Commit 56e8f8e8 authored by Shenghou Ma's avatar Shenghou Ma Committed by Minux Ma

runtime: darwin/arm support

Change-Id: I63110daad2d62ae72ab1f33a40464d76e6205627
Reviewed-on: default avatarDavid Crawshaw <>
parent 1083715b
// Note: cgo can't handle some Darwin/ARM structures, so this file can't
// be auto generated by cgo yet.
// Created based on output of `cgo -cdefs defs_darwin.go` and Darwin/ARM
// specific header (mainly mcontext and ucontext related stuff)
package runtime
import "unsafe"
const (
_EINTR = 0x4
_EFAULT = 0xe
_PROT_NONE = 0x0
_PROT_READ = 0x1
_PROT_EXEC = 0x4
_MAP_ANON = 0x1000
_MAP_FIXED = 0x10
_MADV_FREE = 0x5
_NDR_PROTOCOL_2_0 = 0x0
_SA_SIGINFO = 0x40
_SA_64REGSET = 0x200
_SIGHUP = 0x1
_SIGINT = 0x2
_SIGQUIT = 0x3
_SIGILL = 0x4
_SIGTRAP = 0x5
_SIGABRT = 0x6
_SIGEMT = 0x7
_SIGFPE = 0x8
_SIGKILL = 0x9
_SIGBUS = 0xa
_SIGSEGV = 0xb
_SIGSYS = 0xc
_SIGPIPE = 0xd
_SIGALRM = 0xe
_SIGTERM = 0xf
_SIGURG = 0x10
_SIGSTOP = 0x11
_SIGTSTP = 0x12
_SIGCONT = 0x13
_SIGCHLD = 0x14
_SIGTTIN = 0x15
_SIGTTOU = 0x16
_SIGIO = 0x17
_SIGXCPU = 0x18
_SIGXFSZ = 0x19
_SIGPROF = 0x1b
_SIGWINCH = 0x1c
_SIGINFO = 0x1d
_SIGUSR1 = 0x1e
_SIGUSR2 = 0x1f
_EV_ADD = 0x1
_EV_DELETE = 0x2
_EV_CLEAR = 0x20
_EV_RECEIPT = 0x40
_EV_ERROR = 0x4000
type machbody struct {
msgh_descriptor_count uint32
type machheader struct {
msgh_bits uint32
msgh_size uint32
msgh_remote_port uint32
msgh_local_port uint32
msgh_reserved uint32
msgh_id int32
type machndr struct {
mig_vers uint8
if_vers uint8
reserved1 uint8
mig_encoding uint8
int_rep uint8
char_rep uint8
float_rep uint8
reserved2 uint8
type machport struct {
name uint32
pad1 uint32
pad2 uint16
disposition uint8
_type uint8
type stackt struct {
ss_sp *byte
ss_size uintptr
ss_flags int32
type sigactiont struct {
__sigaction_u [4]byte
sa_tramp unsafe.Pointer
sa_mask uint32
sa_flags int32
type siginfo struct {
si_signo int32
si_errno int32
si_code int32
si_pid int32
si_uid uint32
si_status int32
si_addr *byte
si_value [4]byte
si_band int32
__pad [7]uint32
type timeval struct {
tv_sec int32
tv_usec int32
func (tv *timeval) set_usec(x int32) {
tv.tv_usec = x
type itimerval struct {
it_interval timeval
it_value timeval
type timespec struct {
tv_sec int32
tv_nsec int32
type floatstate32 struct {
r [32]uint32
fpscr uint32
type regs32 struct {
r [13]uint32 // r0 to r12
sp uint32 // r13
lr uint32 // r14
pc uint32 // r15
cpsr uint32
type exceptionstate32 struct {
trapno uint32 // NOTE: on 386, the trapno field is split into trapno and cpu
err uint32
faultvaddr uint32
type mcontext32 struct {
es exceptionstate32
ss regs32
fs floatstate32
type ucontext struct {
uc_onstack int32
uc_sigmask uint32
uc_stack stackt
uc_link *ucontext
uc_mcsize uint32
uc_mcontext *mcontext32
type keventt struct {
ident uint32
filter int16
flags uint16
fflags uint32
data int32
udata *byte
// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package runtime
func checkgoarm() {
return // TODO(minux)
func cputicks() int64 {
// Currently cputicks() is used in blocking profiler and to seed runtime·fastrand1().
