Commit 7e1a3e9f authored by Russ Cox's avatar Russ Cox

exp/regexp/syntax: incremental concat, alternate

Also reuse of *Regexp nodes.

I believe this is the end of the parser.
The only non-execution code that remains is
the code to expand x{3,5} into simpler operations.

R=sam.thorogood, r
parent 3379414b
......@@ -79,29 +79,110 @@ const (
type parser struct {
flags Flags // parse mode flags
stack []*Regexp // stack of parsed expressions
free *Regexp
numCap int // number of capturing groups seen
wholeRegexp string
tmpClass []int // temporary char class work space
func (p *parser) newRegexp(op Op) *Regexp {
re :=
if re != nil { = re.Sub0[0]
*re = Regexp{}
} else {
re = new(Regexp)
re.Op = op
return re
func (p *parser) reuse(re *Regexp) {
re.Sub0[0] = = re
// Parse stack manipulation.
// push pushes the regexp re onto the parse stack and returns the regexp.
func (p *parser) push(re *Regexp) *Regexp {
// TODO: automatic concatenation
// TODO: turn character class into literal
// TODO: compute simple
if re.Op == OpCharClass && len(re.Rune) == 2 && re.Rune[0] == re.Rune[1] {
// Single rune.
if p.maybeConcat(re.Rune[0], p.flags&^FoldCase) {
return nil
re.Op = OpLiteral
re.Rune = re.Rune[:1]
re.Flags = p.flags &^ FoldCase
} else if re.Op == OpCharClass && len(re.Rune) == 4 &&
re.Rune[0] == re.Rune[1] && re.Rune[2] == re.Rune[3] &&
unicode.SimpleFold(re.Rune[0]) == re.Rune[2] &&
unicode.SimpleFold(re.Rune[2]) == re.Rune[0] ||
re.Op == OpCharClass && len(re.Rune) == 2 &&
re.Rune[0]+1 == re.Rune[1] &&
unicode.SimpleFold(re.Rune[0]) == re.Rune[1] &&
unicode.SimpleFold(re.Rune[1]) == re.Rune[0] {
// Case-insensitive rune like [Aa] or [Δδ].
if p.maybeConcat(re.Rune[0], p.flags|FoldCase) {
return nil
// Rewrite as (case-insensitive) literal.
re.Op = OpLiteral
re.Rune = re.Rune[:1]
re.Flags = p.flags | FoldCase
} else {
// Incremental concatenation.
p.maybeConcat(-1, 0)
p.stack = append(p.stack, re)
return re
// newLiteral returns a new OpLiteral Regexp with the given flags
func newLiteral(r int, flags Flags) *Regexp {
re := &Regexp{
Op: OpLiteral,
Flags: flags,
// maybeConcat implements incremental concatenation
// of literal runes into string nodes. The parser calls this
// before each push, so only the top fragment of the stack
// might need processing. Since this is called before a push,
// the topmost literal is no longer subject to operators like *
// (Otherwise ab* would turn into (ab)*.)
// If r >= 0 and there's a node left over, maybeConcat uses it
// to push r with the given flags.
// maybeConcat reports whether r was pushed.
func (p *parser) maybeConcat(r int, flags Flags) bool {
n := len(p.stack)
if n < 2 {
return false
re1 := p.stack[n-1]
re2 := p.stack[n-2]
if re1.Op != OpLiteral || re2.Op != OpLiteral || re1.Flags&FoldCase != re2.Flags&FoldCase {
return false
// Push re1 into re2.
re2.Rune = append(re2.Rune, re1.Rune...)
