Commit ce2e450c authored by Russ Cox's avatar Russ Cox

install new reflect:

rename ntype.go and nvalue.go to type.go and value.go

DELTA=4295  (761 added, 2819 deleted, 715 changed)
parent 985390bc
......@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ once.install: sync.install
os.install: once.install syscall.install
path.install: strings.install
reflect.install: strconv.install sync.install utf8.install
reflect.install: runtime.install strconv.install strings.install
regexp.install: bytes.install container/vector.install io.install os.install runtime.install utf8.install
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package reflect
import (
* Copy of data structures from ../runtime/type.go.
* For comments, see the ones in that file.
* These data structures are known to the compiler and the runtime.
* Putting these types in runtime instead of reflect means that
* reflect doesn't need to be autolinked into every binary, which
* simplifies bootstrapping and package dependencies.
* Unfortunately, it also means that reflect needs its own
* copy in order to access the private fields.
type uncommonType struct
type commonType struct {
size uintptr;
hash uint32;
alg uint8;
align uint8;
fieldAlign uint8;
string *string;
type method struct {
hash uint32;
name *string;
pkgPath *string;
typ *runtime.Type;
ifn unsafe.Pointer;
tfn unsafe.Pointer;
type uncommonType struct {
name *string;
pkgPath *string;
methods []method;
// BoolType represents a boolean type.
type BoolType struct {
// Float32Type represents a float32 type.
type Float32Type struct {
// Float64Type represents a float64 type.
type Float64Type struct {
// FloatType represents a float type.
type FloatType struct {
// Int16Type represents an int16 type.
type Int16Type struct {
// Int32Type represents an int32 type.
type Int32Type struct {
// Int64Type represents an int64 type.
type Int64Type struct {
// Int8Type represents an int8 type.
type Int8Type struct {
// IntType represents an int type.
type IntType struct {
// Uint16Type represents a uint16 type.
type Uint16Type struct {
// Uint32Type represents a uint32 type.
type Uint32Type struct {
// Uint64Type represents a uint64 type.
type Uint64Type struct {
// Uint8Type represents a uint8 type.
type Uint8Type struct {
// UintType represents a uint type.
type UintType struct {
// StringType represents a string type.
type StringType struct {
// UintptrType represents a uintptr type.
type UintptrType struct {
// DotDotDotType represents the ... that can
// be used as the type of the final function parameter.
type DotDotDotType struct {
// UnsafePointerType represents an unsafe.Pointer type.
type UnsafePointerType struct {
// ArrayType represents a fixed array type.
type ArrayType struct {
elem *runtime.Type;
len uintptr;
// ChanDir represents a channel type's direction.
type ChanDir int
const (
RecvDir ChanDir = 1<<iota;
BothDir = RecvDir | SendDir;
// ChanType represents a channel type.
type ChanType struct {
elem *runtime.Type;
dir uintptr;
// FuncType represents a function type.
type FuncType struct {
in []*runtime.Type;
out []*runtime.Type;
// Method on interface type
type imethod struct {
hash uint32;
perm uint32;
name *string;
pkgPath *string;
typ *runtime.Type;
// InterfaceType represents an interface type.
type InterfaceType struct {
methods []imethod;
// MapType represents a map type.
type MapType struct {
key *runtime.Type;
elem *runtime.Type;
// PtrType represents a pointer type.
type PtrType struct {
elem *runtime.Type;
// SliceType represents a slice type.
type SliceType struct {
elem *runtime.Type;
// Struct field
type structField struct {
name *string;
pkgPath *string;
typ *runtime.Type;
tag *string;
offset uintptr;
// StructType represents a struct type.
type StructType struct {
fields []structField;
* The compiler knows the exact layout of all the data structures above.
* The compiler does not know about the data structures and methods below.
type Type interface
type addr unsafe.Pointer
type FuncValue struct
func newFuncValue(typ Type, addr addr) *FuncValue
// Method represents a single method.
type Method struct {
PkgPath string; // empty for uppercase Name
Name string;
Type *FuncType;
Func *FuncValue;
// Type is the runtime representation of a Go type.
// Every type implements the methods listed here.
// Some types implement additional interfaces;
// use a type switch to find out what kind of type a Type is.
// Each type in a program has a unique Type, so == on Types
// corresponds to Go's type equality.
type Type interface {
// Name returns the type's package and name.
// The package is a full package import path like "container/vector".
Name() (pkgPath string, name string);
// String returns a string representation of the type.
// The string representation may use shortened package names
// (e.g., vector instead of "container/vector") and is not
// guaranteed to be unique among types. To test for equality,
// compare the Types directly.
String() string;
// Size returns the number of bytes needed to store
// a value of the given type; it is analogous to unsafe.Sizeof.
Size() uintptr;
// Align returns the alignment of a value of this type
// when allocated in memory.
Align() int;
// FieldAlign returns the alignment of a value of this type
// when used as a field in a struct.
FieldAlign() int;
// For non-interface types, Method returns the i'th method with receiver T.
// For interface types, Method returns the i'th method in the interface.
// NumMethod returns the number of such methods.
Method(int) Method;
NumMethod() int;
func toType(i interface{}) Type
func (t *uncommonType) Name() (pkgPath string, name string) {
if t == nil {
if t.pkgPath != nil {
pkgPath = *t.pkgPath;
if != nil {
name = *;
func (t *commonType) String() string {
return *t.string;
func (t *commonType) Size() uintptr {
return t.size;
func (t *commonType) Align() int {
return int(t.align);
func (t *commonType) FieldAlign() int {
return int(t.fieldAlign);
func (t *uncommonType) Method(i int) (m Method) {
if t == nil || i < 0 || i >= len(t.methods) {
p := &t.methods[i];
if != nil {
m.Name = *;
if p.pkgPath != nil {
m.PkgPath = *p.pkgPath;
m.Type = toType(*p.typ).(*FuncType);
fn := p.tfn;
m.Func = newFuncValue(m.Type, addr(&fn));
func (t *uncommonType) NumMethod() int {
if t == nil {
return 0;
return len(t.methods);
// TODO(rsc): 6g supplies these, but they are not
// as efficient as they could be: they have commonType
// as the receiver instead of *commonType.
func (t *commonType) NumMethod() int {
return t.uncommonType.NumMethod();
func (t *commonType) Method(i int) (m Method) {
return t.uncommonType.Method(i);
func (t *commonType) Name() (pkgPath string, name string) {
return t.uncommonType.Name();
// Len returns the number of elements in the array.
func (t *ArrayType) Len() int {
return int(t.len);
// Elem returns the type of the array's elements.
func (t *ArrayType) Elem() Type {
return toType(*t.elem);
// Dir returns the channel direction.
func (t *ChanType) Dir() ChanDir {
return ChanDir(t.dir);
// Elem returns the channel's element type.
func (t *ChanType) Elem() Type {
return toType(*t.elem);
func (d ChanDir) String() string {
switch d {
case SendDir:
return "chan<-";
case RecvDir:
return "<-chan";
case BothDir:
return "chan";
return "ChanDir" + strconv.Itoa(int(d));
// In returns the type of the i'th function input parameter.
func (t *FuncType) In(i int) Type {
if i < 0 || i >= len( {
return nil;
return toType(*[i]);
// NumIn returns the number of input parameters.
func (t *FuncType) NumIn() int {
return len(;
// Out returns the type of the i'th function output parameter.
func (t *FuncType) Out(i int) Type {
if i < 0 || i >= len(t.out) {
return nil;
return toType(*t.out[i]);
// NumOut returns the number of function output parameters.
func (t *FuncType) NumOut() int {
return len(t.out);
// Method returns the i'th interface method.
func (t *InterfaceType) Method(i int) (m Method) {
if i < 0 || i >= len(t.methods) {
p := t.methods[i];
m.Name = *;
if p.pkgPath != nil {
m.PkgPath = *p.pkgPath;
m.Type = toType(*p.typ).(*FuncType);
// NumMethod returns the number of interface methods.
func (t *InterfaceType) NumMethod() int {
return len(t.methods);
// Key returns the map key type.
func (t *MapType) Key() Type {
return toType(*t.key);
// Elem returns the map element type.
func (t *MapType) Elem() Type {
return toType(*t.elem);
// Elem returns the pointer element type.
func (t *PtrType) Elem() Type {
return toType(*t.elem);
// Elem returns the type of the slice's elements.
func (t *SliceType) Elem() Type {
return toType(*t.elem);
type StructField struct {
PkgPath string; // empty for uppercase Name
Name string;
Type Type;
Tag string;
Offset uintptr;
Anonymous bool;
// Field returns the i'th struct field.
func (t *StructType) Field(i int) (f StructField) {
if i < 0 || i >= len(t.fields) {
p := t.fields[i];
f.Type = toType(*p.typ);
if != nil {
f.Name = *;
} else {
nam, pkg := f.Type.Name();
f.Name = nam;
f.Anonymous = true;
if p.pkgPath != nil {
f.PkgPath = *p.pkgPath;
if p.tag != nil {
f.Tag = *p.tag;
f.Offset = p.offset;
// NumField returns the number of struct fields.
func (t *StructType) NumField() int {
return len(t.fields);
// Convert runtime type to reflect type.
// Same memory layouts, different method sets.
func toType(i interface{}) Type {
switch v := i.(type) {
case *runtime.BoolType:
return (*BoolType)(unsafe.Pointer(v));
case *runtime.DotDotDotType:
return (*DotDotDotType)(unsafe.Pointer(v));
case *runtime.FloatType:
return (*FloatType)(unsafe.Pointer(v));
case *runtime.Float32Type:
return (*Float32Type)(unsafe.Pointer(v));
case *runtime.Float64Type:
return (*Float64Type)(unsafe.Pointer(v));
case *runtime.IntType:
return (*IntType)(unsafe.Pointer(v));
case *runtime.Int8Type:
return (*Int8Type)(unsafe.Pointer(v));
case *runtime.Int16Type:
return (*Int16Type)(unsafe.Pointer(v));
case *runtime.Int32Type:
return (*Int32Type)(unsafe.Pointer(v));
case *runtime.Int64Type:
return (*Int64Type)(unsafe.Pointer(v));
case *runtime.StringType:
return (*StringType)(unsafe.Pointer(v));
case *runtime.UintType:
return (*UintType)(unsafe.Pointer(v));
case *runtime.Uint8Type:
return (*Uint8Type)(unsafe.Pointer(v));
case *runtime.Uint16Type:
return (*Uint16Type)(unsafe.Pointer(v));
case *runtime.Uint32Type:
return (*Uint32Type)(unsafe.Pointer(v));
case *runtime.Uint64Type:
return (*Uint64Type)(unsafe.Pointer(v));
case *runtime.UintptrType:
return (*UintptrType)(unsafe.Pointer(v));
case *runtime.UnsafePointerType:
return (*UnsafePointerType)(unsafe.Pointer(v));
case *runtime.ArrayType:
return (*ArrayType)(unsafe.Pointer(v));
case *runtime.ChanType:
return (*ChanType)(unsafe.Pointer(v));
case *runtime.FuncType:
return (*FuncType)(unsafe.Pointer(v));
case *runtime.InterfaceType:
return (*InterfaceType)(unsafe.Pointer(v));
case *runtime.MapType:
return (*MapType)(unsafe.Pointer(v));
case *runtime.PtrType:
return (*PtrType)(unsafe.Pointer(v));
case *runtime.SliceType:
return (*SliceType)(unsafe.Pointer(v));
case *runtime.StructType:
return (*StructType)(unsafe.Pointer(v));
panicln("toType", i);
// ArrayOrSliceType is the common interface implemented
// by both ArrayType and SliceType.
type ArrayOrSliceType interface {
Elem() Type;
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package reflect
import (
const cannotSet = "cannot set value obtained via unexported struct field"
// TODO: This will have to go away when
// the new gc goes in.
func memmove(dst, src, n uintptr) {
var p uintptr; // dummy for sizeof
const ptrsize = uintptr(unsafe.Sizeof(p));
switch {
case src < dst && src+n > dst:
// byte copy backward
// careful: i is unsigned
for i := n; i > 0; {
*(*byte)(addr(dst+i)) = *(*byte)(addr(src+i));
case (n|src|dst) & (ptrsize-1) != 0:
// byte copy forward
for i := uintptr(0); i < n; i++ {
*(*byte)(addr(dst+i)) = *(*byte)(addr(src+i));
// word copy forward
for i := uintptr(0); i < n; i += ptrsize {
*(*uintptr)(addr(dst+i)) = *(*uintptr)(addr(src+i));
// Value is the common interface to reflection values.
// The implementations of Value (e.g., ArrayValue, StructValue)
// have additional type-specific methods.
type Value interface {
// Type returns the value's type.
Type() Type;
// Interface returns the value as an interface{}.
Interface() interface{};
// CanSet returns whether the value can be changed.
// Values obtained by the use of non-exported struct fields
// can be used in Get but not Set.
// If CanSet() returns false, calling the type-specific Set
// will cause a crash.
CanSet() bool;
// Addr returns a pointer to the underlying data.
// It is for advanced clients that also
// import the "unsafe" package.
Addr() uintptr;
type value struct {
typ Type;
addr addr;
canSet bool;
func (v *value) Type() Type {
return v.typ
func (v *value) Addr() uintptr {
return uintptr(v.addr);
type InterfaceValue struct
type StructValue struct
func (v *value) Interface() interface{} {
if typ, ok := v.typ.(*InterfaceType); ok {
// There are two different representations of interface values,
// one if the interface type has methods and one if it doesn't.
