Commit ab0d2582 authored by Robert Griesemer's avatar Robert Griesemer

- fixed a bug in Natural.And()

- removed some non-beneficial factorization and reduced number of array slices per
  operations significantly
- reduced line count
- benchhil benchmark time reduced by ~2%

DELTA=313  (106 added, 163 deleted, 44 changed)
parent 4d230308
......@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ export func Dump(x *[]Digit) {
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Raw operations on sequences of digits
// Natural numbers
// Naming conventions
......@@ -110,170 +110,6 @@ export func Dump(x *[]Digit) {
// n, m len(x), len(y)
func Add1(z, x *[]Digit, c Digit) Digit {
n := len(x);
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
t := c + x[i];
c, z[i] = t>>W, t&M
return c;
func Add(z, x, y *[]Digit) Digit {
var c Digit;
n := len(x);
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
t := c + x[i] + y[i];
c, z[i] = t>>W, t&M
return c;
func Sub1(z, x *[]Digit, c Digit) Digit {
n := len(x);
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
t := c + x[i];
c, z[i] = Digit(int64(t)>>W), t&M; // requires arithmetic shift!
return c;
func Sub(z, x, y *[]Digit) Digit {
var c Digit;
n := len(x);
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
t := c + x[i] - y[i];
c, z[i] = Digit(int64(t)>>W), t&M; // requires arithmetic shift!
return c;
// Returns c = x*y div B, z = x*y mod B.
func Mul11(x, y Digit) (Digit, Digit) {
// Split x and y into 2 sub-digits each,
// multiply the digits separately while avoiding overflow,
// and return the product as two separate digits.
// This code also works for non-even bit widths W
// which is why there are separate constants below
// for half-digits.
const W2 = (W + 1)/2;
const DW = W2*2 - W; // 0 or 1
const B2 = 1<<W2;
const M2 = B2 - 1;
// split x and y into sub-digits
// x = (x1*B2 + x0)
// y = (y1*B2 + y0)
x1, x0 := x>>W2, x&M2;
y1, y0 := y>>W2, y&M2;
// x*y = t2*B2^2 + t1*B2 + t0
t0 := x0*y0;
t1 := x1*y0 + x0*y1;
t2 := x1*y1;
// compute the result digits but avoid overflow
// z = z1*B + z0 = x*y
z0 := (t1<<W2 + t0)&M;
z1 := t2<<DW + (t1 + t0>>W2)>>(W-W2);
return z1, z0;
func Mul(z, x, y *[]Digit) {
n := len(x);
m := len(y);
for j := 0; j < m; j++ {
d := y[j];
if d != 0 {
c := Digit(0);
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
// z[i+j] += c + x[i]*d;
z1, z0 := Mul11(x[i], d);
t := c + z[i+j] + z0;
c, z[i+j] = t>>W, t&M;
c += z1;
z[n+j] = c;
func Shl(z, x *[]Digit, s uint) Digit {
assert(s <= W);
n := len(x);
var c Digit;
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
c, z[i] = x[i] >> (W-s), x[i] << s & M | c;
return c;
func Shr(z, x *[]Digit, s uint) Digit {
assert(s <= W);
n := len(x);
var c Digit;
for i := n - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
c, z[i] = x[i] << (W-s) & M, x[i] >> s | c;
return c;
func And1(z, x *[]Digit, y Digit) {
for i := len(x) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
z[i] = x[i] & y;
func And(z, x, y *[]Digit) {
for i := len(x) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
z[i] = x[i] & y[i];
func Or1(z, x *[]Digit, y Digit) {
for i := len(x) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
z[i] = x[i] | y;
func Or(z, x, y *[]Digit) {
for i := len(x) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
z[i] = x[i] | y[i];
func Xor1(z, x *[]Digit, y Digit) {
for i := len(x) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
z[i] = x[i] ^ y;
func Xor(z, x, y *[]Digit) {
for i := len(x) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
z[i] = x[i] ^ y[i];
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Natural numbers
export type Natural []Digit;
var (
......@@ -329,11 +165,25 @@ func (x *Natural) Add(y *Natural) *Natural {
return y.Add(x);
c := Digit(0);
z := new(Natural, n + 1);
c := Add(z[0 : m], x[0 : m], y);
z[n] = Add1(z[m : n], x[m : n], c);
i := 0;
for i < m {
t := c + x[i] + y[i];
c, z[i] = t>>W, t&M;
for i < n {
t := c + x[i];
c, z[i] = t>>W, t&M;
