Commit cebc4e51 authored by Jay Conrod's avatar Jay Conrod

cmd/go: parallelize package loading

load.PackageAndErrors now preloads data used to build load.Package
structures. Multiple packages may be preloaded in parallel, so this
parallelizes most of the package loading work.

The actual package construction and error-checking process is still
sequential, since this process needs to detect and report cycles.

Fixes #29758

Change-Id: Icf37e6669836ce8aad076e34fd895f97f4f3f9e2
Run-TryBot: Jay Conrod <>
TryBot-Result: Gobot Gobot <>
Reviewed-by: default avatarBryan C. Mills <>
parent ead89568
......@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ package load
import (
......@@ -14,6 +15,7 @@ import (
pathpkg "path"
......@@ -23,6 +25,7 @@ import (
......@@ -356,25 +359,40 @@ func (sp *ImportStack) shorterThan(t []string) bool {
return false // they are equal
// packageCache is a lookup cache for loadPackage,
// packageCache is a lookup cache for LoadImport,
// so that if we look up a package multiple times
// we return the same pointer each time.
var packageCache = map[string]*Package{}
// ClearPackageCache clears the in-memory package cache and the preload caches.
// It is only for use by GOPATH-based "go get".
// TODO(jayconrod): When GOPATH-based "go get" is removed, delete this function.
func ClearPackageCache() {
for name := range packageCache {
delete(packageCache, name)
// ClearPackageCachePartial clears packages with the given import paths from the
// in-memory package cache and the preload caches. It is only for use by
// GOPATH-based "go get".
// TODO(jayconrod): When GOPATH-based "go get" is removed, delete this function.
func ClearPackageCachePartial(args []string) {
shouldDelete := make(map[string]bool)
for _, arg := range args {
p := packageCache[arg]
if p != nil {
delete(packageCache, p.Dir)
delete(packageCache, p.ImportPath)
shouldDelete[arg] = true
if p := packageCache[arg]; p != nil {
delete(packageCache, arg)
resolvedImportCache.DeleteIf(func(key interface{}) bool {
return shouldDelete[key.(importSpec).path]
packageDataCache.DeleteIf(func(key interface{}) bool {
return shouldDelete[key.(string)]
// ReloadPackageNoFlags is like LoadImport but makes sure
......@@ -384,8 +402,11 @@ func ClearPackageCachePartial(args []string) {
func ReloadPackageNoFlags(arg string, stk *ImportStack) *Package {
p := packageCache[arg]
if p != nil {
delete(packageCache, p.Dir)
delete(packageCache, p.ImportPath)
delete(packageCache, arg)
resolvedImportCache.DeleteIf(func(key interface{}) bool {
return key.(importSpec).path == p.ImportPath
return LoadImport(arg, base.Cwd, nil, stk, nil, 0)
......@@ -440,6 +461,10 @@ const (
// this package, as part of a bigger load operation, and by GOPATH-based "go get".
// TODO(rsc): When GOPATH-based "go get" is removed, unexport this function.
func LoadImport(path, srcDir string, parent *Package, stk *ImportStack, importPos []token.Position, mode int) *Package {
return loadImport(nil, path, srcDir, parent, stk, importPos, mode)
func loadImport(pre *preload, path, srcDir string, parent *Package, stk *ImportStack, importPos []token.Position, mode int) *Package {
if path == "" {
panic("LoadImport called with empty package path")
......@@ -447,127 +472,51 @@ func LoadImport(path, srcDir string, parent *Package, stk *ImportStack, importPo
defer stk.Pop()
if strings.HasPrefix(path, "mod/") {
// Paths beginning with "mod/" might accidentally
// look in the module cache directory tree in $GOPATH/pkg/mod/.