// These two representations require different expressions
// to extract correctly.
if typ.NumMethod() == 0 {
// Extract as interface value without methods.
return *(*interface{})(v.addr)
// Extract from v.addr as interface value with methods.
return *(*interface{ m() })(v.addr)
return unsafe.Unreflect(v.typ, unsafe.Pointer(v.addr));
func (v *value) CanSet() bool {
return v.canSet;
func newValue(typ Type, addr addr, canSet bool) Value
func NewValue(i interface{}) Value
* basic types
// BoolValue represents a bool value.
type BoolValue struct {
// Get returns the underlying bool value.
func (v *BoolValue) Get() bool {
return *(*bool)(v.addr);
// Set sets v to the value x.
func (v *BoolValue) Set(x bool) {
if !v.canSet {
*(*bool)(v.addr) = x;
// FloatValue represents a float value.
type FloatValue struct {
// Get returns the underlying float value.
func (v *FloatValue) Get() float {
return *(*float)(v.addr);
// Set sets v to the value x.
func (v *FloatValue) Set(x float) {
if !v.canSet {
*(*float)(v.addr) = x;
// Float32Value represents a float32 value.
type Float32Value struct {
// Get returns the underlying float32 value.
func (v *Float32Value) Get() float32 {
return *(*float32)(v.addr);
// Set sets v to the value x.
func (v *Float32Value) Set(x float32) {
if !v.canSet {
*(*float32)(v.addr) = x;
// Float64Value represents a float64 value.
type Float64Value struct {
// Get returns the underlying float64 value.
func (v *Float64Value) Get() float64 {
return *(*float64)(v.addr);
// Set sets v to the value x.
func (v *Float64Value) Set(x float64) {
if !v.canSet {
*(*float64)(v.addr) = x;
// IntValue represents an int value.
type IntValue struct {
// Get returns the underlying int value.
func (v *IntValue) Get() int {
return *(*int)(v.addr);
// Set sets v to the value x.
func (v *IntValue) Set(x int) {
if !v.canSet {
*(*int)(v.addr) = x;
// Int8Value represents an int8 value.
type Int8Value struct {
// Get returns the underlying int8 value.
func (v *Int8Value) Get() int8 {
return *(*int8)(v.addr);
// Set sets v to the value x.
func (v *Int8Value) Set(x int8) {
if !v.canSet {
*(*int8)(v.addr) = x;
// Int16Value represents an int16 value.
type Int16Value struct {
// Get returns the underlying int16 value.
func (v *Int16Value) Get() int16 {
return *(*int16)(v.addr);
// Set sets v to the value x.
func (v *Int16Value) Set(x int16) {
if !v.canSet {
*(*int16)(v.addr) = x;
// Int32Value represents an int32 value.
type Int32Value struct {
// Get returns the underlying int32 value.
func (v *Int32Value) Get() int32 {
return *(*int32)(v.addr);
// Set sets v to the value x.
func (v *Int32Value) Set(x int32) {
if !v.canSet {
*(*int32)(v.addr) = x;
// Int64Value represents an int64 value.
type Int64Value struct {
// Get returns the underlying int64 value.
func (v *Int64Value) Get() int64 {
return *(*int64)(v.addr);
// Set sets v to the value x.
func (v *Int64Value) Set(x int64) {
if !v.canSet {
*(*int64)(v.addr) = x;
// StringValue represents a string value.
type StringValue struct {
// Get returns the underlying string value.
func (v *StringValue) Get() string {
return *(*string)(v.addr);
// Set sets v to the value x.
func (v *StringValue) Set(x string) {
if !v.canSet {
*(*string)(v.addr) = x;
// UintValue represents a uint value.
type UintValue struct {
// Get returns the underlying uint value.
func (v *UintValue) Get() uint {
return *(*uint)(v.addr);
// Set sets v to the value x.
func (v *UintValue) Set(x uint) {
if !v.canSet {
*(*uint)(v.addr) = x;
// Uint8Value represents a uint8 value.
type Uint8Value struct {
// Get returns the underlying uint8 value.
func (v *Uint8Value) Get() uint8 {
return *(*uint8)(v.addr);
// Set sets v to the value x.
func (v *Uint8Value) Set(x uint8) {
if !v.canSet {
*(*uint8)(v.addr) = x;
// Uint16Value represents a uint16 value.
type Uint16Value struct {
// Get returns the underlying uint16 value.
func (v *Uint16Value) Get() uint16 {
return *(*uint16)(v.addr);
// Set sets v to the value x.
func (v *Uint16Value) Set(x uint16) {
if !v.canSet {
*(*uint16)(v.addr) = x;
// Uint32Value represents a uint32 value.
type Uint32Value struct {
// Get returns the underlying uint32 value.
func (v *Uint32Value) Get() uint32 {
return *(*uint32)(v.addr);
// Set sets v to the value x.
func (v *Uint32Value) Set(x uint32) {
if !v.canSet {
*(*uint32)(v.addr) = x;
// Uint64Value represents a uint64 value.
type Uint64Value struct {
// Get returns the underlying uint64 value.
func (v *Uint64Value) Get() uint64 {
return *(*uint64)(v.addr);
// Set sets v to the value x.
func (v *Uint64Value) Set(x uint64) {
if !v.canSet {
*(*uint64)(v.addr) = x;
// UintptrValue represents a uintptr value.
type UintptrValue struct {
// Get returns the underlying uintptr value.
func (v *UintptrValue) Get() uintptr {
return *(*uintptr)(v.addr);
// Set sets v to the value x.
func (v *UintptrValue) Set(x uintptr) {
if !v.canSet {
*(*uintptr)(v.addr) = x;
// UnsafePointerValue represents an unsafe.Pointer value.
type UnsafePointerValue struct {
// Get returns the underlying uintptr value.
// Get returns uintptr, not unsafe.Pointer, so that
// programs that do not import "unsafe" cannot
// obtain a value of unsafe.Pointer type from "reflect".
func (v *UnsafePointerValue) Get() uintptr {
return uintptr(*(*unsafe.Pointer)(v.addr));
// Set sets v to the value x.
func (v *UnsafePointerValue) Set(x unsafe.Pointer) {
if !v.canSet {
*(*unsafe.Pointer)(v.addr) = x;
func typesMustMatch(t1, t2 reflect.Type) {
if t1 != t2 {
panicln("type mismatch:", t1, "!=", t2);
* array
// ArrayOrSliceValue is the common interface
// implemented by both ArrayValue and SliceValue.
type ArrayOrSliceValue interface {
Len() int;
Cap() int;
Elem(i int) Value;
addr() addr;
// ArrayCopy copies the contents of src into dst until either
// dst has been filled or src has been exhausted.
// It returns the number of elements copied.
// The arrays dst and src must have the same element type.
func ArrayCopy(dst, src ArrayOrSliceValue) int {
// TODO: This will have to move into the runtime
// once the real gc goes in.
de := dst.Type().(ArrayOrSliceType).Elem();
se := src.Type().(ArrayOrSliceType).Elem();
typesMustMatch(de, se);
n := dst.Len();
if xn := src.Len(); n > xn {
n = xn;
memmove(uintptr(dst.addr()), uintptr(src.addr()), uintptr(n) * de.Size());
return n;
// An ArrayValue represents an array.
type ArrayValue struct {
// Len returns the length of the array.
func (v *ArrayValue) Len() int {
return v.typ.(*ArrayType).Len();
// Cap returns the capacity of the array (equal to Len()).
func (v *ArrayValue) Cap() int {
return v.typ.(*ArrayType).Len();
// addr returns the base address of the data in the array.
func (v *ArrayValue) addr() addr {
return v.value.addr;
// Set assigns x to v.
// The new value x must have the same type as v.
func (v *ArrayValue) Set(x *ArrayValue) {
if !v.canSet {
typesMustMatch(v.typ, x.typ);
ArrayCopy(v, x);
// Elem returns the i'th element of v.
func (v *ArrayValue) Elem(i int) Value {
typ := v.typ.(*ArrayType).Elem();
n := v.Len();
if i < 0 || i >= n {
panic("index", i, "in array len", n);
p := addr(uintptr(v.addr()) + uintptr(i)*typ.Size());
return newValue(typ, p, v.canSet);
* slice
// runtime representation of slice
type SliceHeader struct {
Data uintptr;
Len uint32;
Cap uint32;
// A SliceValue represents a slice.
type SliceValue struct {
func (v *SliceValue) slice() *SliceHeader {
return (*SliceHeader)(v.value.addr);
// IsNil returns whether v is a nil slice.
func (v *SliceValue) IsNil() bool {
return v.slice().Data == 0;
// Len returns the length of the slice.
func (v *SliceValue) Len() int {
return int(v.slice().Len);
// Cap returns the capacity of the slice.
func (v *SliceValue) Cap() int {
return int(v.slice().Cap);
// addr returns the base address of the data in the slice.
func (v *SliceValue) addr() addr {
return addr(v.slice().Data);
// SetLen changes the length of v.
// The new length n must be between 0 and the capacity, inclusive.
func (v *SliceValue) SetLen(n int) {
s := v.slice();
if n < 0 || n > int(s.Cap) {
panicln("SetLen", n, "with capacity", s.Cap);
s.Len = uint32(n);
// Set assigns x to v.
// The new value x must have the same type as v.
func (v *SliceValue) Set(x *SliceValue) {
if !v.canSet {
typesMustMatch(v.typ, x.typ);
*v.slice() = *x.slice();
// Slice returns a sub-slice of the slice v.
func (v *SliceValue) Slice(beg, end int) *SliceValue {
cap := v.Cap();
if beg < 0 || end < beg || end > cap {
panic("slice bounds [", beg, ":", end, "] with capacity ", cap);
typ := v.typ.(*SliceType);
s := new(SliceHeader);
s.Data = uintptr(v.addr()) + uintptr(beg) * typ.Elem().Size();
s.Len = uint32(end - beg);
s.Cap = uint32(cap - beg);
return newValue(typ, addr(s), v.canSet).(*SliceValue);
// Elem returns the i'th element of v.
func (v *SliceValue) Elem(i int) Value {
typ := v.typ.(*SliceType).Elem();
n := v.Len();
if i < 0 || i >= n {
panicln("index", i, "in array of length", n);
p := addr(uintptr(v.addr()) + uintptr(i)*typ.Size());
return newValue(typ, p, v.canSet);
// MakeSlice creates a new zero-initialized slice value
// for the specified slice type, length, and capacity.
func MakeSlice(typ *SliceType, len, cap int) *SliceValue {
s := new(SliceHeader);
size := typ.Elem().Size() * uintptr(cap);
if size == 0 {
size = 1;
data := make([]uint8, size);
s.Data = uintptr(addr(&data[0]));
s.Len = uint32(len);
s.Cap = uint32(cap);
return newValue(typ, addr(s), true).(*SliceValue);
* chan
// A ChanValue represents a chan.
type ChanValue struct {
// IsNil returns whether v is a nil channel.
func (v *ChanValue) IsNil() bool {
return *(*uintptr)(v.addr) == 0;
// Set assigns x to v.
// The new value x must have the same type as v.
func (v *ChanValue) Set(x *ChanValue) {
if !v.canSet {
typesMustMatch(v.typ, x.typ);
*(*uintptr)(v.addr) = *(*uintptr)(x.addr);
// Get returns the uintptr value of v.
// It is mainly useful for printing.
func (v *ChanValue) Get() uintptr {
return *(*uintptr)(v.addr);
// Send sends x on the channel v.
func (v *ChanValue) Send(x Value) {
panic("unimplemented: channel Send");
// Recv receives and returns a value from the channel v.
func (v *ChanValue) Recv() Value {
panic("unimplemented: channel Receive");
// TrySend attempts to sends x on the channel v but will not block.
// It returns true if the value was sent, false otherwise.
func (v *ChanValue) TrySend(x Value) bool {
panic("unimplemented: channel TrySend");
// TryRecv attempts to receive a value from the channel v but will not block.
// It returns the value if one is received, nil otherwise.
func (v *ChanValue) TryRecv() Value {
panic("unimplemented: channel TryRecv");
* func
// A FuncValue represents a function value.
type FuncValue struct {
// IsNil returns whether v is a nil function.
func (v *FuncValue) IsNil() bool {
return *(*uintptr)(v.addr) == 0;
// Get returns the uintptr value of v.
// It is mainly useful for printing.
func (v *FuncValue) Get() uintptr {
return *(*uintptr)(v.addr);
// Set assigns x to v.
// The new value x must have the same type as v.
func (v *FuncValue) Set(x *FuncValue) {
if !v.canSet {
typesMustMatch(v.typ, x.typ);
*(*uintptr)(v.addr) = *(*uintptr)(x.addr);
// Call calls the function v with input parameters in.
// It returns the function's output parameters as Values.
func (v *FuncValue) Call(in []Value) []Value {
panic("unimplemented: function Call");
* interface
// An InterfaceValue represents an interface value.
type InterfaceValue struct {
// No Get because v.Interface() is available.
// IsNil returns whether v is a nil interface value.
func (v *InterfaceValue) IsNil() bool {
return v.Interface() == nil;
// Elem returns the concrete value stored in the interface value v.
func (v *InterfaceValue) Elem() Value {
return NewValue(v.Interface());
// Set assigns x to v.
func (v *InterfaceValue) Set(x interface{}) {
if !v.canSet {
// Two different representations; see comment in Get.
// Empty interface is easy.
if v.typ.(*InterfaceType).NumMethod() == 0 {
*(*interface{})(v.addr) = x;
// Non-empty interface requires a runtime check.
panic("unimplemented: interface Set");
// unsafe.SetInterface(v.typ, v.addr, x);
* map
// A MapValue represents a map value.
type MapValue struct {
// IsNil returns whether v is a nil map value.
func (v *MapValue) IsNil() bool {
return *(*uintptr)(v.addr) == 0;
// Set assigns x to v.
// The new value x must have the same type as v.
func (v *MapValue) Set(x *MapValue) {
if !v.canSet {
typesMustMatch(v.typ, x.typ);
*(*uintptr)(v.addr) = *(*uintptr)(x.addr);
// Elem returns the value associated with key in the map v.
// It returns nil if key is not found in the map.
func (v *MapValue) Elem(key Value) Value {
panic("unimplemented: map Elem");
// Len returns the number of keys in the map v.
func (v *MapValue) Len() int {
panic("unimplemented: map Len");
// Keys returns a slice containing all the keys present in the map,
// in unspecified order.
func (v *MapValue) Keys() []Value {
panic("unimplemented: map Keys");
* ptr
// A PtrValue represents a pointer.
type PtrValue struct {
// IsNil returns whether v is a nil pointer.
func (v *PtrValue) IsNil() bool {
return *(*uintptr)(v.addr) == 0;
// Get returns the uintptr value of v.
// It is mainly useful for printing.
func (v *PtrValue) Get() uintptr {
return *(*uintptr)(v.addr);
// Set assigns x to v.
