Commit 428c4cc8 authored by Russ Cox's avatar Russ Cox

api: refresh next.txt

R=golang-dev, bradfitz
parent 0c3b17a5
pkg archive/tar, const TypeGNULongLink ideal-char
pkg archive/tar, const TypeGNULongName ideal-char
pkg archive/tar, func FileInfoHeader(os.FileInfo, string) (*Header, error)
pkg archive/tar, method (*Header) FileInfo() os.FileInfo
pkg archive/zip, type FileHeader struct, CompressedSize64 uint64
pkg archive/zip, type FileHeader struct, UncompressedSize64 uint64
pkg bufio, method (*Reader) WriteTo(io.Writer) (int64, error)
pkg bufio, method (*Writer) ReadFrom(io.Reader) (int64, error)
pkg bufio, method (ReadWriter) ReadFrom(io.Reader) (int64, error)
pkg bufio, method (ReadWriter) WriteTo(io.Writer) (int64, error)
pkg bytes, func TrimPrefix([]uint8, []uint8) []uint8
pkg bytes, func TrimSuffix([]uint8, []uint8) []uint8
pkg bytes, method (*Buffer) Grow(int)
pkg bytes, method (*Reader) WriteTo(io.Writer) (int64, error)
pkg crypto/hmac, func Equal([]uint8, []uint8) bool
pkg crypto/tls, const TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA uint16
pkg crypto/tls, const TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA uint16
pkg crypto/tls, type Config struct, PreferServerCipherSuites bool
pkg crypto/tls, type Config struct, SessionTicketKey [32]uint8
pkg crypto/tls, type Config struct, SessionTicketsDisabled bool
pkg crypto/tls, type ConnectionState struct, DidResume bool
......@@ -21,6 +27,8 @@ pkg crypto/x509, const ECDSAWithSHA512 SignatureAlgorithm
pkg crypto/x509, const ExtKeyUsageIPSECEndSystem ExtKeyUsage
pkg crypto/x509, const ExtKeyUsageIPSECTunnel ExtKeyUsage
pkg crypto/x509, const ExtKeyUsageIPSECUser ExtKeyUsage
pkg crypto/x509, const ExtKeyUsageMicrosoftServerGatedCrypto ExtKeyUsage
pkg crypto/x509, const ExtKeyUsageNetscapeServerGatedCrypto ExtKeyUsage
pkg crypto/x509, const IncompatibleUsage InvalidReason
pkg crypto/x509, const PEMCipher3DES PEMCipher
pkg crypto/x509, const PEMCipherAES128 PEMCipher
......@@ -31,9 +39,14 @@ pkg crypto/x509, func DecryptPEMBlock(*pem.Block, []uint8) ([]uint8, error)
pkg crypto/x509, func EncryptPEMBlock(io.Reader, string, []uint8, []uint8, PEMCipher) (*pem.Block, error)
pkg crypto/x509, func IsEncryptedPEMBlock(*pem.Block) bool
pkg crypto/x509, func ParseECPrivateKey([]uint8) (*ecdsa.PrivateKey, error)
pkg crypto/x509, method (SystemRootsError) Error() string
pkg crypto/x509, type Certificate struct, IPAddresses []net.IP
pkg crypto/x509, type PEMCipher int
pkg crypto/x509, type SystemRootsError struct
pkg crypto/x509, type VerifyOptions struct, KeyUsages []ExtKeyUsage
pkg crypto/x509, var IncorrectPasswordError error
pkg database/sql/driver, type Queryer interface { Query }
pkg database/sql/driver, type Queryer interface, Query(string, []Value) (Rows, error)
pkg debug/elf, method (*File) DynString(DynTag) ([]string, error)
pkg debug/elf, type FileHeader struct, Entry uint64
pkg debug/pe, const COFFSymbolSize ideal-int
......@@ -52,11 +65,13 @@ pkg debug/pe, type Symbol struct, StorageClass uint8
pkg debug/pe, type Symbol struct, Type uint16
pkg debug/pe, type Symbol struct, Value uint32
pkg encoding/csv, method (*Writer) Error() error
pkg encoding/json, method (*Decoder) Buffered() io.Reader
pkg encoding/json, method (*Decoder) UseNumber()
pkg encoding/json, method (Number) Float64() (float64, error)
pkg encoding/json, method (Number) Int64() (int64, error)
pkg encoding/json, method (Number) String() string
pkg encoding/json, type Number string
