Commit bd275b23 authored by Robert Griesemer's avatar Robert Griesemer

math/big: multi-precision Floats (starting point)

- +, -, *, /, and some unary ops
- all rounding modes
- basic conversions
- string to float conversion
- tests

- float to string conversion, formatting
- handling of +/-0 and +/-inf (under- and overflow)
- various TODOs and cleanups

With precision set to 24 or 53, the results match
float32 or float64 operations exactly (excluding
NaNs and denormalized numbers which will not be

Change-Id: I3121e90fc4b1528e40bb6ff526008da18b3c6520
Reviewed-on: default avatarAlan Donovan <>
parent 571d02d9
// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// This file implements multi-precision floating-point numbers.
// Like in the GNU MPFR library (, operands
// can be of mixed precision. Unlike MPFR, the rounding mode is
// not specified with each operation, but with each operand. The
// rounding mode of the result operand determines the rounding
// mode of an operation. This is a from-scratch implementation.
package big
import (
// TODO(gri): Determine if there's a more natural way to set the precision.
// Should there be a special meaning for prec 0? Such as "full precision"?
// (would be possible for all ops except quotient).
const debugFloat = true // enable for debugging
// Internal representation: A floating-point value x != 0 consists
// of a sign (x.neg), mantissa (x.mant), and exponent (x.exp) such
// that
// x = sign * 0.mantissa * 2**exponent
// and the mantissa is interpreted as a value between 0.5 and 1:
// 0.5 <= mantissa < 1.0
// The mantissa bits are stored in the shortest nat slice long enough
// to hold x.prec mantissa bits. The mantissa is normalized such that
// the msb of x.mant == 1. Thus, if the precision is not a multiple of
// the Word size _W, x.mant[0] contains trailing zero bits. The number
// 0 is represented by an empty mantissa and a zero exponent.
// A Float represents a multi-precision floating point number
// of the form
// sign * mantissa * 2**exponent
// Each value also has a precision, rounding mode, and accuracy value:
// The precision is the number of mantissa bits used to represent a
// value, and the result of operations is rounded to that many bits
// according to the value's rounding mode (unless specified othewise).
// The accuracy value indicates the rounding error with respect to the
// exact (not rounded) value.
// The zero value for a Float represents the number 0.
// By setting the desired precision to 24 (or 53) and using ToNearestEven
// rounding, Float arithmetic operations emulate the corresponding float32
// or float64 IEEE-754 operations (except for denormalized numbers and NaNs).
type Float struct {
mode RoundingMode
acc Accuracy
neg bool
mant nat
exp int32
prec uint // TODO(gri) make this a 32bit field
// NewFloat returns a new Float with value x rounded
// to prec bits according to the given rounding mode.
func NewFloat(x float64, prec uint, mode RoundingMode) *Float {
// TODO(gri) should make this more efficient
z := new(Float).SetFloat64(x)
return z.Round(z, prec, mode)
// infExp is the exponent value for infinity.
const infExp = 1<<31 - 1
// NewInf returns a new Float with value positive infinity (sign >= 0),
// or negative infinity (sign < 0).
func NewInf(sign int) *Float {
return &Float{neg: sign < 0, exp: infExp}
func (z *Float) setExp(e int64) {
e32 := int32(e)
if int64(e32) != e {
panic("exponent overflow") // TODO(gri) handle this gracefully
z.exp = e32
// Accuracy describes the rounding error produced by the most recent
// operation that generated a Float value, relative to the exact value:
// -1: below exact value
// 0: exact value
// +1: above exact value
type Accuracy int8
// Constants describing the Accuracy of a Float.
const (
Below Accuracy = -1
Exact Accuracy = 0
Above Accuracy = +1
func (a Accuracy) String() string {
switch {
case a < 0:
return "below"
return "exact"
case a > 0:
return "above"
// RoundingMode determines how a Float value is rounded to the
// desired precision. Rounding may change the Float value; the
// rounding error is described by the Float's Accuracy.
type RoundingMode uint8
// The following rounding modes are supported.
const (
ToNearestEven RoundingMode = iota // == IEEE 754-2008 roundTiesToEven
ToNearestAway // == IEEE 754-2008 roundTiesToAway
ToZero // == IEEE 754-2008 roundTowardZero
AwayFromZero // no IEEE 754-2008 equivalent
ToNegativeInf // == IEEE 754-2008 roundTowardNegative
ToPositiveInf // == IEEE 754-2008 roundTowardPositive
func (mode RoundingMode) String() string {
switch mode {
case ToNearestEven:
return "ToNearestEven"
case ToNearestAway:
return "ToNearestAway"
case ToZero:
return "ToZero"
case AwayFromZero:
return "AwayFromZero"
case ToNegativeInf:
return "ToNegativeInf"
case ToPositiveInf:
return "ToPositiveInf"
// Precision returns the mantissa precision of x in bits.
// The precision may be 0 if x == 0. // TODO(gri) Determine a better approach.
func (x *Float) Precision() uint {
return uint(x.prec)
// Accuracy returns the accuracy of x produced by the most recent operation.
func (x *Float) Accuracy() Accuracy {
return x.acc
// Mode returns the rounding mode of x.
func (x *Float) Mode() RoundingMode {
return x.mode
// debugging support
func (x *Float) validate() {
// assumes x != 0
const msb = 1 << (_W - 1)
m := len(x.mant)
if x.mant[m-1]&msb == 0 {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("msb not set in last word %#x of %s", x.mant[m-1], x.PString()))
if x.prec <= 0 {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid precision %d", x.prec))
// round rounds z according to z.mode to z.prec bits and sets z.acc accordingly.
// sbit must be 0 or 1 and summarizes any "sticky bit" information one might
// have before calling round. z's mantissa must be normalized, with the msb set.
func (z *Float) round(sbit uint) {
z.acc = Exact
// handle zero
m := uint(len(z.mant)) // mantissa length in words for current precision
if m == 0 {
z.exp = 0
if debugFloat {
// z.prec > 0
bits := m * _W // available mantissa bits
if bits == z.prec {
// mantissa fits Exactly => nothing to do
n := (z.prec + (_W - 1)) / _W // mantissa length in words for desired precision
if bits < z.prec {
// mantissa too small => extend
if m < n {
// slice too short => extend slice
if int(n) <= cap(z.mant) {
// reuse existing slice
z.mant = z.mant[:n]
copy(z.mant[n-m:], z.mant[:m])
} else {
// n > cap(z.mant) => allocate new slice
const e = 4 // extra capacity (see nat.make)
new := make(nat, n, n+e)
copy(new[n-m:], z.mant)
// Rounding is based on two bits: the rounding bit (rbit) and the
// sticky bit (sbit). The rbit is the bit immediately before the
// mantissa bits (the "0.5"). The sbit is set if any of the bits
// before the rbit are set (the "0.25", "0.125", etc.):
// rbit sbit => "fractional part"
// 0 0 == 0
// 0 1 > 0 , < 0.5
// 1 0 == 0.5
// 1 1 > 0.5, < 1.0
// bits > z.prec: mantissa too large => round
r := bits - z.prec - 1 // rounding bit position; r >= 0
rbit := z.mant.bit(r) // rounding bit
if sbit == 0 {
sbit = z.mant.sticky(r)
if debugFloat && sbit&^1 != 0 {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid sbit %#x", sbit))
// convert ToXInf rounding modes
mode := z.mode
switch mode {
case ToNegativeInf:
mode = ToZero
if z.neg {
mode = AwayFromZero
case ToPositiveInf:
mode = AwayFromZero
if z.neg {
mode = ToZero
// cut off extra words
if m > n {
copy(z.mant, z.mant[m-n:]) // move n last words to front
z.mant = z.mant[:n]
// determine number of trailing zero bits t
t := n*_W - z.prec // 0 <= t < _W
lsb := Word(1) << t
// make rounding decision
// TODO(gri) This can be simplified (see roundBits in float_test.go).
