Commit d5a80d0b authored by Russ Cox's avatar Russ Cox

gc: no more ...

various cleanup, deleting unused code

parent 6672b40c
......@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
#include "go.h"
bor(Bits a, Bits b)
......@@ -52,7 +53,6 @@ band(Bits a, Bits b)
return c;
bnot(Bits a)
......@@ -76,6 +76,7 @@ bany(Bits *a)
return 0;
beq(Bits a, Bits b)
......@@ -86,6 +87,7 @@ beq(Bits a, Bits b)
return 0;
return 1;
bnum(Bits a)
......@@ -110,6 +112,7 @@ blsh(uint n)
return c;
bset(Bits a, uint n)
......@@ -117,6 +120,7 @@ bset(Bits a, uint n)
return 1;
return 0;
bitno(int32 b)
......@@ -1117,7 +1117,7 @@ nonnegconst(Node *n)
* convert x to type et and back to int64
* for sign extension and truncation.
static int64
iconv(int64 x, int et)
switch(et) {
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
static void funcargs(Node*);
static int
......@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ dflag(void)
static Sym* dclstack;
static void
dcopy(Sym *a, Sym *b)
a->pkg = b->pkg;
......@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ dcopy(Sym *a, Sym *b)
a->lastlineno = b->lastlineno;
static Sym*
Sym *d;
......@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ push(void)
return d;
static Sym*
pushdcl(Sym *s)
Sym *d;
......@@ -217,90 +217,6 @@ addvar(Node *n, Type *t, int ctxt)
n->type = t;
// TODO: cut use of below in sigtype and then delete
addtyp(Type *n, int ctxt)
Node *def;
if(n==T || n->sym == S)
fatal("addtyp: n=%T t=%T nil", n);
def = typenod(n);
declare(def, ctxt);
n->vargen = def->vargen;
typelist = list(typelist, def);
* introduce a type named n
* but it is an unknown type for now
// TODO(rsc): cut use of this in sigtype and then delete
dodcltype(Type *n)
addtyp(n, dclcontext);
n->local = 1;
autoexport(typenod(n), dclcontext);
return n;
* now we know what n is: it's t
// TODO(rsc): cut use of this in sigtype and then delete
updatetype(Type *n, Type *t)
Sym *s;
int local, vargen;
int maplineno, lno, etype;
if(t == T)
s = n->sym;
if(s == S || s->def == N || s->def->op != OTYPE || s->def->type != n)
fatal("updatetype %T = %T", n, t);
etype = n->etype;
switch(n->etype) {
case TFORW:
fatal("updatetype %T / %T", n, t);
// decl was
// type n t;
// copy t, but then zero out state associated with t
// that is no longer associated with n.
maplineno = n->maplineno;
local = n->local;
vargen = n->vargen;
*n = *t;
n->orig = t->orig;
n->sym = s;
n->local = local;
n->siggen = 0;
n->printed = 0;
n->method = nil;
n->vargen = vargen;
n->nod = N;
// double-check use of type as map key
if(maplineno) {
lno = lineno;
lineno = maplineno;
maptype(n, types[TBOOL]);
lineno = lno;
* declare variables from grammar
* new_name_list (type | [type] = expr_list)
......@@ -544,8 +460,6 @@ dclchecks(void)
static int
colasname(Node *n)
// TODO(rsc): can probably simplify
// once late-binding of names goes in
switch(n->op) {
case ONAME:
......@@ -769,7 +683,7 @@ ok:
* turn a parsed struct into a type
static Type**
stotype(NodeList *l, int et, Type **t)
Type *f, *t1, *t2, **t0;
......@@ -1028,15 +942,9 @@ checkarglist(NodeList *all, int input)
yyerror("cannot use ... in output argument list");
else if(l->next != nil)
yyerror("can only use ... as final argument in list");
if(n->right->left == N) {
// TODO(rsc): Delete with DDD cleanup.
n->right->op = OTYPE;
n->right->type = typ(TINTER);
} else {
n->right->op = OTARRAY;
n->right->right = n->right->left;
n->right->left = N;
n->right->op = OTARRAY;
n->right->right = n->right->left;
n->right->left = N;
n->isddd = 1;
if(n->left != N)
n->left->isddd = 1;
......@@ -1108,33 +1016,6 @@ functype(Node *this, NodeList *in, NodeList *out)
return t;
methcmp(Type *t1, Type *t2)
if(t1->etype != TFUNC)
return 0;
if(t2->etype != TFUNC)
return 0;
t1 = t1->type->down; // skip this arg
t2 = t2->type->down; // skip this arg
for(;;) {
if(t1 == t2)
if(t1 == T || t2 == T)
return 0;
if(t1->etype != TSTRUCT || t2->etype != TSTRUCT)
return 0;
if(!eqtype(t1->type, t2->type))
return 0;
t1 = t1->down;
t2 = t2->down;
return 1;
methodsym(Sym *nsym, Type *t0)
......@@ -5,13 +5,10 @@
#include "go.h"
#include ""
void dumpsym(Sym*);
addexportsym(Node *n)
exportlist = list(exportlist, n);
static void dumpsym(Sym*);
static void dumpexporttype(Sym*);
static void dumpexportvar(Sym*);
static void dumpexportconst(Sym*);
exportsym(Node *n)
......@@ -25,10 +22,10 @@ exportsym(Node *n)
n->sym->flags |= SymExport;
exportlist = list(exportlist, n);
static void
packagesym(Node *n)
if(n == N || n->sym == S)
......@@ -40,7 +37,7 @@ packagesym(Node *n)
n->sym->flags |= SymPackage;
exportlist = list(exportlist, n);
......@@ -69,7 +66,7 @@ autoexport(Node *n, int ctxt)
static void
dumppkg(Pkg *p)
if(p == nil || p == localpkg || p->exported)
......@@ -78,7 +75,7 @@ dumppkg(Pkg *p)
Bprint(bout, "\timport %s \"%Z\"\n", p->name, p->path);
static void
dumpprereq(Type *t)
if(t == T)
......@@ -97,7 +94,7 @@ dumpprereq(Type *t)
static void
dumpexportconst(Sym *s)
Node *n;
......@@ -142,7 +139,7 @@ dumpexportconst(Sym *s)
static void
dumpexportvar(Sym *s)
Node *n;
......@@ -166,7 +163,7 @@ dumpexportvar(Sym *s)
Bprint(bout, "\n");
static void
dumpexporttype(Sym *s)
Type *t;
......@@ -192,7 +189,7 @@ methcmp(const void *va, const void *vb)
return strcmp(a->sym->name, b->sym->name);
static void
dumpsym(Sym *s)
Type *f, *t;
......@@ -243,7 +240,7 @@ dumpsym(Sym *s)
static void
dumptype(Type *t)
// no need to re-dump type if already exported
......@@ -9,6 +9,9 @@
#include "go.h"
static void cgen_dcl(Node *n);
static void cgen_proc(Node *n, int proc);
sysfunc(char *name)
......@@ -61,7 +64,7 @@ allocparams(void)
lineno = lno;
static void
newlab(int op, Sym *s, Node *stmt)
Label *lab;
......@@ -400,7 +403,7 @@ cgen_proc(Node *n, int proc)
* but might have to allocate heap copy
* for escaped variables.
