Commit b05c6fe2 authored by David Symonds's avatar David Symonds

A basic tar package.

DELTA=371  (370 added, 0 deleted, 1 changed)
parent 01b695db
archive/tar.install: bufio.install bytes.install io.install os.install strconv.install
bignum.install: fmt.install
bufio.install: io.install os.install utf8.install
bytes.install: utf8.install
compress/flate.install: bufio.install fmt.install io.install os.install strconv.install
compress/flate.install: bufio.install io.install os.install strconv.install
compress/gzip.install: bufio.install compress/flate.install hash.install hash/crc32.install io.install os.install
......@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
all: install
......@@ -65,8 +66,11 @@ DIRS=\
# Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
# license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
# DO NOT EDIT. Automatically generated by gobuild.
# gobuild -m >Makefile
include $(GOROOT)/src/Make.$(GOARCH)
default: packages
rm -rf *.[$(OS)] *.a [$(OS)].out _obj
test: packages
coverage: packages
6cov -g `pwd` | grep -v '_test\.go:'
%.$O: %.go
$(GC) -I_obj $*.go
%.$O: %.c
$(CC) $*.c
%.$O: %.s
$(AS) $*.s
phases: a1
_obj$D/tar.a: phases
a1: $(O1)
$(AR) grc _obj$D/tar.a untar.$O
rm -f $(O1)
newpkg: clean
mkdir -p _obj$D
$(AR) grc _obj$D/tar.a
$(O1): newpkg
$(O2): a1
nuke: clean
rm -f $(GOROOT)/pkg/$(GOOS)_$(GOARCH)$D/tar.a
packages: _obj$D/tar.a
install: packages
test -d $(GOROOT)/pkg && mkdir -p $(GOROOT)/pkg/$(GOOS)_$(GOARCH)$D
cp _obj$D/tar.a $(GOROOT)/pkg/$(GOOS)_$(GOARCH)$D/tar.a
\ No newline at end of file
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// The tar package implements access to tar archives.
// It aims to cover most of the variations, including those produced
// by GNU and BSD tars (not yet started).
// References:
package tar
// TODO(dsymonds):
// - Make it seekable.
// - Extensions.
import (
var (
HeaderError os.Error = os.ErrorString("invalid tar header");
// A tar archive consists of a sequence of files.
// A Reader provides sequential access to the contents of a tar archive.
// The Next method advances to the next file in the archive (including the first),
// and then it can be treated as an io.Reader to access the file's data.
// Example:
// tr := NewTarReader(r);
// for {
// hdr, err := tr.Next();
// if err != nil {
// // handle error
// }
// if hdr == nil {
// // end of tar archive
// break
// }
// io.Copy(tr, somewhere);
// }
type Reader struct {
r io.Reader;
err os.Error;
nb int64; // number of unread bytes for current file entry
pad int64; // amount of padding (ignored) after current file entry
// A Header represents a single header in a tar archive.
// Only some fields may be populated.
type Header struct {
Name string;
Mode int64;
Uid int64;
Gid int64;
Size int64;
Mtime int64;
Typeflag byte;
Linkname string;
Uname string;
Gname string;
Devmajor int64;
Devminor int64;
func (tr *Reader) skipUnread()
func (tr *Reader) readHeader() *Header
// NewReader creates a new Reader reading the given io.Reader.
func NewReader(r io.Reader) *Reader {
return &Reader{ r: r }
// Next advances to the next entry in the tar archive.
func (tr *Reader) Next() (*Header, os.Error) {
var hdr *Header;
if tr.err == nil {
if tr.err == nil {
hdr = tr.readHeader();
return hdr, tr.err
const (
blockSize = 512;
// Types
TypeReg = '0';
TypeRegA = '\x00';
TypeLink = '1';
TypeSymlink = '2';
TypeChar = '3';
TypeBlock = '4';
TypeDir = '5';
TypeFifo = '6';
TypeCont = '7';
TypeXHeader = 'x';
TypeXGlobalHeader = 'g';
var zeroBlock = make([]byte, blockSize);
// Parse bytes as a NUL-terminated C-style string.
