Commit b7585a31 authored by Robert Griesemer's avatar Robert Griesemer

weekly snapshot:

- better error handling, indentation, support for defaults,
  environments for custom formatters, cleanups (more functionality, less code)

- better comment printing using format.go

made test script more robust

DELTA=622  (175 added, 305 deleted, 142 changed)
parent a343e5ce
......@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ ast.Decl =
// Comments
ast.Comment =
Text:string "\n";
Text:string [Text:isMultiLineComment "\n"];
ast.Comments =
......@@ -305,9 +305,13 @@ ast.BadDecl =
ast.GenDecl =
Tok " "
[Lparen:isValidPos "(" >> "\t" "\n"]
( Lparen:isValidPos
>> "\t" "(\n"
{Specs / ";\n"}
[Rparen:isValidPos << "\n" ")"];
| {Specs / ";\n"}
ast.FuncDecl =
"func " ["(" Recv ") "] Name Type:funcSignature
......@@ -28,23 +28,17 @@ import (
// TODO should probably do this in a different way
var (
debug = flag.Bool("d", false, "debug mode");
trace = flag.Bool("t", false, "trace mode");
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Format representation
type (
Formatter func(w io.Writer, value interface{}, name string) bool;
Formatter func(w io.Writer, env, value interface{}, name string) bool;
FormatterMap map[string]Formatter;
......@@ -52,43 +46,35 @@ type (
// A production expression is built from the following nodes.
type (
expr interface {
String() string;
expr interface {};
alternative struct {
x, y expr;
x, y expr; // x | y
sequence struct {
x, y expr;
x, y expr; // x y
literal struct {
// TODO should there be other types or should it all be string literals?
value []byte;
indentation struct {
iexpr expr; // outdent if nil
field struct {
fname string; // including "^", "*"
tname string; // "" if no tname specified
negation struct {
neg expr;
indentation struct {
indent, body expr; // >> indent body <<
option struct {
opt expr;
body expr; // [body]
repetition struct {
rep expr;
div expr;
body, div expr; // {body / div}
custom struct {
......@@ -98,60 +84,6 @@ type (
func (x *alternative) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("(%v | %v)", x.x, x.y);
func (x *sequence) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%v %v", x.x, x.y);
func (x *literal) String() string {
return strconv.Quote(string(x.value));
func (x *indentation) String() string {
if x.iexpr != nil {
fmt.Sprintf(">> %s", x.iexpr);
return "<<";
func (x *field) String() string {
if x.tname == "" {
return x.fname;
return x.fname + " : " + x.tname;
func (x *negation) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("!%v", x.neg);
func (x *option) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("[%v]", x.opt);
func (x *repetition) String() string {
if x.div == nil {
return fmt.Sprintf("{%v}", x.rep);
return fmt.Sprintf("{%v / %v}", x.rep, x.div);
func (x *custom) String() string {
return "<" + + ">";
/* A Format is a set of production expressions. A new format is
created explicitly by calling Parse, or implicitly by one of
the Xprintf functions.
......@@ -159,17 +91,16 @@ func (x *custom) String() string {
Formatting rules are specified in the following syntax:
Format = Production { ";" Production } [ ";" ] .
Production = Name "=" Expression .
Production = ( Name | "default" | "/" ) "=" Expression .
Name = identifier { "." identifier } .
Expression = [ Term ] { "|" [ Term ] } .
Term = Factor { Factor } .
Factor = string_literal | Indent | Field | Negation | Group | Option | Repetition .
Indent = ">>" Factor | "<<" .
Factor = string_literal | Indent | Field | Group | Option | Repetition .
Field = ( "^" | "*" | Name ) [ ":" Name ] .
Negation = "!" Factor .
Indent = ">>" Factor Expression "<<" .
Group = "(" Expression ")" .
Option = "[" Expression "]" .
Repetition = "{" Expression "}" .
Repetition = "{" Expression [ "/" Expression ] "}" .
The syntax of white space, comments, identifiers, and string literals is
the same as in Go.
......@@ -198,17 +129,46 @@ func (x *custom) String() string {
A field may contain a format specifier of the form
: Expression
which specifies the field format irrespective of the field type.
: Name
Default formats are used for types without specific formating rules:
The "%v" format is used for values of all types expect pointer, array,
map, and interface types. They are using the "^" designator.
which specifies the field format rule irrespective of the field type.
