Commit 3fe9b11c authored by Dominik Honnef's avatar Dominik Honnef Committed by Brad Fitzpatrick

misc/emacs: Allow go-coverage to work in existing coverage buffers by reusing previous arguments

R=golang-dev, adonovan, bradfitz
parent 904e1136
......@@ -1001,18 +1001,37 @@ description at POINT."
(defstruct go--covered
start-line start-column end-line end-column covered count)
(defun go-coverage (input)
(defun go--coverage-file ()
"Return the coverage file to use, either by reading it from the
current coverage buffer or by prompting for it."
(if (boundp 'go--coverage-current-file-name)
(read-file-name "Coverage file: " nil nil t)))
(defun go--coverage-origin-buffer ()
"Return the buffer to base the coverage on."
(if (boundp 'go--coverage-origin-buffer)
(defun go-coverage (&optional coverage-file)
"Open a clone of the current buffer and overlay it with
coverage information gathered via go test -coverprofile=INPUT."
(interactive "fCoverage file: ")
(let ((ranges '())
(file-name (file-name-nondirectory (buffer-file-name)))
(gocov-buffer-name (concat (buffer-name) "<gocov>"))
coverage information gathered via go test -coverprofile=COVERAGE-FILE.
If COVERAGE-FILE is nil, it will either be infered from the
current buffer if it's already a coverage buffer, or be prompted
(setq coverage-file (or coverage-file (go--coverage-file)))
(let* ((ranges '())
(cur-buffer (current-buffer))
(origin-buffer (go--coverage-origin-buffer))
(file-name (file-name-nondirectory (buffer-file-name origin-buffer)))
(gocov-buffer-name (concat (buffer-name origin-buffer) "<gocov>"))
(max-count 0)
(insert-file-contents input)
(insert-file-contents coverage-file)
(go--goto-line 2) ;; Skip over mode
(while (not (eobp))
(let* ((parts (split-string (buffer-substring (point-at-bol) (point-at-eol)) ":"))
......@@ -1044,7 +1063,10 @@ coverage information gathered via go test -coverprofile=INPUT."
(with-current-buffer (or
(get-buffer gocov-buffer-name)
(clone-indirect-buffer gocov-buffer-name nil))
(make-indirect-buffer origin-buffer gocov-buffer-name t))
(set (make-local-variable 'go--coverage-origin-buffer) origin-buffer)
(set (make-local-variable 'go--coverage-current-file-name) coverage-file)
......@@ -1074,7 +1096,7 @@ coverage information gathered via go test -coverprofile=INPUT."
(overlay-put ov 'face face)
(overlay-put ov 'help-echo (format "Count: %d" count)))))
(display-buffer (current-buffer) 'display-buffer-reuse-window))))
(if (not (eq cur-buffer (current-buffer)))
(display-buffer (current-buffer) 'display-buffer-reuse-window)))))
(provide 'go-mode)
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