Commit c0060360 authored by Russ Cox's avatar Russ Cox

cmd/vet: use vet-specific export data to record detected printf wrappers

This CL takes advantage of the ability to record vet-specific export data,
added in CL 108558, to save information about observed printf wrappers.
Then calls to those wrappers from other packages can be format-checked.
This found a few real mistakes using previously-unrecognized printf
wrappers in cmd/compile. It will no doubt find real mistakes in external code.

Change-Id: I9c29c92d89bbdc984571a174a96e6054585e9cd4
Run-TryBot: Russ Cox <>
TryBot-Result: Gobot Gobot <>
Reviewed-by: default avatarAlan Donovan <>
parent 1352de38
......@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ package main
import (
......@@ -27,6 +28,9 @@ func init() {
"check printf-like invocations",
funcDecl, callExpr)
registerPkgCheck("printf", findPrintfLike)
registerExport("printf", exportPrintfLike)
func initPrintFlags() {
......@@ -44,18 +48,201 @@ func initPrintFlags() {
name = name[:colon]
isPrint[strings.ToLower(name)] = true
if !strings.Contains(name, ".") {
name = strings.ToLower(name)
isPrint[name] = true
var localPrintfLike = make(map[string]int)
type printfWrapper struct {
name string
fn *ast.FuncDecl
format *ast.Field
args *ast.Field
callers []printfCaller
printfLike bool
type printfCaller struct {
w *printfWrapper
call *ast.CallExpr
// TODO(rsc): Incorporate user-defined printf wrappers again.
// The general plan is to allow vet of one package P to output
// additional information to supply to later vets of packages
// importing P. Then vet of P can record a list of printf wrappers
// and the later vet using P.Printf will find it in the list and check it.
// That's not ready for Go 1.10.
// When that does happen, uncomment the user-defined printf
// wrapper tests in testdata/print.go.
// maybePrintfWrapper decides whether decl (a declared function) may be a wrapper
// around a fmt.Printf or fmt.Print function. If so it returns a printfWrapper
// function describing the declaration. Later processing will analyze the
// graph of potential printf wrappers to pick out the ones that are true wrappers.
// A function may be a Printf or Print wrapper if its last argument is ...interface{}.
// If the next-to-last argument is a string, then this may be a Printf wrapper.
// Otherwise it may be a Print wrapper.
func maybePrintfWrapper(decl ast.Decl) *printfWrapper {
// Look for functions with final argument type ...interface{}.
fn, ok := decl.(*ast.FuncDecl)
if !ok || fn.Body == nil {
return nil
name := fn.Name.Name
if fn.Recv != nil {
// For (*T).Name or, use "".
rcvr := fn.Recv.List[0].Type
if ptr, ok := rcvr.(*ast.StarExpr); ok {
rcvr = ptr.X
id, ok := rcvr.(*ast.Ident)
if !ok {
return nil
name = id.Name + "." + name
params := fn.Type.Params.List
if len(params) == 0 {
return nil
args := params[len(params)-1]
if len(args.Names) != 1 {
return nil
ddd, ok := args.Type.(*ast.Ellipsis)
if !ok {
return nil
iface, ok := ddd.Elt.(*ast.InterfaceType)
if !ok || len(iface.Methods.List) > 0 {
return nil
var format *ast.Field
if len(params) >= 2 {
p := params[len(params)-2]
if len(p.Names) == 1 {
if id, ok := p.Type.(*ast.Ident); ok && id.Name == "string" {
format = p
return &printfWrapper{
name: name,
fn: fn,
format: format,
args: args,
// findPrintfLike scans the entire package to find printf-like functions.
func findPrintfLike(pkg *Package) {
if vcfg.ImportPath == "" { // no type or vetx information; don't bother
// Gather potential wrappesr and call graph between them.
byName := make(map[string]*printfWrapper)
var wrappers []*printfWrapper
for _, file := range pkg.files {
if file.file == nil {
for _, decl := range file.file.Decls {
w := maybePrintfWrapper(decl)
if w == nil {
byName[] = w
wrappers = append(wrappers, w)
// Walk the graph to figure out which are really printf wrappers.
for _, w := range wrappers {
// Scan function for calls that could be to other printf-like functions.
ast.Inspect(w.fn.Body, func(n ast.Node) bool {
call, ok := n.(*ast.CallExpr)
if !ok || len(call.Args) == 0 || !match(call.Args[len(call.Args)-1], w.args) {
return true
pkgpath, name, kind := printfNameAndKind(pkg, call.Fun)
if kind != 0 {
checkPrintfFwd(pkg, w, call, kind)
return true
// If the call is to another function in this package,
// maybe we will find out it is printf-like later.