// Reuse re1 if possible.
if r >= 0 {
re1.Rune = re1.Rune0[:1]
re1.Rune[0] = r
re1.Flags = flags
return true
p.stack = p.stack[:n-1]
return false // did not push r
// newLiteral returns a new OpLiteral Regexp with the given flags
func (p *parser) newLiteral(r int, flags Flags) *Regexp {
re := p.newRegexp(OpLiteral)
re.Flags = flags
re.Rune0[0] = r
re.Rune = re.Rune0[:1]
return re
......@@ -109,14 +190,16 @@ func newLiteral(r int, flags Flags) *Regexp {
// literal pushes a literal regexp for the rune r on the stack
// and returns that regexp.
func (p *parser) literal(r int) *Regexp {
return p.push(newLiteral(r, p.flags))
func (p *parser) literal(r int) {
p.push(p.newLiteral(r, p.flags))
// op pushes a regexp with the given op onto the stack
// and returns that regexp.
func (p *parser) op(op Op) *Regexp {
return p.push(&Regexp{Op: op, Flags: p.flags})
re := p.newRegexp(op)
re.Flags = p.flags
return p.push(re)
// repeat replaces the top stack element with itself repeated
......@@ -140,12 +223,10 @@ func (p *parser) repeat(op Op, min, max int, opstr, t, lastRepeat string) (strin
return "", &Error{ErrMissingRepeatArgument, opstr}
sub := p.stack[n-1]
re := &Regexp{
Op: op,
Min: min,
Max: max,
Flags: flags,
re := p.newRegexp(op)
re.Min = min
re.Max = max
re.Flags = flags
re.Sub = re.Sub0[:1]
re.Sub[0] = sub
p.stack[n-1] = re
......@@ -154,60 +235,97 @@ func (p *parser) repeat(op Op, min, max int, opstr, t, lastRepeat string) (strin
// concat replaces the top of the stack (above the topmost '|' or '(') with its concatenation.
func (p *parser) concat() *Regexp {
// TODO: Flatten concats.
p.maybeConcat(-1, 0)
// Scan down to find pseudo-operator | or (.
i := len(p.stack)
for i > 0 && p.stack[i-1].Op < opPseudo {
sub := p.stack[i:]
subs := p.stack[i:]
p.stack = p.stack[:i]
var re *Regexp
switch len(sub) {
case 0:
re = &Regexp{Op: OpEmptyMatch}
case 1:
re = sub[0]
re = &Regexp{Op: OpConcat}
re.Sub = append(re.Sub0[:0], sub...)
// Empty concatenation is special case.
if len(subs) == 0 {
return p.push(p.newRegexp(OpEmptyMatch))
return p.push(re)
return p.collapse(subs, OpConcat)
// alternate replaces the top of the stack (above the topmost '(') with its alternation.
func (p *parser) alternate() *Regexp {
// TODO: Flatten alternates.
// Scan down to find pseudo-operator (.
// There are no | above (.
i := len(p.stack)
for i > 0 && p.stack[i-1].Op < opPseudo {
sub := p.stack[i:]
subs := p.stack[i:]
p.stack = p.stack[:i]
var re *Regexp
switch len(sub) {
case 0:
re = &Regexp{Op: OpNoMatch}
case 1:
re = sub[0]
re = &Regexp{Op: OpAlternate}
re.Sub = append(re.Sub0[:0], sub...)
// Make sure top class is clean.
// All the others already are (see swapVerticalBar).
if len(subs) > 0 {
// Empty alternate is special case
// (shouldn't happen but easy to handle).
if len(subs) == 0 {
return p.push(p.newRegexp(OpNoMatch))
return p.collapse(subs, OpAlternate)
// cleanAlt cleans re for eventual inclusion in an alternation.
func cleanAlt(re *Regexp) {
switch re.Op {
case OpCharClass:
re.Rune = cleanClass(&re.Rune)
if len(re.Rune) == 2 && re.Rune[0] == 0 && re.Rune[1] == unicode.MaxRune {
re.Rune = nil
re.Op = OpAnyChar
if len(re.Rune) == 4 && re.Rune[0] == 0 && re.Rune[1] == '\n'-1 && re.Rune[2] == '\n'+1 && re.Rune[3] == unicode.MaxRune {
re.Rune = nil
re.Op = OpAnyCharNotNL
if cap(re.Rune)-len(re.Rune) > 100 {
// re.Rune will not grow any more.
