Commit 8295dbda authored by Russ Cox's avatar Russ Cox

cmd/go: make pattern matching tests less repetitive

Change-Id: I25db1d637dd461cec67ba70659d523b46895c113
Reviewed-on: default avatarAlan Donovan <>
parent f0a3018b
......@@ -4,60 +4,75 @@
package load
import "testing"
var matchPatternTests = []stringPairTest{
{"...", "foo", true},
{"net", "net", true},
{"net", "net/http", false},
{"net/http", "net", false},
{"net/http", "net/http", true},
{"net...", "netchan", true},
{"net...", "net", true},
{"net...", "net/http", true},
{"net...", "not/http", false},
{"net/...", "netchan", false},
{"net/...", "net", true},
{"net/...", "net/http", true},
{"net/...", "not/http", false},
import (
var matchPatternTests = `
pattern ...
match foo
pattern net
match net
not net/http
pattern net/http
match net/http
not net
pattern net...
match net net/http netchan
not not/http not/net/http
pattern net/...
match net net/http
not not/http not/net/http netchan
func TestMatchPattern(t *testing.T) {
testStringPairs(t, "matchPattern", matchPatternTests, func(pattern, name string) bool {
testPatterns(t, "matchPattern", matchPatternTests, func(pattern, name string) bool {
return matchPattern(pattern)(name)
var treeCanMatchPatternTests = []stringPairTest{
{"...", "foo", true},
{"net", "net", true},
{"net", "net/http", false},
{"net/http", "net", true},
{"net/http", "net/http", true},
{"net...", "netchan", true},
{"net...", "net", true},
{"net...", "net/http", true},
{"net...", "not/http", false},
{"net/...", "netchan", false},
{"net/...", "net", true},
{"net/...", "net/http", true},
{"net/...", "not/http", false},
{"abc.../def", "abcxyz", true},
{"abc.../def", "xyxabc", false},
{"x/y/z/...", "x", true},
{"x/y/z/...", "x/y", true},
{"x/y/z/...", "x/y/z", true},
{"x/y/z/...", "x/y/z/w", true},
{"x/y/z", "x", true},
{"x/y/z", "x/y", true},
{"x/y/z", "x/y/z", true},
{"x/y/z", "x/y/z/w", false},
{"x/.../y/z", "x/a/b/c", true},
{"x/.../y/z", "y/x/a/b/c", false},
var treeCanMatchPatternTests = `
pattern ...
match foo
pattern net
match net
not net/http
pattern net/http
match net net/http
pattern net...
match net netchan net/http
not not/http not/net/http
pattern net/...
match net net/http
not not/http netchan
pattern abc.../def
match abcxyz
not xyzabc
func TestChildrenCanMatchPattern(t *testing.T) {
testStringPairs(t, "treeCanMatchPattern", treeCanMatchPatternTests, func(pattern, name string) bool {
pattern x/y/z/...
match x x/y x/y/z x/y/z/w
pattern x/y/z
match x x/y x/y/z
not x/y/z/w
pattern x/.../y/z
match x/a/b/c
not y/x/a/b/c
func TestTreeCanMatchPattern(t *testing.T) {
testPatterns(t, "treeCanMatchPattern", treeCanMatchPatternTests, func(pattern, name string) bool {
return treeCanMatchPattern(pattern)(name)
......@@ -86,3 +101,31 @@ func testStringPairs(t *testing.T, name string, tests []stringPairTest, f func(s
func testPatterns(t *testing.T, name, tests string, fn func(string, string) bool) {
var patterns []string
for _, line := range strings.Split(tests, "\n") {
if i := strings.Index(line, "#"); i >= 0 {
line = line[:i]
f := strings.Fields(line)
if len(f) == 0 {
switch f[0] {
t.Fatalf("unknown directive %q", f[0])
case "pattern":
patterns = f[1:]
case "match", "not":
want := f[0] == "match"
for _, pattern := range patterns {
for _, in := range f[1:] {
if fn(pattern, in) != want {
t.Errorf("%s(%q, %q) = %v, want %v", name, pattern, in, !want, want)
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