// The new value x must have the same type as v.
func (v *PtrValue) Set(x *PtrValue) {
if !v.canSet {
typesMustMatch(v.typ, x.typ);
// TODO: This will have to move into the runtime
// once the new gc goes in
*(*uintptr)(v.addr) = *(*uintptr)(x.addr);
// PointTo changes v to point to x.
func (v *PtrValue) PointTo(x Value) {
if !x.CanSet() {
panic("cannot set x; cannot point to x");
typesMustMatch(v.typ.(*PtrType).Elem(), x.Type());
// TODO: This will have to move into the runtime
// once the new gc goes in.
*(*uintptr)(v.addr) = x.Addr();
// Elem returns the value that v points to.
// If v is a nil pointer, Elem returns a nil Value.
func (v *PtrValue) Elem() Value {
if v.IsNil() {
return nil;
return newValue(v.typ.(*PtrType).Elem(), *(*addr)(v.addr), v.canSet);
// Indirect returns the value that v points to.
// If v is a nil pointer, Indirect returns a nil Value.
// If v is not a pointer, Indirect returns v.
func Indirect(v Value) Value {
if pv, ok := v.(*PtrValue); ok {
return pv.Elem();
return v;
* struct
// A StructValue represents a struct value.
type StructValue struct {
// Set assigns x to v.
// The new value x must have the same type as v.
func (v *StructValue) Set(x *StructValue) {
// TODO: This will have to move into the runtime
// once the gc goes in.
if !v.canSet {
typesMustMatch(v.typ, x.typ);
memmove(uintptr(v.addr), uintptr(x.addr), v.typ.Size());
// Field returns the i'th field of the struct.
func (v *StructValue) Field(i int) Value {
t := v.typ.(*StructType);
if i < 0 || i >= t.NumField() {
return nil;
f := t.Field(i);
return newValue(f.Type, addr(uintptr(v.addr)+f.Offset), v.canSet && f.PkgPath == "");
// NumField returns the number of fields in the struct.
func (v *StructValue) NumField() int {
return v.typ.(*StructType).NumField();
* constructors
// Typeof returns the reflection Type of the value in the interface{}.
func Typeof(i interface{}) Type {
return toType(unsafe.Typeof(i));
// NewValue returns a new Value initialized to the concrete value
// stored in the interface i. NewValue(nil) returns nil.
func NewValue(i interface{}) Value {
if i == nil {
return nil;
t, a := unsafe.Reflect(i);
return newValue(toType(t), addr(a), true);
func newValue(typ Type, addr addr, canSet bool) Value {
// All values have same memory layout;
// build once and convert.
v := &struct{value}{value{typ, addr, canSet}};
switch t := typ.(type) { // TODO(rsc): s/t := // ?
case *ArrayType:
// TODO(rsc): Something must prevent
// clients of the package from doing
// this same kind of cast.
// We should be allowed because
// they're our types.
// Something about implicit assignment
// to struct fields.
return (*ArrayValue)(v);
case *BoolType:
return (*BoolValue)(v);
case *ChanType:
return (*ChanValue)(v);
case *FloatType:
return (*FloatValue)(v);
case *Float32Type:
return (*Float32Value)(v);
case *Float64Type:
return (*Float64Value)(v);
case *FuncType:
return (*FuncValue)(v);
case *IntType:
return (*IntValue)(v);
case *Int8Type:
return (*Int8Value)(v);
case *Int16Type:
return (*Int16Value)(v);
case *Int32Type:
return (*Int32Value)(v);
case *Int64Type:
return (*Int64Value)(v);
case *InterfaceType:
return (*InterfaceValue)(v);
case *MapType:
return (*MapValue)(v);
case *PtrType:
return (*PtrValue)(v);
case *SliceType:
return (*SliceValue)(v);
case *StringType:
return (*StringValue)(v);
case *StructType:
return (*StructValue)(v);
case *UintType:
return (*UintValue)(v);
case *Uint8Type:
return (*Uint8Value)(v);
case *Uint16Type:
return (*Uint16Value)(v);
case *Uint32Type:
return (*Uint32Value)(v);
case *Uint64Type:
return (*Uint64Value)(v);
case *UintptrType:
return (*UintptrValue)(v);
case *UnsafePointerType:
return (*UnsafePointerValue)(v);
panicln("newValue", typ.String());
func newFuncValue(typ Type, addr addr) *FuncValue {
return newValue(typ, addr, true).(*FuncValue);
// MakeZeroValue returns a zero Value for the specified Type.
func MakeZero(typ Type) Value {
// TODO: this will have to move into
// the runtime proper in order to play nicely
// with the garbage collector.
size := typ.Size();
if size == 0 {
size = 1;
data := make([]uint8, size);
return newValue(typ, addr(&data[0]), true);
......@@ -2,1046 +2,550 @@
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Reflection library.
// Types and parsing of type strings.
// This package implements data ``reflection''. A program can use it to analyze types
// and values it does not know at compile time, such as the values passed in a call
// to a function with a ... parameter. This is achieved by extracting the dynamic
// contents of an interface value.
package reflect
import (
type Type interface
func ExpandType(name string) Type
func typestrings() string // implemented in C; declared here
// These constants identify what kind of thing a Type represents: an int, struct, etc.
const (
MissingKind = iota;
// For sizes and alignments.
type allTypes struct {
xarray []byte;
xbool bool;
xchan chan byte;
xfloat float;
xfloat32 float32;
xfloat64 float64;
xfunc func();
xint int;
xint16 int16;
xint32 int32;
xint64 int64;
xint8 int8;
xinterface interface {};
xmap map[byte]byte;
xptr *byte;
xslice []byte;
xstring string;
xuint uint;
xuint16 uint16;
xuint32 uint32;
xuint64 uint64;
xuint8 uint8;
xuintptr uintptr;
var (
x allTypes;
minStruct struct { uint8 };
const (
minStructAlignMask = unsafe.Sizeof(minStruct) - 1;
ptrsize = unsafe.Sizeof(&x);
interfacesize = unsafe.Sizeof(x.xinterface);
const missingString = "$missing$" // syntactic name for undefined type names
const dotDotDotString = "..."
// Type is the generic interface to reflection types. Once its Kind is known,
// such as ArrayKind, the Type can be narrowed to the appropriate, more
// specific interface, such as ArrayType. Such narrowed types still implement
// the Type interface.
type Type interface {
// The kind of thing described: ArrayKind, BoolKind, etc.
Kind() int;
// The name declared for the type ("int", "BoolArray", etc.).
Name() string;
// For a named type, same as Name(); otherwise a representation of the type such as "[]int".
String() string;
// The number of bytes needed to store a value; analogous to unsafe.Sizeof().
Size() int;
// The alignment of a value of this type when used as a field in a struct.
FieldAlign() int;
* Copy of data structures from ../runtime/type.go.
* For comments, see the ones in that file.
* These data structures are known to the compiler and the runtime.
* Putting these types in runtime instead of reflect means that
* reflect doesn't need to be autolinked into every binary, which
* simplifies bootstrapping and package dependencies.
* Unfortunately, it also means that reflect needs its own
* copy in order to access the private fields.
type uncommonType struct
// Fields and methods common to all types
type commonType struct {
kind int;
str string;
name string;
size int;
size uintptr;
hash uint32;
alg uint8;
align uint8;
fieldAlign uint8;
string *string;
func (c *commonType) Kind() int {
return c.kind
type method struct {
hash uint32;
name *string;
pkgPath *string;
typ *runtime.Type;
ifn unsafe.Pointer;
tfn unsafe.Pointer;
func (c *commonType) Name() string {
type uncommonType struct {
name *string;
pkgPath *string;
methods []method;
func (c *commonType) String() string {
// If there is a name, show that instead of its expansion.
// This is important for reflection: a named type
// might have methods that the unnamed type does not.
if != "" {
return c.str
// BoolType represents a boolean type.
type BoolType struct {
func (c *commonType) Size() int {
return c.size
// Float32Type represents a float32 type.
type Float32Type struct {
// -- Basic
type basicType struct {
fieldAlign int;
// Float64Type represents a float64 type.
type Float64Type struct {
func newBasicType(name string, kind int, size int, fieldAlign int) Type {
return &basicType{ commonType{kind, name, name, size}, fieldAlign }
// FloatType represents a float type.
type FloatType struct {
func (t *basicType) FieldAlign() int {
return t.fieldAlign
// Int16Type represents an int16 type.
type Int16Type struct {
// Prebuilt basic Type objects representing the predeclared basic types.
// Most are self-evident except:
// Missing represents types whose representation cannot be discovered; usually an error.
// DotDotDot represents the pseudo-type of a ... parameter.
var (
Missing = newBasicType(missingString, MissingKind, 1, 1);
DotDotDot = newBasicType(dotDotDotString, DotDotDotKind, unsafe.Sizeof(x.xinterface), unsafe.Alignof(x.xinterface));
Bool = newBasicType("bool", BoolKind, unsafe.Sizeof(x.xbool), unsafe.Alignof(x.xbool));
Int = newBasicType("int", IntKind, unsafe.Sizeof(x.xint), unsafe.Alignof(x.xint));
Int8 = newBasicType("int8", Int8Kind, unsafe.Sizeof(x.xint8), unsafe.Alignof(x.xint8));
Int16 = newBasicType("int16", Int16Kind, unsafe.Sizeof(x.xint16), unsafe.Alignof(x.xint16));
Int32 = newBasicType("int32", Int32Kind, unsafe.Sizeof(x.xint32), unsafe.Alignof(x.xint32));
Int64 = newBasicType("int64", Int64Kind, unsafe.Sizeof(x.xint64), unsafe.Alignof(x.xint64));
Uint = newBasicType("uint", UintKind, unsafe.Sizeof(x.xuint), unsafe.Alignof(x.xuint));
Uint8 = newBasicType("uint8", Uint8Kind, unsafe.Sizeof(x.xuint8), unsafe.Alignof(x.xuint8));
Uint16 = newBasicType("uint16", Uint16Kind, unsafe.Sizeof(x.xuint16), unsafe.Alignof(x.xuint16));
Uint32 = newBasicType("uint32", Uint32Kind, unsafe.Sizeof(x.xuint32), unsafe.Alignof(x.xuint32));
Uint64 = newBasicType("uint64", Uint64Kind, unsafe.Sizeof(x.xuint64), unsafe.Alignof(x.xuint64));
Uintptr = newBasicType("uintptr", UintptrKind, unsafe.Sizeof(x.xuintptr), unsafe.Alignof(x.xuintptr));
Float = newBasicType("float", FloatKind, unsafe.Sizeof(x.xfloat), unsafe.Alignof(x.xfloat));
Float32 = newBasicType("float32", Float32Kind, unsafe.Sizeof(x.xfloat32), unsafe.Alignof(x.xfloat32));
Float64 = newBasicType("float64", Float64Kind, unsafe.Sizeof(x.xfloat64), unsafe.Alignof(x.xfloat64));
String = newBasicType("string", StringKind, unsafe.Sizeof(x.xstring), unsafe.Alignof(x.xstring));
// Stub types allow us to defer evaluating type names until needed.
// If the name is empty, the type must be non-nil.
type stubType struct {
name string;
typ Type;
// Int32Type represents an int32 type.
type Int32Type struct {
func newStubType(name string, typ Type) *stubType {
return &stubType{name, typ}
// Int64Type represents an int64 type.
type Int64Type struct {
func (t *stubType) Get() Type {
if t.typ == nil {
t.typ = ExpandType(
return t.typ
// Int8Type represents an int8 type.
type Int8Type struct {
// -- Pointer
// PtrType represents a pointer.
type PtrType interface {
Sub() Type // The type of the pointed-to item; for "*int", it will be "int".
// IntType represents an int type.
type IntType struct {
type ptrTypeStruct struct {
sub *stubType;
// Uint16Type represents a uint16 type.
type Uint16Type struct {
func newPtrTypeStruct(name, typestring string, sub *stubType) *ptrTypeStruct {
return &ptrTypeStruct{ commonType{PtrKind, typestring, name, ptrsize}, sub}
// Uint32Type represents a uint32 type.
type Uint32Type struct {
func (t *ptrTypeStruct) FieldAlign() int {
return unsafe.Alignof(x.xptr);
// Uint64Type represents a uint64 type.
type Uint64Type struct {
func (t *ptrTypeStruct) Sub() Type {
return t.sub.Get()
// Uint8Type represents a uint8 type.
type Uint8Type struct {
// -- Array
// ArrayType represents an array or slice type.
type ArrayType interface {
IsSlice() bool; // True for slices, false for arrays.
Len() int; // 0 for slices, the length for array types.
Elem() Type; // The type of the elements.
// UintType represents a uint type.
type UintType struct {
type arrayTypeStruct struct {
elem *stubType;
isslice bool; // otherwise fixed array
len int;
// StringType represents a string type.
type StringType struct {
func newArrayTypeStruct(name, typestring string, open bool, len int, elem *stubType) *arrayTypeStruct {
return &arrayTypeStruct{ commonType{ArrayKind, typestring, name, 0 }, elem, open, len}
// UintptrType represents a uintptr type.
type UintptrType struct {
func (t *arrayTypeStruct) Size() int {
if t.isslice {
return unsafe.Sizeof(x.xslice);
return t.len * t.elem.Get().Size();
// DotDotDotType represents the ... that can
// be used as the type of the final function parameter.
type DotDotDotType struct {
func (t *arrayTypeStruct) FieldAlign() int {
if t.isslice {
return unsafe.Alignof(x.xslice);
return t.elem.Get().FieldAlign();
// UnsafePointerType represents an unsafe.Pointer type.
type UnsafePointerType struct {
func (t *arrayTypeStruct) IsSlice() bool {
return t.isslice
func (t *arrayTypeStruct) Len() int {
if t.isslice {
return 0
return t.len
func (t *arrayTypeStruct) Elem() Type {
return t.elem.Get()
// ArrayType represents a fixed array type.
type ArrayType struct {
elem *runtime.Type;
len uintptr;
// -- Map
// MapType represents a map type.
type MapType interface {
Key() Type; // The type of the keys.
Elem() Type; // The type of the elements/values.