// This prefix is owned by the Go core for possible use in the
// standard library (since it does not begin with a domain name),
// so it's OK to disallow entirely.
return &Package{
PackagePublic: PackagePublic{
ImportPath: path,
Error: &PackageError{
ImportStack: stk.Copy(),
Err: fmt.Sprintf("disallowed import path %q", path),
var parentPath, parentRoot string
parentIsStd := false
if parent != nil {
parentPath = parent.ImportPath
parentRoot = parent.Root
parentIsStd = parent.Standard
if strings.Contains(path, "@") {
var text string
if cfg.ModulesEnabled {
text = "can only use path@version syntax with 'go get'"
} else {
text = "cannot use path@version syntax in GOPATH mode"
bp, loaded, err := loadPackageData(path, parentPath, srcDir, parentRoot, parentIsStd, mode)
if loaded && pre != nil && !IgnoreImports {
pre.preloadImports(bp.Imports, bp)
if bp == nil {
return &Package{
PackagePublic: PackagePublic{
ImportPath: path,
Error: &PackageError{
ImportStack: stk.Copy(),
Err: text,
Err: err.Error(),
parentPath := ""
parentIsStd := false
if parent != nil {
parentPath = parent.ImportPath
parentIsStd = parent.Standard
// Determine canonical identifier for this package.
// For a local import the identifier is the pseudo-import path
// we create from the full directory to the package.
// Otherwise it is the usual import path.
// For vendored imports, it is the expanded form.
importPath := path
origPath := path
isLocal := build.IsLocalImport(path)
var modDir string
var modErr error
if isLocal {
importPath = dirToImportPath(filepath.Join(srcDir, path))
} else if cfg.ModulesEnabled {
var p string
modDir, p, modErr = ModLookup(parentPath, parentIsStd, path)
if modErr == nil {
importPath = p
} else if mode&ResolveImport != 0 {
// We do our own path resolution, because we want to
// find out the key to use in packageCache without the
// overhead of repeated calls to buildContext.Import.
// The code is also needed in a few other places anyway.
path = ResolveImportPath(parent, path)
importPath = path
} else if mode&ResolveModule != 0 {
path = ModuleImportPath(parent, path)
importPath = path
importPath := bp.ImportPath
p := packageCache[importPath]
if p != nil {
p = reusePackage(p, stk)
} else {
p = new(Package)
p.Internal.Local = isLocal
p.Internal.Local = build.IsLocalImport(path)
p.ImportPath = importPath
packageCache[importPath] = p
// Load package.
// Import always returns bp != nil, even if an error occurs,
// loadPackageData may return bp != nil even if an error occurs,
// in order to return partial information.
var bp *build.Package
var err error
if modDir != "" {
bp, err = cfg.BuildContext.ImportDir(modDir, 0)
} else if modErr != nil {
bp = new(build.Package)
err = fmt.Errorf("unknown import path %q: %v", importPath, modErr)
} else if cfg.ModulesEnabled && path != "unsafe" {
bp = new(build.Package)
err = fmt.Errorf("unknown import path %q: internal error: module loader did not resolve import", importPath)
} else {
buildMode := build.ImportComment
if mode&ResolveImport == 0 || path != origPath {
// Not vendoring, or we already found the vendored path.
buildMode |= build.IgnoreVendor
bp, err = cfg.BuildContext.Import(path, srcDir, buildMode)
bp.ImportPath = importPath
if cfg.GOBIN != "" {
bp.BinDir = cfg.GOBIN
} else if cfg.ModulesEnabled && !bp.Goroot {
bp.BinDir = ModBinDir()
if modDir == "" && err == nil && !isLocal && bp.ImportComment != "" && bp.ImportComment != path &&
!strings.Contains(path, "/vendor/") && !strings.HasPrefix(path, "vendor/") {
err = fmt.Errorf("code in directory %s expects import %q", bp.Dir, bp.ImportComment)
p.load(stk, bp, err)
if p.Error != nil && p.Error.Pos == "" {
p = setErrorPos(p, importPos)
if modDir == "" && origPath != cleanImport(origPath) {
if !cfg.ModulesEnabled && path != cleanImport(path) {
p.Error = &PackageError{
ImportStack: stk.Copy(),
Err: fmt.Sprintf("non-canonical import path: %q should be %q", origPath, pathpkg.Clean(origPath)),
Err: fmt.Sprintf("non-canonical import path: %q should be %q", path, pathpkg.Clean(path)),
p.Incomplete = true
......@@ -578,7 +527,7 @@ func LoadImport(path, srcDir string, parent *Package, stk *ImportStack, importPo
return setErrorPos(perr, importPos)
if mode&ResolveImport != 0 {
if perr := disallowVendor(srcDir, parent, parentPath, origPath, p, stk); perr != p {
if perr := disallowVendor(srcDir, parent, parentPath, path, p, stk); perr != p {
return setErrorPos(perr, importPos)
......@@ -613,6 +562,244 @@ func setErrorPos(p *Package, importPos []token.Position) *Package {
return p
// loadPackageData loads information needed to construct a *Package. The result
// is cached, and later calls to loadPackageData for the same package will return
// the same data.