// Remember this call for later checking.
if pkgpath == "" && byName[name] != nil {
callee := byName[name]
callee.callers = append(callee.callers, printfCaller{w, call})
return true
func match(arg ast.Expr, param *ast.Field) bool {
id, ok := arg.(*ast.Ident)
return ok && id.Obj != nil && id.Obj.Decl == param
const (
kindPrintf = 1
kindPrint = 2
// printfLike reports whether a call to fn should be considered a call to a printf-like function.
// It returns 0 (indicating not a printf-like function), kindPrintf, or kindPrint.
func printfLike(pkg *Package, fn ast.Expr, byName map[string]*printfWrapper) int {
if id, ok := fn.(*ast.Ident); ok && id.Obj != nil {
if w := byName[id.Name]; w != nil && id.Obj.Decl == w.fn {
// Found call to function in same package.
return localPrintfLike[id.Name]
if sel, ok := fn.(*ast.SelectorExpr); ok {
if id, ok := sel.X.(*ast.Ident); ok && id.Name == "fmt" && strings.Contains(sel.Sel.Name, "rint") {
if strings.HasSuffix(sel.Sel.Name, "f") {
return kindPrintf
return kindPrint
return 0
// checkPrintfFwd checks that a printf-forwarding wrapper is forwarding correctly.
// It diagnoses writing fmt.Printf(format, args) instead of fmt.Printf(format, args...).
func checkPrintfFwd(pkg *Package, w *printfWrapper, call *ast.CallExpr, kind int) {
matched := kind == kindPrint ||
kind == kindPrintf && len(call.Args) >= 2 && match(call.Args[len(call.Args)-2], w.format)
if !matched {
if !call.Ellipsis.IsValid() {
if !vcfg.VetxOnly {
desc := "printf"
if kind == kindPrint {
desc = "print"
pkg.files[0].Badf(call.Pos(), "missing ... in args forwarded to %s-like function", desc)
name :=
if localPrintfLike[name] == 0 {
localPrintfLike[name] = kind
for _, caller := range w.callers {
checkPrintfFwd(pkg, caller.w,, kind)
func exportPrintfLike() interface{} {
return localPrintfLike
// isPrint records the print functions.
// If a key ends in 'f' then it is assumed to be a formatted print.
......@@ -70,23 +257,9 @@ var isPrint = map[string]bool{
"fmt.Sprint": true,
"fmt.Sprintf": true,
"fmt.Sprintln": true,
"log.Fatal": true,
"log.Fatalf": true,
"log.Fatalln": true,
"log.Logger.Fatal": true,
"log.Logger.Fatalf": true,
"log.Logger.Fatalln": true,
"log.Logger.Panic": true,
"log.Logger.Panicf": true,
"log.Logger.Panicln": true,
"log.Logger.Printf": true,
"log.Logger.Println": true,
"log.Panic": true,
"log.Panicf": true,
"log.Panicln": true,
"log.Print": true,
"log.Printf": true,
"log.Println": true,
// testing.B, testing.T not auto-detected
// because the methods are picked up by embedding.
"testing.B.Error": true,
"testing.B.Errorf": true,
"testing.B.Fatal": true,
......@@ -103,6 +276,8 @@ var isPrint = map[string]bool{
"testing.T.Logf": true,
"testing.T.Skip": true,
"testing.T.Skipf": true,
// testing.TB is an interface, so can't detect wrapping.
