Commit 712fb6dc authored by Robert Griesemer's avatar Robert Griesemer

os.Error API: don't export os.ErrorString, use os.NewError consistently

This is a core API change.

1) gofix misc src
2) Manual adjustments to the following files under src/pkg:
as well as:
   src/cmd/gofix/testdata/* (reverted)
3) Implemented gofix patch (oserrorstring.go) and test case (oserrorstring_test.go)

Compiles and runs all tests.

R=r, rsc, gri
parent 55b06624
......@@ -230,9 +230,9 @@ func splitQuoted(s string) (r []string, err os.Error) {
args = append(args, string(arg[:i]))
if quote != 0 {
err = os.ErrorString("unclosed quote")
err = os.NewError("unclosed quote")
} else if escaped {
err = os.ErrorString("unfinished escaping")
err = os.NewError("unfinished escaping")
return args, err
......@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ GOFILES=\
// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import (
var oserrorstringFix = fix{
`Replace os.ErrorString() conversions with calls to os.NewError().
func init() {
func oserrorstring(f *ast.File) bool {
if !imports(f, "os") {
return false
fixed := false
walk(f, func(n interface{}) {
// The conversion os.ErrorString(x) looks like a call
// of os.ErrorString with one argument.
if call := callExpr(n, "os", "ErrorString"); call != nil {
// os.ErrorString(args) -> os.NewError(args)
call.Fun.(*ast.SelectorExpr).Sel.Name = "NewError"
// os.ErrorString(args) -> os.NewError(args)
call.Fun.(*ast.SelectorExpr).Sel.Name = "NewError"
fixed = true
// Remove os.Error type from variable declarations initialized
// with an os.NewError.
// (An *ast.ValueSpec may also be used in a const declaration
// but those won't be initialized with a call to os.NewError.)
if spec, ok := n.(*ast.ValueSpec); ok &&
len(spec.Names) == 1 &&
isPkgDot(spec.Type, "os", "Error") &&
len(spec.Values) == 1 &&
callExpr(spec.Values[0], "os", "NewError") != nil {
// var name os.Error = os.NewError(x) ->
// var name = os.NewError(x)
spec.Type = nil
fixed = true
// Other occurrences of os.ErrorString are not fixed
// but they are rare.
return fixed
// callExpr returns the call expression if x is a call to with one argument;
// otherwise it returns nil.
func callExpr(x interface{}, pkg, name string) *ast.CallExpr {
if call, ok := x.(*ast.CallExpr); ok &&
len(call.Args) == 1 &&
isPkgDot(call.Fun, pkg, name) {
return call
return nil
// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
func init() {
var oserrorstringTests = []testCase{
Name: "oserrorstring.0",
In: `package main
import "os"
var _ = os.ErrorString("foo")
var _ os.Error = os.ErrorString("bar1")
var _ os.Error = os.NewError("bar2")
var _ os.Error = MyError("bal") // don't rewrite this one
var (
_ = os.ErrorString("foo")
_ os.Error = os.ErrorString("bar1")
_ os.Error = os.NewError("bar2")
_ os.Error = MyError("bal") // don't rewrite this one
func _() (err os.Error) {
err = os.ErrorString("foo")
return os.ErrorString("foo")
Out: `package main
import "os"
var _ = os.NewError("foo")
var _ = os.NewError("bar1")
var _ = os.NewError("bar2")
var _ os.Error = MyError("bal") // don't rewrite this one
var (
_ = os.NewError("foo")
_ = os.NewError("bar1")
_ = os.NewError("bar2")
_ os.Error = MyError("bal") // don't rewrite this one
func _() (err os.Error) {
err = os.NewError("foo")
return os.NewError("foo")
......@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ func NewDecoder(r io.Reader) *Decoder {
func (dec *Decoder) recvType(id typeId) {
// Have we already seen this type? That's an error
if id < firstUserId || dec.wireType[id] != nil {
dec.err = os.ErrorString("gob: duplicate type received")
dec.err = os.NewError("gob: duplicate type received")
......@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ func (dec *Decoder) decodeTypeSequence(isInterface bool) typeId {
// will be absorbed by recvMessage.)
if dec.buf.Len() > 0 {
if !isInterface {
dec.err = os.ErrorString("extra data in buffer")
dec.err = os.NewError("extra data in buffer")
......@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ func (dec *Decoder) Decode(e interface{}) os.Error {
// If e represents a value as opposed to a pointer, the answer won't
// get back to the caller. Make sure it's a pointer.
if value.Type().Kind() != reflect.Ptr {
dec.err = os.ErrorString("gob: attempt to decode into a non-pointer")
dec.err = os.NewError("gob: attempt to decode into a non-pointer")
return dec.err
return dec.DecodeValue(value)
......@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ func (enc *Encoder) popWriter() {
func (enc *Encoder) badType(rt reflect.Type) {
enc.setError(os.ErrorString("gob: can't encode type " + rt.String()))
enc.setError(os.NewError("gob: can't encode type " + rt.String()))
func (enc *Encoder) setError(err os.Error) {
......@@ -343,20 +343,20 @@ func (exp *Exporter) Sync(timeout int64) os.Error {
func checkChan(chT interface{}, dir Dir) (reflect.Value, os.Error) {
chanType := reflect.TypeOf(chT)
if chanType.Kind() != reflect.Chan {
return reflect.Value{}, os.ErrorString("not a channel")
return reflect.Value{}, os.NewError("not a channel")
if dir != Send && dir != Recv {
return reflect.Value{}, os.ErrorString("unknown channel direction")
return reflect.Value{}, os.NewError("unknown channel direction")
switch chanType.ChanDir() {
case reflect.BothDir:
case reflect.SendDir:
if dir != Recv {
return reflect.Value{}, os.ErrorString("to import/export with Send, must provide <-chan")
return reflect.Value{}, os.NewError("to import/export with Send, must provide <-chan")
case reflect.RecvDir:
if dir != Send {
return reflect.Value{}, os.ErrorString("to import/export with Recv, must provide chan<-")
return reflect.Value{}, os.NewError("to import/export with Recv, must provide chan<-")
return reflect.ValueOf(chT), nil
......@@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ func (exp *Exporter) Export(name string, chT interface{}, dir Dir) os.Error {
_, present := exp.names[name]
if present {
return os.ErrorString("channel name already being exported:" + name)
return os.NewError("channel name already being exported:" + name)
exp.names[name] = &chanDir{ch, dir}
return nil
......@@ -393,7 +393,7 @@ func (exp *Exporter) Hangup(name string) os.Error {
// TODO drop all instances of channel from client sets
if !ok {
return os.ErrorString("netchan export: hangup: no such channel: " + name)
return os.NewError("netchan export: hangup: no such channel: " + name)
return nil
......@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ func Sprintf(format string, a ...interface{}) string {
// Errorf formats according to a format specifier and returns the string
// converted to an os.ErrorString, which satisfies the os.Error interface.
func Errorf(format string, a ...interface{}) os.Error {
return os.ErrorString(Sprintf(format, a...))
return os.NewError(Sprintf(format, a...))
// These routines do not take a format string
......@@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ func (p *Parser) unmarshal(val reflect.Value, start *StartElement) os.Error {
switch v := val; v.Kind() {
return os.ErrorString("unknown type " + v.Type().String())
return os.NewError("unknown type " + v.Type().String())
case reflect.Slice:
typ := v.Type()
......@@ -483,7 +483,7 @@ Loop:
case reflect.Invalid:
// Probably a comment, handled below
return os.ErrorString("cannot happen: unknown type " + t.Type().String())
return os.NewError("cannot happen: unknown type " + t.Type().String())
case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
if !getInt64() {
return err
......@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ type ssave struct {
// satisfies io.Reader. It will never be called when used as
// intended, so there is no need to make it actually work.
func (s *ss) Read(buf []byte) (n int, err os.Error) {
return 0, os.ErrorString("ScanState's Read should not be called. Use ReadRune")
return 0, os.NewError("ScanState's Read should not be called. Use ReadRune")
func (s *ss) ReadRune() (rune int, size int, err os.Error) {
......@@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ func (s *ss) error(err os.Error) {
func (s *ss) errorString(err string) {
func (s *ss) Token(skipSpace bool, f func(int) bool) (tok []byte, err os.Error) {
......@@ -426,8 +426,8 @@ func (s *ss) typeError(field interface{}, expected string) {
s.errorString("expected field of type pointer to " + expected + "; found " + reflect.TypeOf(field).String())
var complexError = os.ErrorString("syntax error scanning complex number")
var boolError = os.ErrorString("syntax error scanning boolean")
var complexError = os.NewError("syntax error scanning complex number")
var boolError = os.NewError("syntax error scanning boolean")
// consume reads the next rune in the input and reports whether it is in the ok string.
// If accept is true, it puts the character into the input token.
