Commit 8e714aab authored by Robert Griesemer's avatar Robert Griesemer

- removed exp/parser (support for old semicolon syntax)

- go/ast: removed StringList (not needed anymore)
- go/ast: changed import path and field list tag to a single string
- updated all dependencies

parent cf743c1b
......@@ -90,14 +90,14 @@ func openProg(name string, p *Prog) {
ws := 0
for _, spec := range d.Specs {
s, ok := spec.(*ast.ImportSpec)
if !ok || len(s.Path) != 1 || string(s.Path[0].Value) != `"C"` {
if !ok || string(s.Path.Value) != `"C"` {
d.Specs[ws] = spec
sawC = true
if s.Name != nil {
error(s.Path[0].Pos(), `cannot rename import "C"`)
error(s.Path.Pos(), `cannot rename import "C"`)
if s.Doc != nil {
p.Preamble += doc.CommentText(s.Doc) + "\n"
......@@ -168,7 +168,6 @@ func walk(x interface{}, p *Prog, context string) {
case *ast.Ident:
case *ast.Ellipsis:
case *ast.BasicLit:
case *ast.StringList:
case *ast.FuncLit:
walk(n.Type, p, "type")
walk(n.Body, p, "stmt")
......@@ -479,9 +479,7 @@ func (x *Indexer) visitSpec(spec ast.Spec, isVarDecl bool) {
case *ast.ImportSpec:
x.visitIdent(ImportDecl, n.Name)
for _, s := range n.Path {
ast.Walk(x, s)
ast.Walk(x, n.Path)
case *ast.ValueSpec:
......@@ -524,9 +522,7 @@ func (x *Indexer) Visit(node interface{}) ast.Visitor {
x.visitIdent(VarDecl, m)
ast.Walk(x, n.Type)
for _, s := range n.Tag {
ast.Walk(x, s)
ast.Walk(x, n.Tag)
case *ast.DeclStmt:
......@@ -29,14 +29,6 @@ The flags are:
tab width in spaces.
Flags to aid the transition to the new semicolon-free syntax (these flags will be
removed eventually):
parse old syntax (required semicolons).
print old syntax (required semicolons).
Debugging flags:
......@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ package main
import (
oldParser "exp/parser"
......@@ -35,9 +34,6 @@ var (
tabWidth = flag.Int("tabwidth", 8, "tab width")
tabIndent = flag.Bool("tabindent", true, "indent with tabs independent of -spaces")
useSpaces = flag.Bool("spaces", true, "align with spaces instead of tabs")
// semicolon transition
useOldParser = flag.Bool("oldparser", false, "parse old syntax (required semicolons)")
......@@ -96,16 +92,12 @@ func processFile(f *os.File) os.Error {
return err
var file *ast.File
if *useOldParser {
file, err = oldParser.ParseFile(f.Name(), src, parserMode)
} else {
var scope *ast.Scope
if *debug {
scope = ast.NewScope(nil)
file, err = parser.ParseFile(f.Name(), src, scope, parserMode)
file, err := parser.ParseFile(f.Name(), src, scope, parserMode)
if err != nil {
return err
......@@ -64,7 +64,6 @@ DIRS=\
......@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ func runTests(t *testing.T, baseName string, tests []test) {
func (a test) run(t *testing.T, name string) {
w := newTestWorld()
for _, j := range a {
src := j.code
src := j.code + ";" // trailing semicolon to finish statement
if noisy {
println("code:", src)
......@@ -627,20 +627,6 @@ func (a *exprCompiler) compile(x ast.Expr, callCtx bool) *expr {
return ei.compileStarExpr(v)
case *ast.StringList:
strings := make([]*expr, len(x.Strings))
bad := false
for i, s := range x.Strings {
strings[i] = a.compile(s, false)
if strings[i] == nil {
bad = true
if bad {
return nil
return ei.compileStringList(strings)
case *ast.StructType:
goto notimpl
......@@ -51,9 +51,6 @@ var exprTests = []test{
CErr("\"\\z\"", illegalEscape),
CErr("\"abc", "string not terminated"),
Val("\"abc\" \"def\"", "abcdef"),
CErr("\"abc\" \"\\z\"", illegalEscape),
Val("(i)", 1),
Val("ai[0]", 1),
......@@ -202,8 +202,8 @@ var stmtTests = []test{
Run("fn1 := func() int { L: goto L; i = 2 }"),
Run("fn1 := func() int { return 1; L: goto L }"),
// Scope checking
Run("fn1 := func() { { L: x:=1 } goto L }"),
CErr("fn1 := func() { { x:=1; L: } goto L }", "into scope"),
Run("fn1 := func() { { L: x:=1 }; goto L }"),
CErr("fn1 := func() { { x:=1; L: }; goto L }", "into scope"),
CErr("fn1 := func() { goto L; x:=1; L: }", "into scope"),
Run("fn1 := func() { goto L; { L: x:=1 } }"),
CErr("fn1 := func() { goto L; { x:=1; L: } }", "into scope"),
......@@ -279,10 +279,10 @@ var stmtTests = []test{
// Scoping
Val2("for i := 2; true; { i2 = i; i := 3; break }", "i", 1, "i2", 2),
// Labeled break/continue
Val1("L1: for { L2: for { i+=2; break L1; i+=4 } i+=8 }", "i", 1+2),
Val1("L1: for { L2: for { i+=2; break L2; i+=4 } i+=8; break; i+=16 }", "i", 1+2+8),
Val1("L1: for { L2: for { i+=2; break L1; i+=4 }; i+=8 }", "i", 1+2),
Val1("L1: for { L2: for { i+=2; break L2; i+=4 }; i+=8; break; i+=16 }", "i", 1+2+8),
CErr("L1: { for { break L1 } }", "break.*not defined"),
CErr("L1: for {} for { break L1 }", "break.*not defined"),
CErr("L1: for {}; for { break L1 }", "break.*not defined"),
CErr("L1:; for { break L1 }", "break.*not defined"),
Val2("L1: for i = 0; i < 2; i++ { L2: for { i2++; continue L1; i2++ } }", "i", 2, "i2", 4),
CErr("L1: { for { continue L1 } }", "continue.*not defined"),
......@@ -294,7 +294,7 @@ var stmtTests = []test{
CErr("fn1 := func() int{ for {break} }", "return"),
Run("fn1 := func() int{ for { for {break} } }"),
CErr("fn1 := func() int{ L1: for { for {break L1} } }", "return"),
Run("fn1 := func() int{ for true {} return 1 }"),
Run("fn1 := func() int{ for true {}; return 1 }"),
// Selectors
Val1("var x struct { a int; b int }; x.a = 42; i = x.a", "i", 42),
......@@ -305,7 +305,7 @@ var stmtTests = []test{
CErr("type T struct { x int }; type U struct { x int }; var y struct { T; U }; y.x = 42", "ambiguous.*\tT\\.x\n\tU\\.x"),
CErr("type T struct { *T }; var x T;", "no field"),
Val1("fib := func(int) int{return 0;}; fib = func(v int) int { if v < 2 { return 1 } return fib(v-1)+fib(v-2) }; i = fib(20)", "i", 10946),
Val1("fib := func(int) int{return 0;}; fib = func(v int) int { if v < 2 { return 1 }; return fib(v-1)+fib(v-2) }; i = fib(20)", "i", 10946),
// Make slice
Val2("x := make([]int, 2); x[0] = 42; i, i2 = x[0], x[1]", "i", 42, "i2", 0),
......@@ -335,7 +335,7 @@ var stmtTests = []test{
RErr("x := make(map[int] int); i = x[1]", "key '1' not found"),
// Functions
Val2("func fib(n int) int { if n <= 2 { return n } return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2) }", "fib(4)", 5, "fib(10)", 89),
Val2("func fib(n int) int { if n <= 2 { return n }; return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2) }", "fib(4)", 5, "fib(10)", 89),
Run("func f1(){}"),
Run2("func f1(){}", "f1()"),
......@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ package eval
import (
parser "exp/parser"
......@@ -136,13 +136,13 @@ func (e *exprCode) Run() (Value, os.Error) {
func (w *World) Compile(text string) (Code, os.Error) {
stmts, err := parser.ParseStmtList("input", text)
stmts, err := parser.ParseStmtList("input", text, nil)
if err == nil {
return w.CompileStmtList(stmts)
// Otherwise try as DeclList.