switch mode {
case ToZero:
// nothing to do
case ToNearestEven, ToNearestAway:
if rbit == 0 {
// rounding bits == 0b0x
mode = ToZero
} else if sbit == 1 {
// rounding bits == 0b11
mode = AwayFromZero
case AwayFromZero:
if rbit|sbit == 0 {
mode = ToZero
// ToXInf modes have been converted to ToZero or AwayFromZero
// round and determine accuracy
switch mode {
case ToZero:
if rbit|sbit != 0 {
z.acc = Below
case ToNearestEven, ToNearestAway:
if debugFloat && rbit != 1 {
panic("internal error in rounding")
if mode == ToNearestEven && sbit == 0 && z.mant[0]&lsb == 0 {
z.acc = Below
// mode == ToNearestAway || sbit == 1 || z.mant[0]&lsb != 0
case AwayFromZero:
// add 1 to mantissa
if addVW(z.mant, z.mant, lsb) != 0 {
// overflow => shift mantissa right by 1 and add msb
shrVU(z.mant, z.mant, 1)
z.mant[n-1] |= 1 << (_W - 1)
// adjust exponent
z.acc = Above
// zero out trailing bits in least-significant word
z.mant[0] &^= lsb - 1
// update accuracy
if z.neg {
z.acc = -z.acc
if debugFloat {
// Round sets z to the value of x rounded according to mode to prec bits and returns z.
func (z *Float) Round(x *Float, prec uint, mode RoundingMode) *Float {
z.prec = prec
z.mode = mode
return z
// nlz returns the number of leading zero bits in x.
func nlz(x Word) uint {
return _W - uint(bitLen(x))
// TODO(gri) this assumes a Word is 64 bits
func nlz64(x uint64) uint {
if _W != 64 {
panic("size mismatch")
return nlz(Word(x))
// SetUint64 sets z to x and returns z.
// Precision is set to 64 bits.
func (z *Float) SetUint64(x uint64) *Float {
z.neg = false
z.prec = 64
if x == 0 {
z.mant = z.mant[:0]
z.exp = 0
return z
s := nlz64(x)
z.mant = z.mant.setUint64(x << s)
z.exp = int32(64 - s)
return z
// SetInt64 sets z to x and returns z.
// Precision is set to 64 bits.
func (z *Float) SetInt64(x int64) *Float {
u := x
if u < 0 {
u = -u
z.neg = x < 0
return z
// SetFloat64 sets z to x and returns z.
// Precision is set to 53 bits.
// TODO(gri) test denormals, +/-Inf, disallow NaN.
func (z *Float) SetFloat64(x float64) *Float {
z.prec = 53
if x == 0 {
z.neg = false
z.mant = z.mant[:0]
z.exp = 0
return z
z.neg = x < 0
fmant, exp := math.Frexp(x) // get normalized mantissa
z.mant = z.mant.setUint64(1<<63 | math.Float64bits(fmant)<<11)
z.exp = int32(exp)
return z
// fnorm normalizes mantissa m by shifting it to the left
// such that the msb of the most-significant word (msw)
// is 1. It returns the shift amount.
// It assumes that m is not the zero nat.
func fnorm(m nat) uint {
if debugFloat && (len(m) == 0 || m[len(m)-1] == 0) {
panic("msw of mantissa is 0")
s := nlz(m[len(m)-1])
if s > 0 {
c := shlVU(m, m, s)
if debugFloat && c != 0 {
panic("nlz or shlVU incorrect")
return s
// SetInt sets z to x and returns z.
// Precision is set to the number of bits required to represent x accurately.
// TODO(gri) what about precision for x == 0?
func (z *Float) SetInt(x *Int) *Float {
if len(x.abs) == 0 {
z.neg = false
z.mant = z.mant[:0]
z.exp = 0
// z.prec = ?
return z
// x != 0
z.neg = x.neg
z.mant = z.mant.set(x.abs)
e := uint(len(z.mant))*_W - fnorm(z.mant)
z.exp = int32(e)
z.prec = e
return z
// SetRat sets z to x rounded to the precision of z and returns z.
func (z *Float) SetRat(x *Rat, prec uint) *Float {
// Set sets z to x, with the same precision as x, and returns z.
func (z *Float) Set(x *Float) *Float {
if z != x {
z.neg = x.neg
z.exp = x.exp
z.mant = z.mant.set(x.mant)
z.prec = x.prec
return z
func high64(x nat) uint64 {
if len(x) == 0 {
return 0
v := uint64(x[len(x)-1])
if _W == 32 && len(x) > 1 {
v = v<<32 | uint64(x[len(x)-2])
return v
// TODO(gri) FIX THIS (rounding mode, errors, accuracy, etc.)
func (x *Float) Uint64() uint64 {
m := high64(x.mant)
s := x.exp
if s >= 0 {
return m >> (64 - uint(s))
return 0 // imprecise
// TODO(gri) FIX THIS (rounding mode, errors, etc.)
func (x *Float) Int64() int64 {
v := int64(x.Uint64())
if x.neg {
return -v
return v
// Float64 returns the closest float64 value of x
// by rounding to nearest with 53 bits precision.
// TODO(gri) implement/document error scenarios.
func (x *Float) Float64() (float64, Accuracy) {
if len(x.mant) == 0 {
return 0, Exact
// x != 0
r := new(Float).Round(x, 53, ToNearestEven)
var s uint64
if r.neg {
s = 1 << 63
e := uint64(1022+r.exp) & 0x7ff // TODO(gri) check for overflow
m := high64(r.mant) >> 11 & (1<<52 - 1)
return math.Float64frombits(s | e<<52 | m), r.acc
func (x *Float) Int() *Int {
if len(x.mant) == 0 {
return new(Int)
func (x *Float) Rat() *Rat {
func (x *Float) IsInt() bool {
if len(x.mant) == 0 {
return true
if x.exp <= 0 {
return false
if uint(x.exp) >= x.prec {
return true
// Abs sets z to |x| (the absolute value of x) and returns z.
// TODO(gri) should Abs (and Neg) below ignore z's precision and rounding mode?
func (z *Float) Abs(x *Float) *Float {
z.neg = false
return z
// Neg sets z to x with its sign negated, and returns z.
func (z *Float) Neg(x *Float) *Float {
z.neg = !z.neg
return z
// z = x + y, ignoring signs of x and y.
