Commit 8156e76e authored by Russ Cox's avatar Russ Cox

cmd/go: implement time-based trimming of build cache

Fixes #22642.

Change-Id: I2ed6305555a0cf753b9cdce061463b1749d5e53e
Run-TryBot: Russ Cox <>
TryBot-Result: Gobot Gobot <>
Reviewed-by: default avatarIan Lance Taylor <>
parent 9b8d604d
......@@ -178,9 +178,7 @@ func (c *Cache) get(id ActionID) (Entry, error) {
fmt.Fprintf(c.log, "%d get %x\n",, id)
// Best-effort attempt to update mtime on file,
// so that mtime reflects cache access time.
os.Chtimes(c.fileName(id, "a"),,
c.used(c.fileName(id, "a"))
return Entry{buf, size, time.Unix(0, tm)}, nil
......@@ -203,12 +201,95 @@ func (c *Cache) GetBytes(id ActionID) ([]byte, Entry, error) {
// OutputFile returns the name of the cache file storing output with the given OutputID.
func (c *Cache) OutputFile(out OutputID) string {
file := c.fileName(out, "d")
return file
// Time constants for cache expiration.
// We set the mtime on a cache file on each use, but at most one per mtimeInterval (1 hour),
// to avoid causing many unnecessary inode updates. The mtimes therefore
// roughly reflect "time of last use" but may in fact be older by at most an hour.
// We scan the cache for entries to delete at most once per trimInterval (1 day).
// When we do scan the cache, we delete entries that have not been used for
// at least trimLimit (5 days). Statistics gathered from a month of usage by
// Go developers found that essentially all reuse of cached entries happened
// within 5 days of the previous reuse. See
const (
mtimeInterval = 1 * time.Hour
trimInterval = 24 * time.Hour
trimLimit = 5 * 24 * time.Hour
// Best-effort attempt to update mtime on file,
// so that mtime reflects cache access time.
// used makes a best-effort attempt to update mtime on file,
// so that mtime reflects cache access time.
// Because the reflection only needs to be approximate,
// and to reduce the amount of disk activity caused by using
// cache entries, used only updates the mtime if the current
// mtime is more than an hour old. This heuristic eliminates
// nearly all of the mtime updates that would otherwise happen,
// while still keeping the mtimes useful for cache trimming.
func (c *Cache) used(file string) {
info, err := os.Stat(file)
if err == nil && < mtimeInterval {
return file
// Trim removes old cache entries that are likely not to be reused.
func (c *Cache) Trim() {
now :=
// We maintain in dir/trim.txt the time of the last completed cache trim.
// If the cache has been trimmed recently enough, do nothing.
// This is the common case.
data, _ := ioutil.ReadFile(filepath.Join(c.dir, "trim.txt"))
t, err := strconv.ParseInt(strings.TrimSpace(string(data)), 10, 64)
if err == nil && now.Sub(time.Unix(t, 0)) < trimInterval {
// Trim each of the 256 subdirectories.
// We subtract an additional mtimeInterval
// to account for the imprecision of our "last used" mtimes.
cutoff := now.Add(-trimLimit - mtimeInterval)
for i := 0; i < 256; i++ {
subdir := filepath.Join(c.dir, fmt.Sprintf("%02x", i))
c.trimSubdir(subdir, cutoff)
ioutil.WriteFile(filepath.Join(c.dir, "trim.txt"), []byte(fmt.Sprintf("%d", now.Unix())), 0666)
// trimSubdir trims a single cache subdirectory.
func (c *Cache) trimSubdir(subdir string, cutoff time.Time) {
// Read all directory entries from subdir before removing
// any files, in case removing files invalidates the file offset
// in the directory scan. Also, ignore error from f.Readdirnames,
// because we don't care about reporting the error and we still
// want to process any entries found before the error.
f, err := os.Open(subdir)
if err != nil {
names, _ := f.Readdirnames(-1)
for _, name := range names {
// Remove only cache entries (xxxx-a and xxxx-d).
if !strings.HasSuffix(name, "-a") && !strings.HasSuffix(name, "-d") {
entry := filepath.Join(subdir, name)
info, err := os.Stat(entry)
if err == nil && info.ModTime().Before(cutoff) {
// putIndexEntry adds an entry to the cache recording that executing the action
......@@ -239,6 +320,7 @@ func (c *Cache) putIndexEntry(id ActionID, out OutputID, size int64, allowVerify
return err
