean up and enable.
const (
// GC type info programs.
// The programs allow to store type info required for GC in a compact form.
// Most importantly arrays take O(1) space instead of O(n).
// The program grammar is:
// Program = {Block} "insEnd"
// Block = Data | Array
// Data = "insData" DataSize DataBlock
// DataSize = int // size of the DataBlock in bit pairs, 1 byte
// DataBlock = binary // dense GC mask (2 bits per word) of size ]DataSize/4[ bytes
// Array = "insArray" ArrayLen Block "insArrayEnd"
// ArrayLen = int // length of the array, 8 bytes (4 bytes for 32-bit arch)
// Each instruction (insData, insArray, etc) is 1 byte.
// For example, for type struct { x []byte; y [20]struct{ z int; w *byte }; }
// the program looks as:
// insData 3 (typePointer typeScalar typeScalar)
// insArray 20 insData 2 (typeScalar typePointer) insArrayEnd insEnd
// Total size of the program is 17 bytes (13 bytes on 32-bits).
// The corresponding GC mask would take 43 bytes (it would be repeated
// because the type has odd number of words).
insData = 1 + iota
// 64 bytes cover objects of size 1024/512 on 64/32 bits, respectively.
maxGCMask = 65536 // TODO(rsc): change back to 64
// Recursively unrolls GC program in prog.
// mask is where to store the result.
// If inplace is true, store the result not in mask but in the heap bitmap for mask.
// ppos is a pointer to position in mask, in bits.
// sparse says to generate 4-bits per word mask for heap (2-bits for data/bss otherwise).
func unrollgcprog1(maskp *byte, prog *byte, ppos *uintptr, inplace, sparse bool) *byte {
pos := *ppos
mask := (*[1 << 30]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(maskp))
for {
switch *prog {
throw("unrollgcprog: unknown instruction")
case insData:
prog = addb(prog, 1)
siz := int(*prog)
prog = addb(prog, 1)
p := (*[1 << 30]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(prog))
for i := 0; i < siz; i++ {
const typeBitsPerByte = 8 / typeBitsWidth
v := p[i/typeBitsPerByte]
v >>= (uint(i) % typeBitsPerByte) * typeBitsWidth
v &= typeMask
if inplace {
// Store directly into GC bitmap.
h := heapBitsForAddr(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&mask[pos])))
if h.shift == 0 {
*h.bitp = v << typeShift
} else {
*h.bitp |= v << (4 + typeShift)
pos += ptrSize
} else if sparse {
// 4-bits per word, type bits in high bits
v <<= (pos % 8) + typeShift
mask[pos/8] |= v
pos += heapBitsWidth
} else {
// 2-bits per word
v <<= pos % 8
mask[pos/8] |= v
pos += typeBitsWidth
prog = addb(prog, round(uintptr(siz)*typeBitsWidth, 8)/8)
case insArray:
prog = (*byte)(add(unsafe.Pointer(prog), 1))
siz := uintptr(0)
for i := uintptr(0); i < ptrSize; i++ {
siz = (siz << 8) + uintptr(*(*byte)(add(unsafe.Pointer(prog), ptrSize-i-1)))
prog = (*byte)(add(unsafe.Pointer(prog), ptrSize))
var prog1 *byte
for i := uintptr(0); i < siz; i++ {
prog1 = unrollgcprog1(&mask[0], prog, &pos, inplace, sparse)
if *prog1 != insArrayEnd {
throw("unrollgcprog: array does not end with insArrayEnd")
prog = (*byte)(add(unsafe.Pointer(prog1), 1))
case insArrayEnd, insEnd:
*ppos = pos
return prog
// Unrolls GC program prog for data/bss, returns dense GC mask.
func unrollglobgcprog(prog *byte, size uintptr) bitvector {
masksize := round(round(size, ptrSize)/ptrSize*typeBitsWidth, 8) / 8
mask := (*[1 << 30]byte)(persistentalloc(masksize+1, 0, &memstats.gc_sys))
mask[masksize] = 0xa1
pos := uintptr(0)
prog = unrollgcprog1(&mask[0], prog, &pos, false, false)
if pos != size/ptrSize*typeBitsWidth {
print("unrollglobgcprog: bad program size, got ", pos, ", expect ", size/ptrSize*typeBitsWidth, "\n")
throw("unrollglobgcprog: bad program size")
if *prog != insEnd {
throw("unrollglobgcprog: program does not end with insEnd")
if mask[masksize] != 0xa1 {
throw("unrollglobgcprog: overflow")
return bitvector{int32(masksize * 8), &mask[0]}
func unrollgcproginplace_m(v unsafe.Pointer, typ *_type, size, size0 uintptr) {
// TODO(rsc): Explain why these non-atomic updates are okay.
pos := uintptr(0)
prog := (*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(typ.gc[1])))
for pos != size0 {
unrollgcprog1((*byte)(v), prog, &pos, true, true)
// Mark first word as bitAllocated.
// Mark word after last as typeDead.
// TODO(rsc): Explain why we need to set this boundary.
// Aren't the boundaries always set for the whole span?
// Did unrollgcproc1 overwrite the boundary bit?
// Is that okay?
h := heapBitsForAddr(uintptr(v))
*h.bitp |= bitBoundary << h.shift
if size0 < size {
h := heapBitsForAddr(uintptr(v) + size0)
*h.bitp &^= typeMask << typeShift
var unroll mutex
// Unrolls GC program in typ.gc[1] into typ.gc[0]
func unrollgcprog_m(typ *_type) {
mask := (*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(typ.gc[0])))
if *mask == 0 {
pos := uintptr(8) // skip the unroll flag
prog := (*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(typ.gc[1])))
prog = unrollgcprog1(mask, prog, &pos, false, true)
if *prog != insEnd {
throw("unrollgcprog: program does not end with insEnd")
if typ.size/ptrSize%2 != 0 {
// repeat the program
prog := (*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(typ.gc[1])))
unrollgcprog1(mask, prog, &pos, false, true)
// atomic way to say mask[0] = 1
atomicor8(mask, 1)
// Testing.
func getgcmaskcb(frame *stkframe, ctxt unsafe.Pointer) bool {
target := (*stkframe)(ctxt)
if frame.sp <= target.sp && target.sp < frame.varp {
*target = *frame
return false
return true
// Returns GC type info for object p for testing.
func getgcmask(p unsafe.Pointer, t *_type, mask **byte, len *uintptr) {
*mask = nil
*len = 0
const typeBitsPerByte = 8 / typeBitsWidth
// data
if uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&data)) <= uintptr(p) && uintptr(p) < uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&edata)) {
n := (*ptrtype)(unsafe.Pointer(t)).elem.size
*len = n / ptrSize
*mask = &make([]byte, *len)[0]
for i := uintptr(0); i < n; i += ptrSize {
off := (uintptr(p) + i - uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&data))) / ptrSize
bits := (*(*byte)(add(unsafe.Pointer(gcdatamask.bytedata), off/typeBitsPerByte)) >> ((off % typeBitsPerByte) * typeBitsWidth)) & typeMask
*(*byte)(add(unsafe.Pointer(*mask), i/ptrSize)) = bits
// bss
if uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&bss)) <= uintptr(p) && uintptr(p) < uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&ebss)) {
n := (*ptrtype)(unsafe.Pointer(t)).elem.size
*len = n / ptrSize
*mask = &make([]byte, *len)[0]
for i := uintptr(0); i < n; i += ptrSize {
off := (uintptr(p) + i - uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&bss))) / ptrSize
bits := (*(*byte)(add(unsafe.Pointer(gcbssmask.bytedata), off/typeBitsPerByte)) >> ((off % typeBitsPerByte) * typeBitsWidth)) & typeMask
*(*byte)(add(unsafe.Pointer(*mask), i/ptrSize)) = bits
// heap
var n uintptr
var base uintptr
if mlookup(uintptr(p), &base, &n, nil) != 0 {
*len = n / ptrSize
*mask = &make([]byte, *len)[0]
for i := uintptr(0); i < n; i += ptrSize {
bits := heapBitsForAddr(base + i).typeBits()
*(*byte)(add(unsafe.Pointer(*mask), i/ptrSize)) = bits
// stack
var frame stkframe
frame.sp = uintptr(p)
_g_ := getg()
gentraceback(_g_.m.curg.sched.pc, _g_.m.curg.sched.sp, 0, _g_.m.curg, 0, nil, 1000, getgcmaskcb, noescape(unsafe.Pointer(&frame)), 0)
if frame.fn != nil {
f := frame.fn
targetpc := frame.continpc
if targetpc == 0 {
if targetpc != f.entry {
pcdata := pcdatavalue(f, _PCDATA_StackMapIndex, targetpc)
if pcdata == -1 {
stkmap := (*stackmap)(funcdata(f, _FUNCDATA_LocalsPointerMaps))
if stkmap == nil || stkmap.n <= 0 {
bv := stackmapdata(stkmap, pcdata)
size := uintptr(bv.n) / typeBitsWidth * ptrSize
n := (*ptrtype)(unsafe.Pointer(t)).elem.size
*len = n / ptrSize
*mask = &make([]byte, *len)[0]
for i := uintptr(0); i < n; i += ptrSize {
off := (uintptr(p) + i - frame.varp + size) / ptrSize
bits := ((*(*byte)(add(unsafe.Pointer(bv.bytedata), off*typeBitsWidth/8))) >> ((off * typeBitsWidth) % 8)) & typeMask
*(*byte)(add(unsafe.Pointer(*mask), i/ptrSize)) = bits
......@@ -12,8 +12,6 @@
package runtime
import "unsafe"
// Initialize a single central free list.