TODO complete this description
type Format map [string] expr;
type Format struct {
// TODO(gri) Eventually have import path info here
// once reflect provides import paths.
rules map [string] expr;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Error handling
// Error implements an os.Error that may be returned as a
// result of calling Parse or any of the print functions.
type Error struct {
Pos token.Position; // source position, if any (otherwise Pos.Line == 0)
Msg string; // error message
Next *Error; // next error, if any (or nil)
// String converts a list of Error messages into a string,
// with one error per line.
func (e *Error) String() string {
var buf io.ByteBuffer;
for ; e != nil; e = e.Next {
if e.Pos.Line > 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "%d:%d: ", e.Pos.Line, e.Pos.Column);
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "%s\n", e.Msg);
return string(buf.Data());
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
......@@ -226,20 +186,24 @@ type parser struct {
tok token.Token; // one token look-ahead
lit []byte; // token literal
// error handling
errors io.ByteBuffer; // errors.Len() > 0 if there were errors
lastline int;
// errors
first, last *Error;
// The parser implements the scanner.ErrorHandler interface.
func (p *parser) Error(pos token.Position, msg string) {
if pos.Line != p.lastline {
if p.last == nil || p.last.Pos.Line != pos.Line {
// only report error if not on the same line as previous error
// in the hope to reduce number of follow-up errors reported
fmt.Fprintf(&p.errors, "%d:%d: %s\n", pos.Line, pos.Column, msg);
err := &Error{pos, msg, nil};
if p.last == nil {
p.first = err;
} else {
p.last.Next = err;
p.last = err;
p.lastline = pos.Line;
......@@ -299,7 +263,7 @@ func (p *parser) parseValue() []byte {
// (change value to string?)
s, err := strconv.Unquote(string(p.lit));
if err != nil {
panic("scanner error?");
panic("scanner error");
......@@ -308,7 +272,7 @@ func (p *parser) parseValue() []byte {
func (p *parser) parseFactor() (x expr)
func (p *parser) parseExpr() expr
func (p *parser) parseExpression() expr
func (p *parser) parseField() expr {
var fname string;
......@@ -344,33 +308,28 @@ func (p *parser) parseFactor() (x expr) {
case token.SHR:;
x = &indentation{p.parseFactor()};
case token.SHL:;
x = &indentation{nil};
case token.NOT:;
x = &negation{p.parseFactor()};
iexpr := p.parseFactor();
body := p.parseExpression();
return &indentation{iexpr, body};
case token.LPAREN:;
x = p.parseExpr();
x = p.parseExpression();
case token.LBRACK:;
x = &option{p.parseExpr()};
x = &option{p.parseExpression()};
case token.LBRACE:;
x = p.parseExpr();
x = p.parseExpression();
var div expr;
if p.tok == token.QUO {;
div = p.parseExpr();
div = p.parseExpression();
x = &repetition{x, div};
......@@ -400,7 +359,7 @@ func (p *parser) parseTerm() expr {
func (p *parser) parseExpr() expr {
func (p *parser) parseExpression() expr {
x := p.parseTerm();
for p.tok == token.OR {
......@@ -413,24 +372,34 @@ func (p *parser) parseExpr() expr {
func (p *parser) parseProd() (string, expr) {
name := p.parseName();
func (p *parser) parseProduction() (string, expr) {
var name string;
switch p.tok {
case token.DEFAULT:;
name = "default";
case token.QUO:;
name = "/";
name = p.parseName();
x := p.parseExpr();
x := p.parseExpression();
return name, x;
func (p *parser) parseFormat() Format {
format := make(Format);
func (p *parser) parseFormat() *Format {
rules := make(map [string] expr);
for p.tok != token.EOF {
pos := p.pos;
name, x := p.parseProd();
name, x := p.parseProduction();
// add production to format
if t, found := format[name]; !found {
format[name] = x;
// add production to rules
if t, found := rules[name]; !found {
rules[name] = x;
} else {
p.Error(pos, "production already declared: " + name);
......@@ -443,198 +412,153 @@ func (p *parser) parseFormat() Format {
return format;
return &Format{rules};
type formatError string
func (p formatError) String() string {
return string(p);
func readSource(src interface{}) ([]byte, os.Error) {
if src == nil {
return nil, formatError("src is nil");
switch s := src.(type) {
case string:
return io.StringBytes(s), nil;
case []byte:
if s == nil {
return nil, formatError("src is nil");
return s, nil;
case *io.ByteBuffer:
// is io.Read, but src is already available in []byte form
if s == nil {
return nil, formatError("src is nil");
return s.Data(), nil;
case io.Reader:
var buf io.ByteBuffer;
n, err := io.Copy(s, &buf);
if err != nil {
return nil, err;
return buf.Data(), nil
return nil, formatError("src type not supported");
// Parse parses a set of format productions. The format src may be
// a string, a []byte, or implement io.Read. The result is a Format
// if no errors occured; otherwise Parse returns nil.
