Commit 86463c15 authored by Russ Cox's avatar Russ Cox

cmd/vet/all: delete

The work of running full vet on std and cmd during local development
has moved to go test, which of course runs during all.bash.

For errors in other GOOS/GOARCH combinations, the misc-compile
builders (running buildall.bash) also now run go vet std cmd.

The vetall builder need not do anything anymore.
Make it a no-op until it can be retired, and remove
cmd/vet/all and its special case in the go command.

Fixes #31916.

Change-Id: I8f30d184c382ea7c2c8f520e5618f680db633968
Run-TryBot: Russ Cox <>
TryBot-Result: Gobot Gobot <>
Reviewed-by: default avatarBrad Fitzpatrick <>
parent 4f76871b
......@@ -383,22 +383,6 @@ func (t *tester) registerRaceBenchTest(pkg string) {
var stdOutErrAreTerminals func() bool
func (t *tester) registerTests() {
if strings.HasSuffix(os.Getenv("GO_BUILDER_NAME"), "-vetall") {
// Run vet over std and cmd and call it quits.
for k := range cgoEnabled {
osarch := k
t.tests = append(t.tests, distTest{
name: "vet/" + osarch,
heading: "cmd/vet/all",
fn: func(dt *distTest) error {
t.addCmd(dt, "src/cmd/vet/all", "go", "run", "main.go", "-p="+osarch)
return nil
// Fast path to avoid the ~1 second of `go list std cmd` when
// the caller lists specific tests to run. (as the continuous
// build coordinator does).
......@@ -357,7 +357,7 @@ func InitMod() {
func modFileToBuildList() {
Target = modFile.Module.Mod
targetPrefix = Target.Path
if rel := search.InDir(cwd, cfg.GOROOTsrc); rel != "" && rel != filepath.FromSlash("cmd/vet/all") {
if rel := search.InDir(cwd, cfg.GOROOTsrc); rel != "" {
targetInGorootSrc = true
if Target.Path == "std" {
targetPrefix = ""
// Copyright 2016 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// +build ignore
// The vet/all command runs go vet on the standard library and commands.
// It compares the output against a set of whitelists
// maintained in the whitelist directory.
// This program attempts to build packages from,
// which must be in your GOPATH.
package main
import (
var (
flagPlatforms = flag.String("p", "", "platform(s) to use e.g. linux/amd64,darwin/386")
flagAll = flag.Bool("all", false, "run all platforms")
flagNoLines = flag.Bool("n", false, "don't print line numbers")
var cmdGoPath string
var failed uint32 // updated atomically
func main() {
log.SetPrefix("vet/all: ")
var err error
cmdGoPath, err = testenv.GoTool()
if err != nil {
log.Print("could not find cmd/go; skipping")
// We're on a platform that can't run cmd/go.
// We want this script to be able to run as part of all.bash,
// so return cleanly rather than with exit code 1.
switch {
case *flagAll && *flagPlatforms != "":
log.Print("-all and -p flags are incompatible")
case *flagPlatforms != "":
case *flagAll:
if atomic.LoadUint32(&failed) != 0 {
var hostPlatform = platform{os: build.Default.GOOS, arch: build.Default.GOARCH}
func allPlatforms() []platform {
var pp []platform
cmd := exec.Command(cmdGoPath, "tool", "dist", "list")
cmd.Stderr = new(strings.Builder)
out, err := cmd.Output()
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("%s: %v\n%s", strings.Join(cmd.Args, " "), err, cmd.Stderr)
lines := bytes.Split(out, []byte{'\n'})
for _, line := range lines {
if len(line) == 0 {
pp = append(pp, parsePlatform(string(line)))
return pp
func parseFlagPlatforms() []platform {
var pp []platform
components := strings.Split(*flagPlatforms, ",")
for _, c := range components {
pp = append(pp, parsePlatform(c))
return pp
func parsePlatform(s string) platform {
vv := strings.Split(s, "/")
if len(vv) != 2 {
log.Fatalf("could not parse platform %s, must be of form goos/goarch", s)
return platform{os: vv[0], arch: vv[1]}
type whitelist map[string]int
// load adds entries from the whitelist file, if present, for os/arch to w.
func (w whitelist) load(goos string, goarch string) {
sz := types.SizesFor("gc", goarch)
if sz == nil {
log.Fatalf("unknown type sizes for arch %q", goarch)
archbits := 8 * sz.Sizeof(types.Typ[types.UnsafePointer])
// Look up whether goarch has a shared arch suffix,
// such as mips64x for mips64 and mips64le.
archsuff := goarch
if x, ok := archAsmX[goarch]; ok {
archsuff = x
// Load whitelists.
filenames := []string{
goos + ".txt",
goarch + ".txt",
goos + "_" + goarch + ".txt",
fmt.Sprintf("%dbit.txt", archbits),