......@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ func validUserType(rt reflect.Type) (ut *userTypeInfo, err os.Error) {
ut.base = pt.Elem()
if ut.base == slowpoke { // ut.base lapped slowpoke
// recursive pointer type.
return nil, os.ErrorString("can't represent recursive pointer type " + ut.base.String())
return nil, os.NewError("can't represent recursive pointer type " + ut.base.String())
if ut.indir%2 == 0 {
slowpoke = slowpoke.Elem()
......@@ -524,7 +524,7 @@ func newTypeObject(name string, ut *userTypeInfo, rt reflect.Type) (gobType, os.
return st, nil
return nil, os.ErrorString("gob NewTypeObject can't handle type: " + rt.String())
return nil, os.NewError("gob NewTypeObject can't handle type: " + rt.String())
return nil, nil
......@@ -160,14 +160,14 @@ func isRemote(pkg string) bool {
// download checks out or updates pkg from the remote server.
func download(pkg, srcDir string) os.Error {
if strings.Contains(pkg, "..") {
return os.ErrorString("invalid path (contains ..)")
return os.NewError("invalid path (contains ..)")
var m *vcsMatch
for _, v := range vcsList {
for _, host := range v.defaultHosts {
if hm := host.pattern.FindStringSubmatch(pkg); hm != nil {
if v.suffix != "" && strings.HasSuffix(hm[1], v.suffix) {
return os.ErrorString("repository " + pkg + " should not have " + v.suffix + " suffix")
return os.NewError("repository " + pkg + " should not have " + v.suffix + " suffix")
repo := host.protocol + "://" + hm[1] + v.suffix
m = &vcsMatch{v, hm[1], repo}
......@@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ func download(pkg, srcDir string) os.Error {
if m == nil {
return os.ErrorString("cannot download: " + pkg)
return os.NewError("cannot download: " + pkg)
return vcsCheckout(m.vcs, srcDir, m.prefix, m.repo, pkg)
......@@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ func vcsCheckout(vcs *vcs, srcDir, pkgprefix, repo, dashpath string) os.Error {
dst := filepath.Join(srcDir, filepath.FromSlash(pkgprefix))
dir, err := os.Stat(filepath.Join(dst, vcs.metadir))
if err == nil && !dir.IsDirectory() {
return os.ErrorString("not a directory: " + dst)
return os.NewError("not a directory: " + dst)
if err != nil {
parent, _ := filepath.Split(dst)
......@@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ func genRun(dir string, stdin []byte, arg []string, quiet bool) os.Error {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "--- %s\n", err)
return os.ErrorString("running " + arg[0] + ": " + err.String())
return os.NewError("running " + arg[0] + ": " + err.String())
return nil
......@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ func parseFiles(fset *token.FileSet, filenames []string) (files map[string]*ast.
if file := parse(fset, filename, src); file != nil {
if files[filename] != nil {
report(os.ErrorString(fmt.Sprintf("%q: duplicate file", filename)))
report(os.NewError(fmt.Sprintf("%q: duplicate file", filename)))
files[filename] = file
......@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ import (
var (
HeaderError os.Error = os.ErrorString("invalid tar header")
HeaderError = os.NewError("invalid tar header")
// A Reader provides sequential access to the contents of a tar archive.
......@@ -430,7 +430,7 @@ func (z *Int) Scan(s fmt.ScanState, ch int) os.Error {
case 's', 'v':
// let scan determine the base
return os.ErrorString("Int.Scan: invalid verb")
return os.NewError("Int.Scan: invalid verb")
_, _, err := z.scan(s, base)
return err
......@@ -834,11 +834,11 @@ func (z *Int) GobEncode() ([]byte, os.Error) {
// GobDecode implements the gob.GobDecoder interface.
func (z *Int) GobDecode(buf []byte) os.Error {
if len(buf) == 0 {
return os.ErrorString("Int.GobDecode: no data")
return os.NewError("Int.GobDecode: no data")
b := buf[0]
if b>>1 != intGobVersion {
return os.ErrorString(fmt.Sprintf("Int.GobDecode: encoding version %d not supported", b>>1))
return os.NewError(fmt.Sprintf("Int.GobDecode: encoding version %d not supported", b>>1))
z.neg = b&1 != 0
z.abs = z.abs.setBytes(buf[1:])
......@@ -644,7 +644,7 @@ func hexValue(ch int) Word {
func (z nat) scan(r io.RuneScanner, base int) (nat, int, os.Error) {
// reject illegal bases
if base < 0 || base == 1 || MaxBase < base {
return z, 0, os.ErrorString("illegal number base")
return z, 0, os.NewError("illegal number base")
// one char look-ahead
......@@ -721,7 +721,7 @@ func (z nat) scan(r io.RuneScanner, base int) (nat, int, os.Error) {
return z, 10, nil
case base != 0 || b != 8:
// there was neither a mantissa digit nor the octal prefix 0
return z, int(b), os.ErrorString("syntax error scanning number")
return z, int(b), os.NewError("syntax error scanning number")
return z.norm(), int(b), nil
......@@ -227,10 +227,10 @@ func (z *Rat) Scan(s fmt.ScanState, ch int) os.Error {
return err
if strings.IndexRune("efgEFGv", ch) < 0 {
return os.ErrorString("Rat.Scan: invalid verb")
return os.NewError("Rat.Scan: invalid verb")
if _, ok := z.SetString(string(tok)); !ok {
return os.ErrorString("Rat.Scan: invalid syntax")
return os.NewError("Rat.Scan: invalid syntax")
return nil
......@@ -368,7 +368,7 @@ func (z *Rat) GobEncode() ([]byte, os.Error) {
n := i - j
if int(uint32(n)) != n {
// this should never happen
return nil, os.ErrorString("Rat.GobEncode: numerator too large")
return nil, os.NewError("Rat.GobEncode: numerator too large")
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(buf[j-4:j], uint32(n))
j -= 1 + 4
......@@ -384,11 +384,11 @@ func (z *Rat) GobEncode() ([]byte, os.Error) {
// GobDecode implements the gob.GobDecoder interface.
func (z *Rat) GobDecode(buf []byte) os.Error {
if len(buf) == 0 {
return os.ErrorString("Rat.GobDecode: no data")
return os.NewError("Rat.GobDecode: no data")
b := buf[0]
if b>>1 != ratGobVersion {
return os.ErrorString(fmt.Sprintf("Rat.GobDecode: encoding version %d not supported", b>>1))
return os.NewError(fmt.Sprintf("Rat.GobDecode: encoding version %d not supported", b>>1))
const j = 1 + 4
i := j + binary.BigEndian.Uint32(buf[j-4:j])
......@@ -22,9 +22,11 @@ const (
// Errors introduced by this package.
type Error struct {
ErrorString string
func (err *Error) String() string { return err.ErrorString }
var (
ErrInvalidUnreadByte os.Error = &Error{"bufio: invalid use of UnreadByte"}
ErrInvalidUnreadRune os.Error = &Error{"bufio: invalid use of UnreadRune"}
......@@ -280,7 +280,7 @@ func (b *Buffer) ReadRune() (r int, size int, err os.Error) {
// from any read operation.)
func (b *Buffer) UnreadRune() os.Error {
if b.lastRead != opReadRune {
return os.ErrorString("bytes.Buffer: UnreadRune: previous operation was not ReadRune")
return os.NewError("bytes.Buffer: UnreadRune: previous operation was not ReadRune")
b.lastRead = opInvalid
if > 0 {
......@@ -295,7 +295,7 @@ func (b *Buffer) UnreadRune() os.Error {
// returns an error.
func (b *Buffer) UnreadByte() os.Error {
if b.lastRead != opReadRune && b.lastRead != opRead {
return os.ErrorString("bytes.Buffer: UnreadByte: previous operation was not a read")
return os.NewError("bytes.Buffer: UnreadByte: previous operation was not a read")
b.lastRead = opInvalid
if > 0 {
......@@ -36,8 +36,8 @@ func makeReader(r io.Reader) flate.Reader {
return bufio.NewReader(r)
var HeaderError os.Error = os.ErrorString("invalid gzip header")
var ChecksumError os.Error = os.ErrorString("gzip checksum error")
var HeaderError = os.NewError("invalid gzip header")
var ChecksumError = os.NewError("gzip checksum error")
// The gzip file stores a header giving metadata about the compressed file.
// That header is exposed as the fields of the Compressor and Decompressor structs.
......@@ -34,9 +34,9 @@ import (
const zlibDeflate = 8
var ChecksumError os.Error = os.ErrorString("zlib checksum error")
var HeaderError os.Error = os.ErrorString("invalid zlib header")
var DictionaryError os.Error = os.ErrorString("invalid zlib dictionary")
var ChecksumError = os.NewError("zlib checksum error")
var HeaderError = os.NewError("invalid zlib header")
var DictionaryError = os.NewError("invalid zlib dictionary")
type reader struct {
r flate.Reader
......@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ type Cipher struct {
func NewCipher(key []byte) (c *Cipher, err os.Error) {
if len(key) != KeySize {
return nil, os.ErrorString("CAST5: keys must be 16 bytes")
return nil, os.NewError("CAST5: keys must be 16 bytes")
c = new(Cipher)
......@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ func GenerateParameters(params *Parameters, rand io.Reader, sizes ParameterSizes
L = 3072
N = 256
return os.ErrorString("crypto/dsa: invalid ParameterSizes")
return os.NewError("crypto/dsa: invalid ParameterSizes")
qBytes := make([]byte, N/8)
......@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ GeneratePrimes:
// PrivateKey must already be valid (see GenerateParameters).
