Commit d286d4b1 authored by Russ Cox's avatar Russ Cox

cmd/go: convert module tests to scripts

Change-Id: If0976d15027db795f1383ef709c49c838cbb6953
Run-TryBot: Russ Cox <>
TryBot-Result: Gobot Gobot <>
Reviewed-by: default avatarBryan C. Mills <>
parent c54bc344
No related merge requests found
......@@ -69,83 +69,6 @@ func (tg *testgoData) extract(file string) {
func TestModGO111MODULE(t *testing.T) {
tg := testGoModules(t)
defer tg.cleanup()
tg.tempFile("gp/src/x/y/z/go.mod", "module x/y/z")
tg.tempFile("gp/src/x/y/z/w/w.txt", "")
tg.tempFile("gp/foo/go.mod", "module")
tg.tempFile("gp/foo/bar/baz/quux.txt", "")
tg.tempFile("gp/bar/x.txt", "")
tg.setenv("GOPATH", tg.path("gp"))
// In GOPATH/src with go.mod."gp/src/x/y/z"))
tg.setenv("GO111MODULE", "auto")"env", "GOMOD")
tg.grepStdoutNot(`go.mod`, "expected module mode disabled")"gp/src/x/y/z/w"))"env", "GOMOD")
tg.grepStdoutNot(`go.mod`, "expected module mode disabled")
tg.setenv("GO111MODULE", "off")"env", "GOMOD")
tg.grepStdoutNot(`go.mod`, "expected module mode disabled")
tg.setenv("GO111MODULE", "on")"env", "GOMOD")
tg.grepStdout(`.*z[/\\]go.mod$`, "expected module mode enabled")
// In GOPATH/src without go.mod."gp/src/x/y"))
tg.setenv("GO111MODULE", "auto")"env", "GOMOD")
tg.grepStdoutNot(`go.mod`, "expected module mode disabled")
tg.setenv("GO111MODULE", "off")"env", "GOMOD")
tg.grepStdoutNot(`go.mod`, "expected module mode disabled")
tg.setenv("GO111MODULE", "on")
tg.runFail("env", "GOMOD")
tg.grepStderr(`cannot find main module root`, "expected module mode failure")
// Outside GOPATH/src with go.mod."gp/foo"))
tg.setenv("GO111MODULE", "auto")"env", "GOMOD")
tg.grepStdout(`.*foo[/\\]go.mod$`, "expected module mode enabled")"gp/foo/bar/baz"))"env", "GOMOD")
tg.grepStdout(`.*foo[/\\]go.mod$`, "expected module mode enabled")
tg.setenv("GO111MODULE", "off")"env", "GOMOD")
tg.grepStdoutNot(`go.mod`, "expected module mode disabled")
func TestModVersionsInGOPATHMode(t *testing.T) {
tg := testgo(t)
tg.setenv("GO111MODULE", "off") // GOPATH mode
defer tg.cleanup()
tg.runFail("get", "")
tg.grepStderr(`go: cannot use path@version syntax in GOPATH mode`, "expected path@version error")
tg.runFail("build", "")
tg.grepStderr(`can't load package:.* cannot use path@version syntax in GOPATH mode`, "expected path@version error")
tg.setenv("GO111MODULE", "on") // GOPATH mode
tg.tempFile("x/go.mod", "module x")"x"))
tg.runFail("build", "")
tg.grepStderr(`can't load package:.* can only use path@version syntax with 'go get'`, "expected path@version error")
func TestModFindModuleRoot(t *testing.T) {
tg := testGoModules(t)
defer tg.cleanup()
......@@ -328,16 +251,6 @@ func TestModFindModulePath(t *testing.T) {
// }
func TestModImportModFails(t *testing.T) {
tg := testGoModules(t)
defer tg.cleanup()
tg.setenv("GO111MODULE", "off")
tg.tempFile("gopath/src/mod/foo/foo.go", "package foo")
tg.runFail("list", "mod/foo")
tg.grepStderr(`disallowed import path`, "expected disallowed because of module cache")
func TestModEdit(t *testing.T) {
// Test that local replacements work
// and that they can use a dummy name
......@@ -502,91 +415,6 @@ require x.3 v1.99.0
func TestModLocalModule(t *testing.T) {
// Test that local replacements work
// and that they can use a dummy name
// that isn't resolvable and need not even
// include a dot. See
tg := testGoModules(t)
defer tg.cleanup()
tg.must(os.MkdirAll(tg.path("x/y"), 0777))
tg.must(os.MkdirAll(tg.path("x/z"), 0777))
tg.must(ioutil.WriteFile(tg.path("x/y/go.mod"), []byte(`
module x/y
require zz v1.0.0
replace zz v1.0.0 => ../z
`), 0666))
tg.must(ioutil.WriteFile(tg.path("x/y/y.go"), []byte(`package y; import _ "zz"`), 0666))
tg.must(ioutil.WriteFile(tg.path("x/z/go.mod"), []byte(`
