Commit a91b6b74 authored by Russ Cox's avatar Russ Cox

XML lexing

The lexer is the bottom level.
Most clients will use the Unmarshal method,
not yet implemented, which will behave like

DELTA=1115  (766 added, 219 deleted, 130 changed)
parent 2b1dbe8a
......@@ -2,367 +2,765 @@
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// NOTE(rsc): Actually, this package is just a description
// of an implementation that hasn't been written yet.
// This package implements an XML parser but relies on
// clients to implement the parsing actions.
// An XML document is a single XML element.
// An XML element is either a start tag and an end tag,
// like <tag>...</tag>, or a combined start/end tag <tag/>.
// The latter is identical in semantics to <tag></tag>,
// and this parser does not distinguish them.
// The start (or combined start/end) tag can have
// name="value" attributes inside the angle brackets after
// the tag name, as in <img src="" alt="Google">.
// Names are drawn from a fixed set of alphabetic letters;
// Values are strings quoted with single or double quotes.
// An element made up of distinct start and end tags can
// contain free-form text and other elements inside it,
// as in <a href="">Google</a>
// or <b><a href="">Google</a></b>.
// The former is an <a> element with the text "Google" inside it.
// The latter is a <b> element with that <a> element inside it.
// In general, an element can contain a sequence of elements
// and text inside it. In XML, white space inside an element is
// always counted as text--it is never discarded by the parser.
// XML parsers do translate \r and \r\n into \n in text.
// This parser reads an XML document and calls methods on a
// Builder interface object in response to the text.
// It calls the builder's StartElement, Text, and EndElement
// methods, mimicking the structure of the text.
// For example, the simple XML document:
// <a href="">
// <img src="" alt="Google" />
// <br/></a>
// results in the following sequence of builder calls:
// StartElement("a", []Attr(Attr("href", "")));
// Text("\n\t");
// StartElement("img", []Attr(Attr("src", ""),
// Attr("alt", "Google")));
// EndElement("img");
// Text("\n");
// StartElement("br", []Attr());
// EndElement("br");
// EndElement("a");
// There are, of course, a few more details, but the story so far
// should be enough for the majority of uses. The details are:
// * XML documents typically begin with an XML declaration line like
// <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>.
// This line is strongly recommended, but not strictly required.
// It introduces the XML version and text encoding for the rest
// of the file. XML parsers are required to recognize UTF-8 and
// UTF-16. This parser only recognizes UTF-8 (for now?).
// * After the XML declaration comes an optional doctype declaration like
// <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
// "">
// The parser should pass this information on to the client in some
// form, but does not. It discards such lines.
// * The XML declaration line is an instance of a more general tag
// called a processing instruction, XML's #pragma. The general form is
// <?target text?>, where target is a name (like "xml") specifying
// the intended recipient of the instruction, and text is the
// instruction itself. This XML parser keeps the <?xml ...?> declaration
// to itself but passes along other processing instructions using
// the ProcInst method. Processing instructions can appear anywhere
// in an XML document. Most clients will simply ignore them.
// * An XML comment can appear anywhere in an XML document.
// Comments have the form <!--text-->. The XML parser passes
// them along by calling the Comment method. Again, most clients
// will simply ignore them.
// * Text inside an XML element must be escaped to avoid looking like
// a start/end tag. Specifically, the characters < and & must be
// written as &lt; and &amp;. An alternate quoting mechanism is to
// use the construct <![CDATA[...]]>. The quoted text ... can contain
// < characters, but not the sequence ]]>. Ampersands must still be
// escaped. For some reason, the existence of the CDATA quoting mechanism
// infects the processing of ordinary unquoted text, which is not allowed
// to contain the literal sequence ]]>. Instead, it would be written
// escaped, as in ]]&gt;. The parser hides all these considerations
// from the library client -- it reports all text, regardless of original
// form and already unescaped, using the Text method.