func GenerateKey(priv *PrivateKey, rand io.Reader) os.Error {
if priv.P == nil || priv.Q == nil || priv.G == nil {
return os.ErrorString("crypto/dsa: parameters not set up before generating key")
return os.NewError("crypto/dsa: parameters not set up before generating key")
x := new(big.Int)
......@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ type PrivateKey struct {
func Encrypt(random io.Reader, pub *PublicKey, msg []byte) (c1, c2 *big.Int, err os.Error) {
pLen := (pub.P.BitLen() + 7) / 8
if len(msg) > pLen-11 {
err = os.ErrorString("elgamal: message too long")
err = os.NewError("elgamal: message too long")
......@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ func Decrypt(priv *PrivateKey, c1, c2 *big.Int) (msg []byte, err os.Error) {
if firstByteIsTwo != 1 || lookingForIndex != 0 || index < 9 {
return nil, os.ErrorString("elgamal: decryption error")
return nil, os.NewError("elgamal: decryption error")
return em[index+1:], nil
......@@ -232,11 +232,11 @@ func VerifyPKCS1v15(pub *PublicKey, hash crypto.Hash, hashed []byte, sig []byte)
func pkcs1v15HashInfo(hash crypto.Hash, inLen int) (hashLen int, prefix []byte, err os.Error) {
hashLen = hash.Size()
if inLen != hashLen {
return 0, nil, os.ErrorString("input must be hashed message")
return 0, nil, os.NewError("input must be hashed message")
prefix, ok := hashPrefixes[hash]
if !ok {
return 0, nil, os.ErrorString("unsupported hash function")
return 0, nil, os.NewError("unsupported hash function")
......@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ func (priv *PrivateKey) Validate() os.Error {
// easy for an attack to generate composites that pass this test.
for _, prime := range priv.Primes {
if !big.ProbablyPrime(prime, 20) {
return os.ErrorString("prime factor is composite")
return os.NewError("prime factor is composite")
......@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ func (priv *PrivateKey) Validate() os.Error {
modulus.Mul(modulus, prime)
if modulus.Cmp(priv.N) != 0 {
return os.ErrorString("invalid modulus")
return os.NewError("invalid modulus")
// Check that e and totient(Πprimes) are coprime.
totient := new(big.Int).Set(bigOne)
......@@ -88,13 +88,13 @@ func (priv *PrivateKey) Validate() os.Error {
y := new(big.Int)
big.GcdInt(gcd, x, y, totient, e)
if gcd.Cmp(bigOne) != 0 {
return os.ErrorString("invalid public exponent E")
return os.NewError("invalid public exponent E")
// Check that de ≡ 1 (mod totient(Πprimes))
de := new(big.Int).Mul(priv.D, e)
de.Mod(de, totient)
if de.Cmp(bigOne) != 0 {
return os.ErrorString("invalid private exponent D")
return os.NewError("invalid private exponent D")
return nil
......@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ func GenerateMultiPrimeKey(random io.Reader, nprimes int, bits int) (priv *Priva
priv.E = 3
if nprimes < 2 {
return nil, os.ErrorString("rsa.GenerateMultiPrimeKey: nprimes must be >= 2")
return nil, os.NewError("rsa.GenerateMultiPrimeKey: nprimes must be >= 2")
primes := make([]*big.Int, nprimes)
......@@ -790,10 +790,10 @@ func (c *Conn) VerifyHostname(host string) os.Error {
defer c.handshakeMutex.Unlock()
if !c.isClient {
return os.ErrorString("VerifyHostname called on TLS server connection")
return os.NewError("VerifyHostname called on TLS server connection")
if !c.handshakeComplete {
return os.ErrorString("TLS handshake has not yet been performed")
return os.NewError("TLS handshake has not yet been performed")
return c.peerCertificates[0].VerifyHostname(host)
......@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ func (c *Conn) clientHandshake() os.Error {
_, err := io.ReadFull(c.config.rand(), hello.random[4:])
if err != nil {
return os.ErrorString("short read from Rand")
return os.NewError("short read from Rand")
......@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ func (c *Conn) clientHandshake() os.Error {
if !hello.nextProtoNeg && serverHello.nextProtoNeg {
return os.ErrorString("server advertised unrequested NPN")
return os.NewError("server advertised unrequested NPN")
suite, suiteId := mutualCipherSuite(c.config.cipherSuites(), serverHello.cipherSuite)
......@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ func (c *Conn) clientHandshake() os.Error {
cert, err := x509.ParseCertificate(asn1Data)
if err != nil {
return os.ErrorString("failed to parse certificate from server: " + err.String())
return os.NewError("failed to parse certificate from server: " + err.String())
certs[i] = cert
......@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ FindCipherSuite:
cert, err := x509.ParseCertificate(asn1Data)
if err != nil {
return os.ErrorString("could not parse client's certificate: " + err.String())
return os.NewError("could not parse client's certificate: " + err.String())
certs[i] = cert
......@@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ FindCipherSuite:
for i := 1; i < len(certs); i++ {
if err := certs[i-1].CheckSignatureFrom(certs[i]); err != nil {
return os.ErrorString("could not validate certificate signature: " + err.String())
return os.NewError("could not validate certificate signature: " + err.String())
......@@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ FindCipherSuite:
err = rsa.VerifyPKCS1v15(pub, crypto.MD5SHA1, digest, certVerify.signature)
if err != nil {
return os.ErrorString("could not validate signature of connection nonces: " + err.String())
return os.NewError("could not validate signature of connection nonces: " + err.String())
......@@ -32,11 +32,11 @@ func (ka rsaKeyAgreement) processClientKeyExchange(config *Config, ckx *clientKe
if len(ckx.ciphertext) < 2 {
return nil, os.ErrorString("bad ClientKeyExchange")
return nil, os.NewError("bad ClientKeyExchange")
ciphertextLen := int(ckx.ciphertext[0])<<8 | int(ckx.ciphertext[1])
if ciphertextLen != len(ckx.ciphertext)-2 {
return nil, os.ErrorString("bad ClientKeyExchange")
return nil, os.NewError("bad ClientKeyExchange")
ciphertext := ckx.ciphertext[2:]
......@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ func (ka rsaKeyAgreement) processClientKeyExchange(config *Config, ckx *clientKe
func (ka rsaKeyAgreement) processServerKeyExchange(config *Config, clientHello *clientHelloMsg, serverHello *serverHelloMsg, cert *x509.Certificate, skx *serverKeyExchangeMsg) os.Error {
return os.ErrorString("unexpected ServerKeyExchange")
return os.NewError("unexpected ServerKeyExchange")
func (ka rsaKeyAgreement) generateClientKeyExchange(config *Config, clientHello *clientHelloMsg, cert *x509.Certificate) ([]byte, *clientKeyExchangeMsg, os.Error) {
......@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ Curve:
md5sha1 := md5SHA1Hash(clientHello.random, hello.random, serverECDHParams)
sig, err := rsa.SignPKCS1v15(config.rand(), config.Certificates[0].PrivateKey, crypto.MD5SHA1, md5sha1)
if err != nil {
return nil, os.ErrorString("failed to sign ECDHE parameters: " + err.String())
return nil, os.NewError("failed to sign ECDHE parameters: " + err.String())
skx := new(serverKeyExchangeMsg)
......@@ -162,11 +162,11 @@ Curve:
func (ka *ecdheRSAKeyAgreement) processClientKeyExchange(config *Config, ckx *clientKeyExchangeMsg) ([]byte, os.Error) {
if len(ckx.ciphertext) == 0 || int(ckx.ciphertext[0]) != len(ckx.ciphertext)-1 {
return nil, os.ErrorString("bad ClientKeyExchange")
return nil, os.NewError("bad ClientKeyExchange")
x, y := ka.curve.Unmarshal(ckx.ciphertext[1:])
if x == nil {
return nil, os.ErrorString("bad ClientKeyExchange")
return nil, os.NewError("bad ClientKeyExchange")
x, _ = ka.curve.ScalarMult(x, y, ka.privateKey)
preMasterSecret := make([]byte, (ka.curve.BitSize+7)>>3)
......@@ -176,14 +176,14 @@ func (ka *ecdheRSAKeyAgreement) processClientKeyExchange(config *Config, ckx *cl
return preMasterSecret, nil
var errServerKeyExchange = os.ErrorString("invalid ServerKeyExchange")
var errServerKeyExchange = os.NewError("invalid ServerKeyExchange")
func (ka *ecdheRSAKeyAgreement) processServerKeyExchange(config *Config, clientHello *clientHelloMsg, serverHello *serverHelloMsg, cert *x509.Certificate, skx *serverKeyExchangeMsg) os.Error {
if len(skx.key) < 4 {
return errServerKeyExchange
if skx.key[0] != 3 { // named curve
return os.ErrorString("server selected unsupported curve")
return os.NewError("server selected unsupported curve")
curveid := uint16(skx.key[1])<<8 | uint16(skx.key[2])
......@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ func (ka *ecdheRSAKeyAgreement) processServerKeyExchange(config *Config, clientH
case curveP521:
ka.curve = elliptic.P521()
return os.ErrorString("server selected unsupported curve")
return os.NewError("server selected unsupported curve")
publicLen := int(skx.key[3])
......@@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ func (ka *ecdheRSAKeyAgreement) processServerKeyExchange(config *Config, clientH
func (ka *ecdheRSAKeyAgreement) generateClientKeyExchange(config *Config, clientHello *clientHelloMsg, cert *x509.Certificate) ([]byte, *clientKeyExchangeMsg, os.Error) {
if ka.curve == nil {
return nil, nil, os.ErrorString("missing ServerKeyExchange message")
return nil, nil, os.NewError("missing ServerKeyExchange message")
priv, mx, my, err := ka.curve.GenerateKey(config.rand())
if err != nil {
......@@ -147,19 +147,19 @@ func X509KeyPair(certPEMBlock, keyPEMBlock []byte) (cert Certificate, err os.Err
if len(cert.Certificate) == 0 {