// ChanDir represents a channel type's direction.
type ChanDir int
const (
RecvDir ChanDir = 1<<iota;
BothDir = RecvDir | SendDir;
type mapTypeStruct struct {
// ChanType represents a channel type.
type ChanType struct {
key *stubType;
elem *stubType;
elem *runtime.Type;
dir uintptr;
func newMapTypeStruct(name, typestring string, key, elem *stubType) *mapTypeStruct {
return &mapTypeStruct{ commonType{MapKind, typestring, name, ptrsize}, key, elem}
// FuncType represents a function type.
type FuncType struct {
in []*runtime.Type;
out []*runtime.Type;
func (t *mapTypeStruct) FieldAlign() int {
return unsafe.Alignof(x.xmap);
// Method on interface type
type imethod struct {
hash uint32;
perm uint32;
name *string;
pkgPath *string;
typ *runtime.Type;
func (t *mapTypeStruct) Key() Type {
return t.key.Get()
// InterfaceType represents an interface type.
type InterfaceType struct {
methods []imethod;
func (t *mapTypeStruct) Elem() Type {
return t.elem.Get()
// MapType represents a map type.
type MapType struct {
key *runtime.Type;
elem *runtime.Type;
// -- Chan
// ChanType represents a chan type.
type ChanType interface {
Dir() int; // The direction of the channel.
Elem() Type; // The type of the elements.
// PtrType represents a pointer type.
type PtrType struct {
elem *runtime.Type;
// Channel direction.
const (
SendDir = 1 << iota;
BothDir = SendDir | RecvDir;
type chanTypeStruct struct {
// SliceType represents a slice type.
type SliceType struct {
elem *stubType;
dir int;
elem *runtime.Type;
func newChanTypeStruct(name, typestring string, dir int, elem *stubType) *chanTypeStruct {
return &chanTypeStruct{ commonType{ChanKind, typestring, name, ptrsize}, elem, dir}
// Struct field
type structField struct {
name *string;
pkgPath *string;
typ *runtime.Type;
tag *string;
offset uintptr;
func (t *chanTypeStruct) FieldAlign() int {
return unsafe.Alignof(x.xchan);
// StructType represents a struct type.
type StructType struct {
fields []structField;
func (t *chanTypeStruct) Dir() int {
return t.dir
func (t *chanTypeStruct) Elem() Type {
return t.elem.Get()
* The compiler knows the exact layout of all the data structures above.
* The compiler does not know about the data structures and methods below.
// -- Struct
type Type interface
type addr unsafe.Pointer
type FuncValue struct
func newFuncValue(typ Type, addr addr) *FuncValue
// Method represents a single method.
type Method struct {
PkgPath string; // empty for uppercase Name
Name string;
Type *FuncType;
Func *FuncValue;
// Type is the runtime representation of a Go type.
// Every type implements the methods listed here.
// Some types implement additional interfaces;
// use a type switch to find out what kind of type a Type is.
// Each type in a program has a unique Type, so == on Types
// corresponds to Go's type equality.
type Type interface {
// Name returns the type's package and name.
// The package is a full package import path like "container/vector".
Name() (pkgPath string, name string);
// String returns a string representation of the type.
// The string representation may use shortened package names
// (e.g., vector instead of "container/vector") and is not
// guaranteed to be unique among types. To test for equality,
// compare the Types directly.
String() string;
// StructType represents a struct type.
type StructType interface {
// Field returns, for field i, its name, Type, tag information, and byte offset.
// The indices are in declaration order starting at 0.
Field(i int) (name string, typ Type, tag string, offset int);
// Len is the number of fields.
Len() int;
// Size returns the number of bytes needed to store
// a value of the given type; it is analogous to unsafe.Sizeof.
Size() uintptr;
type structField struct {
name string;
typ *stubType;
tag string;
offset int;
// Align returns the alignment of a value of this type
// when allocated in memory.
Align() int;
type structTypeStruct struct {
field []structField;
fieldAlign int;
// FieldAlign returns the alignment of a value of this type
// when used as a field in a struct.
FieldAlign() int;
func newStructTypeStruct(name, typestring string, field []structField) *structTypeStruct {
return &structTypeStruct{ commonType{StructKind, typestring, name, 0}, field, 0}
// For non-interface types, Method returns the i'th method with receiver T.
// For interface types, Method returns the i'th method in the interface.
// NumMethod returns the number of such methods.
Method(int) Method;
NumMethod() int;
func (t *structTypeStruct) FieldAlign() int {
t.Size(); // Compute size and alignment.
return t.fieldAlign
func toType(i interface{}) Type
func (t *structTypeStruct) Size() int {
if t.size > 0 {
return t.size
size := 0;
structAlignMask := 0;
for i := 0; i < len(t.field); i++ {
typ := t.field[i].typ.Get();
elemsize := typ.Size();
alignMask := typ.FieldAlign() - 1;
if alignMask > structAlignMask {
structAlignMask = alignMask
if alignMask > 0 {
size = (size + alignMask) &^ alignMask;
t.field[i].offset = size;
size += elemsize;
func (t *uncommonType) Name() (pkgPath string, name string) {
if t == nil {
if structAlignMask > 0 {
// 6g etc. always aligns structs to a minimum size, typically int64
if structAlignMask < minStructAlignMask {
structAlignMask = minStructAlignMask
if t.pkgPath != nil {
pkgPath = *t.pkgPath;
// TODO: In the PPC64 ELF ABI, floating point fields
// in a struct are aligned to a 4-byte boundary, but
// if the first field in the struct is a 64-bit float,
// the whole struct is aligned to an 8-byte boundary.
size = (size + structAlignMask) &^ structAlignMask;
t.fieldAlign = structAlignMask + 1;
if != nil {
name = *;
t.size = size;
return size;
func (t *structTypeStruct) Field(i int) (name string, typ Type, tag string, offset int) {
if t.field[i].offset == 0 {
t.Size(); // will compute offsets
return t.field[i].name, t.field[i].typ.Get(), t.field[i].tag, t.field[i].offset
func (t *commonType) String() string {
return *t.string;
func (t *structTypeStruct) Len() int {
return len(t.field)
func (t *commonType) Size() uintptr {
return t.size;
// -- Interface
// InterfaceType represents an interface type.
// It behaves much like a StructType, treating the methods as fields.
type InterfaceType interface {
// Field returns, for method i, its name, Type, the empty string, and 0.
// The indices are in declaration order starting at 0. TODO: is this true?
Field(int) (name string, typ Type, tag string, offset int);
Len() int;
func (t *commonType) Align() int {
return int(t.align);
type interfaceTypeStruct struct {
field []structField;
func (t *commonType) FieldAlign() int {
return int(t.fieldAlign);
func newInterfaceTypeStruct(name, typestring string, field []structField) *interfaceTypeStruct {
return &interfaceTypeStruct{ commonType{InterfaceKind, typestring, name, interfacesize}, field }
func (t *uncommonType) Method(i int) (m Method) {
if t == nil || i < 0 || i >= len(t.methods) {
p := &t.methods[i];
if != nil {
m.Name = *;
if p.pkgPath != nil {
m.PkgPath = *p.pkgPath;
m.Type = toType(*p.typ).(*FuncType);
fn := p.tfn;
m.Func = newFuncValue(m.Type, addr(&fn));
func (t *interfaceTypeStruct) FieldAlign() int {
return unsafe.Alignof(x.xinterface);
func (t *uncommonType) NumMethod() int {
if t == nil {
return 0;
return len(t.methods);
func (t *interfaceTypeStruct) Field(i int) (name string, typ Type, tag string, offset int) {
return t.field[i].name, t.field[i].typ.Get(), "", 0
// TODO(rsc): 6g supplies these, but they are not
// as efficient as they could be: they have commonType
// as the receiver instead of *commonType.
func (t *commonType) NumMethod() int {
return t.uncommonType.NumMethod();
func (t *interfaceTypeStruct) Len() int {
return len(t.field)
func (t *commonType) Method(i int) (m Method) {
return t.uncommonType.Method(i);
var nilInterface = newInterfaceTypeStruct("nil", "", make([]structField, 0));
// -- Func
// FuncType represents a function type.
type FuncType interface {
In() StructType; // The parameters in the form of a StructType.
Out() StructType; // The results in the form of a StructType.
func (t *commonType) Name() (pkgPath string, name string) {
return t.uncommonType.Name();
type funcTypeStruct struct {
in *structTypeStruct;
out *structTypeStruct;
// Len returns the number of elements in the array.
func (t *ArrayType) Len() int {
return int(t.len);
func newFuncTypeStruct(name, typestring string, in, out *structTypeStruct) *funcTypeStruct {
return &funcTypeStruct{ commonType{FuncKind, typestring, name, ptrsize}, in, out }
// Elem returns the type of the array's elements.
func (t *ArrayType) Elem() Type {
return toType(*t.elem);
func (t *funcTypeStruct) FieldAlign() int {
return unsafe.Alignof(x.xfunc);
// Dir returns the channel direction.
func (t *ChanType) Dir() ChanDir {
return ChanDir(t.dir);
func (t *funcTypeStruct) In() StructType {
// Elem returns the channel's element type.
func (t *ChanType) Elem() Type {
return toType(*t.elem);
func (t *funcTypeStruct) Out() StructType {
if t.out == nil { // nil.(StructType) != nil so make sure caller sees real nil
return nil
func (d ChanDir) String() string {
switch d {
case SendDir:
return "chan<-";
case RecvDir:
return "<-chan";
case BothDir:
return "chan";
return t.out
// Cache of expanded types keyed by type name.
var types map[string] Type
// List of typename, typestring pairs
var typestring map[string] string
var initialized bool = false
// Map of basic types to prebuilt stubTypes
var basicstub map[string] *stubType
var missingStub *stubType;
var dotDotDotStub *stubType;
// The database stored in the maps is global; use locking to guarantee safety.
var typestringlock sync.Mutex
func lock() {
func unlock() {
func init() {
lock(); // not necessary because of init ordering but be safe.
types = make(map[string] Type);
typestring = make(map[string] string);
basicstub = make(map[string] *stubType);
// Basics go into types table
types[missingString] = Missing;
types[dotDotDotString] = DotDotDot;
types["int"] = Int;
types["int8"] = Int8;
types["int16"] = Int16;
types["int32"] = Int32;
types["int64"] = Int64;
types["uint"] = Uint;
types["uint8"] = Uint8;
types["uint16"] = Uint16;
types["uint32"] = Uint32;
types["uint64"] = Uint64;
types["uintptr"] = Uintptr;
types["float"] = Float;
types["float32"] = Float32;
types["float64"] = Float64;
types["string"] = String;
types["bool"] = Bool;
// Basics get prebuilt stubs
missingStub = newStubType(missingString, Missing);
dotDotDotStub = newStubType(dotDotDotString, DotDotDot);
basicstub[missingString] = missingStub;
basicstub[dotDotDotString] = dotDotDotStub;
basicstub["int"] = newStubType("int", Int);
basicstub["int8"] = newStubType("int8", Int8);
basicstub["int16"] = newStubType("int16", Int16);
basicstub["int32"] = newStubType("int32", Int32);
basicstub["int64"] = newStubType("int64", Int64);
basicstub["uint"] = newStubType("uint", Uint);
basicstub["uint8"] = newStubType("uint8", Uint8);
basicstub["uint16"] = newStubType("uint16", Uint16);
basicstub["uint32"] = newStubType("uint32", Uint32);
basicstub["uint64"] = newStubType("uint64", Uint64);
basicstub["uintptr"] = newStubType("uintptr", Uintptr);
basicstub["float"] = newStubType("float", Float);
basicstub["float32"] = newStubType("float32", Float32);
basicstub["float64"] = newStubType("float64", Float64);
basicstub["string"] = newStubType("string", String);
basicstub["bool"] = newStubType("bool", Bool);
Parsing of type strings. These strings are how the run-time recovers type
information dynamically.
stubtype = - represent as StubType when possible
identifier =
type =
basictypename - int8, string, etc.
typename =
name '.' name
doublequotedstring =
string in " "; escapes are \x00 (NUL) \n \t \" \\
fieldlist =
[ field { [ ',' | ';' ] field } ]
field =
identifier stubtype [ doublequotedstring ]
arraytype =
'[' [ number ] ']' stubtype
structtype =
'struct' '{' fieldlist '}'
interfacetype =
'interface' '{' fieldlist '}'
chantype =
'<-' 'chan' stubtype
'chan' '<-' stubtype
'chan' stubtype
maptype =
'map' '[' stubtype ']' stubtype
pointertype =
'*' stubtype
functiontype =
[ 'func' ] '(' fieldlist ')' [ '(' fieldlist ')' | stubtype ]
In functiontype 'func' is optional because it is omitted in
the reflection string for interface types.
// Helper functions for token scanning
func isdigit(c uint8) bool {
return '0' <= c && c <= '9'
return "ChanDir" + strconv.Itoa(int(d));
func special(c uint8) bool {
s := "*[](){}<;,"; // Note: '.' is not in this list. "P.T" is an identifer, as is "?".
for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
if c == s[i] {
return true
// In returns the type of the i'th function input parameter.
func (t *FuncType) In(i int) Type {
if i < 0 || i >= len( {
return nil;
return false;
return toType(*[i]);
func hex00(s string, i int) bool {
return i + 2 < len(s) && s[i] == '0' && s[i+1] == '0'
// NumIn returns the number of input parameters.
func (t *FuncType) NumIn() int {
return len(;
// Process backslashes. String known to be well-formed.
// Initial double-quote is left in, as an indication this token is a string.
func unescape(s string, backslash bool) string {
if !backslash {
return s
out := "\"";
for i := 1; i < len(s); i++ {
c := s[i];
if c == '\\' {
c = s[i];
switch c {
case 'n':
c = '\n';
case 't':
c = '\t';
case 'x':
if hex00(s, i+1) {
i += 2;
c = 0;
// otherwise just put an 'x'; erroneous but safe.