pkg encoding/xml, method (*Encoder) Indent(string, string)
pkg go/ast, func NewCommentMap(*token.FileSet, Node, []*CommentGroup) CommentMap
pkg go/ast, method (CommentMap) Comments() []*CommentGroup
pkg go/ast, method (CommentMap) Filter(Node) CommentMap
......@@ -65,13 +80,17 @@ pkg go/ast, method (CommentMap) Update(Node, Node) Node
pkg go/ast, type ChanType struct, Arrow token.Pos
pkg go/ast, type CommentMap map[Node][]*CommentGroup
pkg go/build, type Context struct, InstallTag string
pkg go/build, type Package struct, IgnoredGoFiles []string
pkg go/build, type Package struct, SwigCXXFiles []string
pkg go/build, type Package struct, SwigFiles []string
pkg go/doc, type Example struct, EmptyOutput bool
pkg go/doc, type Example struct, Order int
pkg go/doc, type Example struct, Play *ast.File
pkg go/doc, type Package struct, Notes map[string][]string
pkg go/doc, var IllegalPrefixes []string
pkg go/format, func Node(io.Writer, *token.FileSet, interface{}) error
pkg go/format, func Source([]uint8) ([]uint8, error)
pkg go/parser, const AllErrors Mode
pkg go/printer, type Config struct, Indent int
pkg go/types, const Bool BasicKind
pkg go/types, const Byte BasicKind
......@@ -116,6 +135,10 @@ pkg go/types, func FindGcExportData(*bufio.Reader) error
pkg go/types, func FindPkg(string, string) (string, string)
pkg go/types, func GcImport(map[string]*Package, string) (*Package, error)
pkg go/types, func GcImportData(map[string]*Package, string, string, *bufio.Reader) (*Package, error)
pkg go/types, func IsIdentical(Type, Type) bool
pkg go/types, method (*Array) String() string
pkg go/types, method (*Basic) String() string
pkg go/types, method (*Chan) String() string
pkg go/types, method (*Const) GetName() string
pkg go/types, method (*Const) GetPos() token.Pos
pkg go/types, method (*Const) GetType() Type
......@@ -123,11 +146,20 @@ pkg go/types, method (*Context) Check(*token.FileSet, []*ast.File) (*Package, er
pkg go/types, method (*Func) GetName() string
pkg go/types, method (*Func) GetPos() token.Pos
pkg go/types, method (*Func) GetType() Type
pkg go/types, method (*Interface) String() string
pkg go/types, method (*Map) String() string
pkg go/types, method (*NamedType) String() string
pkg go/types, method (*Package) GetName() string
pkg go/types, method (*Package) GetPos() token.Pos
pkg go/types, method (*Package) GetType() Type
pkg go/types, method (*Pointer) String() string
pkg go/types, method (*Result) String() string
pkg go/types, method (*Scope) Insert(Object) Object
pkg go/types, method (*Scope) Lookup(string) Object
pkg go/types, method (*Scope) String() string
pkg go/types, method (*Signature) String() string
pkg go/types, method (*Slice) String() string
pkg go/types, method (*Struct) String() string
pkg go/types, method (*TypeName) GetName() string
pkg go/types, method (*TypeName) GetPos() token.Pos
pkg go/types, method (*TypeName) GetType() Type
......@@ -175,6 +207,7 @@ pkg go/types, type Func struct
pkg go/types, type Func struct, Name string
pkg go/types, type Func struct, Type Type
pkg go/types, type Importer func(imports map[string]*Package, path string) (pkg *Package, err error)
pkg go/types, type Importer func(map[string]*Package, string) (*Package, error)
pkg go/types, type Interface struct
pkg go/types, type Interface struct, Methods []*Method
pkg go/types, type Map struct
......@@ -217,6 +250,7 @@ pkg go/types, type Slice struct
pkg go/types, type Slice struct, Elt Type
pkg go/types, type Struct struct