func mCentral_Init(c *mcentral, sizeclass int32) {
c.sizeclass = sizeclass
......@@ -167,7 +165,7 @@ func mCentral_FreeSpan(c *mcentral, s *mspan, n int32, start gclinkptr, end gcli
s.needzero = 1
s.freelist = 0
unmarkspan(uintptr(s.start)<<_PageShift, s.npages<<_PageShift)
mHeap_Free(&mheap_, s, 0)
return true
......@@ -198,6 +196,6 @@ func mCentral_Grow(c *mcentral) *mspan {
tail.ptr().next = 0
s.freelist = head
markspan(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(s.start)<<_PageShift), size, n, size*n < s.npages<<_PageShift)
return s
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Garbage collector: finalizers and block profiling.
package runtime
import "unsafe"
var finlock mutex // protects the following variables
var fing *g // goroutine that runs finalizers
var finq *finblock // list of finalizers that are to be executed
var finc *finblock // cache of free blocks
var finptrmask [_FinBlockSize / typeBitmapScale]byte
var fingwait bool
var fingwake bool
var allfin *finblock // list of all blocks
var finalizer1 = [...]byte{
// Each Finalizer is 5 words, ptr ptr uintptr ptr ptr.
// Each byte describes 4 words.
// Need 4 Finalizers described by 5 bytes before pattern repeats:
// ptr ptr uintptr ptr ptr
// ptr ptr uintptr ptr ptr
// ptr ptr uintptr ptr ptr
// ptr ptr uintptr ptr ptr
// aka
// ptr ptr uintptr ptr
// ptr ptr ptr uintptr
// ptr ptr ptr ptr
// uintptr ptr ptr ptr
// ptr uintptr ptr ptr
// Assumptions about Finalizer layout checked below.
typePointer | typePointer<<2 | typeScalar<<4 | typePointer<<6,
typePointer | typePointer<<2 | typePointer<<4 | typeScalar<<6,
typePointer | typePointer<<2 | typePointer<<4 | typePointer<<6,
typeScalar | typePointer<<2 | typePointer<<4 | typePointer<<6,
typePointer | typeScalar<<2 | typePointer<<4 | typePointer<<6,
func queuefinalizer(p unsafe.Pointer, fn *funcval, nret uintptr, fint *_type, ot *ptrtype) {
if finq == nil || finq.cnt == int32(len(finq.fin)) {
if finc == nil {
// Note: write barrier here, assigning to finc, but should be okay.
finc = (*finblock)(persistentalloc(_FinBlockSize, 0, &memstats.gc_sys))
finc.alllink = allfin
allfin = finc
if finptrmask[0] == 0 {
// Build pointer mask for Finalizer array in block.
// Check assumptions made in finalizer1 array above.
if (unsafe.Sizeof(finalizer{}) != 5*ptrSize ||
unsafe.Offsetof(finalizer{}.fn) != 0 ||
unsafe.Offsetof(finalizer{}.arg) != ptrSize ||
unsafe.Offsetof(finalizer{}.nret) != 2*ptrSize ||
unsafe.Offsetof(finalizer{}.fint) != 3*ptrSize ||
unsafe.Offsetof(finalizer{}.ot) != 4*ptrSize ||
typeBitsWidth != 2) {
throw("finalizer out of sync")
for i := range finptrmask {
finptrmask[i] = finalizer1[i%len(finalizer1)]
block := finc
finc = = finq
finq = block
f := &finq.fin[finq.cnt]
f.fn = fn
f.nret = nret
f.fint = fint
f.ot = ot
f.arg = p
fingwake = true
func iterate_finq(callback func(*funcval, unsafe.Pointer, uintptr, *_type, *ptrtype)) {
for fb := allfin; fb != nil; fb = fb.alllink {
for i := int32(0); i < fb.cnt; i++ {
f := &fb.fin[i]
callback(f.fn, f.arg, f.nret, f.fint, f.ot)
func wakefing() *g {
var res *g
if fingwait && fingwake {
fingwait = false
fingwake = false
res = fing
return res
var fingCreate uint32
func createfing() {
// start the finalizer goroutine exactly once
if fingCreate == 0 && cas(&fingCreate, 0, 1) {
go runfinq()
// This is the goroutine that runs all of the finalizers
func runfinq() {
var (
frame unsafe.Pointer
framecap uintptr
for {
fb := finq
finq = nil
if fb == nil {
gp := getg()
fing = gp
fingwait = true
gp.issystem = true
goparkunlock(&finlock, "finalizer wait")
gp.issystem = false
if raceenabled {
for fb != nil {
for i := int32(0); i < fb.cnt; i++ {
f := (*finalizer)(add(unsafe.Pointer(&fb.fin), uintptr(i)*unsafe.Sizeof(finalizer{})))
framesz := unsafe.Sizeof((interface{})(nil)) + uintptr(f.nret)
if framecap < framesz {
// The frame does not contain pointers interesting for GC,
// all not yet finalized objects are stored in finq.
// If we do not mark it as FlagNoScan,
// the last finalized object is not collected.
frame = mallocgc(framesz, nil, flagNoScan)
framecap = framesz
if f.fint == nil {
throw("missing type in runfinq")
switch f.fint.kind & kindMask {
case kindPtr:
// direct use of pointer
*(*unsafe.Pointer)(frame) = f.arg
case kindInterface:
ityp := (*interfacetype)(unsafe.Pointer(f.fint))
// set up with empty interface
(*eface)(frame)._type = &f.ot.typ
(*eface)(frame).data = f.arg
if len(ityp.mhdr) != 0 {
// convert to interface with methods
// this conversion is guaranteed to succeed - we checked in SetFinalizer
assertE2I(ityp, *(*interface{})(frame), (*fInterface)(frame))
throw("bad kind in runfinq")
reflectcall(nil, unsafe.Pointer(f.fn), frame, uint32(framesz), uint32(framesz))
// drop finalizer queue references to finalized object
f.fn = nil
f.arg = nil
f.ot = nil
fb.cnt = 0
next :=
lock(&finlock) = finc
finc = fb
fb = next
// SetFinalizer sets the finalizer associated with x to f.
// When the garbage collector finds an unreachable block
// with an associated finalizer, it clears the association and runs
// f(x) in a separate goroutine. This makes x reachable again, but
// now without an associated finalizer. Assuming that SetFinalizer
// is not called again, the next time the garbage collector sees
// that x is unreachable, it will free x.
// SetFinalizer(x, nil) clears any finalizer associated with x.
// The argument x must be a pointer to an object allocated by
// calling new or by taking the address of a composite literal.
// The argument f must be a function that takes a single argument
// to which x's type can be assigned, and can have arbitrary ignored return
// values. If either of these is not true, SetFinalizer aborts the
// program.
// Finalizers are run in dependency order: if A points at B, both have
// finalizers, and they are otherwise unreachable, only the finalizer
// for A runs; once A is freed, the finalizer for B can run.
// If a cyclic structure includes a block with a finalizer, that
// cycle is not guaranteed to be garbage collected and the finalizer
// is not guaranteed to run, because there is no ordering that
// respects the dependencies.
// The finalizer for x is scheduled to run at some arbitrary time after
// x becomes unreachable.
// There is no guarantee that finalizers will run before a program exits,
// so typically they are useful only for releasing non-memory resources
// associated with an object during a long-running program.
// For example, an os.File object could use a finalizer to close the
// associated operating system file descriptor when a program discards
// an os.File without calling Close, but it would be a mistake
// to depend on a finalizer to flush an in-memory I/O buffer such as a
// bufio.Writer, because the buffer would not be flushed at program exit.
// It is not guaranteed that a finalizer will run if the size of *x is
// zero bytes.
