Commit a5e42f26 authored by Robert Griesemer's avatar Robert Griesemer

go/types: fix sizeof computations

Context.Alignof/Offsetsof/Sizeof now provide means
to customize the type checker for a given platform.

- provide Context.Offsetsof to specify the
  offsets of struct fields
- use the correct sizes for ints, uint, uintptrs
  in constant computations
- moved all size computations into separate file
- fixed a bug with string constant slicing

R=adonovan, axwalk
parent 3f132a82
......@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ func (b *Builder) doImport(imports map[string]*types.Package, path string) (typk
var files []*ast.File
if b.mode&UseGCImporter != 0 {
typkg, err = types.GcImport(&b.typechecker, imports, path)
typkg, err = types.GcImport(imports, path)
} else {
files, err = b.loader(b.Prog.Files, path)
if err == nil {
......@@ -54,18 +54,21 @@ type Context struct {
// Otherwise, GcImporter is called.
Import Importer
// If Alignof != nil, it is called to determine alignment.
// Otherwise DefaultAlignmentof is called.
// Alignof must return a size > 0, in bytes. It is not called
// for arrays and structs (those alignments are based on the
// alignment of the array elements or struct fields, respectively).
// If Alignof != nil, it is called to determine the alignment
// of the given type. Otherwise DefaultAlignmentof is called.
// Alignof must implement the alignment guarantees required by
// the spec.
Alignof func(Type) int64
// If Sizeof != nil, it is called to determine sizes of types.
// Otherwise, DefaultSizeof is called.
// Sizeof must return a size >= 0, in bytes. It is not called
// for arrays and structs (those sizes are based on the sizes
// of the array elements or struct fields, respectively).
// If Offsetsof != nil, it is called to determine the offsets
// of the given struct fields, in bytes. Otherwise DefaultOffsetsof
// is called. Offsetsof must implement the offset guarantees
// required by the spec.
Offsetsof func(fields []*Field) []int64
// If Sizeof != nil, it is called to determine the size of the
// given type. Otherwise, DefaultSizeof is called. Sizeof must
// implement the size guarantees required by the spec.
Sizeof func(Type) int64
......@@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ func (check *checker) builtin(x *operand, call *ast.CallExpr, bin *builtin, iota
if x.mode == invalid {
goto Error
if !x.isAssignable(m.Key) {
if !x.isAssignable(check.ctxt, m.Key) {
check.invalidArg(x.pos(), "%s is not assignable to %s", x, m.Key)
goto Error
......@@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ func (check *checker) builtin(x *operand, call *ast.CallExpr, bin *builtin, iota
var sizes []interface{} // constant integer arguments, if any
for _, arg := range args[1:] {
check.expr(x, arg, nil, iota)
if x.isInteger() {
if x.isInteger(check.ctxt) {
if x.mode == constant {
if isNegConst(x.val) {
check.invalidArg(x.pos(), "%s must not be negative", x)
......@@ -334,12 +334,17 @@ func (check *checker) builtin(x *operand, call *ast.CallExpr, bin *builtin, iota
sel := arg.Sel.Name
res := lookupField(x.typ, QualifiedName{check.pkg, arg.Sel.Name})
if res.mode != variable {
if res.index == nil {
check.invalidArg(x.pos(), "%s has no single field %s", x, sel)
goto Error
offs := check.ctxt.offsetof(x.typ, res.index)
if offs < 0 {
check.invalidArg(x.pos(), "field %s is embedded via a pointer in %s", sel, x)
goto Error
x.mode = constant
x.val = res.offset
x.val = offs
x.typ = Typ[Uintptr]
case _Sizeof:
......@@ -448,93 +453,3 @@ func (check *checker) complexArg(x *operand) bool {
check.invalidArg(x.pos(), "%s must be a float32, float64, or an untyped non-complex numeric constant", x)
return false
func (ctxt *Context) alignof(typ Type) int64 {
// For arrays and structs, alignment is defined in terms
// of alignment of the elements and fields, respectively.
switch typ := underlying(typ).(type) {
case *Array:
// spec: "For a variable x of array type: unsafe.Alignof(x)
// is the same as unsafe.Alignof(x[0]), but at least 1."
return ctxt.alignof(typ.Elt)
case *Struct:
// spec: "For a variable x of struct type: unsafe.Alignof(x)
// is the largest of of the values unsafe.Alignof(x.f) for
// each field f of x, but at least 1."
return typ.Alignment
// externally defined Alignof
if f := ctxt.Alignof; f != nil {
if a := f(typ); a > 0 {
return a
panic("Context.Alignof returned value < 1")
// all other cases
return DefaultAlignof(typ)
// DefaultMaxAlign is the default maximum alignment, in bytes,
// used by DefaultAlignof.
const DefaultMaxAlign = 8
// DefaultAlignof implements the default alignment computation
// for unsafe.Alignof. It is used if Context.Alignof == nil.
