Commit 88e86936 authored by Russ Cox's avatar Russ Cox

go/build: add dependency test

This exercises the Import function but more importantly
gives us a place to write down the policy for dependencies
within the Go tree.  It also forces us to look at the dependencies,
which may lead to adjustments.

 - go/doc imports text/template, for HTMLEscape (could fix)
 - it is impossible to use math/big without fmt (unfixable)
 - it is impossible to use crypto/rand without math/big (unfixable)

R=golang-dev, bradfitz, gri, r
parent 98c1baff
// Copyright 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// This file exercises the import parser but also checks that
// some low-level packages do not have new dependencies added.
package build_test
import (
// pkgDeps defines the expected dependencies between packages in
// the Go source tree. It is a statement of policy.
// Changes should not be made to this map without prior discussion.
// The map contains two kinds of entries:
// 1) Lower-case keys are standard import paths and list the
// allowed imports in that package.
// 2) Upper-case keys define aliases for package sets, which can then
// be used as dependencies by other rules.
var pkgDeps = map[string][]string{
// L0 is the lowest level, core, nearly unavoidable packages.
"errors": {},
"io": {"errors", "sync"},
"runtime": {"unsafe"},
"sync": {"sync/atomic"},
"sync/atomic": {"unsafe"},
"unsafe": {},
"L0": {
// L1 adds simple data and functions, most notably
// Unicode and strings processing.
"bufio": {"L0", "unicode/utf8", "bytes"},
"bytes": {"L0", "unicode", "unicode/utf8"},
"math": {"unsafe"},
"math/cmplx": {"math"},
"math/rand": {"L0", "math"},
"path": {"L0", "unicode/utf8", "strings"},
"sort": {"math"},
"strconv": {"L0", "bytes", "unicode", "unicode/utf8", "math", "strings"},
"strings": {"L0", "unicode", "unicode/utf8"},
"unicode": {},
"unicode/utf16": {},
"unicode/utf8": {},
"L1": {
// L2 adds reflection and some basic utility packages
// and interface definitions, but nothing that makes
// system calls.
"crypto": {"L1", "hash"}, // interfaces
"crypto/cipher": {"L1"}, // interfaces
"encoding/base32": {"L1"},
"encoding/base64": {"L1"},
"encoding/binary": {"L1", "reflect"},
"hash": {"L1"}, // interfaces
"hash/adler32": {"L1", "hash"},
"hash/crc32": {"L1", "hash"},
"hash/crc64": {"L1", "hash"},
"hash/fnv": {"L1", "hash"},
"image": {"L1", "image/color"}, // interfaces
"image/color": {"L1"}, // interfaces
"reflect": {"L1"},
"L2": {
// End of linear dependency definitions.
// Operating system access.
"syscall": {"L0", "unicode/utf16"},
"time": {"L0", "syscall"},
"os": {"L0", "os", "syscall", "time", "unicode/utf16"},
"path/filepath": {"L1", "os"},
"io/ioutil": {"L1", "os", "path/filepath", "time"},
"os/exec": {"L1", "os", "syscall"},
"os/signal": {"L1", "os", "syscall"},
// OS enables basic operating system functionality,
// but not direct use of package syscall, nor os/signal.
"OS": {
// Formatted I/O.
"fmt": {"L1", "OS", "reflect"},
"log": {"L1", "OS", "fmt"},
// Packages used by testing must be low-level (L1+fmt).
"regexp": {"L1", "regexp/syntax"},
"regexp/syntax": {"L1"},
"runtime/debug": {"L1", "fmt", "io/ioutil", "os"},
"runtime/pprof": {"L1", "fmt", "text/tabwriter"},
"text/tabwriter": {"L1"},
"testing": {"L1", "flag", "fmt", "os", "runtime/pprof", "time"},
"testing/iotest": {"L1", "log"},
"testing/quick": {"L1", "flag", "fmt", "reflect"},
// L3 is defined as L2+fmt+log+time, because in general once
// you're using L2 packages, use of fmt, log, or time is not a big deal.
"L3": {
// Go parser.
"go/ast": {"L3", "OS", "go/scanner", "go/token"},
"go/doc": {"L3", "go/ast", "go/token", "regexp", "text/template"},
"go/parser": {"L3", "OS", "go/ast", "go/scanner", "go/token"},
"go/printer": {"L3", "OS", "go/ast", "go/scanner", "go/token", "text/tabwriter"},
"go/scanner": {"L3", "OS", "go/token"},
"go/token": {"L3"},
// One of a kind.
"archive/tar": {"L3", "OS"},
"archive/zip": {"L3", "OS", "compress/flate"},
"compress/bzip2": {"L3"},
"compress/flate": {"L3"},
"compress/gzip": {"L3", "compress/flate"},
"compress/lzw": {"L3"},
"compress/zlib": {"L3", "compress/flate"},
"database/sql": {"L3", "database/sql/driver"},
"database/sql/driver": {"L3", "time"},
"debug/dwarf": {"L3"},
"debug/elf": {"L3", "OS", "debug/dwarf"},
"debug/gosym": {"L3"},
"debug/macho": {"L3", "OS", "debug/dwarf"},
"debug/pe": {"L3", "OS", "debug/dwarf"},
"encoding/ascii85": {"L3"},
"encoding/asn1": {"L3", "math/big"},
"encoding/csv": {"L3"},
"encoding/gob": {"L3", "OS"},