// * A revision to XML 1.0 introduced the concept of name spaces
// for attribute and tag names. A start tag with an attribute
// xmlns:prefix="URL" introduces `prefix' as a shorthand
// for the name space whose identifier is URL. Inside the element
// with that start tag, an element name or attribute prefix:foo
// (as in <prefix:foo prefix:bar="baz">) is understood to refer
// to name `foo' in the name space denoted by `URL'. Although
// this is a shorthand, there is no canonical expansion. Thus:
// <tag xmlns:foo="" xmlns:bar="">
// <foo:red bar:attr="value">text1</foo:red>
// <bar:red>text2</bar:red>
// </tag>
// and
// <tag xmlns:bar="" xmlns:foo="">
// <bar:red foo:attr="value">text1</bar:red>
// <foo:red>text2</foo:red>
// </tag>
// are equivalent XML documents, and there is no canonical form.
// The special attribute xmlns="URL" sets the default name space
// for unprefixed tags (but not attribute names) to URL.
// Thus:
// <tag xmlns="" xmlns:bar="">
// <red bar:attr="value">text1</red>
// <bar:red>text2</bar:red>
// </tag>
// is another XML document equivalent to the first two, and
// <tag xmlns:bar="" xmlns="">
// <bar:red attr="value">text1</bar:red>
// <red>text2</red>
// </tag>
// would be equivalent, except that `attr' in attr="value" has no
// associated name space, in contrast to the previous three where it
// is in the name space.
// The XML parser hides these details from the client by passing
// a Name struct (ns + name pair) for tag and attribute names.
// Tags and attributes without a name space have ns == "".
// References:
// Annotated XML spec:
// XML name spaces:
// Package xml implements a simple XML 1.0 parser that
// understands XML name spaces.
package xml
// TODO(rsc):
// Test error handling.
// Expose parser line number in errors.
import (
// XML name, annotated with name space URL
// A SyntaxError represents a syntax error in the XML input stream.
type SyntaxError string
func (e SyntaxError) String() string {
return "XML syntax error: " + string(e);
// A Name represents an XML name (Local) annotated
// with a name space identifier (Space).
// In tokens returned by Parser.Token, the Space identifier
// is given as a canonical URL, not the short prefix used
// in the document being parsed.
type Name struct {
ns, name string;
Space, Local string;
// XML attribute (name=value).
// An Attr represents an attribute in an XML element (Name=Value).
type Attr struct {
name Name;
value string;
Name Name;
Value string;
// XML Builder - methods client provides to Parser.
// Parser calls methods on builder as it reads and parses XML.
// If a builder method returns an error, the parse stops.
type Builder interface {
// Called when an element starts.
// Attr is list of attributes given in the tag.
// <name ...>
// <name ... />
// xmlns and xmlns:foo attributes are handled internally
// and not passed through to StartElement.
StartElement(name Name, attr []Attr) os.Error;
// A Token is an interface holding one of the token types:
// StartElement, EndElement, CharData, Comment, ProcInst, or Directive.
type Token interface{}
// A StartElement represents an XML start element.
type StartElement struct {
Name Name;
Attr []Attr;
// Called when an element ends.
// </name>
// <name ... />
EndElement(name Name) os.Error;
// An EndElement represents an XML end element.
type EndElement struct {
Name Name;
// Called for non-empty character data string inside element.
// Can be called multiple times between elements.
// text
// <![CDATA[text]]>
Text(text []byte) os.Error;
// A CharData represents XML character data (raw text),
// in which XML escape sequences have been replaced by
// the characters they represent.
type CharData []byte
// Called when a comment is found in the XML.
// <!-- text -->
Comment(text []byte) os.Error;
func copy(b []byte) []byte {
b1 := make([]byte, len(b));
bytes.Copy(b1, b);
return b1;
// Called for a processing instruction
// <?target text?>
ProcInst(target string, text []byte) os.Error;
func (c CharData) Copy() CharData {
return CharData(copy(c));
// Default builder. Implements no-op Builder methods.
// Embed this in your own Builders to handle the calls
// you don't care about (e.g., Comment, ProcInst).
type BaseBuilder struct {
// A Comment represents an XML comment of the form <!--comment-->.