static void
cgen_dcl(Node *n)
......@@ -419,7 +422,7 @@ cgen_dcl(Node *n)
* generate discard of value
static void
cgen_discard(Node *nr)
Node tmp;
......@@ -14,13 +14,8 @@
#define EXTERN extern
#undef getc
#undef ungetc
#undef BUFSIZ
#define getc ccgetc
#define ungetc ccungetc
NHUNK = 50000,
......@@ -614,6 +609,23 @@ struct Magic
int ua; // output - adder
typedef struct Prog Prog;
typedef struct Label Label;
struct Label
uchar op; // OGOTO/OLABEL
Sym* sym;
Node* stmt;
Prog* label; // pointer to code
Prog* breakpc; // pointer to code
Prog* continpc; // pointer to code
Label* link;
#define L ((Label*)0)
EXTERN Label* labellist;
* note this is the runtime representation
* of the compilers arrays.
......@@ -757,397 +769,404 @@ EXTERN int compiling_runtime;
int yyparse(void);
* align.c
int argsize(Type *t);
void checkwidth(Type *t);
void defercheckwidth(void);
void dowidth(Type *t);
void resumecheckwidth(void);
uint32 rnd(uint32 o, uint32 r);
void typeinit(void);
* bits.c
int Qconv(Fmt *fp);
Bits band(Bits a, Bits b);
int bany(Bits *a);
int beq(Bits a, Bits b);
int bitno(int32 b);
Bits blsh(uint n);
Bits bnot(Bits a);
int bnum(Bits a);
Bits bor(Bits a, Bits b);
int bset(Bits a, uint n);
* closure.c
Node* closurebody(NodeList *body);
void closurehdr(Node *ntype);
void typecheckclosure(Node *func);
Node* walkclosure(Node *func, NodeList **init);
* const.c
int cmpslit(Node *l, Node *r);
int consttype(Node *n);
void convconst(Node *con, Type *t, Val *val);
void convlit(Node **np, Type *t);
void convlit1(Node **np, Type *t, int explicit);
void defaultlit(Node **np, Type *t);
void defaultlit2(Node **lp, Node **rp, int force);
void evconst(Node *n);
int isconst(Node *n, int ct);
Node* nodcplxlit(Val r, Val i);
Node* nodlit(Val v);
long nonnegconst(Node *n);
void overflow(Val v, Type *t);
int smallintconst(Node *n);
Val toint(Val v);
Mpflt* truncfltlit(Mpflt *oldv, Type *t);
* cplx.c
void complexadd(int op, Node *nl, Node *nr, Node *res);
void complexbool(int op, Node *nl, Node *nr, int true, Prog *to);
void complexgen(Node *n, Node *res);
void complexminus(Node *nl, Node *res);
void complexmove(Node *f, Node *t);
void complexmul(Node *nl, Node *nr, Node *res);
int complexop(Node *n, Node *res);
void nodfconst(Node *n, Type *t, Mpflt* fval);
* dcl.c
void addmethod(Sym *sf, Type *t, int local);
void addvar(Node *n, Type *t, int ctxt);
NodeList* checkarglist(NodeList *all, int input);
Node* colas(NodeList *left, NodeList *right);
void colasdefn(NodeList *left, Node *defn);
NodeList* constiter(NodeList *vl, Node *t, NodeList *cl);
void dclchecks(void);
Node* dclname(Sym *s);
void declare(Node *n, int ctxt);
Type* dostruct(NodeList *l, int et);
void dumpdcl(char *st);
Node* embedded(Sym *s);
Node* fakethis(void);
void funcbody(Node *n);
void funccompile(Node *n, int isclosure);
void funchdr(Node *n);
Type* functype(Node *this, NodeList *in, NodeList *out);
int isifacemethod(Type *f);
void markdcl(void);
Node* methodname(Node *n, Type *t);
Node* methodname1(Node *n, Node *t);
Sym* methodsym(Sym *nsym, Type *t0);
Node* newname(Sym *s);
Type* newtype(Sym *s);
Node* oldname(Sym *s);
void popdcl(void);
void poptodcl(void);
void redeclare(Sym *s, char *where);
void testdclstack(void);
Node* typedcl0(Sym *s);
Node* typedcl1(Node *n, Node *t, int local);
void typedcl2(Type *pt, Type *t);
Node* typenod(Type *t);
NodeList* variter(NodeList *vl, Node *t, NodeList *el);
* export.c
void autoexport(Node *n, int ctxt);
void dumpexport(void);
int exportname(char *s);
void exportsym(Node *n);
void importconst(Sym *s, Type *t, Node *n);
void importmethod(Sym *s, Type *t);
Sym* importsym(Sym *s, int op);
void importtype(Type *pt, Type *t);
void importvar(Sym *s, Type *t, int ctxt);
Type* pkgtype(Sym *s);
* gen.c
void allocparams(void);
void cgen_as(Node *nl, Node *nr);
void cgen_callmeth(Node *n, int proc);
void checklabels(void);
int dotoffset(Node *n, int *oary, Node **nn);
void gen(Node *n);
void genlist(NodeList *l);
Node* sysfunc(char *name);
void tempname(Node *n, Type *t);
* init.c
void fninit(NodeList *n);
Node* renameinit(Node *n);
* lex.c
void addidir(char*);
void importfile(Val*, int line);
void cannedimports(char*, char*);
void cannedimports(char *file, char *cp);
void importfile(Val *f, int line);
char* lexname(int lex);
void mkpackage(char* pkgname);
void unimportfile(void);
int32 yylex(void);
void typeinit(void);
void lexinit(void);
char* lexname(int);
int32 getr(void);
int escchar(int, int*, vlong*);
int getc(void);
void ungetc(int);
void mkpackage(char*);
* mparith1.c
int Bconv(Fmt *fp);
int Fconv(Fmt *fp);
void mpaddcfix(Mpint *a, vlong c);
void mpaddcflt(Mpflt *a, double c);
void mpatofix(Mpint *a, char *as);
void mpatoflt(Mpflt *a, char *as);
int mpcmpfixc(Mpint *b, vlong c);
int mpcmpfixfix(Mpint *a, Mpint *b);
int mpcmpfixflt(Mpint *a, Mpflt *b);
int mpcmpfltc(Mpflt *b, double c);
int mpcmpfltfix(Mpflt *a, Mpint *b);
int mpcmpfixfix(Mpint *a, Mpint *b);
int mpcmpfixc(Mpint *b, vlong c);
int mpcmpfltflt(Mpflt *a, Mpflt *b);
int mpcmpfltc(Mpflt *b, double c);