// loadPackageData returns a non-nil package even if err is non-nil unless
// the package path is malformed (for example, the path contains "mod/" or "@").
// loadPackageData returns a boolean, loaded, which is true if this is the
// first time the package was loaded. Callers may preload imports in this case.
func loadPackageData(path, parentPath, parentDir, parentRoot string, parentIsStd bool, mode int) (bp *build.Package, loaded bool, err error) {
if path == "" {
panic("loadPackageData called with empty package path")
if strings.HasPrefix(path, "mod/") {
// Paths beginning with "mod/" might accidentally
// look in the module cache directory tree in $GOPATH/pkg/mod/.
// This prefix is owned by the Go core for possible use in the
// standard library (since it does not begin with a domain name),
// so it's OK to disallow entirely.
return nil, false, fmt.Errorf("disallowed import path %q", path)
if strings.Contains(path, "@") {
if cfg.ModulesEnabled {
return nil, false, errors.New("can only use path@version syntax with 'go get'")
} else {
return nil, false, errors.New("cannot use path@version syntax in GOPATH mode")
// Determine canonical package path and directory.
// For a local import the identifier is the pseudo-import path
// we create from the full directory to the package.
// Otherwise it is the usual import path.
// For vendored imports, it is the expanded form.
importKey := importSpec{
path: path,
parentPath: parentPath,
parentDir: parentDir,
parentRoot: parentRoot,
parentIsStd: parentIsStd,
mode: mode,
r := resolvedImportCache.Do(importKey, func() interface{} {
var r resolvedImport
if build.IsLocalImport(path) {
r.dir = filepath.Join(parentDir, path)
r.path = dirToImportPath(r.dir)
} else if cfg.ModulesEnabled {
r.dir, r.path, r.err = ModLookup(parentPath, parentIsStd, path)
} else if mode&ResolveImport != 0 {
// We do our own path resolution, because we want to
// find out the key to use in packageCache without the
// overhead of repeated calls to buildContext.Import.
// The code is also needed in a few other places anyway.
r.path = resolveImportPath(path, parentPath, parentDir, parentRoot, parentIsStd)
} else if mode&ResolveModule != 0 {
r.path = moduleImportPath(path, parentPath, parentDir, parentRoot)
if r.path == "" {
r.path = path
return r
// Invariant: r.path is set to the resolved import path. If the path cannot
// be resolved, r.path is set to path, the source import path.
// r.path is never empty.
