Commit be5ce4e0 authored by Brad Fitzpatrick's avatar Brad Fitzpatrick

net/http: remove a stale cookie TODO comment, add a test

Fixes #4528

R=golang-dev, rsc
parent a257c753
......@@ -231,8 +231,6 @@ func (c *Client) Get(url string) (resp *Response, err error) {
func (c *Client) doFollowingRedirects(ireq *Request, shouldRedirect func(int) bool) (resp *Response, err error) {
// TODO: if/when we add cookie support, the redirected request shouldn't
// necessarily supply the same cookies as the original.
var base *url.URL
redirectChecker := c.CheckRedirect
if redirectChecker == nil {
......@@ -351,6 +351,9 @@ type TestJar struct {
func (j *TestJar) SetCookies(u *url.URL, cookies []*Cookie) {
defer j.m.Unlock()
if j.perURL == nil {
j.perURL = make(map[string][]*Cookie)
j.perURL[u.Host] = cookies
......@@ -381,8 +384,9 @@ func TestRedirectCookiesJar(t *testing.T) {
var ts *httptest.Server
ts = httptest.NewServer(echoCookiesRedirectHandler)
defer ts.Close()
c := &Client{}
c.Jar = &TestJar{perURL: make(map[string][]*Cookie)}
c := &Client{
Jar: new(TestJar),
u, _ := url.Parse(ts.URL)
c.Jar.SetCookies(u, []*Cookie{expectedCookies[0]})
resp, err := c.Get(ts.URL)
......@@ -411,6 +415,61 @@ func matchReturnedCookies(t *testing.T, expected, given []*Cookie) {
func TestJarCalls(t *testing.T) {
ts := httptest.NewServer(HandlerFunc(func(w ResponseWriter, r *Request) {
pathSuffix := r.RequestURI[1:]
SetCookie(w, &Cookie{Name: "name" + pathSuffix, Value: "val" + pathSuffix})
if r.RequestURI == "/" {
Redirect(w, r, "http://secondhost.fake/secondpath", 302)
defer ts.Close()
jar := new(RecordingJar)
c := &Client{
Jar: jar,
Transport: &Transport{
Dial: func(_ string, _ string) (net.Conn, error) {
return net.Dial("tcp", ts.Listener.Addr().String())
_, err := c.Get("http://firsthost.fake/")
if err != nil {
got := jar.log.String()
want := `Cookies("http://firsthost.fake/")
SetCookie("http://firsthost.fake/", [name=val])
SetCookie("http://secondhost.fake/secondpath", [namesecondpath=valsecondpath])
if got != want {
t.Errorf("Got Jar calls:\n%s\nWant:\n%s", got, want)
// RecordingJar keeps a log of calls made to it, without
// tracking any cookies.
type RecordingJar struct {
mu sync.Mutex
log bytes.Buffer
func (j *RecordingJar) SetCookies(u *url.URL, cookies []*Cookie) {
j.logf("SetCookie(%q, %v)\n", u, cookies)
func (j *RecordingJar) Cookies(u *url.URL) []*Cookie {
j.logf("Cookies(%q)\n", u)
return nil
func (j *RecordingJar) logf(format string, args ...interface{}) {
fmt.Fprintf(&j.log, format, args...)
func TestStreamingGet(t *testing.T) {
say := make(chan string)
ts := httptest.NewServer(HandlerFunc(func(w ResponseWriter, r *Request) {
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