// default is correct already; \\ is \; \" is "
out += string(c);
// Out returns the type of the i'th function output parameter.
func (t *FuncType) Out(i int) Type {
if i < 0 || i >= len(t.out) {
return nil;
return out;
return toType(*t.out[i]);
// Simple parser for type strings
type typeParser struct {
str string; // string being parsed
token string; // the token being parsed now
tokstart int; // starting position of token
prevend int; // (one after) ending position of previous token
index int; // next character position in str
// NumOut returns the number of function output parameters.
func (t *FuncType) NumOut() int {
return len(t.out);
// Return typestring starting at position i. It will finish at the
// end of the previous token (before trailing white space).
func (p *typeParser) TypeString(i int) string {
return p.str[i:p.prevend];
// Load next token into p.token
func (p *typeParser) Next() {
p.prevend = p.index;
token := "";
for ; p.index < len(p.str) && p.str[p.index] == ' '; p.index++ {
p.tokstart = p.index;
if p.index >= len(p.str) {
p.token = "";
// Method returns the i'th interface method.
func (t *InterfaceType) Method(i int) (m Method) {
if i < 0 || i >= len(t.methods) {
start := p.index;
c, w := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(p.str[p.index:len(p.str)]);
p.index += w;
switch {
case c == '<':
if p.index < len(p.str) && p.str[p.index] == '-' {
p.token = "<-";
fallthrough; // shouldn't happen but let the parser figure it out
case c == '.':
if p.index < len(p.str)+2 && p.str[p.index-1:p.index+2] == dotDotDotString {
p.index += 2;
p.token = dotDotDotString;
p := t.methods[i];
m.Name = *;
if p.pkgPath != nil {
m.PkgPath = *p.pkgPath;
fallthrough; // shouldn't happen but let the parser figure it out
case special(uint8(c)):
p.token = string(c);
m.Type = toType(*p.typ).(*FuncType);
case isdigit(uint8(c)):
for p.index < len(p.str) && isdigit(p.str[p.index]) {
p.token = p.str[start : p.index];
case c == '"': // double-quoted string for struct field annotation
backslash := false;
for p.index < len(p.str) && p.str[p.index] != '"' {
if p.str[p.index] == '\\' {
if p.index+1 == len(p.str) { // bad final backslash
p.index++; // skip (and accept) backslash
backslash = true;
p.token = unescape(p.str[start : p.index], backslash);
if p.index < len(p.str) { // properly terminated string
p.index++; // skip the terminating double-quote
for p.index < len(p.str) && p.str[p.index] != ' ' && !special(p.str[p.index]) {
p.token = p.str[start : p.index];
func (p *typeParser) Type(name string) *stubType
func (p *typeParser) Array(name string, tokstart int) *stubType {
size := 0;
open := true;
if p.token != "]" {
if len(p.token) == 0 || !isdigit(p.token[0]) {
return missingStub
// write our own (trivial and simpleminded) atoi to avoid dependency
size = 0;
for i := 0; i < len(p.token); i++ {
size = size * 10 + int(p.token[i]) - '0'
open = false;
if p.token != "]" {
return missingStub
elemtype := p.Type("");
return newStubType(name, newArrayTypeStruct(name, p.TypeString(tokstart), open, size, elemtype));
// NumMethod returns the number of interface methods.
func (t *InterfaceType) NumMethod() int {
return len(t.methods);
func (p *typeParser) Map(name string, tokstart int) *stubType {
if p.token != "[" {
return missingStub
keytype := p.Type("");
if p.token != "]" {
return missingStub
elemtype := p.Type("");
return newStubType(name, newMapTypeStruct(name, p.TypeString(tokstart), keytype, elemtype));
// Key returns the map key type.
func (t *MapType) Key() Type {
return toType(*t.key);
func (p *typeParser) Chan(name string, tokstart, dir int) *stubType {
if p.token == "<-" {
if dir != BothDir {
return missingStub
dir = SendDir;
elemtype := p.Type("");
return newStubType(name, newChanTypeStruct(name, p.TypeString(tokstart), dir, elemtype));
// Elem returns the map element type.
func (t *MapType) Elem() Type {
return toType(*t.elem);
// Parse array of fields for struct, interface, and func arguments
func (p *typeParser) Fields(sep, term string) []structField {
a := make([]structField, 10);
nf := 0;
for p.token != "" && p.token != term {
if nf == len(a) {
a1 := make([]structField, 2*nf);
for i := 0; i < nf; i++ {
a1[i] = a[i];
a = a1;
name := p.token;
if name == "?" { // used to represent a missing name
name = ""
a[nf].name = name;
a[nf].typ = p.Type("");
if p.token != "" && p.token[0] == '"' {
a[nf].tag = p.token[1:len(p.token)];
if p.token != sep {
p.Next(); // skip separator
return a[0:nf];
// Elem returns the pointer element type.
func (t *PtrType) Elem() Type {
return toType(*t.elem);
// A single type packaged as a field for a function return
func (p *typeParser) OneField() []structField {
a := make([]structField, 1);
a[0].name = "";
a[0].typ = p.Type("");
return a;
// Elem returns the type of the slice's elements.
func (t *SliceType) Elem() Type {
return toType(*t.elem);
func (p *typeParser) Struct(name string, tokstart int) *stubType {
f := p.Fields(";", "}");
if p.token != "}" {
return missingStub;
return newStubType(name, newStructTypeStruct(name, p.TypeString(tokstart), f));
type StructField struct {
PkgPath string; // empty for uppercase Name
Name string;
Type Type;
Tag string;
Offset uintptr;
Anonymous bool;
func (p *typeParser) Interface(name string, tokstart int) *stubType {
f := p.Fields(";", "}");
if p.token != "}" {
return missingStub;
return newStubType(name, newInterfaceTypeStruct(name, p.TypeString(tokstart), f));
func (p *typeParser) Func(name string, tokstart int) *stubType {
// may be 1 or 2 parenthesized lists
f1 := newStructTypeStruct("", "", p.Fields(",", ")"));
if p.token != ")" {
return missingStub;
if p.token != "(" {
// 1 list: the in parameters are a list. Is there a single out parameter?
switch p.token {
case "", "}", ")", ",", ";":
return newStubType(name, newFuncTypeStruct(name, p.TypeString(tokstart), f1, nil));
// Field returns the i'th struct field.
func (t *StructType) Field(i int) (f StructField) {
if i < 0 || i >= len(t.fields) {
// A single out parameter.
f2 := newStructTypeStruct("", "", p.OneField());
return newStubType(name, newFuncTypeStruct(name, p.TypeString(tokstart), f1, f2));
p := t.fields[i];
f.Type = toType(*p.typ);
if != nil {
f.Name = *;
} else {
f2 := newStructTypeStruct("", "", p.Fields(",", ")"));
if p.token != ")" {
return missingStub;
// 2 lists: the in and out parameters are present
return newStubType(name, newFuncTypeStruct(name, p.TypeString(tokstart), f1, f2));
func (p *typeParser) Type(name string) *stubType {
dir := BothDir;
tokstart := p.tokstart;
switch {
case p.token == "":
return nil;
case p.token == "*":
sub := p.Type("");
return newStubType(name, newPtrTypeStruct(name, p.TypeString(tokstart), sub));
case p.token == "[":
return p.Array(name, tokstart);
case p.token == "map":
return p.Map(name, tokstart);
case p.token == "<-":
dir = RecvDir;
if p.token != "chan" {
return missingStub;
case p.token == "chan":
return p.Chan(name, tokstart, dir);
case p.token == "struct":
if p.token != "{" {
return missingStub
return p.Struct(name, tokstart);
case p.token == "interface":
if p.token != "{" {
return missingStub
nam, pkg := f.Type.Name();
f.Name = nam;
f.Anonymous = true;
return p.Interface(name, tokstart);
case p.token == "func":
if p.token != "(" {
return missingStub
if p.pkgPath != nil {
f.PkgPath = *p.pkgPath;
return p.Func(name, tokstart);
case p.token == "(":
return p.Func(name, tokstart);
case isdigit(p.token[0]):
return missingStub;
case special(p.token[0]):
return missingStub;
if p.tag != nil {
f.Tag = *p.tag;
// must be an identifier. is it basic? if so, we have a stub
if s, ok := basicstub[p.token]; ok {
if name != "" {
// Need to make a copy because we are renaming a basic type
b := s.Get();
s = newStubType(name, newBasicType(name, b.Kind(), b.Size(), b.FieldAlign()));
return s
// not a basic - must be of the form "P.T"
ndot := 0;
for i := 0; i < len(p.token); i++ {
if p.token[i] == '.' {
if ndot != 1 {
return missingStub;
s := newStubType(p.token, nil);
return s;
// ParseTypeString takes a type name and type string (such as "[]int") and
// returns the Type structure representing a type name specifying the corresponding
// type. An empty typestring represents (the type of) a nil interface value.
func ParseTypeString(name, typestring string) Type {
if typestring == "" {
// If the typestring is empty, it represents (the type of) a nil interface value
return nilInterface
p := new(typeParser);
p.str = typestring;
return p.Type(name).Get();
// Create typestring map from reflect.typestrings() data. Lock is held.
func initializeTypeStrings() {
if initialized {
initialized = true;
s := typestrings();
slen := len(s);
for i := 0; i < slen; {
// "reflect.PtrType interface { Sub () (? reflect.Type) }\n"
// find the identifier
idstart := i;
for ; i < slen && s[i] != ' '; i++ {
if i == slen {
print("reflect.InitializeTypeStrings: bad identifier\n");
f.Offset = p.offset;
idend := i;
// find the end of the line, terminating the type
typestart := i;
for ; i < slen && s[i] != '\n'; i++ {
if i == slen {
print("reflect.InitializeTypeStrings: bad type string\n");
typeend := i;
i++; //skip newline
typestring[s[idstart:idend]] = s[typestart:typeend];
// Look up type string associated with name. Lock is held.
func typeNameToTypeString(name string) string {
s, ok := typestring[name];
if !ok {
s, ok = typestring[name];
if !ok {
s = missingString;
typestring[name] = s;
return s
// NumField returns the number of struct fields.
func (t *StructType) NumField() int {
return len(t.fields);
// Convert runtime type to reflect type.
// Same memory layouts, different method sets.
func toType(i interface{}) Type {
switch v := i.(type) {
case *runtime.BoolType:
return (*BoolType)(unsafe.Pointer(v));
case *runtime.DotDotDotType:
return (*DotDotDotType)(unsafe.Pointer(v));
case *runtime.FloatType:
return (*FloatType)(unsafe.Pointer(v));
case *runtime.Float32Type:
return (*Float32Type)(unsafe.Pointer(v));
case *runtime.Float64Type:
return (*Float64Type)(unsafe.Pointer(v));
case *runtime.IntType:
return (*IntType)(unsafe.Pointer(v));
case *runtime.Int8Type:
return (*Int8Type)(unsafe.Pointer(v));
case *runtime.Int16Type:
return (*Int16Type)(unsafe.Pointer(v));
case *runtime.Int32Type:
return (*Int32Type)(unsafe.Pointer(v));
case *runtime.Int64Type:
return (*Int64Type)(unsafe.Pointer(v));
case *runtime.StringType:
return (*StringType)(unsafe.Pointer(v));
case *runtime.UintType:
return (*UintType)(unsafe.Pointer(v));
case *runtime.Uint8Type:
return (*Uint8Type)(unsafe.Pointer(v));
case *runtime.Uint16Type:
return (*Uint16Type)(unsafe.Pointer(v));
case *runtime.Uint32Type:
return (*Uint32Type)(unsafe.Pointer(v));
case *runtime.Uint64Type:
return (*Uint64Type)(unsafe.Pointer(v));
case *runtime.UintptrType:
return (*UintptrType)(unsafe.Pointer(v));
case *runtime.UnsafePointerType:
return (*UnsafePointerType)(unsafe.Pointer(v));
case *runtime.ArrayType:
return (*ArrayType)(unsafe.Pointer(v));
case *runtime.ChanType:
return (*ChanType)(unsafe.Pointer(v));
case *runtime.FuncType:
return (*FuncType)(unsafe.Pointer(v));
case *runtime.InterfaceType:
return (*InterfaceType)(unsafe.Pointer(v));
case *runtime.MapType:
return (*MapType)(unsafe.Pointer(v));
case *runtime.PtrType:
return (*PtrType)(unsafe.Pointer(v));
case *runtime.SliceType:
return (*SliceType)(unsafe.Pointer(v));
case *runtime.StructType:
return (*StructType)(unsafe.Pointer(v));
panicln("toType", i);
// ArrayOrSliceType is the common interface implemented
// by both ArrayType and SliceType.
type ArrayOrSliceType interface {
Elem() Type;
// ExpandType takes the name of a type and returns its Type structure,
// unpacking the associated type string if necessary.
func ExpandType(name string) Type {
t, ok := types[name];
if ok {
return t
types[name] = Missing; // prevent recursion; will overwrite
t1 := ParseTypeString(name, typeNameToTypeString(name));
types[name] = t1;
return t1;
......@@ -2,9 +2,6 @@
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Reflection library.
// Handling values.
package reflect
import (
......@@ -12,1002 +9,952 @@ import (
// Addr is shorthand for unsafe.Pointer and is used to represent the address of Values.
type Addr unsafe.Pointer
const cannotSet = "cannot set value obtained via unexported struct field"
func equalType(a, b Type) bool {
return a.Kind() == b.Kind() && a.String() == b.String()
// TODO: This will have to go away when
// the new gc goes in.
func memmove(dst, src, n uintptr) {
var p uintptr; // dummy for sizeof
const ptrsize = uintptr(unsafe.Sizeof(p));
switch {
case src < dst && src+n > dst:
// byte copy backward
// careful: i is unsigned
for i := n; i > 0; {
*(*byte)(addr(dst+i)) = *(*byte)(addr(src+i));
case (n|src|dst) & (ptrsize-1) != 0:
// byte copy forward
for i := uintptr(0); i < n; i++ {
*(*byte)(addr(dst+i)) = *(*byte)(addr(src+i));
// word copy forward
for i := uintptr(0); i < n; i += ptrsize {
*(*uintptr)(addr(dst+i)) = *(*uintptr)(addr(src+i));
// Value is the generic interface to reflection values. Once its Kind is known,
// such as BoolKind, the Value can be narrowed to the appropriate, more
// specific interface, such as BoolValue. Such narrowed values still implement
// the Value interface.
// Value is the common interface to reflection values.