// Load the package from its directory. If we already found the package's
// directory when resolving its import path, use that.
data := packageDataCache.Do(r.path, func() interface{} {
loaded = true
var data packageData
if r.dir != "" {
var buildMode build.ImportMode
if !cfg.ModulesEnabled {
buildMode = build.ImportComment
data.p, data.err = cfg.BuildContext.ImportDir(r.dir, buildMode)
} else if r.err != nil {
data.p = new(build.Package)
data.err = fmt.Errorf("unknown import path %q: %v", r.path, r.err)
} else if cfg.ModulesEnabled && path != "unsafe" {
data.p = new(build.Package)
data.err = fmt.Errorf("unknown import path %q: internal error: module loader did not resolve import", r.path)
} else {
buildMode := build.ImportComment
if mode&ResolveImport == 0 || r.path != path {
// Not vendoring, or we already found the vendored path.
buildMode |= build.IgnoreVendor
data.p, data.err = cfg.BuildContext.Import(r.path, parentDir, buildMode)
data.p.ImportPath = r.path
if cfg.GOBIN != "" {
data.p.BinDir = cfg.GOBIN
} else if cfg.ModulesEnabled && !data.p.Goroot {
data.p.BinDir = ModBinDir()
if !cfg.ModulesEnabled && data.err == nil &&
data.p.ImportComment != "" && data.p.ImportComment != path &&
!strings.Contains(path, "/vendor/") && !strings.HasPrefix(path, "vendor/") {
data.err = fmt.Errorf("code in directory %s expects import %q", data.p.Dir, data.p.ImportComment)
return data
return data.p, loaded, data.err
// importSpec describes an import declaration in source code. It is used as a
// cache key for resolvedImportCache.
type importSpec struct {
path string
parentPath, parentDir, parentRoot string
parentIsStd bool
mode int
// resolvedImport holds a canonical identifier for a package. It may also contain
// a path to the package's directory and an error if one occurred. resolvedImport
// is the value type in resolvedImportCache.
type resolvedImport struct {
path, dir string
err error
// packageData holds information loaded from a package. It is the value type
// in packageDataCache.
type packageData struct {
p *build.Package
err error
// resolvedImportCache maps import strings (importSpec) to canonical package names
// (resolvedImport).
var resolvedImportCache par.Cache
// packageDataCache maps canonical package names (string) to package metadata
// (packageData).
var packageDataCache par.Cache
// preloadWorkerCount is the number of concurrent goroutines that can load
// packages. Experimentally, there are diminishing returns with more than
// 4 workers. This was measured on the following machines.
// * MacBookPro with a 4-core Intel Core i7 CPU
// * Linux workstation with 6-core Intel Xeon CPU
// * Linux workstation with 24-core Intel Xeon CPU
// It is very likely (though not confirmed) that this workload is limited
// by memory bandwidth. We don't have a good way to determine the number of
// workers that would saturate the bus though, so runtime.GOMAXPROCS
// seems like a reasonable default.
var preloadWorkerCount = runtime.GOMAXPROCS(0)
// preload holds state for managing concurrent preloading of package data.
// A preload should be created with newPreload before loading a large
// package graph. flush must be called when package loading is complete
// to ensure preload goroutines are no longer active. This is necessary
// because of global mutable state that cannot safely be read and written
// concurrently. In particular, packageDataCache may be cleared by "go get"
// in GOPATH mode, and modload.loaded (accessed via ModLookup) may be
// modified by modload.ImportPaths (ModImportPaths).
type preload struct {
cancel chan struct{}
sema chan struct{}
// newPreload creates a new preloader. flush must be called later to avoid
// accessing global state while it is being modified.
func newPreload() *preload {
pre := &preload{
cancel: make(chan struct{}),
sema: make(chan struct{}, preloadWorkerCount),
return pre
// preloadMatches loads data for package paths matched by patterns.
// When preloadMatches returns, some packages may not be loaded yet, but
// loadPackageData and loadImport are always safe to call.
func (pre *preload) preloadMatches(matches []*search.Match) {
for _, m := range matches {
for _, pkg := range m.Pkgs {
select {
case <-pre.cancel:
case pre.sema <- struct{}{}:
go func(pkg string) {
mode := 0 // don't use vendoring or module import resolution
bp, loaded, err := loadPackageData(pkg, "", base.Cwd, "", false, mode)
if bp != nil && loaded && err == nil && !IgnoreImports {
pre.preloadImports(bp.Imports, bp)
// preloadImports queues a list of imports for preloading.