pkg go/types, type Struct struct, Fields []*Field
pkg go/types, type Type interface, String() string
pkg go/types, type Type interface, unexported methods
pkg go/types, type TypeName struct
pkg go/types, type TypeName struct, Name string
......@@ -455,6 +489,8 @@ pkg math/big, method (*Int) MarshalJSON() ([]uint8, error)
pkg math/big, method (*Int) SetUint64(uint64) *Int
pkg math/big, method (*Int) Uint64() uint64
pkg math/big, method (*Int) UnmarshalJSON([]uint8) error
pkg math/big, method (*Rat) Float64() (float64, bool)
pkg math/big, method (*Rat) SetFloat64(float64) *Rat
pkg mime/multipart, method (*Writer) SetBoundary(string) error
pkg net, func ListenUnixgram(string, *UnixAddr) (*UnixConn, error)
pkg net, func LookupNS(string) ([]*NS, error)
......@@ -476,6 +512,7 @@ pkg net/http, method (*ServeMux) Handler(*Request) (Handler, string)
pkg net/http, type CloseNotifier interface { CloseNotify }
pkg net/http, type CloseNotifier interface, CloseNotify() <-chan bool
pkg net/http, type Request struct, PostForm url.Values
pkg net/http, type Server struct, TLSNextProto map[string]func(*Server, *tls.Conn, Handler)
pkg net/mail, func ParseAddress(string) (*Address, error)
pkg net/mail, func ParseAddressList(string) ([]*Address, error)
pkg net/smtp, method (*Client) Hello(string) error
......@@ -497,6 +534,7 @@ pkg reflect, type SelectCase struct, Dir SelectDir
pkg reflect, type SelectCase struct, Send Value
pkg reflect, type SelectDir int
pkg reflect, type Type interface, ConvertibleTo(Type) bool
pkg regexp, method (*Regexp) Longest()
pkg regexp, method (*Regexp) Split(string, int) []string
pkg regexp/syntax, const ErrUnexpectedParen ErrorCode
pkg runtime, func BlockProfile([]BlockProfileRecord) (int, bool)
......@@ -506,6 +544,18 @@ pkg runtime, type BlockProfileRecord struct
pkg runtime, type BlockProfileRecord struct, Count int64
pkg runtime, type BlockProfileRecord struct, Cycles int64
pkg runtime, type BlockProfileRecord struct, embedded StackRecord
pkg runtime/debug, func FreeOSMemory()
pkg runtime/debug, func ReadGCStats(*GCStats)
pkg runtime/debug, func SetGCPercent(int) int
pkg runtime/debug, type GCStats struct
pkg runtime/debug, type GCStats struct, LastGC time.Time
pkg runtime/debug, type GCStats struct, NumGC int64
pkg runtime/debug, type GCStats struct, Pause []time.Duration
pkg runtime/debug, type GCStats struct, PauseQuantiles []time.Duration
pkg runtime/debug, type GCStats struct, PauseTotal time.Duration
pkg sort, func Reverse(Interface) Interface
pkg strings, func TrimPrefix(string, string) string
pkg strings, func TrimSuffix(string, string) string
pkg strings, method (*Reader) WriteTo(io.Writer) (int64, error)
pkg syscall (darwin-386), const B0 ideal-int
pkg syscall (darwin-386), const B110 ideal-int
......@@ -940,6 +990,8 @@ pkg syscall (darwin-amd64-cgo), type Termios struct, Pad_cgo_0 [4]uint8
pkg syscall (freebsd-386), func SlicePtrFromStrings([]string) ([]*uint8, error)
pkg syscall (freebsd-amd64), func SlicePtrFromStrings([]string) ([]*uint8, error)
pkg syscall (freebsd-amd64), func Syscall9(uintptr, uintptr, uintptr, uintptr, uintptr, uintptr, uintptr, uintptr, uintptr, uintptr) (uintptr, uintptr, Errno)
pkg syscall (linux-386), const SizeofTCPInfo ideal-int
pkg syscall (linux-386), func Accept4(int, int) (int, Sockaddr, error)
pkg syscall (linux-386), func GetsockoptUcred(int, int, int) (*Ucred, error)
pkg syscall (linux-386), func Getxattr(string, string, []uint8) (int, error)