// x and y must not be 0.
func (z *Float) uadd(x, y *Float) {
if debugFloat && (len(x.mant) == 0 || len(y.mant) == 0) {
panic("uadd called with 0 argument")
// Note: This implementation requires 2 shifts most of the
// time. It is also inefficient if exponents or precisions
// differ by wide margins. The following article describes
// an efficient (but much more complicated) implementation
// compatible with the internal representation used here:
// Vincent Lefèvre: "The Generic Multiple-Precision Floating-
// Point Addition With Exact Rounding (as in the MPFR Library)"
// order x, y by magnitude
ex := int(x.exp) - len(x.mant)*_W
ey := int(y.exp) - len(y.mant)*_W
if ex < ey {
// + is commutative => ok to swap operands
x, y = y, x
ex, ey = ey, ex
// ex >= ey
d := uint(ex - ey)
// compute adjusted xmant
var n0 uint // nlz(z) before addition
xadj := x.mant
if d > 0 {
xadj = z.mant.shl(x.mant, d) // 1st shift
n0 = _W - d%_W
z.exp = x.exp
// add numbers
z.mant = z.mant.add(xadj, y.mant)
// normalize mantissa
n1 := fnorm(z.mant) // 2nd shift (often)
// adjust exponent if the result got longer (by at most 1 bit)
if n1 != n0 {
if debugFloat && (n1+1)%_W != n0 {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("carry is %d bits, expected at most 1 bit", n0-n1))
// z = x - y for x >= y, ignoring signs of x and y.
// x and y must not be zero.
func (z *Float) usub(x, y *Float) {
if debugFloat && (len(x.mant) == 0 || len(y.mant) == 0) {
panic("usub called with 0 argument")
// Note: Like uadd, this implementation is often doing
// too much work and could be optimized by separating
// the various special cases.
// determine magnitude difference
ex := int(x.exp) - len(x.mant)*_W
ey := int(y.exp) - len(y.mant)*_W
if ex < ey {
// ex >= ey
d := uint(ex - ey)
// compute adjusted x.mant
var n uint // nlz(z) after adjustment
xadj := x.mant
if d > 0 {
xadj = z.mant.shl(x.mant, d)
n = _W - d%_W
e := int64(x.exp) + int64(n)
// subtract numbers
z.mant = z.mant.sub(xadj, y.mant)
if len(z.mant) != 0 {
e -= int64(len(xadj)-len(z.mant)) * _W
// normalize mantissa
z.setExp(e - int64(fnorm(z.mant)))
// z = x * y, ignoring signs of x and y.
// x and y must not be zero.
func (z *Float) umul(x, y *Float) {
if debugFloat && (len(x.mant) == 0 || len(y.mant) == 0) {
panic("umul called with 0 argument")
// Note: This is doing too much work if the precision
// of z is less than the sum of the precisions of x
// and y which is often the case (e.g., if all floats
// have the same precision).
// TODO(gri) Optimize this for the common case.
e := int64(x.exp) + int64(y.exp)
z.mant = z.mant.mul(x.mant, y.mant)
// normalize mantissa
z.setExp(e - int64(fnorm(z.mant)))
// z = x / y, ignoring signs of x and y.
// x and y must not be zero.
func (z *Float) uquo(x, y *Float) {
if debugFloat && (len(x.mant) == 0 || len(y.mant) == 0) {
panic("uquo called with 0 argument")
// mantissa length in words for desired result precision + 1
// (at least one extra bit so we get the rounding bit after
// the division)
n := int(z.prec/_W) + 1
// compute adjusted x.mant such that we get enough result precision
xadj := x.mant
if d := n - len(x.mant) + len(y.mant); d > 0 {
// d extra words needed => add d "0 digits" to x
xadj = make(nat, len(x.mant)+d)
copy(xadj[d:], x.mant)
// TODO(gri): If we have too many digits (d < 0), we should be able
// to shorten x for faster division. But we must be extra careful
// with rounding in that case.
// divide
var r nat
z.mant, r = z.mant.div(nil, xadj, y.mant)
// determine exponent
e := int64(x.exp) - int64(y.exp) - int64(len(xadj)-len(y.mant)-len(z.mant))*_W
// normalize mantissa
z.setExp(e - int64(fnorm(z.mant)))
// The result is long enough to include (at least) the rounding bit.
// If there's a non-zero remainder, the corresponding fractional part
// (if it were computed), would have a non-zero sticky bit (if it were
// zero, it couldn't have a non-zero remainder).
var sbit uint
if len(r) > 0 {
sbit = 1
// ucmp returns -1, 0, or 1, depending on whether x < y, x == y, or x > y,
// while ignoring the signs of x and y. x and y must not be zero.
func (x *Float) ucmp(y *Float) int {
if debugFloat && (len(x.mant) == 0 || len(y.mant) == 0) {
panic("ucmp called with 0 argument")
switch {
case x.exp < y.exp:
return -1
case x.exp > y.exp:
return 1
// x.exp == y.exp
// compare mantissas
i := len(x.mant)
j := len(y.mant)
for i > 0 || j > 0 {
var xm, ym Word
if i > 0 {
xm = x.mant[i]
if j > 0 {
ym = y.mant[j]
switch {
case xm < ym:
return -1
case xm > ym:
return 1
return 0
// Handling of sign bit as defined by IEEE 754-2008,
// section 6.3 (note that there are no NaN Floats):
// When neither the inputs nor result are NaN, the sign of a product or
// quotient is the exclusive OR of the operands’ signs; the sign of a sum,
// or of a difference x−y regarded as a sum x+(−y), differs from at most
// one of the addends’ signs; and the sign of the result of conversions,
// the quantize operation, the roundToIntegral operations, and the
// roundToIntegralExact (see 5.3.1) is the sign of the first or only operand.
// These rules shall apply even when operands or results are zero or infinite.
// When the sum of two operands with opposite signs (or the difference of
// two operands with like signs) is exactly zero, the sign of that sum (or
// difference) shall be +0 in all rounding-direction attributes except
// roundTowardNegative; under that attribute, the sign of an exact zero
// sum (or difference) shall be −0. However, x+x = x−(−x) retains the same
// sign as x even when x is zero.
// Add sets z to the rounded sum x+y and returns z.
// Rounding is performed according to z's precision
// and rounding mode; and z's accuracy reports the
// result error relative to the exact (not rounded)
// result.
func (z *Float) Add(x, y *Float) *Float {
// TODO(gri) what about -0?
if len(y.mant) == 0 {
return z.Round(x, z.prec, z.mode)
if len(x.mant) == 0 {
return z.Round(y, z.prec, z.mode)
// x, y != 0
neg := x.neg
if x.neg == y.neg {
// x + y == x + y
// (-x) + (-y) == -(x + y)
z.uadd(x, y)
} else {
// x + (-y) == x - y == -(y - x)
// (-x) + y == y - x == -(x - y)
if x.ucmp(y) >= 0 {
z.usub(x, y)
} else {
neg = !neg
z.usub(y, x)
z.neg = neg
return z
// Sub sets z to the rounded difference x-y and returns z.
// Rounding is performed according to z's precision
// and rounding mode; and z's accuracy reports the
// result error relative to the exact (not rounded)
// result.
func (z *Float) Sub(x, y *Float) *Float {
// TODO(gri) what about -0?
if len(y.mant) == 0 {
return z.Round(x, z.prec, z.mode)
if len(x.mant) == 0 {
prec := z.prec
mode := z.mode
return z.Round(z, prec, mode)
// x, y != 0
neg := x.neg
if x.neg != y.neg {
// x - (-y) == x + y
// (-x) - y == -(x + y)
z.uadd(x, y)
} else {
// x - y == x - y == -(y - x)
// (-x) - (-y) == y - x == -(x - y)
if x.ucmp(y) >= 0 {
z.usub(x, y)
} else {
neg = !neg
z.usub(y, x)
z.neg = neg
return z
// Mul sets z to the rounded product x*y and returns z.