err = os.ErrorString("crypto/tls: failed to parse certificate PEM data")
err = os.NewError("crypto/tls: failed to parse certificate PEM data")
keyDERBlock, _ := pem.Decode(keyPEMBlock)
if keyDERBlock == nil {
err = os.ErrorString("crypto/tls: failed to parse key PEM data")
err = os.NewError("crypto/tls: failed to parse key PEM data")
key, err := x509.ParsePKCS1PrivateKey(keyDERBlock.Bytes)
if err != nil {
err = os.ErrorString("crypto/tls: failed to parse key: " + err.String())
err = os.NewError("crypto/tls: failed to parse key: " + err.String())
......@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ func X509KeyPair(certPEMBlock, keyPEMBlock []byte) (cert Certificate, err os.Err
if x509Cert.PublicKeyAlgorithm != x509.RSA || x509Cert.PublicKey.(*rsa.PublicKey).N.Cmp(key.PublicKey.N) != 0 {
err = os.ErrorString("crypto/tls: private key does not match public key")
err = os.NewError("crypto/tls: private key does not match public key")
......@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ func expectAuthorityUnknown(t *testing.T, i int, err os.Error) (ok bool) {
func certificateFromPEM(pemBytes string) (*Certificate, os.Error) {
block, _ := pem.Decode([]byte(pemBytes))
if block == nil {
return nil, os.ErrorString("failed to decode PEM")
return nil, os.NewError("failed to decode PEM")
return ParseCertificate(block.Bytes)
......@@ -58,11 +58,11 @@ func ParsePKCS1PrivateKey(der []byte) (key *rsa.PrivateKey, err os.Error) {
if priv.Version > 1 {
return nil, os.ErrorString("x509: unsupported private key version")
return nil, os.NewError("x509: unsupported private key version")
if priv.N.Sign() <= 0 || priv.D.Sign() <= 0 || priv.P.Sign() <= 0 || priv.Q.Sign() <= 0 {
return nil, os.ErrorString("private key contains zero or negative value")
return nil, os.NewError("private key contains zero or negative value")
key = new(rsa.PrivateKey)
......@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ func ParsePKCS1PrivateKey(der []byte) (key *rsa.PrivateKey, err os.Error) {
key.Primes[1] = priv.Q
for i, a := range priv.AdditionalPrimes {
if a.Prime.Sign() <= 0 {
return nil, os.ErrorString("private key contains zero or negative prime")
return nil, os.NewError("private key contains zero or negative prime")
key.Primes[i+2] = a.Prime
// We ignore the other two values because rsa will calculate
......@@ -457,10 +457,10 @@ func (c *Certificate) CheckSignature(algo SignatureAlgorithm, signed, signature
return err
if dsaSig.R.Sign() <= 0 || dsaSig.S.Sign() <= 0 {
return os.ErrorString("DSA signature contained zero or negative values")
return os.NewError("DSA signature contained zero or negative values")
if !dsa.Verify(pub, digest, dsaSig.R, dsaSig.S) {
return os.ErrorString("DSA verification failure")
return os.NewError("DSA verification failure")
......@@ -535,7 +535,7 @@ func parsePublicKey(algo PublicKeyAlgorithm, keyData *publicKeyInfo) (interface{
return nil, err
if p.Sign() <= 0 || params.P.Sign() <= 0 || params.Q.Sign() <= 0 || params.G.Sign() <= 0 {
return nil, os.ErrorString("zero or negative DSA parameter")
return nil, os.NewError("zero or negative DSA parameter")
pub := &dsa.PublicKey{
Parameters: dsa.Parameters{
......@@ -571,7 +571,7 @@ func parseCertificate(in *certificate) (*Certificate, os.Error) {
if in.TBSCertificate.SerialNumber.Sign() < 0 {
return nil, os.ErrorString("negative serial number")
return nil, os.NewError("negative serial number")
out.Version = in.TBSCertificate.Version + 1
......@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ func (s *Section) Data() ([]byte, os.Error) {
// specified link value.
func (f *File) stringTable(link uint32) ([]byte, os.Error) {
if link <= 0 || link >= uint32(len(f.Sections)) {
return nil, os.ErrorString("section has invalid string table link")
return nil, os.NewError("section has invalid string table link")
return f.Sections[link].Data()
......@@ -341,27 +341,27 @@ func (f *File) getSymbols(typ SectionType) ([]Symbol, []byte, os.Error) {
return f.getSymbols32(typ)
return nil, nil, os.ErrorString("not implemented")
return nil, nil, os.NewError("not implemented")
func (f *File) getSymbols32(typ SectionType) ([]Symbol, []byte, os.Error) {
symtabSection := f.SectionByType(typ)
if symtabSection == nil {
return nil, nil, os.ErrorString("no symbol section")
return nil, nil, os.NewError("no symbol section")
data, err := symtabSection.Data()
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, os.ErrorString("cannot load symbol section")
return nil, nil, os.NewError("cannot load symbol section")
symtab := bytes.NewBuffer(data)
if symtab.Len()%Sym32Size != 0 {
return nil, nil, os.ErrorString("length of symbol section is not a multiple of SymSize")
return nil, nil, os.NewError("length of symbol section is not a multiple of SymSize")
strdata, err := f.stringTable(symtabSection.Link)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, os.ErrorString("cannot load string table section")
return nil, nil, os.NewError("cannot load string table section")
// The first entry is all zeros.
......@@ -390,21 +390,21 @@ func (f *File) getSymbols32(typ SectionType) ([]Symbol, []byte, os.Error) {
func (f *File) getSymbols64(typ SectionType) ([]Symbol, []byte, os.Error) {
symtabSection := f.SectionByType(typ)
if symtabSection == nil {
return nil, nil, os.ErrorString("no symbol section")
return nil, nil, os.NewError("no symbol section")
data, err := symtabSection.Data()
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, os.ErrorString("cannot load symbol section")
return nil, nil, os.NewError("cannot load symbol section")
symtab := bytes.NewBuffer(data)
if symtab.Len()%Sym64Size != 0 {
return nil, nil, os.ErrorString("length of symbol section is not a multiple of Sym64Size")
return nil, nil, os.NewError("length of symbol section is not a multiple of Sym64Size")
strdata, err := f.stringTable(symtabSection.Link)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, os.ErrorString("cannot load string table section")
return nil, nil, os.NewError("cannot load string table section")
// The first entry is all zeros.
......@@ -462,12 +462,12 @@ func (f *File) applyRelocations(dst []byte, rels []byte) os.Error {
return f.applyRelocationsAMD64(dst, rels)
return os.ErrorString("not implemented")
return os.NewError("not implemented")
func (f *File) applyRelocationsAMD64(dst []byte, rels []byte) os.Error {
if len(rels)%Sym64Size != 0 {
return os.ErrorString("length of relocation section is not a multiple of Sym64Size")
return os.NewError("length of relocation section is not a multiple of Sym64Size")
symbols, _, err := f.getSymbols(SHT_SYMTAB)
......@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ import (
// ErrNotFound is the error resulting if a path search failed to find an executable file.
var ErrNotFound = os.ErrorString("executable file not found in $path")
var ErrNotFound = os.NewError("executable file not found in $path")
func findExecutable(file string) os.Error {
d, err := os.Stat(file)
......@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ import (
// ErrNotFound is the error resulting if a path search failed to find an executable file.
var ErrNotFound = os.ErrorString("executable file not found in $PATH")
var ErrNotFound = os.NewError("executable file not found in $PATH")
func findExecutable(file string) os.Error {
d, err := os.Stat(file)
......@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ import (
// ErrNotFound is the error resulting if a path search failed to find an executable file.
var ErrNotFound = os.ErrorString("executable file not found in %PATH%")
var ErrNotFound = os.NewError("executable file not found in %PATH%")
func chkStat(file string) os.Error {
d, err := os.Stat(file)
......@@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ func Sprintf(format string, a ...interface{}) string {
// Errorf formats according to a format specifier and returns the string
// converted to an os.ErrorString, which satisfies the os.Error interface.
func Errorf(format string, a ...interface{}) os.Error {
return os.ErrorString(Sprintf(format, a...))
return os.NewError(Sprintf(format, a...))
// These routines do not take a format string
......@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ type ssave struct {
// satisfies io.Reader. It will never be called when used as
// intended, so there is no need to make it actually work.
func (s *ss) Read(buf []byte) (n int, err os.Error) {
return 0, os.ErrorString("ScanState's Read should not be called. Use ReadRune")
return 0, os.NewError("ScanState's Read should not be called. Use ReadRune")
func (s *ss) ReadRune() (rune int, size int, err os.Error) {
......@@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ func (s *ss) error(err os.Error) {
func (s *ss) errorString(err string) {
func (s *ss) Token(skipSpace bool, f func(int) bool) (tok []byte, err os.Error) {
......@@ -427,8 +427,8 @@ func (s *ss) typeError(field interface{}, expected string) {
s.errorString("expected field of type pointer to " + expected + "; found " + reflect.TypeOf(field).String())
var complexError = os.ErrorString("syntax error scanning complex number")
var boolError = os.ErrorString("syntax error scanning boolean")
var complexError = os.NewError("syntax error scanning complex number")
var boolError = os.NewError("syntax error scanning boolean")
// consume reads the next rune in the input and reports whether it is in the ok string.