// Parse parses a set of format productions from source src. If there are no
// errors, the result is a Format and the error is nil. Otherwise the format
// is nil and the os.Error string contains a line for each error encountered.
func Parse(src interface{}, fmap FormatterMap) (f Format, err os.Error) {
s, err := readSource(src);
if err != nil {
return nil, err;
// parse format description
func Parse(src []byte, fmap FormatterMap) (*Format, os.Error) {
// parse source
var p parser;
p.scanner.Init(s, &p, false);
p.scanner.Init(src, &p, false);;
f = p.parseFormat();
f := p.parseFormat();
// add custom formatters, if any
// TODO should we test that name is a legal name?
for name, form := range fmap {
if t, found := f[name]; !found {
f[name] = &custom{name, form};
if t, found := f.rules[name]; !found {
f.rules[name] = &custom{name, form};
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(&p.errors, "formatter already declared: %s", name);
p.Error(token.Position{0, 0, 0}, "formatter already declared: " + name);
if p.errors.Len() > 0 {
return nil, formatError(string(p.errors.Data()));
if p.first != nil {
return nil, p.first;
return f, nil;
func ParseOrDie(src interface{}, fmap FormatterMap) Format {
f, err := Parse(src, fmap);
if err != nil {
return f;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Formatting
type state struct {
f *Format;
env interface{};
sep expr;
errors chan os.Error; // not chan *Error: errors <- nil would be wrong!
indent io.ByteBuffer;
func (f Format) Dump() {
for name, form := range f {
fmt.Printf("%s = %v;\n", name, form);
func (ps *state) init(f *Format, env interface{}) {
ps.f = f;
ps.env = env;
// if we have a separator ("/") production, cache it for easy access
if sep, has_sep := f.rules["/"]; has_sep {
ps.sep = sep;
ps.errors = make(chan os.Error);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Formatting
func getField(v reflect.StructValue, fieldname string) reflect.Value {
t := v.Type().(reflect.StructType);
for i := 0; i < t.Len(); i++ {
name, typ, tag, offset := t.Field(i);
if name == fieldname {
return v.Field(i);
} else if name == "" {
// anonymous field - check type name
// TODO this is only going down one level - fix
if strings.HasSuffix(typ.Name(), "." + fieldname) {
return v.Field(i);
panicln(fmt.Sprintf("no field %s int %s", fieldname, t.Name()));
return nil;
func (ps *state) error(msg string) {
ps.errors <- &Error{token.Position{0, 0, 0}, msg, nil};
func typename(value reflect.Value) string {
name := value.Type().Name();
func getField(val reflect.Value, fieldname string) (reflect.Value, int) {
// do we have a struct in the first place?