// The bytes do not include the <!-- and --> comment markers.
type Comment []byte
func (c Comment) Copy() Comment {
return Comment(copy(c));
func (b *BaseBuilder) StartElement(name Name, attr []Attr) os.Error {
return nil;
// A ProcInst represents an XML processing instruction of the form <?target inst?>
type ProcInst struct {
Target string;
Inst []byte;
func (b *BaseBuilder) EndElement(name Name) os.Error {
return nil;
func (p ProcInst) Copy() ProcInst {
p.Inst = copy(p.Inst);
return p;
func (b *BaseBuilder) Text(text []byte) os.Error {
return nil;
// A Directive represents an XML directive of the form <!text>.
// The bytes do not include the <! and > markers.
type Directive []byte
func (d Directive) Copy() Directive {
return Directive(copy(d));
func (b *BaseBuilder) Comment(text []byte) os.Error {
return nil;
type readByter interface {
ReadByte() (b byte, err os.Error)
func (b *BaseBuilder) ProcInst(target string, text []byte) os.Error {
return nil;
// A Parser represents an XML parser reading a particular input stream.
// The parser assumes that its input is encoded in UTF-8.
type Parser struct {
r readByter;
buf bytes.Buffer;
stk *stack;
free *stack;
needClose bool;
toClose Name;
nextByte int;
ns map[string]string;
err os.Error;
line int;
tmp [32]byte;
// XML Parser. Calls Builder methods as it parses.
func Parse(r io.Read, b Builder) os.Error {
return os.NewError("unimplemented");
// NewParser creates a new XML parser reading from r.
func NewParser(r io.Reader) *Parser {
p := &Parser{
ns: make(map[string]string),
nextByte: -1,
line: 1,
// Get efficient byte at a time reader.
// Assume that if reader has its own
// ReadByte, it's efficient enough.
// Otherwise, use bufio.
if rb, ok := r.(readByter); ok {
p.r = rb;
} else {
p.r = bufio.NewReader(r);
return p;
// Channel interface to XML parser: create a new channel,
// go ParseTokens(r, c), and then read from the channel
// until TokenEnd. This variant has the benefit that
// the process reading the channel can be a recursive
// function instead of a set of callbacks, but it has the
// drawback that the channel interface cannot signal an
// error to cause the parser to stop early.
// Token returns the next XML token in the input stream.
// At the end of the input stream, Token returns nil, os.EOF.
// Slices of bytes in the returned token data refer to the
// parser's internal buffer and remain valid only until the next
// call to Token. To acquire a copy of the bytes, call the token's
// Copy method.
// Token expands self-closing elements such as <br/>
// into separate start and end elements returned by successive calls.
// Token guarantees that the StartElement and EndElement
// tokens it returns are properly nested and matched:
// if Token encounters an unexpected end element,
// it will return an error.
// Token implements XML name spaces as described by
// Each of the
// Name structures contained in the Token has the Space
// set to the URL identifying its name space when known.
// If Token encounters an unrecognized name space prefix,
// it uses the prefix as the Space rather than report an error.
func (p *Parser) Token() (t Token, err os.Error) {
if t, err = p.RawToken(); err != nil {
switch t1 := t.(type) {
case StartElement:
// In XML name spaces, the translations listed in the
// attributes apply to the element name and
// to the other attribute names, so process
// the translations first.
for _, a := range t1.Attr {
if a.Name.Space == "xmlns" {
v, ok := p.ns[a.Name.Local];
p.pushNs(a.Name.Local, v, ok);
p.ns[a.Name.Local] = a.Value;
if a.Name.Space == "" && a.Name.Local == "xmlns" {
// Default space for untagged names
v, ok := p.ns[""];
p.pushNs("", v, ok);
p.ns[""] = a.Value;
p.translate(&t1.Name, true);
for i := range t1.Attr {
p.translate(&t1.Attr[i].Name, false);
t = t1;
case EndElement:
p.translate(&t1.Name, true);
if !p.popElement(t1.Name) {
return nil, p.err;
t = t1;
// Apply name space translation to name n.