// The implementations of Value (e.g., ArrayValue, StructValue)
// have additional type-specific methods.
type Value interface {
// The kind of thing described: ArrayKind, BoolKind, etc.
Kind() int;
// The reflection Type of the value.
// Type returns the value's type.
Type() Type;
// The address of the value.
Addr() Addr;
// The value itself is the dynamic value of an empty interface.
Interface() interface {};
func NewValue(e interface{}) Value;
// Interface returns the value as an interface{}.
Interface() interface{};
// commonValue fields and functionality for all values
// CanSet returns whether the value can be changed.
// Values obtained by the use of non-exported struct fields
// can be used in Get but not Set.
// If CanSet() returns false, calling the type-specific Set
// will cause a crash.
CanSet() bool;
type commonValue struct {
kind int;
typ Type;
addr Addr;
// Addr returns a pointer to the underlying data.
// It is for advanced clients that also
// import the "unsafe" package.
Addr() uintptr;
func (c *commonValue) Kind() int {
return c.kind
type value struct {
typ Type;
addr addr;
canSet bool;
func (c *commonValue) Type() Type {
return c.typ
func (v *value) Type() Type {
return v.typ
func (c *commonValue) Addr() Addr {
return c.addr
func (v *value) Addr() uintptr {
return uintptr(v.addr);
func (c *commonValue) Interface() interface {} {
var i interface {};
switch {
case c.typ.Kind() == InterfaceKind:
panic("not reached"); // InterfaceValue overrides this method
case c.typ.Size() > unsafe.Sizeof(uintptr(0)):
i = unsafe.Unreflect(uint64(uintptr(c.addr)), c.typ.String(), true);
if uintptr(c.addr) == 0 {
panicln("reflect: address 0 for", c.typ.String());
type InterfaceValue struct
type StructValue struct
func (v *value) Interface() interface{} {
if typ, ok := v.typ.(*InterfaceType); ok {
// There are two different representations of interface values,
// one if the interface type has methods and one if it doesn't.
// These two representations require different expressions
// to extract correctly.
if typ.NumMethod() == 0 {
// Extract as interface value without methods.
return *(*interface{})(v.addr)
i = unsafe.Unreflect(uint64(uintptr(*(*Addr)(c.addr))), c.typ.String(), false);
// Extract from v.addr as interface value with methods.
return *(*interface{ m() })(v.addr)
return i;
return unsafe.Unreflect(v.typ, unsafe.Pointer(v.addr));
func newValueAddr(typ Type, addr Addr) Value
type creatorFn func(typ Type, addr Addr) Value
func (v *value) CanSet() bool {
return v.canSet;
func newValue(typ Type, addr addr, canSet bool) Value
func NewValue(i interface{}) Value
// -- Missing
* basic types
// MissingValue represents a value whose type is not known. It usually
// indicates an error.
type MissingValue interface {
// BoolValue represents a bool value.
type BoolValue struct {
type missingValueStruct struct {
// Get returns the underlying bool value.
func (v *BoolValue) Get() bool {
return *(*bool)(v.addr);
func missingCreator(typ Type, addr Addr) Value {
return &missingValueStruct{ commonValue{MissingKind, typ, addr} }
// Set sets v to the value x.
func (v *BoolValue) Set(x bool) {
if !v.canSet {
*(*bool)(v.addr) = x;
// -- Int
// IntValue represents an int value.
type IntValue interface {
Get() int; // Get the underlying int.
Set(int); // Set the underlying int.
// FloatValue represents a float value.
type FloatValue struct {
type intValueStruct struct {
// Get returns the underlying float value.
func (v *FloatValue) Get() float {
return *(*float)(v.addr);
func intCreator(typ Type, addr Addr) Value {
return &intValueStruct{ commonValue{IntKind, typ, addr} }
// Set sets v to the value x.
func (v *FloatValue) Set(x float) {
if !v.canSet {
*(*float)(v.addr) = x;
func (v *intValueStruct) Get() int {
return *(*int)(v.addr)
// Float32Value represents a float32 value.
type Float32Value struct {
func (v *intValueStruct) Set(i int) {
*(*int)(v.addr) = i
// Get returns the underlying float32 value.
func (v *Float32Value) Get() float32 {
return *(*float32)(v.addr);
// -- Int8
// Int8Value represents an int8 value.
type Int8Value interface {
Get() int8; // Get the underlying int8.
Set(int8); // Set the underlying int8.
// Set sets v to the value x.
func (v *Float32Value) Set(x float32) {
if !v.canSet {
*(*float32)(v.addr) = x;
type int8ValueStruct struct {
// Float64Value represents a float64 value.
type Float64Value struct {
func int8Creator(typ Type, addr Addr) Value {
return &int8ValueStruct{ commonValue{Int8Kind, typ, addr} }
// Get returns the underlying float64 value.
func (v *Float64Value) Get() float64 {
return *(*float64)(v.addr);
func (v *int8ValueStruct) Get() int8 {
return *(*int8)(v.addr)
// Set sets v to the value x.
func (v *Float64Value) Set(x float64) {
if !v.canSet {
*(*float64)(v.addr) = x;
func (v *int8ValueStruct) Set(i int8) {
*(*int8)(v.addr) = i
// IntValue represents an int value.
type IntValue struct {
// -- Int16
// Int16Value represents an int16 value.
type Int16Value interface {
Get() int16; // Get the underlying int16.
Set(int16); // Set the underlying int16.
// Get returns the underlying int value.
func (v *IntValue) Get() int {
return *(*int)(v.addr);
type int16ValueStruct struct {
// Set sets v to the value x.
func (v *IntValue) Set(x int) {
if !v.canSet {
*(*int)(v.addr) = x;
func int16Creator(typ Type, addr Addr) Value {
return &int16ValueStruct{ commonValue{Int16Kind, typ, addr} }
// Int8Value represents an int8 value.
type Int8Value struct {
func (v *int16ValueStruct) Get() int16 {
return *(*int16)(v.addr)
// Get returns the underlying int8 value.
func (v *Int8Value) Get() int8 {
return *(*int8)(v.addr);
func (v *int16ValueStruct) Set(i int16) {
*(*int16)(v.addr) = i
// Set sets v to the value x.
func (v *Int8Value) Set(x int8) {
if !v.canSet {
*(*int8)(v.addr) = x;
// -- Int32
// Int32Value represents an int32 value.
type Int32Value interface {
Get() int32; // Get the underlying int32.
Set(int32); // Set the underlying int32.
// Int16Value represents an int16 value.
type Int16Value struct {
type int32ValueStruct struct {
// Get returns the underlying int16 value.
func (v *Int16Value) Get() int16 {
return *(*int16)(v.addr);
func int32Creator(typ Type, addr Addr) Value {
return &int32ValueStruct{ commonValue{Int32Kind, typ, addr} }
// Set sets v to the value x.
func (v *Int16Value) Set(x int16) {
if !v.canSet {
*(*int16)(v.addr) = x;
func (v *int32ValueStruct) Get() int32 {
return *(*int32)(v.addr)
// Int32Value represents an int32 value.
type Int32Value struct {
func (v *int32ValueStruct) Set(i int32) {
*(*int32)(v.addr) = i
// Get returns the underlying int32 value.
func (v *Int32Value) Get() int32 {
return *(*int32)(v.addr);
// -- Int64
// Int64Value represents an int64 value.
type Int64Value interface {
Get() int64; // Get the underlying int64.
Set(int64); // Set the underlying int64.
// Set sets v to the value x.
func (v *Int32Value) Set(x int32) {
if !v.canSet {
*(*int32)(v.addr) = x;
type int64ValueStruct struct {
// Int64Value represents an int64 value.
type Int64Value struct {
func int64Creator(typ Type, addr Addr) Value {
return &int64ValueStruct{ commonValue{Int64Kind, typ, addr} }
// Get returns the underlying int64 value.
func (v *Int64Value) Get() int64 {
return *(*int64)(v.addr);
func (v *int64ValueStruct) Get() int64 {
return *(*int64)(v.addr)
// Set sets v to the value x.
func (v *Int64Value) Set(x int64) {
if !v.canSet {
*(*int64)(v.addr) = x;
func (v *int64ValueStruct) Set(i int64) {
*(*int64)(v.addr) = i
// StringValue represents a string value.
type StringValue struct {
// -- Uint
// UintValue represents a uint value.
type UintValue interface {
Get() uint; // Get the underlying uint.
Set(uint); // Set the underlying uint.
// Get returns the underlying string value.
func (v *StringValue) Get() string {
return *(*string)(v.addr);
type uintValueStruct struct {
// Set sets v to the value x.
func (v *StringValue) Set(x string) {
if !v.canSet {
*(*string)(v.addr) = x;
func uintCreator(typ Type, addr Addr) Value {
return &uintValueStruct{ commonValue{UintKind, typ, addr} }
// UintValue represents a uint value.
type UintValue struct {
func (v *uintValueStruct) Get() uint {
return *(*uint)(v.addr)
// Get returns the underlying uint value.
func (v *UintValue) Get() uint {
return *(*uint)(v.addr);
func (v *uintValueStruct) Set(i uint) {
*(*uint)(v.addr) = i
// Set sets v to the value x.
func (v *UintValue) Set(x uint) {
if !v.canSet {
*(*uint)(v.addr) = x;
// -- Uint8
// Uint8Value represents a uint8 value.
type Uint8Value interface {
Get() uint8; // Get the underlying uint8.
Set(uint8); // Set the underlying uint8.
type uint8ValueStruct struct {
func uint8Creator(typ Type, addr Addr) Value {
return &uint8ValueStruct{ commonValue{Uint8Kind, typ, addr} }
type Uint8Value struct {
func (v *uint8ValueStruct) Get() uint8 {
return *(*uint8)(v.addr)
// Get returns the underlying uint8 value.
func (v *Uint8Value) Get() uint8 {
return *(*uint8)(v.addr);
func (v *uint8ValueStruct) Set(i uint8) {
*(*uint8)(v.addr) = i
// Set sets v to the value x.
func (v *Uint8Value) Set(x uint8) {
if !v.canSet {
*(*uint8)(v.addr) = x;
// -- Uint16
// Uint16Value represents a uint16 value.
type Uint16Value interface {
Get() uint16; // Get the underlying uint16.
Set(uint16); // Set the underlying uint16.
type uint16ValueStruct struct {
type Uint16Value struct {
func uint16Creator(typ Type, addr Addr) Value {
return &uint16ValueStruct{ commonValue{Uint16Kind, typ, addr} }
// Get returns the underlying uint16 value.
func (v *Uint16Value) Get() uint16 {
return *(*uint16)(v.addr);
func (v *uint16ValueStruct) Get() uint16 {
return *(*uint16)(v.addr)
func (v *uint16ValueStruct) Set(i uint16) {
*(*uint16)(v.addr) = i
// Set sets v to the value x.
func (v *Uint16Value) Set(x uint16) {
if !v.canSet {
*(*uint16)(v.addr) = x;
// -- Uint32
// Uint32Value represents a uint32 value.
type Uint32Value interface {
Get() uint32; // Get the underlying uint32.
Set(uint32); // Set the underlying uint32.
type uint32ValueStruct struct {
type Uint32Value struct {
func uint32Creator(typ Type, addr Addr) Value {
return &uint32ValueStruct{ commonValue{Uint32Kind, typ, addr} }
// Get returns the underlying uint32 value.
func (v *Uint32Value) Get() uint32 {
return *(*uint32)(v.addr);
func (v *uint32ValueStruct) Get() uint32 {
return *(*uint32)(v.addr)
func (v *uint32ValueStruct) Set(i uint32) {
*(*uint32)(v.addr) = i
// Set sets v to the value x.
func (v *Uint32Value) Set(x uint32) {
if !v.canSet {
*(*uint32)(v.addr) = x;
// -- Uint64
// Uint64Value represents a uint64 value.
type Uint64Value interface {
Get() uint64; // Get the underlying uint64.
Set(uint64); // Set the underlying uint64.
type Uint64Value struct {
type uint64ValueStruct struct {
// Get returns the underlying uint64 value.
func (v *Uint64Value) Get() uint64 {
return *(*uint64)(v.addr);
func uint64Creator(typ Type, addr Addr) Value {
return &uint64ValueStruct{ commonValue{Uint64Kind, typ, addr} }
func (v *uint64ValueStruct) Get() uint64 {
return *(*uint64)(v.addr)
func (v *uint64ValueStruct) Set(i uint64) {
*(*uint64)(v.addr) = i
// Set sets v to the value x.
func (v *Uint64Value) Set(x uint64) {
if !v.canSet {
*(*uint64)(v.addr) = x;
// -- Uintptr
// UintptrValue represents a uintptr value.
type UintptrValue interface {
Get() uintptr; // Get the underlying uintptr.
Set(uintptr); // Set the underlying uintptr.
type uintptrValueStruct struct {
func uintptrCreator(typ Type, addr Addr) Value {
return &uintptrValueStruct{ commonValue{UintptrKind, typ, addr} }
type UintptrValue struct {
func (v *uintptrValueStruct) Get() uintptr {
return *(*uintptr)(v.addr)
// Get returns the underlying uintptr value.
func (v *UintptrValue) Get() uintptr {
return *(*uintptr)(v.addr);
func (v *uintptrValueStruct) Set(i uintptr) {
*(*uintptr)(v.addr) = i
// -- Float
// FloatValue represents a float value.
type FloatValue interface {
Get() float; // Get the underlying float.
Set(float); // Get the underlying float.
// Set sets v to the value x.
func (v *UintptrValue) Set(x uintptr) {
if !v.canSet {
*(*uintptr)(v.addr) = x;
type floatValueStruct struct {
// UnsafePointerValue represents an unsafe.Pointer value.
type UnsafePointerValue struct {
func floatCreator(typ Type, addr Addr) Value {
return &floatValueStruct{ commonValue{FloatKind, typ, addr} }
// Get returns the underlying uintptr value.
