Commit 51be90a2 authored by Hana Kim's avatar Hana Kim Committed by Hyang-Ah Hana Kim

cmd/vendor/README: temporary instruction for update

Until vgo sorts out and cleans up the vendoring process.

Ran govendor to update packages the cmd/pprof depends on
which resulted in deletion of some of unnecessary files.

Change-Id: Idfba53e94414e90a5e280222750a6df77e979a16
Run-TryBot: Hyang-Ah Hana Kim <>
Reviewed-by: default avatarDaniel Theophanes <>
parent 402dd10a
How to update the vendored packages:
Assuming the govendor tool is available
run the govendor tool from src/cmd directory
$ go get -u
To update packages used by cmd/pprof:
$ cd $GOROOT/src/cmd
$ GOPATH=$GOROOT govendor fetch
To update packages used by internal/objfile/*:
$ GOPATH=$GOROOT govendor fetch
GOPATH=$GOROOT in the above commands is a hack to
make govendor work and will create the .cache folder in
$GOROOT as a side-effect. Please make sure to delete
the directory and not to include the directory in the
commit by accident.
# This is the official list of pprof authors for copyright purposes.
# This file is distinct from the CONTRIBUTORS files.
# See the latter for an explanation.
# Names should be added to this file as:
# Name or Organization <email address>
# The email address is not required for organizations.
Google Inc.
\ No newline at end of file
Want to contribute? Great: read the page (including the small print at the end).
# Before you contribute
As an individual, sign the [Google Individual Contributor License
Agreement]( (CLA)
online. This is required for any of your code to be accepted.
Before you start working on a larger contribution, get in touch with us first
through the issue tracker with your idea so that we can help out and possibly
guide you. Coordinating up front makes it much easier to avoid frustration later
# Development
Make sure `GOPATH` is set in your current shell. The common way is to have
something like `export GOPATH=$HOME/gocode` in your `.bashrc` file so that it's
automatically set in all console sessions.
To get the source code, run
go get
To run the tests, do
cd $GOPATH/src/
go test -v ./...
When you wish to work with your own fork of the source (which is required to be
able to create a pull request), you'll want to get your fork repo as another Git
remote in the same `` directory. Otherwise, if you'll `go
get` your fork directly, you'll be getting errors like `use of internal package
not allowed` when running tests. To set up the remote do something like
cd $GOPATH/src/
git remote add aalexand
git fetch aalexand
git checkout -b my-new-feature
# hack hack hack
go test -v ./...
git commit -a -m "Add new feature."
git push aalexand
where `aalexand` is your GitHub user ID. Then proceed to the GitHub UI to send a
code review.
# Code reviews
All submissions, including submissions by project members, require review.
We use GitHub pull requests for this purpose.
The pprof source code is in Go with a bit of JavaScript, CSS and HTML. If you
are new to Go, read [Effective Go]( and
the [summary on typical comments during Go code
Cover all new functionality with tests. Enable Travis on your forked repo,
enable builds of branches and make sure Travis is happily green for the branch
with your changes.
The code coverage is measured for each pull request. The code coverage is
expected to go up with every change.
Pull requests not meeting the above guidelines will get less attention than good
ones, so make sure your submissions are high quality.
# The small print
Contributions made by corporations are covered by a different agreement than the
one above, the [Software Grant and Corporate Contributor License
# People who have agreed to one of the CLAs and can contribute patches.
# The AUTHORS file lists the copyright holders; this file
# lists people. For example, Google employees are listed here
# but not in AUTHORS, because Google holds the copyright.
# Names should be added to this file as:
# Name <email address>
Raul Silvera <>
Tipp Moseley <>
Hyoun Kyu Cho <>
Martin Spier <>
Taco de Wolff <>
[![Build Status](](
# Introduction
pprof is a tool for visualization and analysis of profiling data.
pprof reads a collection of profiling samples in profile.proto format and
generates reports to visualize and help analyze the data. It can generate both
text and graphical reports (through the use of the dot visualization package).
profile.proto is a protocol buffer that describes a set of callstacks
and symbolization information. A common usage is to represent a set of
sampled callstacks from statistical profiling. The format is
described on the [proto/profile.proto](./proto/profile.proto) file. For details on protocol
buffers, see
Profiles can be read from a local file, or over http. Multiple
profiles of the same type can be aggregated or compared.