// Rounding is performed according to z's precision
// and rounding mode; and z's accuracy reports the
// result error relative to the exact (not rounded)
// result.
func (z *Float) Mul(x, y *Float) *Float {
// TODO(gri) what about -0?
if len(x.mant) == 0 || len(y.mant) == 0 {
z.neg = false
z.mant = z.mant[:0]
z.exp = 0
z.acc = Exact
return z
// x, y != 0
z.umul(x, y)
z.neg = x.neg != y.neg
return z
// Quo sets z to the rounded quotient x/y and returns z.
// If y == 0, a division-by-zero run-time panic occurs. TODO(gri) this should become Inf
// Rounding is performed according to z's precision
// and rounding mode; and z's accuracy reports the
// result error relative to the exact (not rounded)
// result.
func (z *Float) Quo(x, y *Float) *Float {
// TODO(gri) what about -0?
if len(x.mant) == 0 {
z.neg = false
z.mant = z.mant[:0]
z.exp = 0
z.acc = Exact
return z
if len(y.mant) == 0 {
panic("division-by-zero") // TODO(gri) handle this better
// x, y != 0
z.uquo(x, y)
z.neg = x.neg != y.neg
return z
// Lsh sets z to the rounded x * (1<<s) and returns z.
// Rounding is performed according to z's precision
// and rounding mode; and z's accuracy reports the
// result error relative to the exact (not rounded)
// result.
func (z *Float) Lsh(x *Float, s uint, mode RoundingMode) *Float {
z.Round(x, z.prec, mode)
z.setExp(int64(z.exp) + int64(s))
return z
// Rsh sets z to the rounded x / (1<<s) and returns z.
// Rounding is performed according to z's precision
// and rounding mode; and z's accuracy reports the
// result error relative to the exact (not rounded)
// result.
func (z *Float) Rsh(x *Float, s uint, mode RoundingMode) *Float {
z.Round(x, z.prec, mode)
z.setExp(int64(z.exp) - int64(s))
return z
// Cmp compares x and y and returns:
// -1 if x < y
// 0 if x == y (incl. -0 == 0)
// +1 if x > y
func (x *Float) Cmp(y *Float) int {
// special cases
switch {
case len(x.mant) == 0:
// 0 cmp y == -sign(y)
return -y.Sign()
case len(y.mant) == 0:
// x cmp 0 == sign(x)
return x.Sign()
// x != 0 && y != 0
// x cmp y == x cmp y
// x cmp (-y) == 1
// (-x) cmp y == -1
// (-x) cmp (-y) == -(x cmp y)
switch {
case x.neg == y.neg:
r := x.ucmp(y)
if x.neg {
r = -r
return r
case x.neg:
return -1
return 1
return 0
// Sign returns:
// -1 if x < 0
// 0 if x == 0 (incl. x == -0)
// +1 if x > 0
func (x *Float) Sign() int {
if len(x.mant) == 0 {
return 0
if x.neg {
return -1
return 1
func (x *Float) String() string {
return x.PString() // TODO(gri) fix this
// PString returns x as a string in the format ["-"] "0x" mantissa "p" exponent,
// with a hexadecimal mantissa and a signed decimal exponent.
func (x *Float) PString() string {
prefix := "0."
if x.neg {
prefix = "-0."
return prefix + x.mant.string(lowercaseDigits[:16]) + fmt.Sprintf("p%d", x.exp)
// SetString sets z to the value of s and returns z and a boolean indicating
// success. s must be a floating-point number of the form:
// number = [ sign ] mantissa [ exponent ] .
// mantissa = digits | digits "." [ digits ] | "." digits .
// exponent = ( "E" | "e" | "p" ) [ sign ] digits .
// sign = "+" | "-" .
// digits = digit { digit } .
// digit = "0" ... "9" .
// A "p" exponent indicates power of 2 for the exponent; for instance 1.2p3
// is 1.2 * 2**3. If the operation failed, the value of z is undefined but
// the returned value is nil.
func (z *Float) SetString(s string) (*Float, bool) {
r := strings.NewReader(s)
f, err := z.scan(r)
if err != nil {
return nil, false
// there should be no unread characters left
if _, _, err = r.ReadRune(); err != io.EOF {
return nil, false
return f, true
// scan sets z to the value of the longest prefix of r representing
// a floating-point number and returns z or an error, if any.
// The number must be of the form:
// number = [ sign ] mantissa [ exponent ] .
// mantissa = digits | digits "." [ digits ] | "." digits .
// exponent = ( "E" | "e" | "p" ) [ sign ] digits .
// sign = "+" | "-" .
// digits = digit { digit } .
// digit = "0" ... "9" .
// A "p" exponent indicates power of 2 for the exponent; for instance 1.2p3
// is 1.2 * 2**3. If the operation failed, the value of z is undefined but
// the returned value is nil.
func (z *Float) scan(r io.RuneScanner) (f *Float, err error) {
// sign
z.neg, err = scanSign(r)
if err != nil {
// mantissa
var ecorr int // decimal exponent correction; valid if <= 0
z.mant, _, ecorr, err = z.mant.scan(r, 1)
if err != nil {
// exponent
var exp int64
var ebase int
exp, ebase, err = scanExponent(r)
if err != nil {
// special-case 0
if len(z.mant) == 0 {
z.exp = 0
return z, nil
// len(z.mant) > 0
// determine binary (exp2) and decimal (exp) exponent
exp2 := int64(len(z.mant)*_W - int(fnorm(z.mant)))
if ebase == 2 {
exp2 += exp
exp = 0
if ecorr < 0 {
exp += int64(ecorr)
if exp == 0 {
// no decimal exponent
return z, nil
// exp != 0
// compute decimal exponent power
expabs := exp
if expabs < 0 {
expabs = -expabs
powTen := new(Float).SetInt(new(Int).SetBits(nat(nil).expNN(natTen, nat(nil).setWord(Word(expabs)), nil)))
// correct result
if exp < 0 {
z.uquo(z, powTen)
} else {
z.umul(z, powTen)
return z, nil
// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package big
import (
func fromBinary(s string) int64 {
x, err := strconv.ParseInt(s, 2, 64)
if err != nil {
return x
func toBinary(x int64) string {
return strconv.FormatInt(x, 2)
func testFloatRound(t *testing.T, x, r int64, prec uint, mode RoundingMode) {
// verify test data
var ok bool
switch mode {
case ToNearestEven, ToNearestAway:
ok = true // nothing to do for now
case ToZero:
if x < 0 {
ok = r >= x
} else {
ok = r <= x
case AwayFromZero:
if x < 0 {
ok = r <= x
} else {
ok = r >= x
case ToNegativeInf:
ok = r <= x
case ToPositiveInf:
ok = r >= x
if !ok {
t.Fatalf("incorrect test data for prec = %d, %s: x = %s, r = %s", prec, mode, toBinary(x), toBinary(r))
// compute expected accuracy
a := Exact
switch {
case r < x:
a = Below
case r > x:
a = Above
// round
f := new(Float).SetInt64(x)
f.Round(f, prec, mode)
// check result
r1 := f.Int64()
p1 := f.Precision()
a1 := f.Accuracy()
if r1 != r || p1 != prec || a1 != a {
t.Errorf("Round(%s, %d, %s): got %s (%d bits, %s); want %s (%d bits, %s)",
toBinary(x), prec, mode,
toBinary(r1), p1, a1,
toBinary(r), prec, a)
// TestFloatRound tests basic rounding.