"testing.TB.Error": true,
"testing.TB.Errorf": true,
"testing.TB.Fatal": true,
......@@ -206,66 +381,84 @@ func checkFmtPrintfCall(f *File, node ast.Node) {
// Construct name like pkg.Printf or pkg.Type.Printf for lookup.
var name string
switch x := call.Fun.(type) {
_, name, kind := printfNameAndKind(f.pkg, call.Fun)
if kind == kindPrintf {
f.checkPrintf(call, name)
if kind == kindPrint {
f.checkPrint(call, name)
func printfName(pkg *Package, called ast.Expr) (pkgpath, name string) {
switch x := called.(type) {
case *ast.Ident:
if fn, ok := f.pkg.uses[x].(*types.Func); ok {
var pkg string
if fn.Pkg() == nil || fn.Pkg() == f.pkg.typesPkg {
pkg = vcfg.ImportPath
if fn, ok := pkg.uses[x].(*types.Func); ok {
if fn.Pkg() == nil || fn.Pkg() == pkg.typesPkg {
pkgpath = ""
} else {
pkg = fn.Pkg().Path()
pkgpath = fn.Pkg().Path()
name = pkg + "." + x.Name
return pkgpath, x.Name
case *ast.SelectorExpr:
// Check for "fmt.Printf".
if id, ok := x.X.(*ast.Ident); ok {
if pkgName, ok := f.pkg.uses[id].(*types.PkgName); ok {
name = pkgName.Imported().Path() + "." + x.Sel.Name
if pkgName, ok := pkg.uses[id].(*types.PkgName); ok {
return pkgName.Imported().Path(), x.Sel.Name
// Check for t.Logf where t is a *testing.T.
if sel := f.pkg.selectors[x]; sel != nil {
if sel := pkg.selectors[x]; sel != nil {
recv := sel.Recv()
if p, ok := recv.(*types.Pointer); ok {
recv = p.Elem()
if named, ok := recv.(*types.Named); ok {
obj := named.Obj()
var pkg string
if obj.Pkg() == nil || obj.Pkg() == f.pkg.typesPkg {
pkg = vcfg.ImportPath
if obj.Pkg() == nil || obj.Pkg() == pkg.typesPkg {
pkgpath = ""
} else {
pkg = obj.Pkg().Path()
pkgpath = obj.Pkg().Path()
name = pkg + "." + obj.Name() + "." + x.Sel.Name
return pkgpath, obj.Name() + "." + x.Sel.Name
return "", ""
func printfNameAndKind(pkg *Package, called ast.Expr) (pkgpath, name string, kind int) {
pkgpath, name = printfName(pkg, called)
if name == "" {
return pkgpath, name, 0
shortName := name[strings.LastIndex(name, ".")+1:]
if pkgpath == "" {
kind = localPrintfLike[name]
} else {
printfLike, _ := readVetx(pkgpath, "printf").(map[string]int)
kind = printfLike[name]
_, ok = isPrint[name]
if kind == 0 {
_, ok := isPrint[pkgpath+"."+name]
if !ok {
// Next look up just "printf", for use with -printfuncs.
_, ok = isPrint[strings.ToLower(shortName)]
short := name[strings.LastIndex(name, ".")+1:]
_, ok = isPrint[strings.ToLower(short)]
if ok {
if strings.HasSuffix(name, "f") {
f.checkPrintf(call, shortName)
kind = kindPrintf
} else {
f.checkPrint(call, shortName)
kind = kindPrint
return pkgpath, name, kind
// isStringer returns true if the provided declaration is a "String() string"
......@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ package testdata
import (
. "fmt"
logpkg "log" // renamed to make it harder to see
......@@ -175,6 +176,18 @@ func PrintfTests() {
f.Warnf(0, "%s", "hello", 3) // ERROR "Warnf call needs 1 arg but has 2 args"
f.Warnf(0, "%r", "hello") // ERROR "Warnf format %r has unknown verb r"
f.Warnf(0, "%#s", "hello") // ERROR "Warnf format %#s has unrecognized flag #"
f.Warn2(0, "%s", "hello", 3) // ERROR "Warn2 call has possible formatting directive %s"
f.Warnf2(0, "%s", "hello", 3) // ERROR "Warnf2 call needs 1 arg but has 2 args"
f.Warnf2(0, "%r", "hello") // ERROR "Warnf2 format %r has unknown verb r"
f.Warnf2(0, "%#s", "hello") // ERROR "Warnf2 format %#s has unrecognized flag #"
f.Wrap(0, "%s", "hello", 3) // ERROR "Wrap call has possible formatting directive %s"
f.Wrapf(0, "%s", "hello", 3) // ERROR "Wrapf call needs 1 arg but has 2 args"
f.Wrapf(0, "%r", "hello") // ERROR "Wrapf format %r has unknown verb r"
f.Wrapf(0, "%#s", "hello") // ERROR "Wrapf format %#s has unrecognized flag #"