func DefaultAlignof(typ Type) int64 {
a := DefaultSizeof(typ) // may be 0
// spec: "For a variable x of any type: unsafe.Alignof(x) is at least 1."
if a < 1 {
return 1
if a > DefaultMaxAlign {
return DefaultMaxAlign
return a
func (ctxt *Context) sizeof(typ Type) int64 {
// For arrays and structs, size is defined in terms
// of size of the elements and fields, respectively.
switch typ := underlying(typ).(type) {
case *Array:
return ctxt.sizeof(typ.Elt) * typ.Len // may be 0
case *Struct:
return typ.Size
// externally defined Sizeof
if f := ctxt.Sizeof; f != nil {
if s := f(typ); s >= 0 {
return s
panic("Context.Sizeof returned value < 0")
// all other cases
return DefaultSizeof(typ)
// DefaultPtrSize is the default size of pointers, in bytes,
// used by DefaultSizeof.
const DefaultPtrSize = 8
// DefaultSizeof implements the default size computation
// for unsafe.Sizeof. It is used if Context.Sizeof == nil.
func DefaultSizeof(typ Type) int64 {
switch typ := underlying(typ).(type) {
case *Basic:
if s := typ.size; s > 0 {
return s
if typ.Kind == String {
return DefaultPtrSize * 2
case *Array:
return DefaultSizeof(typ.Elt) * typ.Len // may be 0
case *Slice:
return DefaultPtrSize * 3
case *Struct:
return typ.Size // may be 0
case *Signature:
return DefaultPtrSize * 2
return DefaultPtrSize // catch-all
......@@ -421,9 +421,7 @@ func check(ctxt *Context, fset *token.FileSet, files []*ast.File) (pkg *Package,
// resolve identifiers
imp := ctxt.Import
if imp == nil {
imp = func(imports map[string]*Package, path string) (pkg *Package, err error) {
return GcImport(ctxt, imports, path)
imp = GcImport
methods := check.resolve(imp)
......@@ -14,8 +14,8 @@ import (
// TODO(gri) At the moment, constants are different types
// passed around as interface{} values. Consider introducing
// a Const type and use methods instead of xConst functions.
// passed around as interface{} values. Introduce a Const
// interface and use methods instead of xConst functions.
// Representation of constant values.
......@@ -49,13 +49,6 @@ func (NilType) String() string {
return "nil"
// Implementation-specific constants.
// TODO(gri) These need to go elsewhere.
const (
intBits = 32
ptrBits = 64
// Frequently used values.
var (
nilConst = NilType{}
......@@ -206,7 +199,7 @@ func isNegConst(x interface{}) bool {
// be represented as a value of the basic type Typ[as] without loss
// of precision.
func isRepresentableConst(x interface{}, as BasicKind) bool {
func isRepresentableConst(x interface{}, ctxt *Context, as BasicKind) bool {
switch x := x.(type) {
case bool:
return as == Bool || as == UntypedBool
......@@ -214,28 +207,33 @@ func isRepresentableConst(x interface{}, as BasicKind) bool {
case int64:
switch as {
case Int:
return -1<<(intBits-1) <= x && x <= 1<<(intBits-1)-1
var s = uint(ctxt.sizeof(Typ[as])) * 8
return int64(-1)<<(s-1) <= x && x <= int64(1)<<(s-1)-1
case Int8:
return -1<<(8-1) <= x && x <= 1<<(8-1)-1
const s = 8
return -1<<(s-1) <= x && x <= 1<<(s-1)-1
case Int16:
return -1<<(16-1) <= x && x <= 1<<(16-1)-1
case Int32, UntypedRune:
return -1<<(32-1) <= x && x <= 1<<(32-1)-1
const s = 16
return -1<<(s-1) <= x && x <= 1<<(s-1)-1
case Int32:
const s = 32
return -1<<(s-1) <= x && x <= 1<<(s-1)-1
case Int64:
return true
case Uint:
return 0 <= x && x <= 1<<intBits-1
case Uint, Uintptr:
var s = uint(ctxt.sizeof(Typ[as])) * 8
return 0 <= x && x <= int64(1)<<(s-1)-1
case Uint8:
return 0 <= x && x <= 1<<8-1
const s = 8
return 0 <= x && x <= 1<<s-1
case Uint16:
return 0 <= x && x <= 1<<16-1
const s = 16
return 0 <= x && x <= 1<<s-1
case Uint32:
return 0 <= x && x <= 1<<32-1
const s = 32
return 0 <= x && x <= 1<<s-1
case Uint64:
return 0 <= x
case Uintptr:
assert(ptrBits == 64)
return 0 <= x
case Float32:
return true // TODO(gri) fix this
case Float64:
......@@ -250,12 +248,11 @@ func isRepresentableConst(x interface{}, as BasicKind) bool {
case *big.Int:
switch as {
case Uint:
return x.Sign() >= 0 && x.BitLen() <= intBits
case Uint, Uintptr:
var s = uint(ctxt.sizeof(Typ[as])) * 8
return x.Sign() >= 0 && x.BitLen() <= int(s)
case Uint64:
return x.Sign() >= 0 && x.BitLen() <= 64
case Uintptr:
return x.Sign() >= 0 && x.BitLen() <= ptrBits
case Float32:
return true // TODO(gri) fix this
case Float64:
......@@ -389,7 +386,7 @@ func is63bit(x int64) bool {
// unaryOpConst returns the result of the constant evaluation op x where x is of the given type.