// If accept is true, it puts the character into the input token.
......@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ func (x *Xs) Scan(state ScanState, verb int) os.Error {
s := string(tok)
if !regexp.MustCompile("^" + string(verb) + "+$").MatchString(s) {
return os.ErrorString("syntax error for xs")
return os.NewError("syntax error for xs")
*x = Xs(s)
return nil
......@@ -818,7 +818,7 @@ func (r *RecursiveInt) Scan(state ScanState, verb int) (err os.Error) {
next := new(RecursiveInt)
_, err = Fscanf(state, ".%v", next)
if err != nil {
if err == os.ErrorString("input does not match format") || err == io.ErrUnexpectedEOF {
if err == os.NewError("input does not match format") || err == io.ErrUnexpectedEOF {
err = nil
......@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ func ScanDir(dir string, allowMain bool) (info *DirInfo, err os.Error) {
if s == "main" || di.PkgName == "main" {
return ScanDir(dir, false)
return nil, os.ErrorString("multiple package names in " + dir)
return nil, os.NewError("multiple package names in " + dir)
isCgo := false
for _, spec := range pf.Imports {
......@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ func readSource(filename string, src interface{}) ([]byte, os.Error) {
return buf.Bytes(), nil
return nil, os.ErrorString("invalid source")
return nil, os.NewError("invalid source")
......@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ func readGopackHeader(buf *bufio.Reader) (name string, size int, err os.Error) {
s := strings.TrimSpace(string(hdr[64+12+6+6+8:][:10]))
size, err = strconv.Atoi(s)
if err != nil || hdr[len(hdr)-2] != '`' || hdr[len(hdr)-1] != '\n' {
err = os.ErrorString("invalid archive header")
err = os.NewError("invalid archive header")
name = strings.TrimSpace(string(hdr[:64]))
......@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ func ExportData(filename string) (rc io.ReadCloser, err os.Error) {
if name != "__.SYMDEF" {
err = os.ErrorString("go archive does not begin with __.SYMDEF")
err = os.NewError("go archive does not begin with __.SYMDEF")
const block = 4096
......@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ func ExportData(filename string) (rc io.ReadCloser, err os.Error) {
if name != "__.PKGDEF" {
err = os.ErrorString("go archive is missing __.PKGDEF")
err = os.NewError("go archive is missing __.PKGDEF")
......@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ func ExportData(filename string) (rc io.ReadCloser, err os.Error) {
// Now at __.PKGDEF in archive or still at beginning of file.
// Either way, line should begin with "go object ".
if !strings.HasPrefix(string(line), "go object ") {
err = os.ErrorString("not a go object file")
err = os.NewError("not a go object file")
......@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ func GcImporter(imports map[string]*ast.Object, path string) (pkg *ast.Object, e
filename, id := findPkg(path)
if filename == "" {
err = os.ErrorString("can't find import: " + id)
err = os.NewError("can't find import: " + id)
......@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ func (e importError) String() string {
func (p *gcParser) error(err interface{}) {
if s, ok := err.(string); ok {
err = os.ErrorString(s)
err = os.NewError(s)
// panic with a runtime.Error if err is not an os.Error
panic(importError{p.scanner.Pos(), err.(os.Error)})
......@@ -330,7 +330,7 @@ func newDecodeStateFromData(data []byte) *decoderState {
// Test instruction execution for decoding.
// Do not run the machine yet; instead do individual instructions crafted by hand.
func TestScalarDecInstructions(t *testing.T) {
ovfl := os.ErrorString("overflow")
ovfl := os.NewError("overflow")
// bool
......@@ -17,9 +17,9 @@ import (
var (
errBadUint = os.ErrorString("gob: encoded unsigned integer out of range")
errBadType = os.ErrorString("gob: unknown type id or corrupted data")
errRange = os.ErrorString("gob: bad data: field numbers out of bounds")
errBadUint = os.NewError("gob: encoded unsigned integer out of range")
errBadType = os.NewError("gob: unknown type id or corrupted data")
errRange = os.NewError("gob: bad data: field numbers out of bounds")
// decoderState is the execution state of an instance of the decoder. A new state
......@@ -54,8 +54,8 @@ func (dec *Decoder) freeDecoderState(d *decoderState) {
dec.freeList = d
func overflow(name string) os.ErrorString {
return os.ErrorString(`value for "` + name + `" out of range`)
func overflow(name string) os.Error {
return os.NewError(`value for "` + name + `" out of range`)
// decodeUintReader reads an encoded unsigned integer from an io.Reader.
......@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ type decInstr struct {
field int // field number of the wire type
indir int // how many pointer indirections to reach the value in the struct
offset uintptr // offset in the structure of the field to encode
ovfl os.ErrorString // error message for overflow/underflow (for arrays, of the elements)
ovfl os.Error // error message for overflow/underflow (for arrays, of the elements)
// Since the encoder writes no zeros, if we arrive at a decoder we have
......@@ -552,7 +552,7 @@ func (dec *Decoder) ignoreSingle(engine *decEngine) {
// decodeArrayHelper does the work for decoding arrays and slices.
func (dec *Decoder) decodeArrayHelper(state *decoderState, p uintptr, elemOp decOp, elemWid uintptr, length, elemIndir int, ovfl os.ErrorString) {
func (dec *Decoder) decodeArrayHelper(state *decoderState, p uintptr, elemOp decOp, elemWid uintptr, length, elemIndir int, ovfl os.Error) {
instr := &decInstr{elemOp, 0, elemIndir, 0, ovfl}
for i := 0; i < length; i++ {
up := unsafe.Pointer(p)
......@@ -567,7 +567,7 @@ func (dec *Decoder) decodeArrayHelper(state *decoderState, p uintptr, elemOp dec
// decodeArray decodes an array and stores it through p, that is, p points to the zeroth element.
// The length is an unsigned integer preceding the elements. Even though the length is redundant
// (it's part of the type), it's a useful check and is included in the encoding.
func (dec *Decoder) decodeArray(atyp reflect.Type, state *decoderState, p uintptr, elemOp decOp, elemWid uintptr, length, indir, elemIndir int, ovfl os.ErrorString) {
func (dec *Decoder) decodeArray(atyp reflect.Type, state *decoderState, p uintptr, elemOp decOp, elemWid uintptr, length, indir, elemIndir int, ovfl os.Error) {
if indir > 0 {
p = allocate(atyp, p, 1) // All but the last level has been allocated by dec.Indirect
......@@ -579,7 +579,7 @@ func (dec *Decoder) decodeArray(atyp reflect.Type, state *decoderState, p uintpt
// decodeIntoValue is a helper for map decoding. Since maps are decoded using reflection,
// unlike the other items we can't use a pointer directly.
func decodeIntoValue(state *decoderState, op decOp, indir int, v reflect.Value, ovfl os.ErrorString) reflect.Value {
func decodeIntoValue(state *decoderState, op decOp, indir int, v reflect.Value, ovfl os.Error) reflect.Value {
instr := &decInstr{op, 0, indir, 0, ovfl}
up := unsafe.Pointer(unsafeAddr(v))
if indir > 1 {
......@@ -593,7 +593,7 @@ func decodeIntoValue(state *decoderState, op decOp, indir int, v reflect.Value,
// Maps are encoded as a length followed by key:value pairs.
// Because the internals of maps are not visible to us, we must
// use reflection rather than pointer magic.
func (dec *Decoder) decodeMap(mtyp reflect.Type, state *decoderState, p uintptr, keyOp, elemOp decOp, indir, keyIndir, elemIndir int, ovfl os.ErrorString) {
func (dec *Decoder) decodeMap(mtyp reflect.Type, state *decoderState, p uintptr, keyOp, elemOp decOp, indir, keyIndir, elemIndir int, ovfl os.Error) {
if indir > 0 {
p = allocate(mtyp, p, 1) // All but the last level has been allocated by dec.Indirect
......@@ -616,7 +616,7 @@ func (dec *Decoder) decodeMap(mtyp reflect.Type, state *decoderState, p uintptr,
// ignoreArrayHelper does the work for discarding arrays and slices.
func (dec *Decoder) ignoreArrayHelper(state *decoderState, elemOp decOp, length int) {
instr := &decInstr{elemOp, 0, 0, 0, os.ErrorString("no error")}
instr := &decInstr{elemOp, 0, 0, 0, os.NewError("no error")}
for i := 0; i < length; i++ {
elemOp(instr, state, nil)
......@@ -633,8 +633,8 @@ func (dec *Decoder) ignoreArray(state *decoderState, elemOp decOp, length int) {
// ignoreMap discards the data for a map value with no destination.
func (dec *Decoder) ignoreMap(state *decoderState, keyOp, elemOp decOp) {
n := int(state.decodeUint())
keyInstr := &decInstr{keyOp, 0, 0, 0, os.ErrorString("no error")}
elemInstr := &decInstr{elemOp, 0, 0, 0, os.ErrorString("no error")}
keyInstr := &decInstr{keyOp, 0, 0, 0, os.NewError("no error")}
elemInstr := &decInstr{elemOp, 0, 0, 0, os.NewError("no error")}
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
keyOp(keyInstr, state, nil)
elemOp(elemInstr, state, nil)
......@@ -643,7 +643,7 @@ func (dec *Decoder) ignoreMap(state *decoderState, keyOp, elemOp decOp) {
// decodeSlice decodes a slice and stores the slice header through p.