if val.Kind() != reflect.StructKind {
return nil, 0;
if name != "" {
return name;
sval, styp := val.(reflect.StructValue), val.Type().(reflect.StructType);
// look for field at the top level
for i := 0; i < styp.Len(); i++ {
name, typ, tag, offset := styp.Field(i);
if name == fieldname || name == "" && strings.HasSuffix(typ.Name(), "." + fieldname) /* anonymous field */ {
return sval.Field(i), 0;
switch value.Kind() {
case reflect.ArrayKind: name = "array";
case reflect.BoolKind: name = "bool";
case reflect.ChanKind: name = "chan";
case reflect.DotDotDotKind: name = "ellipsis";
case reflect.FloatKind: name = "float";
case reflect.Float32Kind: name = "float32";
case reflect.Float64Kind: name = "float64";
case reflect.FuncKind: name = "func";
case reflect.IntKind: name = "int";
case reflect.Int16Kind: name = "int16";
case reflect.Int32Kind: name = "int32";
case reflect.Int64Kind: name = "int64";
case reflect.Int8Kind: name = "int8";
case reflect.InterfaceKind: name = "interface";
case reflect.MapKind: name = "map";
case reflect.PtrKind: name = "pointer";
case reflect.StringKind: name = "string";
case reflect.StructKind: name = "struct";
case reflect.UintKind: name = "uint";
case reflect.Uint16Kind: name = "uint16";
case reflect.Uint32Kind: name = "uint32";
case reflect.Uint64Kind: name = "uint64";
case reflect.Uint8Kind: name = "uint8";
case reflect.UintptrKind: name = "uintptr";
// look for field in anonymous fields
var field reflect.Value;
level := 1000; // infinity
for i := 0; i < styp.Len(); i++ {
name, typ, tag, offset := styp.Field(i);
if name == "" {
f, l := getField(sval.Field(i), fieldname);
// keep the most shallow field
if f != nil && l < level {
field, level = f, l;
return name;
return field, level + 1;
var defaults = map [int] expr {
reflect.ArrayKind: &field{"*", ""},
reflect.DotDotDotKind: &field{"*", ""},
reflect.InterfaceKind: &field{"*", ""},
reflect.MapKind: &field{"*", ""},
reflect.PtrKind: &field{"*", ""},
reflect.StringKind: &literal{io.StringBytes("%s")},
var default_names = map[int]string {
reflect.ArrayKind: "array",
reflect.BoolKind: "bool",
reflect.ChanKind: "chan",
reflect.DotDotDotKind: "ellipsis",
reflect.FloatKind: "float",
reflect.Float32Kind: "float32",
reflect.Float64Kind: "float64",
reflect.FuncKind: "func",
reflect.IntKind: "int",
reflect.Int16Kind: "int16",
reflect.Int32Kind: "int32",
reflect.Int64Kind: "int64",
reflect.Int8Kind: "int8",
reflect.InterfaceKind: "interface",
reflect.MapKind: "map",
reflect.PtrKind: "pointer",
reflect.StringKind: "string",
reflect.StructKind: "struct",
reflect.UintKind: "uint",
reflect.Uint16Kind: "uint16",
reflect.Uint32Kind: "uint32",
reflect.Uint64Kind: "uint64",
reflect.Uint8Kind: "uint8",
reflect.UintptrKind: "uintptr",
var catchAll = &literal{io.StringBytes("%v")};
func (f Format) getFormat(name string, value reflect.Value) expr {
if name == "nil" {
fmt.Printf("value = %T %v, kind = %d\n", value, value, value.Kind());
func typename(value reflect.Value) string {
name := value.Type().Name();
if name == "" {
if default_name, found := default_names[value.Kind()]; found {
name = default_name;
if fexpr, found := f[name]; found {
return fexpr;
return name;
if *debug {
fmt.Printf("no production for type: %s\n", name);
// no fexpr found - return kind-specific default value, if any
if fexpr, found := defaults[value.Kind()]; found {
func (ps *state) getFormat(name string) expr {
if fexpr, found := ps.f.rules[name]; found {
return fexpr;
if *debug {
fmt.Printf("no default for type: %s\n", name);
if fexpr, found := ps.f.rules["default"]; found {
return fexpr;
return catchAll;
ps.error(fmt.Sprintf("no production for type: '%s'\n", name));
return nil;
......@@ -654,7 +578,7 @@ func percentCount(s []byte) int {
func rawPrintf(w io.Writer, format []byte, value reflect.Value) {
func (ps *state) rawPrintf(w io.Writer, format []byte, value reflect.Value) {
// TODO find a better way to do this
x := value.Interface();
switch percentCount(format) {
......@@ -668,69 +592,13 @@ func rawPrintf(w io.Writer, format []byte, value reflect.Value) {
// TODO this should become a Go built-in
func push(dst []int, x int) []int {
n := len(dst);
if n > cap(dst) {
panic("dst too small");
dst = dst[0 : n+1];
dst[n] = x;
return dst;
func append(dst, src []byte) []byte {
n, m := len(dst), len(src);
if n+m > cap(dst) {
panic("dst too small");
dst = dst[0 : n+m];
for i := 0; i < m; i++ {
dst[n+i] = src[i];
return dst;