func unaryOpConst(x interface{}, op token.Token, typ *Basic) interface{} {
func unaryOpConst(x interface{}, ctxt *Context, op token.Token, typ *Basic) interface{} {
switch op {
case token.ADD:
return x // nothing to do
......@@ -422,21 +419,8 @@ func unaryOpConst(x interface{}, op token.Token, typ *Basic) interface{} {
// thus "too large": We must limit the result size to
// the type's size.
if typ.Info&IsUnsigned != 0 {
s := uint(typ.size) * 8
if s == 0 {
// platform-specific type
// TODO(gri) this needs to be factored out
switch typ.Kind {
case Uint:
s = intBits
case Uintptr:
s = ptrBits
// z &^= (-1)<<s
z.AndNot(&z, new(big.Int).Lsh(big.NewInt(-1), s))
s := uint(ctxt.sizeof(typ)) * 8
z.AndNot(&z, new(big.Int).Lsh(big.NewInt(-1), s)) // z &^= (-1)<<s
return normalizeIntConst(&z)
case token.NOT:
......@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ func (check *checker) conversion(x *operand, conv *ast.CallExpr, typ Type, iota
// TODO(gri) implement this
} else {
// non-constant conversion
if !x.isConvertible(typ) {
if !x.isConvertible(check.ctxt, typ) {
check.invalidOp(conv.Pos(), "cannot convert %s to %s", x, typ)
goto Error
......@@ -49,9 +49,9 @@ Error:
x.mode = invalid
func (x *operand) isConvertible(T Type) bool {
func (x *operand) isConvertible(ctxt *Context, T Type) bool {
// "x is assignable to T"
if x.isAssignable(T) {
if x.isAssignable(ctxt, T) {
return true
......@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ func (check *checker) collectFields(list *ast.FieldList, cycleOk bool) (fields [
var typ Type // current field typ
var tag string // current field tag
add := func(name string, isAnonymous bool) {
fields = append(fields, &Field{QualifiedName{check.pkg, name}, typ, tag, 0, isAnonymous})
fields = append(fields, &Field{QualifiedName{check.pkg, name}, typ, tag, isAnonymous})
for _, f := range list.List {
......@@ -164,29 +164,6 @@ func (check *checker) collectFields(list *ast.FieldList, cycleOk bool) (fields [
// align returns the smallest y >= x such that y % a == 0.
func align(x, a int64) int64 {
y := x + a - 1
return y - y%a
func (ctxt *Context) newStruct(fields []*Field) *Struct {
// spec: "For a variable x of struct type: unsafe.Alignof(x) is the largest of
// of the values unsafe.Alignof(x.f) for each field f of x, but at least 1."
maxAlign := int64(1)
var offset int64
for _, f := range fields {
a := ctxt.alignof(f.Type)
if a > maxAlign {
maxAlign = a
offset = align(offset, a)
f.Offset = offset
offset += ctxt.sizeof(f.Type)
return &Struct{fields, maxAlign, offset}
type opPredicates map[token.Token]func(Type) bool
var unaryOpPredicates = opPredicates{
......@@ -245,7 +222,7 @@ func (check *checker) unary(x *operand, op token.Token) {
if x.mode == constant {
typ := underlying(x.typ).(*Basic)
x.val = unaryOpConst(x.val, op, typ)
x.val = unaryOpConst(x.val, check.ctxt, op, typ)
// Typed constants must be representable in
// their type after each constant operation.