func TestFloatRound(t *testing.T) {
var tests = []struct {
prec uint
x, zero, neven, naway, away string // input, results rounded to prec bits
{5, "1000", "1000", "1000", "1000", "1000"},
{5, "1001", "1001", "1001", "1001", "1001"},
{5, "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010"},
{5, "1011", "1011", "1011", "1011", "1011"},
{5, "1100", "1100", "1100", "1100", "1100"},
{5, "1101", "1101", "1101", "1101", "1101"},
{5, "1110", "1110", "1110", "1110", "1110"},
{5, "1111", "1111", "1111", "1111", "1111"},
{4, "1000", "1000", "1000", "1000", "1000"},
{4, "1001", "1001", "1001", "1001", "1001"},
{4, "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010"},
{4, "1011", "1011", "1011", "1011", "1011"},
{4, "1100", "1100", "1100", "1100", "1100"},
{4, "1101", "1101", "1101", "1101", "1101"},
{4, "1110", "1110", "1110", "1110", "1110"},
{4, "1111", "1111", "1111", "1111", "1111"},
{3, "1000", "1000", "1000", "1000", "1000"},
{3, "1001", "1000", "1000", "1010", "1010"},
{3, "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010"},
{3, "1011", "1010", "1100", "1100", "1100"},
{3, "1100", "1100", "1100", "1100", "1100"},
{3, "1101", "1100", "1100", "1110", "1110"},
{3, "1110", "1110", "1110", "1110", "1110"},
{3, "1111", "1110", "10000", "10000", "10000"},
{3, "1000001", "1000000", "1000000", "1000000", "1010000"},
{3, "1001001", "1000000", "1010000", "1010000", "1010000"},
{3, "1010001", "1010000", "1010000", "1010000", "1100000"},
{3, "1011001", "1010000", "1100000", "1100000", "1100000"},
{3, "1100001", "1100000", "1100000", "1100000", "1110000"},
{3, "1101001", "1100000", "1110000", "1110000", "1110000"},
{3, "1110001", "1110000", "1110000", "1110000", "10000000"},
{3, "1111001", "1110000", "10000000", "10000000", "10000000"},
{2, "1000", "1000", "1000", "1000", "1000"},
{2, "1001", "1000", "1000", "1000", "1100"},
{2, "1010", "1000", "1000", "1100", "1100"},
{2, "1011", "1000", "1100", "1100", "1100"},
{2, "1100", "1100", "1100", "1100", "1100"},
{2, "1101", "1100", "1100", "1100", "10000"},
{2, "1110", "1100", "10000", "10000", "10000"},
{2, "1111", "1100", "10000", "10000", "10000"},
{2, "1000001", "1000000", "1000000", "1000000", "1100000"},
{2, "1001001", "1000000", "1000000", "1000000", "1100000"},
{2, "1010001", "1000000", "1100000", "1100000", "1100000"},
{2, "1011001", "1000000", "1100000", "1100000", "1100000"},
{2, "1100001", "1100000", "1100000", "1100000", "10000000"},
{2, "1101001", "1100000", "1100000", "1100000", "10000000"},
{2, "1110001", "1100000", "10000000", "10000000", "10000000"},
{2, "1111001", "1100000", "10000000", "10000000", "10000000"},
{1, "1000", "1000", "1000", "1000", "1000"},
{1, "1001", "1000", "1000", "1000", "10000"},
{1, "1010", "1000", "1000", "1000", "10000"},
{1, "1011", "1000", "1000", "1000", "10000"},
{1, "1100", "1000", "10000", "10000", "10000"},
{1, "1101", "1000", "10000", "10000", "10000"},
{1, "1110", "1000", "10000", "10000", "10000"},
{1, "1111", "1000", "10000", "10000", "10000"},
{1, "1000001", "1000000", "1000000", "1000000", "10000000"},
{1, "1001001", "1000000", "1000000", "1000000", "10000000"},
{1, "1010001", "1000000", "1000000", "1000000", "10000000"},
{1, "1011001", "1000000", "1000000", "1000000", "10000000"},
{1, "1100001", "1000000", "10000000", "10000000", "10000000"},
{1, "1101001", "1000000", "10000000", "10000000", "10000000"},
{1, "1110001", "1000000", "10000000", "10000000", "10000000"},
{1, "1111001", "1000000", "10000000", "10000000", "10000000"},
for _, test := range tests {
x := fromBinary(test.x)
z := fromBinary(
e := fromBinary(test.neven)
n := fromBinary(test.naway)
a := fromBinary(test.away)
prec := test.prec
testFloatRound(t, x, z, prec, ToZero)
testFloatRound(t, x, e, prec, ToNearestEven)
testFloatRound(t, x, n, prec, ToNearestAway)
testFloatRound(t, x, a, prec, AwayFromZero)
testFloatRound(t, x, z, prec, ToNegativeInf)
testFloatRound(t, x, a, prec, ToPositiveInf)
testFloatRound(t, -x, -a, prec, ToNegativeInf)
testFloatRound(t, -x, -z, prec, ToPositiveInf)
// TestFloatRound24 tests that rounding a float64 to 24 bits
// matches IEEE-754 rounding to nearest when converting a
// float64 to a float32.
func TestFloatRound24(t *testing.T) {
const x0 = 1<<26 - 0x10 // 11...110000 (26 bits)
for d := 0; d <= 0x10; d++ {
x := float64(x0 + d)
f := new(Float).SetFloat64(x)
f.Round(f, 24, ToNearestEven)
got, _ := f.Float64()
want := float64(float32(x))
if got != want {
t.Errorf("Round(%g, 24) = %g; want %g", x, got, want)
func TestFloatSetUint64(t *testing.T) {
var tests = []uint64{
1<<32 - 1,
1 << 32,
1<<64 - 1,
for _, want := range tests {
f := new(Float).SetUint64(want)
if got := f.Uint64(); got != want {
t.Errorf("got %d (%s); want %d", got, f.PString(), want)
func TestFloatSetInt64(t *testing.T) {
var tests = []int64{
1<<32 - 1,
1 << 32,
1<<63 - 1,
for _, want := range tests {
for i := range [2]int{} {
if i&1 != 0 {
want = -want
f := new(Float).SetInt64(want)
if got := f.Int64(); got != want {
t.Errorf("got %d (%s); want %d", got, f.PString(), want)
func TestFloatSetFloat64(t *testing.T) {
var tests = []float64{
1.0 / 3,
for _, want := range tests {
for i := range [2]int{} {
if i&1 != 0 {
want = -want
f := new(Float).SetFloat64(want)
if got, _ := f.Float64(); got != want {
t.Errorf("got %g (%s); want %g", got, f.PString(), want)
func TestFloatSetInt(t *testing.T) {
// TODO(gri) implement
// Selected precisions with which to run various tests.
var precList = [...]uint{1, 2, 5, 8, 10, 16, 23, 24, 32, 50, 53, 64, 100, 128, 500, 511, 512, 513, 1000, 10000}
// Selected bits with which to run various tests.