decls, err1 := parser.ParseDeclList("input", text)
decls, err1 := parser.ParseDeclList("input", text, nil)
if err1 == nil {
return w.CompileDeclList(decls)
# Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
# license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
include ../../../Make.$(GOARCH)
include ../../../Make.pkg
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// This file contains the exported entry points for invoking the parser.
package oldParser
import (
pathutil "path"
// If src != nil, readSource converts src to a []byte if possible;
// otherwise it returns an error. If src == nil, readSource returns
// the result of reading the file specified by filename.
func readSource(filename string, src interface{}) ([]byte, os.Error) {
if src != nil {
switch s := src.(type) {
case string:
return strings.Bytes(s), nil
case []byte:
return s, nil
case *bytes.Buffer:
// is io.Reader, but src is already available in []byte form
if s != nil {
return s.Bytes(), nil
case io.Reader:
var buf bytes.Buffer
_, err := io.Copy(&buf, s)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return buf.Bytes(), nil
return nil, os.ErrorString("invalid source")
return ioutil.ReadFile(filename)
// ParseExpr parses a Go expression and returns the corresponding
// AST node. The filename and src arguments have the same interpretation
// as for ParseFile. If there is an error, the result expression
// may be nil or contain a partial AST.
func ParseExpr(filename string, src interface{}) (ast.Expr, os.Error) {
data, err := readSource(filename, src)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var p parser
p.init(filename, data, 0)
return p.parseExpr(), p.GetError(scanner.Sorted)
// ParseStmtList parses a list of Go statements and returns the list
// of corresponding AST nodes. The filename and src arguments have the same
// interpretation as for ParseFile. If there is an error, the node
// list may be nil or contain partial ASTs.
func ParseStmtList(filename string, src interface{}) ([]ast.Stmt, os.Error) {
data, err := readSource(filename, src)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var p parser
p.init(filename, data, 0)
return p.parseStmtList(), p.GetError(scanner.Sorted)
// ParseDeclList parses a list of Go declarations and returns the list
// of corresponding AST nodes. The filename and src arguments have the same
// interpretation as for ParseFile. If there is an error, the node
// list may be nil or contain partial ASTs.
func ParseDeclList(filename string, src interface{}) ([]ast.Decl, os.Error) {
data, err := readSource(filename, src)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var p parser
p.init(filename, data, 0)
return p.parseDeclList(), p.GetError(scanner.Sorted)
// ParseFile parses a Go source file and returns a File node.
// If src != nil, ParseFile parses the file source from src. src may
// be provided in a variety of formats. At the moment the following types
// are supported: string, []byte, and io.Reader. In this case, filename is
// only used for source position information and error messages.
// If src == nil, ParseFile parses the file specified by filename.
// The mode parameter controls the amount of source text parsed and other
// optional parser functionality.
// If the source couldn't be read, the returned AST is nil and the error
// indicates the specific failure. If the source was read but syntax
// errors were found, the result is a partial AST (with ast.BadX nodes
// representing the fragments of erroneous source code). Multiple errors
// are returned via a scanner.ErrorList which is sorted by file position.
func ParseFile(filename string, src interface{}, mode uint) (*ast.File, os.Error) {
data, err := readSource(filename, src)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var p parser
p.init(filename, data, mode)
return p.parseFile(), p.GetError(scanner.NoMultiples)
// ParsePkgFile parses the file specified by filename and returns the
// corresponding AST. If the file cannot be read, has syntax errors, or
// does not belong to the package (i.e., pkgname != "" and the package
// name in the file doesn't match pkkname), an error is returned.
func ParsePkgFile(pkgname, filename string, mode uint) (*ast.File, os.Error) {
src, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filename)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if pkgname != "" {
prog, err := ParseFile(filename, src, PackageClauseOnly)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if prog.Name.Name() != pkgname {
return nil, os.NewError(fmt.Sprintf("multiple packages found: %s, %s", prog.Name.Name(), pkgname))
if mode == PackageClauseOnly {
return prog, nil
return ParseFile(filename, src, mode)
// ParsePackage parses all files in the directory specified by path and
// returns an AST representing the package found. The set of files may be
// restricted by providing a non-nil filter function; only the files with
// os.Dir entries passing through the filter are considered.
// If ParsePackage does not find exactly one package, it returns an error.
func ParsePackage(path string, filter func(*os.Dir) bool, mode uint) (*ast.Package, os.Error) {
fd, err := os.Open(path, os.O_RDONLY, 0)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer fd.Close()
list, err := fd.Readdir(-1)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
name := ""
files := make(map[string]*ast.File)
for i := 0; i < len(list); i++ {
entry := &list[i]
if filter == nil || filter(entry) {
filename := pathutil.Join(path, entry.Name)
src, err := ParsePkgFile(name, filename, mode)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
files[filename] = src
if name == "" {
name = src.Name.Name()
if len(files) == 0 {
return nil, os.NewError(path + ": no package found")
return &ast.Package{name, nil, files}, nil
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// A parser for "old" Go source files using the old semicolon syntax.
// Input may be provided in a variety of forms (see the various Parse*
// functions); the output is an abstract syntax tree (AST) representing
// the Go source. The oldParser is invoked through one of the Parse*
// functions.
// NOTE: This package is deprecated and will be removed once all Go code
// has been converted to using the new syntax and after a reasonable
// grace period.
package oldParser
import (
// noPos is used when there is no corresponding source position for a token.
var noPos token.Position
// The mode parameter to the Parse* functions is a set of flags (or 0).
// They control the amount of source code parsed and other optional
// parser functionality.
const (
PackageClauseOnly uint = 1 << iota // parsing stops after package clause
ImportsOnly // parsing stops after import declarations
ParseComments // parse comments and add them to AST
Trace // print a trace of parsed productions
// The parser structure holds the parser's internal state.
type parser struct {
scanner scanner.Scanner
// Tracing/debugging
mode uint // parsing mode
trace bool // == (mode & Trace != 0)
indent uint // indentation used for tracing output
// Comments
comments *ast.CommentGroup // list of collected comments
lastComment *ast.CommentGroup // last comment in the comments list
leadComment *ast.CommentGroup // the last lead comment
lineComment *ast.CommentGroup // the last line comment
// Next token
pos token.Position // token position
tok token.Token // one token look-ahead
lit []byte // token literal
// Non-syntactic parser control
optSemi bool // true if semicolon separator is optional in statement list
exprLev int // < 0: in control clause, >= 0: in expression
// Scopes
pkgScope *ast.Scope
fileScope *ast.Scope
topScope *ast.Scope
// scannerMode returns the scanner mode bits given the parser's mode bits.
func scannerMode(mode uint) uint {
if mode&ParseComments != 0 {
return scanner.ScanComments
return 0
func (p *parser) init(filename string, src []byte, mode uint) {
p.scanner.Init(filename, src, p, scannerMode(mode))
p.mode = mode
p.trace = mode&Trace != 0 // for convenience (p.trace is used frequently)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Parsing support
func (p *parser) printTrace(a ...interface{}) {
const dots = ". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " +
". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "
const n = uint(len(dots))
fmt.Printf("%5d:%3d: ", p.pos.Line, p.pos.Column)
i := 2 * p.indent
for ; i > n; i -= n {
func trace(p *parser, msg string) *parser {
p.printTrace(msg, "(")
return p
// Usage pattern: defer un(trace(p, "..."));
func un(p *parser) {
// Advance to the next token.
func (p *parser) next0() {
// Because of one-token look-ahead, print the previous token
// when tracing as it provides a more readable output. The
// very first token (p.pos.Line == 0) is not initialized (it
// is token.ILLEGAL), so don't print it .
if p.trace && p.pos.Line > 0 {
s := p.tok.String()
switch {
case p.tok.IsLiteral():
p.printTrace(s, string(p.lit))
case p.tok.IsOperator(), p.tok.IsKeyword():
p.printTrace("\"" + s + "\"")
p.pos, p.tok, p.lit = p.scanner.Scan()
p.optSemi = false
// Consume a comment and return it and the line on which it ends.
func (p *parser) consumeComment() (comment *ast.Comment, endline int) {
// /*-style comments may end on a different line than where they start.