// It is not guaranteed that a finalizer will run for objects allocated
// in initializers for package-level variables. Such objects may be
// linker-allocated, not heap-allocated.
// A single goroutine runs all finalizers for a program, sequentially.
// If a finalizer must run for a long time, it should do so by starting
// a new goroutine.
func SetFinalizer(obj interface{}, finalizer interface{}) {
e := (*eface)(unsafe.Pointer(&obj))
etyp := e._type
if etyp == nil {
throw("runtime.SetFinalizer: first argument is nil")
if etyp.kind&kindMask != kindPtr {
throw("runtime.SetFinalizer: first argument is " + *etyp._string + ", not pointer")
ot := (*ptrtype)(unsafe.Pointer(etyp))
if ot.elem == nil {
throw("nil elem type!")
// find the containing object
_, base, _ := findObject(
if base == nil {
// 0-length objects are okay.
if == unsafe.Pointer(&zerobase) {
// Global initializers might be linker-allocated.
// var Foo = &Object{}
// func main() {
// runtime.SetFinalizer(Foo, nil)
// }
// The relevant segments are: noptrdata, data, bss, noptrbss.
// We cannot assume they are in any order or even contiguous,
// due to external linking.
if uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&noptrdata)) <= uintptr( && uintptr( < uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&enoptrdata)) ||
uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&data)) <= uintptr( && uintptr( < uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&edata)) ||
uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&bss)) <= uintptr( && uintptr( < uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&ebss)) ||
uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&noptrbss)) <= uintptr( && uintptr( < uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&enoptrbss)) {
throw("runtime.SetFinalizer: pointer not in allocated block")
if != base {
// As an implementation detail we allow to set finalizers for an inner byte
// of an object if it could come from tiny alloc (see mallocgc for details).
if ot.elem == nil || ot.elem.kind&kindNoPointers == 0 || ot.elem.size >= maxTinySize {
throw("runtime.SetFinalizer: pointer not at beginning of allocated block")
f := (*eface)(unsafe.Pointer(&finalizer))
ftyp := f._type
if ftyp == nil {
// switch to system stack and remove finalizer
systemstack(func() {
if ftyp.kind&kindMask != kindFunc {
throw("runtime.SetFinalizer: second argument is " + *ftyp._string + ", not a function")
ft := (*functype)(unsafe.Pointer(ftyp))
ins := *(*[]*_type)(unsafe.Pointer(&
if ft.dotdotdot || len(ins) != 1 {
throw("runtime.SetFinalizer: cannot pass " + *etyp._string + " to finalizer " + *ftyp._string)
fint := ins[0]
switch {
case fint == etyp:
// ok - same type
goto okarg
case fint.kind&kindMask == kindPtr:
if (fint.x == nil || == nil || etyp.x == nil || == nil) && (*ptrtype)(unsafe.Pointer(fint)).elem == ot.elem {
// ok - not same type, but both pointers,
// one or the other is unnamed, and same element type, so assignable.
goto okarg
case fint.kind&kindMask == kindInterface:
ityp := (*interfacetype)(unsafe.Pointer(fint))
if len(ityp.mhdr) == 0 {
// ok - satisfies empty interface
goto okarg
if assertE2I2(ityp, obj, nil) {
goto okarg
throw("runtime.SetFinalizer: cannot pass " + *etyp._string + " to finalizer " + *ftyp._string)
// compute size needed for return parameters
nret := uintptr(0)
for _, t := range *(*[]*_type)(unsafe.Pointer(&ft.out)) {
nret = round(nret, uintptr(t.align)) + uintptr(t.size)
nret = round(nret, ptrSize)
// make sure we have a finalizer goroutine
systemstack(func() {
if !addfinalizer(, (*funcval)(, nret, fint, ot) {
throw("runtime.SetFinalizer: finalizer already set")
// Look up pointer v in heap. Return the span containing the object,
// the start of the object, and the size of the object. If the object
// does not exist, return nil, nil, 0.
func findObject(v unsafe.Pointer) (s *mspan, x unsafe.Pointer, n uintptr) {
c := gomcache()
if ptrSize == 4 && c.local_nlookup >= 1<<30 {
// purge cache stats to prevent overflow
// find span
arena_start := uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(mheap_.arena_start))
arena_used := uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(mheap_.arena_used))
if uintptr(v) < arena_start || uintptr(v) >= arena_used {
p := uintptr(v) >> pageShift
q := p - arena_start>>pageShift
s = *(**mspan)(add(unsafe.Pointer(mheap_.spans), q*ptrSize))
if s == nil {
x = unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(s.start) << pageShift)
if uintptr(v) < uintptr(x) || uintptr(v) >= uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(s.limit)) || s.state != mSpanInUse {
s = nil
x = nil
n = uintptr(s.elemsize)
if s.sizeclass != 0 {
x = add(x, (uintptr(v)-uintptr(x))/n*n)
......@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ const (
// ptrmask for an allocation containing a single pointer.
var oneptr = [...]uint8{bitsPointer}
var oneptr = [...]uint8{typePointer}
// Initialized from $GOGC. GOGC=off means no GC.
var gcpercent int32
......@@ -154,17 +154,6 @@ var gcpercent int32
var worldsema uint32 = 1
// It is a bug if bits does not have bitBoundary set but
// there are still some cases where this happens related
// to stack spans.
type markbits struct {
bitp *byte // pointer to the byte holding xbits
shift uintptr // bits xbits needs to be shifted to get bits
xbits byte // byte holding all the bits from *bitp
bits byte // mark and boundary bits relevant to corresponding slot.
tbits byte // pointer||scalar bits relevant to corresponding slot.
type workbuf struct {
node lfnode // must be first
nobj uintptr
......@@ -173,15 +162,6 @@ type workbuf struct {
var data, edata, bss, ebss, gcdata, gcbss struct{}
var finlock mutex // protects the following variables
var fing *g // goroutine that runs finalizers
var finq *finblock // list of finalizers that are to be executed
var finc *finblock // cache of free blocks
var finptrmask [_FinBlockSize / ptrSize / pointersPerByte]byte
var fingwait bool
var fingwake bool
var allfin *finblock // list of all blocks
var gcdatamask bitvector
var gcbssmask bitvector
......@@ -229,7 +209,7 @@ func have_cgo_allocate() bool {
// Xoring with 01 will flip the pattern from marked to unmarked and vica versa.
// The higher bit is 1 for pointers and 0 for scalars, whether the object
// is marked or not.
// The first nibble no longer holds the bitsDead pattern indicating that the
// The first nibble no longer holds the typeDead pattern indicating that the
// there are no more pointers in the object. This information is held
// in the second nibble.
......@@ -256,78 +236,6 @@ func inheap(b uintptr) bool {
return true
// Given an address in the heap return the relevant byte from the gcmap. This routine
// can be used on addresses to the start of an object or to the interior of the an object.
func slottombits(obj uintptr, mbits *markbits) {
off := (obj&^(ptrSize-1) - mheap_.arena_start) / ptrSize
*(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(&mbits.bitp)) = mheap_.arena_start - off/wordsPerBitmapByte - 1
mbits.shift = off % wordsPerBitmapByte * gcBits
mbits.xbits = *mbits.bitp
mbits.bits = (mbits.xbits >> mbits.shift) & bitMask
mbits.tbits = ((mbits.xbits >> mbits.shift) & bitPtrMask) >> 2
// b is a pointer into the heap.
// Find the start of the object refered to by b.
// Set mbits to the associated bits from the bit map.
// If b is not a valid heap object return nil and
// undefined values in mbits.
func objectstart(b uintptr, mbits *markbits) uintptr {
obj := b &^ (ptrSize - 1)
for {
slottombits(obj, mbits)
if mbits.bits&bitBoundary == bitBoundary {
// Not a beginning of a block, consult span table to find the block beginning.
k := b >> _PageShift
x := k
x -= mheap_.arena_start >> _PageShift
s := h_spans[x]
if s == nil || pageID(k) < s.start || b >= s.limit || s.state != mSpanInUse {
if s != nil && s.state == _MSpanStack {
return 0 // This is legit.
// The following ensures that we are rigorous about what data
// structures hold valid pointers
if false {
// Still happens sometimes. We don't know why.
print("runtime:objectstart Span weird: obj=", hex(obj), " k=", hex(k))
if s == nil {
print(" s=nil\n")
} else {
print(" s.start=", hex(s.start<<_PageShift), " s.limit=", hex(s.limit), " s.state=", s.state, "\n")
throw("objectstart: bad pointer in unexpected span")
return 0
p := uintptr(s.start) << _PageShift
if s.sizeclass != 0 {
size := s.elemsize
idx := (obj - p) / size
p = p + idx*size
if p == obj {
print("runtime: failed to find block beginning for ", hex(p), " s=", hex(s.start*_PageSize), " s.limit=", hex(s.limit), "\n")
throw("failed to find block beginning")
obj = p
// if size(obj.firstfield) < PtrSize, the &obj.secondfield could map to the boundary bit
// Clear any low bits to get to the start of the object.