// runtime·nanotime() is a poor approximation of CPU ticks that is enough for the profiler.
// TODO: need more entropy to better seed fastrand1.
return nanotime()
// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "textflag.h"
TEXT _rt0_arm_darwin(SB),7,$-4
// prepare arguments for main (_rt0_go)
MOVW (R13), R0 // argc
MOVW $4(R13), R1 // argv
MOVW $main(SB), R4
B (R4)
// save argc and argv onto stack
MOVM.DB.W [R0-R1], (R13)
MOVW $runtime·rt0_go(SB), R4
B (R4)
// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package runtime
import "unsafe"
type sigctxt struct {
info *siginfo
ctxt unsafe.Pointer
func (c *sigctxt) regs() *regs32 { return &(*ucontext)(c.ctxt) }
func (c *sigctxt) r0() uint32 { return c.regs().r[0] }
func (c *sigctxt) r1() uint32 { return c.regs().r[1] }
func (c *sigctxt) r2() uint32 { return c.regs().r[2] }
func (c *sigctxt) r3() uint32 { return c.regs().r[3] }
func (c *sigctxt) r4() uint32 { return c.regs().r[4] }
func (c *sigctxt) r5() uint32 { return c.regs().r[5] }
func (c *sigctxt) r6() uint32 { return c.regs().r[6] }
func (c *sigctxt) r7() uint32 { return c.regs().r[7] }
func (c *sigctxt) r8() uint32 { return c.regs().r[8] }
func (c *sigctxt) r9() uint32 { return c.regs().r[9] }
func (c *sigctxt) r10() uint32 { return c.regs().r[10] }
func (c *sigctxt) fp() uint32 { return c.regs().r[11] }
func (c *sigctxt) ip() uint32 { return c.regs().r[12] }
func (c *sigctxt) sp() uint32 { return c.regs().sp }
func (c *sigctxt) lr() uint32 { return c.regs().lr }
func (c *sigctxt) pc() uint32 { return c.regs().pc }
func (c *sigctxt) cpsr() uint32 { return c.regs().cpsr }
func (c *sigctxt) fault() uint32 { return uint32(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer( }
func (c *sigctxt) sigcode() uint32 { return uint32( }
func (c *sigctxt) trap() uint32 { return 0 }
func (c *sigctxt) error() uint32 { return 0 }
func (c *sigctxt) oldmask() uint32 { return 0 }
func (c *sigctxt) set_pc(x uint32) { c.regs().pc = x }
func (c *sigctxt) set_sp(x uint32) { c.regs().sp = x }
func (c *sigctxt) set_lr(x uint32) { c.regs().lr = x }
func (c *sigctxt) set_r10(x uint32) { c.regs().r[10] = x }
func (c *sigctxt) set_sigcode(x uint32) { = int32(x) }
func (c *sigctxt) set_sigaddr(x uint32) { = (*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(x))) }
......@@ -7,14 +7,22 @@
enum {
#ifdef GOOS_windows
#define StackSystem (512*sizeof(uintptr))
#define STACKSYSTEM (512 * sizeof(uintptr))
#endif // GOOS_windows
#ifdef GOOS_plan9
#define StackSystem (512)
StackSystem = 0,
#endif // Plan 9
#endif // Windows
#define STACKSYSTEM 512
#endif // GOOS_plan9
#ifdef GOOS_darwin
#ifdef GOARCH_arm
#define STACKSYSTEM 1024
#endif // GOARCH_arm
#endif // GOOS_darwin
StackSystem = STACKSYSTEM,
StackBig = 4096,
StackGuard = 640 + StackSystem,
......@@ -57,9 +57,9 @@ functions to make sure that this limit cannot be violated.
const (
// StackSystem is a number of additional bytes to add
// to each stack below the usual guard area for OS-specific
// purposes like signal handling. Used on Windows and on
// Plan 9 because they do not use a separate stack.
_StackSystem = goos_windows*512*ptrSize + goos_plan9*512
// purposes like signal handling. Used on Windows, Plan 9,
// and Darwin/ARM because they do not use a separate stack.