check.isRepresentable(x, typ)
......@@ -279,7 +256,7 @@ func (check *checker) isRepresentable(x *operand, typ *Basic) {
if !isRepresentableConst(x.val, typ.Kind) {
if !isRepresentableConst(x.val, check.ctxt, typ.Kind) {
var msg string
if isNumeric(x.typ) && isNumeric(typ) {
msg = "%s overflows %s"
......@@ -342,7 +319,7 @@ func (check *checker) comparison(x, y *operand, op token.Token) {
// TODO(gri) deal with interface vs non-interface comparison
valid := false
if x.isAssignable(y.typ) || y.isAssignable(x.typ) {
if x.isAssignable(check.ctxt, y.typ) || y.isAssignable(check.ctxt, x.typ) {
switch op {
case token.EQL, token.NEQ:
valid = isComparable(x.typ) ||
......@@ -378,7 +355,7 @@ func (check *checker) shift(x, y *operand, op token.Token, hint Type) {
switch {
case isInteger(y.typ) && isUnsigned(y.typ):
// nothing to do
case y.mode == constant && isUntyped(y.typ) && isRepresentableConst(y.val, UntypedInt):
case y.mode == constant && isUntyped(y.typ) && isRepresentableConst(y.val, check.ctxt, UntypedInt):
y.typ = Typ[UntypedInt]
check.invalidOp(y.pos(), "shift count %s must be unsigned integer", y)
......@@ -397,7 +374,7 @@ func (check *checker) shift(x, y *operand, op token.Token, hint Type) {
// constant shift - accept values of any (untyped) type
// as long as the value is representable as an integer
if x.mode == constant && isUntyped(x.typ) {
if isRepresentableConst(x.val, UntypedInt) {
if isRepresentableConst(x.val, check.ctxt, UntypedInt) {
x.typ = Typ[UntypedInt]
......@@ -512,7 +489,7 @@ func (check *checker) index(index ast.Expr, length int64, iota int) int64 {
var x operand
check.expr(&x, index, nil, iota)
if !x.isInteger() {
if !x.isInteger(check.ctxt) {
check.errorf(x.pos(), "index %s must be integer", &x)
return -1
......@@ -591,7 +568,7 @@ func (check *checker) indexedElts(elts []ast.Expr, typ Type, length int64, iota
// check element against composite literal element type
var x operand
check.expr(&x, eval, typ, iota)
if !x.isAssignable(typ) {
if !x.isAssignable(check.ctxt, typ) {
check.errorf(x.pos(), "cannot use %s as %s value in array or slice literal", &x, typ)
......@@ -799,7 +776,7 @@ func (check *checker) rawExpr(x *operand, e ast.Expr, hint Type, iota int, cycle
check.errorf(kv.Pos(), "invalid field name %s in struct literal", kv.Key)
i := utyp.fieldIndex(key.Name)
i := utyp.fieldIndex(QualifiedName{check.pkg, key.Name})
if i < 0 {
check.errorf(kv.Pos(), "unknown field %s in struct literal", key.Name)
......@@ -812,7 +789,7 @@ func (check *checker) rawExpr(x *operand, e ast.Expr, hint Type, iota int, cycle
visited[i] = true
check.expr(x, kv.Value, nil, iota)
etyp := fields[i].Type
if !x.isAssignable(etyp) {
if !x.isAssignable(check.ctxt, etyp) {
check.errorf(x.pos(), "cannot use %s as %s value in struct literal", x, etyp)
......@@ -831,7 +808,7 @@ func (check *checker) rawExpr(x *operand, e ast.Expr, hint Type, iota int, cycle
// i < len(fields)
etyp := fields[i].Type
if !x.isAssignable(etyp) {
if !x.isAssignable(check.ctxt, etyp) {
check.errorf(x.pos(), "cannot use %s as %s value in struct literal", x, etyp)
......@@ -862,7 +839,7 @@ func (check *checker) rawExpr(x *operand, e ast.Expr, hint Type, iota int, cycle
check.expr(x, kv.Key, nil, iota)
if !x.isAssignable(utyp.Key) {
if !x.isAssignable(check.ctxt, utyp.Key) {
check.errorf(x.pos(), "cannot use %s as %s key in map literal", x, utyp.Key)
......@@ -874,7 +851,7 @@ func (check *checker) rawExpr(x *operand, e ast.Expr, hint Type, iota int, cycle
visited[x.val] = true
check.expr(x, kv.Value, utyp.Elt, iota)
if !x.isAssignable(utyp.Elt) {
if !x.isAssignable(check.ctxt, utyp.Elt) {
check.errorf(x.pos(), "cannot use %s as %s value in map literal", x, utyp.Elt)
......@@ -1009,7 +986,7 @@ func (check *checker) rawExpr(x *operand, e ast.Expr, hint Type, iota int, cycle
case *Map:
var key operand
check.expr(&key, e.Index, nil, iota)
if key.mode == invalid || !key.isAssignable(typ.Key) {
if key.mode == invalid || !key.isAssignable(check.ctxt, typ.Key) {
check.invalidOp(x.pos(), "cannot use %s as map index of type %s", &key, typ.Key)
goto Error
......@@ -1049,7 +1026,11 @@ func (check *checker) rawExpr(x *operand, e ast.Expr, hint Type, iota int, cycle
// a constant) even if the string and the indices
// are constant
x.mode = value
// x.typ doesn't change
// x.typ doesn't change, but if it is an untyped
// string it becomes string (see also issue 4913).
if typ.Kind == UntypedString {
x.typ = Typ[String]
case *Array:
......@@ -1278,7 +1259,7 @@ func (check *checker) rawExpr(x *operand, e ast.Expr, hint Type, iota int, cycle
case *ast.StructType:
x.mode = typexpr
x.typ = check.ctxt.newStruct(check.collectFields(e.Fields, cycleOk))
x.typ = &Struct{Fields: check.collectFields(e.Fields, cycleOk)}
case *ast.FuncType:
params, isVariadic := check.collectParams(e.Params, true)
......@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ func FindPkg(path, srcDir string) (filename, id string) {
// can be used directly, and there is no need to call this function (but
// there is also no harm but for extra time used).