// Scan the comment for '\n' chars and adjust endline accordingly.
endline = p.pos.Line
if p.lit[1] == '*' {
for _, b := range p.lit {
if b == '\n' {
comment = &ast.Comment{p.pos, p.lit}
// Consume a group of adjacent comments, add it to the parser's
// comments list, and return the line of which the last comment
// in the group ends. An empty line or non-comment token terminates
// a comment group.
func (p *parser) consumeCommentGroup() int {
list := new(vector.Vector)
endline := p.pos.Line
for p.tok == token.COMMENT && endline+1 >= p.pos.Line {
var comment *ast.Comment
comment, endline = p.consumeComment()
// convert list
group := make([]*ast.Comment, list.Len())
for i := 0; i < list.Len(); i++ {
group[i] = list.At(i).(*ast.Comment)
// add comment group to the comments list
g := &ast.CommentGroup{group, nil}
if p.lastComment != nil {
p.lastComment.Next = g
} else {
p.comments = g
p.lastComment = g
return endline
// Advance to the next non-comment token. In the process, collect
// any comment groups encountered, and remember the last lead and
// and line comments.
// A lead comment is a comment group that starts and ends in a
// line without any other tokens and that is followed by a non-comment
// token on the line immediately after the comment group.
// A line comment is a comment group that follows a non-comment
// token on the same line, and that has no tokens after it on the line
// where it ends.
// Lead and line comments may be considered documentation that is
// stored in the AST.
func (p *parser) next() {
p.leadComment = nil
p.lineComment = nil
line := p.pos.Line // current line
if p.tok == token.COMMENT {
if p.pos.Line == line {
// The comment is on same line as previous token; it
// cannot be a lead comment but may be a line comment.
endline := p.consumeCommentGroup()
if p.pos.Line != endline {
// The next token is on a different line, thus
// the last comment group is a line comment.
p.lineComment = p.lastComment
// consume successor comments, if any
endline := -1
for p.tok == token.COMMENT {
endline = p.consumeCommentGroup()
if endline >= 0 && endline+1 == p.pos.Line {
// The next token is following on the line immediately after the
// comment group, thus the last comment group is a lead comment.
p.leadComment = p.lastComment
func (p *parser) errorExpected(pos token.Position, msg string) {
msg = "expected " + msg
if pos.Offset == p.pos.Offset {
// the error happened at the current position;
// make the error message more specific
msg += ", found '" + p.tok.String() + "'"
if p.tok.IsLiteral() {
msg += " " + string(p.lit)
p.Error(pos, msg)
func (p *parser) expect(tok token.Token) token.Position {
pos := p.pos
if p.tok != tok {
p.errorExpected(pos, "'"+tok.String()+"'")
} // make progress in any case
return pos
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Common productions
func (p *parser) parseIdent() *ast.Ident {
obj := ast.NewObj(ast.Err, p.pos, "")
if p.tok == token.IDENT {
obj.Name = string(p.lit)
} else {
p.expect(token.IDENT) // use expect() error handling
return &ast.Ident{obj.Pos, obj}
func (p *parser) parseIdentList() []*ast.Ident {
if p.trace {
defer un(trace(p, "IdentList"))
list := new(vector.Vector)
for p.tok == token.COMMA {
// convert vector
idents := make([]*ast.Ident, list.Len())
for i := 0; i < list.Len(); i++ {
idents[i] = list.At(i).(*ast.Ident)
return idents
func (p *parser) parseExprList() []ast.Expr {
if p.trace {
defer un(trace(p, "ExpressionList"))
list := new(vector.Vector)
for p.tok == token.COMMA {
// convert list
exprs := make([]ast.Expr, list.Len())
for i := 0; i < list.Len(); i++ {
exprs[i] = list.At(i).(ast.Expr)
return exprs
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Types
func (p *parser) parseType() ast.Expr {
if p.trace {
defer un(trace(p, "Type"))
typ := p.tryType()
if typ == nil {
p.errorExpected(p.pos, "type") // make progress
return &ast.BadExpr{p.pos}
return typ
func (p *parser) parseQualifiedIdent() ast.Expr {
if p.trace {
defer un(trace(p, "QualifiedIdent"))
var x ast.Expr = p.parseIdent()
if p.tok == token.PERIOD {
// first identifier is a package identifier
sel := p.parseIdent()
x = &ast.SelectorExpr{x, sel}
return x
func (p *parser) parseTypeName() ast.Expr {
if p.trace {
defer un(trace(p, "TypeName"))
return p.parseQualifiedIdent()
func (p *parser) parseArrayType(ellipsisOk bool) ast.Expr {
if p.trace {
defer un(trace(p, "ArrayType"))
lbrack := p.expect(token.LBRACK)
var len ast.Expr
if ellipsisOk && p.tok == token.ELLIPSIS {
len = &ast.Ellipsis{p.pos, nil}
} else if p.tok != token.RBRACK {
len = p.parseExpr()
elt := p.parseType()
return &ast.ArrayType{lbrack, len, elt}
func (p *parser) makeIdentList(list *vector.Vector) []*ast.Ident {
idents := make([]*ast.Ident, list.Len())
for i := 0; i < list.Len(); i++ {
ident, isIdent := list.At(i).(*ast.Ident)
if !isIdent {
pos := list.At(i).(ast.Expr).Pos()
p.errorExpected(pos, "identifier")
idents[i] = &ast.Ident{pos, ast.NewObj(ast.Err, pos, "")}
idents[i] = ident
return idents
func (p *parser) parseFieldDecl() *ast.Field {
if p.trace {
defer un(trace(p, "FieldDecl"))
doc := p.leadComment
// a list of identifiers looks like a list of type names
list := new(vector.Vector)
for {
// TODO(gri): do not allow ()'s here
if p.tok == token.COMMA {
} else {
// if we had a list of identifiers, it must be followed by a type
typ := p.tryType()
// optional tag
var tag []*ast.BasicLit
if p.tok == token.STRING {
tag = p.parseStringList(nil)
// analyze case
var idents []*ast.Ident
if typ != nil {
// IdentifierList Type
idents = p.makeIdentList(list)
} else {
// Type (anonymous field)
if list.Len() == 1 {
// TODO(gri): check that this looks like a type
typ = list.At(0).(ast.Expr)
} else {
p.errorExpected(p.pos, "anonymous field")
typ = &ast.BadExpr{p.pos}
return &ast.Field{doc, idents, typ, tag, nil}
func (p *parser) parseStructType() *ast.StructType {
if p.trace {
defer un(trace(p, "StructType"))
pos := p.expect(token.STRUCT)
lbrace := p.expect(token.LBRACE)
list := new(vector.Vector)
for p.tok == token.IDENT || p.tok == token.MUL {
f := p.parseFieldDecl()
if p.tok != token.RBRACE {
f.Comment = p.lineComment
rbrace := p.expect(token.RBRACE)
p.optSemi = true
// convert vector
fields := make([]*ast.Field, list.Len())
for i := list.Len() - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
fields[i] = list.At(i).(*ast.Field)
return &ast.StructType{pos, lbrace, fields, rbrace, false}
func (p *parser) parsePointerType() *ast.StarExpr {
if p.trace {
defer un(trace(p, "PointerType"))
star := p.expect(token.MUL)
base := p.parseType()
return &ast.StarExpr{star, base}
