Commit 3aa892c4 authored by Robert Griesemer's avatar Robert Griesemer

daily snapshot:

- more work on template-driven ast printing

parent b03b541b
// TODO prefix decl doesn't work
//ast .
//string =
// "%s" ;
ast.Ident =
Value .
pointer =
^ ;
ast.Program =
"package " Name "\n" { Decls "\n\n" } .
array =
^ ;
ast.GenDecl =
"def " .
//token.Token =
// "token<%d>" ; // this should be a Go-installed formatter
ast.FuncDecl =
"func " .
\ No newline at end of file
Comments =
"comments\n" ;
Ident =
Value ;
Program =
"package " Name "\n\n" { Decls "\n\n" } ;
GenDecl =
Tok " (\n"
FuncType =
"(" { Params } ")" ;
BlockStmt =
"{\n" "}\n" ;
FuncDecl =
"func " Name Type [ " " Body ] ;
Decl =
^ ;
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -17,39 +17,88 @@ import (
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Format
// node kind
const (
self = iota;
// A production expression is built from the following nodes.
type (
expr interface {
empty struct {
alternative struct {
x, y expr;
sequence struct {
x, y expr;
field struct {
name string; // including "^", "*"
format expr; // nil if no format specified
literal struct {
// TODO should there be other types or should it all be string literals?
value []byte;
option struct {
x expr
repetition struct {
x expr
// TODO custom formats are not yet used
custom struct {
name string;
f func(w io.Write, value interface{}, name string) bool
type node struct {
kind int;
name string; // field name
value []byte; // literal value
x, y *node;
// These methods are used to enforce the "implements" relationship for
// better compile-time type checking.
// TODO If we had a basic accessor mechanism in the language (a field
// "f T" automatically implements a corresponding accessor "f() T", this
// could be expressed more easily by simply providing the field.
func (x *empty) implements_expr() {}
func (x *alternative) implements_expr() {}
func (x *sequence) implements_expr() {}
func (x *field) implements_expr() {}
func (x *literal) implements_expr() {}
func (x *option) implements_expr() {}
func (x *repetition) implements_expr() {}
func (x *custom) implements_expr() {}
// A Format is a set of production nodes.
type Format map [string] *node;
// A Format is a set of production expressions.
type Format map [string] expr;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Parsing
- EBNF vs Kleene notation
- default formatters for basic types (may imply scopes so we can override)
- installable custom formatters (like for template.go)
- format strings
/* Format = { Production } .
Production = DottedName [ "=" Expression ] "." .
DottedName = name { "." name } .
Production = Name [ "=" [ Expression ] ] ";" .
Name = identifier { "." identifier } .
Expression = Term { "|" Term } .
Term = Factor { Factor } .
Factor = "*" | name | string_literal | Group | Option | Repetition .
Factor = string_literal | Field | Group | Option | Repetition .
Field = ( "^" | "*" | Name ) [ ":" Expression ] .
Group = "(" Expression ")" .
Option = "[" Expression "]" .
Repetition = "{" Expression "}" .
......@@ -109,30 +158,30 @@ func (p *parser) expect(tok token.Token) token.Position {
func (p *parser) parseName() string {
func (p *parser) parseIdentifier() string {
name := string(p.lit);
return name;
func (p *parser) parseDottedName() string {
name := p.parseName();
func (p *parser) parseName() string {
name := p.parseIdentifier();
for p.tok == token.PERIOD {;
name = name + "." + p.parseName();
name = name + "." + p.parseIdentifier();
return name;
// TODO should have WriteByte in ByteBuffer instead!