func GcImportData(ctxt *Context, imports map[string]*Package, filename, id string, data *bufio.Reader) (pkg *Package, err error) {
func GcImportData(imports map[string]*Package, filename, id string, data *bufio.Reader) (pkg *Package, err error) {
// support for gcParser error handling
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
......@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ func GcImportData(ctxt *Context, imports map[string]*Package, filename, id strin
var p gcParser
p.init(ctxt, filename, id, data, imports)
p.init(filename, id, data, imports)
pkg = p.parseExport()
......@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ func GcImportData(ctxt *Context, imports map[string]*Package, filename, id strin
// The imports map must contains all packages already imported.
// GcImport satisfies the ast.Importer signature.
func GcImport(ctxt *Context, imports map[string]*Package, path string) (pkg *Package, err error) {
func GcImport(imports map[string]*Package, path string) (pkg *Package, err error) {
if path == "unsafe" {
return Unsafe, nil
......@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ func GcImport(ctxt *Context, imports map[string]*Package, path string) (pkg *Pac
pkg, err = GcImportData(ctxt, imports, filename, id, buf)
pkg, err = GcImportData(imports, filename, id, buf)
......@@ -156,7 +156,6 @@ func GcImport(ctxt *Context, imports map[string]*Package, path string) (pkg *Pac
// gcParser parses the exports inside a gc compiler-produced
// object/archive file and populates its scope with the results.
type gcParser struct {
ctxt *Context
scanner scanner.Scanner
tok rune // current token
lit string // literal string; only valid for Ident, Int, String tokens
......@@ -164,8 +163,7 @@ type gcParser struct {
imports map[string]*Package // package id -> package object
func (p *gcParser) init(ctxt *Context, filename, id string, src io.Reader, imports map[string]*Package) {
p.ctxt = ctxt
func (p *gcParser) init(filename, id string, src io.Reader, imports map[string]*Package) {
p.scanner.Error = func(_ *scanner.Scanner, msg string) { p.error(msg) }
p.scanner.Mode = scanner.ScanIdents | scanner.ScanInts | scanner.ScanChars | scanner.ScanStrings | scanner.ScanComments | scanner.SkipComments
......@@ -494,7 +492,7 @@ func (p *gcParser) parseStructType() Type {
return p.ctxt.newStruct(fields)
return &Struct{Fields: fields}
// Parameter = ( identifier | "?" ) [ "..." ] Type [ string_lit ] .
......@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ var imports = make(map[string]*Package)
func testPath(t *testing.T, path string) bool {
t0 := time.Now()
_, err := GcImport(&Context{}, imports, path)
_, err := GcImport(imports, path)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("testPath(%s): %s", path, err)
return false
......@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ func TestGcImportedTypes(t *testing.T) {
importPath := s[0]
objName := s[1]
pkg, err := GcImport(&Context{}, imports, importPath)
pkg, err := GcImport(imports, importPath)
if err != nil {
......@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ func (x *operand) isNil() bool {
// overlapping in functionality. Need to simplify and clean up.
// isAssignable reports whether x is assignable to a variable of type T.
func (x *operand) isAssignable(T Type) bool {
func (x *operand) isAssignable(ctxt *Context, T Type) bool {
if x.mode == invalid || T == Typ[Invalid] {
return true // avoid spurious errors
......@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ func (x *operand) isAssignable(T Type) bool {
switch t := Tu.(type) {
case *Basic:
if x.mode == constant {
return isRepresentableConst(x.val, t.Kind)
return isRepresentableConst(x.val, ctxt, t.Kind)
// The result of a comparison is an untyped boolean,
// but may not be a constant.
......@@ -205,23 +205,22 @@ func (x *operand) isAssignable(T Type) bool {
// isInteger reports whether x is a (typed or untyped) integer value.
func (x *operand) isInteger() bool {
func (x *operand) isInteger(ctxt *Context) bool {
return x.mode == invalid ||
isInteger(x.typ) ||
x.mode == constant && isRepresentableConst(x.val, UntypedInt)
x.mode == constant && isRepresentableConst(x.val, ctxt, UntypedInt)
// lookupResult represents the result of a struct field/method lookup.