func (p *parser) tryParameterType(ellipsisOk bool) ast.Expr {
if ellipsisOk && p.tok == token.ELLIPSIS {
pos := p.pos
typ := p.tryType()
if p.tok != token.RPAREN {
p.Error(pos, "can use '...' for last parameter only")
return &ast.Ellipsis{pos, typ}
return p.tryType()
func (p *parser) parseParameterType(ellipsisOk bool) ast.Expr {
typ := p.tryParameterType(ellipsisOk)
if typ == nil {
p.errorExpected(p.pos, "type") // make progress
typ = &ast.BadExpr{p.pos}
return typ
func (p *parser) parseParameterDecl(ellipsisOk bool) (*vector.Vector, ast.Expr) {
if p.trace {
defer un(trace(p, "ParameterDecl"))
// a list of identifiers looks like a list of type names
list := new(vector.Vector)
for {
// TODO(gri): do not allow ()'s here
if p.tok == token.COMMA {
} else {
// if we had a list of identifiers, it must be followed by a type
typ := p.tryParameterType(ellipsisOk)
return list, typ
func (p *parser) parseParameterList(ellipsisOk bool) []*ast.Field {
if p.trace {
defer un(trace(p, "ParameterList"))
list, typ := p.parseParameterDecl(ellipsisOk)
if typ != nil {
// IdentifierList Type
idents := p.makeIdentList(list)
list.Resize(0, 0)
list.Push(&ast.Field{nil, idents, typ, nil, nil})
for p.tok == token.COMMA {
idents := p.parseIdentList()
typ := p.parseParameterType(ellipsisOk)
list.Push(&ast.Field{nil, idents, typ, nil, nil})
} else {
// Type { "," Type } (anonymous parameters)
// convert list of types into list of *Param
for i := 0; i < list.Len(); i++ {
list.Set(i, &ast.Field{Type: list.At(i).(ast.Expr)})
// convert list
params := make([]*ast.Field, list.Len())
for i := 0; i < list.Len(); i++ {
params[i] = list.At(i).(*ast.Field)
return params
func (p *parser) parseParameters(ellipsisOk bool) []*ast.Field {
if p.trace {
defer un(trace(p, "Parameters"))
var params []*ast.Field
if p.tok != token.RPAREN {
params = p.parseParameterList(ellipsisOk)
return params
func (p *parser) parseResult() []*ast.Field {
if p.trace {
defer un(trace(p, "Result"))
var results []*ast.Field
if p.tok == token.LPAREN {
results = p.parseParameters(false)
} else if p.tok != token.FUNC {
typ := p.tryType()
if typ != nil {
results = make([]*ast.Field, 1)
results[0] = &ast.Field{Type: typ}
return results
func (p *parser) parseSignature() (params []*ast.Field, results []*ast.Field) {
if p.trace {
defer un(trace(p, "Signature"))
params = p.parseParameters(true)
results = p.parseResult()
func (p *parser) parseFuncType() *ast.FuncType {
if p.trace {
defer un(trace(p, "FuncType"))
pos := p.expect(token.FUNC)
params, results := p.parseSignature()
return &ast.FuncType{pos, params, results}
func (p *parser) parseMethodSpec() *ast.Field {
if p.trace {
defer un(trace(p, "MethodSpec"))
doc := p.leadComment
var idents []*ast.Ident
var typ ast.Expr
x := p.parseQualifiedIdent()
if ident, isIdent := x.(*ast.Ident); isIdent && p.tok == token.LPAREN {
// method
idents = []*ast.Ident{ident}
params, results := p.parseSignature()
typ = &ast.FuncType{noPos, params, results}
} else {
// embedded interface
typ = x
return &ast.Field{doc, idents, typ, nil, nil}
func (p *parser) parseInterfaceType() *ast.InterfaceType {
if p.trace {
defer un(trace(p, "InterfaceType"))
pos := p.expect(token.INTERFACE)
lbrace := p.expect(token.LBRACE)
list := new(vector.Vector)
for p.tok == token.IDENT {
m := p.parseMethodSpec()
if p.tok != token.RBRACE {
m.Comment = p.lineComment
rbrace := p.expect(token.RBRACE)
p.optSemi = true
// convert vector
methods := make([]*ast.Field, list.Len())
for i := list.Len() - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
methods[i] = list.At(i).(*ast.Field)
return &ast.InterfaceType{pos, lbrace, methods, rbrace, false}
func (p *parser) parseMapType() *ast.MapType {
if p.trace {
defer un(trace(p, "MapType"))
pos := p.expect(token.MAP)
key := p.parseType()
value := p.parseType()
return &ast.MapType{pos, key, value}
func (p *parser) parseChanType() *ast.ChanType {
if p.trace {
defer un(trace(p, "ChanType"))
pos := p.pos
dir := ast.SEND | ast.RECV
if p.tok == token.CHAN {
if p.tok == token.ARROW {
dir = ast.SEND
} else {
dir = ast.RECV
value := p.parseType()
return &ast.ChanType{pos, dir, value}
func (p *parser) tryRawType(ellipsisOk bool) ast.Expr {
switch p.tok {
case token.IDENT:
return p.parseTypeName()
case token.LBRACK:
return p.parseArrayType(ellipsisOk)
case token.STRUCT:
return p.parseStructType()
case token.MUL:
return p.parsePointerType()
case token.FUNC:
return p.parseFuncType()
case token.INTERFACE:
return p.parseInterfaceType()
case token.MAP:
return p.parseMapType()
case token.CHAN, token.ARROW:
return p.parseChanType()
case token.LPAREN:
lparen := p.pos
typ := p.parseType()
rparen := p.expect(token.RPAREN)
return &ast.ParenExpr{lparen, typ, rparen}
// no type found
return nil
func (p *parser) tryType() ast.Expr { return p.tryRawType(false) }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Blocks
func makeStmtList(list *vector.Vector) []ast.Stmt {
stats := make([]ast.Stmt, list.Len())
for i := 0; i < list.Len(); i++ {
stats[i] = list.At(i).(ast.Stmt)
return stats
func (p *parser) parseStmtList() []ast.Stmt {
if p.trace {
defer un(trace(p, "StatementList"))
list := new(vector.Vector)
expectSemi := false
for p.tok != token.CASE && p.tok != token.DEFAULT && p.tok != token.RBRACE && p.tok != token.EOF {
if expectSemi {
expectSemi = false
if p.tok == token.SEMICOLON {
} else if p.optSemi {
p.optSemi = false // "consume" optional semicolon
} else {
expectSemi = true
return makeStmtList(list)
func (p *parser) parseBlockStmt(idents []*ast.Ident) *ast.BlockStmt {
if p.trace {
defer un(trace(p, "BlockStmt"))
lbrace := p.expect(token.LBRACE)
list := p.parseStmtList()
rbrace := p.expect(token.RBRACE)
p.optSemi = true
return &ast.BlockStmt{lbrace, list, rbrace}
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Expressions
func (p *parser) parseStringList(x *ast.BasicLit) []*ast.BasicLit {
if p.trace {
defer un(trace(p, "StringList"))
list := new(vector.Vector)
if x != nil {
for p.tok == token.STRING {
list.Push(&ast.BasicLit{p.pos, token.STRING, p.lit})
// convert list
strings := make([]*ast.BasicLit, list.Len())
for i := 0; i < list.Len(); i++ {
strings[i] = list.At(i).(*ast.BasicLit)
return strings
func (p *parser) parseFuncTypeOrLit() ast.Expr {
if p.trace {
defer un(trace(p, "FuncTypeOrLit"))
typ := p.parseFuncType()
if p.tok != token.LBRACE {
// function type only
return typ
body := p.parseBlockStmt(nil)
p.optSemi = false // function body requires separating ";"
return &ast.FuncLit{typ, body}
// parseOperand may return an expression or a raw type (incl. array
// types of the form [...]T. Callers must verify the result.