// greyobject depends on this.
return obj
// Slow for now as we serialize this, since this is on a debug path
// speed is not critical at this point.
var andlock mutex
......@@ -339,41 +247,6 @@ func atomicand8(src *byte, val byte) {
// Mark using the checkmark scheme.
func docheckmark(mbits *markbits) {
// xor 01 moves 01(scalar unmarked) to 00(scalar marked)
// and 10(pointer unmarked) to 11(pointer marked)
if mbits.tbits == _BitsScalar {
atomicand8(mbits.bitp, ^byte(_BitsCheckMarkXor<<mbits.shift<<2))
} else if mbits.tbits == _BitsPointer {
atomicor8(mbits.bitp, byte(_BitsCheckMarkXor<<mbits.shift<<2))
// reload bits for ischeckmarked
mbits.xbits = *mbits.bitp
mbits.bits = (mbits.xbits >> mbits.shift) & bitMask
mbits.tbits = ((mbits.xbits >> mbits.shift) & bitPtrMask) >> 2
// In the default scheme does mbits refer to a marked object.
func ismarked(mbits *markbits) bool {
if mbits.bits&bitBoundary != bitBoundary {
throw("ismarked: bits should have boundary bit set")
return mbits.bits&bitMarked == bitMarked
// In the checkmark scheme does mbits refer to a marked object.
func ischeckmarked(mbits *markbits) bool {
if mbits.bits&bitBoundary != bitBoundary {
throw("ischeckmarked: bits should have boundary bit set")
return mbits.tbits == _BitsScalarMarked || mbits.tbits == _BitsPointerMarked
// When in GCmarkterminate phase we allocate black.
func gcmarknewobject_m(obj uintptr) {
......@@ -384,17 +257,7 @@ func gcmarknewobject_m(obj uintptr) {
throw("gcmarknewobject called while doing checkmark")
var mbits markbits
slottombits(obj, &mbits)
if mbits.bits&bitMarked != 0 {
// Each byte of GC bitmap holds info for two words.
// Might be racing with other updates, so use atomic update always.
// We used to be clever here and use a non-atomic update in certain
// cases, but it's not worth the risk.
atomicor8(mbits.bitp, bitMarked<<mbits.shift)
// obj is the start of an object with mark mbits.
......@@ -402,15 +265,15 @@ func gcmarknewobject_m(obj uintptr) {
// Return possibly new workbuf to use.
// base and off are for debugging only and could be removed.
func greyobject(obj uintptr, base, off uintptr, mbits *markbits, wbuf *workbuf) *workbuf {
func greyobject(obj, base, off uintptr, hbits heapBits, wbuf *workbuf) *workbuf {
// obj should be start of allocation, and so must be at least pointer-aligned.
if obj&(ptrSize-1) != 0 {
throw("greyobject: obj not pointer-aligned")
if checkmarkphase {
if !ismarked(mbits) {
print("runtime:greyobject: checkmarks finds unexpected unmarked object obj=", hex(obj), ", mbits->bits=", hex(mbits.bits), " *mbits->bitp=", hex(*mbits.bitp), "\n")
if !hbits.isMarked() {
print("runtime:greyobject: checkmarks finds unexpected unmarked object obj=", hex(obj), "\n")
print("runtime: found obj at *(", hex(base), "+", hex(off), ")\n")
k := obj >> _PageShift
......@@ -431,17 +294,16 @@ func greyobject(obj uintptr, base, off uintptr, mbits *markbits, wbuf *workbuf)
throw("checkmark found unmarked object")
if ischeckmarked(mbits) {
if !hbits.isCheckmarked() {
return wbuf
if !ischeckmarked(mbits) {
print("mbits xbits=", hex(mbits.xbits), " bits=", hex(mbits.bits), " tbits=", hex(mbits.tbits), " shift=", mbits.shift, "\n")
throw("docheckmark and ischeckmarked disagree")
if !hbits.isCheckmarked() {
throw("setCheckmarked and isCheckmarked disagree")
} else {
// If marked we have nothing to do.
if mbits.bits&bitMarked != 0 {
if hbits.isMarked() {
return wbuf
......@@ -449,10 +311,10 @@ func greyobject(obj uintptr, base, off uintptr, mbits *markbits, wbuf *workbuf)
// Might be racing with other updates, so use atomic update always.
// We used to be clever here and use a non-atomic update in certain
// cases, but it's not worth the risk.
atomicor8(mbits.bitp, bitMarked<<mbits.shift)
if !checkmarkphase && (mbits.xbits>>(mbits.shift+2))&_BitsMask == _BitsDead {
if !checkmarkphase && hbits.typeBits() == typeDead {
return wbuf // noscan object
......@@ -485,21 +347,22 @@ func scanobject(b, n uintptr, ptrmask *uint8, wbuf *workbuf) *workbuf {
arena_used := mheap_.arena_used
// Find bits of the beginning of the object.
var ptrbitp unsafe.Pointer
var mbits markbits
var hbits heapBits
if ptrmask == nil {
b = objectstart(b, &mbits)
b, hbits = heapBitsForObject(b)
if b == 0 {
return wbuf
ptrbitp = unsafe.Pointer(mbits.bitp)
if n == 0 {
n = mheap_.arena_used - b
for i := uintptr(0); i < n; i += ptrSize {
// Find bits for this word.
var bits uintptr
if ptrmask != nil {
// dense mask (stack or data)
bits = (uintptr(*(*byte)(add(unsafe.Pointer(ptrmask), (i/ptrSize)/4))) >> (((i / ptrSize) % 4) * bitsPerPointer)) & bitsMask
bits = (uintptr(*(*byte)(add(unsafe.Pointer(ptrmask), (i/ptrSize)/4))) >> (((i / ptrSize) % 4) * typeBitsWidth)) & typeMask
} else {
// Check if we have reached end of span.
// n is an overestimate of the size of the object.
......@@ -507,34 +370,19 @@ func scanobject(b, n uintptr, ptrmask *uint8, wbuf *workbuf) *workbuf {
// Consult GC bitmap.
bits = uintptr(*(*byte)(ptrbitp))
if wordsPerBitmapByte != 2 {
throw("alg doesn't work for wordsPerBitmapByte != 2")
j := (uintptr(b) + i) / ptrSize & 1 // j indicates upper nibble or lower nibble
bits >>= gcBits * j
if i == 0 {
bits &^= bitBoundary
ptrbitp = add(ptrbitp, -j)
if bits&bitBoundary != 0 && i != 0 {
bits = uintptr(hbits.typeBits())
if i > 0 && (hbits.isBoundary() || bits == typeDead) {
break // reached beginning of the next object
bits = (bits & bitPtrMask) >> 2 // bits refer to the type bits.
if i != 0 && bits == bitsDead { // BitsDead in first nibble not valid during checkmark
break // reached no-scan part of the object
hbits =
if bits <= _BitsScalar { // _BitsScalar, _BitsDead, _BitsScalarMarked
if bits <= typeScalar { // typeScalar, typeDead, typeScalarMarked
if bits&_BitsPointer != _BitsPointer {
print("gc checkmarkphase=", checkmarkphase, " b=", hex(b), " ptrmask=", ptrmask, " mbits.bitp=", mbits.bitp, " mbits.xbits=", hex(mbits.xbits), " bits=", hex(bits), "\n")
if bits&typePointer != typePointer {
print("gc checkmarkphase=", checkmarkphase, " b=", hex(b), " ptrmask=", ptrmask, "\n")
throw("unexpected garbage collection bits")
......@@ -550,14 +398,10 @@ func scanobject(b, n uintptr, ptrmask *uint8, wbuf *workbuf) *workbuf {
checkwbshadow((*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(b + i)))
// Mark the object. return some important bits.