// Get returns uintptr, not unsafe.Pointer, so that
// programs that do not import "unsafe" cannot
// obtain a value of unsafe.Pointer type from "reflect".
func (v *UnsafePointerValue) Get() uintptr {
return uintptr(*(*unsafe.Pointer)(v.addr));
func (v *floatValueStruct) Get() float {
return *(*float)(v.addr)
// Set sets v to the value x.
func (v *UnsafePointerValue) Set(x unsafe.Pointer) {
if !v.canSet {
*(*unsafe.Pointer)(v.addr) = x;
func (v *floatValueStruct) Set(f float) {
*(*float)(v.addr) = f
func typesMustMatch(t1, t2 reflect.Type) {
if t1 != t2 {
panicln("type mismatch:", t1, "!=", t2);
// -- Float32
* array
// Float32Value represents a float32 value.
type Float32Value interface {
// ArrayOrSliceValue is the common interface
// implemented by both ArrayValue and SliceValue.
type ArrayOrSliceValue interface {
Get() float32; // Get the underlying float32.
Set(float32); // Get the underlying float32.
type float32ValueStruct struct {
func float32Creator(typ Type, addr Addr) Value {
return &float32ValueStruct{ commonValue{Float32Kind, typ, addr} }
func (v *float32ValueStruct) Get() float32 {
return *(*float32)(v.addr)
Len() int;
Cap() int;
Elem(i int) Value;
addr() addr;
// ArrayCopy copies the contents of src into dst until either
// dst has been filled or src has been exhausted.
// It returns the number of elements copied.
// The arrays dst and src must have the same element type.
func ArrayCopy(dst, src ArrayOrSliceValue) int {
// TODO: This will have to move into the runtime
// once the real gc goes in.
de := dst.Type().(ArrayOrSliceType).Elem();
se := src.Type().(ArrayOrSliceType).Elem();
typesMustMatch(de, se);
n := dst.Len();
if xn := src.Len(); n > xn {
n = xn;
memmove(uintptr(dst.addr()), uintptr(src.addr()), uintptr(n) * de.Size());
return n;
func (v *float32ValueStruct) Set(f float32) {
*(*float32)(v.addr) = f
// An ArrayValue represents an array.
type ArrayValue struct {
// -- Float64
// Float64Value represents a float64 value.
type Float64Value interface {
Get() float64; // Get the underlying float64.
Set(float64); // Get the underlying float64.
// Len returns the length of the array.
func (v *ArrayValue) Len() int {
return v.typ.(*ArrayType).Len();
type float64ValueStruct struct {
// Cap returns the capacity of the array (equal to Len()).
func (v *ArrayValue) Cap() int {
return v.typ.(*ArrayType).Len();
func float64Creator(typ Type, addr Addr) Value {
return &float64ValueStruct{ commonValue{Float64Kind, typ, addr} }
// addr returns the base address of the data in the array.
func (v *ArrayValue) addr() addr {
return v.value.addr;
func (v *float64ValueStruct) Get() float64 {
return *(*float64)(v.addr)
// Set assigns x to v.
// The new value x must have the same type as v.
func (v *ArrayValue) Set(x *ArrayValue) {
if !v.canSet {
typesMustMatch(v.typ, x.typ);
ArrayCopy(v, x);
func (v *float64ValueStruct) Set(f float64) {
*(*float64)(v.addr) = f
// Elem returns the i'th element of v.
func (v *ArrayValue) Elem(i int) Value {
typ := v.typ.(*ArrayType).Elem();
n := v.Len();
if i < 0 || i >= n {
panic("index", i, "in array len", n);
p := addr(uintptr(v.addr()) + uintptr(i)*typ.Size());
return newValue(typ, p, v.canSet);
// -- String
* slice
// StringValue represents a string value.
type StringValue interface {
Get() string; // Get the underlying string value.
Set(string); // Set the underlying string value.
// runtime representation of slice
type SliceHeader struct {
Data uintptr;
Len uint32;
Cap uint32;
type stringValueStruct struct {
// A SliceValue represents a slice.
type SliceValue struct {
func stringCreator(typ Type, addr Addr) Value {
return &stringValueStruct{ commonValue{StringKind, typ, addr} }
func (v *SliceValue) slice() *SliceHeader {
return (*SliceHeader)(v.value.addr);
func (v *stringValueStruct) Get() string {
return *(*string)(v.addr)
// IsNil returns whether v is a nil slice.
func (v *SliceValue) IsNil() bool {
return v.slice().Data == 0;
func (v *stringValueStruct) Set(s string) {
*(*string)(v.addr) = s
// Len returns the length of the slice.
func (v *SliceValue) Len() int {
return int(v.slice().Len);
// -- Bool
// BoolValue represents a bool value.
type BoolValue interface {
Get() bool; // Get the underlying bool value.
Set(bool); // Set the underlying bool value.
// Cap returns the capacity of the slice.
func (v *SliceValue) Cap() int {
return int(v.slice().Cap);
type boolValueStruct struct {
// addr returns the base address of the data in the slice.
func (v *SliceValue) addr() addr {
return addr(v.slice().Data);
func boolCreator(typ Type, addr Addr) Value {
return &boolValueStruct{ commonValue{BoolKind, typ, addr} }
// SetLen changes the length of v.
// The new length n must be between 0 and the capacity, inclusive.
func (v *SliceValue) SetLen(n int) {
s := v.slice();
if n < 0 || n > int(s.Cap) {
panicln("SetLen", n, "with capacity", s.Cap);
s.Len = uint32(n);
func (v *boolValueStruct) Get() bool {
return *(*bool)(v.addr)
// Set assigns x to v.
// The new value x must have the same type as v.
func (v *SliceValue) Set(x *SliceValue) {
if !v.canSet {
typesMustMatch(v.typ, x.typ);
*v.slice() = *x.slice();
func (v *boolValueStruct) Set(b bool) {
*(*bool)(v.addr) = b
// Slice returns a sub-slice of the slice v.
func (v *SliceValue) Slice(beg, end int) *SliceValue {
cap := v.Cap();
if beg < 0 || end < beg || end > cap {
panic("slice bounds [", beg, ":", end, "] with capacity ", cap);
typ := v.typ.(*SliceType);
s := new(SliceHeader);
s.Data = uintptr(v.addr()) + uintptr(beg) * typ.Elem().Size();
s.Len = uint32(end - beg);
s.Cap = uint32(cap - beg);
return newValue(typ, addr(s), v.canSet).(*SliceValue);
// Elem returns the i'th element of v.
func (v *SliceValue) Elem(i int) Value {
typ := v.typ.(*SliceType).Elem();
n := v.Len();
if i < 0 || i >= n {
panicln("index", i, "in array of length", n);
p := addr(uintptr(v.addr()) + uintptr(i)*typ.Size());
return newValue(typ, p, v.canSet);
// -- Pointer
// PtrValue represents a pointer value.
type PtrValue interface {
Sub() Value; // The Value pointed to.
Get() Addr; // Get the address stored in the pointer.
SetSub(Value); // Set the the pointed-to Value.
IsNil() bool;
// MakeSlice creates a new zero-initialized slice value
// for the specified slice type, length, and capacity.
func MakeSlice(typ *SliceType, len, cap int) *SliceValue {
s := new(SliceHeader);
size := typ.Elem().Size() * uintptr(cap);
if size == 0 {
size = 1;
data := make([]uint8, size);
s.Data = uintptr(addr(&data[0]));
s.Len = uint32(len);
s.Cap = uint32(cap);
return newValue(typ, addr(s), true).(*SliceValue);
type ptrValueStruct struct {
* chan
func (v *ptrValueStruct) Get() Addr {
return *(*Addr)(v.addr)
// A ChanValue represents a chan.
type ChanValue struct {
func (v *ptrValueStruct) IsNil() bool {
return uintptr(*(*Addr)(v.addr)) == 0
// IsNil returns whether v is a nil channel.
func (v *ChanValue) IsNil() bool {
return *(*uintptr)(v.addr) == 0;
func (v *ptrValueStruct) Sub() Value {
if v.IsNil() {
return nil
// Set assigns x to v.
// The new value x must have the same type as v.
func (v *ChanValue) Set(x *ChanValue) {
if !v.canSet {
return newValueAddr(v.typ.(PtrType).Sub(), v.Get());
typesMustMatch(v.typ, x.typ);
*(*uintptr)(v.addr) = *(*uintptr)(x.addr);
func (v *ptrValueStruct) SetSub(subv Value) {
a := v.typ.(PtrType).Sub();
b := subv.Type();
if !equalType(a, b) {
panicln("reflect: incompatible types in PtrValue.SetSub:",
a.String(), b.String());
*(*Addr)(v.addr) = subv.Addr();
// Get returns the uintptr value of v.
// It is mainly useful for printing.
func (v *ChanValue) Get() uintptr {
return *(*uintptr)(v.addr);
func ptrCreator(typ Type, addr Addr) Value {
return &ptrValueStruct{ commonValue{PtrKind, typ, addr} };
// Send sends x on the channel v.
func (v *ChanValue) Send(x Value) {
panic("unimplemented: channel Send");
// -- Array
// Slices and arrays are represented by the same interface.
// ArrayValue represents an array or slice value.
type ArrayValue interface {
IsSlice() bool; // Is this a slice (true) or array (false)?
Len() int; // The length of the array/slice.
Cap() int; // The capacity of the array/slice (==Len() for arrays).
Elem(i int) Value; // The Value of the i'th element.
SetLen(len int); // Set the length; slice only.
Set(src ArrayValue); // Set the underlying Value; slice only for src and dest both.
CopyFrom(src ArrayValue, n int); // Copy the elements from src; lengths must match.
IsNil() bool;
// Recv receives and returns a value from the channel v.
func (v *ChanValue) Recv() Value {
panic("unimplemented: channel Receive");
func copyArray(dst ArrayValue, src ArrayValue, n int);
Run-time representation of slices looks like this:
struct Slice {
byte* array; // actual data
uint32 nel; // number of elements
uint32 cap;
// A published version of the Slice header so that clients don't have a separate copy of the definition.
// SliceHeader is not useful to clients unless they use unsafe.Pointer.
type SliceHeader struct {
Data uintptr;
Len uint32;
Cap uint32;
// TrySend attempts to sends x on the channel v but will not block.
// It returns true if the value was sent, false otherwise.
func (v *ChanValue) TrySend(x Value) bool {
panic("unimplemented: channel TrySend");
type sliceValueStruct struct {
elemtype Type;
elemsize int;
slice *SliceHeader;
// TryRecv attempts to receive a value from the channel v but will not block.
// It returns the value if one is received, nil otherwise.
func (v *ChanValue) TryRecv() Value {
panic("unimplemented: channel TryRecv");
func (v *sliceValueStruct) IsSlice() bool {
return true
* func
func (v *sliceValueStruct) Len() int {
return int(v.slice.Len);
// A FuncValue represents a function value.
type FuncValue struct {
func (v *sliceValueStruct) Cap() int {
return int(v.slice.Cap);
// IsNil returns whether v is a nil function.
func (v *FuncValue) IsNil() bool {
return *(*uintptr)(v.addr) == 0;
func (v *sliceValueStruct) SetLen(len int) {
if len > v.Cap() {
panicln("reflect: sliceValueStruct.SetLen", len, v.Cap());
v.slice.Len = uint32(len);
// Get returns the uintptr value of v.
// It is mainly useful for printing.
func (v *FuncValue) Get() uintptr {
return *(*uintptr)(v.addr);
func (v *sliceValueStruct) Set(src ArrayValue) {
if !src.IsSlice() {
panic("can't set slice from array");
// Set assigns x to v.
// The new value x must have the same type as v.
func (v *FuncValue) Set(x *FuncValue) {
if !v.canSet {
s := src.(*sliceValueStruct);
if !equalType(v.typ, s.typ) {
panicln("incompatible types in ArrayValue.Set()");
*v.slice = *s.slice;
typesMustMatch(v.typ, x.typ);
*(*uintptr)(v.addr) = *(*uintptr)(x.addr);
func (v *sliceValueStruct) Elem(i int) Value {
data_uint := v.slice.Data + uintptr(i * v.elemsize);
return newValueAddr(v.elemtype, Addr(data_uint));
// Call calls the function v with input parameters in.
// It returns the function's output parameters as Values.
func (v *FuncValue) Call(in []Value) []Value {
panic("unimplemented: function Call");
func (v *sliceValueStruct) CopyFrom(src ArrayValue, n int) {
copyArray(v, src, n);
func (v *sliceValueStruct) IsNil() bool {
return v.slice.Data == 0
* interface
type arrayValueStruct struct {
elemtype Type;
elemsize int;
len int;
// An InterfaceValue represents an interface value.
type InterfaceValue struct {
func (v *arrayValueStruct) IsSlice() bool {
return false
// No Get because v.Interface() is available.
func (v *arrayValueStruct) Len() int {
return v.len
// IsNil returns whether v is a nil interface value.
func (v *InterfaceValue) IsNil() bool {
return v.Interface() == nil;
func (v *arrayValueStruct) Cap() int {
return v.len
// Elem returns the concrete value stored in the interface value v.
func (v *InterfaceValue) Elem() Value {
return NewValue(v.Interface());
func (v *arrayValueStruct) SetLen(len int) {
panicln("can't set len of array");
// Set assigns x to v.
func (v *InterfaceValue) Set(x interface{}) {
if !v.canSet {
// Two different representations; see comment in Get.
// Empty interface is easy.
if v.typ.(*InterfaceType).NumMethod() == 0 {
*(*interface{})(v.addr) = x;
func (v *arrayValueStruct) Set(src ArrayValue) {
panicln("can't set array");
// Non-empty interface requires a runtime check.
panic("unimplemented: interface Set");
// unsafe.SetInterface(v.typ, v.addr, x);
func (v *arrayValueStruct) Elem(i int) Value {
data_uint := uintptr(v.addr) + uintptr(i * v.elemsize);
return newValueAddr(v.elemtype, Addr(data_uint));
* map
func (v *arrayValueStruct) CopyFrom(src ArrayValue, n int) {
copyArray(v, src, n);
// A MapValue represents a map value.
type MapValue struct {
func (v *arrayValueStruct) IsNil() bool {
return false
// IsNil returns whether v is a nil map value.
func (v *MapValue) IsNil() bool {
return *(*uintptr)(v.addr) == 0;
func arrayCreator(typ Type, addr Addr) Value {
arraytype := typ.(ArrayType);
if arraytype.IsSlice() {
v := new(sliceValueStruct);
v.kind = ArrayKind;
v.addr = addr;
v.typ = typ;
v.elemtype = arraytype.Elem();
v.elemsize = v.elemtype.Size();
v.slice = (*SliceHeader)(addr);
return v;
// Set assigns x to v.