// The default name space (for Space=="")
// applies only to element names, not to attribute names.
func (p *Parser) translate(n *Name, isElementName bool) {
switch {
case n.Space == "xmlns":
case n.Space == "" && !isElementName:
case n.Space == "" && n.Local == "xmlns":
if v, ok := p.ns[n.Space]; ok {
n.Space = v;
// Parsing state - stack holds old name space translations
// and the current set of open elements. The translations to pop when
// ending a given tag are *below* it on the stack, which is
// more work but forced on us by XML.
type stack struct {
next *stack;
kind int;
name Name;
ok bool;
// An XML parsing token.
const (
TokenStartElement = 1 + iota;
stkStart = iota;
type Token struct {
Kind int; // TokenStartElement, TokenEndElement, etc.
Name Name; // name (TokenStartElement, TokenEndElement)
Attr []Attr; // attributes (TokenStartElement)
Target string; // target (TokenProcessingInstruction)
Text []byte; // text (TokenCharData, TokenComment, etc.)
Err os.Error; // error (TokenEnd)
func (p *Parser) push(kind int) *stack {
s :=;
if s != nil { =;
} else {
s = new(stack);
} = p.stk;
s.kind = kind;
p.stk = s;
return s;
type ChanBuilder chan Token;
func (p *Parser) pop() *stack {
s := p.stk;
if s != nil {
p.stk =; =; = s;
return s;
func (c ChanBuilder) StartElement(name Name, attr []Attr) os.Error {
var t Token;
t.Kind = TokenStartElement;
t.Name = name;
t.Attr = attr;
c <- t;
return nil;
// Record that we are starting an element with the given name.
func (p *Parser) pushElement(name Name) {
s := p.push(stkStart); = name;
func (c ChanBuilder) EndElement(name Name) os.Error {
var t Token;
t.Kind = TokenEndElement;
t.Name = name;
c <- t;
return nil;
// Record that we are changing the value of ns[local].
// The old value is url, ok.
func (p *Parser) pushNs(local string, url string, ok bool) {
s := p.push(stkNs); = local; = url;
s.ok = ok;
func (c ChanBuilder) Text(text []byte) os.Error {
var t Token;
t.Kind = TokenText;
t.Text = text;
c <- t;
return nil;
// Record that we are ending an element with the given name.
// The name must match the record at the top of the stack,
// which must be a pushElement record.
// After popping the element, apply any undo records from
// the stack to restore the name translations that existed
// before we saw this element.
func (p *Parser) popElement(name Name) bool {
s := p.pop();
switch {
case s == nil || s.kind != stkStart:
p.err = SyntaxError("unexpected end element </" + name.Local + ">");
return false;
case != name.Local:
p.err = SyntaxError("element <" + + "> closed by </" + name.Local + ">");
return false;
case != name.Space:
p.err = SyntaxError("element <" + + "> in space " + +
"closed by </" + name.Local + "> in space " + name.Space);
return false;
// Pop stack until a Start is on the top, undoing the
// translations that were associated with the element we just closed.
for p.stk != nil && p.stk.kind != stkStart {
s := p.pop();
p.ns[] =, s.ok;
return true;
func (c ChanBuilder) Comment(text []byte) os.Error {
var t Token;
t.Kind = TokenComment;
t.Text = text;
c <- t;
return nil;
// RawToken is like Token but does not verify that
// start and end elements match and does not translate
// name space prefixes to their corresponding URLs.
func (p *Parser) RawToken() (Token, os.Error) {
if p.err != nil {
return nil, p.err;
if p.needClose {
// The last element we read was self-closing and
// we returned just the StartElement half.