// When preloadImports returns, some packages may not be loaded yet,
// but loadPackageData and loadImport are always safe to call.
func (pre *preload) preloadImports(imports []string, parent *build.Package) {
parentIsStd := parent.Goroot && parent.ImportPath != "" && search.IsStandardImportPath(parent.ImportPath)
for _, path := range imports {
if path == "C" || path == "unsafe" {
select {
case <-pre.cancel:
case pre.sema <- struct{}{}:
go func(path string) {
bp, loaded, err := loadPackageData(path, parent.ImportPath, parent.Dir, parent.Root, parentIsStd, ResolveImport)
if bp != nil && loaded && err == nil && !IgnoreImports {
pre.preloadImports(bp.Imports, bp)
// flush stops pending preload operations. flush blocks until preload calls to
// loadPackageData have completed. The preloader will not make any new calls
// to loadPackageData.
func (pre *preload) flush() {
for i := 0; i < preloadWorkerCount; i++ {
pre.sema <- struct{}{}
func cleanImport(path string) string {
orig := path
path = pathpkg.Clean(path)
......@@ -622,18 +809,13 @@ func cleanImport(path string) string {
return path
var isDirCache = map[string]bool{}
var isDirCache par.Cache
func isDir(path string) bool {
result, ok := isDirCache[path]
if ok {
return result
return isDirCache.Do(path, func() interface{} {
fi, err := os.Stat(path)
result = err == nil && fi.IsDir()
isDirCache[path] = result
return result
return err == nil && fi.IsDir()
// ResolveImportPath returns the true meaning of path when it appears in parent.
......@@ -642,37 +824,44 @@ func isDir(path string) bool {
// If vendor expansion doesn't trigger, then the path is also subject to
// Go 1.11 module legacy conversion (
func ResolveImportPath(parent *Package, path string) (found string) {
if cfg.ModulesEnabled {
parentPath := ""
var parentPath, parentDir, parentRoot string
parentIsStd := false
if parent != nil {
parentPath = parent.ImportPath
parentDir = parent.Dir
parentRoot = parent.Root
parentIsStd = parent.Standard
return resolveImportPath(path, parentPath, parentDir, parentRoot, parentIsStd)
func resolveImportPath(path, parentPath, parentDir, parentRoot string, parentIsStd bool) (found string) {
if cfg.ModulesEnabled {
if _, p, e := ModLookup(parentPath, parentIsStd, path); e == nil {
return p
return path
found = VendoredImportPath(parent, path)
found = vendoredImportPath(path, parentPath, parentDir, parentRoot)
if found != path {
return found
return ModuleImportPath(parent, path)
return moduleImportPath(path, parentPath, parentDir, parentRoot)
// dirAndRoot returns the source directory and workspace root
// for the package p, guaranteeing that root is a path prefix of dir.
func dirAndRoot(p *Package) (dir, root string) {
dir = filepath.Clean(p.Dir)
root = filepath.Join(p.Root, "src")
if !str.HasFilePathPrefix(dir, root) || p.ImportPath != "command-line-arguments" && filepath.Join(root, p.ImportPath) != dir {
func dirAndRoot(path string, dir, root string) (string, string) {
origDir, origRoot := dir, root
dir = filepath.Clean(dir)
root = filepath.Join(root, "src")
if !str.HasFilePathPrefix(dir, root) || path != "command-line-arguments" && filepath.Join(root, path) != dir {
// Look for symlinks before reporting error.
dir = expandPath(dir)
root = expandPath(root)
if !str.HasFilePathPrefix(dir, root) || len(dir) <= len(root) || dir[len(root)] != filepath.Separator || p.ImportPath != "command-line-arguments" && !p.Internal.Local && filepath.Join(root, p.ImportPath) != dir {
if !str.HasFilePathPrefix(dir, root) || len(dir) <= len(root) || dir[len(root)] != filepath.Separator || path != "command-line-arguments" && !build.IsLocalImport(path) && filepath.Join(root, path) != dir {
base.Fatalf("unexpected directory layout:\n"+
" import path: %s\n"+
" root: %s\n"+
......@@ -680,27 +869,27 @@ func dirAndRoot(p *Package) (dir, root string) {
" expand root: %s\n"+
" expand dir: %s\n"+
" separator: %s",
filepath.Join(p.Root, "src"),
filepath.Join(origRoot, "src"),
return dir, root
// VendoredImportPath returns the vendor-expansion of path when it appears in parent.
