Commit 867bef93 authored by Brad Fitzpatrick's avatar Brad Fitzpatrick

database/sql: implement Scan of time.Time, document, clarify Scan error text

Fixes #9157

Change-Id: Iadf305a172a0ec53ae91e1b2db3f3351691a48ff
Reviewed-on: default avatarRuss Cox <>
Reviewed-by: default avatarAndrew Gerrand <>
parent 26397f13
......@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ import (
var errNilPtr = errors.New("destination pointer is nil") // embedded in descriptive error
......@@ -127,6 +128,18 @@ func convertAssign(dest, src interface{}) error {
*d = s
return nil
case time.Time:
switch d := dest.(type) {
case *string:
*d = s.Format(time.RFC3339Nano)
return nil
case *[]byte:
if d == nil {
return errNilPtr
*d = []byte(s.Format(time.RFC3339Nano))
return nil
case nil:
switch d := dest.(type) {
case *interface{}:
......@@ -226,7 +239,8 @@ func convertAssign(dest, src interface{}) error {
s := asString(src)
i64, err := strconv.ParseInt(s, 10, dv.Type().Bits())
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("converting string %q to a %s: %v", s, dv.Kind(), err)
err = strconvErr(err)
return fmt.Errorf("converting driver.Value type %T (%q) to a %s: %v", src, s, dv.Kind(), err)
return nil
......@@ -234,7 +248,8 @@ func convertAssign(dest, src interface{}) error {
s := asString(src)
u64, err := strconv.ParseUint(s, 10, dv.Type().Bits())
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("converting string %q to a %s: %v", s, dv.Kind(), err)
err = strconvErr(err)
return fmt.Errorf("converting driver.Value type %T (%q) to a %s: %v", src, s, dv.Kind(), err)
return nil
......@@ -242,13 +257,21 @@ func convertAssign(dest, src interface{}) error {
s := asString(src)
f64, err := strconv.ParseFloat(s, dv.Type().Bits())
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("converting string %q to a %s: %v", s, dv.Kind(), err)
err = strconvErr(err)
return fmt.Errorf("converting driver.Value type %T (%q) to a %s: %v", src, s, dv.Kind(), err)
return nil
return fmt.Errorf("unsupported driver -> Scan pair: %T -> %T", src, dest)
return fmt.Errorf("unsupported Scan, storing driver.Value type %T into type %T", src, dest)
func strconvErr(err error) error {
if ne, ok := err.(*strconv.NumError); ok {
return ne.Err
return err
func cloneBytes(b []byte) []byte {
......@@ -77,6 +77,14 @@ var conversionTests = []conversionTest{
{s: uint64(123), d: &scanstr, wantstr: "123"},
{s: 1.5, d: &scanstr, wantstr: "1.5"},
// From time.Time:
{s: time.Unix(1, 0).UTC(), d: &scanstr, wantstr: "1970-01-01T00:00:01Z"},
{s: time.Unix(1453874597, 0).In(time.FixedZone("here", -3600*8)), d: &scanstr, wantstr: "2016-01-26T22:03:17-08:00"},
{s: time.Unix(1, 2).UTC(), d: &scanstr, wantstr: "1970-01-01T00:00:01.000000002Z"},
{s: time.Time{}, d: &scanstr, wantstr: "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z"},
{s: time.Unix(1, 2).UTC(), d: &scanbytes, wantbytes: []byte("1970-01-01T00:00:01.000000002Z")},
{s: time.Unix(1, 2).UTC(), d: &scaniface, wantiface: time.Unix(1, 2).UTC()},
// To []byte
{s: nil, d: &scanbytes, wantbytes: nil},
{s: "string", d: &scanbytes, wantbytes: []byte("string")},
......@@ -104,10 +112,16 @@ var conversionTests = []conversionTest{
// Strings to integers
{s: "255", d: &scanuint8, wantuint: 255},
{s: "256", d: &scanuint8, wanterr: `converting string "256" to a uint8: strconv.ParseUint: parsing "256": value out of range`},
{s: "256", d: &scanuint8, wanterr: "converting driver.Value type string (\"256\") to a uint8: value out of range"},
{s: "256", d: &scanuint16, wantuint: 256},
{s: "-1", d: &scanint, wantint: -1},
{s: "foo", d: &scanint, wanterr: `converting string "foo" to a int: strconv.ParseInt: parsing "foo": invalid syntax`},
{s: "foo", d: &scanint, wanterr: "converting driver.Value type string (\"foo\") to a int: invalid syntax"},
// int64 to smaller integers
{s: int64(5), d: &scanuint8, wantuint: 5},
{s: int64(256), d: &scanuint8, wanterr: "converting driver.Value type int64 (\"256\") to a uint8: value out of range"},
{s: int64(256), d: &scanuint16, wantuint: 256},
{s: int64(65536), d: &scanuint16, wanterr: "converting driver.Value type int64 (\"65536\") to a uint16: value out of range"},
// True bools
{s: true, d: &scanbool, wantbool: true},
......@@ -155,7 +169,10 @@ var conversionTests = []conversionTest{
{s: 1.5, d: new(userDefined), wantusrdef: 1.5},