"encoding/hex": {"L3"},
"encoding/json": {"L3"},
"encoding/pem": {"L3"},
"encoding/xml": {"L3"},
"flag": {"L3", "OS"},
"go/build": {"L3", "OS", "GOPARSER"},
"html": {"L3"},
"image/draw": {"L3"},
"image/gif": {"L3", "compress/lzw"},
"image/jpeg": {"L3"},
"image/png": {"L3", "compress/zlib"},
"index/suffixarray": {"L3", "regexp"},
"math/big": {"L3"},
"mime": {"L3", "OS", "syscall"},
"net/url": {"L3"},
"text/scanner": {"L3", "OS"},
"text/template/parse": {"L3"},
"html/template": {
"L3", "OS", "encoding/json", "html", "text/template",
"text/template": {
"L3", "OS", "net/url", "text/template/parse",
// Cgo.
"runtime/cgo": {"L0", "C"},
"CGO": {"C", "runtime/cgo"},
// Fake entry to satisfy the pseudo-import "C"
// that shows up in programs that use cgo.
"C": {},
"os/user": {"L3", "CGO", "syscall"},
// Basic networking.
// TODO: Remove reflect, possibly math/rand.
"net": {"L0", "CGO", "math/rand", "os", "reflect", "sort", "syscall", "time"},
// NET enables use of basic network-related packages.
"NET": {
// Uses of networking.
"log/syslog": {"L3", "OS", "net"},
"net/mail": {"L3", "NET", "OS"},
"net/textproto": {"L3", "OS", "net"},
// Core crypto.
"crypto/aes": {"L2"},
"crypto/des": {"L2"},
"crypto/hmac": {"L2"},
"crypto/md5": {"L2"},
"crypto/rc4": {"L2"},
"crypto/sha1": {"L2"},
"crypto/sha256": {"L2"},
"crypto/sha512": {"L2"},
"crypto/subtle": {"L2"},
// Random byte, number generation.
// This would be part of core crypto except that it imports
// math/big, which imports fmt.
"crypto/rand": {"L3", "CRYPTO", "OS", "math/big", "syscall"},
// Mathematical crypto: dependencies on fmt (L3) and math/big.
// We could avoid some of the fmt, but math/big imports fmt anyway.
"crypto/dsa": {"L3", "CRYPTO", "math/big"},
"crypto/ecdsa": {"L3", "CRYPTO", "crypto/elliptic", "math/big"},
"crypto/elliptic": {"L3", "CRYPTO", "math/big"},
"crypto/rsa": {"L3", "CRYPTO", "crypto/rand", "math/big"},
"crypto/tls": {
"L3", "CRYPTO-MATH", "CGO", "OS",
"crypto/x509", "encoding/pem", "net", "syscall",
"crypto/x509": {"L3", "CRYPTO-MATH", "crypto/x509/pkix", "encoding/pem"},
"crypto/x509/pkix": {"L3", "CRYPTO-MATH"},
// Simple net+crypto-aware packages.
"mime/multipart": {"L3", "OS", "mime", "crypto/rand", "net/textproto"},
"net/smtp": {"L3", "CRYPTO", "NET", "crypto/tls"},
// HTTP, kingpin of dependencies.
"net/http": {
"L3", "NET", "OS",
"compress/gzip", "crypto/tls", "mime/multipart", "runtime/debug",
// HTTP-using packages.
"expvar": {"L3", "OS", "encoding/json", "net/http"},
"net/http/cgi": {"L3", "NET", "OS", "crypto/tls", "net/http", "regexp"},
"net/http/fcgi": {"L3", "NET", "OS", "net/http", "net/http/cgi"},
"net/http/httptest": {"L3", "NET", "OS", "crypto/tls", "flag", "net/http"},
"net/http/httputil": {"L3", "NET", "OS", "net/http"},
"net/http/pprof": {"L3", "OS", "html/template", "net/http", "runtime/pprof"},
"net/rpc": {"L3", "NET", "encoding/gob", "net/http", "text/template"},
"net/rpc/jsonrpc": {"L3", "NET", "encoding/json", "net/rpc"},
// isMacro reports whether p is a package dependency macro
// (uppercase name).
func isMacro(p string) bool {
return 'A' <= p[0] && p[0] <= 'Z'
func allowed(pkg string) map[string]bool {
m := map[string]bool{}
var allow func(string)
allow = func(p string) {
if m[p] {
m[p] = true // set even for macros, to avoid loop on cycle
// Upper-case names are macro-expanded.
if isMacro(p) {
for _, pp := range pkgDeps[p] {
for _, pp := range pkgDeps[pkg] {
return m
var bools = []bool{false, true}
var geese = []string{"darwin", "freebsd", "linux", "netbsd", "openbsd", "plan9", "windows"}
var goarches = []string{"386", "amd64", "arm"}
func TestDependencies(t *testing.T) {
var all []string
for k := range pkgDeps {
all = append(all, k)
ctxt := build.Default
test := func(mustImport bool) {
for _, pkg := range all {
if isMacro(pkg) {
p, err := ctxt.Import(pkg, "", 0)
if err != nil {
// Some of the combinations we try might not
// be reasonable (like arm,plan9,cgo), so ignore
// errors for the auto-generated combinations.
if !mustImport {
t.Errorf("%s/%s/cgo=%v %v", ctxt.GOOS, ctxt.GOARCH, ctxt.CgoEnabled, err)
ok := allowed(pkg)
var bad []string
for _, imp := range p.Imports {
if !ok[imp] {
bad = append(bad, imp)
if bad != nil {
t.Errorf("%s/%s/cgo=%v unexpected dependency: %s imports %v", ctxt.GOOS, ctxt.GOARCH, ctxt.CgoEnabled, pkg, bad)
if testing.Short() {
t.Logf("skipping other systems")
for _, ctxt.GOOS = range geese {
for _, ctxt.GOARCH = range goarches {
for _, ctxt.CgoEnabled = range bools {
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