If the profile samples contain machine addresses, pprof can symbolize
them through the use of the native binutils tools (addr2line and nm).
**This is not an official Google product.**
# Building pprof
- Go development kit. Requires Go 1.7 or newer.
Follow [these instructions]( to install the
go tool and set up GOPATH.
- Graphviz:
Optional, used to generate graphic visualizations of profiles
To build and install it, use the `go get` tool.
go get
Remember to set GOPATH to the directory where you want pprof to be
installed. The binary will be in `$GOPATH/bin` and the sources under
# Basic usage
pprof can read a profile from a file or directly from a server via http.
Specify the profile input(s) in the command line, and use options to
indicate how to format the report.
## Generate a text report of the profile, sorted by hotness:
% pprof -top [main_binary] profile.pb.gz
main_binary: Local path to the main program binary, to enable symbolization
profile.pb.gz: Local path to the profile in a compressed protobuf, or
URL to the http service that serves a profile.
## Generate a graph in an SVG file, and open it with a web browser:
pprof -web [main_binary] profile.pb.gz
## Run pprof on interactive mode:
If no output formatting option is specified, pprof runs on interactive mode,
where reads the profile and accepts interactive commands for visualization and
refinement of the profile.
pprof [main_binary] profile.pb.gz
This will open a simple shell that takes pprof commands to generate reports.
Type 'help' for available commands/options.
## Run pprof via a web interface
If the `-http` flag is specified, pprof starts a web server at
the specified host:port that provides an interactive web-based interface to pprof.
Host is optional, and is "localhost" by default. Port is optional, and is a
random available port by default. `-http=":"` starts a server locally at
a random port.
pprof -http=[host]:[port] [main_binary] profile.pb.gz
The preceding command should automatically open your web browser at
the right page; if not, you can manually visit the specified port in
your web browser.
## Using pprof with Linux Perf
pprof can read `` files generated by the
[Linux perf]( tool by using the
`perf_to_profile` program from the
[perf_data_converter]( package.
## Further documentation
See [doc/](doc/ for more detailed end-user documentation.
See []( for contribution documentation.
See [proto/](proto/ for a description of the profile.proto format.
# pprof
pprof is a tool for visualization and analysis of profiling data.
pprof reads a collection of profiling samples in profile.proto format and
generates reports to visualize and help analyze the data. It can generate both
text and graphical reports (through the use of the dot visualization package).
profile.proto is a protocol buffer that describes a set of callstacks
and symbolization information. A common usage is to represent a set of
sampled callstacks from statistical profiling. The format is
described on the src/proto/profile.proto file. For details on protocol
buffers, see
Profiles can be read from a local file, or over http. Multiple
profiles of the same type can be aggregated or compared.
If the profile samples contain machine addresses, pprof can symbolize
them through the use of the native binutils tools (addr2line and nm).
# pprof profiles
pprof operates on data in the profile.proto format. Each profile is a collection
of samples, where each sample is associated to a point in a location hierarchy,
one or more numeric values, and a set of labels. Often these profiles represents
data collected through statistical sampling of a program, so each sample
describes a program call stack and a number or weight of samples collected at a
location. pprof is agnostic to the profile semantics, so other uses are
possible. The interpretation of the reports generated by pprof depends on the
semantics defined by the source of the profile.
# Usage Modes
There are few different ways of using `pprof`.
## Report generation
If a report format is requested on the command line:
pprof <format> [options] source
pprof will generate a report in the specified format and exit.
Formats can be either text, or graphical. See below for details about
supported formats, options, and sources.
## Interactive terminal use
Without a format specifier:
pprof [options] source
pprof will start an interactive shell in which the user can type
commands. Type `help` to get online help.
## Web interface
If a host:port is specified on the command line:
pprof -http=[host]:[port] [options] source
pprof will start serving HTTP requests on the specified port. Visit
the HTTP url corresponding to the port (typically `http://<host>:<port>/`)
in a browser to see the interface.
# Details
The objective of pprof is to generate a report for a profile. The report is
generated from a location hierarchy, which is reconstructed from the profile
samples. Each location contains two values: *flat* is the value of the location
itself, while *cum* is the value of the location plus all its
descendants. Samples that include a location multiple times (eg for recursive
functions) are counted only once per location.