f.Wrap2(0, "%s", "hello", 3) // ERROR "Wrap2 call has possible formatting directive %s"
f.Wrapf2(0, "%s", "hello", 3) // ERROR "Wrapf2 call needs 1 arg but has 2 args"
f.Wrapf2(0, "%r", "hello") // ERROR "Wrapf2 format %r has unknown verb r"
f.Wrapf2(0, "%#s", "hello") // ERROR "Wrapf2 format %#s has unrecognized flag #"
fmt.Printf("%#s", FormatterVal(true)) // correct (the type is responsible for formatting)
Printf("d%", 2) // ERROR "Printf format % is missing verb at end of string"
Printf("%d", percentDV)
......@@ -283,6 +296,28 @@ func PrintfTests() {
Printf(someString(), "hello") // OK
// Printf wrappers in package log should be detected automatically
logpkg.Fatal("%d", 1) // ERROR "Fatal call has possible formatting directive %d"
logpkg.Fatalf("%d", "x") // ERROR "Fatalf format %d has arg \x22x\x22 of wrong type string"
logpkg.Fatalln("%d", 1) // ERROR "Fatalln call has possible formatting directive %d"
logpkg.Panic("%d", 1) // ERROR "Panic call has possible formatting directive %d"
logpkg.Panicf("%d", "x") // ERROR "Panicf format %d has arg \x22x\x22 of wrong type string"
logpkg.Panicln("%d", 1) // ERROR "Panicln call has possible formatting directive %d"
logpkg.Print("%d", 1) // ERROR "Print call has possible formatting directive %d"
logpkg.Printf("%d", "x") // ERROR "Printf format %d has arg \x22x\x22 of wrong type string"
logpkg.Println("%d", 1) // ERROR "Println call has possible formatting directive %d"
// Methods too.
var l *logpkg.Logger
l.Fatal("%d", 1) // ERROR "Fatal call has possible formatting directive %d"
l.Fatalf("%d", "x") // ERROR "Fatalf format %d has arg \x22x\x22 of wrong type string"
l.Fatalln("%d", 1) // ERROR "Fatalln call has possible formatting directive %d"
l.Panic("%d", 1) // ERROR "Panic call has possible formatting directive %d"
l.Panicf("%d", "x") // ERROR "Panicf format %d has arg \x22x\x22 of wrong type string"
l.Panicln("%d", 1) // ERROR "Panicln call has possible formatting directive %d"
l.Print("%d", 1) // ERROR "Print call has possible formatting directive %d"
l.Printf("%d", "x") // ERROR "Printf format %d has arg \x22x\x22 of wrong type string"
l.Println("%d", 1) // ERROR "Println call has possible formatting directive %d"
func someString() string { return "X" }
......@@ -368,14 +403,46 @@ func (*ptrStringer) String() string {
return "string"
func (*ptrStringer) Warn(int, ...interface{}) string {
func (p *ptrStringer) Warn2(x int, args ...interface{}) string {
return p.Warn(x, args...)
func (p *ptrStringer) Warnf2(x int, format string, args ...interface{}) string {
return p.Warnf(x, format, args...)
func (*ptrStringer) Warn(x int, args ...interface{}) string {
return "warn"
func (*ptrStringer) Warnf(int, string, ...interface{}) string {
func (*ptrStringer) Warnf(x int, format string, args ...interface{}) string {
return "warnf"
func (p *ptrStringer) Wrap2(x int, args ...interface{}) string {
return p.Wrap(x, args...)
func (p *ptrStringer) Wrapf2(x int, format string, args ...interface{}) string {
return p.Wrapf(x, format, args...)
func (*ptrStringer) Wrap(x int, args ...interface{}) string {
return fmt.Sprint(args...)
func (*ptrStringer) Wrapf(x int, format string, args ...interface{}) string {
return fmt.Sprintf(format, args...)
func (*ptrStringer) BadWrap(x int, args ...interface{}) string {
return fmt.Sprint(args) // ERROR "missing ... in args forwarded to print-like function"
func (*ptrStringer) BadWrapf(x int, format string, args ...interface{}) string {
return fmt.Sprintf(format, args) // ERROR "missing ... in args forwarded to printf-like function"
type embeddedStringer struct {
foo string
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