// Return the EndElement half now.
p.needClose = false;
return EndElement{p.toClose}, nil;
b, ok := p.getc();
if !ok {
return nil, p.err;
if b != '<' {
// Text section.
data := p.text(-1, false);
if data == nil {
return nil, p.err;
return CharData(data), nil;
if b, ok = p.getc(); !ok {
return nil, p.err;
switch b {
case '/':
// </: End element
var name Name;
if name, ok = p.nsname(); !ok {
if p.err == nil {
p.err = SyntaxError("expected element name after </");
return nil, p.err;
if b, ok = p.getc(); !ok {
return nil, p.err;
if b != '>' {
p.err = SyntaxError("invalid characters between </" + name.Local + " and >");
return nil, p.err;
return EndElement{name}, nil;
case '?':
// <?: Processing instruction.
// TODO(rsc): Should parse the <?xml declaration to make sure
// the version is 1.0 and the encoding is UTF-8.
var target string;
if target, ok =; !ok {
return nil, p.err;
var b0 byte;
for {
if b, ok = p.getc(); !ok {
if p.err == os.EOF {
p.err = SyntaxError("unterminated <? directive");
return nil, p.err;
if b0 == '?' && b == '>' {
b0 = b;
data := p.buf.Bytes();
data = data[0:len(data)-2]; // chop ?>
return ProcInst{target, data}, nil;
case '!':
// <!: Maybe comment, maybe CDATA.
if b, ok = p.getc(); !ok {
return nil, p.err;
switch b {
case '-': // <!-
// Probably <!-- for a comment.
if b, ok = p.getc(); !ok {
return nil, p.err;
if b != '-' {
p.err = SyntaxError("invalid sequence <!- not part of <!--");
return nil, p.err;
// Look for terminator.
var b0, b1 byte;
for {
if b, ok = p.getc(); !ok {
if p.err == os.EOF {
p.err = SyntaxError("unterminated <!-- comment");
return nil, p.err;
if b0 == '-' && b1 == '-' && b == '>' {
b0, b1 = b1, b;
data := p.buf.Bytes();
data = data[0:len(data)-3]; // chop -->
return Comment(data), nil;
case '[': // <![
// Probably <![CDATA[.
for i := 0; i < 7; i++ {
if b, ok = p.getc(); !ok {
return nil, p.err;
if b != "[CDATA["[i] {
p.err = SyntaxError("invalid <![ sequence");
return nil, p.err;
// Have <![CDATA[. Read text until ]]>.
data := p.text(-1, true);
if data == nil {
return nil, p.err;
return CharData(data), nil;
// Probably a directive: <!DOCTYPE ...>, <!ENTITY ...>, etc.
// We don't care, but accumulate for caller.
for {
if b, ok = p.getc(); !ok {
return nil, p.err;
if b == '>' {
return Directive(p.buf.Bytes()), nil;
// Must be an open element like <a href="foo">
var (
name Name;
empty bool;
attr []Attr;
if name, ok = p.nsname(); !ok {
if p.err == nil {
p.err = SyntaxError("expected element name after <");
return nil, p.err;
attr = make([]Attr, 0, 4);
for {;
if b, ok = p.getc(); !ok {
return nil, p.err;
if b == '/' {
empty = true;
if b, ok = p.getc(); !ok {
return nil, p.err;
if b != '>' {
p.err = SyntaxError("expected /> in element");
return nil, p.err;
if b == '>' {
n := len(attr);
if n >= cap(attr) {
nattr := make([]Attr, n, 2*cap(attr));
for i, a := range attr {
nattr[i] = a;
attr = nattr;
attr = attr[0:n+1];
a := &attr[n];
if a.Name, ok = p.nsname(); !ok {
if p.err == nil {
p.err = SyntaxError("expected attribute name in element");
return nil, p.err;
if b, ok = p.getc(); !ok {
return nil, p.err;
if b != '=' {
p.err = SyntaxError("attribute name without = in element");
return nil, p.err;
if b, ok = p.getc(); !ok {
return nil, p.err;
if b != '"' && b != '\'' {
p.err = SyntaxError("unquoted or missing attribute value in element");
return nil, p.err;
data := p.text(int(b), false);
if data == nil {
return nil, p.err;
a.Value = string(data);
if empty {
p.needClose = true;
p.toClose = name;
return StartElement{name, attr}, nil;
// Skip spaces if any
func (p *Parser) space() {
for {
b, ok := p.getc();
if !ok {
switch b {
case ' ', '\r', '\n', '\t':
// Read a single byte.