// Each entry is a list of bits representing a floating-point number (see fromBits).
var bitsList = [...][]int{
{}, // = 0
{0}, // = 1
{1}, // = 2
{-1}, // = 1/2
{10}, // = 2**10 == 1024
{-10}, // = 2**-10 == 1/1024
{100, 10, 1}, // = 2**100 + 2**10 + 2**1
{0, -1, -2, -10},
// TODO(gri) add more test cases
// TestFloatAdd tests Float.Add/Sub by comparing the result of a "manual"
// addition/subtraction of arguments represented by bits lists with the
// respective floating-point addition/subtraction for a variety of precisions
// and rounding modes.
func TestFloatAdd(t *testing.T) {
for _, xbits := range bitsList {
for _, ybits := range bitsList {
// exact values
x := fromBits(xbits...)
y := fromBits(ybits...)
zbits := append(xbits, ybits...)
z := fromBits(zbits...)
for i, mode := range [...]RoundingMode{ToZero, ToNearestEven, AwayFromZero} {
for _, prec := range precList {
// +
got := NewFloat(0, prec, mode)
got.Add(x, y)
want := roundBits(zbits, prec, mode)
if got.Cmp(want) != 0 {
t.Errorf("i = %d, prec = %d, %s:\n\t %s %v\n\t+ %s %v\n\t= %s\n\twant %s",
i, prec, mode, x, xbits, y, ybits, got, want)
// -
got.Sub(z, x)
want = roundBits(ybits, prec, mode)
if got.Cmp(want) != 0 {
t.Errorf("i = %d, prec = %d, %s:\n\t %s\n\t- %s\n\t= %s\n\twant %s",
i, prec, mode, x, y, got, want)
// TestFloatAdd32 tests that Float.Add/Sub of numbers with
// 24bit mantissa behaves like float32 addition/subtraction.
func TestFloatAdd32(t *testing.T) {
// chose base such that we cross the mantissa precision limit
const base = 1<<26 - 0x10 // 11...110000 (26 bits)
for d := 0; d <= 0x10; d++ {
for i := range [2]int{} {
x0, y0 := float64(base), float64(d)
if i&1 != 0 {
x0, y0 = y0, x0
x := new(Float).SetFloat64(x0)
y := new(Float).SetFloat64(y0)
z := NewFloat(0, 24, ToNearestEven)
z.Add(x, y)
got, acc := z.Float64()
want := float64(float32(y0) + float32(x0))
if got != want || acc != Exact {
t.Errorf("d = %d: %g + %g = %g (%s); want %g exactly", d, x0, y0, got, acc, want)
z.Sub(z, y)
got, acc = z.Float64()
want = float64(float32(want) - float32(y0))
if got != want || acc != Exact {
t.Errorf("d = %d: %g - %g = %g (%s); want %g exactly", d, x0+y0, y0, got, acc, want)
// TestFloatAdd64 tests that Float.Add/Sub of numbers with
// 53bit mantissa behaves like float64 addition/subtraction.
func TestFloatAdd64(t *testing.T) {
// chose base such that we cross the mantissa precision limit
const base = 1<<55 - 0x10 // 11...110000 (55 bits)
for d := 0; d <= 0x10; d++ {
for i := range [2]int{} {
x0, y0 := float64(base), float64(d)
if i&1 != 0 {
x0, y0 = y0, x0
x := new(Float).SetFloat64(x0)
y := new(Float).SetFloat64(y0)
z := NewFloat(0, 53, ToNearestEven)
z.Add(x, y)
got, acc := z.Float64()
want := x0 + y0
if got != want || acc != Exact {
t.Errorf("d = %d: %g + %g = %g; want %g exactly", d, x0, y0, got, acc, want)
z.Sub(z, y)
got, acc = z.Float64()
want -= y0
if got != want || acc != Exact {
t.Errorf("d = %d: %g - %g = %g; want %g exactly", d, x0+y0, y0, got, acc, want)
func TestFloatMul(t *testing.T) {
// TestFloatMul64 tests that Float.Mul/Quo of numbers with
// 53bit mantissa behaves like float64 multiplication/division.
func TestFloatMul64(t *testing.T) {
var tests = []struct {
x, y float64
{0, 0},
{0, 1},
{1, 1},
{1, 1.5},
{1.234, 0.5678},
{2.718281828, 3.14159265358979},
{2.718281828e10, 3.14159265358979e-32},
{1.0 / 3, 1e200},
for _, test := range tests {
for i := range [8]int{} {
x0, y0 := test.x, test.y
if i&1 != 0 {
x0 = -x0
if i&2 != 0 {
y0 = -y0
if i&4 != 0 {
x0, y0 = y0, x0
x := new(Float).SetFloat64(x0)
y := new(Float).SetFloat64(y0)
z := NewFloat(0, 53, ToNearestEven)
z.Mul(x, y)
got, _ := z.Float64()
want := x0 * y0
if got != want {
t.Errorf("%g * %g = %g; want %g", x0, y0, got, want)
if y0 == 0 {
continue // avoid division-by-zero
z.Quo(z, y)
got, _ = z.Float64()
want /= y0
if got != want {
t.Errorf("%g / %g = %g; want %g", x0*y0, y0, got, want)
func TestIssue6866(t *testing.T) {
for _, prec := range precList {
two := NewFloat(2, prec, ToNearestEven)
one := NewFloat(1, prec, ToNearestEven)
three := NewFloat(3, prec, ToNearestEven)
msix := NewFloat(-6, prec, ToNearestEven)
psix := NewFloat(+6, prec, ToNearestEven)
p := NewFloat(0, prec, ToNearestEven)
z1 := NewFloat(0, prec, ToNearestEven)
z2 := NewFloat(0, prec, ToNearestEven)
// z1 = 2 + 1.0/3*-6
p.Quo(one, three)
p.Mul(p, msix)
z1.Add(two, p)
// z2 = 2 - 1.0/3*+6
p.Quo(one, three)
p.Mul(p, psix)
z2.Sub(two, p)
if z1.Cmp(z2) != 0 {
t.Fatalf("prec %d: got z1 = %s != z2 = %s; want z1 == z2\n", prec, z1, z2)
if z1.Sign() != 0 {
t.Errorf("prec %d: got z1 = %s; want 0", prec, z1)
if z2.Sign() != 0 {
t.Errorf("prec %d: got z2 = %s; want 0", prec, z2)
func TestFloatQuo(t *testing.T) {
// TODO(gri) make the test vary these precisions
preci := 200 // precision of integer part
precf := 20 // precision of fractional part
for i := 0; i < 8; i++ {
// compute accurate (not rounded) result z
bits := []int{preci - 1}
if i&3 != 0 {
bits = append(bits, 0)
if i&2 != 0 {
bits = append(bits, -1)
if i&1 != 0 {
bits = append(bits, -precf)
z := fromBits(bits...)