## Options
*options* configure the contents of a report. Each option has a value,
which can be boolean, numeric, or strings. While only one format can
be specified, most options can be selected independently of each
Some common pprof options are:
* **-flat [default]:** Sort entries based on their flat weight, on text reports.
* **-cum:** Sort entries based on cumulative weight, on text reports.
* **-functions [default]:** Accumulate samples at the function level; profile
locations that describe the same function will be merged into a report entry.
* **-lines:** Accumulate samples at the source line level; profile locations that
describe the same function will be merged into a report entry.
* **-addresses:** Accumulate samples at the instruction address; profile locations
that describe the same function address will be merged into a report entry.
* **-nodecount= _int_:** Maximum number of entries in the report. pprof will only print
this many entries and will use heuristics to select which entries to trim.
* **-focus= _regex_:** Only include samples that include a report entry matching
* **-ignore= _regex_:** Do not include samples that include a report entry matching
* **-show\_from= _regex_:** Do not show entries above the first one that
matches *regex*.
* **-show= _regex_:** Only show entries that match *regex*.
* **-hide= _regex_:** Do not show entries that match *regex*.
Each sample in a profile may include multiple values, representing different
entities associated to the sample. pprof reports include a single sample value,
which by convention is the last one specified in the report. The `sample_index=`
option selects which value to use, and can be set to a number (from 0 to the
number of values - 1) or the name of the sample value.
Sample values are numeric values associated to a unit. If pprof can recognize
these units, it will attempt to scale the values to a suitable unit for
visualization. The `unit=` option will force the use of a specific unit. For
example, `unit=sec` will force any time values to be reported in
seconds. pprof recognizes most common time and memory size units.
## Tag filtering
Samples in a profile may have tags. These tags have a name and a value; this
value can be either numeric or a string. pprof can select samples from a
profile based on these tags using the `-tagfocus` and `-tagignore` options.
Generally, these options work as follows:
* **-tagfocus=_regex_** or **-tagfocus=_range_:** Restrict to samples with tags
matched by regexp or in range.
* **-tagignore=_regex_** or **-tagignore=_range_:** Discard samples with tags
matched by regexp or in range.
When using `-tagfocus=regex` and `-tagignore=regex`, the regex will be compared
to each value associated with each tag. If one specifies a value
like `regex1,regex2`, then only samples with a tag value matching `regex1`
and a tag value matching `regex2` will be kept.
In addition to being able to filter on tag values, one can specify the name of
the tag which a certain value must be associated with using the notation
`-tagfocus=tagName=value`. Here, the `tagName` must match the tag's name
exactly, and the value can be either a regex or a range. If one specifies
a value like `regex1,regex2`, then samples with a tag value (paired with the
specified tag name) matching either `regex1` or matching `regex2` will match.
Here are examples explaining how `tagfocus` can be used:
* `-tagfocus 128kb:512kb` accepts a sample iff it has any numeric tag with
memory value in the specified range.
* `-tagfocus mytag=128kb:512kb` accepts a sample iff it has a numeric tag
`mytag` with memory value in the specified range. There isn't a way to say
`-tagfocus mytag=128kb:512kb,16kb:32kb`
or `-tagfocus mytag=128kb:512kb,mytag2=128kb:512kb`. Just single value or
range for numeric tags.
* `-tagfocus someregex` accepts a sample iff it has any string tag with
`tagName:tagValue` string matching specified regexp. In the future, this
will change to accept sample iff it has any string tag with `tagValue` string
matching specified regexp.
* `-tagfocus mytag=myvalue1,myvalue2` matches if either of the two tag values
are present.
`-tagignore` works similarly, except that it discards matching samples, instead
of keeping them.
If both the `-tagignore` and `-tagfocus` expressions (either a regexp or a
range) match a given sample, then the sample will be discarded.
## Text reports
pprof text reports show the location hierarchy in text format.
* **-text:** Prints the location entries, one per line, including the flat and cum
* **-tree:** Prints each location entry with its predecessors and successors.
* **-peek= _regex_:** Print the location entry with all its predecessors and
successors, without trimming any entries.