// We we combine the following two rotines we don't have to pass mbits or obj around.
var mbits markbits
obj = objectstart(obj, &mbits)
if obj == 0 {
// Mark the object.
if obj, hbits := heapBitsForObject(obj); obj != 0 {
wbuf = greyobject(obj, b, i, hbits, wbuf)
wbuf = greyobject(obj, b, i, &mbits, wbuf)
return wbuf
......@@ -634,7 +478,7 @@ func drainworkbuf(wbuf *workbuf, drainallwbufs bool) {
// }
b := wbuf.obj[wbuf.nobj]
wbuf = scanobject(b, mheap_.arena_used-b, nil, wbuf)
wbuf = scanobject(b, 0, nil, wbuf)
......@@ -653,7 +497,7 @@ func drainobjects(wbuf *workbuf, count uintptr) {
// }
b := wbuf.obj[wbuf.nobj]
wbuf = scanobject(b, mheap_.arena_used-b, nil, wbuf)
wbuf = scanobject(b, 0, nil, wbuf)
......@@ -960,8 +804,8 @@ func scanframe(frame *stkframe, unused unsafe.Pointer) bool {
throw("scanframe: bad symbol table")
bv := stackmapdata(stkmap, pcdata)
size = (uintptr(bv.n) * ptrSize) / bitsPerPointer
scanblock(frame.varp-size, uintptr(bv.n)/bitsPerPointer*ptrSize, bv.bytedata)
size = (uintptr(bv.n) / typeBitsWidth) * ptrSize
scanblock(frame.varp-size, size, bv.bytedata)
// Scan arguments.
......@@ -982,7 +826,7 @@ func scanframe(frame *stkframe, unused unsafe.Pointer) bool {
bv = stackmapdata(stkmap, pcdata)
scanblock(frame.argp, uintptr(bv.n)/bitsPerPointer*ptrSize, bv.bytedata)
scanblock(frame.argp, uintptr(bv.n)/typeBitsWidth*ptrSize, bv.bytedata)
return true
......@@ -1020,31 +864,6 @@ func scanstack(gp *g) {
tracebackdefers(gp, scanframe, nil)
// If the slot is grey or black return true, if white return false.
// If the slot is not in the known heap and thus does not have a valid GC bitmap then
// it is considered grey. Globals and stacks can hold such slots.
// The slot is grey if its mark bit is set and it is enqueued to be scanned.
// The slot is black if it has already been scanned.
// It is white if it has a valid mark bit and the bit is not set.
func shaded(slot uintptr) bool {
if !inheap(slot) { // non-heap slots considered grey
return true
var mbits markbits
valid := objectstart(slot, &mbits)
if valid == 0 {
return true
if checkmarkphase {
return ischeckmarked(&mbits)
return mbits.bits&bitMarked != 0
// Shade the object if it isn't already.
// The object is not nil and known to be in the heap.
......@@ -1054,13 +873,11 @@ func shade(b uintptr) {
wbuf := getpartialorempty()
// Mark the object, return some important bits.
// If we combine the following two rotines we don't have to pass mbits or obj around.
var mbits markbits
obj := objectstart(b, &mbits)
if obj != 0 {
wbuf = greyobject(obj, 0, 0, &mbits, wbuf) // augments the wbuf
if obj, hbits := heapBitsForObject(b); obj != 0 {
wbuf = greyobject(obj, 0, 0, hbits, wbuf)
......@@ -1118,79 +935,6 @@ func gcphasework(gp *g) {
gp.gcworkdone = true
var finalizer1 = [...]byte{
// Each Finalizer is 5 words, ptr ptr uintptr ptr ptr.
// Each byte describes 4 words.
// Need 4 Finalizers described by 5 bytes before pattern repeats:
// ptr ptr uintptr ptr ptr
// ptr ptr uintptr ptr ptr
// ptr ptr uintptr ptr ptr
// ptr ptr uintptr ptr ptr
// aka
// ptr ptr uintptr ptr
// ptr ptr ptr uintptr
// ptr ptr ptr ptr
// uintptr ptr ptr ptr
// ptr uintptr ptr ptr
// Assumptions about Finalizer layout checked below.
bitsPointer | bitsPointer<<2 | bitsScalar<<4 | bitsPointer<<6,
bitsPointer | bitsPointer<<2 | bitsPointer<<4 | bitsScalar<<6,
bitsPointer | bitsPointer<<2 | bitsPointer<<4 | bitsPointer<<6,
bitsScalar | bitsPointer<<2 | bitsPointer<<4 | bitsPointer<<6,
bitsPointer | bitsScalar<<2 | bitsPointer<<4 | bitsPointer<<6,
func queuefinalizer(p unsafe.Pointer, fn *funcval, nret uintptr, fint *_type, ot *ptrtype) {
if finq == nil || finq.cnt == int32(len(finq.fin)) {
if finc == nil {
// Note: write barrier here, assigning to finc, but should be okay.
finc = (*finblock)(persistentalloc(_FinBlockSize, 0, &memstats.gc_sys))
finc.alllink = allfin
allfin = finc
if finptrmask[0] == 0 {
// Build pointer mask for Finalizer array in block.
// Check assumptions made in finalizer1 array above.
if (unsafe.Sizeof(finalizer{}) != 5*ptrSize ||
unsafe.Offsetof(finalizer{}.fn) != 0 ||
unsafe.Offsetof(finalizer{}.arg) != ptrSize ||
unsafe.Offsetof(finalizer{}.nret) != 2*ptrSize ||
unsafe.Offsetof(finalizer{}.fint) != 3*ptrSize ||
unsafe.Offsetof(finalizer{}.ot) != 4*ptrSize ||
bitsPerPointer != 2) {
throw("finalizer out of sync")
for i := range finptrmask {
finptrmask[i] = finalizer1[i%len(finalizer1)]
block := finc
finc = = finq
finq = block
f := &finq.fin[finq.cnt]
f.fn = fn
f.nret = nret
f.fint = fint
f.ot = ot
f.arg = p
fingwake = true
func iterate_finq(callback func(*funcval, unsafe.Pointer, uintptr, *_type, *ptrtype)) {
for fb := allfin; fb != nil; fb = fb.alllink {
for i := int32(0); i < fb.cnt; i++ {
f := &fb.fin[i]
callback(f.fn, f.arg, f.nret, f.fint, f.ot)
// Returns only when span s has been swept.
func mSpan_EnsureSwept(s *mspan) {
......@@ -1239,18 +983,8 @@ func mSpan_Sweep(s *mspan, preserve bool) bool {
print("MSpan_Sweep: state=", s.state, " sweepgen=", s.sweepgen, " mheap.sweepgen=", sweepgen, "\n")
throw("MSpan_Sweep: bad span state")
arena_start := mheap_.arena_start
cl := s.sizeclass
size := s.elemsize
var n int32
var npages int32
if cl == 0 {
n = 1
} else {
// Chunk full of small blocks.
npages = class_to_allocnpages[cl]
n = (npages << _PageShift) / int32(size)
res := false
nfree := 0
......@@ -1261,10 +995,7 @@ func mSpan_Sweep(s *mspan, preserve bool) bool {
// Mark any free objects in this span so we don't collect them.
for link := s.freelist; link.ptr() != nil; link = link.ptr().next {
off := (uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(link)) - arena_start) / ptrSize
bitp := arena_start - off/wordsPerBitmapByte - 1
shift := (off % wordsPerBitmapByte) * gcBits
*(*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(bitp)) |= bitMarked << shift
// Unlink & free special records for any objects we're about to free.
......@@ -1273,11 +1004,8 @@ func mSpan_Sweep(s *mspan, preserve bool) bool {
for special != nil {
// A finalizer can be set for an inner byte of an object, find object beginning.
p := uintptr(s.start<<_PageShift) + uintptr(special.offset)/size*size
off := (p - arena_start) / ptrSize
bitp := arena_start - off/wordsPerBitmapByte - 1
shift := (off % wordsPerBitmapByte) * gcBits
bits := (*(*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(bitp)) >> shift) & bitMask
if bits&bitMarked == 0 {
hbits := heapBitsForAddr(p)
if !hbits.isMarked() {
// Find the exact byte for which the special was setup
// (as opposed to object beginning).
p := uintptr(s.start<<_PageShift) + uintptr(special.offset)
......@@ -1287,7 +1015,7 @@ func mSpan_Sweep(s *mspan, preserve bool) bool {
*specialp = special
if !freespecial(y, unsafe.Pointer(p), size, false) {
// stop freeing of object if it has a finalizer
*(*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(bitp)) |= bitMarked << shift
} else {
// object is still live: keep special record
......@@ -1299,37 +1027,9 @@ func mSpan_Sweep(s *mspan, preserve bool) bool {
// Sweep through n objects of given size starting at p.