// compute accurate x as z*y
y := new(Float).SetFloat64(3.14159265358979323e123)
x := NewFloat(0, z.Precision()+y.Precision(), ToZero)
x.Mul(z, y)
// leave for debugging
// fmt.Printf("x = %s\ny = %s\nz = %s\n", x, y, z)
if got := x.Accuracy(); got != Exact {
t.Errorf("got acc = %s; want exact", got)
// round accurate z for a variety of precisions and
// modes and compare against result of x / y.
for _, mode := range [...]RoundingMode{ToZero, ToNearestEven, AwayFromZero} {
for d := -5; d < 5; d++ {
prec := uint(preci + d)
got := NewFloat(0, prec, mode).Quo(x, y)
want := roundBits(bits, prec, mode)
if got.Cmp(want) != 0 {
t.Errorf("i = %d, prec = %d, %s:\n\t %s\n\t/ %s\n\t= %s\n\twant %s",
i, prec, mode, x, y, got, want)
// normBits returns the normalized bits for x: It
// removes multiple equal entries by treating them
// as an addition (e.g., []int{5, 5} => []int{6}),
// and it sorts the result list for reproducible
// results.
func normBits(x []int) []int {
m := make(map[int]bool)
for _, b := range x {
for m[b] {
m[b] = false
m[b] = true
var z []int
for b, set := range m {
if set {
z = append(z, b)
return z
func TestNormBits(t *testing.T) {
var tests = []struct {
x, want []int
{nil, nil},
{[]int{}, []int{}},
{[]int{0}, []int{0}},
{[]int{0, 0}, []int{1}},
{[]int{3, 1, 1}, []int{2, 3}},
{[]int{10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 6}, []int{11}},
for _, test := range tests {
got := fmt.Sprintf("%v", normBits(test.x))
want := fmt.Sprintf("%v", test.want)
if got != want {
t.Errorf("normBits(%v) = %s; want %s", test.x, got, want)
// roundBits returns the Float value rounded to prec bits
// according to mode from the bit set x.
func roundBits(x []int, prec uint, mode RoundingMode) *Float {
x = normBits(x)
// determine range
var min, max int
for i, b := range x {
if i == 0 || b < min {
min = b
if i == 0 || b > max {
max = b
prec0 := uint(max + 1 - min)
if prec >= prec0 {
return fromBits(x...)
// prec < prec0
// determine bit 0, rounding, and sticky bit, and result bits z
var bit0, rbit, sbit uint
var z []int
r := max - int(prec)
for _, b := range x {
switch {
case b == r:
rbit = 1
case b < r:
sbit = 1
// b > r
if b == r+1 {
bit0 = 1
z = append(z, b)
// round
f := fromBits(z...) // rounded to zero
if mode == ToNearestAway {
panic("not yet implemented")
if mode == ToNearestEven && rbit == 1 && (sbit == 1 || sbit == 0 && bit0 != 0) || mode == AwayFromZero {
// round away from zero
f.Round(f, prec, ToZero) // extend precision // TODO(gri) better approach?
f.Add(f, fromBits(int(r)+1))
return f
// fromBits returns the *Float z of the smallest possible precision
// such that z = sum(2**bits[i]), with i = range bits.
// If multiple bits[i] are equal, they are added: fromBits(0, 1, 0)
// == 2**1 + 2**0 + 2**0 = 4.
func fromBits(bits *Float {
// handle 0
if len(bits) == 0 {
return new(Float)
// z.prec = ?
// len(bits) > 0
// determine lsb exponent
var min int
for i, b := range bits {
if i == 0 || b < min {
min = b
// create bit pattern
x := NewInt(0)
for _, b := range bits {
badj := b - min
// propagate carry if necessary
for x.Bit(badj) != 0 {
x.SetBit(x, badj, 0)
x.SetBit(x, badj, 1)
// create corresponding float
z := new(Float).SetInt(x) // normalized
z.setExp(int64(z.exp) + int64(min))
return z
func TestFromBits(t *testing.T) {
var tests = []struct {
bits []int
want string
// all different bit numbers
{nil, "0.0p0"},
{[]int{0}, "0.8000000000000000p1"},
{[]int{1}, "0.8000000000000000p2"},
{[]int{-1}, "0.8000000000000000p0"},
{[]int{63}, "0.8000000000000000p64"},
{[]int{33, -30}, "0.8000000000000001p34"},
{[]int{255, 0}, "0.8000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001p256"},
// multiple equal bit numbers
{[]int{0, 0}, "0.8000000000000000p2"},
{[]int{0, 0, 0, 0}, "0.8000000000000000p3"},
{[]int{0, 1, 0}, "0.8000000000000000p3"},
{append([]int{2, 1, 0} /* 7 */, []int{3, 1} /* 10 */ ...), "0.8800000000000000p5" /* 17 */},
for _, test := range tests {
f := fromBits(test.bits...)
if got := f.PString(); got != test.want {
t.Errorf("setBits(%v) = %s; want %s", test.bits, got, test.want)
var floatSetFloat64StringTests = []struct {
s string
x float64
{"0", 0},
{"-0", -0},
{"+0", 0},
{"1", 1},
{"-1", -1},
{"+1", 1},
{"1.234", 1.234},
{"-1.234", -1.234},
{"+1.234", 1.234},
{".1", 0.1},
{"1.", 1},
{"+1.", 1},
{"0e100", 0},
{"-0e+100", 0},
{"+0e-100", 0},
{"0E100", 0},
{"-0E+100", 0},
{"+0E-100", 0},
{"0p100", 0},
{"-0p+100", 0},
{"+0p-100", 0},
{"1.e10", 1e10},
{"1e+10", 1e10},
{"+1e-10", 1e-10},
{"1E10", 1e10},
{"1.E+10", 1e10},
{"+1E-10", 1e-10},
{"1p10", 1 << 10},
{"1p+10", 1 << 10},
{"+1.p-10", 1.0 / (1 << 10)},
{"-687436.79457e-245", -687436.79457e-245},
{"-687436.79457E245", -687436.79457e245},
{"1024.p-12", 0.25},
{"-1.p10", -1024},
{"0.25p2", 1},
{".0000000000000000000000000000000000000001", 1e-40},
{"+10000000000000000000000000000000000000000e-0", 1e40},
func TestFloatSetFloat64String(t *testing.T) {
for _, test := range floatSetFloat64StringTests {
var x Float
x.prec = 53 // TODO(gri) find better solution
_, ok := x.SetString(test.s)
if !ok {
t.Errorf("%s: parse error", test.s)
f, _ := x.Float64()
want := new(Float).SetFloat64(test.x)
if x.Cmp(want) != 0 {
t.Errorf("%s: got %s (%v); want %v", test.s, &x, f, test.x)
func TestFloatPString(t *testing.T) {
var tests = []struct {
x Float
want string
{Float{}, "0.0p0"},
{Float{neg: true}, "-0.0p0"},
{Float{mant: nat{0x87654321}}, "0.87654321p0"},
{Float{mant: nat{0x87654321}, exp: -10}, "0.87654321p-10"},
for _, test := range tests {
if got := test.x.PString(); got != test.want {
t.Errorf("%v: got %s; want %s", test.x, got, test.want)
......@@ -463,18 +463,10 @@ func (x *Int) Format(s fmt.State, ch rune) {
func (z *Int) scan(r io.RuneScanner, base int) (*Int, int, error) {
// determine sign
ch, _, err := r.ReadRune()
neg, err := scanSign(r)
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, err
neg := false
switch ch {
case '-':
neg = true
case '+': // nothing to do
// determine mantissa
z.abs, base, _, err = z.abs.scan(r, base)
......@@ -486,6 +478,22 @@ func (z *Int) scan(r io.RuneScanner, base int) (*Int, int, error) {
return z, base, nil
func scanSign(r io.RuneScanner) (neg bool, err error) {
var ch rune
if ch, _, err = r.ReadRune(); err != nil {
return false, err
switch ch {
case '-':
neg = true
case '+':
// nothing to do
// Scan is a support routine for fmt.Scanner; it sets z to the value of
// the scanned number. It accepts the formats 'b' (binary), 'o' (octal),
// 'd' (decimal), 'x' (lowercase hexadecimal), and 'X' (uppercase hexadecimal).