// Slices are encoded as an unsigned length followed by the elements.
func (dec *Decoder) decodeSlice(atyp reflect.Type, state *decoderState, p uintptr, elemOp decOp, elemWid uintptr, indir, elemIndir int, ovfl os.ErrorString) {
func (dec *Decoder) decodeSlice(atyp reflect.Type, state *decoderState, p uintptr, elemOp decOp, elemWid uintptr, indir, elemIndir int, ovfl os.Error) {
n := int(uintptr(state.decodeUint()))
if indir > 0 {
up := unsafe.Pointer(p)
......@@ -1064,10 +1064,10 @@ func (dec *Decoder) compileSingle(remoteId typeId, ut *userTypeInfo) (engine *de
engine.instr = make([]decInstr, 1) // one item
name := rt.String() // best we can do
if !dec.compatibleType(rt, remoteId, make(map[reflect.Type]typeId)) {
return nil, os.ErrorString("gob: wrong type received for local value " + name + ": " + dec.typeString(remoteId))
return nil, os.NewError("gob: wrong type received for local value " + name + ": " + dec.typeString(remoteId))
op, indir := dec.decOpFor(remoteId, rt, name, make(map[reflect.Type]*decOp))
ovfl := os.ErrorString(`value for "` + name + `" out of range`)
ovfl := os.NewError(`value for "` + name + `" out of range`)
engine.instr[singletonField] = decInstr{*op, singletonField, indir, 0, ovfl}
engine.numInstr = 1
......@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ func NewDecoder(r io.Reader) *Decoder {
func (dec *Decoder) recvType(id typeId) {
// Have we already seen this type? That's an error
if id < firstUserId || dec.wireType[id] != nil {
dec.err = os.ErrorString("gob: duplicate type received")
dec.err = os.NewError("gob: duplicate type received")
......@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ func (dec *Decoder) decodeTypeSequence(isInterface bool) typeId {
// will be absorbed by recvMessage.)
if dec.buf.Len() > 0 {
if !isInterface {
dec.err = os.ErrorString("extra data in buffer")
dec.err = os.NewError("extra data in buffer")
......@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ func (dec *Decoder) Decode(e interface{}) os.Error {
// If e represents a value as opposed to a pointer, the answer won't
// get back to the caller. Make sure it's a pointer.
if value.Type().Kind() != reflect.Ptr {
dec.err = os.ErrorString("gob: attempt to decode into a non-pointer")
dec.err = os.NewError("gob: attempt to decode into a non-pointer")
return dec.err
return dec.DecodeValue(value)
......@@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ func (dec *Decoder) DecodeValue(v reflect.Value) os.Error {
if v.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && !v.IsNil() {
// That's okay, we'll store through the pointer.
} else if !v.CanSet() {
return os.ErrorString("gob: DecodeValue of unassignable value")
return os.NewError("gob: DecodeValue of unassignable value")
// Make sure we're single-threaded through here.
......@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ func (enc *Encoder) popWriter() {
func (enc *Encoder) badType(rt reflect.Type) {
enc.setError(os.ErrorString("gob: can't encode type " + rt.String()))
enc.setError(os.NewError("gob: can't encode type " + rt.String()))
func (enc *Encoder) setError(err os.Error) {
......@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ func (g *ByteStruct) GobEncode() ([]byte, os.Error) {
func (g *ByteStruct) GobDecode(data []byte) os.Error {
if g == nil {
return os.ErrorString("NIL RECEIVER")
return os.NewError("NIL RECEIVER")
// Expect N sequential-valued bytes.
if len(data) == 0 {
......@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ func (g *ByteStruct) GobDecode(data []byte) os.Error {
g.a = data[0]
for i, c := range data {
if c != g.a+byte(i) {
return os.ErrorString("invalid data sequence")
return os.NewError("invalid data sequence")
return nil
......@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ func (g *StringStruct) GobDecode(data []byte) os.Error {
a := data[0]
for i, c := range data {
if c != a+byte(i) {
return os.ErrorString("invalid data sequence")
return os.NewError("invalid data sequence")
g.s = string(data)
......@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ func (a *ArrayStruct) GobEncode() ([]byte, os.Error) {
func (a *ArrayStruct) GobDecode(data []byte) os.Error {
if len(data) != len(a.a) {
return os.ErrorString("wrong length in array decode")
return os.NewError("wrong length in array decode")
copy(a.a[:], data)
return nil
......@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ func validUserType(rt reflect.Type) (ut *userTypeInfo, err os.Error) {
ut.base = pt.Elem()
if ut.base == slowpoke { // ut.base lapped slowpoke
// recursive pointer type.
return nil, os.ErrorString("can't represent recursive pointer type " + ut.base.String())
return nil, os.NewError("can't represent recursive pointer type " + ut.base.String())
if ut.indir%2 == 0 {
slowpoke = slowpoke.Elem()
......@@ -508,7 +508,7 @@ func newTypeObject(name string, ut *userTypeInfo, rt reflect.Type) (gobType, os.
return st, nil
return nil, os.ErrorString("gob NewTypeObject can't handle type: " + rt.String())
return nil, os.NewError("gob NewTypeObject can't handle type: " + rt.String())
return nil, nil
......@@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ func (c *Client) doFollowingRedirects(ireq *Request) (r *Response, err os.Error)
if shouldRedirect(r.StatusCode) {
if url = r.Header.Get("Location"); url == "" {
err = os.ErrorString(fmt.Sprintf("%d response missing Location header", r.StatusCode))
err = os.NewError(fmt.Sprintf("%d response missing Location header", r.StatusCode))
base = req.URL
......@@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ func (c *Client) doFollowingRedirects(ireq *Request) (r *Response, err os.Error)
func defaultCheckRedirect(req *Request, via []*Request) os.Error {
if len(via) >= 10 {
return os.ErrorString("stopped after 10 redirects")
return os.NewError("stopped after 10 redirects")
return nil
......@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ func serveFile(w ResponseWriter, r *Request, name string, redirect bool) {
// TODO(adg): handle multiple ranges
ranges, err := parseRange(r.Header.Get("Range"), size)
if err == nil && len(ranges) > 1 {
err = os.ErrorString("multiple ranges not supported")
err = os.NewError("multiple ranges not supported")
if err != nil {
Error(w, err.String(), StatusRequestedRangeNotSatisfiable)
......@@ -35,13 +35,15 @@ const (
// ErrMissingFile is returned by FormFile when the provided file field name
// is either not present in the request or not a file field.
var ErrMissingFile = os.ErrorString("http: no such file")
var ErrMissingFile = os.NewError("http: no such file")
// HTTP request parsing errors.
type ProtocolError struct {
ErrorString string
func (err *ProtocolError) String() string { return err.ErrorString }
var (
ErrLineTooLong = &ProtocolError{"header line too long"}
ErrHeaderTooLong = &ProtocolError{"header too long"}
......@@ -704,7 +706,7 @@ func (r *Request) ParseForm() (err os.Error) {
if r.Method == "POST" {
if r.Body == nil {
return os.ErrorString("missing form body")
return os.NewError("missing form body")
ct := r.Header.Get("Content-Type")
switch strings.Split(ct, ";", 2)[0] {
......@@ -76,12 +76,12 @@ func ProxyFromEnvironment(req *Request) (*URL, os.Error) {
proxyURL, err := ParseRequestURL(proxy)
if err != nil {
return nil, os.ErrorString("invalid proxy address")
return nil, os.NewError("invalid proxy address")
if proxyURL.Host == "" {
proxyURL, err = ParseRequestURL("http://" + proxy)
if err != nil {
return nil, os.ErrorString("invalid proxy address")
return nil, os.NewError("invalid proxy address")
return proxyURL, nil
......@@ -331,7 +331,7 @@ func (t *Transport) getConn(cm *connectMethod) (*persistConn, os.Error) {
if resp.StatusCode != 200 {
f := strings.Split(resp.Status, " ", 2)
return nil, os.ErrorString(f[1])
return nil, os.NewError(f[1])
......@@ -299,7 +299,7 @@ func getscheme(rawurl string) (scheme, path string, err os.Error) {
case c == ':':
if i == 0 {
return "", "", os.ErrorString("missing protocol scheme")
return "", "", os.NewError("missing protocol scheme")
return rawurl[0:i], rawurl[i+1:], nil
......@@ -354,7 +354,7 @@ func parseURL(rawurl string, viaRequest bool) (url *URL, err os.Error) {
if rawurl == "" {
err = os.ErrorString("empty url")
err = os.NewError("empty url")
goto Error
url = new(URL)
......@@ -380,7 +380,7 @@ func parseURL(rawurl string, viaRequest bool) (url *URL, err os.Error) {
url.OpaquePath = true
} else {
if viaRequest && !leadingSlash {
err = os.ErrorString("invalid URI for request")
err = os.NewError("invalid URI for request")
goto Error
......@@ -414,7 +414,7 @@ func parseURL(rawurl string, viaRequest bool) (url *URL, err os.Error) {
if strings.Contains(rawHost, "%") {
// Host cannot contain escaped characters.
err = os.ErrorString("hexadecimal escape in host")
err = os.NewError("hexadecimal escape in host")
goto Error
url.Host = rawHost
......@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ Loop:
return err
if c != 0 {
return os.ErrorString("gif: extra data after image")
return os.NewError("gif: extra data after image")
// Undo the interlacing if necessary.