module x/z
`), 0666))
tg.must(ioutil.WriteFile(tg.path("x/z/z.go"), []byte(`package z`), 0666))"x/y"))"build")
func TestModTags(t *testing.T) {
// Test that build tags are used. See
tg := testGoModules(t)
defer tg.cleanup()
tg.must(os.MkdirAll(tg.path("x"), 0777))
tg.must(ioutil.WriteFile(tg.path("x/go.mod"), []byte(`
module x
`), 0666))
tg.must(ioutil.WriteFile(tg.path("x/x.go"), []byte(`// +build tag1
package y
`), 0666))
tg.must(ioutil.WriteFile(tg.path("x/y.go"), []byte(`// +build tag2
package y
`), 0666))"x"))
tg.runFail("list", "-f={{.GoFiles}}")
tg.grepStderr("build constraints exclude all Go files", "no Go source files without tags")"list", "-f={{.GoFiles}}", "-tags=tag1")
tg.grepStdout(`\[x.go\]`, "Go source files for tag1")"list", "-f={{.GoFiles}}", "-tags", "tag2")
tg.grepStdout(`\[y.go\]`, "Go source files for tag2")"list", "-f={{.GoFiles}}", "-tags", "tag1 tag2")
tg.grepStdout(`\[x.go y.go\]`, "Go source files for tag1 and tag2")
func TestModFSPatterns(t *testing.T) {
tg := testGoModules(t)
defer tg.cleanup()
tg.must(os.MkdirAll(tg.path("x/vendor/v"), 0777))
tg.must(os.MkdirAll(tg.path("x/y/z/w"), 0777))
tg.must(ioutil.WriteFile(tg.path("x/go.mod"), []byte(`
module m
`), 0666))
tg.must(ioutil.WriteFile(tg.path("x/x.go"), []byte(`package x`), 0666))
tg.must(ioutil.WriteFile(tg.path("x/vendor/v/v.go"), []byte(`package v; import ""`), 0666))
tg.must(ioutil.WriteFile(tg.path("x/vendor/v.go"), []byte(`package main`), 0666))
tg.must(ioutil.WriteFile(tg.path("x/y/y.go"), []byte(`package y`), 0666))
tg.must(ioutil.WriteFile(tg.path("x/y/z/go.mod"), []byte(`syntax error`), 0666))
tg.must(ioutil.WriteFile(tg.path("x/y/z/z.go"), []byte(`package z`), 0666))
tg.must(ioutil.WriteFile(tg.path("x/y/z/w/w.go"), []byte(`package w`), 0666))"x"))
for _, pattern := range []string{"all", "m/...", "./..."} {"list", pattern)
tg.grepStdout(`^m$`, "expected m")
tg.grepStdout(`^m/vendor$`, "must see package named vendor")
tg.grepStdoutNot(`vendor/`, "must not see vendored packages")
tg.grepStdout(`^m/y$`, "expected m/y")
tg.grepStdoutNot(`^m/y/z`, "should ignore submodule m/y/z...")
func TestModGetVersions(t *testing.T) {
tg := testGoModules(t)
defer tg.cleanup()
......@@ -73,6 +73,7 @@ type testScript struct {
// setup sets up the test execution temporary directory and environment.
func (ts *testScript) setup() {
ts.workdir = filepath.Join(testTmpDir, "script-"
ts.check(os.MkdirAll(filepath.Join(ts.workdir, "tmp"), 0777))
ts.check(os.MkdirAll(filepath.Join(ts.workdir, "gopath/src"), 0777))
......@@ -85,6 +86,7 @@ func (ts *testScript) setup() {
"GOOS=" + runtime.GOOS,
"GOPATH=" + filepath.Join(ts.workdir, "gopath"),
"GOPROXY=" + proxyURL,
tempEnvName() + "=" + filepath.Join(ts.workdir, "tmp"),
"devnull=" + os.DevNull,
......@@ -604,7 +606,7 @@ func (ts *testScript) parse(line string) []string {
quoted = false // currently processing quoted text
for i := 0; ; i++ {
if !quoted && (i >= len(line) || line[i] == ' ' || line[i] == '\t' || line[i] == '\r') {
if !quoted && (i >= len(line) || line[i] == ' ' || line[i] == '\t' || line[i] == '\r' || line[i] == '#') {
// Found arg-separating space.
if start >= 0 {
arg += ts.expand(line[start:i])
......@@ -612,7 +614,7 @@ func (ts *testScript) parse(line string) []string {
start = -1
arg = ""
if i >= len(line) {
if i >= len(line) || line[i] == '#' {
......@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ Scripts also have access to these other environment variables:
GOCACHE=<actual GOCACHE being used outside the test>
GOOS=<target GOOS>
GOPROXY=<local module proxy serving from cmd/go/testdata/mod>
PATH=<actual PATH>
......@@ -48,10 +49,11 @@ by a tiny script engine in ../../script_test.go (not the system shell).