* **-traces:** Prints each sample with a location per line.
## Graphical reports
pprof can generate graphical reports on the DOT format, and convert them to
multiple formats using the graphviz package.
These reports represent the location hierarchy as a graph, with a report entry
represented as a node. Solid edges represent a direct connection between
entries, while dotted edges represent a connection where some intermediate nodes
have been removed. Nodes are removed using heuristics to limit the size of
the graph, controlled by the *nodecount* option.
The size of each node represents the flat weight of the node, and the width of
each edge represents the cumulative weight of all samples going through
it. Nodes are colored according to their cumulative weight, highlighting the
paths with the highest cum weight.
* **-dot:** Generates a report in .dot format. All other formats are generated from
this one.
* **-svg:** Generates a report in SVG format.
* **-web:** Generates a report in SVG format on a temp file, and starts a web
browser to view it.
* **-png, -jpg, -gif, -pdf:** Generates a report in these formats,
## Annotated code
pprof can also generate reports of annotated source with samples associated to
them. For these, the source or binaries must be locally available, and the
profile must contain data with the appropriate level of detail.
pprof will look for source files on its current working directory and all its
ancestors. pprof will look for binaries on the directories specified in the
`$PPROF_BINARY_PATH` environment variable, by default `$HOME/pprof/binaries`
(`%USERPROFILE%\pprof\binaries` on Windows). It will look binaries up by name,
and if the profile includes linker build ids, it will also search for them in
a directory named as the build id.
pprof uses the binutils tools to examine and disassemble the binaries. By
default it will search for those tools in the current path, but it can also
search for them in a directory pointed to by the environment variable
* **-disasm= _regex_:** Generates an annotated source listing for functions matching
regex, with flat/cum weights for each source line.
* **-list= _regex_:** Generates an annotated disassembly listing for functions
matching *regex*.
* **-weblist= _regex_:** Generates a source/assembly combined annotated listing for
functions matching *regex*, and starts a web browser to display it.
# Fetching profiles
pprof can read profiles from a file or directly from a URL over http. Its native
format is a gzipped profile.proto file, but it can also accept some legacy
formats generated by [gperftools](
When fetching from a URL handler, pprof accepts options to indicate how much to
wait for the profile.
* **-seconds= _int_:** Makes pprof request for a profile with the specified duration
in seconds. Only makes sense for profiles based on elapsed time, such as CPU
* **-timeout= _int_:** Makes pprof wait for the specified timeout when retrieving a
profile over http. If not specified, pprof will use heuristics to determine a
reasonable timeout.
If multiple profiles are specified, pprof will fetch them all and merge
them. This is useful to combine profiles from multiple processes of a
distributed job. The profiles may be from different programs but must be
compatible (for example, CPU profiles cannot be combined with heap profiles).
pprof can subtract a profile from another in order to compare them. For that,
use the **-base= _profile_** option, where *profile* is the filename or URL for the
profile to be subtracted. This may result on some report entries having negative
## Symbolization
pprof can add symbol information to a profile that was collected only with
address information. This is useful for profiles for compiled languages, where
it may not be easy or even possible for the profile source to include function
names or source coordinates.
pprof can extract the symbol information locally by examining the binaries using
the binutils tools, or it can ask running jobs that provide a symbolization
pprof will attempt symbolizing profiles by default, and its `-symbolize` option
provides some control over symbolization:
* **-symbolize=none:** Disables any symbolization from pprof.
* **-symbolize=local:** Only attempts symbolizing the profile from local
binaries using the binutils tools.
* **-symbolize=remote:** Only attempts to symbolize running jobs by contacting
their symbolization handler.
For local symbolization, pprof will look for the binaries on the paths specified
by the profile, and then it will search for them on the path specified by the
environment variable `$PPROF_BINARY_PATH`. Also, the name of the main binary can
be passed directly to pprof as its first parameter, to override the name or
location of the main binary of the profile, like this:
pprof /path/to/binary profile.pb.gz
By default pprof will attempt to demangle and simplify C++ names, to provide
readable names for C++ symbols. It will aggressively discard template and
function parameters. This can be controlled with the `-symbolize=demangle`
option. Note that for remote symbolization mangled names may not be provided by
the symbolization handler.