pkg syscall (linux-386), func Listxattr(string, []uint8) (int, error)
......@@ -949,6 +1001,40 @@ pkg syscall (linux-386), func Removexattr(string, string) error
pkg syscall (linux-386), func Setxattr(string, string, []uint8, int) error
pkg syscall (linux-386), func SlicePtrFromStrings([]string) ([]*uint8, error)
pkg syscall (linux-386), type SysProcAttr struct, Ctty int
pkg syscall (linux-386), type TCPInfo struct
pkg syscall (linux-386), type TCPInfo struct, Advmss uint32
pkg syscall (linux-386), type TCPInfo struct, Ato uint32
pkg syscall (linux-386), type TCPInfo struct, Backoff uint8
pkg syscall (linux-386), type TCPInfo struct, Ca_state uint8
pkg syscall (linux-386), type TCPInfo struct, Fackets uint32
pkg syscall (linux-386), type TCPInfo struct, Last_ack_recv uint32
pkg syscall (linux-386), type TCPInfo struct, Last_ack_sent uint32
pkg syscall (linux-386), type TCPInfo struct, Last_data_recv uint32
pkg syscall (linux-386), type TCPInfo struct, Last_data_sent uint32
pkg syscall (linux-386), type TCPInfo struct, Lost uint32
pkg syscall (linux-386), type TCPInfo struct, Options uint8
pkg syscall (linux-386), type TCPInfo struct, Pad_cgo_0 [2]uint8
pkg syscall (linux-386), type TCPInfo struct, Pmtu uint32
pkg syscall (linux-386), type TCPInfo struct, Probes uint8
pkg syscall (linux-386), type TCPInfo struct, Rcv_mss uint32
pkg syscall (linux-386), type TCPInfo struct, Rcv_rtt uint32
pkg syscall (linux-386), type TCPInfo struct, Rcv_space uint32
pkg syscall (linux-386), type TCPInfo struct, Rcv_ssthresh uint32
pkg syscall (linux-386), type TCPInfo struct, Reordering uint32
pkg syscall (linux-386), type TCPInfo struct, Retrans uint32
pkg syscall (linux-386), type TCPInfo struct, Retransmits uint8
pkg syscall (linux-386), type TCPInfo struct, Rto uint32
pkg syscall (linux-386), type TCPInfo struct, Rtt uint32
pkg syscall (linux-386), type TCPInfo struct, Rttvar uint32
pkg syscall (linux-386), type TCPInfo struct, Sacked uint32
pkg syscall (linux-386), type TCPInfo struct, Snd_cwnd uint32
pkg syscall (linux-386), type TCPInfo struct, Snd_mss uint32
pkg syscall (linux-386), type TCPInfo struct, Snd_ssthresh uint32
pkg syscall (linux-386), type TCPInfo struct, State uint8
pkg syscall (linux-386), type TCPInfo struct, Total_retrans uint32
pkg syscall (linux-386), type TCPInfo struct, Unacked uint32
pkg syscall (linux-386-cgo), const SizeofTCPInfo ideal-int
pkg syscall (linux-386-cgo), func Accept4(int, int) (int, Sockaddr, error)
pkg syscall (linux-386-cgo), func GetsockoptUcred(int, int, int) (*Ucred, error)
pkg syscall (linux-386-cgo), func Getxattr(string, string, []uint8) (int, error)
pkg syscall (linux-386-cgo), func Listxattr(string, []uint8) (int, error)
......@@ -958,7 +1044,40 @@ pkg syscall (linux-386-cgo), func Removexattr(string, string) error
pkg syscall (linux-386-cgo), func Setxattr(string, string, []uint8, int) error
pkg syscall (linux-386-cgo), func SlicePtrFromStrings([]string) ([]*uint8, error)
pkg syscall (linux-386-cgo), type SysProcAttr struct, Ctty int
pkg syscall (linux-386-cgo), type TCPInfo struct
pkg syscall (linux-386-cgo), type TCPInfo struct, Advmss uint32
pkg syscall (linux-386-cgo), type TCPInfo struct, Ato uint32
pkg syscall (linux-386-cgo), type TCPInfo struct, Backoff uint8
pkg syscall (linux-386-cgo), type TCPInfo struct, Ca_state uint8
pkg syscall (linux-386-cgo), type TCPInfo struct, Fackets uint32
pkg syscall (linux-386-cgo), type TCPInfo struct, Last_ack_recv uint32