func (p *parser) parseOperand() ast.Expr {
if p.trace {
defer un(trace(p, "Operand"))
switch p.tok {
case token.IDENT:
return p.parseIdent()
case token.INT, token.FLOAT, token.CHAR, token.STRING:
x := &ast.BasicLit{p.pos, p.tok, p.lit}
if p.tok == token.STRING && p.tok == token.STRING {
return &ast.StringList{p.parseStringList(x)}
return x
case token.LPAREN:
lparen := p.pos
x := p.parseExpr()
rparen := p.expect(token.RPAREN)
return &ast.ParenExpr{lparen, x, rparen}
case token.FUNC:
return p.parseFuncTypeOrLit()
t := p.tryRawType(true) // could be type for composite literal or conversion
if t != nil {
return t
p.errorExpected(p.pos, "operand") // make progress
return &ast.BadExpr{p.pos}
func (p *parser) parseSelectorOrTypeAssertion(x ast.Expr) ast.Expr {
if p.trace {
defer un(trace(p, "SelectorOrTypeAssertion"))
if p.tok == token.IDENT {
// selector
sel := p.parseIdent()
return &ast.SelectorExpr{x, sel}
// type assertion
var typ ast.Expr
if p.tok == token.TYPE {
// type switch: typ == nil
} else {
typ = p.parseType()
return &ast.TypeAssertExpr{x, typ}
func (p *parser) parseIndexOrSlice(x ast.Expr) ast.Expr {
if p.trace {
defer un(trace(p, "IndexOrSlice"))
index := p.parseExpr()
if p.tok == token.COLON {
var end ast.Expr
if p.tok != token.RBRACK {
end = p.parseExpr()
x = &ast.SliceExpr{x, index, end}
} else {
x = &ast.IndexExpr{x, index}
return x
func (p *parser) parseCallOrConversion(fun ast.Expr) *ast.CallExpr {
if p.trace {
defer un(trace(p, "CallOrConversion"))
lparen := p.expect(token.LPAREN)
var args []ast.Expr
if p.tok != token.RPAREN {
args = p.parseExprList()
rparen := p.expect(token.RPAREN)
return &ast.CallExpr{fun, lparen, args, rparen}
func (p *parser) parseElement() ast.Expr {
if p.trace {
defer un(trace(p, "Element"))
x := p.parseExpr()
if p.tok == token.COLON {
colon := p.pos
x = &ast.KeyValueExpr{x, colon, p.parseExpr()}
return x
func (p *parser) parseElementList() []ast.Expr {
if p.trace {
defer un(trace(p, "ElementList"))
list := new(vector.Vector)
for p.tok != token.RBRACE && p.tok != token.EOF {
if p.tok == token.COMMA {
} else {
// convert list
elts := make([]ast.Expr, list.Len())
for i := 0; i < list.Len(); i++ {
elts[i] = list.At(i).(ast.Expr)
return elts
func (p *parser) parseCompositeLit(typ ast.Expr) ast.Expr {
if p.trace {
defer un(trace(p, "CompositeLit"))
lbrace := p.expect(token.LBRACE)
var elts []ast.Expr
if p.tok != token.RBRACE {
elts = p.parseElementList()
rbrace := p.expect(token.RBRACE)
return &ast.CompositeLit{typ, lbrace, elts, rbrace}
// TODO(gri): Consider different approach to checking syntax after parsing:
// Provide a arguments (set of flags) to parsing functions
// restricting what they are supposed to accept depending
// on context.
// checkExpr checks that x is an expression (and not a type).
func (p *parser) checkExpr(x ast.Expr) ast.Expr {
// TODO(gri): should provide predicate in AST nodes
switch t := x.(type) {
case *ast.BadExpr:
case *ast.Ident:
case *ast.BasicLit:
case *ast.StringList:
case *ast.FuncLit:
case *ast.CompositeLit:
case *ast.ParenExpr:
case *ast.SelectorExpr:
case *ast.IndexExpr:
case *ast.SliceExpr:
case *ast.TypeAssertExpr:
if t.Type == nil {
// the form X.(type) is only allowed in type switch expressions
p.errorExpected(x.Pos(), "expression")
x = &ast.BadExpr{x.Pos()}
case *ast.CallExpr:
case *ast.StarExpr:
case *ast.UnaryExpr:
if t.Op == token.RANGE {
// the range operator is only allowed at the top of a for statement
p.errorExpected(x.Pos(), "expression")
x = &ast.BadExpr{x.Pos()}
case *ast.BinaryExpr:
// all other nodes are not proper expressions
p.errorExpected(x.Pos(), "expression")
x = &ast.BadExpr{x.Pos()}
return x
// isTypeName returns true iff x is type name.
func isTypeName(x ast.Expr) bool {
// TODO(gri): should provide predicate in AST nodes
switch t := x.(type) {
case *ast.BadExpr:
case *ast.Ident:
case *ast.ParenExpr:
return isTypeName(t.X) // TODO(gri): should (TypeName) be illegal?
case *ast.SelectorExpr:
return isTypeName(t.X)
return false // all other nodes are not type names
return true
// isCompositeLitType returns true iff x is a legal composite literal type.
func isCompositeLitType(x ast.Expr) bool {
// TODO(gri): should provide predicate in AST nodes
switch t := x.(type) {
case *ast.BadExpr:
case *ast.Ident:
case *ast.ParenExpr:
return isCompositeLitType(t.X)
case *ast.SelectorExpr:
return isTypeName(t.X)
case *ast.ArrayType:
case *ast.StructType:
case *ast.MapType:
return false // all other nodes are not legal composite literal types
return true
// checkExprOrType checks that x is an expression or a type
// (and not a raw type such as [...]T).
func (p *parser) checkExprOrType(x ast.Expr) ast.Expr {
// TODO(gri): should provide predicate in AST nodes
switch t := x.(type) {
case *ast.UnaryExpr:
if t.Op == token.RANGE {
// the range operator is only allowed at the top of a for statement
p.errorExpected(x.Pos(), "expression")
x = &ast.BadExpr{x.Pos()}
case *ast.ArrayType:
if len, isEllipsis := t.Len.(*ast.Ellipsis); isEllipsis {
p.Error(len.Pos(), "expected array length, found '...'")
x = &ast.BadExpr{x.Pos()}
// all other nodes are expressions or types
return x
func (p *parser) parsePrimaryExpr() ast.Expr {
if p.trace {
defer un(trace(p, "PrimaryExpr"))
x := p.parseOperand()
L: for {
switch p.tok {
case token.PERIOD:
x = p.parseSelectorOrTypeAssertion(p.checkExpr(x))
case token.LBRACK:
x = p.parseIndexOrSlice(p.checkExpr(x))
case token.LPAREN:
x = p.parseCallOrConversion(p.checkExprOrType(x))
case token.LBRACE:
if isCompositeLitType(x) && (p.exprLev >= 0 || !isTypeName(x)) {
x = p.parseCompositeLit(x)
} else {
break L
break L
return x
func (p *parser) parseUnaryExpr() ast.Expr {
if p.trace {
defer un(trace(p, "UnaryExpr"))
switch p.tok {
case token.ADD, token.SUB, token.NOT, token.XOR, token.ARROW, token.AND, token.RANGE:
pos, op := p.pos, p.tok
x := p.parseUnaryExpr()
return &ast.UnaryExpr{pos, op, p.checkExpr(x)}
case token.MUL:
// unary "*" expression or pointer type
pos := p.pos
x := p.parseUnaryExpr()
return &ast.StarExpr{pos, p.checkExprOrType(x)}
return p.parsePrimaryExpr()
func (p *parser) parseBinaryExpr(prec1 int) ast.Expr {
if p.trace {
defer un(trace(p, "BinaryExpr"))
x := p.parseUnaryExpr()
for prec := p.tok.Precedence(); prec >= prec1; prec-- {
for p.tok.Precedence() == prec {
pos, op := p.pos, p.tok
y := p.parseBinaryExpr(prec + 1)
x = &ast.BinaryExpr{p.checkExpr(x), pos, op, p.checkExpr(y)}
return x
// TODO(gri): parseExpr may return a type or even a raw type ([..]int) -
// should reject when a type/raw type is obviously not allowed
func (p *parser) parseExpr() ast.Expr {
if p.trace {
defer un(trace(p, "Expression"))
return p.parseBinaryExpr(token.LowestPrec + 1)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Statements
func (p *parser) parseSimpleStmt(labelOk bool) ast.Stmt {
if p.trace {
defer un(trace(p, "SimpleStmt"))
x := p.parseExprList()
switch p.tok {
case token.COLON:
// labeled statement
if labelOk && len(x) == 1 {
if label, isIdent := x[0].(*ast.Ident); isIdent {
return &ast.LabeledStmt{label, p.parseStmt()}
p.Error(x[0].Pos(), "illegal label declaration")
return &ast.BadStmt{x[0].Pos()}
token.DEFINE, token.ASSIGN, token.ADD_ASSIGN,
token.REM_ASSIGN, token.AND_ASSIGN, token.OR_ASSIGN,
// assignment statement
pos, tok := p.pos, p.tok
y := p.parseExprList()
return &ast.AssignStmt{x, pos, tok, y}
if len(x) > 1 {
p.Error(x[0].Pos(), "only one expression allowed")
// continue with first expression
if p.tok == token.INC || p.tok == token.DEC {
// increment or decrement
s := &ast.IncDecStmt{x[0], p.tok} // consume "++" or "--"
return s
// expression
return &ast.ExprStmt{x[0]}
func (p *parser) parseCallExpr() *ast.CallExpr {