......@@ -5,18 +5,22 @@
// Package big implements multi-precision arithmetic (big numbers).
// The following numeric types are supported:
// - Int signed integers
// - Rat rational numbers
// Int signed integers
// Rat rational numbers
// Float floating-point numbers
// Methods are typically of the form:
// func (z *Int) Op(x, y *Int) *Int (similar for *Rat)
// func (z *T) Unary(x *T) *T // z = op x
// func (z *T) Binary(x, y *T) *T // z = x op y
// func (x *T) M() T1 // v = x.M()
// and implement operations z = x Op y with the result as receiver; if it
// is one of the operands it may be overwritten (and its memory reused).
// with T one of Int, Rat, or Float. For unary and binary operations, the
// result is the receiver (usually named z in that case); if it is one of
// the operands x or y it may be overwritten (and its memory reused).
// To enable chaining of operations, the result is also returned. Methods
// returning a result other than *Int or *Rat take one of the operands as
// the receiver.
// returning a result other than *Int, *Rat, or *Float take an operand as
// the receiver (usually named x in that case).
package big
......@@ -1198,6 +1202,28 @@ func (x nat) bit(i uint) uint {
return uint(x[j] >> (i % _W) & 1)
// sticky returns 1 if there's a 1 bit within the
// i least significant bits, otherwise it returns 0.
func (x nat) sticky(i uint) uint {
j := i / _W
if j >= uint(len(x)) {
if len(x) == 0 {
return 0
return 1
// 0 <= j < len(x)
for _, x := range x[:j] {
if x != 0 {
return 1
if x[j]<<(_W-i%_W) != 0 {
return 1
return 0
func (z nat) and(x, y nat) nat {
m := len(x)
n := len(y)
......@@ -894,3 +894,43 @@ func TestBit(t *testing.T) {
var stickyTests = []struct {
x string
i uint
want uint
{"0", 0, 0},
{"0", 1, 0},
{"0", 1000, 0},
{"0x1", 0, 0},
{"0x1", 1, 1},
{"0x1350", 0, 0},
{"0x1350", 4, 0},
{"0x1350", 5, 1},
{"0x8000000000000000", 63, 0},
{"0x8000000000000000", 64, 1},
{"0x1" + strings.Repeat("0", 100), 400, 0},
{"0x1" + strings.Repeat("0", 100), 401, 1},
func TestSticky(t *testing.T) {
for i, test := range stickyTests {
x := natFromString(test.x)
if got := x.sticky(test.i); got != test.want {
t.Errorf("#%d: %s.sticky(%d) = %v; want %v", i, test.x, test.i, got, test.want)
if test.want == 1 {
// all subsequent i's should also return 1
for d := uint(1); d <= 3; d++ {
if got := x.sticky(test.i + d); got != 1 {
t.Errorf("#%d: %s.sticky(%d) = %v; want %v", i, test.x, test.i+d, got, 1)
......@@ -326,14 +326,14 @@ func (z *Rat) SetFrac64(a, b int64) *Rat {
// SetInt sets z to x (by making a copy of x) and returns z.
func (z *Rat) SetInt(x *Int) *Rat {
z.b.abs = z.b.abs.make(0)
z.b.abs = z.b.abs[:0]
return z
// SetInt64 sets z to x and returns z.
func (z *Rat) SetInt64(x int64) *Rat {
z.b.abs = z.b.abs.make(0)
z.b.abs = z.b.abs[:0]
return z
......@@ -372,7 +372,7 @@ func (z *Rat) Inv(x *Rat) *Rat {
b := z.a.abs
if b.cmp(natOne) == 0 {
b = b.make(0) // normalize denominator
b = b[:0] // normalize denominator
z.a.abs, z.b.abs = a, b // sign doesn't change
return z
......@@ -417,12 +417,12 @@ func (z *Rat) norm() *Rat {
case len(z.a.abs) == 0:
// z == 0 - normalize sign and denominator
z.a.neg = false
z.b.abs = z.b.abs.make(0)
z.b.abs = z.b.abs[:0]
case len(z.b.abs) == 0:
// z is normalized int - nothing to do
case z.b.abs.cmp(natOne) == 0:
// z is int - normalize denominator
z.b.abs = z.b.abs.make(0)
z.b.abs = z.b.abs[:0]
neg := z.a.neg
z.a.neg = false
......@@ -432,7 +432,7 @@ func (z *Rat) norm() *Rat {
z.b.abs, _ = z.b.abs.div(nil, z.b.abs, f.abs)
if z.b.abs.cmp(natOne) == 0 {
// z is int - normalize denominator
z.b.abs = z.b.abs.make(0)
z.b.abs = z.b.abs[:0]
z.a.neg = neg
......@@ -561,32 +561,26 @@ func (z *Rat) SetString(s string) (*Rat, bool) {
// parse floating-point number
r := strings.NewReader(s)
// parse sign
var neg bool
switch s[0] {
case '-':
neg = true
case '+':
s = s[1:]
// sign
neg, err := scanSign(r)
if err != nil {
return nil, false
// parse exponent, if any
var exp int64
if sep := strings.IndexAny(s, "eE"); sep >= 0 {
var err error
if exp, err = strconv.ParseInt(s[sep+1:], 10, 64); err != nil {
// mantissa
var ecorr int
z.a.abs, _, ecorr, err = z.a.abs.scan(r, 1)
if err != nil {
return nil, false
s = s[:sep]
// parse mantissa
var err error
var ecorr int // exponent correction, valid if ecorr <= 0
r := strings.NewReader(s)
if z.a.abs, _, ecorr, err = z.a.abs.scan(r, 1); err != nil {
// exponent
var exp int64
var ebase int
exp, ebase, err = scanExponent(r)
if ebase == 2 || err != nil {
return nil, false
......@@ -600,7 +594,7 @@ func (z *Rat) SetString(s string) (*Rat, bool) {
exp += int64(ecorr)
// compute exponent factor
// compute exponent power
expabs := exp
if expabs < 0 {
expabs = -expabs
......@@ -621,6 +615,64 @@ func (z *Rat) SetString(s string) (*Rat, bool) {
return z, true
func scanExponent(r io.RuneScanner) (exp int64, base int, err error) {
base = 10
var ch rune
if ch, _, err = r.ReadRune(); err != nil {
if err == io.EOF {
err = nil // no exponent; same as e0
switch ch {
case 'e', 'E':
// ok
case 'p':
base = 2
return // no exponent; same as e0
var neg bool
if neg, err = scanSign(r); err != nil {
var digits []byte
if neg {
digits = append(digits, '-')
// no need to use nat.scan for exponent digits
// since we only care about int64 values - the
// from-scratch scan is easy enough and faster
for i := 0; ; i++ {
if ch, _, err = r.ReadRune(); err != nil {
if err != io.EOF || i == 0 {
err = nil
break // i > 0
if ch < '0' || '9' < ch {
if i == 0 {
err = fmt.Errorf("invalid exponent (missing digits)")
break // i > 0
digits = append(digits, byte(ch))
// i > 0 => we have at least one digit
exp, err = strconv.ParseInt(string(digits), 10, 64)
// String returns a string representation of x in the form "a/b" (even if b == 1).
func (x *Rat) String() string {
s := "/1"
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