void mpsubfixfix(Mpint *a, Mpint *b);
void mpsubfltflt(Mpflt *a, Mpflt *b);
void mpaddcfix(Mpint *a, vlong c);
void mpaddcflt(Mpflt *a, double c);
void mpmulcfix(Mpint *a, vlong c);
void mpmulcflt(Mpflt *a, double c);
void mpcomfix(Mpint *a);
void mpdivfixfix(Mpint *a, Mpint *b);
void mpmodfixfix(Mpint *a, Mpint *b);
void mpatofix(Mpint *a, char *s);
void mpatoflt(Mpflt *a, char *s);
int mpmovefltfix(Mpint *a, Mpflt *b);
void mpmovefixfix(Mpint *a, Mpint *b);
void mpmovefixflt(Mpflt *a, Mpint *b);
int Bconv(Fmt*);
int mpmovefltfix(Mpint *a, Mpflt *b);
void mpmovefltflt(Mpflt *a, Mpflt *b);
void mpmulcfix(Mpint *a, vlong c);
void mpmulcflt(Mpflt *a, double c);
void mpsubfixfix(Mpint *a, Mpint *b);
void mpsubfltflt(Mpflt *a, Mpflt *b);
* mparith2.c
void mpmovefixfix(Mpint *a, Mpint *b);
void mpmovecfix(Mpint *a, vlong v);
int mptestfix(Mpint *a);
void mpaddfixfix(Mpint *a, Mpint *b);
void mpmulfixfix(Mpint *a, Mpint *b);
void mpmulfract(Mpint *a, Mpint *b);
void mpdivmodfixfix(Mpint *q, Mpint *r, Mpint *n, Mpint *d);
void mpdivfract(Mpint *a, Mpint *b);
void mpnegfix(Mpint *a);
void mpandfixfix(Mpint *a, Mpint *b);
void mpandnotfixfix(Mpint *a, Mpint *b);
void mpdivfract(Mpint *a, Mpint *b);
void mpdivmodfixfix(Mpint *q, Mpint *r, Mpint *n, Mpint *d);
vlong mpgetfix(Mpint *a);
void mplshfixfix(Mpint *a, Mpint *b);
void mpmovecfix(Mpint *a, vlong c);
void mpmulfixfix(Mpint *a, Mpint *b);
void mpmulfract(Mpint *a, Mpint *b);
void mpnegfix(Mpint *a);
void mporfixfix(Mpint *a, Mpint *b);
void mprshfixfix(Mpint *a, Mpint *b);
void mpxorfixfix(Mpint *a, Mpint *b);
void mpcomfix(Mpint *a);
vlong mpgetfix(Mpint *a);
void mpshiftfix(Mpint *a, int s);
int mptestfix(Mpint *a);
void mpxorfixfix(Mpint *a, Mpint *b);
* mparith3.c
int sigfig(Mpflt *a);
void mpnorm(Mpflt *a);
void mpmovefltflt(Mpflt *a, Mpflt *b);
void mpmovecflt(Mpflt *a, double f);
int mptestflt(Mpflt *a);
void mpaddfltflt(Mpflt *a, Mpflt *b);
void mpmulfltflt(Mpflt *a, Mpflt *b);
void mpdivfltflt(Mpflt *a, Mpflt *b);
void mpnegflt(Mpflt *a);
double mpgetflt(Mpflt *a);
int Fconv(Fmt*);
void mpmovecflt(Mpflt *a, double c);
void mpmulfltflt(Mpflt *a, Mpflt *b);
void mpnegflt(Mpflt *a);
void mpnorm(Mpflt *a);
int mptestflt(Mpflt *a);
int sigfig(Mpflt *a);
* subr.c
* obj.c
void* mal(int32);
void* remal(void*, int32, int32);
void errorexit(void);
uint32 stringhash(char*);
Sym* lookup(char*);
Sym* pkglookup(char*, Pkg*);
Sym* restrictlookup(char*, Pkg*);
Pkg* mkpkg(Strlit*);
Strlit* strlit(char*);
void importdot(Pkg*, Node*);
void yyerror(char*, ...);
void yyerrorl(int, char*, ...);
void flusherrors(void);
int parserline(void);
void warn(char*, ...);
void fatal(char*, ...);
void linehist(char*, int32, int);
int32 setlineno(Node*);
Node* nod(int, Node*, Node*);
Node* nodlit(Val);
Node* nodcplxlit(Val, Val);
Type* typ(int);
int algtype(Type*);
void dodump(Node*, int);
void dump(char*, Node*);
void dumplist(char*, NodeList*);
Type* aindex(Node*, Type*);
int isnil(Node*);
int isptrto(Type*, int);
int istype(Type*, int);
int isfixedarray(Type*);
int isslice(Type*);
int isinter(Type*);
int isnilinter(Type*);
int isideal(Type*);
int isblank(Node*);
Type* maptype(Type*, Type*);
Type* methtype(Type*);
Node* typename(Type*);
int eqtype(Type*, Type*);
int cvttype(Type*, Type*);
int eqtypenoname(Type*, Type*);
void argtype(Node*, Type*);
int eqargs(Type*, Type*);
uint32 typehash(Type*);
void frame(int);
Node* nodintconst(int64);
void nodconst(Node*, Type*, int64);
Node* nodnil(void);
Node* nodbool(int);
void ullmancalc(Node*);
void badtype(int, Type*, Type*);
Type* ptrto(Type*);
NodeList* cleanidlist(NodeList*);
Node* syslook(char*, int);
Node* treecopy(Node*);
NodeList* listtreecopy(NodeList*);
int isselect(Node*);
Node* staticname(Type*);
int iscomposite(Type*);
int cplxsubtype(int);
Node* callnew(Type*);
Node* safeexpr(Node*, NodeList**);
int is64(Type*);
int noconv(Type*, Type*);
NodeList* list1(Node*);
NodeList* list(NodeList*, Node*);
NodeList* concat(NodeList*, NodeList*);
int count(NodeList*);
Node* liststmt(NodeList*);
Type** getthis(Type*);
Type** getoutarg(Type*);
Type** getinarg(Type*);
Type* getthisx(Type*);
Type* getoutargx(Type*);
Type* getinargx(Type*);
Type* structfirst(Iter*, Type**);
Type* structnext(Iter*);
Type* funcfirst(Iter*, Type*);
Type* funcnext(Iter*);
int brcom(int);
int brrev(int);
void setmaxarg(Type*);
int dotoffset(Node*, int*, Node**);
void tempname(Node*, Type*);
int Econv(Fmt*);
int Jconv(Fmt*);
int Lconv(Fmt*);
int Oconv(Fmt*);
int Sconv(Fmt*);
int Tconv(Fmt*);
int Nconv(Fmt*);
void exprfmt(Fmt*, Node*, int);
int Wconv(Fmt*);
int Zconv(Fmt*);
int lookdot0(Sym*, Type*, Type**);
int adddot1(Sym*, Type*, int, Type**);
Node* adddot(Node*);
void expandmeth(Sym*, Type*);
void genwrapper(Type*, Type*, Sym*);
int simsimtype(Type*);
int powtwo(Node*);
Type* tounsigned(Type*);
void smagic(Magic*);
void umagic(Magic*);
void redeclare(Sym*, char*);
Sym* ngotype(Node*);
int convertop(Type*, Type*, char**);
int assignop(Type*, Type*, char**);
Node* assignconv(Node*, Type*, char*);