* **--symbolize=demangle=none:** Do not perform any demangling. Show mangled
names if available.
* **-symbolize=demangle=full:** Demangle, but do not perform any
simplification. Show full demangled names if available.
* **-symbolize=demangle=templates:** Demangle, and trim function parameters, but
not template parameters.
This is a description of the profile.proto format.
# Overview
Profile.proto is a data representation for profile data. It is independent of
the type of data being collected and the sampling process used to collect that
data. On disk, it is represented as a gzip-compressed protocol buffer, described
at src/proto/profile.proto
A profile in this context refers to a collection of samples, each one
representing measurements performed at a certain point in the life of a job. A
sample associates a set of measurement values with a list of locations, commonly
representing the program call stack when the sample was taken.
Tools such as pprof analyze these samples and display this information in
multiple forms, such as identifying hottest locations, building graphical call
graphs or trees, etc.
# General structure of a profile
A profile is represented on a Profile message, which contain the following
* *sample*: A profile sample, with the values measured and the associated call
stack as a list of location ids. Samples with identical call stacks can be
merged by adding their respective values, element by element.
* *location*: A unique place in the program, commonly mapped to a single
instruction address. It has a unique nonzero id, to be referenced from the
samples. It contains source information in the form of lines, and a mapping id
that points to a binary.
* *function*: A program function as defined in the program source. It has a
unique nonzero id, referenced from the location lines. It contains a
human-readable name for the function (eg a C++ demangled name), a system name
(eg a C++ mangled name), the name of the corresponding source file, and other
function attributes.
* *mapping*: A binary that is part of the program during the profile
collection. It has a unique nonzero id, referenced from the locations. It
includes details on how the binary was mapped during program execution. By
convention the main program binary is the first mapping, followed by any
shared libraries.
* *string_table*: All strings in the profile are represented as indices into
this repeating field. The first string is empty, so index == 0 always
represents the empty string.
# Measurement values
Measurement values are represented as 64-bit integers. The profile contains an
explicit description of each value represented, using a ValueType message, with
two fields:
* *Type*: A human-readable description of the type semantics. For example “cpu”
to represent CPU time, “wall” or “time” for wallclock time, or “memory” for
bytes allocated.
* *Unit*: A human-readable name of the unit represented by the 64-bit integer
values. For example, it could be “nanoseconds” or “milliseconds” for a time
value, or “bytes” or “megabytes” for a memory size. If this is just
representing a number of events, the recommended unit name is “count”.
A profile can represent multiple measurements per sample, but all samples must
have the same number and type of measurements. The actual values are stored in
the Sample.value fields, each one described by the corresponding
Profile.sample_type field.
Some profiles have a uniform period that describe the granularity of the data
collection. For example, a CPU profile may have a period of 100ms, or a memory
allocation profile may have a period of 512kb. Profiles can optionally describe
such a value on the Profile.period and Profile.period_type fields. The profile
period is meant for human consumption and does not affect the interpretation of
the profiling data.
By convention, the first value on all profiles is the number of samples
collected at this call stack, with unit “count”. Because the profile does not
describe the sampling process beyond the optional period, it must include
unsampled values for all measurements. For example, a CPU profile could have
value[0] == samples, and value[1] == time in milliseconds.
## Locations, functions and mappings
Each sample lists the id of each location where the sample was collected, in
bottom-up order. Each location has an explicit unique nonzero integer id,
independent of its position in the profile, and holds additional information to
identify the corresponding source.
The profile source is expected to perform any adjustment required to the
locations in order to point to the calls in the stack. For example, if the
profile source extracts the call stack by walking back over the program stack,
it must adjust the instruction addresses to point to the actual call
instruction, instead of the instruction that each call will return to.
Sources usually generate profiles that fall into these two categories:
* *Unsymbolized profiles*: These only contain instruction addresses, and are to
be symbolized by a separate tool. It is critical for each location to point to
a valid mapping, which will provide the information required for
symbolization. These are used for profiles of compiled languages, such as C++
and Go.
* *Symbolized profiles*: These contain all the symbol information available for
the profile. Mappings and instruction addresses are optional for symbolized
locations. These are used for profiles of interpreted or jitted languages,
such as Java or Python. Also, the profile format allows the generation of
mixed profiles, with symbolized and unsymbolized locations.