x := p.parseExpr()
if call, isCall := x.(*ast.CallExpr); isCall {
return call
p.errorExpected(x.Pos(), "function/method call")
return nil
func (p *parser) parseGoStmt() ast.Stmt {
if p.trace {
defer un(trace(p, "GoStmt"))
pos := p.expect(token.GO)
call := p.parseCallExpr()
if call != nil {
return &ast.GoStmt{pos, call}
return &ast.BadStmt{pos}
func (p *parser) parseDeferStmt() ast.Stmt {
if p.trace {
defer un(trace(p, "DeferStmt"))
pos := p.expect(token.DEFER)
call := p.parseCallExpr()
if call != nil {
return &ast.DeferStmt{pos, call}
return &ast.BadStmt{pos}
func (p *parser) parseReturnStmt() *ast.ReturnStmt {
if p.trace {
defer un(trace(p, "ReturnStmt"))
pos := p.pos
var x []ast.Expr
if p.tok != token.SEMICOLON && p.tok != token.CASE && p.tok != token.DEFAULT && p.tok != token.RBRACE {
x = p.parseExprList()
return &ast.ReturnStmt{pos, x}
func (p *parser) parseBranchStmt(tok token.Token) *ast.BranchStmt {
if p.trace {
defer un(trace(p, "BranchStmt"))
s := &ast.BranchStmt{p.pos, tok, nil}
if tok != token.FALLTHROUGH && p.tok == token.IDENT {
s.Label = p.parseIdent()
return s
func (p *parser) makeExpr(s ast.Stmt) ast.Expr {
if s == nil {
return nil
if es, isExpr := s.(*ast.ExprStmt); isExpr {
return p.checkExpr(es.X)
p.Error(s.Pos(), "expected condition, found simple statement")
return &ast.BadExpr{s.Pos()}
func (p *parser) parseControlClause(isForStmt bool) (s1, s2, s3 ast.Stmt) {
if p.tok != token.LBRACE {
prevLev := p.exprLev
p.exprLev = -1
if p.tok != token.SEMICOLON {
s1 = p.parseSimpleStmt(false)
if p.tok == token.SEMICOLON {
if p.tok != token.LBRACE && p.tok != token.SEMICOLON {
s2 = p.parseSimpleStmt(false)
if isForStmt {
// for statements have a 3rd section
if p.tok != token.LBRACE {
s3 = p.parseSimpleStmt(false)
} else {
s1, s2 = nil, s1
p.exprLev = prevLev
return s1, s2, s3
func (p *parser) parseIfStmt() *ast.IfStmt {
if p.trace {
defer un(trace(p, "IfStmt"))
pos := p.expect(token.IF)
s1, s2, _ := p.parseControlClause(false)
body := p.parseBlockStmt(nil)
var else_ ast.Stmt
if p.tok == token.ELSE {
else_ = p.parseStmt()
return &ast.IfStmt{pos, s1, p.makeExpr(s2), body, else_}
func (p *parser) parseCaseClause() *ast.CaseClause {
if p.trace {
defer un(trace(p, "CaseClause"))
// SwitchCase
pos := p.pos
var x []ast.Expr
if p.tok == token.CASE {
x = p.parseExprList()
} else {
colon := p.expect(token.COLON)
body := p.parseStmtList()
return &ast.CaseClause{pos, x, colon, body}
func (p *parser) parseTypeList() []ast.Expr {
if p.trace {
defer un(trace(p, "TypeList"))
list := new(vector.Vector)
for p.tok == token.COMMA {
// convert list
exprs := make([]ast.Expr, list.Len())
for i := 0; i < list.Len(); i++ {
exprs[i] = list.At(i).(ast.Expr)
return exprs
func (p *parser) parseTypeCaseClause() *ast.TypeCaseClause {
if p.trace {
defer un(trace(p, "TypeCaseClause"))
// TypeSwitchCase
pos := p.pos
var types []ast.Expr
if p.tok == token.CASE {
types = p.parseTypeList()
} else {
colon := p.expect(token.COLON)
body := p.parseStmtList()
return &ast.TypeCaseClause{pos, types, colon, body}
func isExprSwitch(s ast.Stmt) bool {
if s == nil {
return true
if e, ok := s.(*ast.ExprStmt); ok {
if a, ok := e.X.(*ast.TypeAssertExpr); ok {
return a.Type != nil // regular type assertion
return true
return false
func (p *parser) parseSwitchStmt() ast.Stmt {
if p.trace {
defer un(trace(p, "SwitchStmt"))
pos := p.expect(token.SWITCH)
s1, s2, _ := p.parseControlClause(false)
if isExprSwitch(s2) {
lbrace := p.expect(token.LBRACE)
cases := new(vector.Vector)
for p.tok == token.CASE || p.tok == token.DEFAULT {
rbrace := p.expect(token.RBRACE)
p.optSemi = true
body := &ast.BlockStmt{lbrace, makeStmtList(cases), rbrace}
return &ast.SwitchStmt{pos, s1, p.makeExpr(s2), body}
// type switch
// TODO(gri): do all the checks!
lbrace := p.expect(token.LBRACE)
cases := new(vector.Vector)
for p.tok == token.CASE || p.tok == token.DEFAULT {
rbrace := p.expect(token.RBRACE)
p.optSemi = true
body := &ast.BlockStmt{lbrace, makeStmtList(cases), rbrace}
return &ast.TypeSwitchStmt{pos, s1, s2, body}
func (p *parser) parseCommClause() *ast.CommClause {
if p.trace {
defer un(trace(p, "CommClause"))
// CommCase
pos := p.pos
var tok token.Token
var lhs, rhs ast.Expr
if p.tok == token.CASE {
if p.tok == token.ARROW {
// RecvExpr without assignment
rhs = p.parseExpr()
} else {
// SendExpr or RecvExpr
rhs = p.parseExpr()
if p.tok == token.ASSIGN || p.tok == token.DEFINE {
// RecvExpr with assignment
tok = p.tok
lhs = rhs
if p.tok == token.ARROW {
rhs = p.parseExpr()
} else {
p.expect(token.ARROW) // use expect() error handling
// else SendExpr
} else {
colon := p.expect(token.COLON)
body := p.parseStmtList()
return &ast.CommClause{pos, tok, lhs, rhs, colon, body}
func (p *parser) parseSelectStmt() *ast.SelectStmt {
if p.trace {
defer un(trace(p, "SelectStmt"))
pos := p.expect(token.SELECT)
lbrace := p.expect(token.LBRACE)
cases := new(vector.Vector)
for p.tok == token.CASE || p.tok == token.DEFAULT {
rbrace := p.expect(token.RBRACE)
p.optSemi = true
body := &ast.BlockStmt{lbrace, makeStmtList(cases), rbrace}
return &ast.SelectStmt{pos, body}
func (p *parser) parseForStmt() ast.Stmt {
if p.trace {
defer un(trace(p, "ForStmt"))
pos := p.expect(token.FOR)
s1, s2, s3 := p.parseControlClause(true)
body := p.parseBlockStmt(nil)
if as, isAssign := s2.(*ast.AssignStmt); isAssign {
// possibly a for statement with a range clause; check assignment operator
if as.Tok != token.ASSIGN && as.Tok != token.DEFINE {
p.errorExpected(as.TokPos, "'=' or ':='")
return &ast.BadStmt{pos}
// check lhs
var key, value ast.Expr
switch len(as.Lhs) {
case 2:
value = as.Lhs[1]
case 1:
key = as.Lhs[0]
p.errorExpected(as.Lhs[0].Pos(), "1 or 2 expressions")
return &ast.BadStmt{pos}
// check rhs
if len(as.Rhs) != 1 {
p.errorExpected(as.Rhs[0].Pos(), "1 expressions")
return &ast.BadStmt{pos}
if rhs, isUnary := as.Rhs[0].(*ast.UnaryExpr); isUnary && rhs.Op == token.RANGE {
// rhs is range expression; check lhs
return &ast.RangeStmt{pos, key, value, as.TokPos, as.Tok, rhs.X, body}
} else {
p.errorExpected(s2.Pos(), "range clause")
return &ast.BadStmt{pos}
} else {
// regular for statement
return &ast.ForStmt{pos, s1, p.makeExpr(s2), s3, body}
panic() // unreachable
return nil
func (p *parser) parseStmt() ast.Stmt {
if p.trace {
defer un(trace(p, "Statement"))
switch p.tok {
case token.CONST, token.TYPE, token.VAR:
decl, _ := p.parseDecl(false) // do not consume trailing semicolon
return &ast.DeclStmt{decl}
// tokens that may start a top-level expression
token.IDENT, token.INT, token.FLOAT, token.CHAR, token.STRING, token.FUNC, token.LPAREN, // operand
token.LBRACK, token.STRUCT, // composite type
token.MUL, token.AND, token.ARROW, token.ADD, token.SUB, token.XOR: // unary operators
return p.parseSimpleStmt(true)
case token.GO:
return p.parseGoStmt()
case token.DEFER:
return p.parseDeferStmt()
case token.RETURN:
return p.parseReturnStmt()
case token.BREAK, token.CONTINUE, token.GOTO, token.FALLTHROUGH:
return p.parseBranchStmt(p.tok)
case token.LBRACE:
return p.parseBlockStmt(nil)
case token.IF:
return p.parseIfStmt()
case token.SWITCH:
return p.parseSwitchStmt()
case token.SELECT:
return p.parseSelectStmt()
case token.FOR:
return p.parseForStmt()
case token.SEMICOLON, token.RBRACE:
// don't consume the ";", it is the separator following the empty statement
return &ast.EmptyStmt{p.pos}
// no statement found
p.errorExpected(p.pos, "statement") // make progress
return &ast.BadStmt{p.pos}
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Declarations
type parseSpecFunction func(p *parser, doc *ast.CommentGroup, getSemi bool) (spec ast.Spec, gotSemi bool)
// Consume semicolon if there is one and getSemi is set, and get any line comment.