_StackSystem = goos_windows*512*ptrSize + goos_plan9*512 + goos_darwin*goarch_arm*1024
// The minimum size of stack used by Go code
_StackMin = 2048
// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// System calls and other sys.stuff for ARM, Darwin
// See
// or /usr/include/sys/syscall.h (on a Mac) for system call numbers.
#include "go_asm.h"
#include "go_tls.h"
#include "textflag.h"
// Copied from /usr/include/sys/syscall.h
#define SYS_exit 1
#define SYS_read 3
#define SYS_write 4
#define SYS_open 5
#define SYS_close 6
#define SYS_mmap 197
#define SYS_munmap 73
#define SYS_madvise 75
#define SYS_mincore 78
#define SYS_gettimeofday 116
#define SYS_kill 37
#define SYS_getpid 20
#define SYS___pthread_kill 328
#define SYS_setitimer 83
#define SYS___sysctl 202
#define SYS_sigprocmask 48
#define SYS_sigaction 46
#define SYS_sigreturn 184
#define SYS_select 93
#define SYS_bsdthread_register 366
#define SYS_bsdthread_create 360
#define SYS_bsdthread_terminate 361
#define SYS_kqueue 362
#define SYS_kevent 363
#define SYS_fcntl 92
TEXT notok<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0
MOVW $0, R8
MOVW R8, (R8)
B 0(PC)
TEXT runtime·open(SB),NOSPLIT,$0
MOVW name+0(FP), R0
MOVW mode+4(FP), R1
MOVW perm+8(FP), R2
MOVW $SYS_open, R12
SWI $0x80
MOVW R0, ret+12(FP)
TEXT runtime·close(SB),NOSPLIT,$0
MOVW fd+0(FP), R0
MOVW $SYS_close, R12
SWI $0x80
MOVW R0, ret+4(FP)
TEXT runtime·write(SB),NOSPLIT,$0
MOVW fd+0(FP), R0
MOVW p+4(FP), R1
MOVW n+8(FP), R2
MOVW $SYS_write, R12
SWI $0x80
MOVW R0, ret+12(FP)
TEXT runtime·read(SB),NOSPLIT,$0
MOVW fd+0(FP), R0
MOVW p+4(FP), R1
MOVW n+8(FP), R2
MOVW $SYS_read, R12
SWI $0x80
MOVW R0, ret+12(FP)
TEXT runtime·exit(SB),NOSPLIT,$-4
MOVW 0(FP), R0
MOVW $SYS_exit, R12
SWI $0x80
MOVW $1234, R0
MOVW $1002, R1
MOVW R0, (R1) // fail hard
// Exit this OS thread (like pthread_exit, which eventually
// calls __bsdthread_terminate).
TEXT runtime·exit1(SB),NOSPLIT,$0
MOVW $SYS_bsdthread_terminate, R12
SWI $0x80
MOVW $1234, R0
MOVW $1003, R1
MOVW R0, (R1) // fail hard
TEXT runtime·raise(SB),NOSPLIT,$24
MOVW $SYS_getpid, R12
SWI $0x80
// arg 1 pid already in R0 from getpid
MOVW sig+0(FP), R1 // arg 2 - signal
MOVW $1, R2 // arg 3 - posix
MOVW $SYS_kill, R12
SWI $0x80
TEXT runtime·mmap(SB),NOSPLIT,$0
MOVW addr+0(FP), R0
MOVW n+4(FP), R1
MOVW prot+8(FP), R2
MOVW flags+12(FP), R3
MOVW fd+16(FP), R4
MOVW off+20(FP), R5
MOVW $0, R6 // off_t is uint64_t
MOVW $SYS_mmap, R12
SWI $0x80
MOVW R0, ret+24(FP)
TEXT runtime·munmap(SB),NOSPLIT,$0
MOVW 0(FP), R0
MOVW 4(FP), R1