The symbol information is represented in the repeating lines field of the
Location message. A location has multiple lines if it reflects multiple program
sources, for example if representing inlined call stacks. Lines reference
functions by their unique nonzero id, and the source line number within the
source file listed by the function. A function contains the source attributes
for a function, including its name, source file, etc. Functions include both a
user and a system form of the name, for example to include C++ demangled and
mangled names. For profiles where only a single name exists, both should be set
to the same string.
Mappings are also referenced from locations by their unique nonzero id, and
include all information needed to symbolize addresses within the mapping. It
includes similar information to the Linux /proc/self/maps file. Locations
associated to a mapping should have addresses that land between the mapping
start and limit. Also, if available, mappings should include a build id to
uniquely identify the version of the binary being used.
## Labels
Samples optionally contain labels, which are annotations to discriminate samples
with identical locations. For example, a label can be used on a malloc profile
to indicate allocation size, so two samples on the same call stack with sizes
2MB and 4MB do not get merged into a single sample with two allocations and a
size of 6MB.
Labels can be string-based or numeric. They are represented by the Label
message, with a key identifying the label and either a string or numeric
value. For numeric labels, the measurement unit can be specified in the profile.
If no unit is specified and the key is "request" or "alignment",
then the units are assumed to be "bytes". Otherwise when no unit is specified
the key will be used as the measurement unit of the numeric value. All tags with
the same key should have the same unit.
## Keep and drop expressions
Some profile sources may have knowledge of locations that are uninteresting or
irrelevant. However, if symbolization is needed in order to identify these
locations, the profile source may not be able to remove them when the profile is
generated. The profile format provides a mechanism to identify these frames by
name, through regular expressions.
These expressions must match the function name in its entirety. Frames that
match Profile.drop\_frames will be dropped from the profile, along with any
frames below it. Frames that match Profile.keep\_frames will be kept, even if
they match drop\_frames.
// Copyright (c) 2016, Google Inc.
// All rights reserved.
// Profile is a common stacktrace profile format.
// Measurements represented with this format should follow the
// following conventions:
// - Consumers should treat unset optional fields as if they had been
// set with their default value.
// - When possible, measurements should be stored in "unsampled" form
// that is most useful to humans. There should be enough
// information present to determine the original sampled values.
// - On-disk, the serialized proto must be gzip-compressed.
// - The profile is represented as a set of samples, where each sample
// references a sequence of locations, and where each location belongs
// to a mapping.
// - There is a N->1 relationship from sample.location_id entries to
// locations. For every sample.location_id entry there must be a
// unique Location with that id.
// - There is an optional N->1 relationship from locations to
// mappings. For every nonzero Location.mapping_id there must be a
// unique Mapping with that id.
syntax = "proto3";
package perftools.profiles;
option java_package = "";
option java_outer_classname = "ProfileProto";
message Profile {
// A description of the samples associated with each Sample.value.
// For a cpu profile this might be:
// [["cpu","nanoseconds"]] or [["wall","seconds"]] or [["syscall","count"]]
// For a heap profile, this might be:
// [["allocations","count"], ["space","bytes"]],
// If one of the values represents the number of events represented
// by the sample, by convention it should be at index 0 and use
// sample_type.unit == "count".
repeated ValueType sample_type = 1;
// The set of samples recorded in this profile.
repeated Sample sample = 2;
// Mapping from address ranges to the image/binary/library mapped
// into that address range. mapping[0] will be the main binary.
repeated Mapping mapping = 3;
// Useful program location
repeated Location location = 4;
// Functions referenced by locations
repeated Function function = 5;
// A common table for strings referenced by various messages.
// string_table[0] must always be "".
repeated string string_table = 6;
// frames with Function.function_name fully matching the following
// regexp will be dropped from the samples, along with their successors.
int64 drop_frames = 7; // Index into string table.
// frames with Function.function_name fully matching the following
// regexp will be kept, even if it matches drop_functions.
int64 keep_frames = 8; // Index into string table.
// The following fields are informational, do not affect
// interpretation of results.
// Time of collection (UTC) represented as nanoseconds past the epoch.
int64 time_nanos = 9;
// Duration of the profile, if a duration makes sense.
int64 duration_nanos = 10;
// The kind of events between sampled ocurrences.