// Make a copy or inline to reclaim storage.
re.Rune = append(re.Rune0[:0], re.Rune...)
// collapse pushes the result of applying op to sub
// onto the stack. If sub contains op nodes, they all
// get flattened into a single node.
// sub points into p.stack so it cannot be kept.
func (p *parser) collapse(subs []*Regexp, op Op) *Regexp {
if len(subs) == 1 {
return p.push(subs[0])
re := p.newRegexp(op)
re.Sub = re.Sub0[:0]
for _, sub := range subs {
if sub.Op == op {
re.Sub = append(re.Sub, sub.Sub...)
} else {
re.Sub = append(re.Sub, sub)
return p.push(re)
func literalRegexp(s string, flags Flags) *Regexp {
re := &Regexp{
Op: OpLiteral,
Flags: flags,
re := &Regexp{Op: OpLiteral}
re.Flags = flags
re.Rune = re.Rune0[:0] // use local storage for small strings
for _, c := range s {
if len(re.Rune) >= cap(re.Rune) {
......@@ -265,7 +383,6 @@ func Parse(s string, flags Flags) (*Regexp, os.Error) {
p.op(opLeftParen).Cap = p.numCap
t = t[1:]
case '|':
if err = p.parseVerticalBar(); err != nil {
return nil, err
......@@ -361,7 +478,8 @@ func Parse(s string, flags Flags) (*Regexp, os.Error) {
re := &Regexp{Op: OpCharClass, Flags: p.flags}
re := p.newRegexp(OpCharClass)
re.Flags = p.flags
// Look for Unicode character group like \p{Han}
if len(t) >= 2 && (t[1] == 'p' || t[1] == 'P') {
......@@ -381,12 +499,10 @@ func Parse(s string, flags Flags) (*Regexp, os.Error) {
if r, rest := p.parsePerlClassEscape(t, re.Rune0[:0]); r != nil {
re.Rune = r
t = rest
// TODO: Handle FoldCase flag.
break BigSwitch
// TODO: Give re back to parser's pool.
// Ordinary single-character escape.
if c, t, err = p.parseEscape(t); err != nil {
......@@ -592,6 +708,35 @@ func (p *parser) parseInt(s string) (n int, rest string, ok bool) {
// can this be represented as a character class?
// single-rune literal string, char class, ., and .|\n.
func isCharClass(re *Regexp) bool {
return re.Op == OpLiteral && len(re.Rune) == 1 ||
re.Op == OpCharClass ||
re.Op == OpAnyCharNotNL ||
re.Op == OpAnyChar
// does re match r?
func matchRune(re *Regexp, r int) bool {
switch re.Op {
case OpLiteral:
return len(re.Rune) == 1 && re.Rune[0] == r
case OpCharClass:
for i := 0; i < len(re.Rune); i += 2 {
if re.Rune[i] <= r && r <= re.Rune[i+1] {
return true
return false
case OpAnyCharNotNL:
return r != '\n'
case OpAnyChar:
return true
return false
// parseVerticalBar handles a | in the input.
func (p *parser) parseVerticalBar() os.Error {
......@@ -611,10 +756,55 @@ func (p *parser) parseVerticalBar() os.Error {
// swapVerticalBar swaps the two and returns true.
// Otherwise it returns false.
func (p *parser) swapVerticalBar() bool {
if n := len(p.stack); n >= 2 {
// If above and below vertical bar are literal or char class,
// can merge into a single char class.
n := len(p.stack)
if n >= 3 && p.stack[n-2].Op == opVerticalBar && isCharClass(p.stack[n-1]) && isCharClass(p.stack[n-3]) {
re1 := p.stack[n-1]
re3 := p.stack[n-3]
// Make re3 the more complex of the two.
if re1.Op > re3.Op {
re1, re3 = re3, re1
p.stack[n-3] = re3
switch re3.Op {
case OpAnyChar:
// re1 doesn't add anything.