......@@ -12,9 +12,11 @@ import "os"
// Error represents an unexpected I/O behavior.
type Error struct {
ErrorString string
func (err *Error) String() string { return err.ErrorString }
// ErrShortWrite means that a write accepted fewer bytes than requested
// but failed to return an explicit error.
var ErrShortWrite os.Error = &Error{"short write"}
......@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ func parseDate(date string) (*time.Time, os.Error) {
return t, nil
return nil, os.ErrorString("mail: header could not be parsed")
return nil, os.NewError("mail: header could not be parsed")
// A Header represents the key-value pairs in a mail message header.
......@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ func (h Header) Get(key string) string {
return textproto.MIMEHeader(h).Get(key)
var ErrHeaderNotPresent = os.ErrorString("mail: header not in message")
var ErrHeaderNotPresent = os.NewError("mail: header not in message")
// Date parses the Date header field.
func (h Header) Date() (*time.Time, os.Error) {
......@@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ func (p *addrParser) parseAddressList() ([]*Address, os.Error) {
if !p.consume(',') {
return nil, os.ErrorString("mail: expected comma")
return nil, os.NewError("mail: expected comma")
return list, nil
......@@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ func (p *addrParser) parseAddress() (addr *Address, err os.Error) {
debug.Printf("parseAddress: %q", *p)
if p.empty() {
return nil, os.ErrorString("mail: no address")
return nil, os.NewError("mail: no address")
// address = name-addr / addr-spec
......@@ -246,14 +246,14 @@ func (p *addrParser) parseAddress() (addr *Address, err os.Error) {
// angle-addr = "<" addr-spec ">"
if !p.consume('<') {
return nil, os.ErrorString("mail: no angle-addr")
return nil, os.NewError("mail: no angle-addr")
spec, err = p.consumeAddrSpec()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if !p.consume('>') {
return nil, os.ErrorString("mail: unclosed angle-addr")
return nil, os.NewError("mail: unclosed angle-addr")
debug.Printf("parseAddress: spec=%q", spec)
......@@ -278,7 +278,7 @@ func (p *addrParser) consumeAddrSpec() (spec string, err os.Error) {
var localPart string
if p.empty() {
return "", os.ErrorString("mail: no addr-spec")
return "", os.NewError("mail: no addr-spec")
if p.peek() == '"' {
// quoted-string
......@@ -295,14 +295,14 @@ func (p *addrParser) consumeAddrSpec() (spec string, err os.Error) {
if !p.consume('@') {
return "", os.ErrorString("mail: missing @ in addr-spec")
return "", os.NewError("mail: missing @ in addr-spec")
// domain = dot-atom / domain-literal
var domain string
if p.empty() {
return "", os.ErrorString("mail: no domain in addr-spec")
return "", os.NewError("mail: no domain in addr-spec")
// TODO(dsymonds): Handle domain-literal
domain, err = p.consumeAtom(true)
......@@ -323,7 +323,7 @@ func (p *addrParser) consumePhrase() (phrase string, err os.Error) {
var word string
if p.empty() {
return "", os.ErrorString("mail: missing phrase")
return "", os.NewError("mail: missing phrase")
if p.peek() == '"' {
// quoted-string
......@@ -347,7 +347,7 @@ func (p *addrParser) consumePhrase() (phrase string, err os.Error) {
// Ignore any error if we got at least one word.
if err != nil && len(words) == 0 {
debug.Printf("consumePhrase: hit err: %v", err)
return "", os.ErrorString("mail: missing word in phrase")
return "", os.NewError("mail: missing word in phrase")
phrase = strings.Join(words, " ")
return phrase, nil
......@@ -361,14 +361,14 @@ func (p *addrParser) consumeQuotedString() (qs string, err os.Error) {
for {
if i >= p.len() {
return "", os.ErrorString("mail: unclosed quoted-string")
return "", os.NewError("mail: unclosed quoted-string")
switch c := (*p)[i]; {
case c == '"':
break Loop
case c == '\\':
if i+1 == p.len() {
return "", os.ErrorString("mail: unclosed quoted-string")
return "", os.NewError("mail: unclosed quoted-string")
qsb = append(qsb, (*p)[i+1])
i += 2
......@@ -389,7 +389,7 @@ Loop:
// If dot is true, consumeAtom parses an RFC 5322 dot-atom instead.
func (p *addrParser) consumeAtom(dot bool) (atom string, err os.Error) {
if !isAtext(p.peek(), false) {
return "", os.ErrorString("mail: invalid string")
return "", os.NewError("mail: invalid string")
i := 1
for ; i < p.len() && isAtext((*p)[i], dot); i++ {
......@@ -427,7 +427,7 @@ func (p *addrParser) len() int {
func decodeRFC2047Word(s string) (string, os.Error) {
fields := strings.Split(s, "?", -1)
if len(fields) != 5 || fields[0] != "=" || fields[4] != "=" {
return "", os.ErrorString("mail: address not RFC 2047 encoded")
return "", os.NewError("mail: address not RFC 2047 encoded")
charset, enc := strings.ToLower(fields[1]), strings.ToLower(fields[2])
if charset != "iso-8859-1" && charset != "utf-8" {
......@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ func (p *pollster) AddFD(fd int, mode int, repeat bool) (bool, os.Error) {
return false, os.NewSyscallError("kevent", e)
if n != 1 || (ev.Flags&syscall.EV_ERROR) == 0 || int(ev.Ident) != fd || int(ev.Filter) != kmode {
return false, os.ErrorString("kqueue phase error")
return false, os.NewError("kqueue phase error")
if ev.Data != 0 {
return false, os.Errno(int(ev.Data))
......@@ -294,7 +294,7 @@ func splitNetProto(netProto string) (net string, proto int, err os.Error) {
i := last(netProto, ':')
if i < 0 { // no colon
return "", 0, os.ErrorString("no IP protocol specified")
return "", 0, os.NewError("no IP protocol specified")
net = netProto[0:i]
protostr := netProto[i+1:]
......@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ type Listener interface {
Addr() Addr
var errMissingAddress = os.ErrorString("missing address")
var errMissingAddress = os.NewError("missing address")
type OpError struct {
Op string
......@@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ func (c *UDPConn) BindToDevice(device string) os.Error {
// Closing c does not affect f, and closing f does not affect c.
func (c *UDPConn) File() (f *os.File, err os.Error) { return c.fd.dup() }
var errInvalidMulticast = os.ErrorString("invalid IPv4 multicast address")
var errInvalidMulticast = os.NewError("invalid IPv4 multicast address")
// JoinGroup joins the IPv4 multicast group named by addr.
// The UDPConn must use the "udp4" network.
......@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ func (cs *clientSet) drain(timeout int64) os.Error {
if timeout > 0 && time.Nanoseconds()-startTime >= timeout {
return os.ErrorString("timeout")
return os.NewError("timeout")
time.Sleep(100 * 1e6) // 100 milliseconds
......@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ func (cs *clientSet) sync(timeout int64) os.Error {
if timeout > 0 && time.Nanoseconds()-startTime >= timeout {
return os.ErrorString("timeout")
return os.NewError("timeout")
time.Sleep(100 * 1e6) // 100 milliseconds
......@@ -343,20 +343,20 @@ func (exp *Exporter) Sync(timeout int64) os.Error {
func checkChan(chT interface{}, dir Dir) (reflect.Value, os.Error) {
chanType := reflect.TypeOf(chT)
if chanType.Kind() != reflect.Chan {
return reflect.Value{}, os.ErrorString("not a channel")
return reflect.Value{}, os.NewError("not a channel")
if dir != Send && dir != Recv {
return reflect.Value{}, os.ErrorString("unknown channel direction")
return reflect.Value{}, os.NewError("unknown channel direction")
switch chanType.ChanDir() {
case reflect.BothDir:
case reflect.SendDir:
if dir != Recv {
return reflect.Value{}, os.ErrorString("to import/export with Send, must provide <-chan")
return reflect.Value{}, os.NewError("to import/export with Send, must provide <-chan")
case reflect.RecvDir:
if dir != Send {
return reflect.Value{}, os.ErrorString("to import/export with Recv, must provide chan<-")
return reflect.Value{}, os.NewError("to import/export with Recv, must provide chan<-")
return reflect.ValueOf(chT), nil
......@@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ func (exp *Exporter) Export(name string, chT interface{}, dir Dir) os.Error {
_, present := exp.names[name]
if present {
return os.ErrorString("channel name already being exported:" + name)
return os.NewError("channel name already being exported:" + name)
exp.names[name] = &chanDir{ch, dir}
return nil
......@@ -393,7 +393,7 @@ func (exp *Exporter) Hangup(name string) os.Error {
// TODO drop all instances of channel from client sets
if !ok {
return os.ErrorString("netchan export: hangup: no such channel: " + name)
return os.NewError("netchan export: hangup: no such channel: " + name)
return nil
......@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ func (imp *Importer) run() {
if err.Error != "" {
impLog("response error:", err.Error)
select {
case imp.errors <- os.ErrorString(err.Error):
case imp.errors <- os.NewError(err.Error):
continue // errors are not acknowledged
......@@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ func (imp *Importer) ImportNValues(name string, chT interface{}, dir Dir, size,
defer imp.chanLock.Unlock()
_, present := imp.names[name]
if present {
return os.ErrorString("channel name already being imported:" + name)
return os.NewError("channel name already being imported:" + name)
if size < 1 {
size = 1
......@@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ func (imp *Importer) Hangup(name string) os.Error {
defer imp.chanLock.Unlock()
nc := imp.names[name]
if nc == nil {
return os.ErrorString("netchan import: hangup: no such channel: " + name)
return os.NewError("netchan import: hangup: no such channel: " + name)
imp.names[name] = nil, false
imp.chans[] = nil, false
......@@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ func (imp *Importer) Drain(timeout int64) os.Error {
startTime := time.Nanoseconds()
for imp.unackedCount() > 0 {
if timeout > 0 && time.Nanoseconds()-startTime >= timeout {
return os.ErrorString("timeout")
return os.NewError("timeout")
time.Sleep(100 * 1e6)
......@@ -9,20 +9,17 @@ type Error interface {
String() string
// A helper type that can be embedded or wrapped to simplify satisfying
// Error.
type ErrorString string
// // errorString is a helper type used by NewError.
type errorString string
func (e ErrorString) String() string { return string(e) }
func (e ErrorString) Temporary() bool { return false }
func (e ErrorString) Timeout() bool { return false }
func (e errorString) String() string { return string(e) }
// Note: If the name of the function NewError changes,
// pkg/go/doc/doc.go should be adjusted since it hardwires
// this name in a heuristic.