type state struct {
f Format;
// indentation
indent_text []byte;
indent_widths []int;
func (ps *state) init(f Format) {
ps.f = f;
ps.indent_text = make([]byte, 0, 1000); // TODO don't use fixed cap
ps.indent_widths = make([]int, 0, 100); // TODO don't use fixed cap
func (ps *state) indent(text []byte) {
ps.indent_widths = push(ps.indent_widths, len(ps.indent_text));
ps.indent_text = append(ps.indent_text, text);
func (ps *state) outdent() {
i := len(ps.indent_widths);
if i > 0 {
ps.indent_text = ps.indent_text[0 : ps.indent_widths[i-1]];
ps.indent_widths = ps.indent_widths[0 : i-1];
func (ps *state) printIndented(w io.Writer, s []byte) {
// replace each '\n' with the indent + '\n'
i0 := 0;
for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
if s[i] == '\n' {
w.Write(s[i0 : i+1]);
i0 = i+1;
......@@ -739,22 +607,20 @@ func (ps *state) printIndented(w io.Writer, s []byte) {
func (ps *state) printf(w io.Writer, format []byte, value reflect.Value) {
if len(ps.indent_widths) == 0 {
if ps.indent.Len()== 0 {
// no indentation
rawPrintf(w, format, value);
ps.rawPrintf(w, format, value);
} else {
// print into temporary buffer
var buf io.ByteBuffer;
rawPrintf(&buf, format, value);
ps.rawPrintf(&buf, format, value);
ps.printIndented(w, buf.Data());
func (ps *state) print(w io.Writer, fexpr expr, value reflect.Value, index, level int) bool
// Returns true if a non-empty field value was found.
func (ps *state) print0(w io.Writer, fexpr expr, value reflect.Value, index, level int) bool {
func (ps *state) print(w io.Writer, fexpr expr, value reflect.Value, index int) bool {
if fexpr == nil {
return true;
......@@ -764,12 +630,12 @@ func (ps *state) print0(w io.Writer, fexpr expr, value reflect.Value, index, lev
// - print the contents of the first alternative with a non-empty field
// - result is true if there is at least one non-empty field
var buf io.ByteBuffer;
if ps.print(&buf, t.x, value, 0, level) {
if ps.print(&buf, t.x, value, 0) {
return true;
} else {
var buf io.ByteBuffer;
if ps.print(&buf, t.y, value, 0, level) {
if ps.print(&buf, t.y, value, 0) {
return true;
......@@ -780,9 +646,12 @@ func (ps *state) print0(w io.Writer, fexpr expr, value reflect.Value, index, lev
// - print the contents of the sequence
// - result is true if there is no empty field
// TODO do we need to buffer here? why not?
b1 := ps.print(w, t.x, value, index, level);
b2 := ps.print(w, t.y, value, index, level);
return b1 && b2;
b := ps.print(w, t.x, value, index);
// TODO should invoke separator only inbetween terminal symbols?
if ps.sep != nil {
b = ps.print(w, ps.sep, value, index) && b;
return ps.print(w, t.y, value, index) && b;
case *literal:
// - print the literal
......@@ -790,19 +659,6 @@ func (ps *state) print0(w io.Writer, fexpr expr, value reflect.Value, index, lev
ps.printf(w, t.value, value);
return true;
case *indentation:
if t.iexpr != nil {
// indent
var buf io.ByteBuffer;
ps.print(&buf, t.iexpr, value, index, level);
} else {
// outdent
return true;
case *field:
// - print the contents of the field
// - format is either the field format or the type-specific format
......@@ -822,7 +678,7 @@ func (ps *state) print0(w io.Writer, fexpr expr, value reflect.Value, index, lev
value = v.Elem(index);
case reflect.MapValue:
panic("reflection support for maps incomplete");
ps.error("reflection support for maps incomplete\n");
case reflect.PtrValue:
if v.Get() == nil {
......@@ -838,17 +694,16 @@ func (ps *state) print0(w io.Writer, fexpr expr, value reflect.Value, index, lev
// TODO fix this
panic(fmt.Sprintf("error: * does not apply to `%s`\n", value.Type().Name()));
ps.error(fmt.Sprintf("error: * does not apply to `%s`\n", value.Type().Name()));
// field
if s, is_struct := value.(reflect.StructValue); is_struct {
value = getField(s, t.fname);
} else {
// TODO fix this
panic(fmt.Sprintf("error: %s has no field `%s`\n", value.Type().Name(), t.fname));
field, _ := getField(value, t.fname);
if field == nil {
ps.error(fmt.Sprintf("error: no field `%s` in `%s`\n", t.fname, value.Type().Name()));
value = field;
// determine format
......@@ -856,23 +711,21 @@ func (ps *state) print0(w io.Writer, fexpr expr, value reflect.Value, index, lev
if tname == "" {
tname = typename(value)
fexpr = ps.f.getFormat(tname, value);
fexpr = ps.getFormat(tname);
return ps.print(w, fexpr, value, index, level);
return ps.print(w, fexpr, value, index);
case *negation:
// TODO is this operation useful at all?