// If there is no byte to read, return ok==false
// and leave the error in p.err.
// Maintain line number.
func (p *Parser) getc() (b byte, ok bool) {
if p.err != nil {
return 0, false;
if p.nextByte >= 0 {
b = byte(p.nextByte);
p.nextByte = -1;
} else {
b, p.err = p.r.ReadByte();
if p.err != nil {
return 0, false;
if b == '\n' {
return b, true;
func (c ChanBuilder) ProcInst(target string, text []byte) os.Error {
var t Token;
t.Kind = TokenProcInst;
t.Target = target;
t.Text = text;
c <- t;
// Unread a single byte.
func (p *Parser) ungetc(b byte) {
if b == '\n' {
p.nextByte = int(b);
var entity = map[string]int {
"lt": '<',
"gt": '>',
"amp": '&',
"apos": '\'',
"quot": '"',
// Read plain text section (XML calls it character data).
// If quote >= 0, we are in a quoted string and need to find the matching quote.
// If cdata == true, we are in a <![CDATA[ section and need to find ]]>.
// On failure return nil and leave the error in p.err.
func (p *Parser) text(quote int, cdata bool) []byte {
var b0, b1 byte;
var trunc int;
for {
b, ok := p.getc();
if !ok {
return nil;
// <![CDATA[ section ends with ]]>.
// It is an error for ]]> to appear in ordinary text.
if b0 == ']' && b1 == ']' && b == '>' {
if cdata {
trunc = 2;
break Input;
p.err = SyntaxError("unescaped ]]> not in CDATA section");
return nil;
// Stop reading text if we see a <.
if b == '<' && !cdata {
if quote >= 0 {
p.err = SyntaxError("unescaped < inside quoted string");
return nil;
break Input;
if quote >= 0 && b == byte(quote) {
break Input;
if b == '&' {
// Read escaped character expression up to semicolon.
// XML in all its glory allows a document to define and use
// its own character names with <!ENTITY ...> directives.
// Parsers are required to recognize lt, gt, amp, apos, and quot
// even if they have not been declared. That's all we allow.
var i int;
for i = 0; i < len(p.tmp); i++ {
p.tmp[i], p.err = p.r.ReadByte();
if p.err != nil {
return nil;
if p.tmp[i] == ';' {
s := string(p.tmp[0:i]);
if i >= len(p.tmp) {
p.err = SyntaxError("character entity expression &" + s + "... too long");
return nil;
rune := -1;
if i >= 2 && s[0] == '#' {
var n uint64;
var err os.Error;
if i >= 3 && s[1] == 'x' {
n, err = strconv.Btoui64(s[2:len(s)], 16);
} else {
n, err = strconv.Btoui64(s[1:len(s)], 10);
if err == nil && n <= unicode.MaxRune {
rune = int(n);
} else {
if r, ok := entity[s]; ok {
rune = r;
if rune < 0 {
p.err = SyntaxError("invalid character entity &" + s + ";");
return nil;
i = utf8.EncodeRune(rune, &p.tmp);
b0, b1 = 0, 0;
continue Input;
b0, b1 = b1, b;
data := p.buf.Bytes();
data = data[0:len(data)-trunc];
// Must rewrite \r and \r\n into \n.
w := 0;
for r := 0; r < len(data); r++ {
b := data[r];
if b == '\r' {
if r+1 < len(data) && data[r+1] == '\n' {
b = '\n';
data[w] = b;
return data[0:w];
func ParseToChan(r io.Read, c chan Token) {
var t Token;
t.Kind = TokenEnd;
t.Err = Parse(r, ChanBuilder(c));
c <- t;
// Get name space name: name with a : stuck in the middle.