MOVW $SYS_munmap, R12
SWI $0x80
BL.CS notok<>(SB)
TEXT runtime·madvise(SB),NOSPLIT,$0
MOVW 0(FP), R0
MOVW 4(FP), R1
MOVW 8(FP), R2
MOVW $SYS_madvise, R12
SWI $0x80
BL.CS notok<>(SB)
TEXT runtime·setitimer(SB),NOSPLIT,$0
MOVW 0(FP), R0
MOVW 4(FP), R1
MOVW 8(FP), R2
MOVW $SYS_setitimer, R12
SWI $0x80
TEXT runtime·mincore(SB),NOSPLIT,$0
MOVW 0(FP), R0
MOVW 4(FP), R1
MOVW 8(FP), R2
MOVW $SYS_mincore, R12
SWI $0x80
TEXT time·now(SB), 7, $32
MOVW $8(R13), R0 // timeval
MOVW $0, R1 // zone
MOVW $SYS_gettimeofday, R12
SWI $0x80 // Note: R0 is tv_sec, R1 is tv_usec
MOVW R1, R2 // usec
MOVW R0, 0(FP)
MOVW $0, R1
MOVW R1, 4(FP)
MOVW $1000, R3
MUL R3, R2
MOVW R2, 8(FP)
TEXT runtime·nanotime(SB),NOSPLIT,$32
MOVW $8(R13), R0 // timeval
MOVW $0, R1 // zone
MOVW $SYS_gettimeofday, R12
SWI $0x80 // Note: R0 is tv_sec, R1 is tv_usec
MOVW $1000000000, R3
MULLU R0, R3, (R1, R0)
MOVW $1000, R3
MOVW $0, R4
MUL R3, R2
ADD.S R2, R0
ADC R4, R1
MOVW R0, 0(FP)
MOVW R1, 4(FP)
// Sigtramp's job is to call the actual signal handler.
// It is called with the following arguments on the stack:
// LR "return address" - ignored
// R0 actual handler
// R1 siginfo style - ignored
// R2 signal number
// R3 siginfo
// -4(FP) context, beware that 0(FP) is the saved LR
TEXT runtime·sigtramp(SB),NOSPLIT,$0
// this might be called in external code context,
// where g is not set.
// first save R0, because runtime·load_g will clobber it
MOVM.DB.W [R0], (R13)
MOVB runtime·iscgo(SB), R0
CMP $0, R0
BL.NE runtime·load_g(SB)
CMP $0, g
BNE cont
// fake function call stack frame for badsignal
// we only need to pass R2 (signal number), but
// badsignal will expect R2 at 4(R13), so we also
// push R1 onto stack. turns out we do need R1
// to do sigreturn.
MOVM.DB.W [R1,R2], (R13)
MOVW $runtime·badsignal(SB), R11
BL (R11)
MOVM.IA.W [R1], (R13) // saved infostype
ADD $(4+4), R13 // +4: also need to remove the pushed R0.
MOVW -4(FP), R0 // load ucontext
B ret
// Restore R0
MOVM.IA.W (R13), [R0]
// NOTE: some Darwin/ARM kernels always use the main stack to run the
// signal handler. We need to switch to gsignal ourselves.
MOVW g_m(g), R11
MOVW m_gsignal(R11), R5
MOVW (g_stack+stack_hi)(R5), R6
SUB $28, R6
// copy arguments for call to sighandler
MOVW R2, 4(R6) // signal num
MOVW R3, 8(R6) // signal info
MOVW g, 16(R6) // old_g
MOVW -4(FP), R4
MOVW R4, 12(R6) // context
// Backup ucontext and infostyle
MOVW R4, 20(R6)
MOVW R1, 24(R6)
// switch stack and g
MOVW R6, R13 // sigtramp can not re-entrant, so no need to back up R13.