case OpAnyCharNotNL:
// re1 might add \n
if matchRune(re1, '\n') {
re3.Op = OpAnyChar
case OpCharClass:
// re1 is simpler, so either literal or char class
if re1.Op == OpLiteral {
re3.Rune = appendRange(re3.Rune, re1.Rune[0], re1.Rune[0])
} else {
re3.Rune = appendClass(re3.Rune, re1.Rune)
case OpLiteral:
// both literal
if re1.Rune[0] == re3.Rune[0] {
re3.Op = OpCharClass
re3.Rune = append(re3.Rune, re3.Rune[0])
re3.Rune = appendRange(re3.Rune, re1.Rune[0], re1.Rune[0])
p.stack = p.stack[:n-1]
return true
if n >= 2 {
re1 := p.stack[n-1]
re2 := p.stack[n-2]
if re2.Op == opVerticalBar {
if n >= 3 {
// Now out of reach.
// Clean opportunistically.
p.stack[n-2] = re1
p.stack[n-1] = re2
return true
......@@ -937,7 +1127,8 @@ func (p *parser) parseUnicodeClass(s string, r []int) (out []int, rest string, e
// and pushes it onto the parse stack.
func (p *parser) parseClass(s string) (rest string, err os.Error) {
t := s[1:] // chop [
re := &Regexp{Op: OpCharClass, Flags: p.flags}
re := p.newRegexp(OpCharClass)
re.Flags = p.flags
re.Rune = re.Rune0[:0]
sign := +1
......@@ -1017,8 +1208,6 @@ func (p *parser) parseClass(s string) (rest string, err os.Error) {
t = t[1:] // chop ]
// TODO: Handle FoldCase flag.
// Use &re.Rune instead of &class to avoid allocation.
re.Rune = class
class = cleanClass(&re.Rune)
......@@ -16,148 +16,146 @@ var parseTests = []struct {
Dump string
// Base cases
{"a", "lit{a}"},
{"a.", "cat{lit{a}dot{}}"},
{"a.b", "cat{lit{a}dot{}lit{b}}"},
// { "ab", "str{ab}" },
{"ab", "cat{lit{a}lit{b}}"},
{"a.b.c", "cat{lit{a}dot{}lit{b}dot{}lit{c}}"},
// { "abc", "str{abc}" },
{"abc", "cat{lit{a}lit{b}lit{c}}"},
{"a|^", "alt{lit{a}bol{}}"},
// { "a|b", "cc{0x61-0x62}" },
{"a|b", "alt{lit{a}lit{b}}"},
{"(a)", "cap{lit{a}}"},
{"(a)|b", "alt{cap{lit{a}}lit{b}}"},
{"a*", "star{lit{a}}"},
{"a+", "plus{lit{a}}"},
{"a?", "que{lit{a}}"},
{"a{2}", "rep{2,2 lit{a}}"},
{"a{2,3}", "rep{2,3 lit{a}}"},
{"a{2,}", "rep{2,-1 lit{a}}"},