var (
newlineByte = []byte{'\n'};
tabByte = []byte{'\t'};
// TODO WriteByte should be a ByteBuffer method
func writeByte(buf *io.ByteBuffer, b byte) {
// TODO make this complete
func escapeString(s []byte) []byte {
// the string syntax is correct since it comes from the scannner
var buf io.ByteBuffer;
......@@ -141,14 +190,13 @@ func escapeString(s []byte) []byte {
if s[i] == '\\' {
buf.Write(s[i0 : i]);
var esc byte;
switch s[i] {
case 'n':
case 't':
panic("unhandled escape:", string(s[i]));
case 'n': esc = '\n';
case 't': esc = '\t';
default: panic("unhandled escape:", string(s[i]));
writeByte(&buf, esc);
i0 = i;
} else {
......@@ -182,32 +230,54 @@ func (p *parser) parseValue() []byte {
func (p *parser) parseExpression() *node
func (p *parser) parseExpr() expr
func (p *parser) parseFactor() (x *node) {
func (p *parser) parseField() expr {
var name string;
switch p.tok {
case token.XOR:
name = "^";;
case token.MUL:
x = &node{self, "", nil, nil, nil};
name = "*";;
case token.IDENT:
x = &node{field, p.parseName(), nil, nil, nil};
name = p.parseName();
var format expr;
if p.tok == token.COLON {;
format = p.parseExpr();
return &field{name, format};
func (p *parser) parseFactor() (x expr) {
switch p.tok {
case token.XOR, token.MUL, token.IDENT:
x = p.parseField();
case token.STRING:
x = &node{literal, "", p.parseValue(), nil, nil};
x = &literal{p.parseValue()};
case token.LPAREN:;
x = p.parseExpression();
x = p.parseExpr();
case token.LBRACK:;
x = &node{option, "", nil, p.parseExpression(), nil};
x = &option{p.parseExpr()};
case token.LBRACE:;
x = &node{repetition, "", nil, p.parseExpression(), nil};
x = &repetition{p.parseExpr()};
......@@ -219,46 +289,52 @@ func (p *parser) parseFactor() (x *node) {
func (p *parser) parseTerm() *node {
func (p *parser) parseTerm() expr {
x := p.parseFactor();
for p.tok == token.IDENT ||
for p.tok == token.XOR ||
p.tok == token.MUL ||
p.tok == token.IDENT ||
p.tok == token.STRING ||
p.tok == token.LPAREN ||
p.tok == token.LBRACK ||
p.tok == token.LBRACE
y := p.parseFactor();
x = &node{sequence, "", nil, x, y};
x = &sequence{x, y};
return x;
func (p *parser) parseExpression() *node {
func (p *parser) parseExpr() expr {
x := p.parseTerm();
for p.tok == token.OR {;
y := p.parseTerm();
x = &node{alternative, "", nil, x, y};
x = &alternative{x, y};
return x;
func (p *parser) parseProduction() (string, *node) {
name := p.parseDottedName();
func (p *parser) parseProduction() (string, expr) {
name := p.parseName();
var x *node;
var x expr;
if p.tok == token.ASSIGN {;
x = p.parseExpression();
if p.tok == token.SEMICOLON {
x = &empty{};
} else {
x = p.parseExpr();
return name, x;
......@@ -365,118 +441,181 @@ func getField(v reflect.StructValue, fieldname string) reflect.Value {
func (f Format) apply(w io.Write, v reflect.Value) bool
func typename(value reflect.Value) string {
name := value.Type().Name();
// Returns true if a non-empty field value was found.
func (f Format) print(w io.Write, x *node, v reflect.Value, index int) bool {
switch x.kind {
case self:
if name != "" {
return name;
case alternative:
// print the contents of the first alternative with a non-empty field
var buf io.ByteBuffer;
if !f.print(&buf, x.x, v, -1) {
f.print(&buf, x.y, v, -1);
switch value.Kind() {
case reflect.ArrayKind: name = "array";
case reflect.BoolKind: name = "bool";
case reflect.ChanKind: name = "chan";
case reflect.DotDotDotKind: name = "...";
case reflect.FloatKind: name = "float";
case reflect.Float32Kind: name = "float32";
case reflect.Float64Kind: name = "float64";
case reflect.FuncKind: name = "func";
case reflect.IntKind: name = "int";
case reflect.Int16Kind: name = "int16";
case reflect.Int32Kind: name = "int32";
case reflect.Int64Kind: name = "int64";
case reflect.Int8Kind: name = "int8";
case reflect.InterfaceKind: name = "interface";
case reflect.MapKind: name = "map";
case reflect.PtrKind: name = "pointer";
case reflect.StringKind: name = "string";
case reflect.StructKind: name = "struct";
case reflect.UintKind: name = "uint";
case reflect.Uint16Kind: name = "uint16";
case reflect.Uint32Kind: name = "uint32";
case reflect.Uint64Kind: name = "uint64";
case reflect.Uint8Kind: name = "uint8";
case reflect.UintptrKind: name = "uintptr";
return name;
case sequence:
f.print(w, x.x, v, -1);
f.print(w, x.y, v, -1);
case field:
if sv, is_struct := v.(reflect.StructValue); is_struct {
return f.apply(w, getField(sv,;
} else {
panicln("not in a struct - field:",;
var defaultFormat = &literal{io.StringBytes("%v")};
case literal:
func (f Format) getFormat(value reflect.Value) expr {
if format, found := f[typename(value)]; found {
return format;
// no format found
return defaultFormat;
case option:
// print the contents of the option if there is a non-empty field
var buf io.ByteBuffer;
if f.print(&buf, x.x, v, -1) {
case repetition:
// print the contents of the repetition while there is a non-empty field
for i := 0; ; i++ {
var buf io.ByteBuffer;
if f.print(&buf, x.x, v, i) {
} else {
// Count the number of printf-style '%' formatters in s.