// e.g [ "cpu","cycles" ] or [ "heap","bytes" ]
ValueType period_type = 11;
// The number of events between sampled occurrences.
int64 period = 12;
// Freeform text associated to the profile.
repeated int64 comment = 13; // Indices into string table.
// Index into the string table of the type of the preferred sample
// value. If unset, clients should default to the last sample value.
int64 default_sample_type = 14;
// ValueType describes the semantics and measurement units of a value.
message ValueType {
int64 type = 1; // Index into string table.
int64 unit = 2; // Index into string table.
// Each Sample records values encountered in some program
// context. The program context is typically a stack trace, perhaps
// augmented with auxiliary information like the thread-id, some
// indicator of a higher level request being handled etc.
message Sample {
// The ids recorded here correspond to a
// The leaf is at location_id[0].
repeated uint64 location_id = 1;
// The type and unit of each value is defined by the corresponding
// entry in Profile.sample_type. All samples must have the same
// number of values, the same as the length of Profile.sample_type.
// When aggregating multiple samples into a single sample, the
// result has a list of values that is the elemntwise sum of the
// lists of the originals.
repeated int64 value = 2;
// label includes additional context for this sample. It can include
// things like a thread id, allocation size, etc
repeated Label label = 3;
message Label {
int64 key = 1; // Index into string table
// At most one of the following must be present
int64 str = 2; // Index into string table
int64 num = 3;
// Should only be present when num is present.
// Specifies the units of num.
// Use arbitrary string (for example, "requests") as a custom count unit.
// If no unit is specified, consumer may apply heuristic to deduce the unit.
// Consumers may also interpret units like "bytes" and "kilobytes" as memory
// units and units like "seconds" and "nanoseconds" as time units,
// and apply appropriate unit conversions to these.
int64 num_unit = 4; // Index into string table
message Mapping {
// Unique nonzero id for the mapping.
uint64 id = 1;
// Address at which the binary (or DLL) is loaded into memory.
uint64 memory_start = 2;
// The limit of the address range occupied by this mapping.
uint64 memory_limit = 3;
// Offset in the binary that corresponds to the first mapped address.
uint64 file_offset = 4;
// The object this entry is loaded from. This can be a filename on
// disk for the main binary and shared libraries, or virtual
// abstractions like "[vdso]".
int64 filename = 5; // Index into string table
// A string that uniquely identifies a particular program version
// with high probability. E.g., for binaries generated by GNU tools,
// it could be the contents of the field.
int64 build_id = 6; // Index into string table
// The following fields indicate the resolution of symbolic info.
bool has_functions = 7;
bool has_filenames = 8;
bool has_line_numbers = 9;
bool has_inline_frames = 10;
// Describes function and line table debug information.
message Location {
// Unique nonzero id for the location. A profile could use
// instruction addresses or any integer sequence as ids.
uint64 id = 1;
// The id of the corresponding profile.Mapping for this location.
// It can be unset if the mapping is unknown or not applicable for
// this profile type.
uint64 mapping_id = 2;
// The instruction address for this location, if available. It
// should be within [Mapping.memory_start...Mapping.memory_limit]
// for the corresponding mapping. A non-leaf address may be in the
// middle of a call instruction. It is up to display tools to find
// the beginning of the instruction if necessary.
uint64 address = 3;
// Multiple line indicates this location has inlined functions,
// where the last entry represents the caller into which the
// preceding entries were inlined.
// E.g., if memcpy() is inlined into printf:
// line[0].function_name == "memcpy"
// line[1].function_name == "printf"
repeated Line line = 4;
// Provides an indication that multiple symbols map to this location's
// address, for example due to identical code folding by the linker. In that
// case the line information above represents one of the multiple
// symbols. This field must be recomputed when the symbolization state of the
// profile changes.
bool is_folded = 5;
message Line {
// The id of the corresponding profile.Function for this line.
uint64 function_id = 1;
// Line number in source code.
int64 line = 2;
message Function {
// Unique nonzero id for the function.
uint64 id = 1;
// Name of the function, in human-readable form if available.
int64 name = 2; // Index into string table
// Name of the function, as identified by the system.