// print the contents of the option if is contains an empty field
var buf io.ByteBuffer;
if !ps.print(&buf, t.neg, value, 0, level) {
return true;
case *indentation:
saved_len := ps.indent.Len();
ps.print(&ps.indent, t.indent, value, index); // add additional indentation
b := ps.print(w, t.body, value, index);
ps.indent.Truncate(saved_len); // reset indentation
return b;
case *option:
// print the contents of the option if it contains a non-empty field
var buf io.ByteBuffer;
if ps.print(&buf, t.opt, value, 0, level) {
if ps.print(&buf, t.body, value, 0) {
return true;
......@@ -880,9 +733,9 @@ func (ps *state) print0(w io.Writer, fexpr expr, value reflect.Value, index, lev
case *repetition:
// print the contents of the repetition while there is a non-empty field
var buf io.ByteBuffer;
for i := 0; ps.print(&buf, t.rep, value, i, level); i++ {
for i := 0; ps.print(&buf, t.body, value, i); i++ {
if i > 0 {
ps.print(w, t.div, value, i, level);
ps.print(w, t.div, value, i);
......@@ -891,7 +744,7 @@ func (ps *state) print0(w io.Writer, fexpr expr, value reflect.Value, index, lev
case *custom:
var buf io.ByteBuffer;
if t.form(&buf, value.Interface(), {
if t.form(&buf, ps.env, value.Interface(), {
ps.printIndented(w, buf.Data());
return true;
......@@ -903,63 +756,41 @@ func (ps *state) print0(w io.Writer, fexpr expr, value reflect.Value, index, lev
func printTrace(indent int, format string, a ...) {
const dots =
". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "
". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ";
const n = len(dots);
i := 2*indent;
for ; i > n; i -= n {
fmt.Print(dots[0 : i]);
fmt.Printf(format, a);
func (ps *state) print(w io.Writer, fexpr expr, value reflect.Value, index, level int) bool {
if *trace {
printTrace(level, "%v, %d {\n", fexpr, /*value.Interface(), */index);
result := ps.print0(w, fexpr, value, index, level+1);
if *trace {
printTrace(level, "} %v\n", result);
return result;
// TODO proper error reporting
// Fprint formats each argument according to the format f
// and writes to w.
func (f Format) Fprint(w io.Writer, args ...) {
func (f *Format) Fprint(w io.Writer, env interface{}, args ...) (int, os.Error) {
var ps state;
ps.init(f, env);
go func() {
value := reflect.NewValue(args).(reflect.StructValue);
for i := 0; i < value.Len(); i++ {
fld := value.Field(i);
var ps state;
ps.print(w, f.getFormat(typename(fld), fld), fld, 0, 0);
ps.print(w, ps.getFormat(typename(fld)), fld, 0);
ps.errors <- nil; // no errors
// TODO return correct value for count instead of 0
return 0, <-ps.errors;
// Print formats each argument according to the format f
// and writes to standard output.
func (f Format) Print(args ...) {
f.Fprint(os.Stdout, args);
func (f *Format) Print(args ...) (int, os.Error) {
return f.Fprint(os.Stdout, nil, args);
// Sprint formats each argument according to the format f
// and returns the resulting string.
func (f Format) Sprint(args ...) string {
func (f *Format) Sprint(args ...) string {
var buf io.ByteBuffer;
f.Fprint(&buf, args);
// TODO what to do in case of errors?
