Commit 83de0698 authored by Rob Pike's avatar Rob Pike

document vector

DELTA=36  (30 added, 0 deleted, 6 changed)
parent 26cb4df7
......@@ -2,14 +2,19 @@
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// The vector package implements an efficient container for managing
// linear arrays of elements. Unlike arrays, vectors can change size dynamically.
package vector
type (
Element interface {};
Vector struct {
// Element is an empty-interface object representing the contents of
// a cell in the vector.
type Element interface {}
// Vector is the container itself.
type Vector struct {
a []Element
func copy(dst, src []Element) {
......@@ -48,6 +53,9 @@ func expand(a []Element, i, n int) []Element {
// Init initializes a new or resized vector. The initial_len may be <= 0 to
// request a default length. If initial_len is shorter than the current
// length of the Vector, trailing elements of the Vector will be cleared.
func (p *Vector) Init(initial_len int) *Vector {
a := p.a;
......@@ -69,37 +77,46 @@ func (p *Vector) Init(initial_len int) *Vector {
// New returns an initialized new Vector with length at least len.
func New(len int) *Vector {
return new(Vector).Init(len)
// Len returns the number of elements in the vector.
func (p *Vector) Len() int {
return len(p.a)
// At returns the i'th element of the vector.
func (p *Vector) At(i int) Element {
return p.a[i]
// Set sets the i'th element of the vector to value x.
func (p *Vector) Set(i int, x Element) {
p.a[i] = x
// Last returns the element in the vector of highest index.
func (p *Vector) Last() Element {
return p.a[len(p.a) - 1]
// Insert inserts into the vector an element of value x before
// the current element at index i.
func (p *Vector) Insert(i int, x Element) {
p.a = expand(p.a, i, 1);
p.a[i] = x;
// Delete deletes the i'th element of the vector. The gap is closed so the old
// element at index i+1 has index i afterwards.
func (p *Vector) Delete(i int) Element {
a := p.a;
n := len(a);
......@@ -113,12 +130,15 @@ func (p *Vector) Delete(i int) Element {
// InsertVector inserts into the vector the contents of the Vector
// x such that the 0th element of x appears at index i after insertion.
func (p *Vector) InsertVector(i int, x *Vector) {
p.a = expand(p.a, i, len(x.a));
copy(p.a[i : i + len(x.a)], x.a);
// Cut deletes elements i through j-1, inclusive.
func (p *Vector) Cut(i, j int) {
a := p.a;
n := len(a);
......@@ -133,6 +153,8 @@ func (p *Vector) Cut(i, j int) {
// Slice returns a new Vector by slicing the old one to extract slice [i:j].
// The elements are copied. The original vector is unchanged.
func (p *Vector) Slice(i, j int) *Vector {
s := New(j - i); // will fail in Init() if j < j
copy(s.a, p.a[i : j]);
......@@ -140,6 +162,8 @@ func (p *Vector) Slice(i, j int) *Vector {
// Do calls function f for each element of the vector, in order.
// The function should not change the indexing of the vector underfoot.
func (p *Vector) Do(f func(elem Element)) {
for i := 0; i < len(p.a); i++ {
f(p.a[i]) // not too safe if f changes the Vector
......@@ -149,16 +173,19 @@ func (p *Vector) Do(f func(elem Element)) {
// Convenience wrappers
// Push appends x to the end of the vector.
func (p *Vector) Push(x Element) {
p.Insert(len(p.a), x)
// Push deletes the last element of the vector.
func (p *Vector) Pop() Element {
return p.Delete(len(p.a) - 1)
// AppendVector appends the entire Vector x to the end of this vector.
func (p *Vector) AppendVector(x *Vector) {
p.InsertVector(len(p.a), x);
......@@ -166,16 +193,19 @@ func (p *Vector) AppendVector(x *Vector) {
// Partial SortInterface support
// LessInterface provides partial support of the SortInterface.
type LessInterface interface {
Less(y Element) bool
// Less returns a boolean denoting whether the i'th element is less than the j'th element.
func (p *Vector) Less(i, j int) bool {
return p.a[i].(LessInterface).Less(p.a[j])
// Swap exchanges the elements at indexes i and j.
func (p *Vector) Swap(i, j int) {
a := p.a;
a[i], a[j] = a[j], a[i]
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