Commit 601ee480 authored by Robert Griesemer's avatar Robert Griesemer

- add a blank before the opening { for multi-line composites

(request by r)
- feature temporarily disabled

parent 398f220d
......@@ -16,6 +16,13 @@ import (
// Disabled formatting - enable eventually and remove the flag.
const (
oneLineFuncDecls = false;
compositeLitBlank = false;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Common AST nodes.
......@@ -523,6 +530,13 @@ func (p *printer) expr1(expr ast.Expr, prec1 int, multiLine *bool) (optSemi bool
case *ast.CompositeLit:
p.expr1(x.Type, token.HighestPrec, multiLine);
if compositeLitBlank && x.Lbrace.Line < x.Rbrace.Line {
// add a blank before the opening { for multi-line composites
// TODO(gri): for now this decision is made by looking at the
// source code - it may not be correct if the source
// code was badly misformatted in the first place
p.print(x.Lbrace, token.LBRACE);
p.exprList(x.Lbrace, x.Elts, commaSep|commaTerm, multiLine);
p.print(x.Rbrace, token.RBRACE);
......@@ -1001,8 +1015,7 @@ func (p *printer) funcBody(b *ast.BlockStmt, isLit bool, multiLine *bool) {
// TODO(gri): enable for function declarations, eventually.
if isLit && p.isOneLiner(b) {
if (oneLineFuncDecls || isLit) && p.isOneLiner(b) {
sep := vtab;
if isLit {
sep = blank;
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