// The part before the : is the name space identifier.
func (p *Parser) nsname() (name Name, ok bool) {
s, ok :=;
if !ok {
i := strings.Index(s, ":");
if i < 0 {
name.Local = s;
} else {
name.Space = s[0:i];
name.Local = s[i+1:len(s)];
return name, true;
// Get name: /first(first|second)*/
// Unlike most routines, do not set p.err if the name is
// merely malformed. Let the caller provide better context.
func (p *Parser) name() (s string, ok bool) {
var b byte;
if b, ok = p.getc(); !ok {
if b < utf8.RuneSelf && !isFirst(b) {
for {
if b, ok = p.getc(); !ok {
if b < utf8.RuneSelf && !isFirst(b) && !isSecond(b) {
return p.buf.String(), true;
// scribbled notes based on XML spec.
// We allow any Unicode char >= 0x80, but the XML spec is pickier:
// the exact character sets are listed in the comment at the end of the file.
func isFirst(c byte) bool {
return 'A' <= c && c <= 'Z' ||
'a' <= c && c <= 'z' ||
c == '_' ||
c == ':';
// document is
// xml decl?
// doctype decl?
// element
// if xml decl is present, must be first. after that,
// can have comments and procinsts scattered throughout,
// even after the element is done.
// xml decl is:
// <\?xml version='[a-zA-Z0-9_.:\-]+'( encoding='[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9._\-]*')?
// ( standalone='(yes|no)')? ?\?>
// spaces denote [ \r\t\n]+.
// written with '' above but can use "" too.
// doctype decl might as well be <!DOCTYPE[^>]*>
// procinst is <\?name( .*?)\?>. name cannot be [Xx][Mm][Ll].
// comment is <!--(.*?)-->.
// tags are:
// <name( attrib)* ?> start tag
// <name( attrib)* ?/> combined start/end tag
// </name ?> end tag
// (the " ?" is an optional space, not a literal question mark.)
// plain text is [^<&]* except cannot contain "]]>".
// can also have escaped characters:
// &#[0-9]+;
// &#x[0-9A-Fa-f]+;
// &name;
// can use <![CDATA[.*?]]> to avoid escaping < characters.
// must rewrite \r and \r\n into \n in text.
// names are Unicode. valid chars listed below.
// attrib is name="value" or name='value'.
// can have spaces around =.
// attribute value text is [^<&"]* for appropriate ".
// can also use the &...; escape sequences above.
// cannot use <![CDATA[...]]>.
// xmlns attributes are name=value where name has form xmlns:name
// (i.e., xmlns:123 is not okay, because 123 is not a name; xmlns:a123 is ok).
// sub-name must not start with : either.
// name is first(second)*.
// first is
func isSecond(c byte) bool {
return c == '.' || c == '-';
// The precise form of an XML name is /first(first|second)*/, where
// first is one of these characters:
// 003A 04D0-04EB 0A59-0A5C 0C35-0C39 0F49-0F69 1E00-1E9B
// 0041-005A 04EE-04F5 0A5E 0C60-0C61 10A0-10C5 1EA0-1EF9
......@@ -400,7 +798,7 @@ func ParseToChan(r io.Read, c chan Token) {
// 04C7-04C8 0A35-0A36 0C12-0C28 0EC0-0EC4 11F0
// 04CB-04CC 0A38-0A39 0C2A-0C33 0F40-0F47 11F9
// second is first plus
// and a second is one of these:
// 002D 06DD-06DF 09E6-09EF 0B56-0B57 0D3E-0D43 0F3E
// 002E 06E0-06E4 0A02 0B66-0B6F 0D46-0D48 0F3F
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package xml
import (
const testInput = `
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<body xmlns:foo="ns1" xmlns="ns2" xmlns:tag="ns3" ` "\r\n\t" ` >
<hello lang="en">World &lt;&gt;&apos;&quot; &#x767d;&#40300;翔</hello>
<goodbye />
<outer foo:attr="value" xmlns:tag="ns4">
Some text here.