// The new value x must have the same type as v.
func (v *MapValue) Set(x *MapValue) {
if !v.canSet {
v := new(arrayValueStruct);
v.kind = ArrayKind;
v.addr = addr;
v.typ = typ;
v.elemtype = arraytype.Elem();
v.elemsize = v.elemtype.Size();
v.len = arraytype.Len();
return v;
// -- Map TODO: finish and test
// MapValue represents a map value.
// Its implementation is incomplete.
type MapValue interface {
Len() int; // The number of elements; currently always returns 0.
Elem(key Value) Value; // The value indexed by key; unimplemented.
IsNil() bool;
type mapValueStruct struct {
typesMustMatch(v.typ, x.typ);
*(*uintptr)(v.addr) = *(*uintptr)(x.addr);
func mapCreator(typ Type, addr Addr) Value {
return &mapValueStruct{ commonValue{MapKind, typ, addr} }
// Elem returns the value associated with key in the map v.
// It returns nil if key is not found in the map.
func (v *MapValue) Elem(key Value) Value {
panic("unimplemented: map Elem");
func (v *mapValueStruct) Len() int {
return 0 // TODO: probably want this to be dynamic
// Len returns the number of keys in the map v.
func (v *MapValue) Len() int {
panic("unimplemented: map Len");
func (v *mapValueStruct) IsNil() bool {
return false // TODO: implement this properly
// Keys returns a slice containing all the keys present in the map,
// in unspecified order.
func (v *MapValue) Keys() []Value {
panic("unimplemented: map Keys");
func (v *mapValueStruct) Elem(key Value) Value {
panic("map value element");
return nil
// -- Chan
// ChanValue represents a chan value.
// Its implementation is incomplete.
type ChanValue interface {
IsNil() bool;
* ptr
type chanValueStruct struct {
// A PtrValue represents a pointer.
type PtrValue struct {
func (v *chanValueStruct) IsNil() bool {
return false // TODO: implement this properly
// IsNil returns whether v is a nil pointer.
func (v *PtrValue) IsNil() bool {
return *(*uintptr)(v.addr) == 0;
func chanCreator(typ Type, addr Addr) Value {
return &chanValueStruct{ commonValue{ChanKind, typ, addr} }
// Get returns the uintptr value of v.
// It is mainly useful for printing.
func (v *PtrValue) Get() uintptr {
return *(*uintptr)(v.addr);
// -- Struct
// StructValue represents a struct value.
type StructValue interface {
Len() int; // The number of fields.
Field(i int) Value; // The Value of field i.
type structValueStruct struct {
field []Value;
// Set assigns x to v.
// The new value x must have the same type as v.
func (v *PtrValue) Set(x *PtrValue) {
if !v.canSet {
typesMustMatch(v.typ, x.typ);
// TODO: This will have to move into the runtime
// once the new gc goes in
*(*uintptr)(v.addr) = *(*uintptr)(x.addr);
func (v *structValueStruct) Len() int {
return len(v.field)
// PointTo changes v to point to x.
func (v *PtrValue) PointTo(x Value) {
if !x.CanSet() {
panic("cannot set x; cannot point to x");
typesMustMatch(v.typ.(*PtrType).Elem(), x.Type());
// TODO: This will have to move into the runtime
// once the new gc goes in.
*(*uintptr)(v.addr) = x.Addr();
func (v *structValueStruct) Field(i int) Value {
return v.field[i]
// Elem returns the value that v points to.
// If v is a nil pointer, Elem returns a nil Value.
func (v *PtrValue) Elem() Value {
if v.IsNil() {
return nil;
return newValue(v.typ.(*PtrType).Elem(), *(*addr)(v.addr), v.canSet);
func structCreator(typ Type, addr Addr) Value {
t := typ.(StructType);
nfield := t.Len();
v := &structValueStruct{ commonValue{StructKind, typ, addr}, make([]Value, nfield) };
for i := 0; i < nfield; i++ {
name, ftype, str, offset := t.Field(i);
addr_uint := uintptr(addr) + uintptr(offset);
v.field[i] = newValueAddr(ftype, Addr(addr_uint));
// Indirect returns the value that v points to.
// If v is a nil pointer, Indirect returns a nil Value.
// If v is not a pointer, Indirect returns v.
func Indirect(v Value) Value {
if pv, ok := v.(*PtrValue); ok {
return pv.Elem();
v.typ = typ;
return v;
// -- Interface
// InterfaceValue represents an interface value.
type InterfaceValue interface {
Get() interface {}; // Get the underlying interface{} value.
Value() Value;
IsNil() bool;
* struct
type interfaceValueStruct struct {
// A StructValue represents a struct value.
type StructValue struct {
func (v *interfaceValueStruct) Get() interface{} {
// There are two different representations of interface values,
// one if the interface type has methods and one if it doesn't.
// These two representations require different expressions
// to extract correctly.
if v.Type().(InterfaceType).Len() == 0 {
// Extract as interface value without methods.
return *(*interface{})(v.addr)
// Set assigns x to v.
// The new value x must have the same type as v.
func (v *StructValue) Set(x *StructValue) {
// TODO: This will have to move into the runtime
// once the gc goes in.
if !v.canSet {
// Extract from v.addr as interface value with methods.
return *(*interface{ m() })(v.addr)
func (v *interfaceValueStruct) Interface() interface{} {
return v.Get();
typesMustMatch(v.typ, x.typ);
memmove(uintptr(v.addr), uintptr(x.addr), v.typ.Size());
func (v *interfaceValueStruct) Value() Value {
i := v.Get();
if i == nil {
// Field returns the i'th field of the struct.
func (v *StructValue) Field(i int) Value {
t := v.typ.(*StructType);
if i < 0 || i >= t.NumField() {
return nil;
return NewValue(i);
func (v *interfaceValueStruct) IsNil() bool {
return *(*interface{})(v.addr) == nil
func interfaceCreator(typ Type, addr Addr) Value {
return &interfaceValueStruct{ commonValue{InterfaceKind, typ, addr} }
// -- Func
// FuncValue represents a func value.
// Its implementation is incomplete.
type FuncValue interface {
Get() Addr; // The address of the function.
IsNil() bool;
type funcValueStruct struct {
f := t.Field(i);
return newValue(f.Type, addr(uintptr(v.addr)+f.Offset), v.canSet && f.PkgPath == "");
func (v *funcValueStruct) Get() Addr {
return *(*Addr)(v.addr)
// NumField returns the number of fields in the struct.
func (v *StructValue) NumField() int {
return v.typ.(*StructType).NumField();
func (v *funcValueStruct) IsNil() bool {
return *(*Addr)(v.addr) == nil
func funcCreator(typ Type, addr Addr) Value {
return &funcValueStruct{ commonValue{FuncKind, typ, addr} }
* constructors
var creator = map[int] creatorFn {
MissingKind : missingCreator,
IntKind : intCreator,
Int8Kind : int8Creator,
Int16Kind : int16Creator,
Int32Kind : int32Creator,
Int64Kind : int64Creator,
UintKind : uintCreator,
Uint8Kind : uint8Creator,
Uint16Kind : uint16Creator,
Uint32Kind : uint32Creator,
Uint64Kind : uint64Creator,
UintptrKind : uintptrCreator,
FloatKind : floatCreator,
Float32Kind : float32Creator,
Float64Kind : float64Creator,
StringKind : stringCreator,
BoolKind : boolCreator,
PtrKind : ptrCreator,
ArrayKind : arrayCreator,
MapKind : mapCreator,
ChanKind : chanCreator,
StructKind : structCreator,
InterfaceKind : interfaceCreator,
FuncKind : funcCreator,
// Typeof returns the reflection Type of the value in the interface{}.
func Typeof(i interface{}) Type {
return toType(unsafe.Typeof(i));
var typecache = make(map[string] Type);
func newValueAddr(typ Type, addr Addr) Value {
c, ok := creator[typ.Kind()];
if !ok {
panicln("no creator for type" , typ.String());
// NewValue returns a new Value initialized to the concrete value
// stored in the interface i. NewValue(nil) returns nil.
func NewValue(i interface{}) Value {
if i == nil {
return nil;
return c(typ, addr);
// NewZeroValue creates a new, zero-initialized Value for the specified Type.
func NewZeroValue(typ Type) Value {
size := typ.Size();
if size == 0 {
size = 1;
t, a := unsafe.Reflect(i);
return newValue(toType(t), addr(a), true);
func newValue(typ Type, addr addr, canSet bool) Value {
// All values have same memory layout;
// build once and convert.
v := &struct{value}{value{typ, addr, canSet}};
switch t := typ.(type) { // TODO(rsc): s/t := // ?
case *ArrayType:
// TODO(rsc): Something must prevent
// clients of the package from doing
// this same kind of cast.
// We should be allowed because
// they're our types.
// Something about implicit assignment
// to struct fields.
return (*ArrayValue)(v);
case *BoolType:
return (*BoolValue)(v);
case *ChanType:
return (*ChanValue)(v);
case *FloatType:
return (*FloatValue)(v);
case *Float32Type:
return (*Float32Value)(v);
case *Float64Type:
return (*Float64Value)(v);
case *FuncType:
return (*FuncValue)(v);
case *IntType:
return (*IntValue)(v);
case *Int8Type:
return (*Int8Value)(v);
case *Int16Type:
return (*Int16Value)(v);
case *Int32Type:
return (*Int32Value)(v);
case *Int64Type:
return (*Int64Value)(v);
case *InterfaceType:
return (*InterfaceValue)(v);
case *MapType:
return (*MapValue)(v);
case *PtrType:
return (*PtrValue)(v);
case *SliceType:
return (*SliceValue)(v);
case *StringType:
return (*StringValue)(v);
case *StructType:
return (*StructValue)(v);
case *UintType:
return (*UintValue)(v);
case *Uint8Type:
return (*Uint8Value)(v);
case *Uint16Type:
return (*Uint16Value)(v);
case *Uint32Type:
return (*Uint32Value)(v);
case *Uint64Type:
return (*Uint64Value)(v);
case *UintptrType:
return (*UintptrValue)(v);
case *UnsafePointerType:
return (*UnsafePointerValue)(v);
data := make([]uint8, size);
return newValueAddr(typ, Addr(&data[0]));
panicln("newValue", typ.String());
// NewSliceValue creates a new, zero-initialized slice value (ArrayValue) for the specified
// slice type (ArrayType), length, and capacity.
func NewSliceValue(typ ArrayType, len, cap int) ArrayValue {
if !typ.IsSlice() {
return nil
func newFuncValue(typ Type, addr addr) *FuncValue {
return newValue(typ, addr, true).(*FuncValue);
array := new(SliceHeader);
size := typ.Elem().Size() * cap;
// MakeZeroValue returns a zero Value for the specified Type.
func MakeZero(typ Type) Value {
// TODO: this will have to move into
// the runtime proper in order to play nicely
// with the garbage collector.
size := typ.Size();
if size == 0 {
size = 1;
data := make([]uint8, size);
array.Data = uintptr(Addr(&data[0]));
array.Len = uint32(len);
array.Cap = uint32(cap);
return newValueAddr(typ, Addr(array)).(ArrayValue);
// Works on both slices and arrays
func copyArray(dst ArrayValue, src ArrayValue, n int) {
if n == 0 {
dt := dst.Type().(ArrayType).Elem();
st := src.Type().(ArrayType).Elem();
if !equalType(dt, st) {
panicln("reflect: incompatible types in CopyArray:",
dt.String(), st.String());
if n < 0 || n > dst.Len() || n > src.Len() {
panicln("reflect: CopyArray: invalid count", n);
dstp := uintptr(dst.Elem(0).Addr());
srcp := uintptr(src.Elem(0).Addr());
end := uintptr(n)*uintptr(dt.Size());
if end % 8 == 0 {
for i := uintptr(0); i < end; i += 8{
di := Addr(dstp + i);
si := Addr(srcp + i);
*(*uint64)(di) = *(*uint64)(si);
} else {
for i := uintptr(0); i < end; i++ {
di := Addr(dstp + i);
si := Addr(srcp + i);
*(*byte)(di) = *(*byte)(si);
func typeof(typestring string) Type {
typ, ok := typecache[typestring];
if !ok {
typ = ParseTypeString("", typestring);
if typ.Kind() == MissingKind {
// This can not happen: unsafe.Reflect should only
// ever tell us the names of types that exist.
// Of course it does happen, and when it does
// it is more helpful to catch it in action here than
// to see $missing$ in a later print.
panicln("missing type for", typestring);
typecache[typestring] = typ;
return typ;
// NewValue creates a new Value from the interface{} object provided.
func NewValue(e interface {}) Value {
value, typestring, indir := unsafe.Reflect(e);
typ := typeof(typestring);
var ap Addr;
if indir {
// Content of interface is large and didn't
// fit, so it's a pointer to the actual content.
// We have an address, but we need to
// make a copy to avoid letting the caller
// edit the content inside the interface.
n := uintptr(typ.Size());
data := make([]byte, n);
p1 := uintptr(Addr(&data[0]));
p2 := uintptr(value);
for i := uintptr(0); i < n; i++ {
*(*byte)(Addr(p1+i)) = *(*byte)(Addr(p2+i));
ap = Addr(&data[0]);
} else {
// Content of interface is small and stored
// inside the interface. Make a copy so we
// can take its address.
x := new(uint64);
*x = value;
ap = Addr(x);
return newValueAddr(typ, ap);
// Typeof returns the type of the value in the interface{} object provided.
func Typeof(e interface{}) Type {
value, typestring, indir := unsafe.Reflect(e);
return typeof(typestring);
// Indirect indirects one level through a value, if it is a pointer.
// If not a pointer, the value is returned unchanged.
// Useful when walking arbitrary data structures.
func Indirect(v Value) Value {
if v.Kind() == PtrKind {
p := v.(PtrValue);
if p.Get() == nil {
return nil
v = p.Sub()
return v
return newValue(typ, addr(&data[0]), true);
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