Commit 8ecc4cb4 authored by David Symonds's avatar David Symonds

misc/vim: update installation instructions to work better with some Linux distributions.

Fixes #3308.

parent 6bbd12f1
Vim plugins for Go ( Vim plugins for Go (
====================================== ======================================
To use all the Vim plugins, add these lines to your vimrc. To use all the Vim plugins, add these lines to your $HOME/.vimrc.
set rtp+=$GOROOT/misc/vim " Some Linux distributions set filetype in /etc/vimrc.
" Clear filetype flags before changing runtimepath to force Vim to reload them.
filetype off
filetype plugin indent off
set runtimepath+=$GOROOT/misc/vim
filetype plugin indent on filetype plugin indent on
syntax on syntax on
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