pkg syscall (linux-386-cgo), type TCPInfo struct, Last_ack_sent uint32
pkg syscall (linux-386-cgo), type TCPInfo struct, Last_data_recv uint32
pkg syscall (linux-386-cgo), type TCPInfo struct, Last_data_sent uint32
pkg syscall (linux-386-cgo), type TCPInfo struct, Lost uint32
pkg syscall (linux-386-cgo), type TCPInfo struct, Options uint8
pkg syscall (linux-386-cgo), type TCPInfo struct, Pad_cgo_0 [2]uint8
pkg syscall (linux-386-cgo), type TCPInfo struct, Pmtu uint32
pkg syscall (linux-386-cgo), type TCPInfo struct, Probes uint8
pkg syscall (linux-386-cgo), type TCPInfo struct, Rcv_mss uint32
pkg syscall (linux-386-cgo), type TCPInfo struct, Rcv_rtt uint32
pkg syscall (linux-386-cgo), type TCPInfo struct, Rcv_space uint32
pkg syscall (linux-386-cgo), type TCPInfo struct, Rcv_ssthresh uint32
pkg syscall (linux-386-cgo), type TCPInfo struct, Reordering uint32
pkg syscall (linux-386-cgo), type TCPInfo struct, Retrans uint32
pkg syscall (linux-386-cgo), type TCPInfo struct, Retransmits uint8
pkg syscall (linux-386-cgo), type TCPInfo struct, Rto uint32
pkg syscall (linux-386-cgo), type TCPInfo struct, Rtt uint32
pkg syscall (linux-386-cgo), type TCPInfo struct, Rttvar uint32
pkg syscall (linux-386-cgo), type TCPInfo struct, Sacked uint32
pkg syscall (linux-386-cgo), type TCPInfo struct, Snd_cwnd uint32
pkg syscall (linux-386-cgo), type TCPInfo struct, Snd_mss uint32
pkg syscall (linux-386-cgo), type TCPInfo struct, Snd_ssthresh uint32
pkg syscall (linux-386-cgo), type TCPInfo struct, State uint8
pkg syscall (linux-386-cgo), type TCPInfo struct, Total_retrans uint32
pkg syscall (linux-386-cgo), type TCPInfo struct, Unacked uint32
pkg syscall (linux-amd64), const SizeofTCPInfo ideal-int
pkg syscall (linux-amd64), func Accept4(int, int) (int, Sockaddr, error)
pkg syscall (linux-amd64), func GetsockoptUcred(int, int, int) (*Ucred, error)
pkg syscall (linux-amd64), func Getxattr(string, string, []uint8) (int, error)
pkg syscall (linux-amd64), func Listxattr(string, []uint8) (int, error)
......@@ -1001,6 +1120,7 @@ pkg syscall (linux-amd64), type TCPInfo struct, State uint8
pkg syscall (linux-amd64), type TCPInfo struct, Total_retrans uint32
pkg syscall (linux-amd64), type TCPInfo struct, Unacked uint32
pkg syscall (linux-amd64-cgo), const SizeofTCPInfo ideal-int
pkg syscall (linux-amd64-cgo), func Accept4(int, int) (int, Sockaddr, error)
pkg syscall (linux-amd64-cgo), func GetsockoptUcred(int, int, int) (*Ucred, error)
pkg syscall (linux-amd64-cgo), func Getxattr(string, string, []uint8) (int, error)
pkg syscall (linux-amd64-cgo), func Listxattr(string, []uint8) (int, error)
......@@ -1042,6 +1162,8 @@ pkg syscall (linux-amd64-cgo), type TCPInfo struct, Snd_ssthresh uint32
pkg syscall (linux-amd64-cgo), type TCPInfo struct, State uint8
pkg syscall (linux-amd64-cgo), type TCPInfo struct, Total_retrans uint32
pkg syscall (linux-amd64-cgo), type TCPInfo struct, Unacked uint32
pkg syscall (linux-arm), const SizeofTCPInfo ideal-int
pkg syscall (linux-arm), func Accept4(int, int) (int, Sockaddr, error)
pkg syscall (linux-arm), func GetsockoptUcred(int, int, int) (*Ucred, error)
pkg syscall (linux-arm), func Getxattr(string, string, []uint8) (int, error)
pkg syscall (linux-arm), func Listxattr(string, []uint8) (int, error)
......@@ -1051,6 +1173,38 @@ pkg syscall (linux-arm), func Removexattr(string, string) error
pkg syscall (linux-arm), func Setxattr(string, string, []uint8, int) error
pkg syscall (linux-arm), func SlicePtrFromStrings([]string) ([]*uint8, error)