The script stops and the overall test fails if any particular command fails.
Each line is parsed into a sequence of space-separated command words,
with environment variable expansion. Adding single quotes around text
keeps spaces in that text from being treated as word separators and also
disables environment variable expansion. Inside a single-quoted block of
text, a repeated single quote indicates a literal single quote, as in:
with environment variable expansion and # marking an end-of-line comment.
Adding single quotes around text keeps spaces in that text from being treated
as word separators and also disables environment variable expansion.
Inside a single-quoted block of text, a repeated single quote indicates
a literal single quote, as in:
'Don''t communicate by sharing memory.'
# Test that build tags are used.
env GO111MODULE=on
cd x
! go list -f {{.GoFiles}}
stderr 'build constraints exclude all Go files'
go list -f {{.GoFiles}} -tags tag1
stdout '\[x.go\]'
go list -f {{.GoFiles}} -tags tag2
stdout '\[y\.go\]'
go list -f {{.GoFiles}} -tags 'tag1 tag2'
stdout '\[x\.go y\.go\]'
-- x/go.mod --
module x
-- x/x.go --
// +build tag1
package y
-- x/y.go --
// +build tag2
package y
# GO111MODULE=auto should only trigger outside GOPATH/src
env GO111MODULE=auto
cd $GOPATH/src/x/y/z
go env GOMOD
! stdout . # no non-empty lines
cd $GOPATH/src/x/y/z/w
go env GOMOD
! stdout .
cd $GOPATH/src/x/y
go env GOMOD
! stdout .
cd $GOPATH/foo
go env GOMOD
stdout foo[/\\]go.mod
cd $GOPATH/foo/bar/baz
go env GOMOD
stdout foo[/\\]go.mod
# GO111MODULE=on should trigger everywhere
env GO111MODULE=on
cd $GOPATH/src/x/y/z
go env GOMOD
stdout z[/\\]go.mod
cd $GOPATH/src/x/y/z/w
go env GOMOD
stdout z[/\\]go.mod
cd $GOPATH/src/x/y
! go env GOMOD
stderr 'cannot find main module root'
cd $GOPATH/foo
go env GOMOD
stdout foo[/\\]go.mod
cd $GOPATH/foo/bar/baz
go env GOMOD
stdout foo[/\\]go.mod
# GO111MODULE=off should trigger nowhere
env GO111MODULE=off
cd $GOPATH/src/x/y/z
go env GOMOD
! stdout .+
cd $GOPATH/foo
go env GOMOD
! stdout .+
cd $GOPATH/foo/bar/baz
go env GOMOD
! stdout .+
-- $GOPATH/src/x/y/z/go.mod --
module x/y/z
-- $GOPATH/src/x/y/z/w/w.txt --
-- $GOPATH/foo/go.mod --
-- $GOPATH/foo/bar/baz/quux.txt --
# File system pattern searches should skip sub-modules and vendor directories.
env GO111MODULE=on
cd x
# all packages
go list all
stdout ^m$
stdout ^m/vendor$
! stdout vendor/
stdout ^m/y$
! stdout ^m/y/z
# path pattern
go list m/...
stdout ^m$
stdout ^m/vendor$
! stdout vendor/
stdout ^m/y$
! stdout ^m/y/z
# directory pattern
go list ./...
stdout ^m$
stdout ^m/vendor$
! stdout vendor/
stdout ^m/y$
! stdout ^m/y/z
-- x/go.mod --
module m
-- x/x.go --
package x
-- x/vendor/v/v.go --
package v
import _ ""
-- x/vendor/v.go --
package main
-- x/y/y.go --
package y
-- x/y/z/go.mod --
syntax error!
-- x/y/z/z.go --
package z
-- x/y/z/w/w.go --
package w
# Test that GOPATH/src/mod is excluded
env GO111MODULE=off
! go list mod/foo
stderr 'disallowed import path'
-- mod/foo/foo.go --
package foo
# Test that local replacements work even with dummy module names.
env GO111MODULE=on
cd x/y
go list -f '{{.Dir}}' zz
stdout x[/\\]z$
-- x/y/go.mod --
module x/y
require zz v1.0.0
replace zz v1.0.0 => ../z
-- x/y/y.go --
package y
import _ "zz"
-- x/z/go.mod --
module x/z
-- x/z/z.go --
package z
# Test rejection of pkg@version in GOPATH mode.
env GO111MODULE=off
! go get
stderr 'cannot use path@version syntax in GOPATH mode'
! go build
stderr 'cannot use path@version syntax in GOPATH mode'
env GO111MODULE=on
cd x
! go build
stderr 'can only use path@version syntax with ''go get'''
-- x/go.mod --
module x
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