// The result is 0, 1, or 2 (where 2 stands for 2 or more).
func percentCount(s []byte) int {
n := 0;
for i := 0; n < 2 && i < len(s); i++ {
// TODO should not count "%%"'s
if s[i] == '%' {
return false;
return n;
func (f Format) Dump() {
for name, x := range f {
println(name, x);
func printf(w io.Write, format []byte, value reflect.Value) {
// TODO this seems a bit of a hack
if percentCount(format) == 1 {
// exactly one '%' format specifier - try to use it
fmt.Fprintf(w, string(format), value.Interface());
} else {
// 0 or more then 1 '%' format specifier - ignore them
func (f Format) apply(w io.Write, v reflect.Value) bool {
println("apply typename:", v.Type().Name());
// Returns true if a non-empty field value was found.
func (f Format) print(w io.Write, format expr, value reflect.Value, index int) bool {
switch t := format.(type) {
case *empty:
return true;
if x, found := f[v.Type().Name()]; found {
// format using corresponding production
f.print(w, x, v, -1);
} else {
// format using default formats
switch x := v.(type) {
case reflect.ArrayValue:
if x.Len() == 0 {
return false;
for i := 0; i < x.Len(); i++ {
f.apply(w, x.Elem(i));
case *alternative:
// print the contents of the first alternative with a non-empty field
var buf io.ByteBuffer;
b := f.print(&buf, t.x, value, index);
if !b {
b = f.print(&buf, t.y, value, index);
if b {
return index < 0 || b;
case *sequence:
b1 := f.print(w, t.x, value, index);
b2 := f.print(w, t.y, value, index);
return index < 0 || b1 && b2;
case *field:
var x reflect.Value;
switch {
case "^":
if v, is_ptr := value.(reflect.PtrValue); is_ptr {
if v.Get() == nil {
return false;
x = v.Sub();
} else if v, is_array := value.(reflect.ArrayValue); is_array {
if index < 0 || v.Len() <= index {
return false;
x = v.Elem(index);
} else if v, is_interface := value.(reflect.InterfaceValue); is_interface {
if v.Get() == nil {
return false;
x = v.Value();
} else {
panic("not a ptr, array, or interface"); // TODO fix this
case reflect.StringValue:
case reflect.IntValue:
// TODO is this the correct way to check the right type?
// or should it be t, ok := x.Interface().(token.Token) instead?
if x.Type().Name() == "token.Token" {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s", token.Token(x.Get()).String());
case "*":
x = value;
if v, is_struct := value.(reflect.StructValue); is_struct {
x = getField(v,;
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%d", x.Get());
panic ("not a struct"); // TODO fix this
format = t.format;
if format == nil {
format = f.getFormat(x);
b := f.print(w, format, x, index);
return index < 0 || b;
case reflect.InterfaceValue:
f.apply(w, x.Value());
case *literal:
printf(w, t.value, value);
return true;
case reflect.PtrValue:
// TODO is this the correct way to check nil ptr?
if x.Get() == nil {
return false;
return f.apply(w, x.Sub());
case *option:
// print the contents of the option if there is a non-empty field
var buf io.ByteBuffer;
b := f.print(&buf, t.x, value, -1);
if b {
return index < 0 || b;
panicln("unsupported kind:", v.Kind());
case *repetition:
// print the contents of the repetition while there is a non-empty field
b := false;
for i := 0; ; i++ {
var buf io.ByteBuffer;
if f.print(&buf, t.x, value, i) {
b = true;
} else {
return index < 0 || b;
case *custom:
b := t.f(w, value.Interface(),;
return index < 0 || b;
return true;
return false;
func (f Format) Apply(w io.Write, data interface{}) {
f.apply(w, reflect.NewValue(data));
value := reflect.NewValue(data);
f.print(w, f.getFormat(value), value, -1);
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