{"a*?", "nstar{lit{a}}"},
{"a+?", "nplus{lit{a}}"},
{"a??", "nque{lit{a}}"},
{"a{2}?", "nrep{2,2 lit{a}}"},
{"a{2,3}?", "nrep{2,3 lit{a}}"},
{"a{2,}?", "nrep{2,-1 lit{a}}"},
{"", "emp{}"},
// { "|", "emp{}" }, // alt{emp{}emp{}} but got factored
{"|", "alt{emp{}emp{}}"},
{"|x|", "alt{emp{}lit{x}emp{}}"},
{".", "dot{}"},
{"^", "bol{}"},
{"$", "eol{}"},
{"\\|", "lit{|}"},
{"\\(", "lit{(}"},
{"\\)", "lit{)}"},
{"\\*", "lit{*}"},
{"\\+", "lit{+}"},
{"\\?", "lit{?}"},
{"{", "lit{{}"},
{"}", "lit{}}"},
{"\\.", "lit{.}"},
{"\\^", "lit{^}"},
{"\\$", "lit{$}"},
{"\\\\", "lit{\\}"},
{"[ace]", "cc{0x61 0x63 0x65}"},
{"[abc]", "cc{0x61-0x63}"},
{"[a-z]", "cc{0x61-0x7a}"},
// { "[a]", "lit{a}" },
{"[a]", "cc{0x61}"},
{"\\-", "lit{-}"},
{"-", "lit{-}"},
{"\\_", "lit{_}"},
{`a`, `lit{a}`},
{`a.`, `cat{lit{a}dot{}}`},
{`a.b`, `cat{lit{a}dot{}lit{b}}`},
{`ab`, `str{ab}`},
{`a.b.c`, `cat{lit{a}dot{}lit{b}dot{}lit{c}}`},
{`abc`, `str{abc}`},
{`a|^`, `alt{lit{a}bol{}}`},
{`a|b`, `cc{0x61-0x62}`},
{`(a)`, `cap{lit{a}}`},
{`(a)|b`, `alt{cap{lit{a}}lit{b}}`},
{`a*`, `star{lit{a}}`},
{`a+`, `plus{lit{a}}`},
{`a?`, `que{lit{a}}`},
{`a{2}`, `rep{2,2 lit{a}}`},
{`a{2,3}`, `rep{2,3 lit{a}}`},
{`a{2,}`, `rep{2,-1 lit{a}}`},
{`a*?`, `nstar{lit{a}}`},
{`a+?`, `nplus{lit{a}}`},
{`a??`, `nque{lit{a}}`},
{`a{2}?`, `nrep{2,2 lit{a}}`},
{`a{2,3}?`, `nrep{2,3 lit{a}}`},
{`a{2,}?`, `nrep{2,-1 lit{a}}`},
{``, `emp{}`},
// { `|`, `emp{}` }, // alt{emp{}emp{}} but got factored
{`|`, `alt{emp{}emp{}}`},
{`|x|`, `alt{emp{}lit{x}emp{}}`},
{`.`, `dot{}`},
{`^`, `bol{}`},
{`$`, `eol{}`},
{`\|`, `lit{|}`},
{`\(`, `lit{(}`},
{`\)`, `lit{)}`},
{`\*`, `lit{*}`},
{`\+`, `lit{+}`},
{`\?`, `lit{?}`},
{`{`, `lit{{}`},
{`}`, `lit{}}`},
{`\.`, `lit{.}`},
{`\^`, `lit{^}`},
{`\$`, `lit{$}`},
{`\\`, `lit{\}`},
{`[ace]`, `cc{0x61 0x63 0x65}`},
{`[abc]`, `cc{0x61-0x63}`},
{`[a-z]`, `cc{0x61-0x7a}`},
{`[a]`, `lit{a}`},
{`\-`, `lit{-}`},
{`-`, `lit{-}`},
{`\_`, `lit{_}`},
// Posix and Perl extensions