if c != 0 {
z[i] = c;
return Normalize(z);
return z[0 : i];
......@@ -344,13 +194,58 @@ func (x *Natural) Sub(y *Natural) *Natural {
c := Digit(0);
z := new(Natural, n);
c := Sub(z[0 : m], x[0 : m], y);
if Sub1(z[m : n], x[m : n], c) != 0 {
i := 0;
for i < m {
t := c + x[i] - y[i];
c, z[i] = Digit(int64(t)>>W), t&M; // requires arithmetic shift!
for i < n {
t := c + x[i];
c, z[i] = Digit(int64(t)>>W), t&M; // requires arithmetic shift!
for i > 0 && z[i - 1] == 0 { // normalize
return Normalize(z);
return z[0 : i];
// Returns c = x*y div B, z = x*y mod B.
func Mul11(x, y Digit) (Digit, Digit) {
// Split x and y into 2 sub-digits each,
// multiply the digits separately while avoiding overflow,
// and return the product as two separate digits.
// This code also works for non-even bit widths W
// which is why there are separate constants below
// for half-digits.
const W2 = (W + 1)/2;
const DW = W2*2 - W; // 0 or 1
const B2 = 1<<W2;
const M2 = B2 - 1;
// split x and y into sub-digits
// x = (x1*B2 + x0)
// y = (y1*B2 + y0)
x1, x0 := x>>W2, x&M2;
y1, y0 := y>>W2, y&M2;
// x*y = t2*B2^2 + t1*B2 + t0
t0 := x0*y0;
t1 := x1*y0 + x0*y1;
t2 := x1*y1;
// compute the result digits but avoid overflow
// z = z1*B + z0 = x*y
z0 := (t1<<W2 + t0)&M;
z1 := t2<<DW + (t1 + t0>>W2)>>(W-W2);
return z1, z0;
......@@ -359,7 +254,20 @@ func (x *Natural) Mul(y *Natural) *Natural {
m := len(y);
z := new(Natural, n + m);
Mul(z, x, y);
for j := 0; j < m; j++ {
d := y[j];
if d != 0 {
c := Digit(0);
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
// z[i+j] += c + x[i]*d;
z1, z0 := Mul11(x[i], d);
t := c + z[i+j] + z0;
c, z[i+j] = t>>W, t&M;
c += z1;
z[n+j] = c;
return Normalize(z);
......@@ -403,7 +311,7 @@ func Pack(x *[]Digit2) *Natural {
func Mul1(z, x *[]Digit2, y Digit2) Digit2 {
n := len(x);
var c Digit;
c := Digit(0);
f := Digit(y);
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
t := c + Digit(x[i])*f;
......@@ -415,7 +323,7 @@ func Mul1(z, x *[]Digit2, y Digit2) Digit2 {
func Div1(z, x *[]Digit2, y Digit2) Digit2 {
n := len(x);
var c Digit;
c := Digit(0);
d := Digit(y);
for i := n-1; i >= 0; i-- {
t := c*B2 + Digit(x[i]);
......@@ -550,6 +458,17 @@ func (x *Natural) DivMod(y *Natural) (*Natural, *Natural) {
func Shl(z, x *[]Digit, s uint) Digit {
assert(s <= W);
n := len(x);
c := Digit(0);
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
c, z[i] = x[i] >> (W-s), x[i] << s & M | c;
return c;
func (x *Natural) Shl(s uint) *Natural {
n := uint(len(x));
m := n + s/W;
......@@ -561,6 +480,17 @@ func (x *Natural) Shl(s uint) *Natural {
func Shr(z, x *[]Digit, s uint) Digit {
assert(s <= W);
n := len(x);
c := Digit(0);
for i := n - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
c, z[i] = x[i] << (W-s) & M, x[i] >> s | c;
return c;
func (x *Natural) Shr(s uint) *Natural {
n := uint(len(x));
m := n - s/W;
......@@ -582,14 +512,23 @@ func (x *Natural) And(y *Natural) *Natural {
return y.And(x);
z := new(Natural, n);
And(z[0 : m], x[0 : m], y);
Or1(z[m : n], x[m : n], 0);
z := new(Natural, m);
for i := 0; i < m; i++ {
z[i] = x[i] & y[i];
// upper bits are 0
return Normalize(z);
func Copy(z, x *[]Digit) {
for i, e := range x {
z[i] = e
func (x *Natural) Or(y *Natural) *Natural {
n := len(x);
m := len(y);
......@@ -598,10 +537,12 @@ func (x *Natural) Or(y *Natural) *Natural {
z := new(Natural, n);
Or(z[0 : m], x[0 : m], y);
Or1(z[m : n], x[m : n], 0);
for i := 0; i < m; i++ {
z[i] = x[i] | y[i];
Copy(z[m : n], x[m : n]);
return Normalize(z);
return z;
......@@ -613,8 +554,10 @@ func (x *Natural) Xor(y *Natural) *Natural {
z := new(Natural, n);
Xor(z[0 : m], x[0 : m], y);
Or1(z[m : n], x[m : n], 0);
for i := 0; i < m; i++ {
z[i] = x[i] ^ y[i];
Copy(z[m : n], x[m : n]);
return Normalize(z);
......@@ -688,7 +631,7 @@ func (x *Natural) ToString(base uint) string {
// don't destroy x
t := new(Natural, len(x));
Or1(t, x, 0); // copy
Copy(t, x);
// convert
i := n;
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