// This thread owns the span now, so it can manipulate
// the block bitmap without atomic operations.
p := uintptr(s.start << _PageShift)
off := (p - arena_start) / ptrSize
bitp := arena_start - off/wordsPerBitmapByte - 1
shift := uint(0)
step := size / (ptrSize * wordsPerBitmapByte)
// Rewind to the previous quadruple as we move to the next
// in the beginning of the loop.
bitp += step
if step == 0 {
// 8-byte objects.
shift = gcBits
for ; n > 0; n, p = n-1, p+size {
bitp -= step
if step == 0 {
if shift != 0 {
shift = gcBits - shift
xbits := *(*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(bitp))
bits := (xbits >> shift) & bitMask
// Allocated and marked object, reset bits to allocated.
if bits&bitMarked != 0 {
*(*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(bitp)) &^= bitMarked << shift
size, n, _ := s.layout()
heapBitsSweepSpan(s.base(), size, n, func(p uintptr) {
// At this point we know that we are looking at garbage object
// that needs to be collected.
if debug.allocfreetrace != 0 {
......@@ -1337,13 +1037,12 @@ func mSpan_Sweep(s *mspan, preserve bool) bool {
// Reset to allocated+noscan.
*(*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(bitp)) = uint8(uintptr(xbits&^((bitMarked|bitsMask<<2)<<shift)) | uintptr(bitsDead)<<(shift+2))
if cl == 0 {
// Free large span.
if preserve {
throw("can't preserve large span")
unmarkspan(p, s.npages<<_PageShift)
s.needzero = 1
// important to set sweepgen before returning it to heap
......@@ -1390,7 +1089,7 @@ func mSpan_Sweep(s *mspan, preserve bool) bool {
end.ptr().next = gclinkptr(0x0bade5)
// We need to set s.sweepgen = h.sweepgen only when all blocks are swept,
// because of the potential for a concurrent free/SetFinalizer.
......@@ -1639,149 +1338,19 @@ func gc_m(start_time int64, eagersweep bool) {
casgstatus(gp, _Gwaiting, _Grunning)
// Similar to clearcheckmarkbits but works on a single span.
// It preforms two tasks.
// 1. When used before the checkmark phase it converts BitsDead (00) to bitsScalar (01)
// for nibbles with the BoundaryBit set.
// 2. When used after the checkmark phase it converts BitsPointerMark (11) to BitsPointer 10 and
// BitsScalarMark (00) to BitsScalar (01), thus clearing the checkmark mark encoding.
// For the second case it is possible to restore the BitsDead pattern but since
// clearmark is a debug tool performance has a lower priority than simplicity.
// The span is MSpanInUse and the world is stopped.
func clearcheckmarkbitsspan(s *mspan) {
if s.state != _MSpanInUse {
print("runtime:clearcheckmarkbitsspan: state=", s.state, "\n")
throw("clearcheckmarkbitsspan: bad span state")
arena_start := mheap_.arena_start
cl := s.sizeclass
size := s.elemsize
var n int32
if cl == 0 {
n = 1
} else {
// Chunk full of small blocks
npages := class_to_allocnpages[cl]
n = npages << _PageShift / int32(size)
// MSpan_Sweep has similar code but instead of overloading and
// complicating that routine we do a simpler walk here.
// Sweep through n objects of given size starting at p.
// This thread owns the span now, so it can manipulate
// the block bitmap without atomic operations.
p := uintptr(s.start) << _PageShift
// Find bits for the beginning of the span.
off := (p - arena_start) / ptrSize
bitp := (*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(arena_start - off/wordsPerBitmapByte - 1))
step := size / (ptrSize * wordsPerBitmapByte)
// The type bit values are:
// 00 - BitsDead, for us BitsScalarMarked
// 01 - BitsScalar
// 10 - BitsPointer
// 11 - unused, for us BitsPointerMarked
// When called to prepare for the checkmark phase (checkmarkphase==true),
// we change BitsDead to BitsScalar, so that there are no BitsScalarMarked
// type bits anywhere.
// The checkmark phase marks by changing BitsScalar to BitsScalarMarked
// and BitsPointer to BitsPointerMarked.
// When called to clean up after the checkmark phase (checkmarkphase==false),
// we unmark by changing BitsScalarMarked back to BitsScalar and
// BitsPointerMarked back to BitsPointer.
// There are two problems with the scheme as just described.
// First, the setup rewrites BitsDead to BitsScalar, but the type bits
// following a BitsDead are uninitialized and must not be used.
// Second, objects that are free are expected to have their type
// bits zeroed (BitsDead), so in the cleanup we need to restore
// any BitsDeads that were there originally.
// In a one-word object (8-byte allocation on 64-bit system),
// there is no difference between BitsScalar and BitsDead, because
// neither is a pointer and there are no more words in the object,
// so using BitsScalar during the checkmark is safe and mapping
// both back to BitsDead during cleanup is also safe.
// In a larger object, we need to be more careful. During setup,
// if the type of the first word is BitsDead, we change it to BitsScalar
// (as we must) but also initialize the type of the second
// word to BitsDead, so that a scan during the checkmark phase
// will still stop before seeing the uninitialized type bits in the
// rest of the object. The sequence 'BitsScalar BitsDead' never
// happens in real type bitmaps - BitsDead is always as early
// as possible, so immediately after the last BitsPointer.
// During cleanup, if we see a BitsScalar, we can check to see if it
// is followed by BitsDead. If so, it was originally BitsDead and
// we can change it back.
if step == 0 {
// updating top and bottom nibbles, all boundaries
for i := int32(0); i < n/2; i, bitp = i+1, addb(bitp, uintptrMask&-1) {
if *bitp&bitBoundary == 0 {
throw("missing bitBoundary")
b := (*bitp & bitPtrMask) >> 2
if !checkmarkphase && (b == _BitsScalar || b == _BitsScalarMarked) {
*bitp &^= 0x0c // convert to _BitsDead
} else if b == _BitsScalarMarked || b == _BitsPointerMarked {
*bitp &^= _BitsCheckMarkXor << 2
if (*bitp>>gcBits)&bitBoundary == 0 {
throw("missing bitBoundary")
b = ((*bitp >> gcBits) & bitPtrMask) >> 2
if !checkmarkphase && (b == _BitsScalar || b == _BitsScalarMarked) {
*bitp &^= 0xc0 // convert to _BitsDead
} else if b == _BitsScalarMarked || b == _BitsPointerMarked {
*bitp &^= _BitsCheckMarkXor << (2 + gcBits)
} else {
// updating bottom nibble for first word of each object
for i := int32(0); i < n; i, bitp = i+1, addb(bitp, -step) {
if *bitp&bitBoundary == 0 {
throw("missing bitBoundary")
b := (*bitp & bitPtrMask) >> 2
if checkmarkphase && b == _BitsDead {
// move BitsDead into second word.
// set bits to BitsScalar in preparation for checkmark phase.
*bitp &^= 0xc0
*bitp |= _BitsScalar << 2
} else if !checkmarkphase && (b == _BitsScalar || b == _BitsScalarMarked) && *bitp&0xc0 == 0 {
// Cleaning up after checkmark phase.
// First word is scalar or dead (we forgot)
// and second word is dead.
// First word might as well be dead too.
*bitp &^= 0x0c
} else if b == _BitsScalarMarked || b == _BitsPointerMarked {
*bitp ^= _BitsCheckMarkXor << 2
func initCheckmarks() {
for _, s := range work.spans {
if s.state == _MSpanInUse {
// clearcheckmarkbits preforms two tasks.
// 1. When used before the checkmark phase it converts BitsDead (00) to bitsScalar (01)
// for nibbles with the BoundaryBit set.
// 2. When used after the checkmark phase it converts BitsPointerMark (11) to BitsPointer 10 and
// BitsScalarMark (00) to BitsScalar (01), thus clearing the checkmark mark encoding.
// This is a bit expensive but preserves the BitsDead encoding during the normal marking.
// BitsDead remains valid for every nibble except the ones with BitsBoundary set.
func clearcheckmarkbits() {
func clearCheckmarks() {
for _, s := range work.spans {
if s.state == _MSpanInUse {
......@@ -1802,7 +1371,7 @@ func gccheckmark_m(startTime int64, eagersweep bool) {
checkmarkphase = true
clearcheckmarkbits() // Converts BitsDead to BitsScalar.
gc_m(startTime, eagersweep) // turns off checkmarkphase + calls clearcheckmarkbits
......@@ -2044,7 +1613,7 @@ func gc(start_time int64, eagersweep bool) {
checkmarkphase = false // done checking marks
// Cache the current array for sweeping.
......@@ -2157,349 +1726,6 @@ func gchelperstart() {
func wakefing() *g {
var res *g
if fingwait && fingwake {
fingwait = false
fingwake = false
res = fing
return res
func addb(p *byte, n uintptr) *byte {
return (*byte)(add(unsafe.Pointer(p), n))
// Recursively unrolls GC program in prog.
// mask is where to store the result.
// ppos is a pointer to position in mask, in bits.