MOVW R5, g
BL (R0)
// call sigreturn
MOVW 20(R13), R0 // saved ucontext
MOVW 24(R13), R1 // saved infostyle
MOVW $SYS_sigreturn, R12 // sigreturn(ucontext, infostyle)
SWI $0x80
// if sigreturn fails, we can do nothing but exit
B runtime·exit(SB)
TEXT runtime·sigprocmask(SB),NOSPLIT,$0
MOVW 0(FP), R0
MOVW 4(FP), R1
MOVW 8(FP), R2
MOVW $SYS_sigprocmask, R12
SWI $0x80
BL.CS notok<>(SB)
TEXT runtime·sigaction(SB),NOSPLIT,$0
MOVW 0(FP), R0
MOVW 4(FP), R1
MOVW 8(FP), R2
MOVW $SYS_sigaction, R12
SWI $0x80
TEXT runtime·usleep(SB),NOSPLIT,$12
MOVW usec+0(FP), R0
MOVW $1000000, R2
DIV R2, R0
MOD R2, R1
MOVW R0, -12(SP)
MOVW R1, -8(SP)
// select(0, 0, 0, 0, &tv)
MOVW $0, R0
MOVW $0, R1
MOVW $0, R2
MOVW $0, R3
MOVW $-12(SP), R4
MOVW $SYS_select, R12
SWI $0x80
TEXT runtime·cas(SB),NOSPLIT,$0
B runtime·armcas(SB)
TEXT runtime·casp1(SB),NOSPLIT,$0
B runtime·cas(SB)
TEXT runtime·sysctl(SB),NOSPLIT,$0
MOVW 0(FP), R0
MOVW 4(FP), R1
MOVW 8(FP), R2
MOVW 12(FP), R3
MOVW 16(FP), R4
MOVW 20(FP), R5
MOVW $SYS___sysctl, R12 // syscall entry
SWI $0x80
BCC sysctl_ret
RSB $0, R0, R0
MOVW R0, ret+24(FP)
MOVW $0, R0
MOVW R0, ret+24(FP)
// Thread related functions
// void bsdthread_create(void *stk, M *m, G *g, void (*fn)(void))
TEXT runtime·bsdthread_create(SB),NOSPLIT,$0
// Set up arguments to bsdthread_create system call.
// The ones in quotes pass through to the thread callback
// uninterpreted, so we can put whatever we want there.
MOVW fn+12(FP), R0 // "func"
MOVW mm+4(FP), R1 // "arg"
MOVW stk+0(FP), R2 // stack
MOVW gg+8(FP), R3 // "pthread"
MOVW $0x01000000, R4 // flags = PTHREAD_START_CUSTOM
MOVW $0, R5 // paranoia
MOVW $SYS_bsdthread_create, R12
SWI $0x80
BCC create_ret
RSB $0, R0, R0
MOVW R0, ret+16(FP)
MOVW $0, R0
MOVW R0, ret+16(FP)
// The thread that bsdthread_create creates starts executing here,
// because we registered this function using bsdthread_register
// at startup.
// R0 = "pthread"
// R1 = mach thread port
// R2 = "func" (= fn)
// R3 = "arg" (= m)
// R4 = stack
// R5 = flags (= 0)
// XXX: how to deal with R4/SP? ref: Libc-594.9.1/arm/pthreads/thread_start.s
TEXT runtime·bsdthread_start(SB),NOSPLIT,$0
MOVW R1, m_procid(R3) // thread port is m->procid
MOVW m_g0(R3), g
MOVW R3, g_m(g)
// ARM don't have runtime·stackcheck(SB)
// disable runfast mode of vfp
EOR R12, R12
WORD $0xeee1ca10 // fmxr fpscr, ip
BL (R2) // fn
BL runtime·exit1(SB)
// int32 bsdthread_register(void)
// registers callbacks for threadstart (see bsdthread_create above
// and wqthread and pthsize (not used). returns 0 on success.
TEXT runtime·bsdthread_register(SB),NOSPLIT,$0
MOVW $runtime·bsdthread_start(SB), R0 // threadstart
MOVW $0, R1 // wqthread, not used by us
MOVW $0, R2 // pthsize, not used by us
MOVW $0, R3 // dummy_value [sic]
MOVW $0, R4 // targetconc_ptr
MOVW $0, R5 // dispatchqueue_offset
MOVW $SYS_bsdthread_register, R12 // bsdthread_register
SWI $0x80
MOVW R0, ret+0(FP)
// uint32 mach_msg_trap(void*, uint32, uint32, uint32, uint32, uint32, uint32)
TEXT runtime·mach_msg_trap(SB),NOSPLIT,$0
MOVW 0(FP), R0
MOVW 4(FP), R1
MOVW 8(FP), R2
MOVW 12(FP), R3
MOVW 16(FP), R4
MOVW 20(FP), R5
MOVW 24(FP), R6
MVN $30, R12
SWI $0x80
MOVW R0, 28(FP)
TEXT runtime·mach_task_self(SB),NOSPLIT,$0
MVN $27, R12 // task_self_trap
SWI $0x80
MOVW R0, 0(FP)
TEXT runtime·mach_thread_self(SB),NOSPLIT,$0
MVN $26, R12 // thread_self_trap
SWI $0x80
MOVW R0, 0(FP)
TEXT runtime·mach_reply_port(SB),NOSPLIT,$0
MVN $25, R12 // mach_reply_port
SWI $0x80
MOVW R0, 0(FP)
// Mach provides trap versions of the semaphore ops,
// instead of requiring the use of RPC.