{"[[:lower:]]", "cc{0x61-0x7a}"},
{"[a-z]", "cc{0x61-0x7a}"},
{"[^[:lower:]]", "cc{0x0-0x60 0x7b-0x10ffff}"},
{"[[:^lower:]]", "cc{0x0-0x60 0x7b-0x10ffff}"},
{"(?i)[[:lower:]]", "cc{0x41-0x5a 0x61-0x7a 0x17f 0x212a}"},
{"(?i)[a-z]", "cc{0x41-0x5a 0x61-0x7a 0x17f 0x212a}"},
{"(?i)[^[:lower:]]", "cc{0x0-0x40 0x5b-0x60 0x7b-0x17e 0x180-0x2129 0x212b-0x10ffff}"},
{"(?i)[[:^lower:]]", "cc{0x0-0x40 0x5b-0x60 0x7b-0x17e 0x180-0x2129 0x212b-0x10ffff}"},
{"\\d", "cc{0x30-0x39}"},
{"\\D", "cc{0x0-0x2f 0x3a-0x10ffff}"},
{"\\s", "cc{0x9-0xa 0xc-0xd 0x20}"},
{"\\S", "cc{0x0-0x8 0xb 0xe-0x1f 0x21-0x10ffff}"},
{"\\w", "cc{0x30-0x39 0x41-0x5a 0x5f 0x61-0x7a}"},
{"\\W", "cc{0x0-0x2f 0x3a-0x40 0x5b-0x5e 0x60 0x7b-0x10ffff}"},
{"(?i)\\w", "cc{0x30-0x39 0x41-0x5a 0x5f 0x61-0x7a 0x17f 0x212a}"},
{"(?i)\\W", "cc{0x0-0x2f 0x3a-0x40 0x5b-0x5e 0x60 0x7b-0x17e 0x180-0x2129 0x212b-0x10ffff}"},
{"[^\\\\]", "cc{0x0-0x5b 0x5d-0x10ffff}"},
// { "\\C", "byte{}" },
{`[[:lower:]]`, `cc{0x61-0x7a}`},
{`[a-z]`, `cc{0x61-0x7a}`},
{`[^[:lower:]]`, `cc{0x0-0x60 0x7b-0x10ffff}`},
{`[[:^lower:]]`, `cc{0x0-0x60 0x7b-0x10ffff}`},
{`(?i)[[:lower:]]`, `cc{0x41-0x5a 0x61-0x7a 0x17f 0x212a}`},
{`(?i)[a-z]`, `cc{0x41-0x5a 0x61-0x7a 0x17f 0x212a}`},
{`(?i)[^[:lower:]]`, `cc{0x0-0x40 0x5b-0x60 0x7b-0x17e 0x180-0x2129 0x212b-0x10ffff}`},
{`(?i)[[:^lower:]]`, `cc{0x0-0x40 0x5b-0x60 0x7b-0x17e 0x180-0x2129 0x212b-0x10ffff}`},
{`\d`, `cc{0x30-0x39}`},
{`\D`, `cc{0x0-0x2f 0x3a-0x10ffff}`},
{`\s`, `cc{0x9-0xa 0xc-0xd 0x20}`},
{`\S`, `cc{0x0-0x8 0xb 0xe-0x1f 0x21-0x10ffff}`},
{`\w`, `cc{0x30-0x39 0x41-0x5a 0x5f 0x61-0x7a}`},
{`\W`, `cc{0x0-0x2f 0x3a-0x40 0x5b-0x5e 0x60 0x7b-0x10ffff}`},
{`(?i)\w`, `cc{0x30-0x39 0x41-0x5a 0x5f 0x61-0x7a 0x17f 0x212a}`},
{`(?i)\W`, `cc{0x0-0x2f 0x3a-0x40 0x5b-0x5e 0x60 0x7b-0x17e 0x180-0x2129 0x212b-0x10ffff}`},
{`[^\\]`, `cc{0x0-0x5b 0x5d-0x10ffff}`},
// { `\C`, `byte{}` }, // probably never
// Unicode, negatives, and a double negative.