// sparse says to generate 4-bits per word mask for heap (2-bits for data/bss otherwise).
func unrollgcprog1(maskp *byte, prog *byte, ppos *uintptr, inplace, sparse bool) *byte {
arena_start := mheap_.arena_start
pos := *ppos
mask := (*[1 << 30]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(maskp))
for {
switch *prog {
throw("unrollgcprog: unknown instruction")
case insData:
prog = addb(prog, 1)
siz := int(*prog)
prog = addb(prog, 1)
p := (*[1 << 30]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(prog))
for i := 0; i < siz; i++ {
v := p[i/_PointersPerByte]
v >>= (uint(i) % _PointersPerByte) * _BitsPerPointer
v &= _BitsMask
if inplace {
// Store directly into GC bitmap.
off := (uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&mask[pos])) - arena_start) / ptrSize
bitp := (*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(arena_start - off/wordsPerBitmapByte - 1))
shift := (off % wordsPerBitmapByte) * gcBits
if shift == 0 {
*bitp = 0
*bitp |= v << (shift + 2)
pos += ptrSize
} else if sparse {
// 4-bits per word
v <<= (pos % 8) + 2
mask[pos/8] |= v
pos += gcBits
} else {
// 2-bits per word
v <<= pos % 8
mask[pos/8] |= v
pos += _BitsPerPointer
prog = addb(prog, round(uintptr(siz)*_BitsPerPointer, 8)/8)
case insArray:
prog = (*byte)(add(unsafe.Pointer(prog), 1))
siz := uintptr(0)
for i := uintptr(0); i < ptrSize; i++ {
siz = (siz << 8) + uintptr(*(*byte)(add(unsafe.Pointer(prog), ptrSize-i-1)))
prog = (*byte)(add(unsafe.Pointer(prog), ptrSize))
var prog1 *byte
for i := uintptr(0); i < siz; i++ {
prog1 = unrollgcprog1(&mask[0], prog, &pos, inplace, sparse)
if *prog1 != insArrayEnd {
throw("unrollgcprog: array does not end with insArrayEnd")
prog = (*byte)(add(unsafe.Pointer(prog1), 1))
case insArrayEnd, insEnd:
*ppos = pos
return prog
// Unrolls GC program prog for data/bss, returns dense GC mask.
func unrollglobgcprog(prog *byte, size uintptr) bitvector {
masksize := round(round(size, ptrSize)/ptrSize*bitsPerPointer, 8) / 8
mask := (*[1 << 30]byte)(persistentalloc(masksize+1, 0, &memstats.gc_sys))
mask[masksize] = 0xa1
pos := uintptr(0)
prog = unrollgcprog1(&mask[0], prog, &pos, false, false)
if pos != size/ptrSize*bitsPerPointer {
print("unrollglobgcprog: bad program size, got ", pos, ", expect ", size/ptrSize*bitsPerPointer, "\n")
throw("unrollglobgcprog: bad program size")
if *prog != insEnd {
throw("unrollglobgcprog: program does not end with insEnd")
if mask[masksize] != 0xa1 {
throw("unrollglobgcprog: overflow")
return bitvector{int32(masksize * 8), &mask[0]}
func unrollgcproginplace_m(v unsafe.Pointer, typ *_type, size, size0 uintptr) {
pos := uintptr(0)
prog := (*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(typ.gc[1])))
for pos != size0 {
unrollgcprog1((*byte)(v), prog, &pos, true, true)
// Mark first word as bitAllocated.
arena_start := mheap_.arena_start
off := (uintptr(v) - arena_start) / ptrSize
bitp := (*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(arena_start - off/wordsPerBitmapByte - 1))
shift := (off % wordsPerBitmapByte) * gcBits
// NOTE(rsc): An argument can be made that unrollgcproginplace
// is only used for very large objects, and in particular it is not used
// for 1-word objects, so the atomic here is not necessary.
// But if that's true, neither is the shift, and yet here it is.
atomicor8(bitp, bitBoundary<<shift)
// Mark word after last as BitsDead.
if size0 < size {
off := (uintptr(v) + size0 - arena_start) / ptrSize
bitp := (*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(arena_start - off/wordsPerBitmapByte - 1))
shift := (off % wordsPerBitmapByte) * gcBits
*bitp &= uint8(^(bitPtrMask << shift) | uintptr(bitsDead)<<(shift+2))
var unroll mutex
// Unrolls GC program in typ.gc[1] into typ.gc[0]
func unrollgcprog_m(typ *_type) {
mask := (*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(typ.gc[0])))
if *mask == 0 {
pos := uintptr(8) // skip the unroll flag
prog := (*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(typ.gc[1])))
prog = unrollgcprog1(mask, prog, &pos, false, true)
if *prog != insEnd {
throw("unrollgcprog: program does not end with insEnd")
if typ.size/ptrSize%2 != 0 {
// repeat the program
prog := (*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(typ.gc[1])))
unrollgcprog1(mask, prog, &pos, false, true)
// atomic way to say mask[0] = 1
atomicor8(mask, 1)
// mark the span of memory at v as having n blocks of the given size.
// if leftover is true, there is left over space at the end of the span.
func markspan(v unsafe.Pointer, size uintptr, n uintptr, leftover bool) {
if uintptr(v)+size*n > mheap_.arena_used || uintptr(v) < mheap_.arena_start {
throw("markspan: bad pointer")
// Find bits of the beginning of the span.
off := (uintptr(v) - uintptr(mheap_.arena_start)) / ptrSize
if off%wordsPerBitmapByte != 0 {
throw("markspan: unaligned length")
b := mheap_.arena_start - off/wordsPerBitmapByte - 1
// Okay to use non-atomic ops here, because we control
// the entire span, and each bitmap byte has bits for only
// one span, so no other goroutines are changing these bitmap words.
if size == ptrSize {
// Possible only on 64-bits (minimal size class is 8 bytes).
// Set memory to 0x11.
if (bitBoundary|bitsDead)<<gcBits|bitBoundary|bitsDead != 0x11 {
throw("markspan: bad bits")
if n%(wordsPerBitmapByte*ptrSize) != 0 {
throw("markspan: unaligned length")
b = b - n/wordsPerBitmapByte + 1 // find first byte
if b%ptrSize != 0 {
throw("markspan: unaligned pointer")
for i := uintptr(0); i < n; i, b = i+wordsPerBitmapByte*ptrSize, b+ptrSize {
*(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(b)) = uintptrMask & 0x1111111111111111 // bitBoundary | bitsDead, repeated
if leftover {
n++ // mark a boundary just past end of last block too
step := size / (ptrSize * wordsPerBitmapByte)
for i := uintptr(0); i < n; i, b = i+1, b-step {
*(*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(b)) = bitBoundary | bitsDead<<2
// unmark the span of memory at v of length n bytes.
func unmarkspan(v, n uintptr) {
if v+n > mheap_.arena_used || v < mheap_.arena_start {
throw("markspan: bad pointer")
off := (v - mheap_.arena_start) / ptrSize // word offset
if off%(ptrSize*wordsPerBitmapByte) != 0 {
throw("markspan: unaligned pointer")
b := mheap_.arena_start - off/wordsPerBitmapByte - 1
n /= ptrSize
if n%(ptrSize*wordsPerBitmapByte) != 0 {
throw("unmarkspan: unaligned length")
// Okay to use non-atomic ops here, because we control
// the entire span, and each bitmap word has bits for only
// one span, so no other goroutines are changing these
// bitmap words.
n /= wordsPerBitmapByte
memclr(unsafe.Pointer(b-n+1), n)
func mHeap_MapBits(h *mheap) {
// Caller has added extra mappings to the arena.
// Add extra mappings of bitmap words as needed.