int implements(Type*, Type*, Type**, Type**);
void Bputname(Biobuf *b, Sym *s);
int duint16(Sym *s, int off, uint16 v);
int duint32(Sym *s, int off, uint32 v);
int duint64(Sym *s, int off, uint64 v);
int duint8(Sym *s, int off, uint8 v);
int duintptr(Sym *s, int off, uint64 v);
void dumpobj(void);
void ieeedtod(uint64 *ieee, double native);
* dcl.c
* print.c
void declare(Node*, int);
Type* dodcltype(Type*);
void updatetype(Type*, Type*);
void defaultlit(Node**, Type*);
void defaultlit2(Node**, Node**, int);
int structcount(Type*);
void addmethod(Sym*, Type*, int);
Node* methodname(Node*, Type*);
Node* methodname1(Node*, Node*);
Type* methodfunc(Type*, int);
Sym* methodsym(Sym*, Type*);
Type* functype(Node*, NodeList*, NodeList*);
char* thistypenam(Node*);
void funcnam(Type*, char*);
Node* renameinit(Node*);
void funchdr(Node*);
void funcbody(Node*);
Node* typenod(Type*);
Type* dostruct(NodeList*, int);
Type** stotype(NodeList*, int, Type**);
Type* sortinter(Type*);
void markdcl(void);
void popdcl(void);
void poptodcl(void);
void dumpdcl(char*);
void markdclstack(void);
void testdclstack(void);
Sym* pushdcl(Sym*);
void addvar(Node*, Type*, int);
void addtyp(Type*, int);
void addconst(Node*, Node*, int);
Node* fakethis(void);
int isifacemethod(Type*);
Node* dclname(Sym*);
Node* newname(Sym*);
Node* oldname(Sym*);
Type* newtype(Sym*);
Type* oldtype(Sym*);
void fninit(NodeList*);
Node* nametodcl(Node*, Type*);
NodeList* checkarglist(NodeList*, int);
void checkwidth(Type*);
void defercheckwidth(void);
void resumecheckwidth(void);
Node* embedded(Sym*);
NodeList* variter(NodeList*, Node*, NodeList*);
NodeList* constiter(NodeList*, Node*, NodeList*);
Node* unsafenmagic(Node*, NodeList*);
void dclchecks(void);
void funccompile(Node*, int);
Node* typedcl0(Sym*);
Node* typedcl1(Node*, Node*, int);
void typedcl2(Type*, Type*);
void exprfmt(Fmt *f, Node *n, int prec);
void exprlistfmt(Fmt *f, NodeList *l);
* closure.c
* range.c
void closurehdr(Node*);
Node* closurebody(NodeList*);
void typecheckclosure(Node*);
Node* walkclosure(Node*, NodeList**);
void typecheckrange(Node *n);
void walkrange(Node *n);
* reflect.c
void dumptypestructs(void);
Type* methodfunc(Type *f, int use_receiver);
Node* typename(Type *t);
Sym* typesym(Type *t);
* sinit.c
* select.c
void typecheckselect(Node *sel);
void walkselect(Node *sel);
NodeList* initfix(NodeList*);
* sinit.c
void anylit(Node *n, Node *var, NodeList **init);
int gen_as_init(Node *n);
NodeList* initfix(NodeList *l);
int oaslit(Node *n, NodeList **init);
int stataddr(Node *nam, Node *n);
* export.c
* subr.c
void autoexport(Node*, int);
int exportname(char*);
void exportsym(Node*);
void packagesym(Node*);
void dumpe(Sym*);
void dumpexport(void);
void dumpexporttype(Sym*);
void dumpexportvar(Sym*);
void dumpexportconst(Sym*);
void importconst(Sym *s, Type *t, Node *v);
void importmethod(Sym *s, Type *t);
void importtype(Type *s, Type *t);
void importvar(Sym *s, Type *t, int ctxt);
Type* pkgtype(Sym*);
Sym* importsym(Sym*, int);
int Econv(Fmt *fp);
int Jconv(Fmt *fp);
int Lconv(Fmt *fp);
int Nconv(Fmt *fp);
int Oconv(Fmt *fp);
int Sconv(Fmt *fp);
int Tconv(Fmt *fp);
int Tpretty(Fmt *fp, Type *t);
int Zconv(Fmt *fp);
Node* adddot(Node *n);
int adddot1(Sym *s, Type *t, int d, Type **save);
Type* aindex(Node *b, Type *t);
int algtype(Type *t);
void argtype(Node *on, Type *t);
Node* assignconv(Node *n, Type *t, char *context);
int assignop(Type *src, Type *dst, char **why);
void badtype(int o, Type *tl, Type *tr);
int brcom(int a);
int brrev(int a);
NodeList* concat(NodeList *a, NodeList *b);
int convertop(Type *src, Type *dst, char **why);
int count(NodeList *l);
int cplxsubtype(int et);
void dump(char *s, Node *n);
void dumplist(char *s, NodeList *l);
int eqtype(Type *t1, Type *t2);
int eqtypenoname(Type *t1, Type *t2);
void errorexit(void);
void expandmeth(Sym *s, Type *t);
void fatal(char *fmt, ...);
void flusherrors(void);
void frame(int context);
Type* funcfirst(Iter *s, Type *t);
Type* funcnext(Iter *s);
void genwrapper(Type *rcvr, Type *method, Sym *newnam);
Type** getinarg(Type *t);
Type* getinargx(Type *t);
Type** getoutarg(Type *t);
Type* getoutargx(Type *t);
Type** getthis(Type *t);
Type* getthisx(Type *t);
int implements(Type *t, Type *iface, Type **m, Type **samename);
void importdot(Pkg *opkg, Node *pack);
int is64(Type *t);
int isblank(Node *n);
int isfixedarray(Type *t);
int isideal(Type *t);
int isinter(Type *t);
int isnil(Node *n);
int isnilinter(Type *t);
int isptrto(Type *t, int et);
int isselect(Node *n);
int isslice(Type *t);
int istype(Type *t, int et);
void linehist(char *file, int32 off, int relative);
NodeList* list(NodeList *l, Node *n);
NodeList* list1(Node *n);
Node* liststmt(NodeList *l);
NodeList* listtreecopy(NodeList *l);
Sym* lookup(char *name);
void* mal(int32 n);
Type* maptype(Type *key, Type *val);
Type* methtype(Type *t);
Pkg* mkpkg(Strlit *path);
Sym* ngotype(Node *n);
int noconv(Type *t1, Type *t2);
Node* nod(int op, Node *nleft, Node *nright);
Node* nodbool(int b);