</body><!-- missing final newline -->`
var rawTokens = []Token{
ProcInst{"xml", strings.Bytes(`version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"`)},
Directive(strings.Bytes(`DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
StartElement{Name{"", "body"}, []Attr{Attr{Name{"xmlns", "foo"}, "ns1"}, Attr{Name{"", "xmlns"}, "ns2"}, Attr{Name{"xmlns", "tag"}, "ns3"}}},
CharData(strings.Bytes("\n ")),
StartElement{Name{"", "hello"}, []Attr{Attr{Name{"", "lang"}, "en"}}},
CharData(strings.Bytes("World <>'\" 白鵬翔")),
EndElement{Name{"", "hello"}},
CharData(strings.Bytes("\n ")),
StartElement{Name{"", "goodbye"}, nil},
EndElement{Name{"", "goodbye"}},
CharData(strings.Bytes("\n ")),
StartElement{Name{"", "outer"}, []Attr{Attr{Name{"foo", "attr"}, "value"}, Attr{Name{"xmlns", "tag"}, "ns4"}}},
CharData(strings.Bytes("\n ")),
StartElement{Name{"", "inner"}, nil},
EndElement{Name{"", "inner"}},
CharData(strings.Bytes("\n ")),
EndElement{Name{"", "outer"}},
CharData(strings.Bytes("\n ")),
StartElement{Name{"tag", "name"}, nil},
CharData(strings.Bytes("\n Some text here.\n ")),
EndElement{Name{"tag", "name"}},
EndElement{Name{"", "body"}},
Comment(strings.Bytes(" missing final newline ")),
var cookedTokens = []Token{
ProcInst{"xml", strings.Bytes(`version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"`)},
Directive(strings.Bytes(`DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
StartElement{Name{"ns2", "body"}, []Attr{Attr{Name{"xmlns", "foo"}, "ns1"}, Attr{Name{"", "xmlns"}, "ns2"}, Attr{Name{"xmlns", "tag"}, "ns3"}}},
CharData(strings.Bytes("\n ")),
StartElement{Name{"ns2", "hello"}, []Attr{Attr{Name{"", "lang"}, "en"}}},
CharData(strings.Bytes("World <>'\" 白鵬翔")),
EndElement{Name{"ns2", "hello"}},
CharData(strings.Bytes("\n ")),
StartElement{Name{"ns2", "goodbye"}, nil},
EndElement{Name{"ns2", "goodbye"}},
CharData(strings.Bytes("\n ")),
StartElement{Name{"ns2", "outer"}, []Attr{Attr{Name{"ns1", "attr"}, "value"}, Attr{Name{"xmlns", "tag"}, "ns4"}}},
CharData(strings.Bytes("\n ")),
StartElement{Name{"ns2", "inner"}, nil},
EndElement{Name{"ns2", "inner"}},
CharData(strings.Bytes("\n ")),
EndElement{Name{"ns2", "outer"}},
CharData(strings.Bytes("\n ")),
StartElement{Name{"ns3", "name"}, nil},
CharData(strings.Bytes("\n Some text here.\n ")),
EndElement{Name{"ns3", "name"}},
EndElement{Name{"ns2", "body"}},
Comment(strings.Bytes(" missing final newline ")),
type stringReader struct {
s string;
off int;
func (r *stringReader) Read(b []byte) (n int, err os.Error) {
if >= len(r.s) {
return 0, os.EOF;
for < len(r.s) && n < len(b) {
b[n] = r.s[];
func (r *stringReader) ReadByte() (b byte, err os.Error) {
if >= len(r.s) {
return 0, os.EOF;
b = r.s[];;
func StringReader(s string) io.Reader {
return &stringReader{s, 0}
func TestRawToken(t *testing.T) {
p := NewParser(StringReader(testInput));
for i, want := range rawTokens {
have, err := p.RawToken();
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("token %d: unexpected error: %s", i, err);
if !reflect.DeepEqual(have, want) {
t.Errorf("token %d = %#v want %#v", i, have, want);
func TestToken(t *testing.T) {
p := NewParser(StringReader(testInput));
for i, want := range cookedTokens {
have, err := p.Token();
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("token %d: unexpected error: %s", i, err);
if !reflect.DeepEqual(have, want) {
t.Errorf("token %d = %#v want %#v", i, have, want);
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