{"\\p{Braille}", "cc{0x2800-0x28ff}"},
{"\\P{Braille}", "cc{0x0-0x27ff 0x2900-0x10ffff}"},
{"\\p{^Braille}", "cc{0x0-0x27ff 0x2900-0x10ffff}"},
{"\\P{^Braille}", "cc{0x2800-0x28ff}"},
{"\\pZ", "cc{0x20 0xa0 0x1680 0x180e 0x2000-0x200a 0x2028-0x2029 0x202f 0x205f 0x3000}"},
{"[\\p{Braille}]", "cc{0x2800-0x28ff}"},
{"[\\P{Braille}]", "cc{0x0-0x27ff 0x2900-0x10ffff}"},
{"[\\p{^Braille}]", "cc{0x0-0x27ff 0x2900-0x10ffff}"},
{"[\\P{^Braille}]", "cc{0x2800-0x28ff}"},
{"[\\pZ]", "cc{0x20 0xa0 0x1680 0x180e 0x2000-0x200a 0x2028-0x2029 0x202f 0x205f 0x3000}"},
{"\\p{Lu}", mkCharClass(unicode.IsUpper)},
{"[\\p{Lu}]", mkCharClass(unicode.IsUpper)},
{"(?i)[\\p{Lu}]", mkCharClass(isUpperFold)},
{`\p{Braille}`, `cc{0x2800-0x28ff}`},
{`\P{Braille}`, `cc{0x0-0x27ff 0x2900-0x10ffff}`},
{`\p{^Braille}`, `cc{0x0-0x27ff 0x2900-0x10ffff}`},
{`\P{^Braille}`, `cc{0x2800-0x28ff}`},
{`\pZ`, `cc{0x20 0xa0 0x1680 0x180e 0x2000-0x200a 0x2028-0x2029 0x202f 0x205f 0x3000}`},
{`[\p{Braille}]`, `cc{0x2800-0x28ff}`},
{`[\P{Braille}]`, `cc{0x0-0x27ff 0x2900-0x10ffff}`},
{`[\p{^Braille}]`, `cc{0x0-0x27ff 0x2900-0x10ffff}`},
{`[\P{^Braille}]`, `cc{0x2800-0x28ff}`},
{`[\pZ]`, `cc{0x20 0xa0 0x1680 0x180e 0x2000-0x200a 0x2028-0x2029 0x202f 0x205f 0x3000}`},
{`\p{Lu}`, mkCharClass(unicode.IsUpper)},
{`[\p{Lu}]`, mkCharClass(unicode.IsUpper)},
{`(?i)[\p{Lu}]`, mkCharClass(isUpperFold)},
// Hex, octal.
{"[\\012-\\234]\\141", "cat{cc{0xa-0x9c}lit{a}}"},
{"[\\x{41}-\\x7a]\\x61", "cat{cc{0x41-0x7a}lit{a}}"},
{`[\012-\234]\141`, `cat{cc{0xa-0x9c}lit{a}}`},
{`[\x{41}-\x7a]\x61`, `cat{cc{0x41-0x7a}lit{a}}`},
// More interesting regular expressions.
// { "a{,2}", "str{a{,2}}" },
// { "\\.\\^\\$\\\\", "str{.^$\\}" },
{"[a-zABC]", "cc{0x41-0x43 0x61-0x7a}"},
{"[^a]", "cc{0x0-0x60 0x62-0x10ffff}"},
{"[\xce\xb1-\xce\xb5\xe2\x98\xba]", "cc{0x3b1-0x3b5 0x263a}"}, // utf-8
{"a*{", "cat{star{lit{a}}lit{{}}"},
{`a{,2}`, `str{a{,2}}`},
{`\.\^\$\\`, `str{.^$\}`},
{`[a-zABC]`, `cc{0x41-0x43 0x61-0x7a}`},
{`[^a]`, `cc{0x0-0x60 0x62-0x10ffff}`},
{`[α-ε☺]`, `cc{0x3b1-0x3b5 0x263a}`}, // utf-8
{`a*{`, `cat{star{lit{a}}lit{{}}`},
// Test precedences
// { "(?:ab)*", "star{str{ab}}" },
// { "(ab)*", "star{cap{str{ab}}}" },
// { "ab|cd", "alt{str{ab}str{cd}}" },
// { "a(b|c)d", "cat{lit{a}cap{cc{0x62-0x63}}lit{d}}" },
{"(?:ab)*", "star{cat{lit{a}lit{b}}}"},
{"(ab)*", "star{cap{cat{lit{a}lit{b}}}}"},
{"ab|cd", "alt{cat{lit{a}lit{b}}cat{lit{c}lit{d}}}"},
{"a(b|c)d", "cat{lit{a}cap{alt{lit{b}lit{c}}}lit{d}}"},
{`(?:ab)*`, `star{str{ab}}`},
{`(ab)*`, `star{cap{str{ab}}}`},
{`ab|cd`, `alt{str{ab}str{cd}}`},
{`a(b|c)d`, `cat{lit{a}cap{cc{0x62-0x63}}lit{d}}`},
// Test flattening.