// vendoredImportPath returns the vendor-expansion of path when it appears in parent.
// If parent is x/y/z, then path might expand to x/y/z/vendor/path, x/y/vendor/path,
// x/vendor/path, vendor/path, or else stay path if none of those exist.
// VendoredImportPath returns the expanded path or, if no expansion is found, the original.
func VendoredImportPath(parent *Package, path string) (found string) {
if parent == nil || parent.Root == "" {
// vendoredImportPath returns the expanded path or, if no expansion is found, the original.
func vendoredImportPath(path, parentPath, parentDir, parentRoot string) (found string) {
if parentRoot == "" {
return path
dir, root := dirAndRoot(parent)
dir, root := dirAndRoot(parentPath, parentDir, parentRoot)
vpath := "vendor/" + path
for i := len(dir); i >= len(root); i-- {
......@@ -716,7 +905,7 @@ func VendoredImportPath(parent *Package, path string) (found string) {
targ := filepath.Join(dir[:i], vpath)
if isDir(targ) && hasGoFiles(targ) {
importPath := parent.ImportPath
importPath := parentPath
if importPath == "command-line-arguments" {
// If parent.ImportPath is 'command-line-arguments'.
// set to relative directory to root (also chopped root directory)
......@@ -746,19 +935,12 @@ func VendoredImportPath(parent *Package, path string) (found string) {
var (
modulePrefix = []byte("\nmodule ")
goModPathCache = make(map[string]string)
goModPathCache par.Cache
// goModPath returns the module path in the go.mod in dir, if any.
func goModPath(dir string) (path string) {
path, ok := goModPathCache[dir]
if ok {
return path
defer func() {
goModPathCache[dir] = path
return goModPathCache.Do(dir, func() interface{} {
data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filepath.Join(dir, "go.mod"))
if err != nil {
return ""
......@@ -794,6 +976,7 @@ func goModPath(dir string) (path string) {
path = s
return path
// findVersionElement returns the slice indices of the final version element /vN in path.
......@@ -825,7 +1008,7 @@ func isVersionElement(s string) bool {
return true
// ModuleImportPath translates import paths found in go modules
// moduleImportPath translates import paths found in go modules
// back down to paths that can be resolved in ordinary builds.
// Define “new” code as code with a go.mod file in the same directory
......@@ -833,8 +1016,8 @@ func isVersionElement(s string) bool {
// x/y/v2/z does not exist and x/y/go.mod says “module x/y/v2”,
// then go build will read the import as x/y/z instead.
// See
func ModuleImportPath(parent *Package, path string) (found string) {
if parent == nil || parent.Root == "" {
func moduleImportPath(path, parentPath, parentDir, parentRoot string) (found string) {
if parentRoot == "" {
return path
......@@ -846,7 +1029,7 @@ func ModuleImportPath(parent *Package, path string) (found string) {
return path
dir, root := dirAndRoot(parent)
dir, root := dirAndRoot(parentPath, parentDir, parentRoot)
// Consider dir and parents, up to and including root.
for i := len(dir); i >= len(root); i-- {
......@@ -1763,12 +1946,16 @@ func PackagesAndErrors(patterns []string) []*Package {
seenPkg = make(map[*Package]bool)
pre := newPreload()
defer pre.flush()
for _, m := range matches {
for _, pkg := range m.Pkgs {
if pkg == "" {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("ImportPaths returned empty package for pattern %s", m.Pattern))
p := LoadImport(pkg, base.Cwd, nil, &stk, nil, 0)
p := loadImport(pre, pkg, base.Cwd, nil, &stk, nil, 0)
p.Match = append(p.Match, m.Pattern)
p.Internal.CmdlinePkg = true
if m.Literal {
......@@ -91,13 +91,19 @@ func TestPackagesFor(p *Package, cover *TestCover) (pmain, ptest, pxtest *Packag
// The caller is expected to have checked that len(p.TestGoFiles)+len(p.XTestGoFiles) > 0,
// or else there's no point in any of this.