// NewError converts s to an ErrorString, which satisfies the Error interface.
func NewError(s string) Error { return ErrorString(s) }
// // NewError returns a new error with error.String() == s.
func NewError(s string) Error { return errorString(s) }
// PathError records an error and the operation and file path that caused it.
type PathError struct {
......@@ -45,12 +45,12 @@ func (this *statsResults) checkSimilarDistribution(expected *statsResults) os.Er
if !nearEqual(this.mean, expected.mean, expected.closeEnough, expected.maxError) {
s := fmt.Sprintf("mean %v != %v (allowed error %v, %v)", this.mean, expected.mean, expected.closeEnough, expected.maxError)
return os.ErrorString(s)
return os.NewError(s)
if !nearEqual(this.stddev, expected.stddev, 0, expected.maxError) {
s := fmt.Sprintf("stddev %v != %v (allowed error %v, %v)", this.stddev, expected.stddev, expected.closeEnough, expected.maxError)
return os.ErrorString(s)
return os.NewError(s)
return nil
......@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ func (e ServerError) String() string {
return string(e)
const ErrShutdown = os.ErrorString("connection is shut down")
var ErrShutdown = os.NewError("connection is shut down")
// Call represents an active RPC.
type Call struct {
......@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ func (client *Client) input() {
if response.Error == "" {
err = client.codec.ReadResponseBody(c.Reply)
if err != nil {
c.Error = os.ErrorString("reading body " + err.String())
c.Error = os.NewError("reading body " + err.String())
} else {
// We've got an error response. Give this to the request;
......@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ func (client *Client) input() {
c.Error = ServerError(response.Error)
err = client.codec.ReadResponseBody(nil)
if err != nil {
err = os.ErrorString("reading error body: " + err.String())
err = os.NewError("reading error body: " + err.String())
......@@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ func DialHTTPPath(network, address, path string) (*Client, os.Error) {
return NewClient(conn), nil
if err == nil {
err = os.ErrorString("unexpected HTTP response: " + resp.Status)
err = os.NewError("unexpected HTTP response: " + resp.Status)
return nil, &net.OpError{"dial-http", network + " " + address, nil, err}
......@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ func (t *Arith) Mul(args *Args, reply *Reply) os.Error {
func (t *Arith) Div(args *Args, reply *Reply) os.Error {
if args.B == 0 {
return os.ErrorString("divide by zero")
return os.NewError("divide by zero")
reply.C = args.A / args.B
return nil
......@@ -242,10 +242,10 @@ func (server *Server) register(rcvr interface{}, name string, useName bool) os.E
if s.typ.PkgPath() != "" && !isExported(sname) && !useName {
s := "rpc Register: type " + sname + " is not exported"
return os.ErrorString(s)
return os.NewError(s)
if _, present := server.serviceMap[sname]; present {
return os.ErrorString("rpc: service already defined: " + sname)
return os.NewError("rpc: service already defined: " + sname)
} = sname
s.method = make(map[string]*methodType)
......@@ -294,7 +294,7 @@ func (server *Server) register(rcvr interface{}, name string, useName bool) os.E
if len(s.method) == 0 {
s := "rpc Register: type " + sname + " has no exported methods of suitable type"
return os.ErrorString(s)
return os.NewError(s)
server.serviceMap[] = s
return nil
......@@ -491,13 +491,13 @@ func (server *Server) readRequest(codec ServerCodec) (req *Request, service *ser
if err == os.EOF || err == io.ErrUnexpectedEOF {
err = os.ErrorString("rpc: server cannot decode request: " + err.String())
err = os.NewError("rpc: server cannot decode request: " + err.String())
serviceMethod := strings.Split(req.ServiceMethod, ".", -1)
if len(serviceMethod) != 2 {
err = os.ErrorString("rpc: service/method request ill-formed: " + req.ServiceMethod)
err = os.NewError("rpc: service/method request ill-formed: " + req.ServiceMethod)
// Look up the request.
......@@ -505,12 +505,12 @@ func (server *Server) readRequest(codec ServerCodec) (req *Request, service *ser
service = server.serviceMap[serviceMethod[0]]
if service == nil {
err = os.ErrorString("rpc: can't find service " + req.ServiceMethod)
err = os.NewError("rpc: can't find service " + req.ServiceMethod)
mtype = service.method[serviceMethod[1]]
if mtype == nil {
err = os.ErrorString("rpc: can't find method " + req.ServiceMethod)
err = os.NewError("rpc: can't find method " + req.ServiceMethod)
......@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ func (t *Arith) Mul(args *Args, reply *Reply) os.Error {
func (t *Arith) Div(args Args, reply *Reply) os.Error {
if args.B == 0 {
return os.ErrorString("divide by zero")
return os.NewError("divide by zero")
reply.C = args.A / args.B
return nil
......@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ func Btoui64(s string, b int) (n uint64, err os.Error) {
err = os.ErrorString("invalid base " + Itoa(b))
err = os.NewError("invalid base " + Itoa(b))
goto Error
......@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ func (r *Reader) ReadByte() (b byte, err os.Error) {
// read yet.
func (r *Reader) UnreadByte() os.Error {
if r.i <= 0 {
return os.ErrorString("strings.Reader: at beginning of string")
return os.NewError("strings.Reader: at beginning of string")
r.prevRune = -1
......@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ func (r *Reader) ReadRune() (rune int, size int, err os.Error) {
// The last method called on r must have been ReadRune.
func (r *Reader) UnreadRune() os.Error {
if r.prevRune < 0 {
return os.ErrorString("strings.Reader: previous operation was not ReadRune")
return os.NewError("strings.Reader: previous operation was not ReadRune")
r.i = r.prevRune
r.prevRune = -1
......@@ -27,5 +27,5 @@ func unixSyslog() (conn serverConn, err os.Error) {
return nil, os.ErrorString("Unix syslog delivery error")
return nil, os.NewError("Unix syslog delivery error")
......@@ -355,7 +355,7 @@ func (t *Time) String() string {
return t.Format(UnixDate)
var errBad = os.ErrorString("bad") // just a marker; not returned to user
var errBad = os.NewError("bad") // just a marker; not returned to user
// ParseError describes a problem parsing a time string.
type ParseError struct {
......@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ var onceStartTickerLoop sync.Once
// ns must be greater than zero; if not, NewTicker will panic.
func NewTicker(ns int64) *Ticker {
if ns <= 0 {
panic(os.ErrorString("non-positive interval for NewTicker"))
panic(os.NewError("non-positive interval for NewTicker"))
c := make(chan int64, 1) // See comment on send in tickerLoop
t := &Ticker{
......@@ -19,11 +19,13 @@ import (
type ProtocolError struct {
ErrorString string
func (err *ProtocolError) String() string { return string(err.ErrorString) }
var (
ErrBadScheme = os.ErrorString("bad scheme")
ErrBadScheme = &ProtocolError{"bad scheme"}
ErrBadStatus = &ProtocolError{"bad status"}
ErrBadUpgrade = &ProtocolError{"missing or bad upgrade"}
ErrBadWebSocketOrigin = &ProtocolError{"missing or bad WebSocket-Origin"}
......@@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ func (p *Parser) unmarshal(val reflect.Value, start *StartElement) os.Error {
switch v := val; v.Kind() {
return os.ErrorString("unknown type " + v.Type().String())
return os.NewError("unknown type " + v.Type().String())
case reflect.Slice:
typ := v.Type()
......@@ -508,7 +508,7 @@ func copyValue(dst reflect.Value, src []byte) (err os.Error) {
case reflect.Invalid:
// Probably a comment, handled below
return os.ErrorString("cannot happen: unknown type " + t.Type().String())
return os.NewError("cannot happen: unknown type " + t.Type().String())
case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
if !getInt64() {
return err
......@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ func Listen(x, y string) (T, string) {
func (t T) Addr() os.Error {
return os.ErrorString("stringer")
return os.NewError("stringer")
func (t T) Accept() (int, string) {
......@@ -49,4 +49,3 @@ func Dial(x, y, z string) (int, string) {
global <- 1
return 0, ""
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