// Return the comment if any and indicate if a semicolon was consumed.
func (p *parser) parseComment(getSemi bool) (comment *ast.CommentGroup, gotSemi bool) {
if getSemi && p.tok == token.SEMICOLON {
gotSemi = true
return p.lineComment, gotSemi
func parseImportSpec(p *parser, doc *ast.CommentGroup, getSemi bool) (spec ast.Spec, gotSemi bool) {
if p.trace {
defer un(trace(p, "ImportSpec"))
var ident *ast.Ident
if p.tok == token.PERIOD {
ident = &ast.Ident{p.pos, ast.NewObj(ast.Err, p.pos, ".")}
} else if p.tok == token.IDENT {
ident = p.parseIdent()
var path []*ast.BasicLit
if p.tok == token.STRING {
path = p.parseStringList(nil)
} else {
p.expect(token.STRING) // use expect() error handling
comment, gotSemi := p.parseComment(getSemi)
return &ast.ImportSpec{doc, ident, path, comment}, gotSemi
func parseConstSpec(p *parser, doc *ast.CommentGroup, getSemi bool) (spec ast.Spec, gotSemi bool) {
if p.trace {
defer un(trace(p, "ConstSpec"))
idents := p.parseIdentList()
typ := p.tryType()
var values []ast.Expr
if typ != nil || p.tok == token.ASSIGN {
values = p.parseExprList()
comment, gotSemi := p.parseComment(getSemi)
return &ast.ValueSpec{doc, idents, typ, values, comment}, gotSemi
func parseTypeSpec(p *parser, doc *ast.CommentGroup, getSemi bool) (spec ast.Spec, gotSemi bool) {
if p.trace {
defer un(trace(p, "TypeSpec"))
ident := p.parseIdent()
typ := p.parseType()
comment, gotSemi := p.parseComment(getSemi)
return &ast.TypeSpec{doc, ident, typ, comment}, gotSemi
func parseVarSpec(p *parser, doc *ast.CommentGroup, getSemi bool) (spec ast.Spec, gotSemi bool) {
if p.trace {
defer un(trace(p, "VarSpec"))
idents := p.parseIdentList()
typ := p.tryType()
var values []ast.Expr
if typ == nil || p.tok == token.ASSIGN {
values = p.parseExprList()
comment, gotSemi := p.parseComment(getSemi)
return &ast.ValueSpec{doc, idents, typ, values, comment}, gotSemi
func (p *parser) parseGenDecl(keyword token.Token, f parseSpecFunction, getSemi bool) (decl *ast.GenDecl, gotSemi bool) {
if p.trace {
defer un(trace(p, keyword.String()+"Decl"))
doc := p.leadComment
pos := p.expect(keyword)
var lparen, rparen token.Position
list := new(vector.Vector)
if p.tok == token.LPAREN {
lparen = p.pos
for p.tok != token.RPAREN && p.tok != token.EOF {
doc := p.leadComment
spec, semi := f(p, doc, true) // consume semicolon if any
if !semi {
rparen = p.expect(token.RPAREN)
if getSemi && p.tok == token.SEMICOLON {
gotSemi = true
} else {
p.optSemi = true
} else {
spec, semi := f(p, nil, getSemi)
gotSemi = semi
// convert vector
specs := make([]ast.Spec, list.Len())
for i := 0; i < list.Len(); i++ {
specs[i] = list.At(i).(ast.Spec)
return &ast.GenDecl{doc, pos, keyword, lparen, specs, rparen}, gotSemi
func (p *parser) parseReceiver() *ast.Field {
if p.trace {
defer un(trace(p, "Receiver"))
pos := p.pos
par := p.parseParameters(false)
// must have exactly one receiver
if len(par) != 1 || len(par) == 1 && len(par[0].Names) > 1 {
p.errorExpected(pos, "exactly one receiver")
return &ast.Field{Type: &ast.BadExpr{noPos}}
recv := par[0]
// recv type must be TypeName or *TypeName
base := recv.Type
if ptr, isPtr := base.(*ast.StarExpr); isPtr {
base = ptr.X
if !isTypeName(base) {
p.errorExpected(base.Pos(), "type name")
return recv
func (p *parser) parseFunctionDecl() *ast.FuncDecl {
if p.trace {
defer un(trace(p, "FunctionDecl"))
doc := p.leadComment
pos := p.expect(token.FUNC)
var recv *ast.Field
if p.tok == token.LPAREN {
recv = p.parseReceiver()
ident := p.parseIdent()
params, results := p.parseSignature()
var body *ast.BlockStmt
if p.tok == token.LBRACE {
body = p.parseBlockStmt(nil)
return &ast.FuncDecl{doc, recv, ident, &ast.FuncType{pos, params, results}, body}
func (p *parser) parseDecl(getSemi bool) (decl ast.Decl, gotSemi bool) {
if p.trace {
defer un(trace(p, "Declaration"))
var f parseSpecFunction
switch p.tok {
case token.CONST:
f = parseConstSpec
case token.TYPE:
f = parseTypeSpec
case token.VAR:
f = parseVarSpec
case token.FUNC:
decl = p.parseFunctionDecl()
_, gotSemi := p.parseComment(getSemi)
return decl, gotSemi
pos := p.pos
p.errorExpected(pos, "declaration")
decl = &ast.BadDecl{pos}
gotSemi = getSemi && p.tok == token.SEMICOLON // make progress in any case
return decl, gotSemi
return p.parseGenDecl(p.tok, f, getSemi)
func (p *parser) parseDeclList() []ast.Decl {
if p.trace {
defer un(trace(p, "DeclList"))
list := new(vector.Vector)
for p.tok != token.EOF {
decl, _ := p.parseDecl(true) // consume optional semicolon
// convert vector
decls := make([]ast.Decl, list.Len())
for i := 0; i < list.Len(); i++ {
decls[i] = list.At(i).(ast.Decl)
return decls
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Source files
func (p *parser) parseFile() *ast.File {
if p.trace {
defer un(trace(p, "File"))
// package clause
doc := p.leadComment
pos := p.expect(token.PACKAGE)
ident := p.parseIdent()
// Common error: semicolon after package clause.