f.Fprint(&buf, nil, args);
return string(buf.Data());
......@@ -6,12 +6,17 @@ package format
import (
func check(t *testing.T, form, expected string, args ...) {
result := format.ParseOrDie(form, nil).Sprint(args);
f, err := format.Parse(io.StringBytes(form), nil);
if err != nil {
result := f.Sprint(args);
if result != expected {
"format : %s\nresult : `%s`\nexpected: `%s`\n\n",
......@@ -39,7 +44,6 @@ func Test0(t *testing.T) {
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// - default formatting of basic type int
// - formatting of a struct
type T1 struct {
......@@ -47,6 +51,7 @@ type T1 struct {
const F1 =
`int = "%d";`
`format.T1 = "<" a ">";`
func Test1(t *testing.T) {
......@@ -56,7 +61,6 @@ func Test1(t *testing.T) {
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// - formatting of a struct with an optional field (pointer)
// - default formatting for pointers
type T2 struct {
s string;
......@@ -65,11 +69,14 @@ type T2 struct {
const F2a =
F1 +
`string = "%s";`
`pointer = *;`
`format.T2 = s ["-" p "-"];`
const F2b =
F1 +
`string = "%s";`
`pointer = *;`
`format.T2 = s ("-" p "-" | "empty");`;
func Test2(t *testing.T) {
......@@ -88,9 +95,14 @@ type T3 struct {
const F3a =
`default = "%v";`
`array = *;`
`format.T3 = s {" " a a / ","};`
const F3b =
`int = "%d";`
`string = "%s";`
`array = *;`
`nil = ;`
`empty = *:nil;`
`format.T3 = s [a:empty ": " {a / "-"}]`
......@@ -112,11 +124,17 @@ type T4 struct {
const F4a =
`int = "%d";`
`pointer = *;`
`array = *;`
`nil = ;`
`empty = *:nil;`
`format.T4 = "<" (x:empty x | "-") ">" `
const F4b =
`int = "%d";`
`pointer = *;`
`array = *;`
`nil = ;`
`empty = *:nil;`
`format.T4 = "<" (a:empty {a / ", "} | "-") ">" `
......@@ -94,20 +94,32 @@ func (h *ErrorHandler) Error(pos token.Position, msg string) {
func isValidPos(w io.Writer, value interface{}, name string) bool {
func isValidPos(w io.Writer, env, value interface{}, name string) bool {
return value.(token.Position).Line > 0;
func isSend(w io.Writer, value interface{}, name string) bool {
func isSend(w io.Writer, env, value interface{}, name string) bool {
return value.(ast.ChanDir) & ast.SEND != 0;
func isRecv(w io.Writer, value interface{}, name string) bool {
func isRecv(w io.Writer, env, value interface{}, name string) bool {
return value.(ast.ChanDir) & ast.RECV != 0;
func isMultiLineComment(w io.Writer, env, value interface{}, name string) bool {
return value.([]byte)[1] == '*'
var fmap = format.FormatterMap{
"isValidPos": isValidPos,
"isSend": isSend,
"isRecv": isRecv,
"isMultiLineComment": isMultiLineComment,
func main() {
// handle flags
......@@ -129,7 +141,7 @@ func main() {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s: %v\n", ast_txt, err);
ast_format, err := format.Parse(src, format.FormatterMap{"isValidPos": isValidPos, "isSend": isSend, "isRecv": isRecv});
ast_format, err := format.Parse(src, fmap);
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s: format errors:\n%s", ast_txt, err);
......@@ -156,7 +168,13 @@ func main() {
if !*silent {
tw := makeTabwriter(os.Stdout);
if *formatter {
ast_format.Fprint(tw, prog);
var optSemi bool; // formatting environment
_, err := ast_format.Fprint(tw, &optSemi, prog);
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "format error$$: %s", err);
exitcode = 1;
continue; // proceed with next file
} else {
var p astPrinter.Printer;
p.Init(tw, nil, nil /*prog.Comments*/, false);
......@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ type Object struct {
func (obj *Object) IsExported() bool {
switch obj.Kind {
case NONE /* FUNC for now */, CONST, TYPE, VAR, FUNC:
ch, size := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(obj.Ident, 0);
ch, size := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(obj.Ident);
return unicode.IsUpper(ch);
return false;
......@@ -36,8 +36,7 @@ apply1() {
# apply to local files
applydot() {
for F in *.go
for F in `find . -name "*.go" | grep -v "OLD" | grep -v "._"`; do
apply1 $1 $F
......@@ -45,7 +44,7 @@ applydot() {
# apply to all .go files we can find
apply() {
for F in `find $GOROOT -name "*.go" | grep -v "OLD"`; do
for F in `find $GOROOT -name "*.go" | grep -v "OLD" | grep -v "._"`; do
apply1 $1 $F
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