// For instance, it can be a C++ mangled name.
int64 system_name = 3; // Index into string table
// Source file containing the function.
int64 filename = 4; // Index into string table
// Line number in source file.
int64 start_line = 5;
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -e
set -x
echo "mode: $MODE" > coverage.txt
# All packages.
PKG=$(go list ./...)
staticcheck $PKG
unused $PKG
# Packages that have any tests.
PKG=$(go list -f '{{if .TestGoFiles}} {{.ImportPath}} {{end}}' ./...)
go test -v $PKG
for d in $PKG; do
go test -race -coverprofile=profile.out -covermode=$MODE $d
if [ -f profile.out ]; then
cat profile.out | grep -v "^mode: " >> coverage.txt
rm profile.out
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -eu
set -o pipefail
cd $(dirname $0)
generate_d3flamegraph_go() {
local d3_js=$(curl -s "${D3FLAMEGRAPH_REPO}/${D3FLAMEGRAPH_VERSION}/dist/${D3FLAMEGRAPH_JS}" | sed 's/`/`+"`"+`/g')
local d3_css=$(curl -s "${D3FLAMEGRAPH_REPO}/${D3FLAMEGRAPH_VERSION}/dist/${D3FLAMEGRAPH_CSS}")
cat <<-EOF > $D3FLAMEGRAPH_DIR/d3_flame_graph.go
// A D3.js plugin that produces flame graphs from hierarchical data.
// See LICENSE file for license details
package d3flamegraph
// JSSource returns the $D3FLAMEGRAPH_JS file
const JSSource = \`
// CSSSource returns the $D3FLAMEGRAPH_CSS file
const CSSSource = \`
gofmt -w $D3FLAMEGRAPH_DIR/d3_flame_graph.go
get_license() {
// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// +build ignore
// This is a program that works like the GNU c++filt program.
// It's here for testing purposes and as an example.
package main
import (
func flagUsage() {
usage(os.Stderr, 2)
func usage(w io.Writer, status int) {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "Usage: %s [options] [mangled names]\n", os.Args[0])
fmt.Fprintln(w, `Demangled names are displayed to stdout
If a name cannot be demangled it is just echoed to stdout.
If no names are provided on the command line, stdin is read.`)
var stripUnderscore = flag.Bool("_", false, "Ignore first leading underscore")
var noParams = flag.Bool("p", false, "Do not display function argument types")
var noVerbose = flag.Bool("i", false, "Do not show implementation details (if any)")
var help = flag.Bool("h", false, "Display help information")
var debug = flag.Bool("d", false, "Display debugging information for strings on command line")
// Unimplemented c++filt flags:
// -n (opposite of -_)
// -t (demangle types)
// -s (set demangling style)
// -V (print version information)
// Characters considered to be part of a symbol.
const symbolChars = "_$."
func main() {
flag.Usage = func() { usage(os.Stderr, 1) }
if *help {
usage(os.Stdout, 0)
out := bufio.NewWriter(os.Stdout)
if flag.NArg() > 0 {
for _, f := range flag.Args() {
if *debug {
a, err := demangle.ToAST(f, options()...)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s: %v\n", f, err)
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(out, "%#v\n", a)
} else {
doDemangle(out, f)
if err := out.Flush(); err != nil {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err)
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin))
for scanner.Scan() {
line := scanner.Text()
start := -1
for i, c := range line {
if unicode.IsLetter(c) || unicode.IsNumber(c) || strings.ContainsRune(symbolChars, c) {
if start < 0 {
start = i
} else {
if start >= 0 {
doDemangle(out, line[start:i])
start = -1
if start >= 0 {
doDemangle(out, line[start:])
start = -1
if err := out.Flush(); err != nil {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err)
// Demangle a string just as the GNU c++filt program does.
func doDemangle(out *bufio.Writer, name string) {
skip := 0
if name[0] == '.' || name[0] == '$' {
if *stripUnderscore && name[skip] == '_' {
result := demangle.Filter(name[skip:], options()...)
if result == name[skip:] {
} else {
if name[0] == '.' {
// options returns the demangling options to use based on the command
// line flags.
func options() []demangle.Option {
var options []demangle.Option
if *noParams {
options = append(options, demangle.NoParams)
if !*noVerbose {
options = append(options, demangle.Verbose)
return options
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