// TODO(gri) mode (variable for fields vs value for methods) and offset
// (>= 0 vs <0) provide redundant data - simplify!
type lookupResult struct {
mode operandMode
typ Type
offset int64 // byte offset for struct fields, <0 for methods
index []int // field index sequence; nil for methods
type embeddedType struct {
typ *NamedType
index []int // field index sequence
multiples bool // if set, typ is embedded multiple times at the same level
......@@ -238,7 +237,7 @@ func lookupFieldBreadthFirst(list []embeddedType, name QualifiedName) (res looku
var next []embeddedType
// potentialMatch is invoked every time a match is found.
potentialMatch := func(multiples bool, mode operandMode, typ Type, offset int64) bool {
potentialMatch := func(multiples bool, mode operandMode, typ Type) bool {
if multiples || res.mode != invalid {
// name appeared already at this level - annihilate
res.mode = invalid
......@@ -247,7 +246,7 @@ func lookupFieldBreadthFirst(list []embeddedType, name QualifiedName) (res looku
// first appearance of name
res.mode = mode
res.typ = typ
res.offset = offset
res.index = nil
return true
......@@ -273,7 +272,7 @@ func lookupFieldBreadthFirst(list []embeddedType, name QualifiedName) (res looku
for _, m := range typ.Methods {
if name.IsSame(m.QualifiedName) {
assert(m.Type != nil)
if !potentialMatch(e.multiples, value, m.Type, -1) {
if !potentialMatch(e.multiples, value, m.Type) {
return // name collision
......@@ -282,12 +281,16 @@ func lookupFieldBreadthFirst(list []embeddedType, name QualifiedName) (res looku
switch t := typ.Underlying.(type) {
case *Struct:
// look for a matching field and collect embedded types
for _, f := range t.Fields {
for i, f := range t.Fields {
if name.IsSame(f.QualifiedName) {
assert(f.Type != nil)
if !potentialMatch(e.multiples, variable, f.Type, f.Offset) {
if !potentialMatch(e.multiples, variable, f.Type) {
return // name collision
var index []int
index = append(index, e.index...) // copy e.index
index = append(index, i)
res.index = index
// Collect embedded struct fields for searching the next
......@@ -303,7 +306,10 @@ func lookupFieldBreadthFirst(list []embeddedType, name QualifiedName) (res looku
// Ignore embedded basic types - only user-defined
// named types can have methods or have struct fields.
if t, _ := deref(f.Type).(*NamedType); t != nil {
next = append(next, embeddedType{t, e.multiples})
var index []int
index = append(index, e.index...) // copy e.index
index = append(index, i)
next = append(next, embeddedType{t, index, e.multiples})
......@@ -313,7 +319,7 @@ func lookupFieldBreadthFirst(list []embeddedType, name QualifiedName) (res looku
for _, m := range t.Methods {
if name.IsSame(m.QualifiedName) {
assert(m.Type != nil)
if !potentialMatch(e.multiples, value, m.Type, -1) {
if !potentialMatch(e.multiples, value, m.Type) {
return // name collision
......@@ -364,7 +370,7 @@ func lookupField(typ Type, name QualifiedName) lookupResult {
for _, m := range t.Methods {
if name.IsSame(m.QualifiedName) {
assert(m.Type != nil)
return lookupResult{value, m.Type, -1}
return lookupResult{value, m.Type, nil}
typ = t.Underlying
......@@ -373,9 +379,9 @@ func lookupField(typ Type, name QualifiedName) lookupResult {
switch t := typ.(type) {
case *Struct:
var next []embeddedType
for _, f := range t.Fields {
for i, f := range t.Fields {
if name.IsSame(f.QualifiedName) {
return lookupResult{variable, f.Type, f.Offset}
return lookupResult{variable, f.Type, []int{i}}
if f.IsAnonymous {
// Possible optimization: If the embedded type
......@@ -384,7 +390,7 @@ func lookupField(typ Type, name QualifiedName) lookupResult {
// Ignore embedded basic types - only user-defined
// named types can have methods or have struct fields.
if t, _ := deref(f.Type).(*NamedType); t != nil {
next = append(next, embeddedType{typ: t})
next = append(next, embeddedType{t, []int{i}, false})
......@@ -395,7 +401,7 @@ func lookupField(typ Type, name QualifiedName) lookupResult {
case *Interface:
for _, m := range t.Methods {
if name.IsSame(m.QualifiedName) {
return lookupResult{value, m.Type, -1}
return lookupResult{value, m.Type, nil}
// Copyright 2013 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// This file implements support for (unsafe) Alignof, Offsetof, and Sizeof.
package types
func (ctxt *Context) alignof(typ Type) int64 {
if f := ctxt.Alignof; f != nil {
if a := f(typ); a >= 1 {
return a
panic("Context.Alignof returned an alignment < 1")
return DefaultAlignof(typ)
func (ctxt *Context) offsetsof(s *Struct) []int64 {
offsets := s.offsets
if offsets == nil {
// compute offsets on demand
if f := ctxt.Offsetsof; f != nil {
offsets = f(s.Fields)
// sanity checks
if len(offsets) != len(s.Fields) {
panic("Context.Offsetsof returned the wrong number of offsets")
for _, o := range offsets {
if o < 0 {
panic("Context.Offsetsof returned an offset < 0")
} else {
offsets = DefaultOffsetsof(s.Fields)
s.offsets = offsets
return offsets
// offsetof returns the offset of the field specified via
// the index sequence relative to typ. It returns a value
// < 0 if the field is in an embedded pointer type.