{s: int64(123), d: new(userDefined), wantusrdef: 123},
{s: "1.5", d: new(userDefined), wantusrdef: 1.5},
{s: []byte{1, 2, 3}, d: new(userDefinedSlice), wanterr: `unsupported driver -> Scan pair: []uint8 -> *sql.userDefinedSlice`},
{s: []byte{1, 2, 3}, d: new(userDefinedSlice), wanterr: `unsupported Scan, storing driver.Value type []uint8 into type *sql.userDefinedSlice`},
// Other errors
{s: complex(1, 2), d: &scanstr, wanterr: `unsupported Scan, storing driver.Value type complex128 into type *string`},
func intPtrValue(intptr interface{}) interface{} {
......@@ -189,8 +189,7 @@ func (n NullBool) Value() (driver.Value, error) {
type Scanner interface {
// Scan assigns a value from a database driver.
// The src value will be of one of the following restricted
// set of types:
// The src value will be of one of the following types:
// int64
// float64
......@@ -1786,17 +1785,56 @@ func (rs *Rows) Columns() ([]string, error) {
// Scan copies the columns in the current row into the values pointed
// at by dest.
// at by dest. The number of values in dest must be the same as the
// number of columns in Rows.
// If an argument has type *[]byte, Scan saves in that argument a copy
// of the corresponding data. The copy is owned by the caller and can
// be modified and held indefinitely. The copy can be avoided by using
// an argument of type *RawBytes instead; see the documentation for
// RawBytes for restrictions on its use.
// Scan converts columns read from the database into the following
// common Go types and special types provided by the sql package:
// *string
// *[]byte
// *int, *int8, *int16, *int32, *int64
// *uint, *uint8, *uint16, *uint32, *uint64
// *bool
// *float32, *float64
// *interface{}
// *RawBytes
// any type implementing Scanner (see Scanner docs)
// In the most simple case, if the type of the value from the source
// column is an integer, bool or string type T and dest is of type *T,
// Scan simply assigns the value through the pointer.
// Scan also converts between string and numeric types, as long as no
// information would be lost. While Scan stringifies all numbers
// scanned from numeric database columns into *string, scans into
// numeric types are checked for overflow. For example, a float64 with
// value 300 or a string with value "300" can scan into a uint16, but
// not into a uint8, though float64(255) or "255" can scan into a
// uint8. One exception is that scans of some float64 numbers to
// strings may lose information when stringifying. In general, scan
// floating point columns into *float64.
// If a dest argument has type *[]byte, Scan saves in that argument a
// copy of the corresponding data. The copy is owned by the caller and
// can be modified and held indefinitely. The copy can be avoided by
// using an argument of type *RawBytes instead; see the documentation
// for RawBytes for restrictions on its use.
// If an argument has type *interface{}, Scan copies the value
// provided by the underlying driver without conversion. If the value
// is of type []byte, a copy is made and the caller owns the result.
// provided by the underlying driver without conversion. When scanning
// from a source value of type []byte to *interface{}, a copy of the
// slice is made and the caller owns the result.
// Source values of type time.Time may be scanned into values of type
// *time.Time, *interface{}, *string, or *[]byte. When converting to
// the latter two, time.Format3339Nano is used.
// Source values of type bool may be scanned into types *bool,
// *interface{}, *string, *[]byte, or *RawBytes.
// For scanning into *bool, the source may be true, false, 1, 0, or
// string inputs parseable by strconv.ParseBool.
func (rs *Rows) Scan(dest ...interface{}) error {
if rs.closed {
return errors.New("sql: Rows are closed")
......@@ -1845,7 +1883,8 @@ type Row struct {
// Scan copies the columns from the matched row into the values
// pointed at by dest. If more than one row matches the query,
// pointed at by dest. See the documentation on Rows.Scan for details.
// If more than one row matches the query,
// Scan uses the first row and discards the rest. If no row matches
// the query, Scan returns ErrNoRows.
func (r *Row) Scan(dest ...interface{}) error {
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