// Accept and report it for better error synchronization.
if p.tok == token.SEMICOLON {
p.Error(p.pos, "expected declaration, found ';'")
var decls []ast.Decl
// Don't bother parsing the rest if we had errors already.
// Likely not a Go source file at all.
if p.ErrorCount() == 0 && p.mode&PackageClauseOnly == 0 {
// import decls
list := new(vector.Vector)
for p.tok == token.IMPORT {
decl, _ := p.parseGenDecl(token.IMPORT, parseImportSpec, true) // consume optional semicolon
if p.mode&ImportsOnly == 0 {
// rest of package body
for p.tok != token.EOF {
decl, _ := p.parseDecl(true) // consume optional semicolon
// convert declaration list
decls = make([]ast.Decl, list.Len())
for i := 0; i < list.Len(); i++ {
decls[i] = list.At(i).(ast.Decl)
return &ast.File{doc, pos, ident, decls, p.comments}
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package oldParser
import (
var illegalInputs = []interface{}{
func TestParseIllegalInputs(t *testing.T) {
for _, src := range illegalInputs {
_, err := ParseFile("", src, 0)
if err == nil {
t.Errorf("ParseFile(%v) should have failed", src)
var validPrograms = []interface{}{
`package main`,
`package main import "fmt" func main() { fmt.Println("Hello, World!") }`,
`package main func main() { if f(T{}) {} }`,
func TestParseValidPrograms(t *testing.T) {
for _, src := range validPrograms {
_, err := ParseFile("", src, 0)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("ParseFile(%q): %v", src, err)
var validFiles = []string{
func TestParse3(t *testing.T) {
return // disabled since the parser only accepts old syntax
for _, filename := range validFiles {
_, err := ParseFile(filename, nil, 0)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("ParseFile(%s): %v", filename, err)
func nameFilter(filename string) bool {
switch filename {
case "parser.go":
case "interface.go":
case "parser_test.go":
return false
return true
func dirFilter(d *os.Dir) bool { return nameFilter(d.Name) }
func TestParse4(t *testing.T) {
return // disabled since the parser only accepts old syntax
path := "."
pkg, err := ParsePackage(path, dirFilter, 0)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("ParsePackage(%s): %v", path, err)
if pkg.Name != "oldParser" {
t.Errorf("incorrect package name: %s", pkg.Name)
for filename, _ := range pkg.Files {
if !nameFilter(filename) {
t.Errorf("unexpected package file: %s", filename)
......@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ type Field struct {
Doc *CommentGroup // associated documentation; or nil
Names []*Ident // field/method/parameter names; or nil if anonymous field
Type Expr // field/method/parameter type
Tag []*BasicLit // field tag; or nil
Tag *BasicLit // field tag; or nil
Comment *CommentGroup // line comments; or nil
......@@ -136,17 +136,6 @@ type (
Value []byte // literal string; e.g. 42, 0x7f, 3.14, 1e-9, 'a', '\x7f', "foo" or `\m\n\o`
// A StringList node represents a sequence of adjacent string literals.
// A single string literal (common case) is represented by a BasicLit
// node; StringList nodes are used only if there are two or more string
// literals in a sequence.
// TODO(gri) Deprecated. StringLists are only created by exp/parser;
// Remove when exp/parser is removed.
StringList struct {
Strings []*BasicLit // list of strings, len(Strings) > 1
// A FuncLit node represents a function literal.
FuncLit struct {
Type *FuncType // function type
......@@ -309,7 +298,6 @@ type (
// Pos() implementations for expression/type where the position
// corresponds to the position of a sub-node.
func (x *StringList) Pos() token.Position { return x.Strings[0].Pos() }
func (x *FuncLit) Pos() token.Position { return x.Type.Pos() }
func (x *CompositeLit) Pos() token.Position { return x.Type.Pos() }
func (x *SelectorExpr) Pos() token.Position { return x.X.Pos() }
......@@ -327,7 +315,6 @@ func (x *BadExpr) exprNode() {}
func (x *Ident) exprNode() {}
func (x *Ellipsis) exprNode() {}
func (x *BasicLit) exprNode() {}
func (x *StringList) exprNode() {}
func (x *FuncLit) exprNode() {}
func (x *CompositeLit) exprNode() {}
func (x *ParenExpr) exprNode() {}
......@@ -604,7 +591,7 @@ type (
ImportSpec struct {
Doc *CommentGroup // associated documentation; or nil
Name *Ident // local package name (including "."); or nil
Path []*BasicLit // package path
Path *BasicLit // package path
Comment *CommentGroup // line comments; or nil
......@@ -634,7 +621,7 @@ func (s *ImportSpec) Pos() token.Position {
if s.Name != nil {
return s.Name.Pos()
return s.Path[0].Pos()
return s.Path.Pos()
func (s *ValueSpec) Pos() token.Position { return s.Names[0].Pos() }
......@@ -74,20 +74,13 @@ func Walk(v Visitor, node interface{}) {
walkCommentGroup(v, n.Doc)
Walk(v, n.Names)
Walk(v, n.Type)
for _, x := range n.Tag {
Walk(v, x)
Walk(v, n.Tag)
walkCommentGroup(v, n.Comment)
// Expressions
case *BadExpr, *Ident, *Ellipsis, *BasicLit:
// nothing to do
case *StringList:
for _, x := range n.Strings {
Walk(v, x)
case *FuncLit:
if n != nil {
Walk(v, n.Type)
......@@ -249,9 +242,7 @@ func Walk(v Visitor, node interface{}) {
case *ImportSpec:
walkCommentGroup(v, n.Doc)
walkIdent(v, n.Name)
for _, x := range n.Path {
Walk(v, x)
Walk(v, n.Path)
walkCommentGroup(v, n.Comment)
case *ValueSpec:
......@@ -526,11 +526,10 @@ func (p *parser) parseFieldDecl() *ast.Field {
typ := p.tryType()
// optional tag
var tag []*ast.BasicLit
var tag *ast.BasicLit
if p.tok == token.STRING {
x := &ast.BasicLit{p.pos, p.tok, p.lit}
tag = &ast.BasicLit{p.pos, p.tok, p.lit}
tag = []*ast.BasicLit{x}
// analyze case
......@@ -1129,7 +1128,6 @@ func (p *parser) checkExpr(x ast.Expr) ast.Expr {
case *ast.BadExpr:
case *ast.Ident:
case *ast.BasicLit:
case *ast.StringList:
case *ast.FuncLit:
case *ast.CompositeLit:
case *ast.ParenExpr:
......@@ -1827,11 +1825,10 @@ func parseImportSpec(p *parser, doc *ast.CommentGroup) ast.Spec {
p.declIdent(p.fileScope, ident)
var path []*ast.BasicLit
var path *ast.BasicLit
if p.tok == token.STRING {
x := &ast.BasicLit{p.pos, p.tok, p.lit}
path = &ast.BasicLit{p.pos, p.tok, p.lit}
path = []*ast.BasicLit{x}
} else {
p.expect(token.STRING) // use expect() error handling
......@@ -396,7 +396,7 @@ func (p *printer) fieldList(lbrace token.Position, list []*ast.Field, rbrace tok
p.expr(&ast.StringList{f.Tag}, &ml)
p.expr(f.Tag, &ml)
extraTabs = 0
if f.Comment != nil {
......@@ -680,9 +680,6 @@ func (p *printer) expr1(expr ast.Expr, prec1, depth int, ctxt exprContext, multi
case *ast.BasicLit:
case *ast.StringList:
p.stringList(x.Strings, multiLine)
case *ast.FuncLit:
p.expr(x.Type, multiLine)
p.funcBody(x.Body, distance(x.Type.Pos(), p.pos), true, multiLine)
......@@ -1117,9 +1114,9 @@ func (p *printer) spec(spec ast.Spec, n int, context declContext, multiLine *boo
if s.Name != nil {
p.expr(s.Name, multiLine)
p.expr(&ast.StringList{s.Path}, multiLine)
p.expr(s.Path, multiLine)
comment = s.Comment
case *ast.ValueSpec:
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