func (ctxt *Context) offsetof(typ Type, index []int) int64 {
var o int64
for _, i := range index {
s, _ := underlying(typ).(*Struct)
if s == nil {
return -1
o += ctxt.offsetsof(s)[i]
typ = s.Fields[i].Type
return o
func (ctxt *Context) sizeof(typ Type) int64 {
if f := ctxt.Sizeof; f != nil {
if s := f(typ); s >= 0 {
return s
panic("Context.Sizeof returned a size < 0")
return DefaultSizeof(typ)
// DefaultMaxAlign is the default maximum alignment, in bytes,
// used by DefaultAlignof.
const DefaultMaxAlign = 8
// DefaultAlignof implements the default alignment computation
// for unsafe.Alignof. It is used if Context.Alignof == nil.
func DefaultAlignof(typ Type) int64 {
// For arrays and structs, alignment is defined in terms
// of alignment of the elements and fields, respectively.
switch t := underlying(typ).(type) {
case *Array:
// spec: "For a variable x of array type: unsafe.Alignof(x)
// is the same as unsafe.Alignof(x[0]), but at least 1."
return DefaultAlignof(t.Elt)
case *Struct:
// spec: "For a variable x of struct type: unsafe.Alignof(x)
// is the largest of the values unsafe.Alignof(x.f) for each
// field f of x, but at least 1."
max := int64(1)
for _, f := range t.Fields {
if a := DefaultAlignof(f.Type); a > max {
max = a
return max
a := DefaultSizeof(typ) // may be 0
// spec: "For a variable x of any type: unsafe.Alignof(x) is at least 1."
if a < 1 {
return 1
if a > DefaultMaxAlign {
return DefaultMaxAlign
return a
// align returns the smallest y >= x such that y % a == 0.
func align(x, a int64) int64 {
y := x + a - 1
return y - y%a
// DefaultOffsetsof implements the default field offset computation
// for unsafe.Offsetof. It is used if Context.Offsetsof == nil.
func DefaultOffsetsof(fields []*Field) []int64 {
offsets := make([]int64, len(fields))
var o int64
for i, f := range fields {
a := DefaultAlignof(f.Type)
o = align(o, a)
offsets[i] = o
o += DefaultSizeof(f.Type)
return offsets
// DefaultPtrSize is the default size of ints, uint, and pointers, in bytes,
// used by DefaultSizeof.
const DefaultPtrSize = 8
// DefaultSizeof implements the default size computation
// for unsafe.Sizeof. It is used if Context.Sizeof == nil.
func DefaultSizeof(typ Type) int64 {
switch t := underlying(typ).(type) {
case *Basic:
if s := t.size; s > 0 {
return s
if t.Kind == String {
return DefaultPtrSize * 2
case *Array:
a := DefaultAlignof(t.Elt)
s := DefaultSizeof(t.Elt)
return align(s, a) * t.Len // may be 0
case *Slice:
return DefaultPtrSize * 3
case *Struct:
n := len(t.Fields)
if n == 0 {
return 0
offsets := t.offsets
if t.offsets == nil {
// compute offsets on demand
offsets = DefaultOffsetsof(t.Fields)
t.offsets = offsets
return offsets[n-1] + DefaultSizeof(t.Fields[n-1].Type)
case *Signature:
return DefaultPtrSize * 2
return DefaultPtrSize // catch-all
......@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ func (check *checker) assignOperand(z, x *operand) {
check.convertUntyped(x, z.typ)
if !x.isAssignable(z.typ) {
if !x.isAssignable(check.ctxt, z.typ) {
check.errorf(x.pos(), "cannot assign %s to %s", x, z)
x.mode = invalid
......@@ -338,7 +338,7 @@ func (check *checker) stmt(s ast.Stmt) {
if ch.mode == invalid || x.mode == invalid {
if tch, ok := underlying(ch.typ).(*Chan); !ok || tch.Dir&ast.SEND == 0 || !x.isAssignable(tch.Elt) {
if tch, ok := underlying(ch.typ).(*Chan); !ok || tch.Dir&ast.SEND == 0 || !x.isAssignable(check.ctxt, tch.Elt) {
check.invalidOp(ch.pos(), "cannot send %s to channel %s", &x, &ch)
......@@ -270,7 +270,7 @@ func _recover() {
// assuming types.DefaultPtrSize == 8
type S struct{ // offset