void nodconst(Node *n, Type *t, int64 v);
Node* nodintconst(int64 v);
Node* nodnil(void);
int parserline(void);
Sym* pkglookup(char *name, Pkg *pkg);
int powtwo(Node *n);
Type* ptrto(Type *t);
void* remal(void *p, int32 on, int32 n);
Sym* restrictlookup(char *name, Pkg *pkg);
Node* safeexpr(Node *n, NodeList **init);
int32 setlineno(Node *n);
void setmaxarg(Type *t);
Type* shallow(Type *t);
int simsimtype(Type *t);
void smagic(Magic *m);
Type* sortinter(Type *t);
Node* staticname(Type *t);
uint32 stringhash(char *p);
Strlit* strlit(char *s);
int structcount(Type *t);
Type* structfirst(Iter *s, Type **nn);
Type* structnext(Iter *s);
Node* syslook(char *name, int copy);
Type* tounsigned(Type *t);
Node* treecopy(Node *n);
Type* typ(int et);
uint32 typehash(Type *t);
void ullmancalc(Node *n);
void umagic(Magic *m);
void warn(char *fmt, ...);
void yyerror(char *fmt, ...);
void yyerrorl(int line, char *fmt, ...);
* walk.c
* swt.c
void walk(Node*);
void walkstmt(Node**);
void walkstmtlist(NodeList*);
void walkexprlist(NodeList*, NodeList**);
void walkconv(Node**, NodeList**);
void walkas(Node*);
void walkswitch(Node*);
void walkrange(Node*);
void walkselect(Node*);
void walkdot(Node*, NodeList**);
void walkexpr(Node**, NodeList**);
Node* mkcall(char*, Type*, NodeList**, ...);
Node* mkcall1(Node*, Type*, NodeList**, ...);
Node* chanfn(char*, int, Type*);
Node* ascompatee1(int, Node*, Node*, NodeList**);
NodeList* ascompatee(int, NodeList*, NodeList*, NodeList**);
NodeList* ascompatet(int, NodeList*, Type**, int, NodeList**);
NodeList* ascompatte(int, Type**, NodeList*, int, NodeList**);
Type* fixchan(Type*);
Node* ifacecvt(Type*, Node*, int, NodeList**);
int ifaceas(Type*, Type*, int);
int ifaceas1(Type*, Type*, int);
Node* convas(Node*, NodeList**);
Node* colas(NodeList*, NodeList*);
void colasdefn(NodeList*, Node*);
NodeList* reorder1(NodeList*);
NodeList* reorder3(NodeList*);
NodeList* reorder4(NodeList*);
int vmatch1(Node*, Node*);
void anylit(Node*, Node*, NodeList**);
int oaslit(Node*, NodeList**);
void heapmoves(void);
void walkdeflist(NodeList*);
Node* walkdef(Node*);
void typechecklist(NodeList*, int);
void typecheckswitch(Node*);
void typecheckselect(Node*);
void typecheckrange(Node*);
Node* typecheckconv(Node*, Node*, Type*, int, char*);
Node* typecheck(Node**, int);
int islvalue(Node*);
void queuemethod(Node*);
int exportassignok(Type*, char*);
Node* resolve(Node*);
void typecheckswitch(Node *n);
void walkswitch(Node *sw);
* const.c
* typecheck.c
void convlit1(Node**, Type*, int);
void convlit(Node**, Type*);
void evconst(Node*);
int cmpslit(Node *l, Node *r);
int smallintconst(Node*);
long nonnegconst(Node*);
int consttype(Node*);
int isconst(Node*, int);
Mpflt* truncfltlit(Mpflt*, Type*);
void convconst(Node*, Type*, Val*);
Val toint(Val);
void overflow(Val, Type*);
int exportassignok(Type *t, char *desc);
int islvalue(Node *n);
Node* typecheck(Node **np, int top);
void typechecklist(NodeList *l, int top);
* align.c
* unsafe.c
uint32 rnd(uint32, uint32);
void dowidth(Type*);
int argsize(Type*);
Node* unsafenmagic(Node *fn, NodeList *args);
* bits.c
* walk.c
Bits bor(Bits, Bits);
Bits band(Bits, Bits);
Bits bnot(Bits);
int bany(Bits*);
int bnum(Bits);
Bits blsh(uint);
int beq(Bits, Bits);
int bset(Bits, uint);
int Qconv(Fmt *fp);
int bitno(int32);
Node* callnew(Type *t);
Node* chanfn(char *name, int n, Type *t);
Node* mkcall(char *name, Type *t, NodeList **init, ...);
Node* mkcall1(Node *fn, Type *t, NodeList **init, ...);
void queuemethod(Node *n);
int vmatch1(Node *l, Node *r);
void walk(Node *fn);
Node* walkdef(Node *n);
void walkexpr(Node **np, NodeList **init);
void walkexprlist(NodeList *l, NodeList **init);
void walkexprlistsafe(NodeList *l, NodeList **init);
void walkstmt(Node **np);
void walkstmtlist(NodeList *l);
* gen.c
* arch-specific ggen.c/gsubr.c/gobj.c
typedef struct Prog Prog;
#define P ((Prog*)0)
typedef struct Label Label;
struct Label
uchar op; // OGOTO/OLABEL
Sym* sym;
Node* stmt;
Prog* label; // pointer to code
Prog* breakpc; // pointer to code
Prog* continpc; // pointer to code
Label* link;
#define L ((Label*)0)
EXTERN Label* labellist;
typedef struct Plist Plist;
struct Plist
......@@ -1167,74 +1186,36 @@ EXTERN Prog* firstpc;
EXTERN Node* nodfp;
void allocparams(void);
void cgen_as(Node *nl, Node *nr);
void cgen_callmeth(Node *n, int proc);
void cgen_dcl(Node *n);
void cgen_proc(Node *n, int proc);
void checklabels(void);
void gen(Node *n);
void genlist(NodeList *l);
void newlab(int op, Sym *s, Node*);
Node* sysfunc(char *name);
Plist* newplist(void);
* obj.c
void Bputname(Biobuf*, Sym*);
void dumpglobls(void);
void dumpobj(void);
void ieeedtod(uint64 *ieee, double native);
void outhist(Biobuf *b);
* arch-specific gen.c/gsubr.c/obj.c
int anyregalloc(void);
void betypeinit(void);
vlong convvtox(vlong, int);
void compile(Node*);
void proglist(void);
int optopop(int);
void dumpobj(void);
void dowidth(Type*);
void argspace(int32);
Node* nodarg(Type*, int);
Type* deep(Type*);
Type* shallow(Type*);
Prog* gjmp(Prog*);