if goarch != archsuff {
filenames = append(filenames,
// We allow error message templates using GOOS and GOARCH.
if goos == "android" {
goos = "linux" // so many special cases :(
// Read whitelists and do template substitution.
replace := strings.NewReplacer("GOOS", goos, "GOARCH", goarch, "ARCHSUFF", archsuff)
for _, filename := range filenames {
path := filepath.Join("whitelist", filename)
f, err := os.Open(path)
if err != nil {
// Allow not-exist errors; not all combinations have whitelists.
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
scan := bufio.NewScanner(f)
for scan.Scan() {
line := scan.Text()
if len(line) == 0 || strings.HasPrefix(line, "//") {
if err := scan.Err(); err != nil {
type platform struct {
os string
arch string
func (p platform) String() string {
return p.os + "/" + p.arch
// ignorePathPrefixes are file path prefixes that should be ignored wholesale.
var ignorePathPrefixes = [...]string{
// These testdata dirs have lots of intentionally broken/bad code for tests.
func vetPlatforms(pp []platform) {
for _, p := range pp {
func (p platform) vet() {
if p.os == "linux" && (p.arch == "riscv64" || p.arch == "sparc64") {
// TODO(tklauser): enable as soon as these ports have fully landed
fmt.Printf("skipping %s/%s\n", p.os, p.arch)
if p.os == "windows" && p.arch == "arm" {
// TODO(jordanrh1): enable as soon as the windows/arm port has fully landed
fmt.Println("skipping windows/arm")
var buf bytes.Buffer
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "go run main.go -p %s\n", p)
// Load whitelist(s).
w := make(whitelist)
w.load(p.os, p.arch)
var vetCmd []string
if os.Getenv("GO_BUILDER_NAME") == "" {
vetCmd = []string{cmdGoPath, "vet"}
} else {
// Build the go/packages-based vet command from the x/tools
// repo. It is considerably faster than "go vet", which rebuilds
// the standard library.
tmpdir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "cmd-vet-all")
if err != nil {
defer os.RemoveAll(tmpdir)
vetTool := filepath.Join(tmpdir, "vet")
vetCmd = []string{
// "-nilness=0", // expensive, uses SSA
cmd := exec.Command(cmdGoPath, "build", "-o", vetTool, "")
cmd.Env = append(os.Environ(),
// Setting GO111MODULE to on is redundant in master
// (Go 1.13), but not if we backport this to Go 1.11/1.12
// release branches (for our own builder usage) or if
// master ends up reverting its GO111MODULE default. If
// that happens, we want to force it on here anyway, as
// we're now depending on it.
// Use the module that cmd/vet/all is a part of:
cmd.Dir = filepath.Join(runtime.GOROOT(), "src", "cmd", "vet", "all")
// does not have a vendor directory, so don't try to use
// one in module mode.
for i, v := range cmd.Env {
if strings.HasPrefix(v, "GOFLAGS=") {
var goflags []string
for _, f := range strings.Fields(strings.TrimPrefix(v, "GOFLAGS=")) {
if f != "-mod=vendor" && f != "--mod=vendor" {
goflags = append(goflags, f)
cmd.Env[i] = strings.Join(goflags, " ")
cmd.Stderr = os.Stderr
cmd.Stdout = os.Stderr
if err := cmd.Run(); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("%s: %v", strings.Join(cmd.Args, " "), err)
// TODO: The unsafeptr checks are disabled for now,
// because there are so many false positives,
// and no clear way to improve vet to eliminate large chunks of them.
// And having them in the whitelists will just cause annoyance
// and churn when working on the runtime.
cmd := exec.Command(vetCmd[0],
cmd.Dir = filepath.Join(runtime.GOROOT(), "src")
cmd.Env = append(os.Environ(), "GOOS="+p.os, "GOARCH="+p.arch, "CGO_ENABLED=0")
stderr, err := cmd.StderrPipe()
if err != nil {
if err := cmd.Start(); err != nil {
// Process vet output.
scan := bufio.NewScanner(stderr)
var parseFailed bool
for scan.Scan() {
line := scan.Text()
if strings.HasPrefix(line, "vet: ") {
// Typecheck failure: Malformed syntax or multiple packages or the like.
// This will yield nicer error messages elsewhere, so ignore them here.
// This includes warnings from asmdecl of the form:
// "vet: foo.s:16: [amd64] cannot check cross-package assembly function"
if strings.HasPrefix(line, "panic: ") {
// Panic in vet. Don't filter anything, we want the complete output.
parseFailed = true
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "panic in vet (to reproduce: go run main.go -p %s):\n", p)
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, line)