// uint32 mach_semaphore_wait(uint32)
TEXT runtime·mach_semaphore_wait(SB),NOSPLIT,$0
MOVW 0(FP), R0
MVN $35, R12 // semaphore_wait_trap
SWI $0x80
MOVW R0, ret+4(FP)
// uint32 mach_semaphore_timedwait(uint32, uint32, uint32)
TEXT runtime·mach_semaphore_timedwait(SB),NOSPLIT,$0
MOVW 0(FP), R0
MOVW 4(FP), R1
MOVW 8(FP), R2
MVN $37, R12 // semaphore_timedwait_trap
SWI $0x80
MOVW R0, ret+12(FP)
// uint32 mach_semaphore_signal(uint32)
TEXT runtime·mach_semaphore_signal(SB),NOSPLIT,$0
MOVW 0(FP), R0
MVN $32, R12 // semaphore_signal_trap
SWI $0x80
MOVW R0, ret+4(FP)
// uint32 mach_semaphore_signal_all(uint32)
TEXT runtime·mach_semaphore_signal_all(SB),NOSPLIT,$0
MOVW 0(FP), R0
MVN $33, R12 // semaphore_signal_all_trap
SWI $0x80
MOVW R0, ret+4(FP)
// int32 runtime·kqueue(void)
TEXT runtime·kqueue(SB),NOSPLIT,$0
MOVW $SYS_kqueue, R12
SWI $0x80
RSB.CS $0, R0, R0
MOVW R0, ret+0(FP)
// int32 runtime·kevent(int kq, Kevent *changelist, int nchanges, Kevent *eventlist, int events, Timespec *timeout)
TEXT runtime·kevent(SB),NOSPLIT,$0
MOVW $SYS_kevent, R12
MOVW kq+0(FP), R0
MOVW changelist+4(FP), R1
MOVW nchanges+8(FP), R2
MOVW eventlist+12(FP), R3
MOVW nevents+16(FP), R4
MOVW timeout+20(FP), R5
SWI $0x80
RSB.CS $0, R0, R0
MOVW R0, ret+24(FP)
// int32 runtime·closeonexec(int32 fd)
TEXT runtime·closeonexec(SB),NOSPLIT,$0
MOVW $SYS_fcntl, R12
MOVW 0(FP), R0
MOVW $2, R1 // F_SETFD
SWI $0x80
// sigaltstack on some darwin/arm version is buggy and will always
// run the signal handler on the main stack, so our sigtramp has
// to do the stack switch ourselves.
TEXT runtime·sigaltstack(SB),NOSPLIT,$0
......@@ -15,11 +15,14 @@
// Note: both functions will clobber R0 and R11 and
// can be called from 5c ABI code.
// On android, runtime.tlsg is a normal variable.
// On android and darwin, runtime.tlsg is a normal variable.
// TLS offset is computed in x_cgo_inittls.
#ifdef GOOS_android
#ifdef GOOS_darwin
// save_g saves the g register into pthread-provided
// thread-local memory, so that we can call externally compiled
......@@ -37,6 +40,7 @@ TEXT runtime·save_g(SB),NOSPLIT,$-4
// a call to runtime.read_tls_fallback which jumps to __kuser_get_tls.
// The replacement function saves LR in R11 over the call to read_tls_fallback.
MRC 15, 0, R0, C13, C0, 3 // fetch TLS base pointer
BIC $3, R0 // Darwin/ARM might return unaligned pointer
// $runtime.tlsg(SB) is a special linker symbol.
// It is the offset from the TLS base pointer to our
// thread-local storage for g.
......@@ -60,6 +64,7 @@ TEXT runtime·load_g(SB),NOSPLIT,$0
// See save_g
MRC 15, 0, R0, C13, C0, 3 // fetch TLS base pointer
BIC $3, R0 // Darwin/ARM might return unaligned pointer
// $runtime.tlsg(SB) is a special linker symbol.
// It is the offset from the TLS base pointer to our
// thread-local storage for g.
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