void patch(Prog*, Prog*);
void bgen(Node *n, int true, Prog *to);
void cgen(Node*, Node*);
void cgen_asop(Node *n);
void cgen_call(Node *n, int proc);
void cgen_callinter(Node *n, Node *res, int proc);
void cgen_ret(Node *n);
int isfat(Type*);
void clearfat(Node *n);
void cgen(Node*, Node*);
void gused(Node*);
void compile(Node*);
int dgostringptr(Sym*, int off, char *str);
int dgostrlitptr(Sym*, int off, Strlit*);
int dstringptr(Sym *s, int off, char *str);
int dsymptr(Sym *s, int off, Sym *x, int xoff);
int duintxx(Sym *s, int off, uint64 v, int wid);
void dumpdata(void);
void dumpfuncs(void);
void gdata(Node*, Node*, int);
void gdatastring(Node*, Strlit*);
void gdatacomplex(Node*, Mpcplx*);
void dumptypestructs(void);
void dumpfuncs(void);
void dumpdata(void);
void gdatastring(Node*, Strlit*);
void genembedtramp(Type*, Type*, Sym*);
void ggloblnod(Node *nam, int32 width);
void ggloblsym(Sym *s, int32 width, int dupok);
Prog* gjmp(Prog*);
void gused(Node*);
int isfat(Type*);
Plist* newplist(void);
Node* nodarg(Type*, int);
void nopout(Prog*);
void patch(Prog*, Prog*);
void zfile(Biobuf *b, char *p, int n);
void zhist(Biobuf *b, int line, vlong offset);
void zname(Biobuf *b, Sym *s, int t);
void nopout(Prog*);
int dstringptr(Sym *s, int off, char *str);
int dgostringptr(Sym*, int off, char *str);
int dgostrlitptr(Sym*, int off, Strlit*);
int dsymptr(Sym *s, int off, Sym *x, int xoff);
int duint8(Sym *s, int off, uint8 v);
int duint16(Sym *s, int off, uint16 v);
int duint32(Sym *s, int off, uint32 v);
int duint64(Sym *s, int off, uint64 v);
int duintptr(Sym *s, int off, uint64 v);
int duintxx(Sym *s, int off, uint64 v, int wid);
void genembedtramp(Type*, Type*, Sym*);
int gen_as_init(Node*);
int anyregalloc(void);
......@@ -923,7 +923,8 @@ labelname:
$$ = nod(ODDD, N, N);
yyerror("final argument in variadic function missing type");
$$ = nod(ODDD, typenod(typ(TINTER)), N);
| LDDD ntype
......@@ -1709,9 +1710,17 @@ hidden_dcl:
| hidden_opt_sym LDDD
$$ = nod(ODCLFIELD, $1, typenod(typ(TINTER)));
Type *t;
yyerror("invalid variadic function type in import - recompile import");
t = typ(TARRAY);
t->bound = -1;
t->type = typ(TINTER);
$$ = nod(ODCLFIELD, $1, typenod(t));
$$->isddd = 1;
| hidden_opt_sym LDDD hidden_type
Type *t;
......@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ renameinit(Node *n)
* return (11)
* }
static int
anyinit(NodeList *n)
uint32 h;
......@@ -7,11 +7,22 @@
#include ""
#include <ar.h>
#undef getc
#undef ungetc
#define getc ccgetc
#define ungetc ccungetc
extern int yychar;
int windows;
void lexfini(void);
void yytinit(void);
static void lexinit(void);
static void lexfini(void);
static void yytinit(void);
static int getc(void);
static void ungetc(int);
static int32 getr(void);
static int escchar(int, int*, vlong*);
static void addidir(char*);
static char *goos, *goarch, *goroot;
......@@ -215,7 +226,7 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[])
return 0;
static int
arsize(Biobuf *b, char *name)
struct ar_hdr *a;
......@@ -229,7 +240,7 @@ arsize(Biobuf *b, char *name)
return atoi(a->size);
static int
skiptopkgdef(Biobuf *b)
char *p;
......@@ -254,7 +265,7 @@ skiptopkgdef(Biobuf *b)
return 1;
static void
addidir(char* dir)
Idir** pp;
......@@ -270,7 +281,7 @@ addidir(char* dir)
// is this path a local name? begins with ./ or ../ or /
static int
islocalname(Strlit *name)
if(!windows && name->len >= 1 && name->s[0] == '/')
......@@ -285,7 +296,7 @@ islocalname(Strlit *name)
return 0;
static int
findpkg(Strlit *name)
Idir *p;
......@@ -448,7 +459,7 @@ cannedimports(char *file, char *cp)
incannedimport = 1;
static int
isfrog(int c)
// complain about possibly invisible control characters
......@@ -1132,7 +1143,7 @@ yylex(void)
return lx;
static int
int c;
......@@ -1170,7 +1181,7 @@ getc(void)
return c;
static void
ungetc(int c)
curio.peekc1 = curio.peekc;
......@@ -1179,7 +1190,7 @@ ungetc(int c)
static int32
int c, i;
......@@ -1210,8 +1221,7 @@ loop:
return rune;
static int
escchar(int e, int *escflg, vlong *val)
int i, u, c;
......@@ -1407,7 +1417,7 @@ static struct
"insofaras", LIGNORE, Txxx, OXXX,
static void
int i, lex;
......@@ -1471,7 +1481,7 @@ lexinit(void)
nblank = s->def;
static void
Sym *s;
......@@ -1657,7 +1667,7 @@ struct
"','", "comma",
static void
int i, j;
......@@ -618,7 +618,7 @@ mpdivmodfixfix(Mpint *q, Mpint *r, Mpint *n, Mpint *d)
q->neg = ns^ds;
static int
iszero(Mpint *a)
long *a1;
......@@ -8,6 +8,9 @@
* architecture-independent object file output
static void outhist(Biobuf *b);
static void dumpglobls(void);
......@@ -38,7 +41,7 @@ dumpobj(void)
static void
Node *n;
......@@ -58,8 +61,7 @@ dumpglobls(void)
// TODO(rsc): why is this not s/n->sym->def/n/ ?
ggloblnod(n->sym->def, n->type->width);
ggloblnod(n, n->type->width);
......@@ -71,7 +73,7 @@ Bputname(Biobuf *b, Sym *s)
Bwrite(b, s->name, strlen(s->name)+1);
static void
outhist(Biobuf *b)
Hist *h;
......@@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ methods(Type *t)
* return methods of interface type t, sorted by name.