{"(?:a)", "lit{a}"},
// { "(?:ab)(?:cd)", "str{abcd}" },
// { "(?:a|b)|(?:c|d)", "cc{0x61-0x64}" },
// { "a|.", "dot{}" },
// { ".|a", "dot{}" },
{`(?:a)`, `lit{a}`},
{`(?:ab)(?:cd)`, `str{abcd}`},
{`(?:a+b+)(?:c+d+)`, `cat{plus{lit{a}}plus{lit{b}}plus{lit{c}}plus{lit{d}}}`},
{`(?:a+|b+)|(?:c+|d+)`, `alt{plus{lit{a}}plus{lit{b}}plus{lit{c}}plus{lit{d}}}`},
{`(?:a|b)|(?:c|d)`, `cc{0x61-0x64}`},
{`a|.`, `dot{}`},
{`.|a`, `dot{}`},
{`(?:[abc]|A|Z|hello|world)`, `alt{cc{0x41 0x5a 0x61-0x63}str{hello}str{world}}`},
{`(?:[abc]|A|Z)`, `cc{0x41 0x5a 0x61-0x63}`},
// Test Perl quoted literals
{"\\Q+|*?{[\\E", "str{+|*?{[}"},
{"\\Q+\\E+", "plus{lit{+}}"},
{"\\Q\\\\E", "lit{\\}"},
{"\\Q\\\\\\E", "str{\\\\}"},
{`\Q+|*?{[\E`, `str{+|*?{[}`},
{`\Q+\E+`, `plus{lit{+}}`},
{`\Q\\E`, `lit{\}`},
{`\Q\\\E`, `str{\\}`},
// Test Perl \A and \z
{"(?m)^", "bol{}"},
{"(?m)$", "eol{}"},
{"(?-m)^", "bot{}"},
{"(?-m)$", "eot{}"},
{"(?m)\\A", "bot{}"},
{"(?m)\\z", "eot{\\z}"},
{"(?-m)\\A", "bot{}"},
{"(?-m)\\z", "eot{\\z}"},
{`(?m)^`, `bol{}`},
{`(?m)$`, `eol{}`},
{`(?-m)^`, `bot{}`},
{`(?-m)$`, `eot{}`},
{`(?m)\A`, `bot{}`},
{`(?m)\z`, `eot{\z}`},
{`(?-m)\A`, `bot{}`},
{`(?-m)\z`, `eot{\z}`},
// Test named captures
{"(?P<name>a)", "cap{name:lit{a}}"},
{`(?P<name>a)`, `cap{name:lit{a}}`},
// Case-folded literals
// { "[Aa]", "litfold{a}" },
{`[Aa]`, `litfold{A}`},
{`[\x{100}\x{101}]`, `litfold{Ā}`},
{`[Δδ]`, `litfold{Δ}`},
// Strings
// { "abcde", "str{abcde}" },
// { "[Aa][Bb]cd", "cat{strfold{ab}str{cd}}" },
{`abcde`, `str{abcde}`},
{`[Aa][Bb]cd`, `cat{strfold{AB}str{cd}}`},
const testFlags = MatchNL | PerlX | UnicodeGroups
......@@ -230,8 +228,9 @@ func dumpRegexp(b *bytes.Buffer, re *Regexp) {
if re.Flags&FoldCase != 0 {
for _, r := range re.Rune {
if unicode.ToUpper(r) != r {
if unicode.SimpleFold(r) != r {
......@@ -33,6 +33,8 @@ type Regexp struct {
type Op uint8
// Operators are listed in precedence order, tightest binding to weakest.
// Character class operators are listed simplest to most complex
// (OpLiteral, OpCharClass, OpAnyCharNotNL, OpAnyChar).
const (
OpNoMatch Op = 1 + iota // matches no strings
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