func TestPackagesAndErrors(p *Package, cover *TestCover) (pmain, ptest, pxtest *Package) {
pre := newPreload()
defer pre.flush()
allImports := append([]string{}, p.TestImports...)
allImports = append(allImports, p.XTestImports...)
pre.preloadImports(allImports, p.Internal.Build)
var ptestErr, pxtestErr *PackageError
var imports, ximports []*Package
var stk ImportStack
stk.Push(p.ImportPath + " (test)")
rawTestImports := str.StringList(p.TestImports)
for i, path := range p.TestImports {
p1 := LoadImport(path, p.Dir, p, &stk, p.Internal.Build.TestImportPos[path], ResolveImport)
p1 := loadImport(pre, path, p.Dir, p, &stk, p.Internal.Build.TestImportPos[path], ResolveImport)
if str.Contains(p1.Deps, p.ImportPath) || p1.ImportPath == p.ImportPath {
// Same error that loadPackage returns (via reusePackage) in pkg.go.
// Can't change that code, because that code is only for loading the
......@@ -116,7 +122,7 @@ func TestPackagesAndErrors(p *Package, cover *TestCover) (pmain, ptest, pxtest *
pxtestNeedsPtest := false
rawXTestImports := str.StringList(p.XTestImports)
for i, path := range p.XTestImports {
p1 := LoadImport(path, p.Dir, p, &stk, p.Internal.Build.XTestImportPos[path], ResolveImport)
p1 := loadImport(pre, path, p.Dir, p, &stk, p.Internal.Build.XTestImportPos[path], ResolveImport)
if p1.ImportPath == p.ImportPath {
pxtestNeedsPtest = true
} else {
......@@ -232,7 +238,7 @@ func TestPackagesAndErrors(p *Package, cover *TestCover) (pmain, ptest, pxtest *
if dep == ptest.ImportPath {
pmain.Internal.Imports = append(pmain.Internal.Imports, ptest)
} else {
p1 := LoadImport(dep, "", nil, &stk, nil, 0)
p1 := loadImport(pre, dep, "", nil, &stk, nil, 0)
pmain.Internal.Imports = append(pmain.Internal.Imports, p1)
......@@ -147,3 +147,44 @@ func (c *Cache) Get(key interface{}) interface{} {
return e.result
// Clear removes all entries in the cache.
// Concurrent calls to Get may return old values. Concurrent calls to Do
// may return old values or store results in entries that have been deleted.
// TODO(jayconrod): Delete this after the package cache clearing functions
// in internal/load have been removed.
func (c *Cache) Clear() {
c.m.Range(func(key, value interface{}) bool {
return true
// Delete removes an entry from the map. It is safe to call Delete for an
// entry that does not exist. Delete will return quickly, even if the result
// for a key is still being computed; the computation will finish, but the
// result won't be accessible through the cache.
// TODO(jayconrod): Delete this after the package cache clearing functions
// in internal/load have been removed.
func (c *Cache) Delete(key interface{}) {
// DeleteIf calls pred for each key in the map. If pred returns true for a key,
// DeleteIf removes the corresponding entry. If the result for a key is
// still being computed, DeleteIf will remove the entry without waiting for
// the computation to finish. The result won't be accessible through the cache.
// TODO(jayconrod): Delete this after the package cache clearing functions
// in internal/load have been removed.
func (c *Cache) DeleteIf(pred func(key interface{}) bool) {
c.m.Range(func(key, _ interface{}) bool {
if pred(key) {
return true
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