static Sig*
imethods(Type *t)
Sig *a, *all, *last;
......@@ -718,7 +718,7 @@ initctxt:
return 1;
static int
getlit(Node *lit)
......@@ -8,6 +8,8 @@
#include "opnames.h"
#include "yerr.h"
static void dodump(Node*, int);
typedef struct Error Error;
struct Error
......@@ -509,12 +511,6 @@ maptype(Type *key, Type *val)
return t;
iskeytype(Type *t)
return algtype(t) != ANOEQ;
typ(int et)
......@@ -657,7 +653,7 @@ aindex(Node *b, Type *t)
return r;
static void
indent(int dep)
int i;
......@@ -666,14 +662,14 @@ indent(int dep)
print(". ");
static void
dodumplist(NodeList *l, int dep)
for(; l; l=l->next)
dodump(l->n, dep);
static void
dodump(Node *n, int dep)
if(n == N)
......@@ -1035,34 +1031,6 @@ Jconv(Fmt *fp)
return 0;
Gconv(Fmt *fp)
char buf[100];
Type *t;
t = va_arg(fp->args, Type*);
if(t->etype == TFUNC) {
if(t->vargen != 0) {
snprint(buf, sizeof(buf), "-%d%d%d g(%ld)",
t->thistuple, t->outtuple, t->intuple, t->vargen);
goto out;
snprint(buf, sizeof(buf), "-%d%d%d",
t->thistuple, t->outtuple, t->intuple);
goto out;
if(t->vargen != 0) {
snprint(buf, sizeof(buf), " g(%ld)", t->vargen);
goto out;
strcpy(buf, "");
return fmtstrcpy(fp, buf);
Sconv(Fmt *fp)
......@@ -1203,13 +1171,9 @@ Tpretty(Fmt *fp, Type *t)
fmtprint(fp, "(");
for(t1=getinargx(t)->type; t1; t1=t1->down) {
if(noargnames && t1->etype == TFIELD) {
if(t1->isddd) {
// TODO(rsc): Delete with DDD cleanup.
if(t1->type->etype == TINTER)
fmtprint(fp, "...");
fmtprint(fp, "... %T", t1->type->type);
} else
fmtprint(fp, "...%T", t1->type->type);
fmtprint(fp, "%T", t1->type);
} else
fmtprint(fp, "%T", t1);
......@@ -1287,13 +1251,9 @@ Tpretty(Fmt *fp, Type *t)
fmtprint(fp, "? ");
} else
fmtprint(fp, "%hS ", t->sym);
if(t->isddd) {
// TODO(rsc): delete with DDD cleanup.
if(t->type->etype == TINTER)
fmtprint(fp, "...");
fmtprint(fp, "... %T", t->type->type);
} else
fmtprint(fp, "...%T", t->type->type);
fmtprint(fp, "%T", t->type);
if(t->note) {
fmtprint(fp, " ");
......@@ -1764,20 +1724,6 @@ cplxsubtype(int et)
return 0;
iscomposite(Type *t)
if(t == T)
return 0;
switch(t->etype) {
case TARRAY:
case TMAP:
return 1;
return 0;
// Return 1 if t1 and t2 are identical, following the spec rules.
// Any cyclic type must go through a named type, and if one is
......@@ -2209,7 +2155,7 @@ shallow(Type *t)
return nt;
static Type*
deep(Type *t)
Type *nt, *xt;
......@@ -2283,39 +2229,6 @@ syslook(char *name, int copy)
return n;
* are the arg names of two
* functions the same. we know
* that eqtype has been called
* and has returned true.
eqargs(Type *t1, Type *t2)
if(t1 == t2)
return 1;
if(t1 == T || t2 == T)
return 0;
if(t1->etype != t2->etype)
return 0;
if(t1->etype != TFUNC)
fatal("eqargs: oops %E", t1->etype);
t1 = t1->type;
t2 = t2->type;
for(;;) {
if(t1 == t2)
if(!eqtype(t1, t2))
return 0;
t1 = t1->down;
t2 = t2->down;
return 1;
* compute a hash value for type t.
* if t is a method type, ignore the receiver
......@@ -2750,7 +2663,7 @@ setmaxarg(Type *t)
// search depth 0 --
// return count of fields+methods
// found with a given name
static int
lookdot0(Sym *s, Type *t, Type **save)
Type *f, *u;
......@@ -3019,7 +2932,7 @@ expandmeth(Sym *s, Type *t)
* Given funarg struct list, return list of ODCLFIELD Node fn args.
static NodeList*
structargs(Type **tl, int mustname)
Iter savet;
......@@ -3121,7 +3034,7 @@ genwrapper(Type *rcvr, Type *method, Sym *newnam)
funccompile(fn, 0);
static Type*
ifacelookdot(Sym *s, Type *t, int *followptr)
int i, c, d;
......@@ -33,14 +33,6 @@ struct Case
#define C ((Case*)nil)
notideal(Type *t)
if(t != T && t->etype == TIDEAL)
return T;
return t;
dumpcase(Case *c0)
......@@ -240,7 +232,7 @@ csort(Case *l, int(*f)(Case*, Case*))
return l;
static Node*
static int label;
......@@ -255,7 +247,7 @@ newlabel(void)
* make labels between cases and statements
* deal with fallthrough, break, unreachable statements
static void
casebody(Node *sw, Node *typeswvar)
Node *os, *oc, *n, *c, *last;
......@@ -339,7 +331,7 @@ casebody(Node *sw, Node *typeswvar)
lineno = lno;
static Case*
mkcaselist(Node *sw, int arg)
Node *n;
......@@ -434,7 +426,7 @@ mkcaselist(Node *sw, int arg)
static Node* exprname;
static Node*
exprbsw(Case *c0, int ncase, int arg)
NodeList *cas;
......@@ -494,7 +486,7 @@ exprbsw(Case *c0, int ncase, int arg)
* normal (expression) switch.
* rebulid case statements into if .. goto
static void
exprswitch(Node *sw)
Node *def;
......@@ -580,7 +572,7 @@ static Node* hashname;
static Node* facename;
static Node* boolname;
static Node*
typeone(Node *t)
NodeList *init;
......@@ -609,7 +601,7 @@ typeone(Node *t)
return a;
static Node*
typebsw(Case *c0, int ncase)
NodeList *cas;
......@@ -652,7 +644,7 @@ typebsw(Case *c0, int ncase)
* switch v := i.(type) { case t1: ..; case t2: ..; }
* into if statements
static void
typeswitch(Node *sw)
Node *def;
......@@ -9,9 +9,6 @@
* marks variables that escape the local frame.
* rewrites n->op to be more specific in some cases.
* sets n->walk to walking function.
* trailing ... section of function calls
#include "go.h"
......@@ -32,6 +29,7 @@ static void checklvalue(Node*, char*);
static void checkassign(Node*);
static void checkassignlist(NodeList*);
static void stringtoarraylit(Node**);
static Node* resolve(Node*);
* resolve ONONAME to definition, if any.