// If a NUL byte is not found then the whole slice is returned as a string.
func cString(b []byte) string {
n := 0;
for n < len(b) && b[n] != 0 {
return string(b[0:n])
func (tr *Reader) octalNumber(b []byte) int64 {
x, err := strconv.Btoui64(cString(b), 8);
if err != nil {
tr.err = err;
return int64(x)
type ignoreWriter struct {}
func (ignoreWriter) Write(b []byte) (n int, err os.Error) {
return len(b), nil
type seeker interface {
Seek(offset int64, whence int) (ret int64, err os.Error);
// Skip any unread bytes in the existing file entry, as well as any alignment padding.
func (tr *Reader) skipUnread() {
nr := tr.nb + tr.pad; // number of bytes to skip
var n int64;
if sr, ok := tr.r.(seeker); ok {
n, tr.err = sr.Seek(nr, 1);
} else {
n, tr.err = io.Copyn(tr.r, ignoreWriter{}, nr);
tr.nb, tr.pad = 0, 0;
func (tr *Reader) verifyChecksum(header []byte) bool {
given := tr.octalNumber(header[148:156]);
if tr.err != nil {
return false
var computed int64;
for i := 0; i < len(header); i++ {
if i == 148 {
// The chksum field is special: it should be treated as space bytes.
computed += ' ' * 8;
i += 7;
computed += int64(header[i]);
return given == computed
type slicer []byte
func (s *slicer) next(n int) (b []byte) {
b, *s = s[0:n], s[n:len(s)];
func (tr *Reader) readHeader() *Header {
header := make([]byte, blockSize);
var n int;
if n, tr.err = io.FullRead(tr.r, header); tr.err != nil {
return nil
// Two blocks of zero bytes marks the end of the archive.
if bytes.Equal(header, zeroBlock[0:blockSize]) {
if n, tr.err = io.FullRead(tr.r, header); tr.err != nil {
return nil
if !bytes.Equal(header, zeroBlock[0:blockSize]) {
tr.err = HeaderError;
return nil
if !tr.verifyChecksum(header) {
tr.err = HeaderError;
return nil
// Unpack
hdr := new(Header);
s := slicer(header);
// TODO(dsymonds): The format of the header depends on the value of magic (hdr[257:262]),
// so use that value to do the correct parsing below.
hdr.Name = cString(;
hdr.Mode = tr.octalNumber(;
hdr.Uid = tr.octalNumber(;
hdr.Gid = tr.octalNumber(;
hdr.Size = tr.octalNumber(;
hdr.Mtime = tr.octalNumber(;; // chksum
hdr.Typeflag =[0];
hdr.Linkname = cString(;; // magic, version
if tr.err != nil {
tr.err = HeaderError;
return nil
// Maximum value of hdr.Size is 64 GB (12 octal digits),
// so there's no risk of int64 overflowing.
tr.nb = int64(hdr.Size);
tr.pad = -tr.nb & (blockSize - 1); // blockSize is a power of two
return hdr
// Read reads from the current entry in the tar archive.
// It returns 0, nil when it reaches the end of that entry,
// until Next is called to advance to the next entry.
func (tr *Reader) Read(b []uint8) (n int, err os.Error) {
if int64(len(b)) > tr.nb {
b = b[0:tr.nb];
n, err = tr.r.Read(b);
tr.nb -= int64(n);
tr.err = err;
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package tar
import (
func TestUntar(t *testing.T) {
f, err := os.Open("testdata/test.tar", os.O_RDONLY, 0444);
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Unexpected error: %v", err);
defer f.Close();
tr := NewReader(f);
// First file
hdr, err := tr.Next();
if err != nil || hdr == nil {
t.Fatalf("Didn't get first file: %v", err);
if hdr.Name != "small.txt" {
t.Errorf(`hdr.Name = %q, want "small.txt"`, hdr.Name);
if hdr.Mode != 0640 {
t.Errorf("hdr.Mode = %v, want 0640", hdr.Mode);
if hdr.Size != 5 {
t.Errorf("hdr.Size = %v, want 5", hdr.Size);
// Read the first four bytes; Next() should skip the last one.
buf := make([]byte, 4);
if n, err := io.FullRead(tr, buf); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Unexpected error: %v", err);
if expected := io.StringBytes("Kilt"); !bytes.Equal(buf, expected) {
t.Errorf("Contents = %v, want %v", buf, expected);
// Second file
hdr, err = tr.Next();
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Didn't get second file: %v", err);
if hdr.Name != "small2.txt" {
t.Errorf(`hdr.Name = %q, want "small2.txt"`, hdr.Name);
if hdr.Mode != 0640 {
t.Errorf("hdr.Mode = %v, want 0640", hdr.Mode);
if hdr.Size != 11 {
t.Errorf("hdr.Size = %v, want 11", hdr.Size);
hdr, err = tr.Next();
if hdr != nil || err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Unexpected third file or error: %v", err);
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