type S0 struct{ // offset
a bool // 0
b rune // 4
c *int // 8
......@@ -278,6 +278,17 @@ type S struct{ // offset
e complex128 // 24
} // 40
type S1 struct{ // offset
x float32 // 0
y string // 8
z *S1 // 24
S0 // 32
} // 72
type S2 struct{ // offset
*S1 // 0
} // 8
func _Alignof() {
var x int
_ = unsafe /* ERROR "argument" */ .Alignof()
......@@ -287,7 +298,7 @@ func _Alignof() {
_ = unsafe.Alignof(new(struct{}))
unsafe /* ERROR "not used" */ .Alignof(x)
var y S
var y S0
assert(unsafe.Alignof(y.a) == 1)
assert(unsafe.Alignof(y.b) == 4)
assert(unsafe.Alignof(y.c) == 8)
......@@ -306,12 +317,29 @@ func _Offsetof() {
_ = unsafe.Offsetof((((((((x))).f)))))
unsafe /* ERROR "not used" */ .Offsetof(x.f)
var y S
assert(unsafe.Offsetof(y.a) == 0)
assert(unsafe.Offsetof(y.b) == 4)
assert(unsafe.Offsetof(y.c) == 8)
assert(unsafe.Offsetof(y.d) == 16)
assert(unsafe.Offsetof(y.e) == 24)
var y0 S0
assert(unsafe.Offsetof(y0.a) == 0)
assert(unsafe.Offsetof(y0.b) == 4)
assert(unsafe.Offsetof(y0.c) == 8)
assert(unsafe.Offsetof(y0.d) == 16)
assert(unsafe.Offsetof(y0.e) == 24)
var y1 S1
assert(unsafe.Offsetof(y1.x) == 0)
assert(unsafe.Offsetof(y1.y) == 8)
assert(unsafe.Offsetof(y1.z) == 24)
assert(unsafe.Offsetof(y1.S0) == 32)
assert(unsafe.Offsetof(y1.S0.a) == 0) // relative to S0
assert(unsafe.Offsetof(y1.a) == 32) // relative to S1
assert(unsafe.Offsetof(y1.b) == 36) // relative to S1
assert(unsafe.Offsetof(y1.c) == 40) // relative to S1
assert(unsafe.Offsetof(y1.d) == 48) // relative to S1
assert(unsafe.Offsetof(y1.e) == 56) // relative to S1
var y2 S2
assert(unsafe.Offsetof(y2.S1) == 0)
_ = unsafe.Offsetof(y2 /* ERROR "embedded via pointer" */ .x)
func _Sizeof() {
......@@ -338,13 +366,19 @@ func _Sizeof() {
assert(unsafe.Sizeof(complex64(0)) == 8)
assert(unsafe.Sizeof(complex128(0)) == 16)
var y S
assert(unsafe.Sizeof(y.a) == 1)
assert(unsafe.Sizeof(y.b) == 4)
assert(unsafe.Sizeof(y.c) == 8)
assert(unsafe.Sizeof(y.d) == 1)
assert(unsafe.Sizeof(y.e) == 16)
assert(unsafe.Sizeof(y) == 40)
var y0 S0
assert(unsafe.Sizeof(y0.a) == 1)
assert(unsafe.Sizeof(y0.b) == 4)
assert(unsafe.Sizeof(y0.c) == 8)
assert(unsafe.Sizeof(y0.d) == 1)
assert(unsafe.Sizeof(y0.e) == 16)
assert(unsafe.Sizeof(y0) == 40)
var y1 S1
assert(unsafe.Sizeof(y1) == 72)
var y2 S2
assert(unsafe.Sizeof(y2) == 8)
// self-testing only
......@@ -88,8 +88,8 @@ var (
v4 = r + 2147483647
v5 = r + 2147483648 /* ERROR "overflows" */
v6 = 42
v7 = v6 + 2147483647
v8 = v6 + 2147483648 /* ERROR "overflows" */
v7 = v6 + 9223372036854775807
v8 = v6 + 9223372036854775808 /* ERROR "overflows" */
v9 = i + 1 << 10
v10 byte = 1024 /* ERROR "overflows" */
v11 = xx/yy*yy - xx
......@@ -128,6 +128,16 @@ func indexes() {
_ = ""[0 /* ERROR "index .* out of bounds" */ ]
_ = s[1<<30] // no compile-time error here
// issue 4913
type mystring string
var ss string
var ms mystring
var i, j int
ss = "foo"[1:2]
ss = "foo"[i:j]
ms = "foo" /* ERROR "cannot assign" */ [1:2]
ms = "foo" /* ERROR "cannot assign" */ [i:j]
type T struct {
......@@ -116,20 +116,18 @@ type Field struct {
Type Type
Tag string
Offset int64 // offset within struct, in bytes
IsAnonymous bool
// A Struct represents a struct type struct{...}.
type Struct struct {
Fields []*Field
Alignment int64 // struct alignment in bytes
Size int64 // struct size in bytes
offsets []int64 // field offsets in bytes, lazily computed
func (typ *Struct) fieldIndex(name string) int {
func (typ *Struct) fieldIndex(name QualifiedName) int {
for i, f := range typ.Fields {
if f.Name == name {
if f.QualifiedName.IsSame(name) {
return i
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