......@@ -1432,8 +1430,6 @@ typecheckaste(int op, Type *tstruct, NodeList *nl, char *desc)
tn = n->type->type;
for(tl=tstruct->type; tl; tl=tl->down) {
if(tl->isddd) {
// TODO(rsc): delete if (but not body) in DDD cleanup.
if(tl->type->etype != TINTER)
for(; tn; tn=tn->down)
if(assignop(tn->type, tl->type->type, &why) == 0)
yyerror("cannot use %T as type %T in %s%s", tn->type, tl->type->type, desc, why);
......@@ -1465,8 +1461,6 @@ typecheckaste(int op, Type *tstruct, NodeList *nl, char *desc)
for(; nl; nl=nl->next) {
defaultlit(&nl->n, t->type);
// TODO(rsc): drop first if in DDD cleanup
if(t->etype != TINTER)
if(assignop(nl->n->type, t->type, &why) == 0)
yyerror("cannot use %+N as type %T in %s%s", nl->n, t->type, desc, why);
......@@ -8,13 +8,22 @@ static Node* walkprint(Node*, NodeList**, int);
static Node* conv(Node*, Type*);
static Node* mapfn(char*, Type*);
static Node* makenewvar(Type*, NodeList**, Node**);
static Node* ascompatee1(int, Node*, Node*, NodeList**);
static NodeList* ascompatee(int, NodeList*, NodeList*, NodeList**);
static NodeList* ascompatet(int, NodeList*, Type**, int, NodeList**);
static NodeList* ascompatte(int, Type**, NodeList*, int, NodeList**);
static Node* convas(Node*, NodeList**);
static void heapmoves(void);
static NodeList* paramstoheap(Type **argin, int out);
static NodeList* reorder1(NodeList*);
static NodeList* reorder3(NodeList*);
static NodeList* walkdefstack;
// can this code branch reach the end
// without an undcontitional RETURN
// this is hard, so it is conservative
static int
walkret(NodeList *l)
Node *n;
......@@ -87,16 +96,6 @@ walk(Node *fn)
gettype(Node **np, NodeList **init)
dump("\nbefore gettype", *np);
typecheck(np, Erv);
dump("after gettype", *np);
static int nwalkdeftype;
static NodeList *methodqueue;
......@@ -1307,13 +1306,13 @@ makenewvar(Type *t, NodeList **init, Node **nstar)
return nvar;
static Node*
ascompatee1(int op, Node *l, Node *r, NodeList **init)
return convas(nod(OAS, l, r), init);
static NodeList*
ascompatee(int op, NodeList *nl, NodeList *nr, NodeList **init)
NodeList *ll, *lr, *nn;
......@@ -1346,7 +1345,7 @@ ascompatee(int op, NodeList *nl, NodeList *nr, NodeList **init)
* evaluating the lv or a function call
* in the conversion of the types
static int
fncall(Node *l, Type *rt)
if(l->ullman >= UINF)
......@@ -1356,7 +1355,7 @@ fncall(Node *l, Type *rt)
return 1;
static NodeList*
ascompatet(int op, NodeList *nl, Type **nr, int fp, NodeList **init)
Node *l, *tmp, *a;
......@@ -1414,113 +1413,10 @@ ascompatet(int op, NodeList *nl, Type **nr, int fp, NodeList **init)
return concat(nn, mm);
* make a tsig for the structure
* carrying the ... arguments
sigtype(Type *st)
Sym *s;
Type *t;
static int sigdddgen;
snprint(namebuf, sizeof(namebuf), "dsigddd_%d", sigdddgen);
s = lookup(namebuf);
t = newtype(s);
t = dodcltype(t);
updatetype(t, st);
t->local = 1;
return t;
* package all the arguments that
* match a ... parameter into an
* automatic structure.
* then call the ... arg (interface)
* with a pointer to the structure.
mkdotargs(NodeList *lr0, NodeList *nn, Type *l, int fp, NodeList **init)
Node *r;
Type *t, *st, *ft;
Node *a, *var;
NodeList *lr, *n;
n = nil; // list of assignments
st = typ(TSTRUCT); // generated structure
ft = T; // last field
for(lr=lr0; lr; lr=lr->next) {
r = lr->n;
if(r->op == OLITERAL && r->val.ctype == CTNIL) {
if(r->type == T || r->type->etype == TNIL) {
yyerror("inappropriate use of nil in ... argument");
return nil;
defaultlit(&r, T);
lr->n = r;
if(r->type == T) // type check failed
return nil;
// generate the next structure field
t = typ(TFIELD);
t->type = r->type;
if(ft == T)
st->type = t;
ft->down = t;
ft = t;
a = nod(OAS, N, r);
n = list(n, a);
// make a named type for the struct
st = sigtype(st);
// now we have the size, make the struct
var = nod(OXXX, N, N);
tempname(var, st);
var->sym = lookup(".ddd");
typecheck(&var, Erv);
// assign the fields to the struct.
// use the init list so that reorder1 doesn't reorder
// these assignments after the interface conversion
// below.
t = st->type;
for(lr=n; lr; lr=lr->next) {
r = lr->n;
r->left = nod(OXXX, N, N);
*r->left = *var;
r->left->type = r->right->type;
r->left->xoffset += t->width;
typecheck(&r, Etop);
walkexpr(&r, init);
lr->n = r;
t = t->down;
*init = concat(*init, n);
// last thing is to put assignment
// of the structure to the DDD parameter
a = nod(OAS, nodarg(l, fp), var);
nn = list(nn, convas(a, init));
return nn;
* package all the arguments that match a ... T parameter into a []T.
static NodeList*
mkdotargslice(NodeList *lr0, NodeList *nn, Type *l, int fp, NodeList **init)
Node *a, *n;
......@@ -1594,7 +1490,7 @@ dumpnodetypes(NodeList *l, char *what)
* return expr-list
* func(expr-list)
static NodeList*
ascompatte(int op, Type **nl, NodeList *lr, int fp, NodeList **init)
Type *l, *ll;
......@@ -1656,14 +1552,10 @@ loop:
goto ret;
// normal case -- make a structure of all
// remaining arguments and pass a pointer to
// it to the ddd parameter (empty interface)
// TODO(rsc): delete in DDD cleanup.
if(l->type->etype == TINTER)
nn = mkdotargs(lr, nn, l, fp, init);
nn = mkdotargslice(lr, nn, l, fp, init);
// normal case -- make a slice of all
// remaining arguments and pass it to
// the ddd parameter.
nn = mkdotargslice(lr, nn, l, fp, init);
goto ret;
......@@ -1882,26 +1774,7 @@ callnew(Type *t)
return mkcall1(fn, ptrto(t), nil, nodintconst(t->width));
fixchan(Type *t)
if(t == T)
goto bad;
if(t->etype != TCHAN)
goto bad;
if(t->type == T)
goto bad;
return t;
yyerror("not a channel: %lT", t);
return T;
static Node*
convas(Node *n, NodeList **init)
Node *l, *r;
......@@ -2014,7 +1887,7 @@ reorder1(NodeList *all)
* be later use of an earlier lvalue.
static int
vmatch2(Node *l, Node *r)
NodeList *ll;
......@@ -2113,7 +1986,7 @@ reorder3(NodeList *all)
* generate and return code to allocate
* copies of escaped parameters to the heap.
static NodeList*
paramstoheap(Type **argin, int out)
Type *t;
......@@ -2146,7 +2019,7 @@ paramstoheap(Type **argin, int out)
* walk through argout parameters copying back to stack
static NodeList*
returnsfromheap(Type **argin)
Type *t;
......@@ -2169,7 +2042,7 @@ returnsfromheap(Type **argin)
* between the stack and the heap. adds code to
* curfn's before and after lists.
static void
NodeList *nn;
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