pkg syscall (linux-arm), type SysProcAttr struct, Ctty int
pkg syscall (linux-arm), type TCPInfo struct
pkg syscall (linux-arm), type TCPInfo struct, Advmss uint32
pkg syscall (linux-arm), type TCPInfo struct, Ato uint32
pkg syscall (linux-arm), type TCPInfo struct, Backoff uint8
pkg syscall (linux-arm), type TCPInfo struct, Ca_state uint8
pkg syscall (linux-arm), type TCPInfo struct, Fackets uint32
pkg syscall (linux-arm), type TCPInfo struct, Last_ack_recv uint32
pkg syscall (linux-arm), type TCPInfo struct, Last_ack_sent uint32
pkg syscall (linux-arm), type TCPInfo struct, Last_data_recv uint32
pkg syscall (linux-arm), type TCPInfo struct, Last_data_sent uint32
pkg syscall (linux-arm), type TCPInfo struct, Lost uint32
pkg syscall (linux-arm), type TCPInfo struct, Options uint8
pkg syscall (linux-arm), type TCPInfo struct, Pad_cgo_0 [2]uint8
pkg syscall (linux-arm), type TCPInfo struct, Pmtu uint32
pkg syscall (linux-arm), type TCPInfo struct, Probes uint8
pkg syscall (linux-arm), type TCPInfo struct, Rcv_mss uint32
pkg syscall (linux-arm), type TCPInfo struct, Rcv_rtt uint32
pkg syscall (linux-arm), type TCPInfo struct, Rcv_space uint32
pkg syscall (linux-arm), type TCPInfo struct, Rcv_ssthresh uint32
pkg syscall (linux-arm), type TCPInfo struct, Reordering uint32
pkg syscall (linux-arm), type TCPInfo struct, Retrans uint32
pkg syscall (linux-arm), type TCPInfo struct, Retransmits uint8
pkg syscall (linux-arm), type TCPInfo struct, Rto uint32
pkg syscall (linux-arm), type TCPInfo struct, Rtt uint32
pkg syscall (linux-arm), type TCPInfo struct, Rttvar uint32
pkg syscall (linux-arm), type TCPInfo struct, Sacked uint32
pkg syscall (linux-arm), type TCPInfo struct, Snd_cwnd uint32
pkg syscall (linux-arm), type TCPInfo struct, Snd_mss uint32
pkg syscall (linux-arm), type TCPInfo struct, Snd_ssthresh uint32
pkg syscall (linux-arm), type TCPInfo struct, State uint8
pkg syscall (linux-arm), type TCPInfo struct, Total_retrans uint32
pkg syscall (linux-arm), type TCPInfo struct, Unacked uint32
pkg syscall (windows-386), const AI_CANONNAME ideal-int
pkg syscall (windows-386), const AI_NUMERICHOST ideal-int
pkg syscall (windows-386), const AI_PASSIVE ideal-int
......@@ -1145,8 +1299,13 @@ pkg syscall, type RawSockaddrInet6 struct, Addr [16]uint8
pkg syscall, type RawSockaddrInet6 struct, Flowinfo uint32
pkg syscall, type RawSockaddrInet6 struct, Port uint16
pkg syscall, type RawSockaddrInet6 struct, Scope_id uint32
pkg testing, func AllocsPerRun(int, func()) float64
pkg testing, func Verbose() bool
pkg testing, method (*B) ReportAllocs()
pkg testing, method (*T) Skip(...interface{})
pkg testing, method (*T) SkipNow()
pkg testing, method (*T) Skipf(string, ...interface{})
pkg testing, method (*T) Skipped() bool
pkg testing, method (BenchmarkResult) AllocedBytesPerOp() int64
pkg testing, method (BenchmarkResult) AllocsPerOp() int64
pkg testing, method (BenchmarkResult) MemString() string
......@@ -1209,6 +1368,7 @@ pkg text/template/parse, type TemplateNode struct, embedded Pos
pkg text/template/parse, type TextNode struct, embedded Pos
pkg text/template/parse, type Tree struct, ParseName string
pkg text/template/parse, type VariableNode struct, embedded Pos
pkg time, func ParseInLocation(string, string, *Location) (Time, error)
pkg time, method (*Timer) Reset(Duration) bool
pkg time, method (Time) Round(Duration) Time
pkg time, method (Time) Truncate(Duration) Time
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