os.Chtimes(file,, // mainly for tests
fmt.Fprintf(c.log, "%d put %x %x %d\n",, id, out, size)
return nil
......@@ -365,6 +447,7 @@ func (c *Cache) copyFile(file io.ReadSeeker, out OutputID, size int64) error {
return err
os.Chtimes(name,, // mainly for tests
return nil
......@@ -5,7 +5,9 @@
package cache
import (
......@@ -196,3 +198,122 @@ func dummyID(x int) [HashSize]byte {
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(out[:], uint64(x))
return out
func TestCacheTrim(t *testing.T) {
dir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "cachetest-")
if err != nil {
defer os.RemoveAll(dir)
c, err := Open(dir)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Open: %v", err)
const start = 1000000000
now := int64(start) = func() time.Time { return time.Unix(now, 0) }
checkTime := func(name string, mtime int64) {
file := filepath.Join(c.dir, name[:2], name)
info, err := os.Stat(file)
if err != nil {
if info.ModTime().Unix() != mtime {
t.Fatalf("%s mtime = %d, want %d", name, info.ModTime().Unix(), mtime)
id := ActionID(dummyID(1))
c.PutBytes(id, []byte("abc"))
entry, _ := c.Get(id)
c.PutBytes(ActionID(dummyID(2)), []byte("def"))
mtime := now
checkTime(fmt.Sprintf("%x-a", id), mtime)
checkTime(fmt.Sprintf("%x-d", entry.OutputID), mtime)
// Get should not change recent mtimes.
now = start + 10
checkTime(fmt.Sprintf("%x-a", id), mtime)
checkTime(fmt.Sprintf("%x-d", entry.OutputID), mtime)
// Get should change distant mtimes.
now = start + 5000
mtime2 := now
if _, err := c.Get(id); err != nil {
checkTime(fmt.Sprintf("%x-a", id), mtime2)
checkTime(fmt.Sprintf("%x-d", entry.OutputID), mtime2)
// Trim should leave everything alone: it's all too new.
if _, err := c.Get(id); err != nil {
data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filepath.Join(dir, "trim.txt"))
if err != nil {
checkTime(fmt.Sprintf("%x-a", dummyID(2)), start)
// Trim less than a day later should not do any work at all.
now = start + 80000
if _, err := c.Get(id); err != nil {
data2, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filepath.Join(dir, "trim.txt"))
if err != nil {
if !bytes.Equal(data, data2) {
t.Fatalf("second trim did work: %q -> %q", data, data2)
// Fast forward and do another trim just before the 5 day cutoff.
// Note that because of usedQuantum the cutoff is actually 5 days + 1 hour.
// We used c.Get(id) just now, so 5 days later it should still be kept.
// On the other hand almost a full day has gone by since we wrote dummyID(2)
// and we haven't looked at it since, so 5 days later it should be gone.
now += 5 * 86400
checkTime(fmt.Sprintf("%x-a", dummyID(2)), start)
if _, err := c.Get(id); err != nil {
mtime3 := now
if _, err := c.Get(dummyID(2)); err == nil { // haven't done a Get for this since original write above
t.Fatalf("Trim did not remove dummyID(2)")
// The c.Get(id) refreshed id's mtime again.
// Check that another 5 days later it is still not gone,
// but check by using checkTime, which doesn't bring mtime forward.
now += 5 * 86400
checkTime(fmt.Sprintf("%x-a", id), mtime3)
checkTime(fmt.Sprintf("%x-d", entry.OutputID), mtime3)
// Half a day later Trim should still be a no-op, because there was a Trim recently.
// Even though the entry for id is now old enough to be trimmed,
// it gets a reprieve until the time comes for a new Trim scan.
now += 86400 / 2
checkTime(fmt.Sprintf("%x-a", id), mtime3)
checkTime(fmt.Sprintf("%x-d", entry.OutputID), mtime3)
// Another half a day later, Trim should actually run, and it should remove id.
now += 86400/2 + 1
if _, err := c.Get(dummyID(1)); err == nil {
t.Fatal("Trim did not remove dummyID(1)")
......@@ -53,6 +53,11 @@ func actionList(root *Action) []*Action {
// do runs the action graph rooted at root.
func (b *Builder) Do(root *Action) {
if c := cache.Default(); c != nil && !b.ComputeStaleOnly {
// If we're doing real work, take time at the end to trim the cache.
defer c.Trim()
// Build list of all actions, assigning depth-first post-order priority.
// The original implementation here was a true queue
// (using a channel) but it had the effect of getting
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