// We allocate extra bitmap pieces in chunks of bitmapChunk.
const bitmapChunk = 8192
n := (h.arena_used - h.arena_start) / (ptrSize * wordsPerBitmapByte)
n = round(n, bitmapChunk)
n = round(n, _PhysPageSize)
if h.bitmap_mapped >= n {
sysMap(unsafe.Pointer(h.arena_start-n), n-h.bitmap_mapped, h.arena_reserved, &memstats.gc_sys)
h.bitmap_mapped = n
func getgcmaskcb(frame *stkframe, ctxt unsafe.Pointer) bool {
target := (*stkframe)(ctxt)
if frame.sp <= target.sp && target.sp < frame.varp {
*target = *frame
return false
return true
// Returns GC type info for object p for testing.
func getgcmask(p unsafe.Pointer, t *_type, mask **byte, len *uintptr) {
*mask = nil
*len = 0
// data
if uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&data)) <= uintptr(p) && uintptr(p) < uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&edata)) {
n := (*ptrtype)(unsafe.Pointer(t)).elem.size
*len = n / ptrSize
*mask = &make([]byte, *len)[0]
for i := uintptr(0); i < n; i += ptrSize {
off := (uintptr(p) + i - uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&data))) / ptrSize
bits := (*(*byte)(add(unsafe.Pointer(gcdatamask.bytedata), off/pointersPerByte)) >> ((off % pointersPerByte) * bitsPerPointer)) & bitsMask
*(*byte)(add(unsafe.Pointer(*mask), i/ptrSize)) = bits
// bss
if uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&bss)) <= uintptr(p) && uintptr(p) < uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&ebss)) {
n := (*ptrtype)(unsafe.Pointer(t)).elem.size
*len = n / ptrSize
*mask = &make([]byte, *len)[0]
for i := uintptr(0); i < n; i += ptrSize {
off := (uintptr(p) + i - uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&bss))) / ptrSize
bits := (*(*byte)(add(unsafe.Pointer(gcbssmask.bytedata), off/pointersPerByte)) >> ((off % pointersPerByte) * bitsPerPointer)) & bitsMask
*(*byte)(add(unsafe.Pointer(*mask), i/ptrSize)) = bits
// heap
var n uintptr
var base uintptr
if mlookup(uintptr(p), &base, &n, nil) != 0 {
*len = n / ptrSize
*mask = &make([]byte, *len)[0]
for i := uintptr(0); i < n; i += ptrSize {
off := (uintptr(base) + i - mheap_.arena_start) / ptrSize
b := mheap_.arena_start - off/wordsPerBitmapByte - 1
shift := (off % wordsPerBitmapByte) * gcBits
bits := (*(*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(b)) >> (shift + 2)) & bitsMask
*(*byte)(add(unsafe.Pointer(*mask), i/ptrSize)) = bits
// stack
var frame stkframe
frame.sp = uintptr(p)
_g_ := getg()
gentraceback(_g_.m.curg.sched.pc, _g_.m.curg.sched.sp, 0, _g_.m.curg, 0, nil, 1000, getgcmaskcb, noescape(unsafe.Pointer(&frame)), 0)
if frame.fn != nil {
f := frame.fn
targetpc := frame.continpc
if targetpc == 0 {
if targetpc != f.entry {
pcdata := pcdatavalue(f, _PCDATA_StackMapIndex, targetpc)
if pcdata == -1 {
stkmap := (*stackmap)(funcdata(f, _FUNCDATA_LocalsPointerMaps))
if stkmap == nil || stkmap.n <= 0 {
bv := stackmapdata(stkmap, pcdata)
size := uintptr(bv.n) / bitsPerPointer * ptrSize
n := (*ptrtype)(unsafe.Pointer(t)).elem.size
*len = n / ptrSize
*mask = &make([]byte, *len)[0]
for i := uintptr(0); i < n; i += ptrSize {
off := (uintptr(p) + i - frame.varp + size) / ptrSize
bits := ((*(*byte)(add(unsafe.Pointer(bv.bytedata), off*bitsPerPointer/8))) >> ((off * bitsPerPointer) % 8)) & bitsMask
*(*byte)(add(unsafe.Pointer(*mask), i/ptrSize)) = bits
func unixnanotime() int64 {
sec, nsec := time_now()
return sec*1e9 + int64(nsec)
// Copyright 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Garbage collector (GC)
package runtime
const (
// Four bits per word (see #defines below).
gcBits = 4
wordsPerBitmapByte = 8 / gcBits
const (
// GC type info programs.
// The programs allow to store type info required for GC in a compact form.
// Most importantly arrays take O(1) space instead of O(n).
// The program grammar is:
// Program = {Block} "insEnd"
// Block = Data | Array
// Data = "insData" DataSize DataBlock
// DataSize = int // size of the DataBlock in bit pairs, 1 byte
// DataBlock = binary // dense GC mask (2 bits per word) of size ]DataSize/4[ bytes
// Array = "insArray" ArrayLen Block "insArrayEnd"
// ArrayLen = int // length of the array, 8 bytes (4 bytes for 32-bit arch)
// Each instruction (insData, insArray, etc) is 1 byte.
// For example, for type struct { x []byte; y [20]struct{ z int; w *byte }; }
// the program looks as:
// insData 3 (BitsPointer BitsScalar BitsScalar)
// insArray 20 insData 2 (BitsScalar BitsPointer) insArrayEnd insEnd
// Total size of the program is 17 bytes (13 bytes on 32-bits).
// The corresponding GC mask would take 43 bytes (it would be repeated
// because the type has odd number of words).
insData = 1 + iota
const (
// Pointer map
_BitsPerPointer = 2
_BitsMask = (1 << _BitsPerPointer) - 1
_PointersPerByte = 8 / _BitsPerPointer
// If you change these, also change scanblock.
// scanblock does "if(bits == BitsScalar || bits == BitsDead)" as "if(bits <= BitsScalar)".
_BitsDead = 0
_BitsScalar = 1 // 01
_BitsPointer = 2 // 10
_BitsCheckMarkXor = 1 // 10
_BitsScalarMarked = _BitsScalar ^ _BitsCheckMarkXor // 00
_BitsPointerMarked = _BitsPointer ^ _BitsCheckMarkXor // 11
// 64 bytes cover objects of size 1024/512 on 64/32 bits, respectively.
_MaxGCMask = 65536 // TODO(rsc): change back to 64
// Bits in per-word bitmap.
// #defines because we shift the values beyond 32 bits.
// Each word in the bitmap describes wordsPerBitmapWord words
// of heap memory. There are 4 bitmap bits dedicated to each heap word,
// so on a 64-bit system there is one bitmap word per 16 heap words.
// The bitmap starts at mheap.arena_start and extends *backward* from
// there. On a 64-bit system the off'th word in the arena is tracked by
// the off/16+1'th word before mheap.arena_start. (On a 32-bit system,
// the only difference is that the divisor is 8.)
const (
bitBoundary = 1 // boundary of an object
bitMarked = 2 // marked object
bitMask = bitBoundary | bitMarked
bitPtrMask = _BitsMask << 2
......@@ -296,9 +296,9 @@ func stackfree(stk stack) {
var maxstacksize uintptr = 1 << 20 // enough until runtime.main sets it for real
var mapnames = []string{
_BitsDead: "---",
_BitsScalar: "scalar",
_BitsPointer: "ptr",
typeDead: "---",
typeScalar: "scalar",
typePointer: "ptr",
// Stack frame layout
......@@ -371,7 +371,7 @@ func adjustpointers(scanp unsafe.Pointer, cbv *bitvector, adjinfo *adjustinfo, f
minp := adjinfo.old.lo
maxp := adjinfo.old.hi
delta :=
num := uintptr(bv.n / _BitsPerPointer)
num := uintptr(bv.n) / typeBitsWidth
for i := uintptr(0); i < num; i++ {
if stackDebug >= 4 {
print(" ", add(scanp, i*ptrSize), ":", mapnames[ptrbits(&bv, i)], ":", hex(*(*uintptr)(add(scanp, i*ptrSize))), " # ", i, " ", bv.bytedata[i/4], "\n")
......@@ -379,13 +379,13 @@ func adjustpointers(scanp unsafe.Pointer, cbv *bitvector, adjinfo *adjustinfo, f
switch ptrbits(&bv, i) {
throw("unexpected pointer bits")
case _BitsDead:
case typeDead:
if debug.gcdead != 0 {
*(*unsafe.Pointer)(add(scanp, i*ptrSize)) = unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(poisonStack))
case _BitsScalar:
case typeScalar:
// ok
case _BitsPointer:
case typePointer:
p := *(*unsafe.Pointer)(add(scanp, i*ptrSize))
up := uintptr(p)
if f != nil && 0 < up && up < _PageSize && debug.invalidptr != 0 || up == poisonStack {
......@@ -453,7 +453,7 @@ func adjustframe(frame *stkframe, arg unsafe.Pointer) bool {
throw("bad symbol table")
bv = stackmapdata(stackmap, pcdata)
size = (uintptr(bv.n) * ptrSize) / _BitsPerPointer
size = (uintptr(bv.n) / typeBitsWidth) * ptrSize
if stackDebug >= 3 {
print(" locals ", pcdata, "/", stackmap.n, " ", size/ptrSize, " words ", bv.bytedata, "\n")
......@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ type _type struct {
// (no indirection), 4 bits per word.
// If (kind&KindGCProg)!=0, then gc[1] points to a compiler-generated
// read-only GC program; and gc[0] points to BSS space for sparse GC bitmap.
// For huge _types (>MaxGCMask), runtime unrolls the program directly into
// For huge _types (>maxGCMask), runtime unrolls the program directly into
// GC bitmap and gc[0] is not used. For moderately-sized _types, runtime
// unrolls the program into gc[0] space on first use. The first byte of gc[0]
// (gc[0][0]) contains 'unroll' flag saying whether the program is already
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