io.Copy(os.Stderr, stderr)
if strings.HasPrefix(line, "# ") {
// 'go vet' prefixes the output of each vet invocation by a comment:
// # [package]
// Parse line.
// Assume the part before the first ": "
// is the "file:line:col: " information.
// TODO(adonovan): parse vet -json output.
var file, lineno, msg string
if i := strings.Index(line, ": "); i >= 0 {
msg = line[i+len(": "):]
words := strings.Split(line[:i], ":")
switch len(words) {
case 3:
_ = words[2] // ignore column
case 2:
lineno = words[1]
case 1:
file = words[0]
// Make the file name relative to GOROOT/src.
if rel, err := filepath.Rel(cmd.Dir, file); err == nil {
file = rel
// error: too many columns
if file == "" {
if !parseFailed {
parseFailed = true
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "failed to parse %s output:\n# %s\n", p, strings.Join(cmd.Args, " "))
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, line)
msg = strings.TrimSpace(msg)
for _, ignore := range ignorePathPrefixes {
if strings.HasPrefix(file, filepath.FromSlash(ignore)) {
continue NextLine
key := file + ": " + msg
if w[key] == 0 {
// Vet error with no match in the whitelist. Print it.
if *flagNoLines {
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "%s: %s\n", file, msg)
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "%s:%s: %s\n", file, lineno, msg)
atomic.StoreUint32(&failed, 1)
if parseFailed {
atomic.StoreUint32(&failed, 1)
if scan.Err() != nil {
log.Fatalf("failed to scan vet output: %v", scan.Err())
err = cmd.Wait()
// We expect vet to fail.
// Make sure it has failed appropriately, though (for example, not a PathError).
if _, ok := err.(*exec.ExitError); !ok {
log.Fatalf("unexpected go vet execution failure: %v", err)
printedHeader := false
if len(w) > 0 {
for k, v := range w {
if v != 0 {
if !printedHeader {
fmt.Fprintln(&buf, "unmatched whitelist entries:")
printedHeader = true
for i := 0; i < v; i++ {
fmt.Fprintln(&buf, k)
atomic.StoreUint32(&failed, 1)
// archAsmX maps architectures to the suffix usually used for their assembly files,
// if different than the arch name itself.
var archAsmX = map[string]string{
"android": "linux",
"mips64": "mips64x",
"mips64le": "mips64x",
"mips": "mipsx",
"mipsle": "mipsx",
"ppc64": "ppc64x",
"ppc64le": "ppc64x",
// Non-platform-specific vet whitelist. See readme.txt for details.
// Compiler tests that make sure even vet-failing code adheres to the spec.
cmd/compile/internal/gc/testdata/arithConst_test.go: a (64 bits) too small for shift of 4294967296
cmd/compile/internal/gc/testdata/arithConst_test.go: a (64 bits) too small for shift of 4294967296
cmd/compile/internal/gc/testdata/arithConst_test.go: a (32 bits) too small for shift of 4294967295
cmd/compile/internal/gc/testdata/arithConst_test.go: a (32 bits) too small for shift of 4294967295
cmd/compile/internal/gc/testdata/arithConst_test.go: a (16 bits) too small for shift of 65535
cmd/compile/internal/gc/testdata/arithConst_test.go: a (16 bits) too small for shift of 65535
cmd/compile/internal/gc/testdata/arithConst_test.go: a (8 bits) too small for shift of 255
cmd/compile/internal/gc/testdata/arithConst_test.go: a (8 bits) too small for shift of 255
cmd/compile/internal/gc/testdata/arith_test.go: x (64 bits) too small for shift of 100
cmd/compile/internal/gc/testdata/arith_test.go: int32(x) (32 bits) too small for shift of 4294967295
cmd/compile/internal/gc/testdata/arith_test.go: int16(x) (16 bits) too small for shift of 65535
cmd/compile/internal/gc/testdata/arith_test.go: int8(x) (8 bits) too small for shift of 255
cmd/compile/internal/gc/testdata/arith_test.go: w (32 bits) too small for shift of 32
cmd/compile/internal/gc/testdata/break_test.go: unreachable code
cmd/compile/internal/gc/testdata/break_test.go: unreachable code
cmd/compile/internal/gc/testdata/namedReturn_test.go: self-assignment of t to t
cmd/compile/internal/gc/testdata/short_test.go: unreachable code
This directory contains whitelists for vet complaints about the standard library and commands.
They are line-based and unordered, although counts of duplicated lines matter.
Each line matches vet's output, except that line numbers are removed to avoid churn.
There are also os-, arch-, and bitwidth-specific whitelists.
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